History log of /dalvik/libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/util/Locale.java
Revision Date Author Comments
cb1732a4f9abeddce24b1efa3eaab8e6acf47be8 21-Dec-2009 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Speed up the way we access ICU's locale data.

This patch makes creating a new NumberFormat or new SimpleDateFormat 2x faster.

Basically, the ResourceBundle mechanism is really expensive in several ways:

1. The two-level caching is unnecessary for locale data, and expensive because
it burns through a lot of temporary objects.
2. The PrivilegedAction stuff is unnecessary and expensive because it too burns
quite a few temporary objects (including an ArrayList for each call; should
we consider removing support for SecurityManager so we can remove this cruft
from our code?).
3. The caching in most cases doesn't cache anything useful; the ResourceBundles
simply forward all questions straight to native code anyway, all we're
caching is an unnecessary forwarding object (in a cache where lookups cost
more than just creating a new unnecessary forwarding object would cost).

I've left CurrencyResourceBundle on the slow (ResourceBundle.getBundle) path
because I'm not yet sure how much of that path's semantics it relies on.

I still return LocaleResourceBundle instances (albeit via a much faster path)
but we should fix that. The native code returns an array which ResourceBundle
stuffs into a Hashtable and the calling code accesses via hash table lookups.
This despite the fact that the keys are a small fixed set known in advance.
We could make the native layer and the calling layer simpler and faster by
using a "struct", and doing so would make the middle layer go away completely.
62d162c814e78b792407370284f3004d466653a2 17-Dec-2009 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Improve our java.util.Locale documentation.

Bug: http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=5476
72e93344b4d1ffc71e9c832ec23de0657e5b04a5 13-Nov-2009 Jean-Baptiste Queru <jbq@google.com> eclair snapshot
a0ebf91e58c17487a8bd1be6e64193193deae26f 16-Oct-2009 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Respond to impossible CloneNotSupportedExceptions with AssertionErrors.

See bug 2183132.
09133811f94298bf72a3bf6ee605f60e7b1b2c81 10-Oct-2009 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Udating luni to Harmony r823222.

- InputStream.skip concurrency issue
- "better" messages in bound exceptions for streams and arrays
- prefer fewer writes to underlying streams (using byte[] buffers)
- Rename subclasses to not reuse names from their superclasses
- PlatformAddressFactory.allocMap bugfix

Plus some spelling fixes, style fixes, serial version UIDs and other
boilerplate improvements.
01021fcb0c9026e81ac2c262caf5e2ec830a7025 11-Aug-2009 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Update Luni to Harmony r802921.

Notable changes:
- replaced StringBuffer with StringBuilder in several places
- fixed a problem with BufferedInputStream's newline characters (EBCDIC)
- cleanup Timer's finalizer helper object
- new cache for the canonical path of a file
- fixed concurrency issue with ArrayList
- floating point parsing now trims length for very small numbers
- encoding specified "UTF-8" when converting some byte[]s to strings (JarURLConnection, Util, OSFileSystem)
- Harmony now implements floor and ceil in Java. We continue to use native code.
3819a76e7c1f49253f0e077bd497f149340c02b8 25-Jul-2009 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Integrate luni module (but not tests) to Harmony r772995.

Notable changes
- Stripped "@since Android 1.0" from many files. Most files
are now 100% the same in Dalvik and Harmony.
- AbstractStringBuilder.reverse() supports surrogates
- AbstractStringBuilder shares less to waste less memory
- Bitset optimized
- BufferedInputStream changed to support unsynchronized close()
- BufferedOutputStream does flushInternal
- BufferedReader supports EBCDIC NEL
- Collections.synchronizedList().indexOf() does a copy for more concurrency
- Classes in nio module changed: DatagramChannelImpl, SocketChannelImpl
and ServerSocketChannelImpl (these depend on internal APIs changed in
this update)
- DataInputStream/DataOutputStream now use a small buffer to limit the
number of times the underlying stream is accessed
- Date now has a minutes offset, more efficient toString()
- ExposedByteArrayInputStream: new internal class
- DeleteOnExit moved to top-level class
- FileDescriptor.isValid() now non-native
- Float, Double lessThan optimized (fix for compare(-0.0F, 0.0F) still pending)
- FileURLConnection now guesses content types from streams
- HashMap iterator changes
- Hashtable iterator changes
- INetworkSystem
- removes bind2(), createMulticastSocket, sendStream(),
- renames createSocket to createStreamSocket
- JarURLConnection rewritten
- LinkedHashMap: new iterator
- Locale, Currency, TimeZone: now use ICU in Harmony, plain Java in Dalvik
- ObjectInputStream: Accessor objects in Harmony, direct native in Dalvik
- ProxyClassFile - many changes
- String - optimized ascii for toLowerCase, toUpperCase, compare
- Timer - rewritten
- TreeMap - rewritten
- URLClassLoader - new
- URLConnection - new guessContentTypeFromStream(), uses org.apache.harmony.awt.www.content
to lookup content type handlers
f6c387128427e121477c1b32ad35cdcaa5101ba3 04-Mar-2009 The Android Open Source Project <initial-contribution@android.com> auto import from //depot/cupcake/@135843
f72d5de56a522ac3be03873bdde26f23a5eeeb3c 04-Mar-2009 The Android Open Source Project <initial-contribution@android.com> auto import from //depot/cupcake/@135843
89c1feb0a69a7707b271086e749975b3f7acacf7 18-Dec-2008 The Android Open Source Project <initial-contribution@android.com> Code drop from //branches/cupcake/...@124589
2ad60cfc28e14ee8f0bb038720836a4696c478ad 21-Oct-2008 The Android Open Source Project <initial-contribution@android.com> Initial Contribution