1/* GObject - GLib Type, Object, Parameter and Signal Library
2 * Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Red Hat, Inc.
3 * Copyright (C) 2005 Imendio AB
4 *
5 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 *
10 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
16 * Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
17 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
18 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
19 */
22 * MT safe with regards to reference counting.
23 */
25#include "config.h"
27#include <string.h>
29#include "gclosure.h"
30#include "gvalue.h"
31#include "gobjectalias.h"
35 * SECTION:gclosure
36 * @short_description: Functions as first-class objects
37 * @title: Closures
38 *
39 * A #GClosure represents a callback supplied by the programmer. It
40 * will generally comprise a function of some kind and a marshaller
41 * used to call it. It is the reponsibility of the marshaller to
42 * convert the arguments for the invocation from #GValue<!-- -->s into
43 * a suitable form, perform the callback on the converted arguments,
44 * and transform the return value back into a #GValue.
45 *
46 * In the case of C programs, a closure usually just holds a pointer
47 * to a function and maybe a data argument, and the marshaller
48 * converts between #GValue<!-- --> and native C types. The GObject
49 * library provides the #GCClosure type for this purpose. Bindings for
50 * other languages need marshallers which convert between #GValue<!--
51 * -->s and suitable representations in the runtime of the language in
52 * order to use functions written in that languages as callbacks.
53 *
54 * Within GObject, closures play an important role in the
55 * implementation of signals. When a signal is registered, the
56 * @c_marshaller argument to g_signal_new() specifies the default C
57 * marshaller for any closure which is connected to this
58 * signal. GObject provides a number of C marshallers for this
59 * purpose, see the g_cclosure_marshal_*() functions. Additional C
60 * marshallers can be generated with the <link
61 * linkend="glib-genmarshal">glib-genmarshal</link> utility.  Closures
62 * can be explicitly connected to signals with
63 * g_signal_connect_closure(), but it usually more convenient to let
64 * GObject create a closure automatically by using one of the
65 * g_signal_connect_*() functions which take a callback function/user
66 * data pair.
67 *
68 * Using closures has a number of important advantages over a simple
69 * callback function/data pointer combination:
70 * <itemizedlist>
71 * <listitem><para>
72 * Closures allow the callee to get the types of the callback parameters,
73 * which means that language bindings don't have to write individual glue
74 * for each callback type.
75 * </para></listitem>
76 * <listitem><para>
77 * The reference counting of #GClosure makes it easy to handle reentrancy
78 * right; if a callback is removed while it is being invoked, the closure
79 * and its parameters won't be freed until the invocation finishes.
80 * </para></listitem>
81 * <listitem><para>
82 * g_closure_invalidate() and invalidation notifiers allow callbacks to be
83 * automatically removed when the objects they point to go away.
84 * </para></listitem>
85 * </itemizedlist>
86 */
89#define	CLOSURE_MAX_REF_COUNT		((1 << 15) - 1)
90#define	CLOSURE_MAX_N_GUARDS		((1 << 1) - 1)
91#define	CLOSURE_MAX_N_FNOTIFIERS	((1 << 2) - 1)
92#define	CLOSURE_MAX_N_INOTIFIERS	((1 << 8) - 1)
93#define	CLOSURE_N_MFUNCS(cl)		((cl)->meta_marshal + \
94                                         ((cl)->n_guards << 1L))
95/* same as G_CLOSURE_N_NOTIFIERS() (keep in sync) */
97                                         (cl)->n_fnotifiers + \
98                                         (cl)->n_inotifiers)
100typedef union {
101  GClosure closure;
102  volatile gint vint;
103} ClosureInt;
105#define CHANGE_FIELD(_closure, _field, _OP, _value, _must_set, _SET_OLD, _SET_NEW)      \
106G_STMT_START {                                                                          \
107  ClosureInt *cunion = (ClosureInt*) _closure;                 		                \
108  gint new_int, old_int, success;                              		                \
109  do                                                    		                \
110    {                                                   		                \
111      ClosureInt tmp;                                   		                \
112      tmp.vint = old_int = cunion->vint;                		                \
113      _SET_OLD tmp.closure._field;                                                      \
114      tmp.closure._field _OP _value;                      		                \
115      _SET_NEW tmp.closure._field;                                                      \
116      new_int = tmp.vint;                               		                \
117      success = g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange (&cunion->vint, old_int, new_int);    \
118    }                                                   		                \
119  while (!success && _must_set);                                                        \
122#define SWAP(_closure, _field, _value, _oldv)   CHANGE_FIELD (_closure, _field, =, _value, TRUE, *(_oldv) =,     (void) )
123#define SET(_closure, _field, _value)           CHANGE_FIELD (_closure, _field, =, _value, TRUE,     (void),     (void) )
124#define INC(_closure, _field)                   CHANGE_FIELD (_closure, _field, +=,     1, TRUE,     (void),     (void) )
125#define INC_ASSIGN(_closure, _field, _newv)     CHANGE_FIELD (_closure, _field, +=,     1, TRUE,     (void), *(_newv) = )
126#define DEC(_closure, _field)                   CHANGE_FIELD (_closure, _field, -=,     1, TRUE,     (void),     (void) )
127#define DEC_ASSIGN(_closure, _field, _newv)     CHANGE_FIELD (_closure, _field, -=,     1, TRUE,     (void), *(_newv) = )
129#if 0   /* for non-thread-safe closures */
130#define SWAP(cl,f,v,o)     (void) (*(o) = cl->f, cl->f = v)
131#define SET(cl,f,v)        (void) (cl->f = v)
132#define INC(cl,f)          (void) (cl->f += 1)
133#define INC_ASSIGN(cl,f,n) (void) (cl->f += 1, *(n) = cl->f)
134#define DEC(cl,f)          (void) (cl->f -= 1)
135#define DEC_ASSIGN(cl,f,n) (void) (cl->f -= 1, *(n) = cl->f)
138enum {
146/* --- functions --- */
148 * g_closure_new_simple:
149 * @sizeof_closure: the size of the structure to allocate, must be at least
150 *                  <literal>sizeof (GClosure)</literal>
151 * @data: data to store in the @data field of the newly allocated #GClosure
152 *
153 * Allocates a struct of the given size and initializes the initial
154 * part as a #GClosure. This function is mainly useful when
155 * implementing new types of closures.
156 *
157 * |[
158 * typedef struct _MyClosure MyClosure;
159 * struct _MyClosure
160 * {
161 *   GClosure closure;
162 *   // extra data goes here
163 * };
164 *
165 * static void
166 * my_closure_finalize (gpointer  notify_data,
167 *                      GClosure *closure)
168 * {
169 *   MyClosure *my_closure = (MyClosure *)closure;
170 *
171 *   // free extra data here
172 * }
173 *
174 * MyClosure *my_closure_new (gpointer data)
175 * {
176 *   GClosure *closure;
177 *   MyClosure *my_closure;
178 *
179 *   closure = g_closure_new_simple (sizeof (MyClosure), data);
180 *   my_closure = (MyClosure *) closure;
181 *
182 *   // initialize extra data here
183 *
184 *   g_closure_add_finalize_notifier (closure, notify_data,
185 *                                    my_closure_finalize);
186 *   return my_closure;
187 * }
188 * ]|
189 *
190 * Returns: a newly allocated #GClosure
191 */
193g_closure_new_simple (guint           sizeof_closure,
194		      gpointer        data)
196  GClosure *closure;
198  g_return_val_if_fail (sizeof_closure >= sizeof (GClosure), NULL);
200  closure = g_malloc0 (sizeof_closure);
201  SET (closure, ref_count, 1);
202  SET (closure, meta_marshal, 0);
203  SET (closure, n_guards, 0);
204  SET (closure, n_fnotifiers, 0);
205  SET (closure, n_inotifiers, 0);
206  SET (closure, in_inotify, FALSE);
207  SET (closure, floating, TRUE);
208  SET (closure, derivative_flag, 0);
209  SET (closure, in_marshal, FALSE);
210  SET (closure, is_invalid, FALSE);
211  closure->marshal = NULL;
212  closure->data = data;
213  closure->notifiers = NULL;
214  memset (G_STRUCT_MEMBER_P (closure, sizeof (*closure)), 0, sizeof_closure - sizeof (*closure));
216  return closure;
219static inline void
220closure_invoke_notifiers (GClosure *closure,
221			  guint     notify_type)
223  /* notifier layout:
224   *     meta_marshal  n_guards    n_guards     n_fnotif.  n_inotifiers
225   * ->[[meta_marshal][pre_guards][post_guards][fnotifiers][inotifiers]]
226   *
227   * CLOSURE_N_MFUNCS(cl)    = meta_marshal + n_guards + n_guards;
228   * CLOSURE_N_NOTIFIERS(cl) = CLOSURE_N_MFUNCS(cl) + n_fnotifiers + n_inotifiers
229   *
230   * constrains/catches:
231   * - closure->notifiers may be reloacted during callback
232   * - closure->n_fnotifiers and closure->n_inotifiers may change during callback
233   * - i.e. callbacks can be removed/added during invocation
234   * - must prepare for callback removal during FNOTIFY and INOTIFY (done via ->marshal= & ->data=)
235   * - must distinguish (->marshal= & ->data=) for INOTIFY vs. FNOTIFY (via ->in_inotify)
236   * + closure->n_guards is const during PRE_NOTIFY & POST_NOTIFY
237   * + closure->meta_marshal is const for all cases
238   * + none of the callbacks can cause recursion
239   * + closure->n_inotifiers is const 0 during FNOTIFY
240   */
241  switch (notify_type)
242    {
243      GClosureNotifyData *ndata;
244      guint i, offs;
245    case FNOTIFY:
246      while (closure->n_fnotifiers)
247	{
248          guint n;
249	  DEC_ASSIGN (closure, n_fnotifiers, &n);
251	  ndata = closure->notifiers + CLOSURE_N_MFUNCS (closure) + n;
252	  closure->marshal = (GClosureMarshal) ndata->notify;
253	  closure->data = ndata->data;
254	  ndata->notify (ndata->data, closure);
255	}
256      closure->marshal = NULL;
257      closure->data = NULL;
258      break;
259    case INOTIFY:
260      SET (closure, in_inotify, TRUE);
261      while (closure->n_inotifiers)
262	{
263          guint n;
264          DEC_ASSIGN (closure, n_inotifiers, &n);
266	  ndata = closure->notifiers + CLOSURE_N_MFUNCS (closure) + closure->n_fnotifiers + n;
267	  closure->marshal = (GClosureMarshal) ndata->notify;
268	  closure->data = ndata->data;
269	  ndata->notify (ndata->data, closure);
270	}
271      closure->marshal = NULL;
272      closure->data = NULL;
273      SET (closure, in_inotify, FALSE);
274      break;
275    case PRE_NOTIFY:
276      i = closure->n_guards;
277      offs = closure->meta_marshal;
278      while (i--)
279	{
280	  ndata = closure->notifiers + offs + i;
281	  ndata->notify (ndata->data, closure);
282	}
283      break;
284    case POST_NOTIFY:
285      i = closure->n_guards;
286      offs = closure->meta_marshal + i;
287      while (i--)
288	{
289	  ndata = closure->notifiers + offs + i;
290	  ndata->notify (ndata->data, closure);
291	}
292      break;
293    }
297 * g_closure_set_meta_marshal:
298 * @closure: a #GClosure
299 * @marshal_data: context-dependent data to pass to @meta_marshal
300 * @meta_marshal: a #GClosureMarshal function
301 *
302 * Sets the meta marshaller of @closure.  A meta marshaller wraps
303 * @closure->marshal and modifies the way it is called in some
304 * fashion. The most common use of this facility is for C callbacks.
305 * The same marshallers (generated by <link
306 * linkend="glib-genmarshal">glib-genmarshal</link>) are used
307 * everywhere, but the way that we get the callback function
308 * differs. In most cases we want to use @closure->callback, but in
309 * other cases we want to use some different technique to retrieve the
310 * callback function.
311 *
312 * For example, class closures for signals (see
313 * g_signal_type_cclosure_new()) retrieve the callback function from a
314 * fixed offset in the class structure.  The meta marshaller retrieves
315 * the right callback and passes it to the marshaller as the
316 * @marshal_data argument.
317 */
319g_closure_set_meta_marshal (GClosure       *closure,
320			    gpointer        marshal_data,
321			    GClosureMarshal meta_marshal)
323  GClosureNotifyData *notifiers;
325  g_return_if_fail (closure != NULL);
326  g_return_if_fail (meta_marshal != NULL);
327  g_return_if_fail (closure->is_invalid == FALSE);
328  g_return_if_fail (closure->in_marshal == FALSE);
329  g_return_if_fail (closure->meta_marshal == 0);
331  notifiers = closure->notifiers;
332  closure->notifiers = g_renew (GClosureNotifyData, NULL, CLOSURE_N_NOTIFIERS (closure) + 1);
333  if (notifiers)
334    {
335      /* usually the meta marshal will be setup right after creation, so the
336       * g_memmove() should be rare-case scenario
337       */
338      g_memmove (closure->notifiers + 1, notifiers, CLOSURE_N_NOTIFIERS (closure) * sizeof (notifiers[0]));
339      g_free (notifiers);
340    }
341  closure->notifiers[0].data = marshal_data;
342  closure->notifiers[0].notify = (GClosureNotify) meta_marshal;
343  SET (closure, meta_marshal, 1);
347 * g_closure_add_marshal_guards:
348 * @closure: a #GClosure
349 * @pre_marshal_data: data to pass to @pre_marshal_notify
350 * @pre_marshal_notify: a function to call before the closure callback
351 * @post_marshal_data: data to pass to @post_marshal_notify
352 * @post_marshal_notify: a function to call after the closure callback
353 *
354 * Adds a pair of notifiers which get invoked before and after the
355 * closure callback, respectively. This is typically used to protect
356 * the extra arguments for the duration of the callback. See
357 * g_object_watch_closure() for an example of marshal guards.
358 */
360g_closure_add_marshal_guards (GClosure      *closure,
361			      gpointer       pre_marshal_data,
362			      GClosureNotify pre_marshal_notify,
363			      gpointer       post_marshal_data,
364			      GClosureNotify post_marshal_notify)
366  guint i;
368  g_return_if_fail (closure != NULL);
369  g_return_if_fail (pre_marshal_notify != NULL);
370  g_return_if_fail (post_marshal_notify != NULL);
371  g_return_if_fail (closure->is_invalid == FALSE);
372  g_return_if_fail (closure->in_marshal == FALSE);
373  g_return_if_fail (closure->n_guards < CLOSURE_MAX_N_GUARDS);
375  closure->notifiers = g_renew (GClosureNotifyData, closure->notifiers, CLOSURE_N_NOTIFIERS (closure) + 2);
376  if (closure->n_inotifiers)
377    closure->notifiers[(CLOSURE_N_MFUNCS (closure) +
378			closure->n_fnotifiers +
379			closure->n_inotifiers + 1)] = closure->notifiers[(CLOSURE_N_MFUNCS (closure) +
380									  closure->n_fnotifiers + 0)];
381  if (closure->n_inotifiers > 1)
382    closure->notifiers[(CLOSURE_N_MFUNCS (closure) +
383			closure->n_fnotifiers +
384			closure->n_inotifiers)] = closure->notifiers[(CLOSURE_N_MFUNCS (closure) +
385								      closure->n_fnotifiers + 1)];
386  if (closure->n_fnotifiers)
387    closure->notifiers[(CLOSURE_N_MFUNCS (closure) +
388			closure->n_fnotifiers + 1)] = closure->notifiers[CLOSURE_N_MFUNCS (closure) + 0];
389  if (closure->n_fnotifiers > 1)
390    closure->notifiers[(CLOSURE_N_MFUNCS (closure) +
391			closure->n_fnotifiers)] = closure->notifiers[CLOSURE_N_MFUNCS (closure) + 1];
392  if (closure->n_guards)
393    closure->notifiers[(closure->meta_marshal +
394			closure->n_guards +
395			closure->n_guards + 1)] = closure->notifiers[closure->meta_marshal + closure->n_guards];
396  i = closure->n_guards;
397  closure->notifiers[closure->meta_marshal + i].data = pre_marshal_data;
398  closure->notifiers[closure->meta_marshal + i].notify = pre_marshal_notify;
399  closure->notifiers[closure->meta_marshal + i + 1].data = post_marshal_data;
400  closure->notifiers[closure->meta_marshal + i + 1].notify = post_marshal_notify;
401  INC (closure, n_guards);
405 * g_closure_add_finalize_notifier:
406 * @closure: a #GClosure
407 * @notify_data: data to pass to @notify_func
408 * @notify_func: the callback function to register
409 *
410 * Registers a finalization notifier which will be called when the
411 * reference count of @closure goes down to 0. Multiple finalization
412 * notifiers on a single closure are invoked in unspecified order. If
413 * a single call to g_closure_unref() results in the closure being
414 * both invalidated and finalized, then the invalidate notifiers will
415 * be run before the finalize notifiers.
416 */
418g_closure_add_finalize_notifier (GClosure      *closure,
419				 gpointer       notify_data,
420				 GClosureNotify notify_func)
422  guint i;
424  g_return_if_fail (closure != NULL);
425  g_return_if_fail (notify_func != NULL);
426  g_return_if_fail (closure->n_fnotifiers < CLOSURE_MAX_N_FNOTIFIERS);
428  closure->notifiers = g_renew (GClosureNotifyData, closure->notifiers, CLOSURE_N_NOTIFIERS (closure) + 1);
429  if (closure->n_inotifiers)
430    closure->notifiers[(CLOSURE_N_MFUNCS (closure) +
431			closure->n_fnotifiers +
432			closure->n_inotifiers)] = closure->notifiers[(CLOSURE_N_MFUNCS (closure) +
433								      closure->n_fnotifiers + 0)];
434  i = CLOSURE_N_MFUNCS (closure) + closure->n_fnotifiers;
435  closure->notifiers[i].data = notify_data;
436  closure->notifiers[i].notify = notify_func;
437  INC (closure, n_fnotifiers);
441 * g_closure_add_invalidate_notifier:
442 * @closure: a #GClosure
443 * @notify_data: data to pass to @notify_func
444 * @notify_func: the callback function to register
445 *
446 * Registers an invalidation notifier which will be called when the
447 * @closure is invalidated with g_closure_invalidate(). Invalidation
448 * notifiers are invoked before finalization notifiers, in an
449 * unspecified order.
450 */
452g_closure_add_invalidate_notifier (GClosure      *closure,
453				   gpointer       notify_data,
454				   GClosureNotify notify_func)
456  guint i;
458  g_return_if_fail (closure != NULL);
459  g_return_if_fail (notify_func != NULL);
460  g_return_if_fail (closure->is_invalid == FALSE);
461  g_return_if_fail (closure->n_inotifiers < CLOSURE_MAX_N_INOTIFIERS);
463  closure->notifiers = g_renew (GClosureNotifyData, closure->notifiers, CLOSURE_N_NOTIFIERS (closure) + 1);
464  i = CLOSURE_N_MFUNCS (closure) + closure->n_fnotifiers + closure->n_inotifiers;
465  closure->notifiers[i].data = notify_data;
466  closure->notifiers[i].notify = notify_func;
467  INC (closure, n_inotifiers);
470static inline gboolean
471closure_try_remove_inotify (GClosure       *closure,
472			    gpointer       notify_data,
473			    GClosureNotify notify_func)
475  GClosureNotifyData *ndata, *nlast;
477  nlast = closure->notifiers + CLOSURE_N_NOTIFIERS (closure) - 1;
478  for (ndata = nlast + 1 - closure->n_inotifiers; ndata <= nlast; ndata++)
479    if (ndata->notify == notify_func && ndata->data == notify_data)
480      {
481	DEC (closure, n_inotifiers);
482	if (ndata < nlast)
483	  *ndata = *nlast;
485	return TRUE;
486      }
487  return FALSE;
490static inline gboolean
491closure_try_remove_fnotify (GClosure       *closure,
492			    gpointer       notify_data,
493			    GClosureNotify notify_func)
495  GClosureNotifyData *ndata, *nlast;
497  nlast = closure->notifiers + CLOSURE_N_NOTIFIERS (closure) - closure->n_inotifiers - 1;
498  for (ndata = nlast + 1 - closure->n_fnotifiers; ndata <= nlast; ndata++)
499    if (ndata->notify == notify_func && ndata->data == notify_data)
500      {
501	DEC (closure, n_fnotifiers);
502	if (ndata < nlast)
503	  *ndata = *nlast;
504	if (closure->n_inotifiers)
505	  closure->notifiers[(CLOSURE_N_MFUNCS (closure) +
506			      closure->n_fnotifiers)] = closure->notifiers[(CLOSURE_N_MFUNCS (closure) +
507									    closure->n_fnotifiers +
508									    closure->n_inotifiers)];
509	return TRUE;
510      }
511  return FALSE;
515 * g_closure_ref:
516 * @closure: #GClosure to increment the reference count on
517 *
518 * Increments the reference count on a closure to force it staying
519 * alive while the caller holds a pointer to it.
520 *
521 * Returns: The @closure passed in, for convenience
522 */
524g_closure_ref (GClosure *closure)
526  guint new_ref_count;
527  g_return_val_if_fail (closure != NULL, NULL);
528  g_return_val_if_fail (closure->ref_count > 0, NULL);
529  g_return_val_if_fail (closure->ref_count < CLOSURE_MAX_REF_COUNT, NULL);
531  INC_ASSIGN (closure, ref_count, &new_ref_count);
532  g_return_val_if_fail (new_ref_count > 1, NULL);
534  return closure;
538 * g_closure_invalidate:
539 * @closure: GClosure to invalidate
540 *
541 * Sets a flag on the closure to indicate that its calling
542 * environment has become invalid, and thus causes any future
543 * invocations of g_closure_invoke() on this @closure to be
544 * ignored. Also, invalidation notifiers installed on the closure will
545 * be called at this point. Note that unless you are holding a
546 * reference to the closure yourself, the invalidation notifiers may
547 * unref the closure and cause it to be destroyed, so if you need to
548 * access the closure after calling g_closure_invalidate(), make sure
549 * that you've previously called g_closure_ref().
550 *
551 * Note that g_closure_invalidate() will also be called when the
552 * reference count of a closure drops to zero (unless it has already
553 * been invalidated before).
554 */
556g_closure_invalidate (GClosure *closure)
558  g_return_if_fail (closure != NULL);
560  if (!closure->is_invalid)
561    {
562      gboolean was_invalid;
563      g_closure_ref (closure);           /* preserve floating flag */
564      SWAP (closure, is_invalid, TRUE, &was_invalid);
565      /* invalidate only once */
566      if (!was_invalid)
567        closure_invoke_notifiers (closure, INOTIFY);
568      g_closure_unref (closure);
569    }
573 * g_closure_unref:
574 * @closure: #GClosure to decrement the reference count on
575 *
576 * Decrements the reference count of a closure after it was previously
577 * incremented by the same caller. If no other callers are using the
578 * closure, then the closure will be destroyed and freed.
579 */
581g_closure_unref (GClosure *closure)
583  guint new_ref_count;
585  g_return_if_fail (closure != NULL);
586  g_return_if_fail (closure->ref_count > 0);
588  if (closure->ref_count == 1)	/* last unref, invalidate first */
589    g_closure_invalidate (closure);
591  DEC_ASSIGN (closure, ref_count, &new_ref_count);
593  if (new_ref_count == 0)
594    {
595      closure_invoke_notifiers (closure, FNOTIFY);
596      g_free (closure->notifiers);
597      g_free (closure);
598    }
602 * g_closure_sink:
603 * @closure: #GClosure to decrement the initial reference count on, if it's
604 *           still being held
605 *
606 * Takes over the initial ownership of a closure.  Each closure is
607 * initially created in a <firstterm>floating</firstterm> state, which
608 * means that the initial reference count is not owned by any caller.
609 * g_closure_sink() checks to see if the object is still floating, and
610 * if so, unsets the floating state and decreases the reference
611 * count. If the closure is not floating, g_closure_sink() does
612 * nothing. The reason for the existance of the floating state is to
613 * prevent cumbersome code sequences like:
614 * |[
615 * closure = g_cclosure_new (cb_func, cb_data);
616 * g_source_set_closure (source, closure);
617 * g_closure_unref (closure); // XXX GObject doesn't really need this
618 * ]|
619 * Because g_source_set_closure() (and similar functions) take ownership of the
620 * initial reference count, if it is unowned, we instead can write:
621 * |[
622 * g_source_set_closure (source, g_cclosure_new (cb_func, cb_data));
623 * ]|
624 *
625 * Generally, this function is used together with g_closure_ref(). Ane example
626 * of storing a closure for later notification looks like:
627 * |[
628 * static GClosure *notify_closure = NULL;
629 * void
630 * foo_notify_set_closure (GClosure *closure)
631 * {
632 *   if (notify_closure)
633 *     g_closure_unref (notify_closure);
634 *   notify_closure = closure;
635 *   if (notify_closure)
636 *     {
637 *       g_closure_ref (notify_closure);
638 *       g_closure_sink (notify_closure);
639 *     }
640 * }
641 * ]|
642 *
643 * Because g_closure_sink() may decrement the reference count of a closure
644 * (if it hasn't been called on @closure yet) just like g_closure_unref(),
645 * g_closure_ref() should be called prior to this function.
646 */
648g_closure_sink (GClosure *closure)
650  g_return_if_fail (closure != NULL);
651  g_return_if_fail (closure->ref_count > 0);
653  /* floating is basically a kludge to avoid creating closures
654   * with a ref_count of 0. so the intial ref_count a closure has
655   * is unowned. with invoking g_closure_sink() code may
656   * indicate that it takes over that intiial ref_count.
657   */
658  if (closure->floating)
659    {
660      gboolean was_floating;
661      SWAP (closure, floating, FALSE, &was_floating);
662      /* unref floating flag only once */
663      if (was_floating)
664        g_closure_unref (closure);
665    }
669 * g_closure_remove_invalidate_notifier:
670 * @closure: a #GClosure
671 * @notify_data: data which was passed to g_closure_add_invalidate_notifier()
672 *               when registering @notify_func
673 * @notify_func: the callback function to remove
674 *
675 * Removes an invalidation notifier.
676 *
677 * Notice that notifiers are automatically removed after they are run.
678 */
680g_closure_remove_invalidate_notifier (GClosure      *closure,
681				      gpointer       notify_data,
682				      GClosureNotify notify_func)
684  g_return_if_fail (closure != NULL);
685  g_return_if_fail (notify_func != NULL);
687  if (closure->is_invalid && closure->in_inotify && /* account removal of notify_func() while it's called */
688      ((gpointer) closure->marshal) == ((gpointer) notify_func) &&
689      closure->data == notify_data)
690    closure->marshal = NULL;
691  else if (!closure_try_remove_inotify (closure, notify_data, notify_func))
692    g_warning (G_STRLOC ": unable to remove uninstalled invalidation notifier: %p (%p)",
693	       notify_func, notify_data);
697 * g_closure_remove_finalize_notifier:
698 * @closure: a #GClosure
699 * @notify_data: data which was passed to g_closure_add_finalize_notifier()
700 *  when registering @notify_func
701 * @notify_func: the callback function to remove
702 *
703 * Removes a finalization notifier.
704 *
705 * Notice that notifiers are automatically removed after they are run.
706 */
708g_closure_remove_finalize_notifier (GClosure      *closure,
709				    gpointer       notify_data,
710				    GClosureNotify notify_func)
712  g_return_if_fail (closure != NULL);
713  g_return_if_fail (notify_func != NULL);
715  if (closure->is_invalid && !closure->in_inotify && /* account removal of notify_func() while it's called */
716      ((gpointer) closure->marshal) == ((gpointer) notify_func) &&
717      closure->data == notify_data)
718    closure->marshal = NULL;
719  else if (!closure_try_remove_fnotify (closure, notify_data, notify_func))
720    g_warning (G_STRLOC ": unable to remove uninstalled finalization notifier: %p (%p)",
721               notify_func, notify_data);
725 * g_closure_invoke:
726 * @closure: a #GClosure
727 * @return_value: a #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL if the
728 *                callback of @closure doesn't return a value.
729 * @n_param_values: the length of the @param_values array
730 * @param_values: an array of #GValue<!-- -->s holding the arguments on
731 *                which to invoke the callback of @closure
732 * @invocation_hint: a context-dependent invocation hint
733 *
734 * Invokes the closure, i.e. executes the callback represented by the @closure.
735 */
737g_closure_invoke (GClosure       *closure,
738		  GValue /*out*/ *return_value,
739		  guint           n_param_values,
740		  const GValue   *param_values,
741		  gpointer        invocation_hint)
743  g_return_if_fail (closure != NULL);
745  g_closure_ref (closure);      /* preserve floating flag */
746  if (!closure->is_invalid)
747    {
748      GClosureMarshal marshal;
749      gpointer marshal_data;
750      gboolean in_marshal = closure->in_marshal;
752      g_return_if_fail (closure->marshal || closure->meta_marshal);
754      SET (closure, in_marshal, TRUE);
755      if (closure->meta_marshal)
756	{
757	  marshal_data = closure->notifiers[0].data;
758	  marshal = (GClosureMarshal) closure->notifiers[0].notify;
759	}
760      else
761	{
762	  marshal_data = NULL;
763	  marshal = closure->marshal;
764	}
765      if (!in_marshal)
766	closure_invoke_notifiers (closure, PRE_NOTIFY);
767      marshal (closure,
768	       return_value,
769	       n_param_values, param_values,
770	       invocation_hint,
771	       marshal_data);
772      if (!in_marshal)
773	closure_invoke_notifiers (closure, POST_NOTIFY);
774      SET (closure, in_marshal, in_marshal);
775    }
776  g_closure_unref (closure);
780 * g_closure_set_marshal:
781 * @closure: a #GClosure
782 * @marshal: a #GClosureMarshal function
783 *
784 * Sets the marshaller of @closure. The <literal>marshal_data</literal>
785 * of @marshal provides a way for a meta marshaller to provide additional
786 * information to the marshaller. (See g_closure_set_meta_marshal().) For
787 * GObject's C predefined marshallers (the g_cclosure_marshal_*()
788 * functions), what it provides is a callback function to use instead of
789 * @closure->callback.
790 */
792g_closure_set_marshal (GClosure       *closure,
793		       GClosureMarshal marshal)
795  g_return_if_fail (closure != NULL);
796  g_return_if_fail (marshal != NULL);
798  if (closure->marshal && closure->marshal != marshal)
799    g_warning ("attempt to override closure->marshal (%p) with new marshal (%p)",
800	       closure->marshal, marshal);
801  else
802    closure->marshal = marshal;
806 * g_cclosure_new:
807 * @callback_func: the function to invoke
808 * @user_data: user data to pass to @callback_func
809 * @destroy_data: destroy notify to be called when @user_data is no longer used
810 *
811 * Creates a new closure which invokes @callback_func with @user_data as
812 * the last parameter.
813 *
814 * Returns: a new #GCClosure
815 */
817g_cclosure_new (GCallback      callback_func,
818		gpointer       user_data,
819		GClosureNotify destroy_data)
821  GClosure *closure;
823  g_return_val_if_fail (callback_func != NULL, NULL);
825  closure = g_closure_new_simple (sizeof (GCClosure), user_data);
826  if (destroy_data)
827    g_closure_add_finalize_notifier (closure, user_data, destroy_data);
828  ((GCClosure*) closure)->callback = (gpointer) callback_func;
830  return closure;
834 * g_cclosure_new_swap:
835 * @callback_func: the function to invoke
836 * @user_data: user data to pass to @callback_func
837 * @destroy_data: destroy notify to be called when @user_data is no longer used
838 *
839 * Creates a new closure which invokes @callback_func with @user_data as
840 * the first parameter.
841 *
842 * Returns: a new #GCClosure
843 */
845g_cclosure_new_swap (GCallback      callback_func,
846		     gpointer       user_data,
847		     GClosureNotify destroy_data)
849  GClosure *closure;
851  g_return_val_if_fail (callback_func != NULL, NULL);
853  closure = g_closure_new_simple (sizeof (GCClosure), user_data);
854  if (destroy_data)
855    g_closure_add_finalize_notifier (closure, user_data, destroy_data);
856  ((GCClosure*) closure)->callback = (gpointer) callback_func;
857  SET (closure, derivative_flag, TRUE);
859  return closure;
862static void
863g_type_class_meta_marshal (GClosure       *closure,
864			   GValue /*out*/ *return_value,
865			   guint           n_param_values,
866			   const GValue   *param_values,
867			   gpointer        invocation_hint,
868			   gpointer        marshal_data)
870  GTypeClass *class;
871  gpointer callback;
872  /* GType itype = (GType) closure->data; */
873  guint offset = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (marshal_data);
875  class = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS (g_value_peek_pointer (param_values + 0), itype, GTypeClass);
876  callback = G_STRUCT_MEMBER (gpointer, class, offset);
877  if (callback)
878    closure->marshal (closure,
879		      return_value,
880		      n_param_values, param_values,
881		      invocation_hint,
882		      callback);
885static void
886g_type_iface_meta_marshal (GClosure       *closure,
887			   GValue /*out*/ *return_value,
888			   guint           n_param_values,
889			   const GValue   *param_values,
890			   gpointer        invocation_hint,
891			   gpointer        marshal_data)
893  GTypeClass *class;
894  gpointer callback;
895  GType itype = (GType) closure->data;
896  guint offset = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (marshal_data);
898  class = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_INTERFACE (g_value_peek_pointer (param_values + 0), itype, GTypeClass);
899  callback = G_STRUCT_MEMBER (gpointer, class, offset);
900  if (callback)
901    closure->marshal (closure,
902		      return_value,
903		      n_param_values, param_values,
904		      invocation_hint,
905		      callback);
909 * g_signal_type_cclosure_new:
910 * @itype: the #GType identifier of an interface or classed type
911 * @struct_offset: the offset of the member function of @itype's class
912 *  structure which is to be invoked by the new closure
913 *
914 * Creates a new closure which invokes the function found at the offset
915 * @struct_offset in the class structure of the interface or classed type
916 * identified by @itype.
917 *
918 * Returns: a new #GCClosure
919 */
921g_signal_type_cclosure_new (GType    itype,
922			    guint    struct_offset)
924  GClosure *closure;
926  g_return_val_if_fail (G_TYPE_IS_CLASSED (itype) || G_TYPE_IS_INTERFACE (itype), NULL);
927  g_return_val_if_fail (struct_offset >= sizeof (GTypeClass), NULL);
929  closure = g_closure_new_simple (sizeof (GClosure), (gpointer) itype);
930  if (G_TYPE_IS_INTERFACE (itype))
931    g_closure_set_meta_marshal (closure, GUINT_TO_POINTER (struct_offset), g_type_iface_meta_marshal);
932  else
933    g_closure_set_meta_marshal (closure, GUINT_TO_POINTER (struct_offset), g_type_class_meta_marshal);
935  return closure;
940 * g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID:
941 * @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs
942 * @return_value: ignored
943 * @n_param_values: 1
944 * @param_values: a #GValue array holding only the instance
945 * @invocation_hint: the invocation hint given as the last argument
946 *  to g_closure_invoke()
947 * @marshal_data: additional data specified when registering the marshaller
948 *
949 * A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type
950 * <literal>void (*callback) (gpointer instance, gpointer user_data)</literal>.
951 */
954 * g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOOLEAN:
955 * @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs
956 * @return_value: ignored
957 * @n_param_values: 2
958 * @param_values: a #GValue array holding the instance and the #gboolean parameter
959 * @invocation_hint: the invocation hint given as the last argument
960 *  to g_closure_invoke()
961 * @marshal_data: additional data specified when registering the marshaller
962 *
963 * A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type
964 * <literal>void (*callback) (gpointer instance, gboolean arg1, gpointer user_data)</literal>.
965 */
968 * g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__CHAR:
969 * @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs
970 * @return_value: ignored
971 * @n_param_values: 2
972 * @param_values: a #GValue array holding the instance and the #gchar parameter
973 * @invocation_hint: the invocation hint given as the last argument
974 *  to g_closure_invoke()
975 * @marshal_data: additional data specified when registering the marshaller
976 *
977 * A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type
978 * <literal>void (*callback) (gpointer instance, gchar arg1, gpointer user_data)</literal>.
979 */
982 * g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UCHAR:
983 * @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs
984 * @return_value: ignored
985 * @n_param_values: 2
986 * @param_values: a #GValue array holding the instance and the #guchar parameter
987 * @invocation_hint: the invocation hint given as the last argument
988 *  to g_closure_invoke()
989 * @marshal_data: additional data specified when registering the marshaller
990 *
991 * A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type
992 * <literal>void (*callback) (gpointer instance, guchar arg1, gpointer user_data)</literal>.
993 */
996 * g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT:
997 * @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs
998 * @return_value: ignored
999 * @n_param_values: 2
1000 * @param_values: a #GValue array holding the instance and the #gint parameter
1001 * @invocation_hint: the invocation hint given as the last argument
1002 *  to g_closure_invoke()
1003 * @marshal_data: additional data specified when registering the marshaller
1004 *
1005 * A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type
1006 * <literal>void (*callback) (gpointer instance, gint arg1, gpointer user_data)</literal>.
1007 */
1010 * g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UINT:
1011 * @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs
1012 * @return_value: ignored
1013 * @n_param_values: 2
1014 * @param_values: a #GValue array holding the instance and the #guint parameter
1015 * @invocation_hint: the invocation hint given as the last argument
1016 *  to g_closure_invoke()
1017 * @marshal_data: additional data specified when registering the marshaller
1018 *
1019 * A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type
1020 * <literal>void (*callback) (gpointer instance, guint arg1, gpointer user_data)</literal>.
1021 */
1024 * g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__LONG:
1025 * @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs
1026 * @return_value: ignored
1027 * @n_param_values: 2
1028 * @param_values: a #GValue array holding the instance and the #glong parameter
1029 * @invocation_hint: the invocation hint given as the last argument
1030 *  to g_closure_invoke()
1031 * @marshal_data: additional data specified when registering the marshaller
1032 *
1033 * A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type
1034 * <literal>void (*callback) (gpointer instance, glong arg1, gpointer user_data)</literal>.
1035 */
1038 * g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__ULONG:
1039 * @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs
1040 * @return_value: ignored
1041 * @n_param_values: 2
1042 * @param_values: a #GValue array holding the instance and the #gulong parameter
1043 * @invocation_hint: the invocation hint given as the last argument
1044 *  to g_closure_invoke()
1045 * @marshal_data: additional data specified when registering the marshaller
1046 *
1047 * A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type
1048 * <literal>void (*callback) (gpointer instance, gulong arg1, gpointer user_data)</literal>.
1049 */
1052 * g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__ENUM:
1053 * @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs
1054 * @return_value: ignored
1055 * @n_param_values: 2
1056 * @param_values: a #GValue array holding the instance and the enumeration parameter
1057 * @invocation_hint: the invocation hint given as the last argument
1058 *  to g_closure_invoke()
1059 * @marshal_data: additional data specified when registering the marshaller
1060 *
1061 * A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type
1062 * <literal>void (*callback) (gpointer instance, gint arg1, gpointer user_data)</literal> where the #gint parameter denotes an enumeration type..
1063 */
1066 * g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__FLAGS:
1067 * @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs
1068 * @return_value: ignored
1069 * @n_param_values: 2
1070 * @param_values: a #GValue array holding the instance and the flags parameter
1071 * @invocation_hint: the invocation hint given as the last argument
1072 *  to g_closure_invoke()
1073 * @marshal_data: additional data specified when registering the marshaller
1074 *
1075 * A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type
1076 * <literal>void (*callback) (gpointer instance, gint arg1, gpointer user_data)</literal> where the #gint parameter denotes a flags type.
1077 */
1080 * g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__FLOAT:
1081 * @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs
1082 * @return_value: ignored
1083 * @n_param_values: 2
1084 * @param_values: a #GValue array holding the instance and the #gfloat parameter
1085 * @invocation_hint: the invocation hint given as the last argument
1086 *  to g_closure_invoke()
1087 * @marshal_data: additional data specified when registering the marshaller
1088 *
1089 * A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type
1090 * <literal>void (*callback) (gpointer instance, gfloat arg1, gpointer user_data)</literal>.
1091 */
1094 * g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__DOUBLE:
1095 * @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs
1096 * @return_value: ignored
1097 * @n_param_values: 2
1098 * @param_values: a #GValue array holding the instance and the #gdouble parameter
1099 * @invocation_hint: the invocation hint given as the last argument
1100 *  to g_closure_invoke()
1101 * @marshal_data: additional data specified when registering the marshaller
1102 *
1103 * A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type
1104 * <literal>void (*callback) (gpointer instance, gdouble arg1, gpointer user_data)</literal>.
1105 */
1108 * g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING:
1109 * @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs
1110 * @return_value: ignored
1111 * @n_param_values: 2
1112 * @param_values: a #GValue array holding the instance and the #gchar* parameter
1113 * @invocation_hint: the invocation hint given as the last argument
1114 *  to g_closure_invoke()
1115 * @marshal_data: additional data specified when registering the marshaller
1116 *
1117 * A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type
1118 * <literal>void (*callback) (gpointer instance, const gchar *arg1, gpointer user_data)</literal>.
1119 */
1122 * g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__PARAM:
1123 * @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs
1124 * @return_value: ignored
1125 * @n_param_values: 2
1126 * @param_values: a #GValue array holding the instance and the #GParamSpec* parameter
1127 * @invocation_hint: the invocation hint given as the last argument
1128 *  to g_closure_invoke()
1129 * @marshal_data: additional data specified when registering the marshaller
1130 *
1131 * A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type
1132 * <literal>void (*callback) (gpointer instance, GParamSpec *arg1, gpointer user_data)</literal>.
1133 */
1136 * g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOXED:
1137 * @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs
1138 * @return_value: ignored
1139 * @n_param_values: 2
1140 * @param_values: a #GValue array holding the instance and the #GBoxed* parameter
1141 * @invocation_hint: the invocation hint given as the last argument
1142 *  to g_closure_invoke()
1143 * @marshal_data: additional data specified when registering the marshaller
1144 *
1145 * A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type
1146 * <literal>void (*callback) (gpointer instance, GBoxed *arg1, gpointer user_data)</literal>.
1147 */
1150 * g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER:
1151 * @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs
1152 * @return_value: ignored
1153 * @n_param_values: 2
1154 * @param_values: a #GValue array holding the instance and the #gpointer parameter
1155 * @invocation_hint: the invocation hint given as the last argument
1156 *  to g_closure_invoke()
1157 * @marshal_data: additional data specified when registering the marshaller
1158 *
1159 * A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type
1160 * <literal>void (*callback) (gpointer instance, gpointer arg1, gpointer user_data)</literal>.
1161 */
1164 * g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT:
1165 * @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs
1166 * @return_value: ignored
1167 * @n_param_values: 2
1168 * @param_values: a #GValue array holding the instance and the #GObject* parameter
1169 * @invocation_hint: the invocation hint given as the last argument
1170 *  to g_closure_invoke()
1171 * @marshal_data: additional data specified when registering the marshaller
1172 *
1173 * A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type
1174 * <literal>void (*callback) (gpointer instance, GOBject *arg1, gpointer user_data)</literal>.
1175 */
1178 * g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UINT_POINTER:
1179 * @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs
1180 * @return_value: ignored
1181 * @n_param_values: 3
1182 * @param_values: a #GValue array holding instance, arg1 and arg2
1183 * @invocation_hint: the invocation hint given as the last argument
1184 *  to g_closure_invoke()
1185 * @marshal_data: additional data specified when registering the marshaller
1186 *
1187 * A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type
1188 * <literal>void (*callback) (gpointer instance, guint arg1, gpointer arg2, gpointer user_data)</literal>.
1189 */
1192 * g_cclosure_marshal_BOOLEAN__FLAGS:
1193 * @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs
1194 * @return_value: a #GValue which can store the returned #gboolean
1195 * @n_param_values: 2
1196 * @param_values: a #GValue array holding instance and arg1
1197 * @invocation_hint: the invocation hint given as the last argument
1198 *  to g_closure_invoke()
1199 * @marshal_data: additional data specified when registering the marshaller
1200 *
1201 * A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type
1202 * <literal>gboolean (*callback) (gpointer instance, gint arg1, gpointer user_data)</literal> where the #gint parameter
1203 * denotes a flags type.
1204 */
1207 * g_cclosure_marshal_BOOL__FLAGS:
1208 *
1209 * Another name for g_cclosure_marshal_BOOLEAN__FLAGS().
1210 */
1212 * g_cclosure_marshal_STRING__OBJECT_POINTER:
1213 * @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs
1214 * @return_value: a #GValue, which can store the returned string
1215 * @n_param_values: 3
1216 * @param_values: a #GValue array holding instance, arg1 and arg2
1217 * @invocation_hint: the invocation hint given as the last argument
1218 *  to g_closure_invoke()
1219 * @marshal_data: additional data specified when registering the marshaller
1220 *
1221 * A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type
1222 * <literal>gchar* (*callback) (gpointer instance, GObject *arg1, gpointer arg2, gpointer user_data)</literal>.
1223 */
1225#define __G_CLOSURE_C__
1226#include "gobjectaliasdef.c"