history.h revision 3345a6884c488ff3a535c2c9acdd33d74b37e311
1// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
7#pragma once
9#include <vector>
11#include "base/basictypes.h"
12#include "base/callback.h"
13#include "base/file_path.h"
14#include "base/ref_counted.h"
15#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
16#include "base/string16.h"
17#include "base/task.h"
18#include "chrome/browser/cancelable_request.h"
19#include "chrome/browser/favicon_service.h"
20#include "chrome/browser/history/history_types.h"
21#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_id.h"
22#include "chrome/common/notification_registrar.h"
23#include "chrome/common/page_transition_types.h"
24#include "chrome/common/ref_counted_util.h"
26class BookmarkService;
27struct DownloadCreateInfo;
28class FilePath;
29class GURL;
30class HistoryURLProvider;
31struct HistoryURLProviderParams;
32class InMemoryURLDatabase;
33class MainPagesRequest;
34class PageUsageData;
35class PageUsageRequest;
36class Profile;
37class SkBitmap;
38struct ThumbnailScore;
40namespace base {
41class Thread;
42class Time;
45namespace browser_sync {
46class HistoryModelWorker;
47class TypedUrlDataTypeController;
50namespace history {
51class InMemoryHistoryBackend;
52class InMemoryURLIndex;
53class HistoryAddPageArgs;
54class HistoryBackend;
55class HistoryDatabase;
56struct HistoryDetails;
57class HistoryQueryTest;
58class URLDatabase;
59}  // namespace history
62// HistoryDBTask can be used to process arbitrary work on the history backend
63// thread. HistoryDBTask is scheduled using HistoryService::ScheduleDBTask.
64// When HistoryBackend processes the task it invokes RunOnDBThread. Once the
65// task completes and has not been canceled, DoneRunOnMainThread is invoked back
66// on the main thread.
67class HistoryDBTask : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<HistoryDBTask> {
68 public:
69  // Invoked on the database thread. The return value indicates whether the
70  // task is done. A return value of true signals the task is done and
71  // RunOnDBThread should NOT be invoked again. A return value of false
72  // indicates the task is not done, and should be run again after other
73  // tasks are given a chance to be processed.
74  virtual bool RunOnDBThread(history::HistoryBackend* backend,
75                             history::HistoryDatabase* db) = 0;
77  // Invoked on the main thread once RunOnDBThread has returned false. This is
78  // only invoked if the request was not canceled and returned true from
79  // RunOnDBThread.
80  virtual void DoneRunOnMainThread() = 0;
82 protected:
83  friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<HistoryDBTask>;
85  virtual ~HistoryDBTask() {}
88// The history service records page titles, and visit times, as well as
89// (eventually) information about autocomplete.
91// This service is thread safe. Each request callback is invoked in the
92// thread that made the request.
93class HistoryService : public CancelableRequestProvider,
94                       public NotificationObserver,
95                       public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<HistoryService> {
96 public:
97  // Miscellaneous commonly-used types.
98  typedef std::vector<PageUsageData*> PageUsageDataList;
100  // ID (both star_id and group_id) of the bookmark bar.
101  // This entry always exists.
102  static const history::StarID kBookmarkBarID;
104  // Must call Init after construction.
105  explicit HistoryService(Profile* profile);
106  // The empty constructor is provided only for testing.
107  HistoryService();
109  // Initializes the history service, returning true on success. On false, do
110  // not call any other functions. The given directory will be used for storing
111  // the history files. The BookmarkService is used when deleting URLs to
112  // test if a URL is bookmarked; it may be NULL during testing.
113  bool Init(const FilePath& history_dir, BookmarkService* bookmark_service) {
114    return Init(history_dir, bookmark_service, false);
115  }
117  // Triggers the backend to load if it hasn't already, and then returns whether
118  // it's finished loading.
119  bool BackendLoaded();
121  // Unloads the backend without actually shutting down the history service.
122  // This can be used to temporarily reduce the browser process' memory
123  // footprint.
124  void UnloadBackend();
126  // Called on shutdown, this will tell the history backend to complete and
127  // will release pointers to it. No other functions should be called once
128  // cleanup has happened that may dispatch to the history thread (because it
129  // will be NULL).
130  //
131  // In practice, this will be called by the service manager (BrowserProcess)
132  // when it is being destroyed. Because that reference is being destroyed, it
133  // should be impossible for anybody else to call the service, even if it is
134  // still in memory (pending requests may be holding a reference to us).
135  void Cleanup();
137  // RenderProcessHost pointers are used to scope page IDs (see AddPage). These
138  // objects must tell us when they are being destroyed so that we can clear
139  // out any cached data associated with that scope.
140  //
141  // The given pointer will not be dereferenced, it is only used for
142  // identification purposes, hence it is a void*.
143  void NotifyRenderProcessHostDestruction(const void* host);
145  // Triggers the backend to load if it hasn't already, and then returns the
146  // in-memory URL database. The returned pointer MAY BE NULL if the in-memory
147  // database has not been loaded yet. This pointer is owned by the history
148  // system. Callers should not store or cache this value.
149  //
150  // TODO(brettw) this should return the InMemoryHistoryBackend.
151  history::URLDatabase* InMemoryDatabase();
153  history::InMemoryURLIndex* InMemoryIndex();
155  // Navigation ----------------------------------------------------------------
157  // Adds the given canonical URL to history with the current time as the visit
158  // time. Referrer may be the empty string.
159  //
160  // The supplied render process host is used to scope the given page ID. Page
161  // IDs are only unique inside a given render process, so we need that to
162  // differentiate them. This pointer should not be dereferenced by the history
163  // system. Since render view host pointers may be reused (if one gets deleted
164  // and a new one created at the same address), TabContents should notify
165  // us when they are being destroyed through NotifyTabContentsDestruction.
166  //
167  // The scope/ids can be NULL if there is no meaningful tracking information
168  // that can be performed on the given URL. The 'page_id' should be the ID of
169  // the current session history entry in the given process.
170  //
171  // 'redirects' is an array of redirect URLs leading to this page, with the
172  // page itself as the last item (so when there is no redirect, it will have
173  // one entry). If there are no redirects, this array may also be empty for
174  // the convenience of callers.
175  //
176  // 'did_replace_entry' is true when the navigation entry for this page has
177  // replaced the existing entry. A non-user initiated redirect causes such
178  // replacement.
179  //
180  // All "Add Page" functions will update the visited link database.
181  void AddPage(const GURL& url,
182               const void* id_scope,
183               int32 page_id,
184               const GURL& referrer,
185               PageTransition::Type transition,
186               const history::RedirectList& redirects,
187               history::VisitSource visit_source,
188               bool did_replace_entry);
190  // For adding pages to history with a specific time. This is for testing
191  // purposes. Call the previous one to use the current time.
192  void AddPage(const GURL& url,
193               base::Time time,
194               const void* id_scope,
195               int32 page_id,
196               const GURL& referrer,
197               PageTransition::Type transition,
198               const history::RedirectList& redirects,
199               history::VisitSource visit_source,
200               bool did_replace_entry);
202  // For adding pages to history where no tracking information can be done.
203  void AddPage(const GURL& url, history::VisitSource visit_source) {
204    AddPage(url, NULL, 0, GURL(), PageTransition::LINK,
205            history::RedirectList(), visit_source, false);
206  }
208  // All AddPage variants end up here.
209  void AddPage(const history::HistoryAddPageArgs& add_page_args);
211  // Sets the title for the given page. The page should be in history. If it
212  // is not, this operation is ignored. This call will not update the full
213  // text index. The last title set when the page is indexed will be the
214  // title in the full text index.
215  void SetPageTitle(const GURL& url, const string16& title);
217  // Indexing ------------------------------------------------------------------
219  // Notifies history of the body text of the given recently-visited URL.
220  // If the URL was not visited "recently enough," the history system may
221  // discard it.
222  void SetPageContents(const GURL& url, const string16& contents);
224  // Querying ------------------------------------------------------------------
226  // Callback class that a client can implement to iterate over URLs. The
227  // callbacks WILL BE CALLED ON THE BACKGROUND THREAD! Your implementation
228  // should handle this appropriately.
229  class URLEnumerator {
230   public:
231    virtual ~URLEnumerator() {}
233    // Indicates that a URL is available. There will be exactly one call for
234    // every URL in history.
235    virtual void OnURL(const GURL& url) = 0;
237    // Indicates we are done iterating over URLs. Once called, there will be no
238    // more callbacks made. This call is guaranteed to occur, even if there are
239    // no URLs. If all URLs were iterated, success will be true.
240    virtual void OnComplete(bool success) = 0;
241  };
243  // Enumerate all URLs in history. The given iterator will be owned by the
244  // caller, so the caller should ensure it exists until OnComplete is called.
245  // You should not generally use this since it will be slow to slurp all URLs
246  // in from the database. It is designed for rebuilding the visited link
247  // database from history.
248  void IterateURLs(URLEnumerator* iterator);
250  // Returns the information about the requested URL. If the URL is found,
251  // success will be true and the information will be in the URLRow parameter.
252  // On success, the visits, if requested, will be sorted by date. If they have
253  // not been requested, the pointer will be valid, but the vector will be
254  // empty.
255  //
256  // If success is false, neither the row nor the vector will be valid.
257  typedef Callback4<Handle,
258                    bool,  // Success flag, when false, nothing else is valid.
259                    const history::URLRow*,
260                    history::VisitVector*>::Type
261      QueryURLCallback;
263  // Queries the basic information about the URL in the history database. If
264  // the caller is interested in the visits (each time the URL is visited),
265  // set |want_visits| to true. If these are not needed, the function will be
266  // faster by setting this to false.
267  Handle QueryURL(const GURL& url,
268                  bool want_visits,
269                  CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
270                  QueryURLCallback* callback);
272  // Provides the result of a query. See QueryResults in history_types.h.
273  // The common use will be to use QueryResults.Swap to suck the contents of
274  // the results out of the passed in parameter and take ownership of them.
275  typedef Callback2<Handle, history::QueryResults*>::Type
276      QueryHistoryCallback;
278  // Queries all history with the given options (see QueryOptions in
279  // history_types.h). If non-empty, the full-text database will be queried with
280  // the given |text_query|. If empty, all results matching the given options
281  // will be returned.
282  //
283  // This isn't totally hooked up yet, this will query the "new" full text
284  // database (see SetPageContents) which won't generally be set yet.
285  Handle QueryHistory(const string16& text_query,
286                      const history::QueryOptions& options,
287                      CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
288                      QueryHistoryCallback* callback);
290  // Called when the results of QueryRedirectsFrom are available.
291  // The given vector will contain a list of all redirects, not counting
292  // the original page. If A redirects to B, the vector will contain only B,
293  // and A will be in 'source_url'.
294  //
295  // If there is no such URL in the database or the most recent visit has no
296  // redirect, the vector will be empty. If the history system failed for
297  // some reason, success will additionally be false. If the given page
298  // has redirected to multiple destinations, this will pick a random one.
299  typedef Callback4<Handle,
300                    GURL,  // from_url
301                    bool,  // success
302                    history::RedirectList*>::Type
303      QueryRedirectsCallback;
305  // Schedules a query for the most recent redirect coming out of the given
306  // URL. See the RedirectQuerySource above, which is guaranteed to be called
307  // if the request is not canceled.
308  Handle QueryRedirectsFrom(const GURL& from_url,
309                            CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
310                            QueryRedirectsCallback* callback);
312  // Schedules a query to get the most recent redirects ending at the given
313  // URL.
314  Handle QueryRedirectsTo(const GURL& to_url,
315                          CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
316                          QueryRedirectsCallback* callback);
318  typedef Callback4<Handle,
319                    bool,        // Were we able to determine the # of visits?
320                    int,         // Number of visits.
321                    base::Time>::Type // Time of first visit. Only first bool is
322                                 // true and int is > 0.
323      GetVisitCountToHostCallback;
325  // Requests the number of visits to all urls on the scheme/host/post
326  // identified by url. This is only valid for http and https urls.
327  Handle GetVisitCountToHost(const GURL& url,
328                             CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
329                             GetVisitCountToHostCallback* callback);
331  // Called when QueryTopURLsAndRedirects completes. The vector contains a list
332  // of the top |result_count| URLs.  For each of these URLs, there is an entry
333  // in the map containing redirects from the URL.  For example, if we have the
334  // redirect chain A -> B -> C and A is a top visited URL, then A will be in
335  // the vector and "A => {B -> C}" will be in the map.
336  typedef Callback4<Handle,
337                    bool,  // Did we get the top urls and redirects?
338                    std::vector<GURL>*,  // List of top URLs.
339                    history::RedirectMap*>::Type  // Redirects for top URLs.
340      QueryTopURLsAndRedirectsCallback;
342  // Request the top |result_count| most visited URLs and the chain of redirects
343  // leading to each of these URLs.
344  // TODO(Nik): remove this. Use QueryMostVisitedURLs instead.
345  Handle QueryTopURLsAndRedirects(int result_count,
346                                  CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
347                                  QueryTopURLsAndRedirectsCallback* callback);
349  typedef Callback2<Handle, history::MostVisitedURLList>::Type
350                    QueryMostVisitedURLsCallback;
352  // Request the |result_count| most visited URLs and the chain of
353  // redirects leading to each of these URLs. |days_back| is the
354  // number of days of history to use. Used by TopSites.
355  Handle QueryMostVisitedURLs(int result_count, int days_back,
356                              CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
357                              QueryMostVisitedURLsCallback* callback);
359  // Thumbnails ----------------------------------------------------------------
361  // Implemented by consumers to get thumbnail data. Called when a request for
362  // the thumbnail data is complete. Once this callback is made, the request
363  // will be completed and no other calls will be made for that handle.
364  //
365  // This function will be called even on error conditions or if there is no
366  // thumbnail for that page. In these cases, the data pointer will be NULL.
367  typedef Callback2<Handle, scoped_refptr<RefCountedBytes> >::Type
368      ThumbnailDataCallback;
370  // Sets the thumbnail for a given URL. The URL must be in the history
371  // database or the request will be ignored.
372  void SetPageThumbnail(const GURL& url,
373                        const SkBitmap& thumbnail,
374                        const ThumbnailScore& score);
376  // Requests a page thumbnail. See ThumbnailDataCallback definition above.
377  Handle GetPageThumbnail(const GURL& page_url,
378                          CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
379                          ThumbnailDataCallback* callback);
381  // Database management operations --------------------------------------------
383  // Delete all the information related to a single url.
384  void DeleteURL(const GURL& url);
386  // Implemented by the caller of ExpireHistoryBetween, and
387  // is called when the history service has deleted the history.
388  typedef Callback0::Type ExpireHistoryCallback;
390  // Removes all visits in the selected time range (including the start time),
391  // updating the URLs accordingly. This deletes the associated data, including
392  // the full text index. This function also deletes the associated favicons,
393  // if they are no longer referenced. |callback| runs when the expiration is
394  // complete. You may use null Time values to do an unbounded delete in
395  // either direction.
396  // If |restrict_urls| is not empty, only visits to the URLs in this set are
397  // removed.
398  void ExpireHistoryBetween(const std::set<GURL>& restrict_urls,
399                            base::Time begin_time, base::Time end_time,
400                            CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
401                            ExpireHistoryCallback* callback);
403  // Downloads -----------------------------------------------------------------
405  // Implemented by the caller of 'CreateDownload' below, and is called when the
406  // history service has created a new entry for a download in the history db.
407  typedef Callback2<DownloadCreateInfo, int64>::Type DownloadCreateCallback;
409  // Begins a history request to create a new persistent entry for a download.
410  // 'info' contains all the download's creation state, and 'callback' runs
411  // when the history service request is complete.
412  Handle CreateDownload(const DownloadCreateInfo& info,
413                        CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
414                        DownloadCreateCallback* callback);
416  // Implemented by the caller of 'QueryDownloads' below, and is called when the
417  // history service has retrieved a list of all download state. The call
418  typedef Callback1<std::vector<DownloadCreateInfo>*>::Type
419      DownloadQueryCallback;
421  // Begins a history request to retrieve the state of all downloads in the
422  // history db. 'callback' runs when the history service request is complete,
423  // at which point 'info' contains an array of DownloadCreateInfo, one per
424  // download.
425  Handle QueryDownloads(CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
426                        DownloadQueryCallback* callback);
428  // Begins a request to clean up entries that has been corrupted (because of
429  // the crash, for example).
430  void CleanUpInProgressEntries();
432  // Called to update the history service about the current state of a download.
433  // This is a 'fire and forget' query, so just pass the relevant state info to
434  // the database with no need for a callback.
435  void UpdateDownload(int64 received_bytes, int32 state, int64 db_handle);
437  // Called to update the history service about the path of a download.
438  // This is a 'fire and forget' query.
439  void UpdateDownloadPath(const FilePath& path, int64 db_handle);
441  // Permanently remove a download from the history system. This is a 'fire and
442  // forget' operation.
443  void RemoveDownload(int64 db_handle);
445  // Permanently removes all completed download from the history system within
446  // the specified range. This function does not delete downloads that are in
447  // progress or in the process of being cancelled. This is a 'fire and forget'
448  // operation. You can pass is_null times to get unbounded time in either or
449  // both directions.
450  void RemoveDownloadsBetween(base::Time remove_begin, base::Time remove_end);
452  // Visit Segments ------------------------------------------------------------
454  typedef Callback2<Handle, std::vector<PageUsageData*>*>::Type
455      SegmentQueryCallback;
457  // Query usage data for all visit segments since the provided time.
458  //
459  // The request is performed asynchronously and can be cancelled by using the
460  // returned handle.
461  //
462  // The vector provided to the callback and its contents is owned by the
463  // history system. It will be deeply deleted after the callback is invoked.
464  // If you want to preserve any PageUsageData instance, simply remove them
465  // from the vector.
466  //
467  // The vector contains a list of PageUsageData. Each PageUsageData ID is set
468  // to the segment ID. The URL and all the other information is set to the page
469  // representing the segment.
470  Handle QuerySegmentUsageSince(CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
471                                const base::Time from_time,
472                                int max_result_count,
473                                SegmentQueryCallback* callback);
475  // Set the presentation index for the segment identified by |segment_id|.
476  void SetSegmentPresentationIndex(int64 segment_id, int index);
478  // Keyword search terms -----------------------------------------------------
480  // Sets the search terms for the specified url and keyword. url_id gives the
481  // id of the url, keyword_id the id of the keyword and term the search term.
482  void SetKeywordSearchTermsForURL(const GURL& url,
483                                   TemplateURLID keyword_id,
484                                   const string16& term);
486  // Deletes all search terms for the specified keyword.
487  void DeleteAllSearchTermsForKeyword(TemplateURLID keyword_id);
489  typedef Callback2<Handle, std::vector<history::KeywordSearchTermVisit>*>::Type
490      GetMostRecentKeywordSearchTermsCallback;
492  // Returns up to max_count of the most recent search terms starting with the
493  // specified text. The matching is case insensitive. The results are ordered
494  // in descending order up to |max_count| with the most recent search term
495  // first.
496  Handle GetMostRecentKeywordSearchTerms(
497      TemplateURLID keyword_id,
498      const string16& prefix,
499      int max_count,
500      CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
501      GetMostRecentKeywordSearchTermsCallback* callback);
503  // Bookmarks -----------------------------------------------------------------
505  // Notification that a URL is no longer bookmarked.
506  void URLsNoLongerBookmarked(const std::set<GURL>& urls);
508  // Generic Stuff -------------------------------------------------------------
510  typedef Callback0::Type HistoryDBTaskCallback;
512  // Schedules a HistoryDBTask for running on the history backend thread. See
513  // HistoryDBTask for details on what this does.
514  virtual Handle ScheduleDBTask(HistoryDBTask* task,
515                                CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer);
517  // Testing -------------------------------------------------------------------
519  // Designed for unit tests, this passes the given task on to the history
520  // backend to be called once the history backend has terminated. This allows
521  // callers to know when the history thread is complete and the database files
522  // can be deleted and the next test run. Otherwise, the history thread may
523  // still be running, causing problems in subsequent tests.
524  //
525  // There can be only one closing task, so this will override any previously
526  // set task. We will take ownership of the pointer and delete it when done.
527  // The task will be run on the calling thread (this function is threadsafe).
528  void SetOnBackendDestroyTask(Task* task);
530  // Used for unit testing and potentially importing to get known information
531  // into the database. This assumes the URL doesn't exist in the database
532  //
533  // Calling this function many times may be slow because each call will
534  // dispatch to the history thread and will be a separate database
535  // transaction. If this functionality is needed for importing many URLs, a
536  // version that takes an array should probably be added.
537  void AddPageWithDetails(const GURL& url,
538                          const string16& title,
539                          int visit_count,
540                          int typed_count,
541                          base::Time last_visit,
542                          bool hidden,
543                          history::VisitSource visit_source);
545  // The same as AddPageWithDetails() but takes a vector.
546  void AddPagesWithDetails(const std::vector<history::URLRow>& info,
547                           history::VisitSource visit_source);
549  // Starts the TopSites migration in the HistoryThread. Called by the
550  // BackendDelegate.
551  void StartTopSitesMigration();
553  // Called by TopSites after the thumbnails were read and it is safe
554  // to delete the thumbnails DB.
555  void OnTopSitesReady();
557  // Returns true if this looks like the type of URL we want to add to the
558  // history. We filter out some URLs such as JavaScript.
559  static bool CanAddURL(const GURL& url);
561 protected:
562  ~HistoryService();
564  // These are not currently used, hopefully we can do something in the future
565  // to ensure that the most important things happen first.
566  enum SchedulePriority {
567    PRIORITY_UI,      // The highest priority (must respond to UI events).
568    PRIORITY_NORMAL,  // Normal stuff like adding a page.
569    PRIORITY_LOW,     // Low priority things like indexing or expiration.
570  };
572 private:
573  class BackendDelegate;
574  friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<HistoryService>;
575  friend class BackendDelegate;
576  friend class FaviconService;
577  friend class history::HistoryBackend;
578  friend class history::HistoryQueryTest;
579  friend class HistoryOperation;
580  friend class HistoryURLProvider;
581  friend class HistoryURLProviderTest;
582  template<typename Info, typename Callback> friend class DownloadRequest;
583  friend class PageUsageRequest;
584  friend class RedirectRequest;
585  friend class FavIconRequest;
586  friend class TestingProfile;
588  // Implementation of NotificationObserver.
589  virtual void Observe(NotificationType type,
590                       const NotificationSource& source,
591                       const NotificationDetails& details);
593  // Low-level Init().  Same as the public version, but adds a |no_db| parameter
594  // that is only set by unittests which causes the backend to not init its DB.
595  bool Init(const FilePath& history_dir,
596            BookmarkService* bookmark_service,
597            bool no_db);
599  // Called by the HistoryURLProvider class to schedule an autocomplete, it
600  // will be called back on the internal history thread with the history
601  // database so it can query. See history_autocomplete.cc for a diagram.
602  void ScheduleAutocomplete(HistoryURLProvider* provider,
603                            HistoryURLProviderParams* params);
605  // Broadcasts the given notification. This is called by the backend so that
606  // the notification will be broadcast on the main thread.
607  //
608  // The |details_deleted| pointer will be sent as the "details" for the
609  // notification. The function takes ownership of the pointer and deletes it
610  // when the notification is sent (it is coming from another thread, so must
611  // be allocated on the heap).
612  void BroadcastNotifications(NotificationType type,
613                              history::HistoryDetails* details_deleted);
615  // Initializes the backend.
616  void LoadBackendIfNecessary();
618  // Notification from the backend that it has finished loading. Sends
619  // notification (NOTIFY_HISTORY_LOADED) and sets backend_loaded_ to true.
620  void OnDBLoaded();
622  // FavIcon -------------------------------------------------------------------
624  // These favicon methods are exposed to the FaviconService. Instead of calling
625  // these methods directly you should call the respective method on the
626  // FaviconService.
628  // Used by the FaviconService to get a favicon from the history backend.
629  void GetFavicon(FaviconService::GetFaviconRequest* request,
630                  const GURL& icon_url);
632  // Used by the FaviconService to update the favicon mappings on the history
633  // backend.
634  void UpdateFaviconMappingAndFetch(FaviconService::GetFaviconRequest* request,
635                                    const GURL& page_url,
636                                    const GURL& icon_url);
638  // Used by the FaviconService to get a favicon from the history backend.
639  void GetFaviconForURL(FaviconService::GetFaviconRequest* request,
640                        const GURL& page_url);
642  // Used by the FaviconService to mark the favicon for the page as being out
643  // of date.
644  void SetFaviconOutOfDateForPage(const GURL& page_url);
646  // Used by the FaviconService for importing many favicons for many pages at
647  // once. The pages must exist, any favicon sets for unknown pages will be
648  // discarded. Existing favicons will not be overwritten.
649  void SetImportedFavicons(
650      const std::vector<history::ImportedFavIconUsage>& favicon_usage);
652  // Used by the FaviconService to set the favicon for a page on the history
653  // backend.
654  void SetFavicon(const GURL& page_url,
655                  const GURL& icon_url,
656                  const std::vector<unsigned char>& image_data);
659  // Sets the in-memory URL database. This is called by the backend once the
660  // database is loaded to make it available.
661  void SetInMemoryBackend(history::InMemoryHistoryBackend* mem_backend);
663  // Called by our BackendDelegate when there is a problem reading the database.
664  // |message_id| is the relevant message in the string table to display.
665  void NotifyProfileError(int message_id);
667  // Call to schedule a given task for running on the history thread with the
668  // specified priority. The task will have ownership taken.
669  void ScheduleTask(SchedulePriority priority, Task* task);
671  // Schedule ------------------------------------------------------------------
672  //
673  // Functions for scheduling operations on the history thread that have a
674  // handle and may be cancelable. For fire-and-forget operations, see
675  // ScheduleAndForget below.
677  template<typename BackendFunc, class RequestType>
678  Handle Schedule(SchedulePriority priority,
679                  BackendFunc func,  // Function to call on the HistoryBackend.
680                  CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
681                  RequestType* request) {
682    DCHECK(thread_) << "History service being called after cleanup";
683    LoadBackendIfNecessary();
684    if (consumer)
685      AddRequest(request, consumer);
686    ScheduleTask(priority,
687                 NewRunnableMethod(history_backend_.get(), func,
688                                   scoped_refptr<RequestType>(request)));
689    return request->handle();
690  }
692  template<typename BackendFunc, class RequestType, typename ArgA>
693  Handle Schedule(SchedulePriority priority,
694                  BackendFunc func,  // Function to call on the HistoryBackend.
695                  CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
696                  RequestType* request,
697                  const ArgA& a) {
698    DCHECK(thread_) << "History service being called after cleanup";
699    LoadBackendIfNecessary();
700    if (consumer)
701      AddRequest(request, consumer);
702    ScheduleTask(priority,
703                 NewRunnableMethod(history_backend_.get(), func,
704                                   scoped_refptr<RequestType>(request),
705                                   a));
706    return request->handle();
707  }
709  template<typename BackendFunc,
710           class RequestType,  // Descendant of CancelableRequstBase.
711           typename ArgA,
712           typename ArgB>
713  Handle Schedule(SchedulePriority priority,
714                  BackendFunc func,  // Function to call on the HistoryBackend.
715                  CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
716                  RequestType* request,
717                  const ArgA& a,
718                  const ArgB& b) {
719    DCHECK(thread_) << "History service being called after cleanup";
720    LoadBackendIfNecessary();
721    if (consumer)
722      AddRequest(request, consumer);
723    ScheduleTask(priority,
724                 NewRunnableMethod(history_backend_.get(), func,
725                                   scoped_refptr<RequestType>(request),
726                                   a, b));
727    return request->handle();
728  }
730  template<typename BackendFunc,
731           class RequestType,  // Descendant of CancelableRequstBase.
732           typename ArgA,
733           typename ArgB,
734           typename ArgC>
735  Handle Schedule(SchedulePriority priority,
736                  BackendFunc func,  // Function to call on the HistoryBackend.
737                  CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
738                  RequestType* request,
739                  const ArgA& a,
740                  const ArgB& b,
741                  const ArgC& c) {
742    DCHECK(thread_) << "History service being called after cleanup";
743    LoadBackendIfNecessary();
744    if (consumer)
745      AddRequest(request, consumer);
746    ScheduleTask(priority,
747                 NewRunnableMethod(history_backend_.get(), func,
748                                   scoped_refptr<RequestType>(request),
749                                   a, b, c));
750    return request->handle();
751  }
753  // ScheduleAndForget ---------------------------------------------------------
754  //
755  // Functions for scheduling operations on the history thread that do not need
756  // any callbacks and are not cancelable.
758  template<typename BackendFunc>
759  void ScheduleAndForget(SchedulePriority priority,
760                         BackendFunc func) {  // Function to call on backend.
761    DCHECK(thread_) << "History service being called after cleanup";
762    LoadBackendIfNecessary();
763    ScheduleTask(priority, NewRunnableMethod(history_backend_.get(), func));
764  }
766  template<typename BackendFunc, typename ArgA>
767  void ScheduleAndForget(SchedulePriority priority,
768                         BackendFunc func,  // Function to call on backend.
769                         const ArgA& a) {
770    DCHECK(thread_) << "History service being called after cleanup";
771    LoadBackendIfNecessary();
772    ScheduleTask(priority, NewRunnableMethod(history_backend_.get(), func, a));
773  }
775  template<typename BackendFunc, typename ArgA, typename ArgB>
776  void ScheduleAndForget(SchedulePriority priority,
777                         BackendFunc func,  // Function to call on backend.
778                         const ArgA& a,
779                         const ArgB& b) {
780    DCHECK(thread_) << "History service being called after cleanup";
781    LoadBackendIfNecessary();
782    ScheduleTask(priority, NewRunnableMethod(history_backend_.get(), func,
783                                             a, b));
784  }
786  template<typename BackendFunc, typename ArgA, typename ArgB, typename ArgC>
787  void ScheduleAndForget(SchedulePriority priority,
788                         BackendFunc func,  // Function to call on backend.
789                         const ArgA& a,
790                         const ArgB& b,
791                         const ArgC& c) {
792    DCHECK(thread_) << "History service being called after cleanup";
793    LoadBackendIfNecessary();
794    ScheduleTask(priority, NewRunnableMethod(history_backend_.get(), func,
795                                             a, b, c));
796  }
798  template<typename BackendFunc,
799           typename ArgA,
800           typename ArgB,
801           typename ArgC,
802           typename ArgD>
803  void ScheduleAndForget(SchedulePriority priority,
804                         BackendFunc func,  // Function to call on backend.
805                         const ArgA& a,
806                         const ArgB& b,
807                         const ArgC& c,
808                         const ArgD& d) {
809    DCHECK(thread_) << "History service being called after cleanup";
810    LoadBackendIfNecessary();
811    ScheduleTask(priority, NewRunnableMethod(history_backend_.get(), func,
812                                             a, b, c, d));
813  }
815  NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
817  // Some void primitives require some internal processing in the main thread
818  // when done. We use this internal consumer for this purpose.
819  CancelableRequestConsumer internal_consumer_;
821  // The thread used by the history service to run complicated operations
822  base::Thread* thread_;
824  // This class has most of the implementation and runs on the 'thread_'.
825  // You MUST communicate with this class ONLY through the thread_'s
826  // message_loop().
827  //
828  // This pointer will be NULL once Cleanup() has been called, meaning no
829  // more calls should be made to the history thread.
830  scoped_refptr<history::HistoryBackend> history_backend_;
832  // A cache of the user-typed URLs kept in memory that is used by the
833  // autocomplete system. This will be NULL until the database has been created
834  // on the background thread.
835  scoped_ptr<history::InMemoryHistoryBackend> in_memory_backend_;
837  // The profile, may be null when testing.
838  Profile* profile_;
840  // Has the backend finished loading? The backend is loaded once Init has
841  // completed.
842  bool backend_loaded_;
844  // Cached values from Init(), used whenever we need to reload the backend.
845  FilePath history_dir_;
846  BookmarkService* bookmark_service_;
847  bool no_db_;
849  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HistoryService);