2 * Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package androidx.fragment.app;
19import static androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP;
21import android.os.Bundle;
22import android.view.View;
24import androidx.annotation.AnimRes;
25import androidx.annotation.AnimatorRes;
26import androidx.annotation.IdRes;
27import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
28import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
29import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
30import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
31import androidx.annotation.StringRes;
32import androidx.annotation.StyleRes;
34import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
35import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
38 * Static library support version of the framework's {@link android.app.FragmentTransaction}.
39 * Used to write apps that run on platforms prior to Android 3.0.  When running
40 * on Android 3.0 or above, this implementation is still used; it does not try
41 * to switch to the framework's implementation.  See the framework SDK
42 * documentation for a class overview.
43 */
44public abstract class FragmentTransaction {
45    /**
46     * Calls {@link #add(int, Fragment, String)} with a 0 containerViewId.
47     */
48    @NonNull
49    public abstract FragmentTransaction add(@NonNull Fragment fragment, @Nullable String tag);
51    /**
52     * Calls {@link #add(int, Fragment, String)} with a null tag.
53     */
54    @NonNull
55    public abstract FragmentTransaction add(@IdRes int containerViewId, @NonNull Fragment fragment);
57    /**
58     * Add a fragment to the activity state.  This fragment may optionally
59     * also have its view (if {@link Fragment#onCreateView Fragment.onCreateView}
60     * returns non-null) into a container view of the activity.
61     *
62     * @param containerViewId Optional identifier of the container this fragment is
63     * to be placed in.  If 0, it will not be placed in a container.
64     * @param fragment The fragment to be added.  This fragment must not already
65     * be added to the activity.
66     * @param tag Optional tag name for the fragment, to later retrieve the
67     * fragment with {@link FragmentManager#findFragmentByTag(String)
68     * FragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(String)}.
69     *
70     * @return Returns the same FragmentTransaction instance.
71     */
72    @NonNull
73    public abstract FragmentTransaction add(@IdRes int containerViewId, @NonNull Fragment fragment,
74            @Nullable String tag);
76    /**
77     * Calls {@link #replace(int, Fragment, String)} with a null tag.
78     */
79    @NonNull
80    public abstract FragmentTransaction replace(@IdRes int containerViewId,
81            @NonNull Fragment fragment);
83    /**
84     * Replace an existing fragment that was added to a container.  This is
85     * essentially the same as calling {@link #remove(Fragment)} for all
86     * currently added fragments that were added with the same containerViewId
87     * and then {@link #add(int, Fragment, String)} with the same arguments
88     * given here.
89     *
90     * @param containerViewId Identifier of the container whose fragment(s) are
91     * to be replaced.
92     * @param fragment The new fragment to place in the container.
93     * @param tag Optional tag name for the fragment, to later retrieve the
94     * fragment with {@link FragmentManager#findFragmentByTag(String)
95     * FragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(String)}.
96     *
97     * @return Returns the same FragmentTransaction instance.
98     */
99    @NonNull
100    public abstract FragmentTransaction replace(@IdRes int containerViewId,
101            @NonNull Fragment fragment, @Nullable String tag);
103    /**
104     * Remove an existing fragment.  If it was added to a container, its view
105     * is also removed from that container.
106     *
107     * @param fragment The fragment to be removed.
108     *
109     * @return Returns the same FragmentTransaction instance.
110     */
111    @NonNull
112    public abstract FragmentTransaction remove(@NonNull Fragment fragment);
114    /**
115     * Hides an existing fragment.  This is only relevant for fragments whose
116     * views have been added to a container, as this will cause the view to
117     * be hidden.
118     *
119     * @param fragment The fragment to be hidden.
120     *
121     * @return Returns the same FragmentTransaction instance.
122     */
123    @NonNull
124    public abstract FragmentTransaction hide(@NonNull Fragment fragment);
126    /**
127     * Shows a previously hidden fragment.  This is only relevant for fragments whose
128     * views have been added to a container, as this will cause the view to
129     * be shown.
130     *
131     * @param fragment The fragment to be shown.
132     *
133     * @return Returns the same FragmentTransaction instance.
134     */
135    @NonNull
136    public abstract FragmentTransaction show(@NonNull Fragment fragment);
138    /**
139     * Detach the given fragment from the UI.  This is the same state as
140     * when it is put on the back stack: the fragment is removed from
141     * the UI, however its state is still being actively managed by the
142     * fragment manager.  When going into this state its view hierarchy
143     * is destroyed.
144     *
145     * @param fragment The fragment to be detached.
146     *
147     * @return Returns the same FragmentTransaction instance.
148     */
149    @NonNull
150    public abstract FragmentTransaction detach(@NonNull Fragment fragment);
152    /**
153     * Re-attach a fragment after it had previously been detached from
154     * the UI with {@link #detach(Fragment)}.  This
155     * causes its view hierarchy to be re-created, attached to the UI,
156     * and displayed.
157     *
158     * @param fragment The fragment to be attached.
159     *
160     * @return Returns the same FragmentTransaction instance.
161     */
162    @NonNull
163    public abstract FragmentTransaction attach(@NonNull Fragment fragment);
165    /**
166     * Set a currently active fragment in this FragmentManager as the primary navigation fragment.
167     *
168     * <p>The primary navigation fragment's
169     * {@link Fragment#getChildFragmentManager() child FragmentManager} will be called first
170     * to process delegated navigation actions such as {@link FragmentManager#popBackStack()}
171     * if no ID or transaction name is provided to pop to. Navigation operations outside of the
172     * fragment system may choose to delegate those actions to the primary navigation fragment
173     * as returned by {@link FragmentManager#getPrimaryNavigationFragment()}.</p>
174     *
175     * <p>The fragment provided must currently be added to the FragmentManager to be set as
176     * a primary navigation fragment, or previously added as part of this transaction.</p>
177     *
178     * @param fragment the fragment to set as the primary navigation fragment
179     * @return the same FragmentTransaction instance
180     */
181    @NonNull
182    public abstract FragmentTransaction setPrimaryNavigationFragment(@Nullable Fragment fragment);
184    /**
185     * @return <code>true</code> if this transaction contains no operations,
186     * <code>false</code> otherwise.
187     */
188    public abstract boolean isEmpty();
190    /**
191     * Bit mask that is set for all enter transitions.
192     */
193    public static final int TRANSIT_ENTER_MASK = 0x1000;
195    /**
196     * Bit mask that is set for all exit transitions.
197     */
198    public static final int TRANSIT_EXIT_MASK = 0x2000;
200    /** @hide */
201    @RestrictTo(LIBRARY_GROUP)
203    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
204    private @interface Transit {}
206    /** Not set up for a transition. */
207    public static final int TRANSIT_UNSET = -1;
208    /** No animation for transition. */
209    public static final int TRANSIT_NONE = 0;
210    /** Fragment is being added onto the stack */
211    public static final int TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_OPEN = 1 | TRANSIT_ENTER_MASK;
212    /** Fragment is being removed from the stack */
213    public static final int TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_CLOSE = 2 | TRANSIT_EXIT_MASK;
214    /** Fragment should simply fade in or out; that is, no strong navigation associated
215     * with it except that it is appearing or disappearing for some reason. */
216    public static final int TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_FADE = 3 | TRANSIT_ENTER_MASK;
218    /**
219     * Set specific animation resources to run for the fragments that are
220     * entering and exiting in this transaction. These animations will not be
221     * played when popping the back stack.
222     *
223     * @param enter An animation or animator resource ID used for the enter animation on the
224     *              view of the fragment being added or attached.
225     * @param exit An animation or animator resource ID used for the exit animation on the
226     *             view of the fragment being removed or detached.
227     */
228    @NonNull
229    public abstract FragmentTransaction setCustomAnimations(@AnimatorRes @AnimRes int enter,
230            @AnimatorRes @AnimRes int exit);
232    /**
233     * Set specific animation resources to run for the fragments that are
234     * entering and exiting in this transaction. The <code>popEnter</code>
235     * and <code>popExit</code> animations will be played for enter/exit
236     * operations specifically when popping the back stack.
237     *
238     * @param enter An animation or animator resource ID used for the enter animation on the
239     *              view of the fragment being added or attached.
240     * @param exit An animation or animator resource ID used for the exit animation on the
241     *             view of the fragment being removed or detached.
242     * @param popEnter An animation or animator resource ID used for the enter animation on the
243     *                 view of the fragment being readded or reattached caused by
244     *                 {@link FragmentManager#popBackStack()} or similar methods.
245     * @param popExit An animation or animator resource ID used for the enter animation on the
246     *                view of the fragment being removed or detached caused by
247     *                {@link FragmentManager#popBackStack()} or similar methods.
248     */
249    @NonNull
250    public abstract FragmentTransaction setCustomAnimations(@AnimatorRes @AnimRes int enter,
251            @AnimatorRes @AnimRes int exit, @AnimatorRes @AnimRes int popEnter,
252            @AnimatorRes @AnimRes int popExit);
254    /**
255     * Used with custom Transitions to map a View from a removed or hidden
256     * Fragment to a View from a shown or added Fragment.
257     * <var>sharedElement</var> must have a unique transitionName in the View hierarchy.
258     *
259     * @param sharedElement A View in a disappearing Fragment to match with a View in an
260     *                      appearing Fragment.
261     * @param name The transitionName for a View in an appearing Fragment to match to the shared
262     *             element.
263     * @see Fragment#setSharedElementReturnTransition(Object)
264     * @see Fragment#setSharedElementEnterTransition(Object)
265     */
266    @NonNull
267    public abstract FragmentTransaction addSharedElement(@NonNull View sharedElement,
268            @NonNull String name);
270    /**
271     * Select a standard transition animation for this transaction.  May be
272     * one of {@link #TRANSIT_NONE}, {@link #TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_OPEN},
274     */
275    @NonNull
276    public abstract FragmentTransaction setTransition(@Transit int transit);
278    /**
279     * Set a custom style resource that will be used for resolving transit
280     * animations.
281     */
282    @NonNull
283    public abstract FragmentTransaction setTransitionStyle(@StyleRes int styleRes);
285    /**
286     * Add this transaction to the back stack.  This means that the transaction
287     * will be remembered after it is committed, and will reverse its operation
288     * when later popped off the stack.
289     *
290     * @param name An optional name for this back stack state, or null.
291     */
292    @NonNull
293    public abstract FragmentTransaction addToBackStack(@Nullable String name);
295    /**
296     * Returns true if this FragmentTransaction is allowed to be added to the back
297     * stack. If this method would return false, {@link #addToBackStack(String)}
298     * will throw {@link IllegalStateException}.
299     *
300     * @return True if {@link #addToBackStack(String)} is permitted on this transaction.
301     */
302    public abstract boolean isAddToBackStackAllowed();
304    /**
305     * Disallow calls to {@link #addToBackStack(String)}. Any future calls to
306     * addToBackStack will throw {@link IllegalStateException}. If addToBackStack
307     * has already been called, this method will throw IllegalStateException.
308     */
309    @NonNull
310    public abstract FragmentTransaction disallowAddToBackStack();
312    /**
313     * Set the full title to show as a bread crumb when this transaction
314     * is on the back stack.
315     *
316     * @param res A string resource containing the title.
317     */
318    @NonNull
319    public abstract FragmentTransaction setBreadCrumbTitle(@StringRes int res);
321    /**
322     * Like {@link #setBreadCrumbTitle(int)} but taking a raw string; this
323     * method is <em>not</em> recommended, as the string can not be changed
324     * later if the locale changes.
325     */
326    @NonNull
327    public abstract FragmentTransaction setBreadCrumbTitle(@Nullable CharSequence text);
329    /**
330     * Set the short title to show as a bread crumb when this transaction
331     * is on the back stack.
332     *
333     * @param res A string resource containing the title.
334     */
335    @NonNull
336    public abstract FragmentTransaction setBreadCrumbShortTitle(@StringRes int res);
338    /**
339     * Like {@link #setBreadCrumbShortTitle(int)} but taking a raw string; this
340     * method is <em>not</em> recommended, as the string can not be changed
341     * later if the locale changes.
342     */
343    @NonNull
344    public abstract FragmentTransaction setBreadCrumbShortTitle(@Nullable CharSequence text);
346    /**
347     * Sets whether or not to allow optimizing operations within and across
348     * transactions. This will remove redundant operations, eliminating
349     * operations that cancel. For example, if two transactions are executed
350     * together, one that adds a fragment A and the next replaces it with fragment B,
351     * the operations will cancel and only fragment B will be added. That means that
352     * fragment A may not go through the creation/destruction lifecycle.
353     * <p>
354     * The side effect of removing redundant operations is that fragments may have state changes
355     * out of the expected order. For example, one transaction adds fragment A,
356     * a second adds fragment B, then a third removes fragment A. Without removing the redundant
357     * operations, fragment B could expect that while it is being created, fragment A will also
358     * exist because fragment A will be removed after fragment B was added.
359     * With removing redundant operations, fragment B cannot expect fragment A to exist when
360     * it has been created because fragment A's add/remove will be optimized out.
361     * <p>
362     * It can also reorder the state changes of Fragments to allow for better Transitions.
363     * Added Fragments may have {@link Fragment#onCreate(Bundle)} called before replaced
364     * Fragments have {@link Fragment#onDestroy()} called.
365     * <p>
366     * {@link Fragment#postponeEnterTransition()} requires {@code setReorderingAllowed(true)}.
367     * <p>
368     * The default is {@code false}.
369     *
370     * @param reorderingAllowed {@code true} to enable optimizing out redundant operations
371     *                          or {@code false} to disable optimizing out redundant
372     *                          operations on this transaction.
373     */
374    @NonNull
375    public abstract FragmentTransaction setReorderingAllowed(boolean reorderingAllowed);
377    /**
378     * @deprecated This has been renamed {@link #setReorderingAllowed(boolean)}.
379     */
380    @Deprecated
381    public abstract FragmentTransaction setAllowOptimization(boolean allowOptimization);
383    /**
384     * Add a Runnable to this transaction that will be run after this transaction has
385     * been committed. If fragment transactions are {@link #setReorderingAllowed(boolean) optimized}
386     * this may be after other subsequent fragment operations have also taken place, or operations
387     * in this transaction may have been optimized out due to the presence of a subsequent
388     * fragment transaction in the batch.
389     *
390     * <p>If a transaction is committed using {@link #commitAllowingStateLoss()} this runnable
391     * may be executed when the FragmentManager is in a state where new transactions may not
392     * be committed without allowing state loss.</p>
393     *
394     * <p><code>runOnCommit</code> may not be used with transactions
395     * {@link #addToBackStack(String) added to the back stack} as Runnables cannot be persisted
396     * with back stack state. {@link IllegalStateException} will be thrown if
397     * {@link #addToBackStack(String)} has been previously called for this transaction
398     * or if it is called after a call to <code>runOnCommit</code>.</p>
399     *
400     * @param runnable Runnable to add
401     * @return this FragmentTransaction
402     * @throws IllegalStateException if {@link #addToBackStack(String)} has been called
403     */
404    @NonNull
405    public abstract FragmentTransaction runOnCommit(@NonNull Runnable runnable);
407    /**
408     * Schedules a commit of this transaction.  The commit does
409     * not happen immediately; it will be scheduled as work on the main thread
410     * to be done the next time that thread is ready.
411     *
412     * <p class="note">A transaction can only be committed with this method
413     * prior to its containing activity saving its state.  If the commit is
414     * attempted after that point, an exception will be thrown.  This is
415     * because the state after the commit can be lost if the activity needs to
416     * be restored from its state.  See {@link #commitAllowingStateLoss()} for
417     * situations where it may be okay to lose the commit.</p>
418     *
419     * @return Returns the identifier of this transaction's back stack entry,
420     * if {@link #addToBackStack(String)} had been called.  Otherwise, returns
421     * a negative number.
422     */
423    public abstract int commit();
425    /**
426     * Like {@link #commit} but allows the commit to be executed after an
427     * activity's state is saved.  This is dangerous because the commit can
428     * be lost if the activity needs to later be restored from its state, so
429     * this should only be used for cases where it is okay for the UI state
430     * to change unexpectedly on the user.
431     */
432    public abstract int commitAllowingStateLoss();
434    /**
435     * Commits this transaction synchronously. Any added fragments will be
436     * initialized and brought completely to the lifecycle state of their host
437     * and any removed fragments will be torn down accordingly before this
438     * call returns. Committing a transaction in this way allows fragments
439     * to be added as dedicated, encapsulated components that monitor the
440     * lifecycle state of their host while providing firmer ordering guarantees
441     * around when those fragments are fully initialized and ready. Fragments
442     * that manage views will have those views created and attached.
443     *
444     * <p>Calling <code>commitNow</code> is preferable to calling
445     * {@link #commit()} followed by {@link FragmentManager#executePendingTransactions()}
446     * as the latter will have the side effect of attempting to commit <em>all</em>
447     * currently pending transactions whether that is the desired behavior
448     * or not.</p>
449     *
450     * <p>Transactions committed in this way may not be added to the
451     * FragmentManager's back stack, as doing so would break other expected
452     * ordering guarantees for other asynchronously committed transactions.
453     * This method will throw {@link IllegalStateException} if the transaction
454     * previously requested to be added to the back stack with
455     * {@link #addToBackStack(String)}.</p>
456     *
457     * <p class="note">A transaction can only be committed with this method
458     * prior to its containing activity saving its state.  If the commit is
459     * attempted after that point, an exception will be thrown.  This is
460     * because the state after the commit can be lost if the activity needs to
461     * be restored from its state.  See {@link #commitAllowingStateLoss()} for
462     * situations where it may be okay to lose the commit.</p>
463     */
464    public abstract void commitNow();
466    /**
467     * Like {@link #commitNow} but allows the commit to be executed after an
468     * activity's state is saved.  This is dangerous because the commit can
469     * be lost if the activity needs to later be restored from its state, so
470     * this should only be used for cases where it is okay for the UI state
471     * to change unexpectedly on the user.
472     */
473    public abstract void commitNowAllowingStateLoss();