revision c407dc5cd9bdc5668497f21b26b09d988ab439de
1// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/search_provider.h"
7#include <algorithm>
9#include "app/l10n_util.h"
10#include "base/callback.h"
11#include "base/i18n/icu_string_conversions.h"
12#include "base/message_loop.h"
13#include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
14#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/keyword_provider.h"
15#include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
16#include "chrome/browser/google_util.h"
17#include "chrome/browser/history/history.h"
18#include "chrome/browser/net/url_fixer_upper.h"
19#include "chrome/browser/pref_service.h"
20#include "chrome/browser/profile.h"
21#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_model.h"
22#include "chrome/common/json_value_serializer.h"
23#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
24#include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
25#include "googleurl/src/url_util.h"
26#include "grit/generated_resources.h"
27#include "net/base/escape.h"
28#include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
29#include "net/url_request/url_request_status.h"
31using base::Time;
32using base::TimeDelta;
34// static
35const int SearchProvider::kDefaultProviderURLFetcherID = 1;
36// static
37const int SearchProvider::kKeywordProviderURLFetcherID = 2;
39// static
40bool SearchProvider::query_suggest_immediately_ = false;
42void SearchProvider::Providers::Set(const TemplateURL* default_provider,
43                                    const TemplateURL* keyword_provider) {
44  // TODO(pkasting): http://b/1162970  We shouldn't need to structure-copy
45  // this. Nor should we need |default_provider_| and |keyword_provider_|
46  // just to know whether the provider changed.
47  default_provider_ = default_provider;
48  if (default_provider)
49    cached_default_provider_ = *default_provider;
50  keyword_provider_ = keyword_provider;
51  if (keyword_provider)
52    cached_keyword_provider_ = *keyword_provider;
55void SearchProvider::Start(const AutocompleteInput& input,
56                           bool minimal_changes) {
57  matches_.clear();
59  // Can't return search/suggest results for bogus input or without a profile.
60  if (!profile_ || (input.type() == AutocompleteInput::INVALID)) {
61    Stop();
62    return;
63  }
65  keyword_input_text_.clear();
66  const TemplateURL* keyword_provider =
67      KeywordProvider::GetSubstitutingTemplateURLForInput(profile_, input,
68                                                          &keyword_input_text_);
69  if (!TemplateURL::SupportsReplacement(keyword_provider) ||
70      keyword_input_text_.empty()) {
71    keyword_provider = NULL;
72  }
74  const TemplateURL* default_provider =
75      profile_->GetTemplateURLModel()->GetDefaultSearchProvider();
76  if (!TemplateURL::SupportsReplacement(default_provider))
77    default_provider = NULL;
79  if (keyword_provider == default_provider)
80    keyword_provider = NULL;  // No use in querying the same provider twice.
82  if (!default_provider && !keyword_provider) {
83    // No valid providers.
84    Stop();
85    return;
86  }
88  // If we're still running an old query but have since changed the query text
89  // or the providers, abort the query.
90  if (!done_ && (!minimal_changes ||
91                 !providers_.equals(default_provider, keyword_provider))) {
92    Stop();
93  }
95  providers_.Set(default_provider, keyword_provider);
97  if (input.text().empty()) {
98    // User typed "?" alone.  Give them a placeholder result indicating what
99    // this syntax does.
100    if (default_provider) {
101      AutocompleteMatch match;
102      match.provider = this;
103      match.contents.assign(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_EMPTY_KEYWORD_VALUE));
104      match.contents_class.push_back(
105          ACMatchClassification(0, ACMatchClassification::NONE));
106      match.description.assign(l10n_util::GetStringF(
108          default_provider->AdjustedShortNameForLocaleDirection()));
109      match.description_class.push_back(
110          ACMatchClassification(0, ACMatchClassification::DIM));
111      matches_.push_back(match);
112    }
113    Stop();
114    return;
115  }
117  input_ = input;
119  StartOrStopHistoryQuery(minimal_changes);
120  StartOrStopSuggestQuery(minimal_changes);
121  ConvertResultsToAutocompleteMatches();
124void SearchProvider::Run() {
125  // Start a new request with the current input.
126  DCHECK(!done_);
127  suggest_results_pending_ = 0;
128  if (providers_.valid_suggest_for_keyword_provider()) {
129    suggest_results_pending_++;
130    keyword_fetcher_.reset(
131        CreateSuggestFetcher(kKeywordProviderURLFetcherID,
132                             providers_.keyword_provider(),
133                             keyword_input_text_));
134  }
135  if (providers_.valid_suggest_for_default_provider()) {
136    suggest_results_pending_++;
137    default_fetcher_.reset(
138        CreateSuggestFetcher(kDefaultProviderURLFetcherID,
139                             providers_.default_provider(), input_.text()));
140  }
141  // We should only get here if we have a suggest url for the keyword or default
142  // providers.
143  DCHECK_GT(suggest_results_pending_, 0);
146void SearchProvider::Stop() {
147  StopHistory();
148  StopSuggest();
149  done_ = true;
152void SearchProvider::OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source,
153                                        const GURL& url,
154                                        const URLRequestStatus& status,
155                                        int response_code,
156                                        const ResponseCookies& cookie,
157                                        const std::string& data) {
158  DCHECK(!done_);
159  suggest_results_pending_--;
160  DCHECK_GE(suggest_results_pending_, 0);  // Should never go negative.
161  const net::HttpResponseHeaders* const response_headers =
162      source->response_headers();
163  std::string json_data(data);
164  // JSON is supposed to be UTF-8, but some suggest service providers send JSON
165  // files in non-UTF-8 encodings.  The actual encoding is usually specified in
166  // the Content-Type header field.
167  if (response_headers) {
168    std::string charset;
169    if (response_headers->GetCharset(&charset)) {
170      std::wstring wide_data;
171      // TODO(jungshik): Switch to CodePageToUTF8 after it's added.
172      if (base::CodepageToWide(data, charset.c_str(),
173                               base::OnStringConversionError::FAIL,
174                               &wide_data))
175        json_data = WideToUTF8(wide_data);
176    }
177  }
179  bool is_keyword_results = (source == keyword_fetcher_.get());
180  SuggestResults* suggest_results = is_keyword_results ?
181      &keyword_suggest_results_ : &default_suggest_results_;
183  if (status.is_success() && response_code == 200) {
184    JSONStringValueSerializer deserializer(json_data);
185    deserializer.set_allow_trailing_comma(true);
186    scoped_ptr<Value> root_val(deserializer.Deserialize(NULL, NULL));
187    const std::wstring& input_text =
188        is_keyword_results ? keyword_input_text_ : input_.text();
189    have_suggest_results_ =
190        root_val.get() &&
191        ParseSuggestResults(root_val.get(), is_keyword_results, input_text,
192                            suggest_results);
193  }
195  ConvertResultsToAutocompleteMatches();
196  listener_->OnProviderUpdate(!suggest_results->empty());
199void SearchProvider::StartOrStopHistoryQuery(bool minimal_changes) {
200  // For the minimal_changes case, if we finished the previous query and still
201  // have its results, or are allowed to keep running it, just do that, rather
202  // than starting a new query.
203  if (minimal_changes &&
204      (have_history_results_ || (!done_ && !input_.synchronous_only())))
205    return;
207  // We can't keep running any previous query, so halt it.
208  StopHistory();
210  // We can't start a new query if we're only allowed synchronous results.
211  if (input_.synchronous_only())
212    return;
214  // Request history for both the keyword and default provider.
215  if (providers_.valid_keyword_provider()) {
216    ScheduleHistoryQuery(providers_.keyword_provider().id(),
217                         keyword_input_text_);
218  }
219  if (providers_.valid_default_provider()) {
220    ScheduleHistoryQuery(providers_.default_provider().id(),
221                         input_.text());
222  }
225void SearchProvider::StartOrStopSuggestQuery(bool minimal_changes) {
226  // Don't send any queries to the server until some time has elapsed after
227  // the last keypress, to avoid flooding the server with requests we are
228  // likely to end up throwing away anyway.
229  static const int kQueryDelayMs = 200;
231  if (!IsQuerySuitableForSuggest()) {
232    StopSuggest();
233    return;
234  }
236  // For the minimal_changes case, if we finished the previous query and still
237  // have its results, or are allowed to keep running it, just do that, rather
238  // than starting a new query.
239  if (minimal_changes &&
240      (have_suggest_results_ || (!done_ && !input_.synchronous_only())))
241    return;
243  // We can't keep running any previous query, so halt it.
244  StopSuggest();
246  // We can't start a new query if we're only allowed synchronous results.
247  if (input_.synchronous_only())
248    return;
250  // We'll have at least one pending fetch. Set it to 1 now, but the value is
251  // correctly set in Run. As Run isn't invoked immediately we need to set this
252  // now, else we won't think we're waiting on results from the server when we
253  // really are.
254  suggest_results_pending_ = 1;
256  // Kick off a timer that will start the URL fetch if it completes before
257  // the user types another character.
258  int delay = query_suggest_immediately_ ? 0 : kQueryDelayMs;
259  timer_.Start(TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(delay), this, &SearchProvider::Run);
262bool SearchProvider::IsQuerySuitableForSuggest() const {
263  // Don't run Suggest when off the record, the engine doesn't support it, or
264  // the user has disabled it.
265  if (profile_->IsOffTheRecord() ||
266      (!providers_.valid_suggest_for_keyword_provider() &&
267       !providers_.valid_suggest_for_default_provider()) ||
268      !profile_->GetPrefs()->GetBoolean(prefs::kSearchSuggestEnabled))
269    return false;
271  // If the input type is URL, we take extra care so that private data in URL
272  // isn't sent to the server.
273  if (input_.type() == AutocompleteInput::URL) {
274    // Don't query the server for URLs that aren't http/https/ftp.  Sending
275    // things like file: and data: is both a waste of time and a disclosure of
276    // potentially private, local data.
277    if ((input_.scheme() != L"http") && (input_.scheme() != L"https") &&
278        (input_.scheme() != L"ftp"))
279      return false;
281    // Don't leak private data in URL
282    const url_parse::Parsed& parts =;
284    // Don't send URLs with usernames, queries or refs.  Some of these are
285    // private, and the Suggest server is unlikely to have any useful results
286    // for any of them.
287    // Password is optional and may be omitted.  Checking username is
288    // sufficient.
289    if (parts.username.is_nonempty() || parts.query.is_nonempty() ||
290        parts.ref.is_nonempty())
291      return false;
292    // Don't send anything for https except hostname and port number.
293    // Hostname and port number are OK because they are visible when TCP
294    // connection is established and the Suggest server may provide some
295    // useful completed URL.
296    if (input_.scheme() == L"https" && parts.path.is_nonempty())
297      return false;
298  }
300  return true;
303void SearchProvider::StopHistory() {
304  history_request_consumer_.CancelAllRequests();
305  history_request_pending_ = false;
306  keyword_history_results_.clear();
307  default_history_results_.clear();
308  have_history_results_ = false;
311void SearchProvider::StopSuggest() {
312  suggest_results_pending_ = 0;
313  timer_.Stop();
314  // Stop any in-progress URL fetches.
315  keyword_fetcher_.reset();
316  default_fetcher_.reset();
317  keyword_suggest_results_.clear();
318  default_suggest_results_.clear();
319  keyword_navigation_results_.clear();
320  default_navigation_results_.clear();
321  have_suggest_results_ = false;
324void SearchProvider::ScheduleHistoryQuery(TemplateURL::IDType search_id,
325                                          const std::wstring& text) {
326  DCHECK(!text.empty());
327  HistoryService* const history_service =
328      profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS);
329  HistoryService::Handle request_handle =
330      history_service->GetMostRecentKeywordSearchTerms(
331          search_id, WideToUTF16(text), static_cast<int>(kMaxMatches),
332          &history_request_consumer_,
333          NewCallback(this,
334                      &SearchProvider::OnGotMostRecentKeywordSearchTerms));
335  history_request_consumer_.SetClientData(history_service, request_handle,
336                                          search_id);
337  history_request_pending_ = true;
340void SearchProvider::OnGotMostRecentKeywordSearchTerms(
341    CancelableRequestProvider::Handle handle,
342    HistoryResults* results) {
343  HistoryService* history_service =
344      profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS);
345  DCHECK(history_service);
346  if (providers_.valid_keyword_provider() &&
347      (providers_.keyword_provider().id() ==
348       history_request_consumer_.GetClientData(history_service, handle))) {
349    keyword_history_results_ = *results;
350  } else {
351    default_history_results_ = *results;
352  }
354  if (history_request_consumer_.PendingRequestCount() == 1) {
355    // Requests are removed AFTER the callback is invoked. If the count == 1,
356    // it means no more history requests are pending.
357    history_request_pending_ = false;
358    have_history_results_ = true;
359  }
361  ConvertResultsToAutocompleteMatches();
362  listener_->OnProviderUpdate(!results->empty());
365URLFetcher* SearchProvider::CreateSuggestFetcher(int id,
366                                                 const TemplateURL& provider,
367                                                 const std::wstring& text) {
368  const TemplateURLRef* const suggestions_url = provider.suggestions_url();
369  DCHECK(suggestions_url->SupportsReplacement());
370  URLFetcher* fetcher = URLFetcher::Create(id,
371      GURL(suggestions_url->ReplaceSearchTerms(
372           provider, text, TemplateURLRef::NO_SUGGESTIONS_AVAILABLE,
373           std::wstring())),
374      URLFetcher::GET, this);
375  fetcher->set_request_context(profile_->GetRequestContext());
376  fetcher->Start();
377  return fetcher;
380bool SearchProvider::ParseSuggestResults(Value* root_val,
381                                         bool is_keyword,
382                                         const std::wstring& input_text,
383                                         SuggestResults* suggest_results) {
384  if (!root_val->IsType(Value::TYPE_LIST))
385    return false;
386  ListValue* root_list = static_cast<ListValue*>(root_val);
388  Value* query_val;
389  std::wstring query_str;
390  Value* result_val;
391  if ((root_list->GetSize() < 2) || !root_list->Get(0, &query_val) ||
392      !query_val->GetAsString(&query_str) || (query_str != input_text) ||
393      !root_list->Get(1, &result_val) || !result_val->IsType(Value::TYPE_LIST))
394    return false;
396  ListValue* description_list = NULL;
397  if (root_list->GetSize() > 2) {
398    // 3rd element: Description list.
399    Value* description_val;
400    if (root_list->Get(2, &description_val) &&
401        description_val->IsType(Value::TYPE_LIST))
402      description_list = static_cast<ListValue*>(description_val);
403  }
405  // We don't care about the query URL list (the fourth element in the
406  // response) for now.
408  // Parse optional data in the results from the Suggest server if any.
409  ListValue* type_list = NULL;
410  // 5th argument: Optional key-value pairs.
411  // TODO: We may iterate the 5th+ arguments of the root_list if any other
412  // optional data are defined.
413  if (root_list->GetSize() > 4) {
414    Value* optional_val;
415    if (root_list->Get(4, &optional_val) &&
416        optional_val->IsType(Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY)) {
417      DictionaryValue* dict_val = static_cast<DictionaryValue*>(optional_val);
419      // Parse Google Suggest specific type extension.
420      static const std::wstring kGoogleSuggestType(L"google:suggesttype");
421      if (dict_val->HasKey(kGoogleSuggestType))
422        dict_val->GetList(kGoogleSuggestType, &type_list);
423    }
424  }
426  ListValue* result_list = static_cast<ListValue*>(result_val);
427  for (size_t i = 0; i < result_list->GetSize(); ++i) {
428    Value* suggestion_val;
429    std::wstring suggestion_str;
430    if (!result_list->Get(i, &suggestion_val) ||
431        !suggestion_val->GetAsString(&suggestion_str))
432      return false;
434    Value* type_val;
435    std::wstring type_str;
436    if (type_list && type_list->Get(i, &type_val) &&
437        type_val->GetAsString(&type_str) && (type_str == L"NAVIGATION")) {
438      Value* site_val;
439      std::wstring site_name;
440      NavigationResults& navigation_results =
441          is_keyword ? keyword_navigation_results_ :
442                       default_navigation_results_;
443      if ((navigation_results.size() < kMaxMatches) &&
444          description_list && description_list->Get(i, &site_val) &&
445          site_val->IsType(Value::TYPE_STRING) &&
446          site_val->GetAsString(&site_name)) {
447        // We can't blindly trust the URL coming from the server to be valid.
448        GURL result_url(URLFixerUpper::FixupURL(WideToUTF8(suggestion_str),
449                                                std::string()));
450        if (result_url.is_valid())
451          navigation_results.push_back(NavigationResult(result_url, site_name));
452      }
453    } else {
454      // TODO(kochi): Currently we treat a calculator result as a query, but it
455      // is better to have better presentation for caluculator results.
456      if (suggest_results->size() < kMaxMatches)
457        suggest_results->push_back(suggestion_str);
458    }
459  }
461  return true;
464void SearchProvider::ConvertResultsToAutocompleteMatches() {
465  // Convert all the results to matches and add them to a map, so we can keep
466  // the most relevant match for each result.
467  MatchMap map;
468  const Time no_time;
469  int did_not_accept_keyword_suggestion = keyword_suggest_results_.empty() ?
471      TemplateURLRef::NO_SUGGESTION_CHOSEN;
472  // Keyword what you typed results are handled by the KeywordProvider.
474  int did_not_accept_default_suggestion = default_suggest_results_.empty() ?
476        TemplateURLRef::NO_SUGGESTION_CHOSEN;
477  if (providers_.valid_default_provider()) {
478    AddMatchToMap(input_.text(), CalculateRelevanceForWhatYouTyped(),
479                  AutocompleteMatch::SEARCH_WHAT_YOU_TYPED,
480                  did_not_accept_default_suggestion, false, &map);
481  }
483  AddHistoryResultsToMap(keyword_history_results_, true,
484                         did_not_accept_keyword_suggestion, &map);
485  AddHistoryResultsToMap(default_history_results_, false,
486                         did_not_accept_default_suggestion, &map);
488  AddSuggestResultsToMap(keyword_suggest_results_, true,
489                         did_not_accept_keyword_suggestion, &map);
490  AddSuggestResultsToMap(default_suggest_results_, false,
491                         did_not_accept_default_suggestion, &map);
493  // Now add the most relevant matches from the map to |matches_|.
494  matches_.clear();
495  for (MatchMap::const_iterator i(map.begin()); i != map.end(); ++i)
496    matches_.push_back(i->second);
498  AddNavigationResultsToMatches(keyword_navigation_results_, true);
499  AddNavigationResultsToMatches(default_navigation_results_, false);
501  const size_t max_total_matches = kMaxMatches + 1;  // 1 for "what you typed"
502  std::partial_sort(matches_.begin(),
503      matches_.begin() + std::min(max_total_matches, matches_.size()),
504      matches_.end(), &AutocompleteMatch::MoreRelevant);
505  if (matches_.size() > max_total_matches)
506    matches_.erase(matches_.begin() + max_total_matches, matches_.end());
508  UpdateStarredStateOfMatches();
510  // We're done when both asynchronous subcomponents have finished.  We can't
511  // use CancelableRequestConsumer.HasPendingRequests() for history requests
512  // here.  A pending request is not cleared until after the completion
513  // callback has returned, but we've reached here from inside that callback.
514  // HasPendingRequests() would therefore return true, and if this is the last
515  // thing left to calculate for this query, we'll never mark the query "done".
516  done_ = !history_request_pending_ && !suggest_results_pending_;
519void SearchProvider::AddNavigationResultsToMatches(
520    const NavigationResults& navigation_results,
521    bool is_keyword) {
522  if (!navigation_results.empty()) {
523    // TODO(kochi): http://b/1170574  We add only one results for navigational
524    // suggestions. If we can get more useful information about the score,
525    // consider adding more results.
526    const size_t num_results = is_keyword ?
527        keyword_navigation_results_.size() : default_navigation_results_.size();
528    matches_.push_back(NavigationToMatch(navigation_results.front(),
529        CalculateRelevanceForNavigation(num_results, 0, is_keyword),
530        is_keyword));
531  }
534void SearchProvider::AddHistoryResultsToMap(const HistoryResults& results,
535                                            bool is_keyword,
536                                            int did_not_accept_suggestion,
537                                            MatchMap* map) {
538  for (HistoryResults::const_iterator i(results.begin()); i != results.end();
539       ++i) {
540    AddMatchToMap(UTF16ToWide(i->term),
541                  CalculateRelevanceForHistory(i->time, is_keyword),
542                  AutocompleteMatch::SEARCH_HISTORY, did_not_accept_suggestion,
543                  is_keyword, map);
544  }
547void SearchProvider::AddSuggestResultsToMap(
548    const SuggestResults& suggest_results,
549    bool is_keyword,
550    int did_not_accept_suggestion,
551    MatchMap* map) {
552  for (size_t i = 0; i < suggest_results.size(); ++i) {
553    AddMatchToMap(suggest_results[i],
554                  CalculateRelevanceForSuggestion(suggest_results.size(), i,
555                                                  is_keyword),
556                  AutocompleteMatch::SEARCH_SUGGEST,
557                  static_cast<int>(i), is_keyword, map);
558  }
561int SearchProvider::CalculateRelevanceForWhatYouTyped() const {
562  if (providers_.valid_keyword_provider())
563    return 250;
565  switch (input_.type()) {
566    case AutocompleteInput::UNKNOWN:
567    case AutocompleteInput::QUERY:
568    case AutocompleteInput::FORCED_QUERY:
569      return 1300;
571    case AutocompleteInput::REQUESTED_URL:
572      return 1150;
574    case AutocompleteInput::URL:
575      return 850;
577    default:
578      NOTREACHED();
579      return 0;
580  }
583int SearchProvider::CalculateRelevanceForHistory(const Time& time,
584                                                 bool is_keyword) const {
585  // The relevance of past searches falls off over time.  This curve is chosen
586  // so that the relevance of a search 15 minutes ago is discounted about 50
587  // points, while the relevance of a search two weeks ago is discounted about
588  // 450 points.
589  const double elapsed_time = std::max((Time::Now() - time).InSecondsF(), 0.);
590  const int score_discount = static_cast<int>(6.5 * pow(elapsed_time, 0.3));
592  // Don't let scores go below 0.  Negative relevance scores are meaningful in
593  // a different way.
594  int base_score;
595  if (!providers_.is_primary_provider(is_keyword))
596    base_score = 200;
597  else
598    base_score = (input_.type() == AutocompleteInput::URL) ? 750 : 1050;
599  return std::max(0, base_score - score_discount);
602int SearchProvider::CalculateRelevanceForSuggestion(size_t num_results,
603                                                    size_t result_number,
604                                                    bool is_keyword) const {
605  DCHECK(result_number < num_results);
606  int base_score;
607  if (!providers_.is_primary_provider(is_keyword))
608    base_score = 100;
609  else
610    base_score = (input_.type() == AutocompleteInput::URL) ? 300 : 600;
611  return base_score +
612      static_cast<int>(num_results - 1 - result_number);
615int SearchProvider::CalculateRelevanceForNavigation(size_t num_results,
616                                                    size_t result_number,
617                                                    bool is_keyword) const {
618  DCHECK(result_number < num_results);
619  // TODO(kochi): http://b/784900  Use relevance score from the NavSuggest
620  // server if possible.
621  return (providers_.is_primary_provider(is_keyword) ? 800 : 150) +
622      static_cast<int>(num_results - 1 - result_number);
625void SearchProvider::AddMatchToMap(const std::wstring& query_string,
626                                   int relevance,
627                                   AutocompleteMatch::Type type,
628                                   int accepted_suggestion,
629                                   bool is_keyword,
630                                   MatchMap* map) {
631  const std::wstring& input_text =
632      is_keyword ? keyword_input_text_ : input_.text();
633  AutocompleteMatch match(this, relevance, false, type);
634  std::vector<size_t> content_param_offsets;
635  const TemplateURL& provider = is_keyword ? providers_.keyword_provider() :
636                                             providers_.default_provider();
637  // We do intra-string highlighting for suggestions - the suggested segment
638  // will be highlighted, e.g. for input_text = "you" the suggestion may be
639  // "youtube", so we'll bold the "tube" section: you*tube*.
640  if (input_text != query_string) {
641    match.contents.assign(query_string);
642    size_t input_position = match.contents.find(input_text);
643    if (input_position == std::wstring::npos) {
644      // The input text is not a substring of the query string, e.g. input
645      // text is "slasdot" and the query string is "slashdot", so we bold the
646      // whole thing.
647      match.contents_class.push_back(
648          ACMatchClassification(0, ACMatchClassification::MATCH));
649    } else {
650      // TODO(beng): ACMatchClassification::MATCH now seems to just mean
651      //             "bold" this. Consider modifying the terminology.
652      // We don't iterate over the string here annotating all matches because
653      // it looks odd to have every occurrence of a substring that may be as
654      // short as a single character highlighted in a query suggestion result,
655      // e.g. for input text "s" and query string "southwest airlines", it
656      // looks odd if both the first and last s are highlighted.
657      if (input_position != 0) {
658        match.contents_class.push_back(
659            ACMatchClassification(0, ACMatchClassification::NONE));
660      }
661      match.contents_class.push_back(
662          ACMatchClassification(input_position, ACMatchClassification::DIM));
663      size_t next_fragment_position = input_position + input_text.length();
664      if (next_fragment_position < query_string.length()) {
665        match.contents_class.push_back(
666            ACMatchClassification(next_fragment_position,
667                                  ACMatchClassification::NONE));
668      }
669    }
670  } else {
671    // Otherwise, we're dealing with the "default search" result which has no
672    // completion, but has the search provider name as the description.
673    match.contents.assign(query_string);
674    match.contents_class.push_back(
675        ACMatchClassification(0, ACMatchClassification::NONE));
676    match.description.assign(l10n_util::GetStringF(
678        provider.AdjustedShortNameForLocaleDirection()));
679    match.description_class.push_back(
680        ACMatchClassification(0, ACMatchClassification::DIM));
681  }
683  // When the user forced a query, we need to make sure all the fill_into_edit
684  // values preserve that property.  Otherwise, if the user starts editing a
685  // suggestion, non-Search results will suddenly appear.
686  size_t search_start = 0;
687  if (input_.type() == AutocompleteInput::FORCED_QUERY) {
688    match.fill_into_edit.assign(L"?");
689    ++search_start;
690  }
691  if (is_keyword) {
692    match.fill_into_edit.append(providers_.keyword_provider().keyword() + L" ");
693    match.template_url = &providers_.keyword_provider();
694  }
695  match.fill_into_edit.append(query_string);
696  // Not all suggestions start with the original input.
697  if (!input_.prevent_inline_autocomplete() &&
698      !, input_text.length(),
699                                   input_text))
700    match.inline_autocomplete_offset = search_start + input_text.length();
702  const TemplateURLRef* const search_url = provider.url();
703  DCHECK(search_url->SupportsReplacement());
704  match.destination_url =
705      GURL(search_url->ReplaceSearchTerms(provider,
706                                          query_string,
707                                          accepted_suggestion,
708                                          input_text));
710  // Search results don't look like URLs.
711  match.transition =
712      is_keyword ? PageTransition::KEYWORD : PageTransition::GENERATED;
714  // Try to add |match| to |map|.  If a match for |query_string| is already in
715  // |map|, replace it if |match| is more relevant.
716  // NOTE: Keep this ToLower() call in sync with
717  const std::pair<MatchMap::iterator, bool> i = map->insert(
718      std::pair<std::wstring, AutocompleteMatch>(
719      l10n_util::ToLower(query_string), match));
720  // NOTE: We purposefully do a direct relevance comparison here instead of
721  // using AutocompleteMatch::MoreRelevant(), so that we'll prefer "items added
722  // first" rather than "items alphabetically first" when the scores are equal.
723  // The only case this matters is when a user has results with the same score
724  // that differ only by capitalization; because the history system returns
725  // results sorted by recency, this means we'll pick the most recent such
726  // result even if the precision of our relevance score is too low to
727  // distinguish the two.
728  if (!i.second && (match.relevance > i.first->second.relevance))
729    i.first->second = match;
732AutocompleteMatch SearchProvider::NavigationToMatch(
733    const NavigationResult& navigation,
734    int relevance,
735    bool is_keyword) {
736  const std::wstring& input_text =
737      is_keyword ? keyword_input_text_ : input_.text();
738  AutocompleteMatch match(this, relevance, false,
739                          AutocompleteMatch::NAVSUGGEST);
740  match.destination_url = navigation.url;
741  match.contents =
742      StringForURLDisplay(navigation.url, true, !HasHTTPScheme(input_text));
743  AutocompleteMatch::ClassifyMatchInString(input_text, match.contents,
744                                           ACMatchClassification::URL,
745                                           &match.contents_class);
747  match.description = navigation.site_name;
748  AutocompleteMatch::ClassifyMatchInString(input_text, navigation.site_name,
749                                           ACMatchClassification::NONE,
750                                           &match.description_class);
752  // When the user forced a query, we need to make sure all the fill_into_edit
753  // values preserve that property.  Otherwise, if the user starts editing a
754  // suggestion, non-Search results will suddenly appear.
755  if (input_.type() == AutocompleteInput::FORCED_QUERY)
756    match.fill_into_edit.assign(L"?");
757  match.fill_into_edit.append(
758      AutocompleteInput::FormattedStringWithEquivalentMeaning(navigation.url,
759                                                              match.contents));
760  // TODO(pkasting): http://b/1112879 These should perhaps be
761  // inline-autocompletable?
763  return match;