History log of /dalvik/libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/lang/String.java
Revision Date Author Comments
43b8345d878b977be0c8ff71781309926444fab5 10-Mar-2010 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Work around droiddoc bug http://b/2022288.

Change-Id: Ib46a260916dee99f190aa8b9465f4f2d3b04aa67
16e0f24a8641d1cdf059ae15a5bf60a3e553ce1b 10-Mar-2010 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Another go at making droiddoc as happy as javadoc...

Change-Id: I70dd8d57053a6e60b9be0cbe8a95d9937d9b00ef
1f6a0425433b4daca86cf4df5854b9dbc5ee57d7 10-Mar-2010 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Fix javadoc errors.

Change-Id: Ib3eb500006f5b4b1dadf959397fce7737fb53fe7
b53b743d2b03251635d98185d2e0680d166df033 09-Mar-2010 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Minor documentation improvements.

Based on user-submitted bugs that were just misunderstandings, plus
implementation bugs caused by the intended behavior being somewhat

Change-Id: Ic2606b5e57dadc95a35c2d0a977c01434a2fa28a
cadf50b974984f196e4544ab76f09949d6771a1b 06-Jan-2010 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Fix String.toLowerCase/toUpperCase for Azeri, Greek (all locales), and Turkish.

This patch fixes Greek final sigma in all locales, treats Azeri locales like
Turkish locales, and fixes our dotted/dotless-i/I behavior in Turkish locales
(and thus now Azeri locales too).

Still broken: behavior in Lithuanian locales, supplementary characters.

I've also removed String's own optimized-for-ASCII toLowerCase(char) and
toUpperCase(char): we've optimized Character's methods and don't want another
copy. I've removed the unused String.getValue which provided access to the
underlying char[] --- this wasn't used, and wouldn't work anyway without
some way to access String's 'offset' and 'count' fields too.
2c5e73632c4bb75004fd3858b2bba30857e82598 02-Dec-2009 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Make java.util.Formatter perform acceptably (and fix two jtreg failures).

Here are the slowdowns compared to hand-written StringBuilder.append code,
for three cases: a long format string with no format specifiers, a long
format string with a single %d, and a long format string with a
single %s (in that order):

passion-old: 54x 40x 10x
sim-new: 1.7x 3.4x 5.3x
passion-new: 9.2x 2.2x 1.8x

Formatter has been changed to use a less expensive mechanism for parsing
the format string, to not create expensive temporary objects unless they're
actually needed (particularly strings used only in error messages), to not
create a temporary StringBuilder in every transform* method, and to not
charge for padding (or truncation) unless actually required.

As Stroustrup would say, "you don't pay for what you don't use".

Other changes:

AbstractStringBuilder adds a special case for appending one StringBuilder to
another, similar to its existing special case for String (because we do a
much better job of copying a char[] with System.arraycopy than iterating over
a CharSequence).

Character reinstates the ASCII-range optimizations for isDigit and
isUpperCase, both of which are used by Formatter. Bug 2295801 covers
reinstating the rest of Character's special cases.

String loses the unused inner class ConsolePrintStream, which isn't actually
relevant to this change, but offended me greatly.

CharBuffer gets a rewritten toString that's less inefficient. (This doesn't
matter to us because the new Formatter doesn't use CharBuffer, but one
shouldn't leave broken glass on the lawn.)

The change to Formatter.close fixes a jtreg failure (and brings our
implementation in line with our documentation, which already stated that
multiple calls to Formatter.close only close the underlying Closeable

The change to Formatter.format(Locale, ...) fixes a jtreg failure: any
Formattable we call out to needs to be able to use Formatter.locale to
find out the locale it's formatting for. I've reworded the documentation
so that it's clearer (it was already correct, but ambiguous).

Bug: 2272346
72e93344b4d1ffc71e9c832ec23de0657e5b04a5 13-Nov-2009 Jean-Baptiste Queru <jbq@google.com> eclair snapshot
01021fcb0c9026e81ac2c262caf5e2ec830a7025 11-Aug-2009 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Update Luni to Harmony r802921.

Notable changes:
- replaced StringBuffer with StringBuilder in several places
- fixed a problem with BufferedInputStream's newline characters (EBCDIC)
- cleanup Timer's finalizer helper object
- new cache for the canonical path of a file
- fixed concurrency issue with ArrayList
- floating point parsing now trims length for very small numbers
- encoding specified "UTF-8" when converting some byte[]s to strings (JarURLConnection, Util, OSFileSystem)
- Harmony now implements floor and ceil in Java. We continue to use native code.
3819a76e7c1f49253f0e077bd497f149340c02b8 25-Jul-2009 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Integrate luni module (but not tests) to Harmony r772995.

Notable changes
- Stripped "@since Android 1.0" from many files. Most files
are now 100% the same in Dalvik and Harmony.
- AbstractStringBuilder.reverse() supports surrogates
- AbstractStringBuilder shares less to waste less memory
- Bitset optimized
- BufferedInputStream changed to support unsynchronized close()
- BufferedOutputStream does flushInternal
- BufferedReader supports EBCDIC NEL
- Collections.synchronizedList().indexOf() does a copy for more concurrency
- Classes in nio module changed: DatagramChannelImpl, SocketChannelImpl
and ServerSocketChannelImpl (these depend on internal APIs changed in
this update)
- DataInputStream/DataOutputStream now use a small buffer to limit the
number of times the underlying stream is accessed
- Date now has a minutes offset, more efficient toString()
- ExposedByteArrayInputStream: new internal class
- DeleteOnExit moved to top-level class
- FileDescriptor.isValid() now non-native
- Float, Double lessThan optimized (fix for compare(-0.0F, 0.0F) still pending)
- FileURLConnection now guesses content types from streams
- HashMap iterator changes
- Hashtable iterator changes
- INetworkSystem
- removes bind2(), createMulticastSocket, sendStream(),
- renames createSocket to createStreamSocket
- JarURLConnection rewritten
- LinkedHashMap: new iterator
- Locale, Currency, TimeZone: now use ICU in Harmony, plain Java in Dalvik
- ObjectInputStream: Accessor objects in Harmony, direct native in Dalvik
- ProxyClassFile - many changes
- String - optimized ascii for toLowerCase, toUpperCase, compare
- Timer - rewritten
- TreeMap - rewritten
- URLClassLoader - new
- URLConnection - new guessContentTypeFromStream(), uses org.apache.harmony.awt.www.content
to lookup content type handlers
f6c387128427e121477c1b32ad35cdcaa5101ba3 04-Mar-2009 The Android Open Source Project <initial-contribution@android.com> auto import from //depot/cupcake/@135843
f72d5de56a522ac3be03873bdde26f23a5eeeb3c 04-Mar-2009 The Android Open Source Project <initial-contribution@android.com> auto import from //depot/cupcake/@135843
89c1feb0a69a7707b271086e749975b3f7acacf7 18-Dec-2008 The Android Open Source Project <initial-contribution@android.com> Code drop from //branches/cupcake/...@124589
2ad60cfc28e14ee8f0bb038720836a4696c478ad 21-Oct-2008 The Android Open Source Project <initial-contribution@android.com> Initial Contribution