gtk_theme_service.h revision ddb351dbec246cf1fab5ec20d2d5520909041de1
1// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
7#pragma once
9#include <map>
10#include <vector>
12#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
13#include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h"
14#include "chrome/browser/themes/theme_service.h"
15#include "chrome/browser/ui/gtk/owned_widget_gtk.h"
16#include "content/common/notification_observer.h"
17#include "ui/base/gtk/gtk_integers.h"
18#include "ui/base/gtk/gtk_signal.h"
19#include "ui/gfx/color_utils.h"
21class CairoCachedSurface;
22class Profile;
24namespace ui {
25class GtkSignalRegistrar;
28typedef struct _GdkDisplay GdkDisplay;
29typedef struct _GdkEventExpose GdkEventExpose;
30typedef struct _GdkPixbuf GdkPixbuf;
31typedef struct _GtkIconSet GtkIconSet;
32typedef struct _GtkStyle GtkStyle;
33typedef struct _GtkWidget GtkWidget;
35// Specialization of ThemeService which supplies system colors.
36class GtkThemeService : public ThemeService {
37 public:
38  // Returns GtkThemeService, casted from our superclass.
39  static GtkThemeService* GetFrom(Profile* profile);
41  GtkThemeService();
42  virtual ~GtkThemeService();
44  // Calls |observer|.Observe() for the browser theme with this provider as the
45  // source.
46  void InitThemesFor(NotificationObserver* observer);
48  // Overridden from ThemeService:
49  //
50  // Sets that we aren't using the system theme, then calls
51  // ThemeService's implementation.
52  virtual void Init(Profile* profile);
53  virtual SkBitmap* GetBitmapNamed(int id) const;
54  virtual SkColor GetColor(int id) const;
55  virtual bool HasCustomImage(int id) const;
56  virtual void SetTheme(const Extension* extension);
57  virtual void UseDefaultTheme();
58  virtual void SetNativeTheme();
59  virtual bool UsingDefaultTheme();
61  // Overridden from ThemeService, NotificationObserver:
62  virtual void Observe(NotificationType type,
63                       const NotificationSource& source,
64                       const NotificationDetails& details);
66  // Creates a GtkChromeButton instance, registered with this theme provider,
67  // with a "destroy" signal to remove it from our internal list when it goes
68  // away.
69  GtkWidget* BuildChromeButton();
71  // Creates a theme-aware vertical separator widget.
72  GtkWidget* CreateToolbarSeparator();
74  // Whether we should use the GTK system theme.
75  bool UseGtkTheme() const;
77  // A wrapper around ui::ThemeProvider::GetColor, transforming the result to a
78  // GdkColor.
79  GdkColor GetGdkColor(int id) const;
81  // A weighted average between the text color and the background color of a
82  // label. Used for borders between GTK stuff and the webcontent.
83  GdkColor GetBorderColor() const;
85  // Returns a set of icons tinted for different GtkStateTypes based on the
86  // label colors for the IDR resource |id|.
87  GtkIconSet* GetIconSetForId(int id) const;
89  // This method returns the colors webkit will use for the scrollbars. When no
90  // colors are specified by the GTK+ theme, this function averages of the
91  // thumb part and of the track colors.
92  void GetScrollbarColors(GdkColor* thumb_active_color,
93                          GdkColor* thumb_inactive_color,
94                          GdkColor* track_color);
96  // Expose the inner label. Only used for testing.
97  GtkWidget* fake_label() { return fake_label_.get(); }
99  // Returns a CairoCachedSurface for a particular Display. CairoCachedSurfaces
100  // (hopefully) live on the X server, instead of the client so we don't have
101  // to send the image to the server on each expose.
102  CairoCachedSurface* GetSurfaceNamed(int id, GtkWidget* widget_on_display);
104  // Same as above, but auto-mirrors the underlying pixbuf in RTL mode.
105  CairoCachedSurface* GetRTLEnabledSurfaceNamed(int id,
106                                                GtkWidget* widget_on_display);
108  // Same as above, but gets the resource from the ResourceBundle instead of the
109  // ThemeService.
110  // NOTE: Never call this with resource IDs that are ever passed to the above
111  // two functions!  Depending on which call comes first, all callers will
112  // either get the themed or the unthemed version.
113  CairoCachedSurface* GetUnthemedSurfaceNamed(int id,
114                                              GtkWidget* widget_on_display);
116  // Returns colors that we pass to webkit to match the system theme.
117  const SkColor& get_focus_ring_color() const { return focus_ring_color_; }
118  const SkColor& get_thumb_active_color() const { return thumb_active_color_; }
119  const SkColor& get_thumb_inactive_color() const {
120    return thumb_inactive_color_;
121  }
122  const SkColor& get_track_color() const { return track_color_; }
123  const SkColor& get_active_selection_bg_color() const {
124    return active_selection_bg_color_;
125  }
126  const SkColor& get_active_selection_fg_color() const {
127    return active_selection_fg_color_;
128  }
129  const SkColor& get_inactive_selection_bg_color() const {
130    return inactive_selection_bg_color_;
131  }
132  const SkColor& get_inactive_selection_fg_color() const {
133    return inactive_selection_fg_color_;
134  }
136  // These functions do not add a ref to the returned pixbuf, and it should not
137  // be unreffed.  If |native| is true, get the GTK_STOCK version of the icon.
138  static GdkPixbuf* GetFolderIcon(bool native);
139  static GdkPixbuf* GetDefaultFavicon(bool native);
141  // Whether we use the GTK theme by default in the current desktop
142  // environment. Returns true when we GTK defaults to on.
143  static bool DefaultUsesSystemTheme();
145 private:
146  typedef std::map<int, SkColor> ColorMap;
147  typedef std::map<int, color_utils::HSL> TintMap;
148  typedef std::map<int, SkBitmap*> ImageCache;
149  typedef std::map<int, CairoCachedSurface*> CairoCachedSurfaceMap;
150  typedef std::map<GdkDisplay*, CairoCachedSurfaceMap> PerDisplaySurfaceMap;
152  // Clears all the GTK color overrides.
153  virtual void ClearAllThemeData();
155  // Load theme data from preferences, possibly picking colors from GTK.
156  virtual void LoadThemePrefs();
158  // Let all the browser views know that themes have changed.
159  virtual void NotifyThemeChanged();
161  // Additionally frees the CairoCachedSurfaces.
162  virtual void FreePlatformCaches();
164  // Extracts colors and tints from the GTK theme, both for the
165  // ThemeService interface and the colors we send to webkit.
166  void LoadGtkValues();
168  // Reads in explicit theme frame colors from the ChromeGtkFrame style class
169  // or generates them per our fallback algorithm.
170  GdkColor BuildFrameColors(GtkStyle* frame_style);
172  // Sets the values that we send to webkit to safe defaults.
173  void LoadDefaultValues();
175  // Builds all of the tinted menus images needed for custom buttons. This is
176  // always called on style-set even if we aren't using the gtk-theme because
177  // the menus are always rendered with gtk colors.
178  void RebuildMenuIconSets();
180  // Sets the underlying theme colors/tints from a GTK color.
181  void SetThemeColorFromGtk(int id, const GdkColor* color);
182  void SetThemeTintFromGtk(int id, const GdkColor* color);
184  // Creates and returns a frame color, either using |gtk_base| verbatim if
185  // non-NULL, or tinting |base| with |tint|. Also sets |color_id| and
186  // |tint_id| to the returned color.
187  GdkColor BuildAndSetFrameColor(const GdkColor* base,
188                                 const GdkColor* gtk_base,
189                                 const color_utils::HSL& tint,
190                                 int color_id,
191                                 int tint_id);
193  // Split out from FreePlatformCaches so it can be called in our destructor;
194  // FreePlatformCaches() is called from the ThemeService's destructor,
195  // but by the time ~ThemeService() is run, the vtable no longer
196  // points to GtkThemeService's version.
197  void FreePerDisplaySurfaces(PerDisplaySurfaceMap* per_display_map);
199  // Frees all the created GtkIconSets we use for the chrome menu.
200  void FreeIconSets();
202  // Lazily generates each bitmap used in the gtk theme.
203  SkBitmap* GenerateGtkThemeBitmap(int id) const;
205  // Creates a GTK+ version of IDR_THEME_FRAME. Instead of tinting, this
206  // creates a theme configurable gradient ending with |color_id| at the
207  // bottom, and |gradient_name| at the top if that color is specified in the
208  // theme.
209  SkBitmap* GenerateFrameImage(int color_id,
210                               const char* gradient_name) const;
212  // Takes the base frame image |base_id| and tints it with |tint_id|.
213  SkBitmap* GenerateTabImage(int base_id) const;
215  // Tints an icon based on tint.
216  SkBitmap* GenerateTintedIcon(int base_id,
217                               const color_utils::HSL& tint) const;
219  // Returns the tint for buttons that contrasts with the normal window
220  // background color.
221  void GetNormalButtonTintHSL(color_utils::HSL* tint) const;
223  // Returns a tint that's the color of the current normal text in an entry.
224  void GetNormalEntryForegroundHSL(color_utils::HSL* tint) const;
226  // Returns a tint that's the color of the current highlighted text in an
227  // entry.
228  void GetSelectedEntryForegroundHSL(color_utils::HSL* tint) const;
230  // Implements GetXXXSurfaceNamed(), given the appropriate pixbuf to use.
231  CairoCachedSurface* GetSurfaceNamedImpl(int id,
232                                          PerDisplaySurfaceMap* surface_map,
233                                          GdkPixbuf* pixbuf,
234                                          GtkWidget* widget_on_display);
236  // Handles signal from GTK that our theme has been changed.
237  CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(GtkThemeService, void, OnStyleSet, GtkStyle*);
239  // A notification from the GtkChromeButton GObject destructor that we should
240  // remove it from our internal list.
241  CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_0(GtkThemeService, void, OnDestroyChromeButton);
243  CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(GtkThemeService, gboolean, OnSeparatorExpose,
244                       GdkEventExpose*);
246  // Whether we should be using gtk rendering.
247  bool use_gtk_;
249  // GtkWidgets that exist only so we can look at their properties (and take
250  // their colors).
251  GtkWidget* fake_window_;
252  GtkWidget* fake_frame_;
253  OwnedWidgetGtk fake_label_;
254  OwnedWidgetGtk fake_entry_;
255  OwnedWidgetGtk fake_menu_item_;
257  // A list of all GtkChromeButton instances. We hold on to these to notify
258  // them of theme changes.
259  std::vector<GtkWidget*> chrome_buttons_;
261  // Tracks all the signals we have connected to on various widgets.
262  scoped_ptr<ui::GtkSignalRegistrar> signals_;
264  // Tints and colors calculated by LoadGtkValues() that are given to the
265  // caller while |use_gtk_| is true.
266  ColorMap colors_;
267  TintMap tints_;
269  // Colors used to tint certain icons.
270  color_utils::HSL button_tint_;
271  color_utils::HSL entry_tint_;
272  color_utils::HSL selected_entry_tint_;
274  // Colors that we pass to WebKit. These are generated each time the theme
275  // changes.
276  SkColor focus_ring_color_;
277  SkColor thumb_active_color_;
278  SkColor thumb_inactive_color_;
279  SkColor track_color_;
280  SkColor active_selection_bg_color_;
281  SkColor active_selection_fg_color_;
282  SkColor inactive_selection_bg_color_;
283  SkColor inactive_selection_fg_color_;
285  // A GtkIconSet that has the tinted icons for the NORMAL and PRELIGHT states
286  // of the IDR_FULLSCREEN_MENU_BUTTON tinted to the respective menu item label
287  // colors.
288  GtkIconSet* fullscreen_icon_set_;
290  // Image cache of lazily created images, created when requested by
291  // GetBitmapNamed().
292  mutable ImageCache gtk_images_;
294  // Cairo surfaces for each GdkDisplay.
295  PerDisplaySurfaceMap per_display_surfaces_;
296  PerDisplaySurfaceMap per_display_unthemed_surfaces_;
298  PrefChangeRegistrar registrar_;
300  // This is a dummy widget that only exists so we have something to pass to
301  // gtk_widget_render_icon().
302  static GtkWidget* icon_widget_;
304  // The default folder icon and default bookmark icon for the GTK theme.
305  // These are static because the system can only have one theme at a time.
306  // They are cached when they are requested the first time, and cleared when
307  // the system theme changes.
308  static GdkPixbuf* default_folder_icon_;
309  static GdkPixbuf* default_bookmark_icon_;