1/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
2 * Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 * express or implied.
14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
15 * and limitations under the License.
16 * -------------------------------------------------------------------
17 */
19* ==============================================================================
20*  Name        : pv_2way_interface.h
21*  Part of     :
22*  Interface   :
23*  Description : Interface class and supporting definitions for the PV2Way SDK
24*  Version     : (see RELEASE field in copyright header above)
26* ==============================================================================
35#include "pv_common_types.h"
39#include "oscl_vector.h"
43#include "pvt_common.h"
47#include "pvmf_node_interface.h"
51#include "pvlogger_accessories.h"
55#include "pv_engine_types.h"
59#include "pv_2way_basic_types.h"
63#include "pv_2way_h324m_types.h"
74 * CPV2WayInterface Class
75 *
76 * CPV2WayInterface is the interface to the pv2way SDK, which
77 * allows initialization, control, and termination of a two-way (3g-324m, SIP) terminal.
78 * The application is expected to contain and maintain a pointer to the
79 * CPV2WayInterface instance at all times that a call is active.
80 * The CPV2WayFactory factory class is to be used to create and
81 * delete instances of this class
82 **/
83class CPV2WayInterface
85    public:
86        /**
87         * Object destructor function
88         * Releases Resources prior to destruction
89         **/
90        virtual ~CPV2WayInterface() {};
92        /**
93         * Returns version information about the SDK
94         *
95         * @param aSDKInfo
96         *         A reference to a PVSDKInfo structure which contains the product label and date
97         * @param aContextData
98         *         Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
99         * @leave   This method can leave with one of the following error codes
100         *          PVMFErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
101         * @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
102         **/
103        OSCL_IMPORT_REF virtual PVCommandId GetSDKInfo(PVSDKInfo &aSDKInfo,
104                OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
106        /**
107         * Returns information about all modules currently used by the SDK.
108         *
109         * @param aSDKModuleInfo
110         *         A reference to a PVSDKModuleInfo structure which contains the number of modules currently used by
111         *         pv2way SDK and the PV UID and description string for each module. The PV UID and description string
112         *         for modules will be returned in one string buffer allocated by the client. If the string buffer
113         *         is not large enough to hold the all the module's information, the information will be written
114         *         up to the length of the buffer and truncated.
115         * @param aContextData
116         *         Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
117         * @leave   This method can leave with one of the following error codes
118         *          PVMFErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
119         * @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
120         **/
121        OSCL_IMPORT_REF virtual PVCommandId GetSDKModuleInfo(PVSDKModuleInfo &aSDKModuleInfo,
122                OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
125        /**
126         * This function is valid only in the EIdle state.  It is a no-op when
127         * invoked in any other state.  It causes the pv2way to transition
128         * to the ESetup state.  The terminal remains in the EInitializing state during
129         * the transition.
130         *
131         * While initializing, the pv2way tries to allocate system resources needed
132         * for a two-way call.  If it fails for some reason,
133         * and the pv2way reverts to the EIdle state.  All the resources are de-allocated.
134         *
135         *
136         * @param aInitInfo
137         *         A reference to a CPV2WayInitInfo structure which contains the capabilities of the applications sinks
138         *          and sources to handle compressed and uncompressed formats.
139         * @param aContextData
140         *         Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
141         * @leave   This method can leave with one of the following error codes
142         *          PVMFErrArgument if more tx and rx codecs are set than engine can handle, or the mandatory codecs are not in the list.
143         *          PVMFErrNotSupported if the format of the sources/sinks is incomtible with what the SDK can handle
144         *          PVMFErrInvalidState if invoked in the incorrect state
145         *          PVMFErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
146         * @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
147         **/
148        OSCL_IMPORT_REF virtual PVCommandId Init(PV2WayInitInfo& aInitInfo,
149                OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
151        /**
152         * This function is valid only in the ESetup and EInitializing state.  It is a
153         * no-op when invoked in the EIdle state and returns PVMFErrInvalidState
154         * if invoked in any other state.
155         *
156         * It causes the pv2way to transition back to the EIdle state.  The
157         * terminal remains in the EResetting state during the transition.
158         *
159         * While resetting, the pv2way de-allocates all resources resources that
160         * had been previously allocated.  When it completes, ResetComplete is called
161         * and the pv2way reverts to the EIdle state.
162         *
163         * @param aContextData
164         *         Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
165         * @leave   This method can leave with one of the following error codes
166         *          PVMFErrInvalidState if invoked in the incorrect state
167         *          PVMFErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
168         * @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
169         **/
170        OSCL_IMPORT_REF virtual PVCommandId Reset(OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
172        /**
173         * This function allows the user to specify the media source for an outgoing track.
174         * Sources should be added after the PVT_INDICATION_OUTGOING_TRACK is received which specifies the format type
175         * and the unique track id.  The format type is indicated using the PV2WayTrackInfoInterface extension interface in the
176         * PVAsyncInformationalEvent.
177         * Data sources could be of the following types:
178         * a)raw media sources like camera, microphone etc.
179         * b)sources of compressed data like file, combined capture and encode devices.
180         *
181             * @param aTrackId
182         *          The outgoing track id
183         * @param aDataSource
184         *          Reference to the data source for this track
185         * @param aContextData
186         *          Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
187         * @leave   This method can leave with one of the following error codes
188         *          PVMFErrNotSupported if the format of the sources/sinks is incomtible with what the SDK can handle
189         *          KPVErrInvalidState if invoked in the incorrect state
190         *          KErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
191         * @return A unique command id for asynchronous completion
192         */
193        OSCL_IMPORT_REF virtual PVCommandId AddDataSource(PVTrackId aTrackId,
194                PVMFNodeInterface& aDataSource,
195                OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
197        /**
198         * This function unbinds a previously added source.
199         *
200         * @param aDataSource pointer to the media source node
201         *
202         * @param aContextData
203         *         Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
204         * @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
205         **/
206        OSCL_IMPORT_REF virtual PVCommandId RemoveDataSource(PVMFNodeInterface& aDataSource,
207                OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
209        /**
210         * This function allows the user to specify the media sink for an incoming track.
211         * AddDataSinkL can be called only for established incoming tracks identified by a unique
212         * track id.
213         * Incoming tracks are initiated by the peer and their establishment is indicated using the
214         * PVT_INDICATION_INCOMING_TRACK notification which provides the media type and a unique track id.
215         * The format type is indicated using the PV2WayTrackInfoInterface extension interface in the
216         * PVAsyncInformationalEvent.
217         * Data sinks could be of the following types:
218         * a)raw media sinks like video display sinks for RGB and YUV formats, audio rendering sinks for PCM.
219         * b)sources of compressed data like file, combined decode and render devices.
220         *
221         *
222         * @param aTrackId
223         *          Indicates the unique track id to be associated with this sink.
224         * @param aDataSink The data sink to be added
225         * @param aContextData
226         *         Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
227         *
228         * @return A unique command id for asynchronous completion
229         **/
230        OSCL_IMPORT_REF virtual PVCommandId AddDataSink(PVTrackId aTrackId,
231                PVMFNodeInterface& aDataSink,
232                OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
234        /**
235         * This function unbinds a previously added sink.
236         *
237         * @param aDataSink pointer to the media sink node
238         * @param aContextData
239         *         Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
240         *
241         * @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
242         **/
243        OSCL_IMPORT_REF virtual PVCommandId RemoveDataSink(PVMFNodeInterface& aDataSink,
244                OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
246        /**
247         * This function can be invoked only in the ESetup state.  The terminal starts connecting with the remote
248         * terminal based on the specified options and capabilities.
249         * Incoming tracks may be opened before ConnectL completes and will be indicated via the
251         *
252         * @param aOptions
253         *         Optional additional information for call setup.
254         * @param aCommServer
255         *         An optional pointer to a comm server to provide comm source and sink end-points.
256         * @param aContextData
257         *         Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
258         *
259         * @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
260         **/
261        OSCL_IMPORT_REF virtual PVCommandId Connect(const PV2WayConnectOptions& aOptions,
262                PVMFNodeInterface* aCommServer = NULL,
263                OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
265        /**
266         * The Disconnect call is valid only when invoked in the EConnecting, and
267         * EConnected states.  It causes the terminal to transition to the
268         * EDisconnecting state.  All the media tracks both incoming and outgoing
269         * will be closed on invoking Disconnect. On completion, the terminal
270         * goes to the ESetup state. The statistics of the previous call shall
271         * still be available until Connect is invoked again.
272         *
273         * It is a no-op when called in any other state.
274         *
275         * The post disconnect option specifies what this terminal wishes to do
276         * after the data call is terminated, whether it wants to disconnect the line
277         * or continue the call as a voice only call.
278         *
279         * This is an asynchronous request.
280         *
281         * @param aContextData
282         *         Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
283         *
284         * @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
285         **/
286        OSCL_IMPORT_REF virtual PVCommandId Disconnect(OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
288        /**
289         * This function returns the current state of the pv2way.
290         * Application may use this info for updating display or determine if the
291         * pv2way is ready for the next request.
292         *
293         * @param aState
294         *         Reflects the state of the PV 2Way engine when the command was received.
295         * @param aContextData
296         *         Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
297         * @returns value indicating the current pv2way state
298         **/
299        OSCL_IMPORT_REF virtual PVCommandId GetState(PV2WayState& aState,
300                OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
302        /**
303         * For an incoming track this function  pauses sending media to the sink (output device) and stops the sink.
304         *
305         * For outgoing, it pauses the sending of media from the source and stops the source.
306         *
307         * @param aDirection Specifies the direction of the track - incoming or outgoing
308         * @param aTrackId Specifies which track is to be paused.
309         * @param aContextData
310         *         Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
311         *
312         * @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
313         **/
314        OSCL_IMPORT_REF virtual PVCommandId Pause(PV2WayDirection aDirection,
315                PVTrackId aTrackId,
316                OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
318        /**
319         * Resume a previously paused incoming or outgoing track.  For incoming,
320         * this function starts resumes playing out the media to the appropriate
321         * sink based on the current settings.  For outgoing it resumes encoding
322         * and sending media from the source.
323         *
324         * @param aDirection Specifies the direction of the track - incoming or outgoing
325         * @param aTrackId Specifies which track is to be paused.
326         * @param aContextData
327         *         Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
328         *
329         * @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
330         **/
331        OSCL_IMPORT_REF virtual PVCommandId Resume(PV2WayDirection aDirection,
332                PVTrackId aTrackId,
333                OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
336        /**
337         * Allows a logging appender to be attached at some point in the
338         * logger tag tree.  The location in the tag tree is specified by the
339         * input tag string.  A single appender can be attached multiple times in
340         * the tree, but it may result in duplicate copies of log messages if the
341         * appender is not attached in disjoint portions of the tree.
342         * A logging appender is responsible for actually writing the log message
343         * to its final location (e.g., memory, file, network, etc).
344         * This API can be called anytime after creation of the terminal.
345         *
346         * @param aTag Specifies the logger tree tag where the appender should be attached.
347         * @param aAppender The log appender to attach.
348         * @param aContextData
349         *         Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
350         *
351         * @exception memory_error leaves on memory allocation error.
352         *
353         * @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
354         **/
355        OSCL_IMPORT_REF virtual PVCommandId SetLogAppender(const char* aTag,
356                OsclSharedPtr<PVLoggerAppender>& aAppender,
357                OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
360        /**
361         * Allows a logging appender to be removed from the logger tree at the
362         * point specified by the input tag.  The input tag cannot be NULL.
363         *
364         * @param aTag Specifies the logger tree tag where the appender should be removed.
365         * @param aAppender The log appender to remove.  Must be a reference to the same object that was set.
366         * @param aContextData
367         *         Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
368         *
369         * @exception memory_error leaves on memory allocation error.
370         *
371         * @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
372         **/
373        OSCL_IMPORT_REF virtual PVCommandId RemoveLogAppender(const char* aTag,
374                OsclSharedPtr<PVLoggerAppender>& aAppender,
375                OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
378        /**
379         * Allows the logging level to be set for the logging node specified by the
380         * tag.  A larger log level will result in more messages being logged.  A message
381         * will only be logged if its level is LESS THAN or equal to the current log level.
382         * The set_subtree flag will allow an entire subtree, with the specified tag as the root,
383         * to be reset to the specified value.
384         *
385         * @param aTag Specifies the logger tree tag where the log level should be set.
386         * @param aLevel Specifies the log level to set.
387         * @param aSetSubtree Specifies whether the entire subtree with aTag as the root should
388         *                      be reset to the log level.
389         * @param aContextData
390         *         Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
391         *
392         * @exception memory_error leaves on memory allocation error.
393         *
394         * @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
395         **/
396        OSCL_IMPORT_REF virtual PVCommandId SetLogLevel(const char* aTag,
397                int32 aLevel,
398                bool aSetSubtree = false,
399                OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
402        /**
403         * Allows the logging level to be queried for a particular logging tag.
404         * A larger log level will result in more messages being logged.
405         *
406         * In the asynchronous response, this should return the log level along with an
407         * indication of where the level was inherited (i.e., the ancestor tag).
408         *
409         * @param aTag Specifies the logger tree tag where the log level should be retrieved.
410         * @param aLogInfo an output parameter which will be filled in with the log level information.
411         * @param aContextData
412         *         Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
413         * @exception memory_error leaves on memory allocation error.
414         *
415         * @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
416         **/
417        OSCL_IMPORT_REF virtual PVCommandId GetLogLevel(const char* aTag,
418                int32& aLogInfo,
419                OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
421        /**
422         * This API is to allow for extensibility of the pv2way interface.
423         * It allows a caller to ask for all UUIDs associated with a particular MIME type.
424         * If interfaces of the requested MIME type are found within the system, they are added
425         * to the UUIDs array.
426         *
427         * Also added to the UUIDs array will be all interfaces which have the requested MIME
428         * type as a base MIME type.  This functionality can be turned off.
429         *
430         * @param aMimeType The MIME type of the desired interfaces
431         * @param aUuids An array to hold the discovered UUIDs
432         * @param aExactUuidsOnly Turns on/off the retrival of UUIDs with aMimeType as a base type
433         * @param aContextData
434         *         Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
435         **/
436        OSCL_IMPORT_REF virtual PVCommandId QueryUUID(const PvmfMimeString& aMimeType,
437                Oscl_Vector<PVUuid, BasicAlloc>& aUuids,
438                bool aExactUuidsOnly = false,
439                OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
441        /**
442         * This API is to allow for extensibility of the pv2way interface.
443         * It allows a caller to ask for an instance of a particular interface object to be returned.
444         * The mechanism is analogous to the COM IUnknown method.  The interfaces are identified with
445         * an interface ID that is a UUID as in DCE and a pointer to the interface object is
446         * returned if it is supported.  Otherwise the returned pointer is NULL.
447         * TBD:  Define the UIID, InterfacePtr structures
448         * @param aUuid The UUID of the desired interface
449         * @param aInterfacePtr The output pointer to the desired interface
450         * @exception not_supported
451         *                   leaves if the specified interface id is not supported.
452         **/
453        OSCL_IMPORT_REF virtual PVCommandId QueryInterface(const PVUuid& aUuid,
454                PVInterface*& aInterfacePtr,
455                OsclAny* aContext = NULL) = 0;
457        /**
458         * This API is to allow the user to cancel all pending requests.  The current request being
459         * processed, if any, will also be aborted.
460         * @param aContextData
461         *         Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
462         * @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
463         **/
464        OSCL_IMPORT_REF virtual PVCommandId CancelAllCommands(OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
469#endif //