2 * Copyright 2010, The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
20#include <list>
21#include <stack>
22#include <vector>
24#include "clang/AST/StmtVisitor.h"
26#include "slang_assert.h"
27#include "slang_rs_export_type.h"
29namespace clang {
30  class Expr;
31  class Stmt;
34namespace slang {
36// Recursive check
37bool HasRSObjectType(const clang::Type *T);
39// This class provides the overall reference counting mechanism for handling
40// local variables of RS object types (rs_font, rs_allocation, ...). This
41// class ensures that appropriate functions (rsSetObject, rsClearObject) are
42// called at proper points in the object's lifetime.
43// 1) Each local object of appropriate type must be zero-initialized to
44// prevent corruption during subsequent rsSetObject()/rsClearObject() calls.
45// 2) Assignments using these types must also be converted into the
46// appropriate (possibly a series of) rsSetObject() calls.
47// 3) Finally, rsClearObject() must be called for each local object when it goes
48// out of scope.
49class RSObjectRefCount : public clang::StmtVisitor<RSObjectRefCount> {
50 private:
51  class Scope {
52   private:
53    clang::CompoundStmt *mCS;         // Associated compound statement ({ ... })
54    clang::Stmt *mCurrent;            // The statement currently being analyzed
55    std::list<clang::VarDecl*> mRSO;  // Declared RS objects in this scope (but
56                                      // not any scopes nested)
58   public:
59    explicit Scope(clang::CompoundStmt *CS) : mCS(CS) {
60    }
62    bool hasRSObject() const { return !mRSO.empty(); }
64    inline void addRSObject(clang::VarDecl* VD) {
65      mRSO.push_back(VD);
66    }
68    void ReplaceRSObjectAssignment(clang::BinaryOperator *AS);
70    void AppendRSObjectInit(clang::VarDecl *VD,
71                            clang::DeclStmt *DS,
72                            DataType DT,
73                            clang::Expr *InitExpr);
75    // Inserts rsClearObject() calls at the end and at all exiting points of the
76    // current scope. At each statement that exits the current scope -- e.g.,
77    // a return, break, or continue statement in the current or a nested scope
78    // -- rsClearObject() calls are inserted for local variables defined in the
79    // current scope before that point.
80    // Note goto statements are not handled. (See the DestructorVisitor class in
81    // the .cpp file.)
82    // Also note this function is called for every nested scope. As a result, for a
83    // return statement, each rsObject declared in all its (nested) enclosing
84    // scopes would have a rsClearObject() call properly inserted before
85    // the return statement.
86    void InsertLocalVarDestructors();
88    // Sets the current statement being analyzed
89    void setCurrentStmt(clang::Stmt *S) { mCurrent = S; }
91    // Inserts a statement before the current statement
92    void InsertStmt(const clang::ASTContext &C, clang::Stmt *NewStmt);
94    // Replaces the current statement with NewStmt;
95    void ReplaceStmt(const clang::ASTContext &C, clang::Stmt *NewStmt);
97    // Replaces OldExpr with NewExpr in the current statement
98    void ReplaceExpr(const clang::ASTContext& C, clang::Expr* OldExpr,
99                     clang::Expr* NewExpr);
101    static clang::Stmt *ClearRSObject(clang::VarDecl *VD,
102                                      clang::DeclContext *DC);
103  };
105  clang::ASTContext &mCtx;
106  std::deque<Scope*> mScopeStack;  // A deque used as a stack to store scopes, but also
107                                   // accessed through its iterator in read-only mode.
108  clang::DeclContext* mCurrentDC;
109  bool RSInitFD;  // TODO: this should be static, since this flag affects all instances.
110  unsigned mTempID;  // A unique id that can be used to distinguish temporary variables
112  // RSSetObjectFD and RSClearObjectFD holds FunctionDecl of rsSetObject()
113  // and rsClearObject() in the current ASTContext.
114  static clang::FunctionDecl *RSSetObjectFD[];
115  static clang::FunctionDecl *RSClearObjectFD[];
117  inline bool emptyScope() const { return mScopeStack.empty(); }
119  inline Scope *getCurrentScope() {
120    return mScopeStack.back();
121  }
123  // Returns the next available unique id for temporary variables
124  unsigned getNextID() { return mTempID++; }
126  // Initialize RSSetObjectFD and RSClearObjectFD.
127  static void GetRSRefCountingFunctions(clang::ASTContext &C);
129  // Return false if the type of variable declared in VD does not contain
130  // an RS object type.
131  static bool InitializeRSObject(clang::VarDecl *VD,
132                                 DataType *DT,
133                                 clang::Expr **InitExpr);
135  // Return an empty list initializer expression at the appropriate location.
136  // This construct can then be used to cheaply construct a zero-initializer
137  // for any RenderScript objects (like rs_allocation) or rs_matrix* types
138  // (possibly even embedded within other types). These types are expected to
139  // be zero-initialized always, and so we can use this helper to ensure that
140  // they at least have an empty initializer.
141  static clang::Expr *CreateEmptyInitListExpr(
142      clang::ASTContext &C,
143      const clang::SourceLocation &Loc);
145  // Given a return statement RS that returns an rsObject, creates a temporary
146  // variable, and sets it to the original return expression using rsSetObject().
147  // Creates a new return statement that returns the temporary variable.
148  // Returns a new compound statement that contains the new variable declaration,
149  // the rsSetOjbect() call, and the new return statement.
150  static clang::CompoundStmt* CreateRetStmtWithTempVar(
151      clang::ASTContext& C,
152      clang::DeclContext* DC,
153      clang::ReturnStmt* RS,
154      const unsigned id);
156 public:
157  explicit RSObjectRefCount(clang::ASTContext &C)
158      : mCtx(C), RSInitFD(false), mTempID(0) {
159  }
161  void Init() {
162    if (!RSInitFD) {
163      GetRSRefCountingFunctions(mCtx);
164      RSInitFD = true;
165    }
166  }
168  // For function parameters and local variables that are or contain RS objects,
169  // e.g., rs_allocation, this method transforms the function body to correctly
170  // adjust reference counts of those objects.
171  void HandleParamsAndLocals(clang::FunctionDecl *FD);
173  static clang::FunctionDecl *GetRSSetObjectFD(DataType DT) {
174    slangAssert(RSExportPrimitiveType::IsRSObjectType(DT));
175    if (DT >= 0 && DT < DataTypeMax) {
176      return RSSetObjectFD[DT];
177    } else {
178      slangAssert(false && "incorrect type");
179      return nullptr;
180    }
181  }
183  static clang::FunctionDecl *GetRSSetObjectFD(const clang::Type *T) {
184    return GetRSSetObjectFD(RSExportPrimitiveType::GetRSSpecificType(T));
185  }
187  static clang::FunctionDecl *GetRSClearObjectFD(DataType DT) {
188    slangAssert(RSExportPrimitiveType::IsRSObjectType(DT));
189    if (DT >= 0 && DT < DataTypeMax) {
190      return RSClearObjectFD[DT];
191    } else {
192      slangAssert(false && "incorrect type");
193      return nullptr;
194    }
195  }
197  static clang::FunctionDecl *GetRSClearObjectFD(const clang::Type *T) {
198    return GetRSClearObjectFD(RSExportPrimitiveType::GetRSSpecificType(T));
199  }
201  // This method creates a "guard" variable for the expression E that is object-
202  // typed or object-containing, e.g., a struct with object-type fields.
203  // It creates one or more rsSetObject() calls to set the value of the guard to E.
204  // This effectively increases the sysRef count of the objects referenced by E
205  // by 1, therefore "guarding" the objects, which might otherwise lose a
206  // reference and get deleted. Statements that declare the new variable and set
207  // the value of the new variable are added to the vector NewStmts.
208  //
209  // Parameters:
210  // C: The clang AST Context.
211  // DC: The DeclContext for any new Decl to add
212  // E: The expression with reference to the objects for which we want to
213  //    increase the sysRef count
214  // VarName: The name to use for the new guard variable
215  // NewStmts: The vector for all statements added to create and set the guard.
216  //
217  // Returns:
218  // An expression consisting of the guard variable
219  //
220  static clang::DeclRefExpr *CreateGuard(clang::ASTContext &C,
221                                         clang::DeclContext *DC,
222                                         clang::Expr *E,
223                                         const llvm::Twine &VarName,
224                                         std::vector<clang::Stmt*> &NewStmts);
226  // For any function parameter that is object-typed or object-containing, if it
227  // is overwritten inside the function, a system reference (sysRef) count
228  // would decrement and may reach 0, leading the object to be deleted. This may
229  // create a dangling pointer reference after a call to the function.
230  // For example, the object in parameter a in the function below may be deleted
231  // before the function returns.
232  //   void foo(rs_allocation a) {  // assuming a references obj with sysRef of 1
233  //     rs_allocation b = {};
234  //     a = b;  // decrements sysRef of obj and deletes it
235  //   }
236  //
237  // To avoid this problem, the sysRef counts of objects contained in parameters
238  // --directly for object-typed parameters or indirectly as fields for struct-
239  // typed parameters--are incremented at the beginning of the function, and
240  // decremented at the end and any exiting point of the function. To achieve
241  // these effects, the compiler creates a temporary local variable, and calls
242  // rsSetObject() to set its value to that of the parameter. At the end of the
243  // function and at any exiting point, the compiler adds calls to
244  // rsClearObject() on the parameter. Each rsClearObject() call would decrement
245  // the sysRef count of an incoming object if the parameter is never overwritten
246  // in the function, or it would properly decrement the sysRef count of the new
247  // object that the parameter is updated to in the function, since now the
248  // parameter is going out of scope. For example, the compiler would transform
249  // the previous code example into the following.
250  //   void foo(rs_allocation a) {  // assuming a references obj with sysRef of 1
251  //     rs_allocation .rs.param.a;
252  //     rsSetObject(&.rs.param.a, a);  // sysRef of obj becomes 2
253  //     rs_allocation b = {};
254  //     a = b;  // sysRef of obj becomes 1
255  //     rsClearObject(&a);  // sysRef of obj stays 1. obj stays undeleted.
256  //   }
257  //
258  // This method creates the guard variable for a object-type parameter,
259  // named with the prefix ".rs.param." added to the parameter name. It calls
260  // CreateGuard() to do this. The rsClearObject() call for the parameter as
261  // described above is not added by this function, but by the caller of this
262  // function, i.e., HandleParametersAndLocals().
263  //
264  // Parameters:
265  // C: The clang AST Context.
266  // DC: The DeclContext for any new Decl to add. It should be the FunctionnDecl
267  //     of the function being transformed.
268  // PD: The ParmDecl for the parameter.
269  // NewStmts: The vector for all statements added to create and set the guard.
270  //
271  static void CreateParameterGuard(
272      clang::ASTContext &C,
273      clang::DeclContext *DC,
274      clang::ParmVarDecl *PD,
275      std::vector<clang::Stmt*> &NewStmts);
277  void SetDeclContext(clang::DeclContext* DC) { mCurrentDC = DC; }
278  clang::DeclContext* GetDeclContext() const { return mCurrentDC; }
280  void VisitStmt(clang::Stmt *S);
281  void VisitCallExpr(clang::CallExpr *CE);
282  void VisitDeclStmt(clang::DeclStmt *DS);
283  void VisitCompoundStmt(clang::CompoundStmt *CS);
284  void VisitBinAssign(clang::BinaryOperator *AS);
285  void VisitReturnStmt(clang::ReturnStmt *RS);
286  // We believe that RS objects are never involved in CompoundAssignOperator.
287  // I.e., rs_allocation foo; foo += bar;
289  // Emit a global destructor to clean up RS objects.
290  clang::FunctionDecl *CreateStaticGlobalDtor();
293}  // namespace slang