autofill_download.h revision 1677284a2f4414f9a4563d58bc955d6749c4cc2a
1// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
7#pragma once
9#include <list>
10#include <map>
11#include <string>
12#include <vector>
14#include "base/scoped_vector.h"
15#include "base/time.h"
16#include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_profile.h"
17#include "chrome/browser/autofill/field_types.h"
18#include "chrome/browser/autofill/form_structure.h"
19#include "chrome/common/net/url_fetcher.h"
21#ifdef ANDROID
22#include "android/autofill/url_fetcher_proxy.h"
25class AutofillMetrics;
26class Profile;
28// Handles getting and updating Autofill heuristics.
29class AutofillDownloadManager : public URLFetcher::Delegate {
30 public:
31  enum AutofillRequestType {
34  };
36  // An interface used to notify clients of AutofillDownloadManager.
37  // Notifications are *not* guaranteed to be called.
38  class Observer {
39   public:
40    // Called when field types are successfully received from the server.
41    // |heuristic_xml| - server response.
42    virtual void OnLoadedAutofillHeuristics(
43        const std::string& heuristic_xml) = 0;
44    // Called when heuristic either successfully considered for upload and
45    // not send or uploaded.
46    // |form_signature| - the signature of the requesting form.
47    virtual void OnUploadedAutofillHeuristics(
48        const std::string& form_signature) = 0;
49    // Called when there was an error during the request.
50    // |form_signature| - the signature of the requesting form.
51    // |request_type| - type of request that failed.
52    // |http_error| - HTTP error code.
53    virtual void OnHeuristicsRequestError(const std::string& form_signature,
54                                          AutofillRequestType request_type,
55                                          int http_error) = 0;
56   protected:
57    virtual ~Observer() {}
58  };
60  // |profile| can be NULL in unit-tests only.
61  explicit AutofillDownloadManager(Profile* profile);
62  virtual ~AutofillDownloadManager();
64  // |observer| - observer to notify on successful completion or error.
65  void SetObserver(AutofillDownloadManager::Observer *observer);
67  // Starts a query request to Autofill servers. The observer is called with the
68  // list of the fields of all requested forms.
69  // |forms| - array of forms aggregated in this request.
70  bool StartQueryRequest(const ScopedVector<FormStructure>& forms,
71                         const AutofillMetrics& metric_logger);
73  // Start upload request if necessary. The probability of request going
74  // over the wire are GetPositiveUploadRate() if it was matched by
75  // Autofill, GetNegativeUploadRate() otherwise. Observer will be called
76  // even if there was no actual trip over the wire.
77  // |form| - form sent in this request.
78  // |form_was_matched| - true if form was matched by the Autofill.
79  bool StartUploadRequest(const FormStructure& form, bool form_was_matched);
81  // Cancels pending request.
82  // |form_signature| - signature of the form being cancelled. Warning:
83  // for query request if more than one form sent in the request, all other
84  // forms will be cancelled as well.
85  // |request_type| - type of the request.
86  bool CancelRequest(const std::string& form_signature,
87                     AutofillRequestType request_type);
89  // Probability of the form upload. Between 0 (no upload) and 1 (upload all).
90  // GetPositiveUploadRate() is for matched forms,
91  // GetNegativeUploadRate() for non matched.
92  double GetPositiveUploadRate() const;
93  double GetNegativeUploadRate() const;
94  // These functions called very rarely outside of the unit-tests. With current
95  // percentages, they would be called once per 100 auto-fillable forms filled
96  // and submitted by user. The order of magnitude would remain similar in the
97  // future.
98  void SetPositiveUploadRate(double rate);
99  void SetNegativeUploadRate(double rate);
101 private:
102  friend class AutofillDownloadTestHelper;  // unit-test.
104  struct FormRequestData;
105  typedef std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > QueryRequestCache;
107  // Initiates request to Autofill servers to download/upload heuristics.
108  // |form_xml| - form structure XML to upload/download.
109  // |request_data| - form signature hash(es) and indicator if it was a query.
110  // |request_data.query| - if true the data is queried and observer notified
111  //   with new data, if available. If false heuristic data is uploaded to our
112  //   servers.
113  bool StartRequest(const std::string& form_xml,
114                    const FormRequestData& request_data);
116  // Each request is page visited. We store last |max_form_cache_size|
117  // request, to avoid going over the wire. Set to 16 in constructor. Warning:
118  // the search is linear (newest first), so do not make the constant very big.
119  void set_max_form_cache_size(size_t max_form_cache_size) {
120    max_form_cache_size_ = max_form_cache_size;
121  }
123  // Caches query request. |forms_in_query| is a vector of form signatures in
124  // the query. |query_data| is the successful data returned over the wire.
125  void CacheQueryRequest(const std::vector<std::string>& forms_in_query,
126                         const std::string& query_data);
127  // Returns true if query is in the cache, while filling |query_data|, false
128  // otherwise. |forms_in_query| is a vector of form signatures in the query.
129  bool CheckCacheForQueryRequest(const std::vector<std::string>& forms_in_query,
130                                 std::string* query_data) const;
131  // Concatenates |forms_in_query| into one signature.
132  std::string GetCombinedSignature(
133      const std::vector<std::string>& forms_in_query) const;
135  // URLFetcher::Delegate implementation:
136  virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source,
137                                  const GURL& url,
138                                  const net::URLRequestStatus& status,
139                                  int response_code,
140                                  const ResponseCookies& cookies,
141                                  const std::string& data);
143  // Profile for preference storage.
144  Profile* profile_;
146  // For each requested form for both query and upload we create a separate
147  // request and save its info. As url fetcher is identified by its address
148  // we use a map between fetchers and info.
149  std::map<URLFetcher*, FormRequestData> url_fetchers_;
150  AutofillDownloadManager::Observer *observer_;
152  // Cached QUERY requests.
153  QueryRequestCache cached_forms_;
154  size_t max_form_cache_size_;
156  // Time when next query/upload requests are allowed. If 50x HTTP received,
157  // exponential back off is initiated, so this times will be in the future
158  // for awhile.
159  base::Time next_query_request_;
160  base::Time next_upload_request_;
162  // |positive_upload_rate_| is for matched forms,
163  // |negative_upload_rate_| for non matched.
164  double positive_upload_rate_;
165  double negative_upload_rate_;
167  // Needed for unit-test.
168  int fetcher_id_for_unittest_;