2 * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package androidx.heifwriter;
19import android.graphics.Bitmap;
20import android.graphics.Canvas;
21import android.graphics.Rect;
22import android.graphics.SurfaceTexture;
23import android.media.Image;
24import android.media.MediaCodec;
25import android.media.MediaCodec.BufferInfo;
26import android.media.MediaCodec.CodecException;
27import android.media.MediaCodecInfo;
28import android.media.MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities;
29import android.media.MediaFormat;
30import android.opengl.GLES20;
31import android.os.Handler;
32import android.os.HandlerThread;
33import android.os.Looper;
34import android.os.Process;
35import android.util.Log;
36import android.util.Range;
37import android.view.Surface;
39import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
40import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
41import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
43import java.io.IOException;
44import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
45import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
46import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
47import java.util.ArrayList;
50 * This class encodes images into HEIF-compatible samples using HEVC encoder.
51 *
52 * It currently supports three input modes: {@link #INPUT_MODE_BUFFER},
53 * {@link #INPUT_MODE_SURFACE}, or {@link #INPUT_MODE_BITMAP}.
54 *
55 * The output format and samples are sent back in {@link
56 * Callback#onOutputFormatChanged(HeifEncoder, MediaFormat)} and {@link
57 * Callback#onDrainOutputBuffer(HeifEncoder, ByteBuffer)}. If the client
58 * requests to use grid, each tile will be sent back individually.
59 *
60 * HeifEncoder is made a separate class from {@link HeifWriter}, as some more
61 * advanced use cases might want to build solutions on top of the HeifEncoder directly.
62 * (eg. mux still images and video tracks into a single container).
63 *
64 * @hide
65 */
66public final class HeifEncoder implements AutoCloseable,
67        SurfaceTexture.OnFrameAvailableListener {
68    private static final String TAG = "HeifEncoder";
69    private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
71    private static final int GRID_WIDTH = 512;
72    private static final int GRID_HEIGHT = 512;
73    private static final double MAX_COMPRESS_RATIO = 0.25f;
74    private static final int INPUT_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE = 2;
76    private MediaCodec mEncoder;
78    private final Callback mCallback;
79    private final HandlerThread mHandlerThread;
80    private final Handler mHandler;
81    private final @InputMode int mInputMode;
83    private final int mWidth;
84    private final int mHeight;
85    private final int mGridWidth;
86    private final int mGridHeight;
87    private final int mGridRows;
88    private final int mGridCols;
89    private final int mNumTiles;
91    private int mInputIndex;
92    private boolean mInputEOS;
93    private final Rect mSrcRect;
94    private final Rect mDstRect;
95    private ByteBuffer mCurrentBuffer;
96    private final ArrayList<ByteBuffer> mEmptyBuffers = new ArrayList<>();
97    private final ArrayList<ByteBuffer> mFilledBuffers = new ArrayList<>();
98    private final ArrayList<Integer> mCodecInputBuffers = new ArrayList<>();
100    // Helper for tracking EOS when surface is used
101    private SurfaceEOSTracker mEOSTracker;
103    // Below variables are to handle GL copy from client's surface
104    // to encoder surface when tiles are used.
105    private SurfaceTexture mInputTexture;
106    private Surface mInputSurface;
107    private Surface mEncoderSurface;
108    private EglWindowSurface mEncoderEglSurface;
109    private EglRectBlt mRectBlt;
110    private int mTextureId;
111    private final float[] mTmpMatrix = new float[16];
113    public static final int INPUT_MODE_BUFFER = HeifWriter.INPUT_MODE_BUFFER;
114    public static final int INPUT_MODE_SURFACE = HeifWriter.INPUT_MODE_SURFACE;
115    public static final int INPUT_MODE_BITMAP = HeifWriter.INPUT_MODE_BITMAP;
116    @IntDef({
120    })
121    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
122    public @interface InputMode {}
124    public static abstract class Callback {
125        /**
126         * Called when the output format has changed.
127         *
128         * @param encoder The HeifEncoder object.
129         * @param format The new output format.
130         */
131        public abstract void onOutputFormatChanged(
132                @NonNull HeifEncoder encoder, @NonNull MediaFormat format);
134        /**
135         * Called when an output buffer becomes available.
136         *
137         * @param encoder The HeifEncoder object.
138         * @param byteBuffer the available output buffer.
139         */
140        public abstract void onDrainOutputBuffer(
141                @NonNull HeifEncoder encoder, @NonNull ByteBuffer byteBuffer);
143        /**
144         * Called when encoding reached the end of stream without error.
145         *
146         * @param encoder The HeifEncoder object.
147         */
148        public abstract void onComplete(@NonNull HeifEncoder encoder);
150        /**
151         * Called when encoding hits an error.
152         *
153         * @param encoder The HeifEncoder object.
154         * @param e The exception that the codec reported.
155         */
156        public abstract void onError(@NonNull HeifEncoder encoder, @NonNull CodecException e);
157    }
159    /**
160     * Configure the heif encoding session. Should only be called once.
161     *
162     * @param width Width of the image.
163     * @param height Height of the image.
164     * @param useGrid Whether to encode image into tiles. If enabled, tile size will be
165     *                automatically chosen.
166     * @param quality A number between 0 and 100 (inclusive), with 100 indicating the best quality
167     *                supported by this implementation (which often results in larger file size).
168     * @param inputMode The input type of this encoding session.
169     * @param handler If not null, client will receive all callbacks on the handler's looper.
170     *                Otherwise, client will receive callbacks on a looper created by us.
171     * @param cb The callback to receive various messages from the heif encoder.
172     */
173    public HeifEncoder(int width, int height, boolean useGrid,
174                       int quality, @InputMode int inputMode,
175                       @Nullable Handler handler, @NonNull Callback cb) throws IOException {
176        if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "width: " + width + ", height: " + height +
177                ", useGrid: " + useGrid + ", quality: " + quality + ", inputMode: " + inputMode);
179        if (width < 0 || height < 0 || quality < 0 || quality > 100) {
180            throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid encoder inputs");
181        }
183        // Disable grid if the image is too small
184        useGrid &= (width > GRID_WIDTH || height > GRID_HEIGHT);
186        boolean useHeicEncoder = false;
187        MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities caps = null;
188        try {
189            mEncoder = MediaCodec.createEncoderByType(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_IMAGE_ANDROID_HEIC);
190            caps = mEncoder.getCodecInfo().getCapabilitiesForType(
191                    MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_IMAGE_ANDROID_HEIC);
192            // If the HEIC encoder can't support the size, fall back to HEVC encoder.
193            if (!caps.getVideoCapabilities().isSizeSupported(width, height)) {
194                mEncoder.release();
195                mEncoder = null;
196                throw new Exception();
197            }
198            useHeicEncoder = true;
199        } catch (Exception e) {
200            mEncoder = MediaCodec.createEncoderByType(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_HEVC);
201            caps = mEncoder.getCodecInfo().getCapabilitiesForType(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_HEVC);
202            // Always enable grid if the size is too large for the HEVC encoder
203            useGrid |= !caps.getVideoCapabilities().isSizeSupported(width, height);
204        }
206        mInputMode = inputMode;
208        mCallback = cb;
210        Looper looper = (handler != null) ? handler.getLooper() : null;
211        if (looper == null) {
212            mHandlerThread = new HandlerThread("HeifEncoderThread",
213                    Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND);
214            mHandlerThread.start();
215            looper = mHandlerThread.getLooper();
216        } else {
217            mHandlerThread = null;
218        }
219        mHandler = new Handler(looper);
220        boolean useSurfaceInternally =
221                (inputMode == INPUT_MODE_SURFACE) || (inputMode == INPUT_MODE_BITMAP);
222        int colorFormat = useSurfaceInternally ? CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatSurface :
223                CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420Flexible;
225        mWidth = width;
226        mHeight = height;
228        int gridWidth, gridHeight, gridRows, gridCols;
230        if (useGrid) {
231            gridWidth = GRID_WIDTH;
232            gridHeight = GRID_HEIGHT;
233            gridRows = (height + GRID_HEIGHT - 1) / GRID_HEIGHT;
234            gridCols = (width + GRID_WIDTH - 1) / GRID_WIDTH;
235        } else {
236            gridWidth = mWidth;
237            gridHeight = mHeight;
238            gridRows = 1;
239            gridCols = 1;
240        }
242        MediaFormat codecFormat;
243        if (useHeicEncoder) {
244            codecFormat = MediaFormat.createVideoFormat(
245                    MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_IMAGE_ANDROID_HEIC, mWidth, mHeight);
246        } else {
247            codecFormat = MediaFormat.createVideoFormat(
248                    MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_HEVC, gridWidth, gridHeight);
249        }
251        if (useGrid) {
252            codecFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_TILE_WIDTH, gridWidth);
253            codecFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_TILE_HEIGHT, gridHeight);
254            codecFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_GRID_COLUMNS, gridCols);
255            codecFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_GRID_ROWS, gridRows);
256        }
258        if (useHeicEncoder) {
259            mGridWidth = width;
260            mGridHeight = height;
261            mGridRows = 1;
262            mGridCols = 1;
263        } else {
264            mGridWidth = gridWidth;
265            mGridHeight = gridHeight;
266            mGridRows = gridRows;
267            mGridCols = gridCols;
268        }
269        mNumTiles = mGridRows * mGridCols;
271        codecFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_I_FRAME_INTERVAL, 0);
272        codecFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_FORMAT, colorFormat);
273        codecFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_FRAME_RATE, mNumTiles);
274        codecFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_CAPTURE_RATE, mNumTiles * 30);
276        MediaCodecInfo.EncoderCapabilities encoderCaps = caps.getEncoderCapabilities();
278        if (encoderCaps.isBitrateModeSupported(
279                MediaCodecInfo.EncoderCapabilities.BITRATE_MODE_CQ)) {
280            Log.d(TAG, "Setting bitrate mode to constant quality");
281            Range<Integer> qualityRange = encoderCaps.getQualityRange();
282            Log.d(TAG, "Quality range: " + qualityRange);
283            codecFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BITRATE_MODE,
284                    MediaCodecInfo.EncoderCapabilities.BITRATE_MODE_CQ);
285            codecFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_QUALITY, (int) (qualityRange.getLower() +
286                            (qualityRange.getUpper() - qualityRange.getLower()) * quality / 100.0));
287        } else {
288            if (encoderCaps.isBitrateModeSupported(
289                    MediaCodecInfo.EncoderCapabilities.BITRATE_MODE_CBR)) {
290                Log.d(TAG, "Setting bitrate mode to constant bitrate");
291                codecFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BITRATE_MODE,
292                        MediaCodecInfo.EncoderCapabilities.BITRATE_MODE_CBR);
293            } else { // assume VBR
294                Log.d(TAG, "Setting bitrate mode to variable bitrate");
295                codecFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BITRATE_MODE,
296                        MediaCodecInfo.EncoderCapabilities.BITRATE_MODE_VBR);
297            }
298            // Calculate the bitrate based on image dimension, max compression ratio and quality.
299            // Note that we set the frame rate to the number of tiles, so the bitrate would be the
300            // intended bits for one image.
301            int bitrate = (int) (width * height * 1.5 * 8 * MAX_COMPRESS_RATIO * quality / 100.0f);
302            codecFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BIT_RATE, bitrate);
303        }
305        mEncoder.setCallback(new EncoderCallback(), mHandler);
306        mEncoder.configure(codecFormat, null, null, MediaCodec.CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE);
308        if (useSurfaceInternally) {
309            mEncoderSurface = mEncoder.createInputSurface();
311            boolean copyTiles = (mNumTiles > 1);
312            mEOSTracker = new SurfaceEOSTracker(copyTiles);
314            if (inputMode == INPUT_MODE_SURFACE) {
315                if (copyTiles) {
316                    mEncoderEglSurface = new EglWindowSurface(mEncoderSurface);
317                    mEncoderEglSurface.makeCurrent();
319                    mRectBlt = new EglRectBlt(
320                            new Texture2dProgram((inputMode == INPUT_MODE_BITMAP)
321                                    ? Texture2dProgram.TEXTURE_2D
322                                    : Texture2dProgram.TEXTURE_EXT),
323                            mWidth, mHeight);
325                    mTextureId = mRectBlt.createTextureObject();
327                    if (inputMode == INPUT_MODE_SURFACE) {
328                        // use single buffer mode to block on input
329                        mInputTexture = new SurfaceTexture(mTextureId, true);
330                        mInputTexture.setOnFrameAvailableListener(this);
331                        mInputTexture.setDefaultBufferSize(mWidth, mHeight);
332                        mInputSurface = new Surface(mInputTexture);
333                    }
335                    // make uncurrent since onFrameAvailable could be called on arbituray thread.
336                    // making the context current on a different thread will cause error.
337                    mEncoderEglSurface.makeUnCurrent();
338                } else {
339                    mInputSurface = mEncoderSurface;
340                }
341            }
342        } else {
343            for (int i = 0; i < INPUT_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE; i++) {
344                mEmptyBuffers.add(ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(mWidth * mHeight * 3 / 2));
345            }
346        }
348        mDstRect = new Rect(0, 0, mGridWidth, mGridHeight);
349        mSrcRect = new Rect();
350    }
352    @Override
353    public void onFrameAvailable(SurfaceTexture surfaceTexture) {
354        synchronized (this) {
355            if (mEncoderEglSurface == null) {
356                return;
357            }
359            mEncoderEglSurface.makeCurrent();
361            surfaceTexture.updateTexImage();
362            surfaceTexture.getTransformMatrix(mTmpMatrix);
364            long timestampNs = surfaceTexture.getTimestamp();
366            if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onFrameAvailable: timestampUs " + (timestampNs / 1000));
368            boolean takeFrame = mEOSTracker.updateLastInputAndEncoderTime(timestampNs,
369                    computePresentationTime(mInputIndex + mNumTiles - 1));
371            if (takeFrame) {
372                // Copies from surface texture to encoder inputs using GL.
373                GLES20.glViewport(0, 0, mGridWidth, mGridHeight);
375                for (int row = 0; row < mGridRows; row++) {
376                    for (int col = 0; col < mGridCols; col++) {
377                        int left = col * mGridWidth;
378                        int top = row * mGridHeight;
379                        mSrcRect.set(left, top, left + mGridWidth, top + mGridHeight);
380                        mRectBlt.copyRect(mTextureId, mTmpMatrix, mSrcRect);
381                        mEncoderEglSurface.setPresentationTime(
382                                1000 * computePresentationTime(mInputIndex++));
383                        mEncoderEglSurface.swapBuffers();
384                    }
385                }
386            }
388            surfaceTexture.releaseTexImage();
390            // make uncurrent since the onFrameAvailable could be called on arbituray thread.
391            // making the context current on a different thread will cause error.
392            mEncoderEglSurface.makeUnCurrent();
393        }
394    }
396    /**
397     * Start the encoding process.
398     */
399    public void start() {
400        mEncoder.start();
401    }
403    /**
404     * Add one YUV buffer to be encoded. This might block if the encoder can't process the input
405     * buffers fast enough.
406     *
407     * After the call returns, the client can reuse the data array.
408     *
409     * @param format The YUV format as defined in {@link android.graphics.ImageFormat}, currently
410     *               only support YUV_420_888.
411     *
412     * @param data byte array containing the YUV data. If the format has more than one planes,
413     *             they must be concatenated.
414     */
415    public void addYuvBuffer(int format, @NonNull byte[] data) {
416        if (mInputMode != INPUT_MODE_BUFFER) {
417            throw new IllegalStateException(
418                    "addYuvBuffer is only allowed in buffer input mode");
419        }
420        if (data == null || data.length != mWidth * mHeight * 3 / 2) {
421            throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid data");
422        }
423        addYuvBufferInternal(data);
424    }
426    /**
427     * Retrieves the input surface for encoding.
428     *
429     * Will only return valid value if configured to use surface input.
430     */
431    public @NonNull Surface getInputSurface() {
432        if (mInputMode != INPUT_MODE_SURFACE) {
433            throw new IllegalStateException(
434                    "getInputSurface is only allowed in surface input mode");
435        }
436        return mInputSurface;
437    }
439    /**
440     * Sets the timestamp (in nano seconds) of the last input frame to encode. Frames with
441     * timestamps larger than the specified value will not be encoded. However, if a frame
442     * already started encoding when this is set, all tiles within that frame will be encoded.
443     *
444     * This method only applies when surface is used.
445     */
446    public void setEndOfInputStreamTimestamp(long timestampNs) {
447        if (mInputMode != INPUT_MODE_SURFACE) {
448            throw new IllegalStateException(
449                    "setEndOfInputStreamTimestamp is only allowed in surface input mode");
450        }
451        if (mEOSTracker != null) {
452            mEOSTracker.updateInputEOSTime(timestampNs);
453        }
454    }
456    /**
457     * Adds one bitmap to be encoded.
458     */
459    public void addBitmap(@NonNull Bitmap bitmap) {
460        if (mInputMode != INPUT_MODE_BITMAP) {
461            throw new IllegalStateException("addBitmap is only allowed in bitmap input mode");
462        }
464        boolean takeFrame = mEOSTracker.updateLastInputAndEncoderTime(
465                computePresentationTime(mInputIndex),
466                computePresentationTime(mInputIndex + mNumTiles - 1));
468        if (!takeFrame) return;
470        synchronized (this) {
471            for (int row = 0; row < mGridRows; row++) {
472                for (int col = 0; col < mGridCols; col++) {
473                    int left = col * mGridWidth;
474                    int top = row * mGridHeight;
475                    mSrcRect.set(left, top, left + mGridWidth, top + mGridHeight);
476                    Canvas canvas = mEncoderSurface.lockCanvas(null);
477                    canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, mSrcRect, mDstRect, null);
478                    mEncoderSurface.unlockCanvasAndPost(canvas);
479                }
480            }
481        }
482    }
484    /**
485     * Sends input EOS to the encoder. Result will be notified asynchronously via
486     * {@link Callback#onComplete(HeifEncoder)} if encoder reaches EOS without error, or
487     * {@link Callback#onError(HeifEncoder, CodecException)} otherwise.
488     */
489    public void stopAsync() {
490        if (mInputMode == INPUT_MODE_BITMAP) {
491            // here we simply set the EOS timestamp to 0, so that the cut off will be the last
492            // bitmap ever added.
493            mEOSTracker.updateInputEOSTime(0);
494        } else if (mInputMode == INPUT_MODE_BUFFER) {
495            addYuvBufferInternal(null);
496        }
497    }
499    /**
500     * Generates the presentation time for input frame N, in microseconds.
501     * The timestamp advances 1 sec for every whole frame.
502     */
503    private long computePresentationTime(int frameIndex) {
504        return 132 + (long)frameIndex * 1000000 / mNumTiles;
505    }
507    /**
508     * Obtains one empty input buffer and copies the data into it. Before input
509     * EOS is sent, this would block until the data is copied. After input EOS
510     * is sent, this would return immediately.
511     */
512    private void addYuvBufferInternal(@Nullable byte[] data) {
513        ByteBuffer buffer = acquireEmptyBuffer();
514        if (buffer == null) {
515            return;
516        }
517        buffer.clear();
518        if (data != null) {
519            buffer.put(data);
520        }
521        buffer.flip();
522        synchronized (mFilledBuffers) {
523            mFilledBuffers.add(buffer);
524        }
525        mHandler.post(new Runnable() {
526            @Override
527            public void run() {
528                maybeCopyOneTileYUV();
529            }
530        });
531    }
533    /**
534     * Routine to copy one tile if we have both input and codec buffer available.
535     *
536     * Must be called on the handler looper that also handles the MediaCodec callback.
537     */
538    private void maybeCopyOneTileYUV() {
539        ByteBuffer currentBuffer;
540        while ((currentBuffer = getCurrentBuffer()) != null && !mCodecInputBuffers.isEmpty()) {
541            int index = mCodecInputBuffers.remove(0);
543            // 0-length input means EOS.
544            boolean inputEOS = (mInputIndex % mNumTiles == 0) && (currentBuffer.remaining() == 0);
546            if (!inputEOS) {
547                Image image = mEncoder.getInputImage(index);
548                int left = mGridWidth * (mInputIndex % mGridCols);
549                int top = mGridHeight * (mInputIndex / mGridCols % mGridRows);
550                mSrcRect.set(left, top, left + mGridWidth, top + mGridHeight);
551                copyOneTileYUV(currentBuffer, image, mWidth, mHeight, mSrcRect, mDstRect);
552            }
554            mEncoder.queueInputBuffer(index, 0,
555                    inputEOS ? 0 : mEncoder.getInputBuffer(index).capacity(),
556                    computePresentationTime(mInputIndex++),
557                    inputEOS ? MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM : 0);
559            if (inputEOS || mInputIndex % mNumTiles == 0) {
560                returnEmptyBufferAndNotify(inputEOS);
561            }
562        }
563    }
565    /**
566     * Copies from a rect from src buffer to dst image.
567     * TOOD: This will be replaced by JNI.
568     */
569    private static void copyOneTileYUV(
570            ByteBuffer srcBuffer, Image dstImage,
571            int srcWidth, int srcHeight,
572            Rect srcRect, Rect dstRect) {
573        if (srcRect.width() != dstRect.width() || srcRect.height() != dstRect.height()) {
574            throw new IllegalArgumentException("src and dst rect size are different!");
575        }
576        if (srcWidth % 2 != 0      || srcHeight % 2 != 0      ||
577                srcRect.left % 2 != 0  || srcRect.top % 2 != 0    ||
578                srcRect.right % 2 != 0 || srcRect.bottom % 2 != 0 ||
579                dstRect.left % 2 != 0  || dstRect.top % 2 != 0    ||
580                dstRect.right % 2 != 0 || dstRect.bottom % 2 != 0) {
581            throw new IllegalArgumentException("src or dst are not aligned!");
582        }
584        Image.Plane[] planes = dstImage.getPlanes();
585        for (int n = 0; n < planes.length; n++) {
586            ByteBuffer dstBuffer = planes[n].getBuffer();
587            int colStride = planes[n].getPixelStride();
588            int copyWidth = Math.min(srcRect.width(), srcWidth - srcRect.left);
589            int copyHeight = Math.min(srcRect.height(), srcHeight - srcRect.top);
590            int srcPlanePos = 0, div = 1;
591            if (n > 0) {
592                div = 2;
593                srcPlanePos = srcWidth * srcHeight * (n + 3) / 4;
594            }
595            for (int i = 0; i < copyHeight / div; i++) {
596                srcBuffer.position(srcPlanePos +
597                        (i + srcRect.top / div) * srcWidth / div + srcRect.left / div);
598                dstBuffer.position((i + dstRect.top / div) * planes[n].getRowStride()
599                        + dstRect.left * colStride / div);
601                for (int j = 0; j < copyWidth / div; j++) {
602                    dstBuffer.put(srcBuffer.get());
603                    if (colStride > 1 && j != copyWidth / div - 1) {
604                        dstBuffer.position(dstBuffer.position() + colStride - 1);
605                    }
606                }
607            }
608        }
609    }
611    private ByteBuffer acquireEmptyBuffer() {
612        synchronized (mEmptyBuffers) {
613            // wait for an empty input buffer first
614            while (!mInputEOS && mEmptyBuffers.isEmpty()) {
615                try {
616                    mEmptyBuffers.wait();
617                } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
618            }
620            // if already EOS, return null to stop further encoding.
621            return mInputEOS ? null : mEmptyBuffers.remove(0);
622        }
623    }
625    /**
626     * Routine to get the current input buffer to copy from.
627     * Only called on callback handler thread.
628     */
629    private ByteBuffer getCurrentBuffer() {
630        if (!mInputEOS && mCurrentBuffer == null) {
631            synchronized (mFilledBuffers) {
632                mCurrentBuffer = mFilledBuffers.isEmpty() ?
633                        null : mFilledBuffers.remove(0);
634            }
635        }
636        return mInputEOS ? null : mCurrentBuffer;
637    }
639    /**
640     * Routine to put the consumed input buffer back into the empty buffer pool.
641     * Only called on callback handler thread.
642     */
643    private void returnEmptyBufferAndNotify(boolean inputEOS) {
644        synchronized (mEmptyBuffers) {
645            mInputEOS |= inputEOS;
646            mEmptyBuffers.add(mCurrentBuffer);
647            mEmptyBuffers.notifyAll();
648        }
649        mCurrentBuffer = null;
650    }
652    /**
653     * Routine to release all resources. Must be run on the same looper that
654     * handles the MediaCodec callbacks.
655     */
656    private void stopInternal() {
657        if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "stopInternal");
659        // after start, mEncoder is only accessed on handler, so no need to sync
660        if (mEncoder != null) {
661            mEncoder.stop();
662            mEncoder.release();
663            mEncoder = null;
664        }
666        // unblock the addBuffer() if we're tearing down before EOS is sent.
667        synchronized (mEmptyBuffers) {
668            mInputEOS = true;
669            mEmptyBuffers.notifyAll();
670        }
672        synchronized(this) {
673            if (mRectBlt != null) {
674                mRectBlt.release(false);
675                mRectBlt = null;
676            }
678            if (mEncoderEglSurface != null) {
679                // Note that this frees mEncoderSurface too. If mEncoderEglSurface is not
680                // there, client is responsible to release the input surface it got from us,
681                // we don't release mEncoderSurface here.
682                mEncoderEglSurface.release();
683                mEncoderEglSurface = null;
684            }
686            if (mInputTexture != null) {
687                mInputTexture.release();
688                mInputTexture = null;
689            }
690        }
691    }
693    /**
694     * This class handles EOS for surface or bitmap inputs.
695     *
696     * When encoding from surface or bitmap, we can't call {@link MediaCodec#signalEndOfInputStream()}
697     * immediately after input is drawn, since this could drop all pending frames in the
698     * buffer queue. When there are tiles, this could leave us a partially encoded image.
699     *
700     * So here we track the EOS status by timestamps, and only signal EOS to the encoder
701     * when we collected all images we need.
702     *
703     * Since this is updated from multiple threads ({@link #setEndOfInputStreamTimestamp(long)},
704     * {@link EncoderCallback#onOutputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec, int, BufferInfo)},
705     * {@link #addBitmap(Bitmap)} and {@link #onFrameAvailable(SurfaceTexture)}), it must be fully
706     * synchronized.
707     *
708     * Note that when buffer input is used, the EOS flag is set in
709     * {@link EncoderCallback#onInputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec, int)} and this class is not used.
710     */
711    private class SurfaceEOSTracker {
712        private static final boolean DEBUG_EOS = false;
714        final boolean mCopyTiles;
715        long mInputEOSTimeNs = -1;
716        long mLastInputTimeNs = -1;
717        long mEncoderEOSTimeUs = -1;
718        long mLastEncoderTimeUs = -1;
719        long mLastOutputTimeUs = -1;
720        boolean mSignaled;
722        SurfaceEOSTracker(boolean copyTiles) {
723            mCopyTiles = copyTiles;
724        }
726        synchronized void updateInputEOSTime(long timestampNs) {
727            if (DEBUG_EOS) Log.d(TAG, "updateInputEOSTime: " + timestampNs);
729            if (mCopyTiles) {
730                if (mInputEOSTimeNs < 0) {
731                    mInputEOSTimeNs = timestampNs;
732                }
733            } else {
734                if (mEncoderEOSTimeUs < 0) {
735                    mEncoderEOSTimeUs = timestampNs / 1000;
736                }
737            }
738            updateEOSLocked();
739        }
741        synchronized boolean updateLastInputAndEncoderTime(long inputTimeNs, long encoderTimeUs) {
742            if (DEBUG_EOS) Log.d(TAG,
743                    "updateLastInputAndEncoderTime: " + inputTimeNs + ", " + encoderTimeUs);
745            boolean shouldTakeFrame = mInputEOSTimeNs < 0 || inputTimeNs <= mInputEOSTimeNs;
746            if (shouldTakeFrame) {
747                mLastEncoderTimeUs = encoderTimeUs;
748            }
749            mLastInputTimeNs = inputTimeNs;
750            updateEOSLocked();
751            return shouldTakeFrame;
752        }
754        synchronized void updateLastOutputTime(long outputTimeUs) {
755            if (DEBUG_EOS) Log.d(TAG, "updateLastOutputTime: " + outputTimeUs);
757            mLastOutputTimeUs = outputTimeUs;
758            updateEOSLocked();
759        }
761        private void updateEOSLocked() {
762            if (mSignaled) {
763                return;
764            }
765            if (mEncoderEOSTimeUs < 0) {
766                if (mInputEOSTimeNs >= 0 && mLastInputTimeNs >= mInputEOSTimeNs) {
767                    if (mLastEncoderTimeUs < 0) {
768                        doSignalEOSLocked();
769                        return;
770                    }
771                    // mEncoderEOSTimeUs tracks the timestamp of the last output buffer we
772                    // will wait for. When that buffer arrives, encoder will be signalled EOS.
773                    mEncoderEOSTimeUs = mLastEncoderTimeUs;
774                    if (DEBUG_EOS) Log.d(TAG,
775                            "updateEOSLocked: mEncoderEOSTimeUs " + mEncoderEOSTimeUs);
776                }
777            }
778            if (mEncoderEOSTimeUs >= 0 && mEncoderEOSTimeUs <= mLastOutputTimeUs) {
779                doSignalEOSLocked();
780            }
781        }
783        private void doSignalEOSLocked() {
784            if (DEBUG_EOS) Log.d(TAG, "doSignalEOSLocked");
786            mHandler.post(new Runnable() {
787                @Override public void run() {
788                    if (mEncoder != null) {
789                        mEncoder.signalEndOfInputStream();
790                    }
791                }
792            });
794            mSignaled = true;
795        }
796    }
798    /**
799     * MediaCodec callback for HEVC encoding.
800     */
801    private class EncoderCallback extends MediaCodec.Callback {
802        private boolean mOutputEOS;
804        @Override
805        public void onOutputFormatChanged(MediaCodec codec, MediaFormat format) {
806            if (codec != mEncoder) return;
808            if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onOutputFormatChanged: " + format);
810            if (!MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_IMAGE_ANDROID_HEIC.equals(
811                    format.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME))) {
812                format.setString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME, MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_IMAGE_ANDROID_HEIC);
813                format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_WIDTH, mWidth);
814                format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_HEIGHT, mHeight);
816                if (mNumTiles > 1) {
817                    format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_TILE_WIDTH, mGridWidth);
818                    format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_TILE_HEIGHT, mGridHeight);
819                    format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_GRID_ROWS, mGridRows);
820                    format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_GRID_COLUMNS, mGridCols);
821                }
822            }
824            mCallback.onOutputFormatChanged(HeifEncoder.this, format);
825        }
827        @Override
828        public void onInputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec codec, int index) {
829            if (codec != mEncoder || mInputEOS) return;
831            if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onInputBufferAvailable: " + index);
832            mCodecInputBuffers.add(index);
833            maybeCopyOneTileYUV();
834        }
836        @Override
837        public void onOutputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec codec, int index, BufferInfo info) {
838            if (codec != mEncoder || mOutputEOS) return;
840            if (DEBUG) {
841                Log.d(TAG, "onOutputBufferAvailable: " + index
842                        + ", time " + info.presentationTimeUs
843                        + ", size " + info.size
844                        + ", flags " + info.flags);
845            }
847            if ((info.size > 0) && ((info.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG) == 0)) {
848                ByteBuffer outputBuffer = codec.getOutputBuffer(index);
850                // reset position as addBuffer() modifies it
851                outputBuffer.position(info.offset);
852                outputBuffer.limit(info.offset + info.size);
854                if (mEOSTracker != null) {
855                    mEOSTracker.updateLastOutputTime(info.presentationTimeUs);
856                }
858                mCallback.onDrainOutputBuffer(HeifEncoder.this, outputBuffer);
859            }
861            mOutputEOS |= ((info.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0);
863            codec.releaseOutputBuffer(index, false);
865            if (mOutputEOS) {
866                stopAndNotify(null);
867            }
868        }
870        @Override
871        public void onError(MediaCodec codec, CodecException e) {
872            if (codec != mEncoder) return;
874            Log.e(TAG, "onError: " + e);
875            stopAndNotify(e);
876        }
878        private void stopAndNotify(@Nullable CodecException e) {
879            stopInternal();
880            if (e == null) {
881                mCallback.onComplete(HeifEncoder.this);
882            } else {
883                mCallback.onError(HeifEncoder.this, e);
884            }
885        }
886    }
888    @Override
889    public void close() {
890        // unblock the addBuffer() if we're tearing down before EOS is sent.
891        synchronized (mEmptyBuffers) {
892            mInputEOS = true;
893            mEmptyBuffers.notifyAll();
894        }
896        mHandler.postAtFrontOfQueue(new Runnable() {
897            @Override
898            public void run() {
899                stopInternal();
900            }
901        });
902    }