History log of /dalvik/libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/util/ResourceBundle.java
Revision Date Author Comments
c3334e4914f02d97a9ab406428673597b1ca84a3 13-Jan-2010 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Remove the last bits of the ICU ResourceBundle hack.

This patch switches us over to calling ICU directly for localized currency
symbols, and then removes all the mechanism for sneaking fake ResourceBundle
implementations in. The code's a lot simpler too, because ICU's default
behavior is what we want anyway.
72e93344b4d1ffc71e9c832ec23de0657e5b04a5 13-Nov-2009 Jean-Baptiste Queru <jbq@google.com> eclair snapshot
3819a76e7c1f49253f0e077bd497f149340c02b8 25-Jul-2009 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Integrate luni module (but not tests) to Harmony r772995.

Notable changes
- Stripped "@since Android 1.0" from many files. Most files
are now 100% the same in Dalvik and Harmony.
- AbstractStringBuilder.reverse() supports surrogates
- AbstractStringBuilder shares less to waste less memory
- Bitset optimized
- BufferedInputStream changed to support unsynchronized close()
- BufferedOutputStream does flushInternal
- BufferedReader supports EBCDIC NEL
- Collections.synchronizedList().indexOf() does a copy for more concurrency
- Classes in nio module changed: DatagramChannelImpl, SocketChannelImpl
and ServerSocketChannelImpl (these depend on internal APIs changed in
this update)
- DataInputStream/DataOutputStream now use a small buffer to limit the
number of times the underlying stream is accessed
- Date now has a minutes offset, more efficient toString()
- ExposedByteArrayInputStream: new internal class
- DeleteOnExit moved to top-level class
- FileDescriptor.isValid() now non-native
- Float, Double lessThan optimized (fix for compare(-0.0F, 0.0F) still pending)
- FileURLConnection now guesses content types from streams
- HashMap iterator changes
- Hashtable iterator changes
- INetworkSystem
- removes bind2(), createMulticastSocket, sendStream(),
- renames createSocket to createStreamSocket
- JarURLConnection rewritten
- LinkedHashMap: new iterator
- Locale, Currency, TimeZone: now use ICU in Harmony, plain Java in Dalvik
- ObjectInputStream: Accessor objects in Harmony, direct native in Dalvik
- ProxyClassFile - many changes
- String - optimized ascii for toLowerCase, toUpperCase, compare
- Timer - rewritten
- TreeMap - rewritten
- URLClassLoader - new
- URLConnection - new guessContentTypeFromStream(), uses org.apache.harmony.awt.www.content
to lookup content type handlers
f6c387128427e121477c1b32ad35cdcaa5101ba3 04-Mar-2009 The Android Open Source Project <initial-contribution@android.com> auto import from //depot/cupcake/@135843
f72d5de56a522ac3be03873bdde26f23a5eeeb3c 04-Mar-2009 The Android Open Source Project <initial-contribution@android.com> auto import from //depot/cupcake/@135843
89c1feb0a69a7707b271086e749975b3f7acacf7 18-Dec-2008 The Android Open Source Project <initial-contribution@android.com> Code drop from //branches/cupcake/...@124589
2ad60cfc28e14ee8f0bb038720836a4696c478ad 21-Oct-2008 The Android Open Source Project <initial-contribution@android.com> Initial Contribution