3* Copyright (C) 1996-2006, International Business Machines Corporation and    *
4* others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
10package com.ibm.icu4jni.charset;
13 * Class for accessing the underlying JNI methods
14 * @internal ICU 2.4
15 */
16final class NativeConverter{
18    //Native methods
20    /**
21     * Converts an array of bytes containing characters in an external
22     * encoding into an array of Unicode characters.  This  method allows
23     * a buffer by buffer conversion of a data stream.  The state of the
24     * conversion is saved between calls to convert.  Among other things,
25     * this means multibyte input sequences can be split between calls.
26     * If a call to convert results in an Error, the conversion may be
27     * continued by calling convert again with suitably modified parameters.
28     * All conversions should be finished with a call to the flush method.
29     *
30     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by C code
31     * @param input byte array containing text to be converted.
32     * @param inEnd stop conversion at this offset in input array (exclusive).
33     * @param output character array to receive conversion result.
34     * @param outEnd stop writing to output array at this offset (exclusive).
35     * @param data integer array containing the following data
36     *        data[0] = inputOffset
37     *        data[1] = outputOffset
38     * @return int error code returned by ICU
39     * @internal ICU 2.4
40     */
42    public static final native int convertByteToChar( long converterHandle,
43                                   byte[] input, int inEnd,
44                                   char[] output, int outEnd,
45                                   int[] data,
46                                   boolean flush);
47    /**
48     * Converts an array of bytes containing characters in an external
49     * encoding into an array of Unicode characters.  This  method allows
50     * a buffer by buffer conversion of a data stream.  The state of the
51     * conversion is saved between calls to convert.  Among other things,
52     * this means multibyte input sequences can be split between calls.
53     * If a call to convert results in an Error, the conversion may be
54     * continued by calling convert again with suitably modified parameters.
55     * All conversions should be finished with a call to the flush method.
56     *
57     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by C code
58     * @param input byte array containing text to be converted.
59     * @param inEnd stop conversion at this offset in input array (exclusive).
60     * @param output character array to receive conversion result.
61     * @param outEnd stop writing to output array at this offset (exclusive).
62     * @param data integer array containing the following data
63     *        data[0] = inputOffset
64     *        data[1] = outputOffset
65     * @return int error code returned by ICU
66     * @internal ICU 2.4
67     */
68    public static final native int decode( long converterHandle,
69                                   byte[] input, int inEnd,
70                                   char[] output, int outEnd,
71                                   int[] data,
72                                   boolean flush);
73    /**
74     * Converts an array of Unicode chars containing characters in an
75     * external encoding into an array of bytes.  This  method allows
76     * a buffer by buffer conversion of a data stream.  The state of the
77     * conversion is saved between calls to convert.  Among other things,
78     * this means multibyte input sequences can be split between calls.
79     * If a call to convert results in an Error, the conversion may be
80     * continued by calling convert again with suitably modified parameters.
81     * All conversions should be finished with a call to the flush method.
82     *
83     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by C code
84     * @param input char array containing text to be converted.
85     * @param inEnd stop conversion at this offset in input array (exclusive).
86     * @param output byte array to receive conversion result.
87     * @param outEnd stop writing to output array at this offset (exclusive).
88     * @param data integer array containing the following data
89     *        data[0] = inputOffset
90     *        data[1] = outputOffset
91     * @return int error code returned by ICU
92     * @internal ICU 2.4
93     */
94    public static final native int convertCharToByte(long converterHandle,
95                                   char[] input, int inEnd,
96                                   byte[] output, int outEnd,
97                                   int[] data,
98                                   boolean flush);
99    /**
100     * Converts an array of Unicode chars containing characters in an
101     * external encoding into an array of bytes.  This  method allows
102     * a buffer by buffer conversion of a data stream.  The state of the
103     * conversion is saved between calls to convert.  Among other things,
104     * this means multibyte input sequences can be split between calls.
105     * If a call to convert results in an Error, the conversion may be
106     * continued by calling convert again with suitably modified parameters.
107     * All conversions should be finished with a call to the flush method.
108     *
109     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by C code
110     * @param input char array containing text to be converted.
111     * @param inEnd stop conversion at this offset in input array (exclusive).
112     * @param output byte array to receive conversion result.
113     * @param outEnd stop writing to output array at this offset (exclusive).
114     * @param data integer array containing the following data
115     *        data[0] = inputOffset
116     *        data[1] = outputOffset
117     * @return int error code returned by ICU
118     * @internal ICU 2.4
119     */
120    public static final native int encode(long converterHandle,
121                                   char[] input, int inEnd,
122                                   byte[] output, int outEnd,
123                                   int[] data,
124                                   boolean flush);
125    /**
126     * Writes any remaining output to the output buffer and resets the
127     * converter to its initial state.
128     *
129     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by C code
130     * @param output byte array to receive flushed output.
131     * @param outEnd stop writing to output array at this offset (exclusive).
132     * @return int error code returned by ICU
133     * @param data integer array containing the following data
134     *        data[0] = inputOffset
135     *        data[1] = outputOffset
136     * @internal ICU 2.4
137     */
138    public static final native int flushCharToByte(long converterHandle,
139                                   byte[] output,
140                                   int outEnd,
141                                   int[] data);
142    /**
143     * Writes any remaining output to the output buffer and resets the
144     * converter to its initial state.
145     *
146     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
147     * @param output char array to receive flushed output.
148     * @param outEnd stop writing to output array at this offset (exclusive).
149     * @return int error code returned by ICU
150     * @param data integer array containing the following data
151     *        data[0] = inputOffset
152     *        data[1] = outputOffset
153     * @internal ICU 2.4
154     */
155    public static final native int flushByteToChar(long converterHandle,
156                                   char[] output,
157                                   int outEnd,
158                                   int[] data);
160    /**
161     * Open the converter with the specified encoding
162     *
163     * @param converterHandle long array for recieving the adress of converter object
164     *        created by the native code
165     * @param encoding string representing encoding
166     * @return int error code returned by ICU
167     * @internal ICU 2.4
168     */
169    public static final native long openConverter(String encoding);
170    /**
171     * Resets the ByteToChar (toUnicode) state of specified converter
172     *
173     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
174     * @internal ICU 2.4
175     */
176    public static final native void resetByteToChar(long  converterHandle);
178    /**
179     * Resets the CharToByte (fromUnicode) state of specified converter
180     *
181     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
182     * @internal ICU 2.4
183     */
184    public static final native void resetCharToByte(long  converterHandle);
186    /**
187     * Closes the specified converter and releases the resources
188     *
189     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
190     * @internal ICU 2.4
191     */
192    public static final native void closeConverter(long converterHandle);
194    /**
195     * Sets the substitution Unicode chars of the specified converter used
196     * by encoder
197     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
198     * @param subChars array of chars to used for substitution
199     * @param length length of the array
200     * @return int error code returned by ICU
201     * @internal ICU 2.4
202     */
203    public static final native int setSubstitutionChars( long converterHandle,
204                                   char[] subChars,int length);
205    /**
206     * Sets the substitution bytes of the specified converter used by decoder
207     *
208     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
209     * @param subChars array of bytes to used for substitution
210     * @param length length of the array
211     * @return int error code returned by ICU
212     * @internal ICU 2.4
213     */
214    public static final native int setSubstitutionBytes( long converterHandle,
215                                   byte[] subChars,int length);
216    /**
217     * Sets the substitution mode of CharToByte(fromUnicode) for the specified converter
218     *
219     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
220     * @param mode to set the true/false
221     * @return int error code returned by ICU
222     * @internal ICU 2.4
223     */
224    public static final native int setSubstitutionModeCharToByte(long converterHandle,
225                                   boolean mode);
226    /**
227     * Sets the substitution mode of CharToByte(fromUnicode) for the specified converter
228     *
229     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
230     * @param mode to set the true/false
231     * @return int error code returned by ICU
232     * @internal ICU 3.6
233     */
234    public static final native int setSubstitutionModeByteToChar(long converterHandle,
235                                   boolean mode);
236    /**
237     * Gets the numnber of invalid bytes in the specified converter object
238     * for the last error that has occured
239     *
240     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
241     * @param length array of int to recieve length of the array
242     * @return int error code returned by ICU
243     * @internal ICU 2.4
244     */
245    public static final native int countInvalidBytes(long converterHandle, int[] length);
247    /**
248     * Gets the numnber of invalid chars in the specified converter object
249     * for the last error that has occured
250     *
251     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
252     * @param length array of int to recieve length of the array
253     * @return int error code returned by ICU
254     * @internal ICU 2.4
255     */
256    public static final native int countInvalidChars(long converterHandle, int[] length);
258    /**
259     * Gets the number of bytes needed for converting a char
260     *
261     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
262     * @return number of bytes needed
263     * @internal ICU 2.4
264     */
265    public static final native int getMaxBytesPerChar(long converterHandle);
267    /**
268     * Gets the number of bytes needed for converting a char
269     *
270     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
271     * @return number of bytes needed
272     * @internal ICU 3.2
273     */
274    public static final native int getMinBytesPerChar(long converterHandle);
276    /**
277     * Gets the average numnber of bytes needed for converting a char
278     *
279     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
280     * @return number of bytes needed
281     * @internal ICU 2.4
282     */
283    public static final native float getAveBytesPerChar(long converterHandle);
285    /**
286     * Gets the number of chars needed for converting a byte
287     *
288     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
289     * @return number of bytes needed
290     * @internal ICU 2.4
291     */
292    public static final native int getMaxCharsPerByte(long converterHandle);
294    /**
295     * Gets the average numnber of chars needed for converting a byte
296     *
297     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
298     * @return number of bytes needed
299     * @internal ICU 2.4
300     */
301    public static final native float getAveCharsPerByte(long converterHandle);
303    //CSDL: added by Jack
304    /**
305     * Determines whether charset1 contains charset2.
306     */
307    public static final native boolean contains(long converterHandle1, long converterHandle2);
309    public static final native byte[] getSubstitutionBytes(long converterHandle);
311    /**
312     * Ascertains if a given Unicode code unit can
313     * be converted to the target encoding
314     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
315     * @param  codeUnit the character to be converted
316     * @return true if a character can be converted
317     * @internal ICU 2.4
318     *
319     */
320    public static final native boolean canEncode(long converterHandle,int codeUnit);
322    /**
323     * Ascertains if a given a byte sequence can be converted to Unicode
324     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
325     * @param  bytes the bytes to be converted
326     * @return true if a character can be converted
327     * @internal ICU 2.4
328     *
329     */
330    public static final native boolean canDecode(long converterHandle,byte[] bytes);
332    /**
333     * Gets the canonical names of available converters
334     * @return Object[] names as an object array
335     * @internal ICU 2.4
336     */
337    public static final native String[] getAvailable();
339    /**
340     * Gets the number of aliases for a converter name
341     * @param enc encoding name
342     * @return number of aliases for the converter
343     * @internal ICU 2.4
344     */
345    public static final native int countAliases(String enc);
347    /**
348     * Gets the aliases associated with the converter name
349     * @param enc converter name
350     * @return converter names as elements in an object array
351     * @internal ICU 2.4
352     */
353    public static final native String[] getAliases(String enc);
355    /**
356     * Gets the canonical name of the converter
357     * @param enc converter name
358     * @return canonical name of the converter
359     * @internal ICU 2.4
360     */
361    public static final native String getCanonicalName(String enc);
363    /**
364     * Gets the canonical name of the converter as defined by Java
365     * @param enc converter name
366     * @return canonical name of the converter
367     * @internal ICU 3.4
368     */
369    public static final native String getICUCanonicalName(String enc);
371    /**
372     * Gets the canonical name of the converter as defined by Java
373     * @param icuCanonicalName converter name
374     * @return canonical name of the converter
375     * @internal ICU 3.4
376     */
377    public static final native String getJavaCanonicalName(String icuCanonicalName);
379    /**
380     * Sets the callback to Unicode for ICU conveter. The default behaviour of ICU callback
381     * is to call the specified callback function for both illegal and unmapped sequences.
382     * @param converterHandle Adress of the converter object created by native code
383     * @param mode call back mode to set. This is either STOP_CALLBACK, SKIP_CALLBACK or SUBSTITUE_CALLBACK
384     *        The converter performs the specified callback when an error occurs
385     * @param stopOnIllegal If true sets the alerts the converter callback to stop on an illegal sequence
386     * @return int error code returned by ICU
387     * @internal ICU 2.4
388     */
389    public static final native int setCallbackDecode(long converterHandle, int onMalformedInput, int onUnmappableInput, char[] subChars, int length);
391    /**
392     * Sets the callback from Unicode for ICU conveter. The default behaviour of ICU callback
393     * is to call the specified callback function for both illegal and unmapped sequences.
394     * @param converterHandle Adress of the converter object created by native code
395     * @param mode call back mode to set. This is either STOP_CALLBACK, SKIP_CALLBACK or SUBSTITUE_CALLBACK
396     *        The converter performs the specified callback when an error occurs
397     * @param stopOnIllegal If true sets the alerts the converter callback to stop on an illegal sequence
398     * @return int error code returned by ICU
399     * @internal ICU 2.4
400     */
401    public static final native int setCallbackEncode(long converterHandle, int onMalformedInput, int onUnmappableInput, byte[] subBytes, int length);
403    /**
404     * Returns a thread safe clone of the converter
405     * @internal ICU 2.4
406     */
407    public static final native long safeClone(long converterHandle);
409    /** @internal ICU 2.4 */
410    public static final int STOP_CALLBACK = 0;//CodingErrorAction.REPORT
411    /** @internal ICU 2.4 */
412    public static final int SKIP_CALLBACK = 1;//CodingErrorAction.IGNORE
413    /** @internal ICU 2.4 */
414    public static final int SUBSTITUTE_CALLBACK = 2;//CodingErrorAction.REPLACE