software_rendering_list.json revision dc0f95d653279beabeb9817299e2902918ba123e
1// Determines whether certain gpu-related features are blacklisted or not.
2// A valid software_rendering_list.json file are in the format of
3// {
4//   "version": "x.y",
5//   "entries": [
6//     { // entry 1
7//     },
8//     ...
9//     { // entry n
10//     }
11//   ]
12// }
14// Each entry contains the following fields:
15// 1. "id" is an integer.  0 is reserved.  This field is mandatory.
16// 2. "os" contains "type" and an optional "version". "type" could be "macosx",
17//    "linux", "win", or "any".  "any" is the same as not specifying "os".
18//    "version" is a VERSION structure (defined below).
19// 3. "vendor_id" is a string.  0 is reserved.
20// 4. "device_id" is an array of strings.  0 is reserved.
21// 5. "driver_vendor" is a STRING structure (defined below).
22// 6. "driver_version" is a VERSION structure (defined below).
23// 7. "driver_date" is a VERSION structure (defined below).
24//    The version is interpreted as "".
25// 8. "gl_renderer" is a STRING structure (defined below).
26// 9: "Exceptions" is a list of entries.
27// 10. "blacklist" is a list of gpu feature strings, valid values include
28//     "accelerated_2d_canvas", "accelerated_compositing", "webgl",
29//     "multisampling", and "all".
30//     This field is mandatory.
31// 11. "description" has the description of the entry.
32// 12. "webkit_bugs" is an array of associated webkit bug numbers.
33// 13. "cr_bugs" is an array of associated webkit bug numbers.
35// VERSION includes "op" "number", and "number2".  "op" can be any of the
36// following values: "=", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "any", "between".  "number2" is
37// only used if "op" is "between".  "number" is used for all "op" values except
38// "any". "number" and "number2" are in the format of x, x.x, x.x.x, etc.
40// STRING includes "op" and "value".  "op" can be any of the following values:
41// "contains", "beginwith", "endwith", "=".  "value" is a string.
44  "name": "software rendering list",
45  // Please update the version number whenever you change this file.
46  "version": "1.6",
47  "entries": [
48    {
49      "id": 1,
50      "description": "ATI Radeon X1900 is not compatible with WebGL on the Mac.",
51      "webkit_bugs": [47028],
52      "os": {
53        "type": "macosx"
54      },
55      "vendor_id": "0x1002",
56      "device_id": ["0x7249"],
57      "blacklist": [
58        "webgl"
59      ]
60    },
61    {
62      "id": 2,
63      "description": "Intel GPUs with Mesa driver earlier than 7.9 do not support WebGL.",
64      "cr_bugs": [66718,67345,67939],
65      "os": {
66        "type": "linux"
67      },
68      "vendor_id": "0x8086",
69      "driver_vendor": {
70        "op": "=",
71        "value": "mesa"
72      },
73      "driver_version": {
74        "op": "<",
75        "number": "7.9"
76      },
77      "blacklist": [
78        "webgl"
79      ]
80    },
81    {
82      "id": 3,
83      "description": "GL driver is software rendered. Accelerated compositing is disabled.",
84      "cr_bugs": [59302],
85      "os": {
86        "type": "linux"
87      },
88      "gl_renderer": {
89        "op": "contains",
90        "value": "software"
91      },
92      "blacklist": [
93        "accelerated_compositing"
94      ]
95    },
96    {
97      "id": 4,
98      "description": "The Intel Mobile 945 Express family of chipsets is not compatible with WebGL.",
99      "os": {
100        "type": "any"
101      },
102      "vendor_id": "0x8086",
103      "device_id": ["0x27AE"],
104      "blacklist": [
105        "webgl"
106      ]
107    },
108    {
109      "id": 5,
110      "description": "ATI cards in Linux do not support WebGL.",
111      "cr_bugs": [71381],
112      "os": {
113        "type": "linux"
114      },
115      "vendor_id": "0x1002",
116      "blacklist": [
117        "webgl"
118      ]
119    },
120    {
121      "id": 6,
122      "description": "ATI Radeon HD2600 on Mac do not support WebGL or accelerated compositing.",
123      "cr_bugs": [68859],
124      "os": {
125        "type": "macosx"
126      },
127      "vendor_id": "0x1002",
128      "device_id": ["0x9583"],
129      "blacklist": [
130        "webgl",
131        "accelerated_compositing"
132      ]
133    },
134    {
135      "id": 7,
136      "description": "ATI Radeon HD2400 on Mac do not support WebGL or accelerated compositing.",
137      "cr_bugs": [68859],
138      "os": {
139        "type": "macosx"
140      },
141      "vendor_id": "0x1002",
142      "device_id": ["0x94c8"],
143      "blacklist": [
144        "webgl",
145        "accelerated_compositing"
146      ]
147    },
148    {
149      "id": 8,
150      "description": "NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5200 does not support WebGL or accelerated compositing.",
151      "cr_bugs": [72938],
152      "os": {
153        "type": "any"
154      },
155      "vendor_id": "0x10de",
156      "device_id": ["0x0324"],
157      "blacklist": [
158        "webgl",
159        "accelerated_compositing"
160      ]
161    },
162    { // NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT on Mac, BUG=73794
163      "id": 10,
164      "description": "NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT on Mac does not support WebGL.",
165      "cr_bugs": [73794],
166      "os": {
167        "type": "macosx"
168      },
169      "vendor_id": "0x10de",
170      "device_id": ["0x0393"],
171      "blacklist": [
172        "webgl"
173      ]
174    },
175    {
176      "id": 11,
177      "description": "ATI Radeon HD2600 XT on Mac does not support WebGL or accelerated compositing.",
178      "cr_bugs": [68859],
179      "os": {
180        "type": "macosx"
181      },
182      "vendor_id": "0x1002",
183      "device_id": ["0x9588"],
184      "blacklist": [
185        "webgl",
186        "accelerated_compositing"
187      ]
188    },
189    {
190      "id": 12,
191      "description": "Drivers older than 2009-01 on Windows are assumed to be buggy.",
192      "cr_bugs": [72979],
193      "os": {
194        "type": "win"
195      },
196      "driver_date": {
197        "op": "<",
198        "number": "2009.1"
199      },
200      "blacklist": [
201        "all"
202      ]
203    },
204    {
205      "id": 13,
206      "description": "ATI drivers older thn 10.6 on Windows XP are assumed to be buggy.",
207      "cr_bugs": [74212],
208      "os": {
209        "type": "win",
210        "version": {
211          "op": "=",
212          "number": "5"
213        }
214      },
215      "vendor_id": "0x1002",
216      "driver_version": {
217        "op": "<",
218        "number": "8.741"
219      },
220      "blacklist": [
221        "all"
222      ]
223    },
224    {
225      "id": 14,
226      "description": "NVIDIA drivers older thn 257.21 on Windows XP are assumed to be buggy.",
227      "cr_bugs": [74212],
228      "os": {
229        "type": "win",
230        "version": {
231          "op": "=",
232          "number": "5"
233        }
234      },
235      "vendor_id": "0x10de",
236      "driver_version": {
237        "op": "<",
238        "number": ""
239      },
240      "blacklist": [
241        "all"
242      ]
243    },
244    {
245      "id": 15,
246      "description": "Intel drivers older thn on Windows XP are assumed to be buggy.",
247      "cr_bugs": [74212],
248      "os": {
249        "type": "win",
250        "version": {
251          "op": "=",
252          "number": "5"
253        }
254      },
255      "vendor_id": "0x8086",
256      "driver_version": {
257        "op": "<",
258        "number": ""
259      },
260      "blacklist": [
261        "all"
262      ]
263    },
264    {
265      "id": 16,
266      "description": "Multiampling is buggy in ATI Mac drivers.",
267      "cr_bugs": [67752],
268      "os": {
269        "type": "macosx"
270      },
271      "vendor_id": "0x1002",
272      "blacklist": [
273        "multisampling"
274      ]
275    }
276  ]