extension_prefs.h revision ddb351dbec246cf1fab5ec20d2d5520909041de1
1// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
7#pragma once
9#include <set>
10#include <string>
11#include <vector>
13#include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h"
14#include "base/time.h"
15#include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_service.h"
16#include "chrome/common/extensions/extension.h"
17#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
19class ExtensionPrefValueMap;
21// Class for managing global and per-extension preferences.
23// This class distinguishes the following kinds of preferences:
24// - global preferences:
25//       internal state for the extension system in general, not associated
26//       with an individual extension, such as lastUpdateTime.
27// - per-extension preferences:
28//       meta-preferences describing properties of the extension like
29//       installation time, whether the extension is enabled, etc.
30// - extension controlled preferences:
31//       browser preferences that an extension controls. For example, an
32//       extension could use the proxy API to specify the browser's proxy
33//       preference. Extension-controlled preferences are stored in
34//       PrefValueStore::extension_prefs(), which this class populates and
35//       maintains as the underlying extensions change.
36class ExtensionPrefs {
37 public:
38  // Key name for a preference that keeps track of per-extension settings. This
39  // is a dictionary object read from the Preferences file, keyed off of
40  // extension ids.
41  static const char kExtensionsPref[];
43  typedef std::vector<linked_ptr<ExtensionInfo> > ExtensionsInfo;
45  // Vector containing identifiers for preferences.
46  typedef std::set<std::string> PrefKeySet;
48  // Vector containing identifiers for extensions.
49  typedef std::vector<std::string> ExtensionIdSet;
51  // This enum is used for the launch type the user wants to use for an
52  // application.
53  // Do not remove items or re-order this enum as it is used in preferences
54  // and histograms.
55  enum LaunchType {
61    // Launch an app in the in the way a click on the NTP would,
62    // if no user pref were set.  Update this constant to change
63    // the default for the NTP and chrome.management.launchApp().
65  };
67  // Does not assume ownership of |prefs| and |incognito_prefs|.
68  explicit ExtensionPrefs(PrefService* prefs,
69                          const FilePath& root_dir,
70                          ExtensionPrefValueMap* extension_pref_value_map);
71  virtual ~ExtensionPrefs();
73  // Returns a copy of the Extensions prefs.
74  // TODO(erikkay) Remove this so that external consumers don't need to be
75  // aware of the internal structure of the preferences.
76  DictionaryValue* CopyCurrentExtensions();
78  // Returns true if the specified external extension was uninstalled by the
79  // user.
80  bool IsExternalExtensionUninstalled(const std::string& id) const;
82  // Get the order that toolstrip URLs appear in the shelf.
83  typedef std::vector<GURL> URLList;
84  URLList GetShelfToolstripOrder();
86  // Sets the order that toolstrip URLs appear in the shelf.
87  void SetShelfToolstripOrder(const URLList& urls);
89  // Get the order that the browser actions appear in the toolbar.
90  std::vector<std::string> GetToolbarOrder();
92  // Set the order that the browser actions appear in the toolbar.
93  void SetToolbarOrder(const std::vector<std::string>& extension_ids);
95  // Called when an extension is installed, so that prefs get created.
96  void OnExtensionInstalled(const Extension* extension,
97                            Extension::State initial_state,
98                            bool initial_incognito_enabled);
100  // Called when an extension is uninstalled, so that prefs get cleaned up.
101  void OnExtensionUninstalled(const std::string& extension_id,
102                              const Extension::Location& location,
103                              bool external_uninstall);
105  // Returns the state (enabled/disabled) of the given extension.
106  Extension::State GetExtensionState(const std::string& extension_id) const;
108  // Called to change the extension's state when it is enabled/disabled.
109  void SetExtensionState(const Extension* extension, Extension::State);
111  // Returns all installed extensions
112  void GetExtensions(ExtensionIdSet* out);
114  // Getter and setter for browser action visibility.
115  bool GetBrowserActionVisibility(const Extension* extension);
116  void SetBrowserActionVisibility(const Extension* extension, bool visible);
118  // Did the extension ask to escalate its permission during an upgrade?
119  bool DidExtensionEscalatePermissions(const std::string& id);
121  // If |did_escalate| is true, the preferences for |extension| will be set to
122  // require the install warning when the user tries to enable.
123  void SetDidExtensionEscalatePermissions(const Extension* extension,
124                                          bool did_escalate);
126  // Returns the version string for the currently installed extension, or
127  // the empty string if not found.
128  std::string GetVersionString(const std::string& extension_id);
130  // Re-writes the extension manifest into the prefs.
131  // Called to change the extension's manifest when it's re-localized.
132  void UpdateManifest(const Extension* extension);
134  // Returns extension path based on extension ID, or empty FilePath on error.
135  FilePath GetExtensionPath(const std::string& extension_id);
137  // Returns base extensions install directory.
138  const FilePath& install_directory() const { return install_directory_; }
140  // Updates the prefs based on the blacklist.
141  void UpdateBlacklist(const std::set<std::string>& blacklist_set);
143  // Based on extension id, checks prefs to see if it is blacklisted.
144  bool IsExtensionBlacklisted(const std::string& id);
146  // Is the extension with |extension_id| allowed by policy (checking both
147  // whitelist and blacklist).
148  bool IsExtensionAllowedByPolicy(const std::string& extension_id);
150  // Returns the last value set via SetLastPingDay. If there isn't such a
151  // pref, the returned Time will return true for is_null().
152  base::Time LastPingDay(const std::string& extension_id) const;
154  // The time stored is based on the server's perspective of day start time, not
155  // the client's.
156  void SetLastPingDay(const std::string& extension_id, const base::Time& time);
158  // Similar to the 2 above, but for the extensions blacklist.
159  base::Time BlacklistLastPingDay() const;
160  void SetBlacklistLastPingDay(const base::Time& time);
162  // Similar to LastPingDay/SetLastPingDay, but for sending "days since active"
163  // ping.
164  base::Time LastActivePingDay(const std::string& extension_id);
165  void SetLastActivePingDay(const std::string& extension_id,
166                            const base::Time& time);
168  // A bit we use for determining if we should send the "days since active"
169  // ping. A value of true means the item has been active (launched) since the
170  // last update check.
171  bool GetActiveBit(const std::string& extension_id);
172  void SetActiveBit(const std::string& extension_id, bool active);
174  // Gets the permissions (|api_permissions|, |host_extent| and |full_access|)
175  // granted to the extension with |extension_id|. |full_access| will be true
176  // if the extension has all effective permissions (like from an NPAPI plugin).
177  // Returns false if the granted permissions haven't been initialized yet.
178  // TODO(jstritar): Refactor the permissions into a class that encapsulates
179  // all granted permissions, can be initialized from preferences or
180  // a manifest file, and can be compared to each other.
181  bool GetGrantedPermissions(const std::string& extension_id,
182                             bool* full_access,
183                             std::set<std::string>* api_permissions,
184                             ExtensionExtent* host_extent);
186  // Adds the specified |api_permissions|, |host_extent| and |full_access|
187  // to the granted permissions for extension with |extension_id|.
188  // |full_access| should be set to true if the extension effectively has all
189  // permissions (such as by having an NPAPI plugin).
190  void AddGrantedPermissions(const std::string& extension_id,
191                             const bool full_access,
192                             const std::set<std::string>& api_permissions,
193                             const ExtensionExtent& host_extent);
195  // Returns true if the user enabled this extension to be loaded in incognito
196  // mode.
197  bool IsIncognitoEnabled(const std::string& extension_id);
198  void SetIsIncognitoEnabled(const std::string& extension_id, bool enabled);
200  // Returns true if the user has chosen to allow this extension to inject
201  // scripts into pages with file URLs.
202  bool AllowFileAccess(const std::string& extension_id);
203  void SetAllowFileAccess(const std::string& extension_id, bool allow);
204  bool HasAllowFileAccessSetting(const std::string& extension_id) const;
206  // Get the launch type preference.  If no preference is set, return
207  // |default_pref_value|.
208  LaunchType GetLaunchType(const std::string& extension_id,
209                           LaunchType default_pref_value);
211  void SetLaunchType(const std::string& extension_id, LaunchType launch_type);
213  // Find the right launch container based on the launch type.
214  // If |extension|'s prefs do not have a launch type set, then
215  // use |default_pref_value|.
216  extension_misc::LaunchContainer GetLaunchContainer(
217      const Extension* extension,
218      LaunchType default_pref_value);
221  // Saves ExtensionInfo for each installed extension with the path to the
222  // version directory and the location. Blacklisted extensions won't be saved
223  // and neither will external extensions the user has explicitly uninstalled.
224  // Caller takes ownership of returned structure.
225  ExtensionsInfo* GetInstalledExtensionsInfo();
227  // Returns the ExtensionInfo from the prefs for the given extension. If the
228  // extension is not present, NULL is returned.
229  ExtensionInfo* GetInstalledExtensionInfo(const std::string& extension_id);
231  // We've downloaded an updated .crx file for the extension, but are waiting
232  // for idle time to install it.
233  void SetIdleInstallInfo(const std::string& extension_id,
234                          const FilePath& crx_path,
235                          const std::string& version,
236                          const base::Time& fetch_time);
238  // Removes any idle install information we have for the given |extension_id|.
239  // Returns true if there was info to remove; false otherwise.
240  bool RemoveIdleInstallInfo(const std::string& extension_id);
242  // If we have idle install information for |extension_id|, this puts it into
243  // the out parameters and returns true. Otherwise returns false.
244  bool GetIdleInstallInfo(const std::string& extension_id,
245                          FilePath* crx_path,
246                          std::string* version,
247                          base::Time* fetch_time);
249  // Returns the extension id's that have idle install information.
250  std::set<std::string> GetIdleInstallInfoIds();
252  // We allow the web store to set a string containing login information when a
253  // purchase is made, so that when a user logs into sync with a different
254  // account we can recognize the situation. The Get function returns true if
255  // there was previously stored data (placing it in |result|), or false
256  // otherwise. The Set will overwrite any previous login.
257  bool GetWebStoreLogin(std::string* result);
258  void SetWebStoreLogin(const std::string& login);
260  // Get the application launch index for an extension with |extension_id|. This
261  // determines the order of which the applications appear on the New Tab Page.
262  // A value of 0 generally indicates top left. If the extension has no launch
263  // index a -1 value is returned.
264  int GetAppLaunchIndex(const std::string& extension_id);
266  // Sets a specific launch index for an extension with |extension_id|.
267  void SetAppLaunchIndex(const std::string& extension_id, int index);
269  // Gets the next available application launch index. This is 1 higher than the
270  // highest current application launch index found.
271  int GetNextAppLaunchIndex();
273  // Sets the order the apps should be displayed in the app launcher.
274  void SetAppLauncherOrder(const std::vector<std::string>& extension_ids);
276  // Get the application page index for an extension with |extension_id|.  This
277  // determines which page an app will appear on in page-based NTPs.  If
278  // the app has no page specified, -1 is returned.
279  int GetPageIndex(const std::string& extension_id);
281  // Sets a specific page index for an extension with |extension_id|.
282  void SetPageIndex(const std::string& extension_id, int index);
284  // Returns true if the user repositioned the app on the app launcher via drag
285  // and drop.
286  bool WasAppDraggedByUser(const std::string& extension_id);
288  // Sets a flag indicating that the user repositioned the app on the app
289  // launcher by drag and dropping it.
290  void SetAppDraggedByUser(const std::string& extension_id);
292  // The extension's update URL data.  If not empty, the ExtensionUpdater
293  // will append a ap= parameter to the URL when checking if a new version
294  // of the extension is available.
295  void SetUpdateUrlData(const std::string& extension_id,
296                        const std::string& data);
297  std::string GetUpdateUrlData(const std::string& extension_id);
299  // Sets a preference value that is controlled by the extension. In other
300  // words, this is not a pref value *about* the extension but something
301  // global the extension wants to override.
302  // Takes ownership of |value|.
303  void SetExtensionControlledPref(const std::string& extension_id,
304                                  const std::string& pref_key,
305                                  bool incognito,
306                                  Value* value);
308  void RemoveExtensionControlledPref(const std::string& extension_id,
309                                     const std::string& pref_key,
310                                     bool incognito);
312  // Returns true if currently no extension with higher precedence controls the
313  // preference.
314  bool CanExtensionControlPref(const std::string& extension_id,
315                               const std::string& pref_key,
316                               bool incognito);
318  // Returns true if extension |extension_id| currently controls the
319  // preference.
320  bool DoesExtensionControlPref(const std::string& extension_id,
321                                const std::string& pref_key,
322                                bool incognito);
324  // Returns true if there is an extension which controls the preference value
325  //  for |pref_key| *and* it is specific to incognito mode.
326  bool HasIncognitoPrefValue(const std::string& pref_key);
328  static void RegisterUserPrefs(PrefService* prefs);
330  // The underlying PrefService.
331  PrefService* pref_service() const { return prefs_; }
333 protected:
334  // For unit testing. Enables injecting an artificial clock that is used
335  // to query the current time, when an extension is installed.
336  virtual base::Time GetCurrentTime() const;
338 private:
339  // Converts absolute paths in the pref to paths relative to the
340  // install_directory_.
341  void MakePathsRelative();
343  // Converts internal relative paths to be absolute. Used for export to
344  // consumers who expect full paths.
345  void MakePathsAbsolute(DictionaryValue* dict);
347  // Sets the pref |key| for extension |id| to |value|.
348  void UpdateExtensionPref(const std::string& id,
349                           const std::string& key,
350                           Value* value);
352  // Deletes the pref dictionary for extension |id|.
353  void DeleteExtensionPrefs(const std::string& id);
355  // Reads a boolean pref from |ext| with key |pref_key|.
356  // Return false if the value is false or |pref_key| does not exist.
357  bool ReadBooleanFromPref(const DictionaryValue* ext,
358                           const std::string& pref_key);
360  // Reads a boolean pref |pref_key| from extension with id |extension_id|.
361  bool ReadExtensionPrefBoolean(const std::string& extension_id,
362                                const std::string& pref_key);
364  // Reads an integer pref from |ext| with key |pref_key|.
365  // Return false if the value does not exist.
366  bool ReadIntegerFromPref(const DictionaryValue* ext,
367                           const std::string& pref_key,
368                           int* out_value);
370  // Reads an integer pref |pref_key| from extension with id |extension_id|.
371  bool ReadExtensionPrefInteger(const std::string& extension_id,
372                                const std::string& pref_key,
373                                int* out_value);
375  // Reads a list pref |pref_key| from extension with id | extension_id|.
376  bool ReadExtensionPrefList(const std::string& extension_id,
377                             const std::string& pref_key,
378                             const ListValue** out_value);
380  // Reads a list pref |pref_key| as a string set from the extension with
381  // id |extension_id|.
382  bool ReadExtensionPrefStringSet(const std::string& extension_id,
383                                  const std::string& pref_key,
384                                  std::set<std::string>* result);
386  // Adds the |added_values| to the value of |pref_key| for the extension
387  // with id |extension_id| (the new value will be the union of the existing
388  // value and |added_values|).
389  void AddToExtensionPrefStringSet(const std::string& extension_id,
390                                   const std::string& pref_key,
391                                   const std::set<std::string>& added_values);
393  // Returns a dictionary for extension |id|'s prefs or NULL if it doesn't
394  // exist.
395  const DictionaryValue* GetExtensionPref(const std::string& id) const;
397  // Returns the dictionary of preferences controlled by the specified extension
398  // or creates a new one. All entries in the dictionary contain non-expanded
399  // paths.
400  const DictionaryValue* GetExtensionControlledPrefs(
401      const std::string& id) const;
403  // Serializes the data and schedules a persistent save via the |PrefService|.
404  // Additionally fires a PREF_CHANGED notification with the top-level
405  // |kExtensionsPref| path set.
406  // TODO(andybons): Switch this to EXTENSION_PREF_CHANGED to be more granular.
407  // TODO(andybons): Use a ScopedUserPrefUpdate to update observers on changes
408  // to the mutable extension dictionary.
409  void SavePrefs();
411  // Checks if kPrefBlacklist is set to true in the DictionaryValue.
412  // Return false if the value is false or kPrefBlacklist does not exist.
413  // This is used to decide if an extension is blacklisted.
414  bool IsBlacklistBitSet(DictionaryValue* ext);
416  // Helper method to acquire the installation time of an extension.
417  // Returns base::Time() if the installation time could not be parsed or
418  // found.
419  base::Time GetInstallTime(const std::string& extension_id) const;
421  // Fix missing preference entries in the extensions that are were introduced
422  // in a later Chrome version.
423  void FixMissingPrefs(const ExtensionIdSet& extension_ids);
425  // Installs the persistent extension preferences into |prefs_|'s extension
426  // pref store.
427  void InitPrefStore();
429  // The pref service specific to this set of extension prefs. Owned by profile.
430  PrefService* prefs_;
432  // Base extensions install directory.
433  FilePath install_directory_;
435  // Weak pointer, owned by Profile.
436  ExtensionPrefValueMap* extension_pref_value_map_;
438  // The URLs of all of the toolstrips.
439  URLList shelf_order_;
441  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ExtensionPrefs);