/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.mediaframeworktest; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Random; import junit.framework.Assert; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; import android.media.videoeditor.AudioTrack; import android.media.videoeditor.EffectColor; import android.media.videoeditor.MediaImageItem; import android.media.videoeditor.MediaItem; import android.media.videoeditor.MediaVideoItem; import android.media.videoeditor.OverlayFrame; import android.media.videoeditor.TransitionAlpha; import android.media.videoeditor.TransitionCrossfade; import android.media.videoeditor.TransitionFadeBlack; import android.media.videoeditor.TransitionSliding; import android.media.videoeditor.VideoEditor; import android.media.videoeditor.VideoEditorFactory; import android.util.Log; import android.os.Environment; /** * This class has the names of the all the activity name and variables in the * instrumentation test. */ public class VideoEditorHelper extends Assert { private final String TAG = "VideoEditorMediaNames"; public VideoEditorHelper() { } public static final String PROJECT_LOCATION_COMMON = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString() + "/"; public static final String INPUT_FILE_PATH_COMMON = PROJECT_LOCATION_COMMON + "media_api/videoeditor/"; // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // HELPER METHODS // ----------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This method creates an object of VideoEditor * * @param projectPath the directory where all files related to project will * be stored * @param className The class which implements the VideoEditor Class * @return the object of VideoEditor */ public VideoEditor createVideoEditor(String projectPath) { VideoEditor mVideoEditor = null; try { mVideoEditor = VideoEditorFactory.create(projectPath); assertNotNull("VideoEditor", mVideoEditor); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Unable to create Video Editor"); } return mVideoEditor; } /** *This method deletes the VideoEditor object created using * createVideoEditor method * * @param videoEditor the VideoEditor object which needs to be cleaned up */ public void destroyVideoEditor(VideoEditor videoEditor) { // Release VideoEditor if (videoEditor != null) { try { videoEditor.release(); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Unable to destory Video Editor"); } } } /** *This Method checks the Range in "RangePercent" (say 10) * * @param int Expected data * @param actual data * @return boolean flag which confirms the range matching */ public boolean checkRange(long expected, long actual, long rangePercent) { long range = 0; range = (100 * actual) / expected; Log.i("checkRange", "Range = " + range); if ((range > (100 - rangePercent)) && (range < (100 + rangePercent))) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** *This Method Creates a Bitmap with the given input file * * @param file the Input whose Bitmap has top be extracted * @return an Object of EffectColor */ public Bitmap getBitmap(String file, int width, int height) throws IOException { assertNotNull("Bitmap File is Null", file); FileInputStream inputStream = null; Bitmap overlayBmp = null; if (!new File(file).exists()) throw new IOException("File not Found " + file); try { final BitmapFactory.Options dbo = new BitmapFactory.Options(); dbo.inJustDecodeBounds = true; dbo.outWidth = width; dbo.outHeight = height; File flPtr = new File(file); inputStream = new FileInputStream(flPtr); final Bitmap srcBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream); overlayBmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(srcBitmap); assertNotNull("Bitmap 1", srcBitmap); assertNotNull("Bitmap 2", overlayBmp); inputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return overlayBmp; } /** *This Method Create a Media Video Item with the specified params * * @return an Object of MediaVideoItem */ public MediaVideoItem createMediaItem(VideoEditor videoEditor, String MediaId, String filename, int renderingMode) { MediaVideoItem mvi = null; try { mvi = new MediaVideoItem(videoEditor, MediaId, filename, renderingMode); assertNotNull("Can not create an object of MediaVideoItem", mvi); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Can not create an object of Media Video Item with file name = " + filename + " Issue = " + e.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { assertTrue ("Can not create an object of Media Video Item with file name = " + filename + " Issue = " + e.toString(), false); } return mvi; } /** *This Method Create a Media Image Item with the specified params * * @return an Object of MediaImageItem */ public MediaImageItem createMediaItem(VideoEditor videoEditor, String MediaId, String filename, long duration, int renderingMode) { MediaImageItem mii = null; try { mii = new MediaImageItem(videoEditor, MediaId, filename, duration, renderingMode); assertNotNull("Can not create an object of MediaImageItem", mii); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertTrue("Can not create an object of Media Image with file name = " + filename + " Issue = " + e.toString(), false); } catch (IOException e) { assertTrue("Can not create an object of Media Image with file name = " + filename + " Issue = " + e.toString(), false); } return mii; } /** *This Method Create a Effect with the specified params * * @return an Object of EffectColor */ public EffectColor createEffectItem(MediaItem mediaItem, String effectId, long startTime, long duration, int effectType, int colorType) { EffectColor effectonMVI = null; effectonMVI = new EffectColor(mediaItem, effectId, startTime, duration, effectType, colorType); return effectonMVI; } /** *This Method creates object of Type Transition Cross fade * * @return TransitionCrossfade object */ public TransitionCrossfade createTCrossFade(String transitionId, MediaItem afterMediaItem, MediaItem beforeMediaItem, long durationMs, int behavior) { Log.i("TransitionCrossfade Details === ", "Transid ID = " + transitionId + " Duration= " + durationMs + " Behaviour " + behavior); TransitionCrossfade transitionCF = null; transitionCF = new TransitionCrossfade(transitionId, afterMediaItem, beforeMediaItem, durationMs, behavior); return transitionCF; } /** *This Method creates object of Type TransitionFadeBlack * * @return TransitionFadeBlack object */ public TransitionFadeBlack createTFadeBlack(String transitionId, MediaItem afterMediaItem, MediaItem beforeMediaItem, long durationMs, int behavior) { TransitionFadeBlack transitionFB = null; transitionFB = new TransitionFadeBlack(transitionId, afterMediaItem, beforeMediaItem, durationMs, behavior); return transitionFB; } /** *This Method creates object of Type TransitionSliding * * @return TransitionSliding object */ public TransitionSliding createTSliding(String transitionId, MediaItem afterMediaItem, MediaItem beforeMediaItem, long durationMs, int behavior, int direction) { TransitionSliding transSlide = null; transSlide = new TransitionSliding(transitionId, afterMediaItem, beforeMediaItem, durationMs, behavior, direction); return transSlide; } /** *This Method creates object of Type TranistionAlpha * * @return TranistionAlpha object */ public TransitionAlpha createTAlpha(String transitionId, MediaItem afterMediaItem, MediaItem beforeMediaItem, long durationMs, int behavior, String maskFilename, int blendingPercent, boolean invert) { TransitionAlpha transA = null; transA = new TransitionAlpha(transitionId, afterMediaItem, beforeMediaItem, durationMs, behavior, maskFilename, blendingPercent, invert); return transA; } /** *This Method creates object of Type OverlayFrame * * @return OverlayFrame object */ public OverlayFrame createOverlay(MediaItem mediaItem, String overlayId, Bitmap bitmap, long startTimeMs, long durationMs) { OverlayFrame overLayFrame = null; overLayFrame = new OverlayFrame(mediaItem, overlayId, bitmap, startTimeMs, durationMs); return overLayFrame; } /** *This Method creates object of Type AudioTrack * * @return OverlayFrame object */ public AudioTrack createAudio(VideoEditor videoEditor, String audioTrackId, String filename) { AudioTrack audio = null; try { audio = new AudioTrack(videoEditor, audioTrackId, filename); assertNotNull("Cant not create an object of an AudioTrack " + audioTrackId, audio); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertTrue("Can not create object of an AudioTrack " + audioTrackId + " Issue = " + e.toString(), false); } catch (IOException e) { assertTrue("Can not create object of an AudioTrack " + audioTrackId + " Issue = " + e.toString(), false); } return audio; } /** *This Method validates the Exported Movie,as per the specified params * during Export */ public void validateExport(VideoEditor videoEditor, String fileName, int export_height, int startTime, long endTime, int vCodec, int aCodec) { File tempFile = new File(fileName); assertEquals("Exported FileName", tempFile.exists(), true); final MediaVideoItem mvi = createMediaItem(videoEditor, "m1", fileName, MediaItem.RENDERING_MODE_BLACK_BORDER); Log.i(TAG, "VideoCodec for file = " + fileName + "\tExpected Video Codec = " + vCodec + "\tActual Video Codec = " + mvi.getVideoType()); assertEquals("Export: Video Codec Mismatch for file = " + fileName + "\t " + vCodec + "\t " + mvi.getVideoType(), vCodec, mvi.getVideoType()); Log.i(TAG, "Height for file = " + fileName + "\tExpected Height = " + export_height + "\tActual VideoHeight = " + mvi.getHeight()); assertEquals("Export height Mismatch for file " + fileName + "\t " + export_height + "\t " + mvi.getHeight(), export_height, mvi.getHeight()); if (startTime == 0) { if (endTime != 0) { Log.i(TAG, "TimeLine Expected = " + (startTime + endTime) + "\t VideoTime= " + mvi.getTimelineDuration()); assertTrue("Timeline Duration Mismatch for file " + fileName + " " + (startTime + endTime) + "\t " + mvi.getTimelineDuration(), checkRange((startTime + endTime), mvi.getTimelineDuration(), 10)); } } else { Log.i(TAG, "TimeLine Expected = " + (endTime - startTime) + "\t VideoTime= " + mvi.getTimelineDuration()); assertTrue("Timeline Duration Mismatch for file " + fileName + " " + (endTime - startTime) + "\t " + mvi.getTimelineDuration(), checkRange((endTime - startTime), (int)mvi.getTimelineDuration(), 10)); } } /** * @param videoEditor * @param fileName * @param export_bitrate * @param export_height * @param startTime * @param endTime * @param vCodec * @param aCodec */ public void validateExport(VideoEditor videoEditor, String fileName, int export_height, int startTime, int endTime, int vCodec, int aCodec) { File tempFile = new File(fileName); assertEquals("Exported FileName", tempFile.exists(), true); final MediaVideoItem mvi = createMediaItem(videoEditor, "m1", fileName, MediaItem.RENDERING_MODE_BLACK_BORDER); Log.i(TAG, "VideoCodec for file = " + fileName + "\tExpected Video Codec = " + vCodec + "\tActual Video Codec = " + mvi.getVideoType()); assertEquals("Export: Video Codec Mismatch for file = " + fileName + "\t " + vCodec + "\t " + mvi.getVideoType(), vCodec, mvi.getVideoType()); Log.i(TAG, "AudioCodec for file = " + fileName + "\tExpected Audio Codec = " + aCodec + "\tActual Audio Codec = " + mvi.getAudioType()); assertEquals("Export: Audio Codec Mismatch for file = " + fileName + "\t " + aCodec + "\t " + mvi.getAudioType(), aCodec, mvi.getAudioType()); Log.i(TAG, "Height for file = " + fileName + "\tExpected Height = " + export_height + "\tActual VideoHeight = " + mvi.getHeight()); assertEquals("Export: height Mismatch for file " + fileName + "\t " + export_height + "\t " + mvi.getHeight(), export_height, mvi.getHeight()); if (startTime == 0) { if (endTime != 0) { Log.i(TAG, "TimeLine Expected = " + (startTime + endTime) + "\t VideoTime= " + mvi.getTimelineDuration()); assertTrue("Export :Timeline Duration Mismatch for file " + fileName + " " + (startTime + endTime) + "\t " + mvi.getTimelineDuration(), checkRange((startTime + endTime), mvi.getTimelineDuration(), 10)); } } else { Log.i(TAG, "TimeLine Expected = " + (endTime-startTime) + "\t VideoTime= " + mvi.getTimelineDuration()); assertTrue("Timeline Duration Mismatch for file " + fileName + " " + (endTime - startTime) + "\t " + mvi.getTimelineDuration(), checkRange((endTime - startTime), mvi.getTimelineDuration(), 10)); } } /** * Check file and deletes it. * * @param filename */ public void checkDeleteExistingFile(String filename) { Log.i(TAG, ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>checkDeleteExistingFile = " + filename); if (filename != null) { File temp = new File(filename); if (temp != null && temp.exists()) { temp.delete(); } } } /** * This method creates a Directory and filename * * @param location This is path where the file is to be created * "/sdcard/Output/" * @return Path in form of /sdcard/Output/200910100000 */ public String createRandomFile(String location) { Random randomGenerator = new Random(); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmssS"); Date date = new Date(); final String filePath = location + dateFormat.format(date) + randomGenerator.nextInt(10); Log.i(TAG, ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>createRandomFile Location= " + location + "\t FilePath = " + filePath); return filePath; } /** * This method recursively deletes all the file and directory * * @param directory where the files are located Example = "/sdcard/Input" * @return boolean True if deletion is successful else False */ public boolean deleteProject(File directory) { Log.i(TAG, ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>deleteProject directory= " + directory.toString()); if (directory.isDirectory()) { String[] filesInDirecory = directory.list(); for (int i = 0; i < filesInDirecory.length; i++) { boolean success = deleteProject(new File(directory, filesInDirecory[i])); if (!success) { return false; } } } return directory.delete(); } /** * This method compares the array of Integer from 0 - 100 * * @param data set of integer values received as progress * @return true if sucess else false */ public boolean checkProgressCBValues(int[] data) { boolean retFlag = false; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (data[i] == 100) { retFlag = true; break; } else { retFlag = false; } } return retFlag; } }