1/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
2 * Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 * express or implied.
14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
15 * and limitations under the License.
16 * -------------------------------------------------------------------
17 */
18// -*- c++ -*-
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25/*! \addtogroup osclio OSCL IO
26 *
27 * @{
28 */
31/*! \file oscl_socket.h
32    \brief The file oscl_socket.h defines the OSCL Socket APIs.
39#include "osclconfig_io.h"
43#include "oscl_socket_types.h"
47#include "oscl_heapbase.h"
51#include "oscl_defalloc.h"
55#include "oscl_vector.h"
59#include "oscl_mem.h"
63* Socket server
65class OsclSocketServI;
67class OsclSocketServ : public HeapBase
69    public:
70        /**
71         * Create a socket server.
72         * May leave if failure.
73         *
74         * @param alloc: Memory allocator.
75         * @return Returns pointer to socket server
76         */
77        OSCL_IMPORT_REF static OsclSocketServ *NewL(Oscl_DefAlloc &alloc);
79        /**
80         * Destructor.  The server object must be deleted using
81         * the same allocator used in the NewL call.
82         */
83        OSCL_IMPORT_REF ~OsclSocketServ();
85        /**
86         * Connect to socket server.
87         * This is a synchronous method.
88         *
89         * @param Number of message slots.
90         * @return Returns OsclErrNone for success,
91         *    or a platform-specific code.
92         */
93        OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 Connect(uint32 aMessageSlots = 8);
95        /**
96         * Close socket server.
97         * This is a synchronous method.
98         * @param aCleanup: cleanup the socket system?
99         *   the socket cleanup should only be done when
100         *   all parts of the application are done using
101         *   sockets.
102         */
103        OSCL_IMPORT_REF void Close(bool aCleanup = true);
105    private:
106        OsclSocketServ(Oscl_DefAlloc &alloc): iServ(NULL), iAlloc(alloc) {}
108        OsclSocketServI *iServ;
109        Oscl_DefAlloc &iAlloc;
111        friend class OsclTCPSocket;
112        friend class OsclUDPSocket;
113        friend class OsclDNS;
118class OsclUDPSocketI;
121* The UDP Socket class
124class OsclUDPSocket : public HeapBase
126    public:
127        /**
128         * Create a UDP Socket.
129         * May leave if failure.
130         *
131         * @param alloc: Memory allocator.
132         * @param aServ: Socket server.  Must be connected.
133         * @param aObserver: Socket observer.
134         * @param aId: Socket ID.  The caller must assign an ID
135         *   to each socket.  The ID is used to identify the socket
136         *   in observer callbacks.
137         * @return Returns pointer to socket.
138        */
139        OSCL_IMPORT_REF static OsclUDPSocket *NewL(Oscl_DefAlloc &alloc,
140                OsclSocketServ& aServ,
141                OsclSocketObserver *aObserver,
142                uint32 aId);
144        /**
145         * Destructor.  The object must be deleted using
146         * the same allocator used in the NewL call.
147         */
148        OSCL_IMPORT_REF ~OsclUDPSocket();
150        /**
151         * Close a UDP socket.
152         *  This is a synchronous method.
153         *
154         * Once it is closed a socket cannot be re-opened.
155         * Sockets are automatically closed when they
156         * are deleted.  This method may be used to see
157         * any error code returned from the platform's
158         * socket close call.
159         * @return Returns OsclErrNone for success, or a
160         *   platform-specific error code.
161        */
162        OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 Close();
164        /**
165         * Bind a UDP socket to an address.
166         *  This is a synchronous method.
167         *
168         * @param aAddress: Bind address.
169         * @return Returns OsclErrNone for success, or a
170         *   platform-specific error code.
171        */
172        OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 Bind(OsclNetworkAddress& aAddress);
174        /**
175         * Bind a UDP socket to an address
176         * and Join the multicast group.
177         *  This is a synchronous method.
178         *
179         * @param aAddress: Bind address.
180         * @return Returns OsclErrNone for success, or a
181         *   platform-specific error code.
182         * May throw an OsclErrNotSupported Exception
183        */
184        OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 Join(OsclNetworkAddress& aAddress);
186        /**
187         * Bind a UDP socket to an address.
188         *  This is an asynchronous method.
189         *
190         * @param aAddress: Bind address.
191         * @param aTimeoutMsec: Optional timeout.  Use a negative
192         *    value for infinite wait.
193         * @return Will return EPVSocketPending if successful.
194         *   When the operation is complete, a callback to the
195         *   observer will occur with the completion status.
196         *   If the operation cannot be initiated, the call will
197         *   return EPVSocketFailure and there will be no callback.
198        */
199        OSCL_IMPORT_REF TPVSocketEvent BindAsync(OsclNetworkAddress& aAddress
200                , int32 aTimeoutMsec = (-1));
202        /**
203         * Cancel Bind
204         *
205         * This method will cancel any pending BindAsync operation
206         * on the current socket, causing the BindAsync to complete
207         * with error EPVSocketCancel.  If there is no pending
208         * BindAsync operation, this method will have no effect.
209        */
210        OSCL_IMPORT_REF void CancelBind();
212        /**
213         * Retrieve the received data after a successful
214         * RecvFrom operation.
215         * This is a synchronous method.
216         *
217         * @param aLength: (output) number of bytes of data received.
218         * @return Returns pointer to received data, or NULL
219         *    if none.
220        */
221        OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint8 *GetRecvData(int32 *aLength);
223        /**
224         * Retrieve the sent data after a successful
225         * SendTo operation.
226         * This is a synchronous method.
227         *
228         * @param aLength: (output) number of bytes of data sent.
229         * @return Returns pointer to sent data, or NULL
230         *    if none.
231        */
232        OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint8 *GetSendData(int32 *aLength);
234        /**
235         * Send Data.
236         * This is an asynchronous method.
237         *
238         * @param aPtr: Data to send.
239         * @param aLen: Length of data to send.
240         * @param aAddress: Destination address.
241         * @param aTimeoutMsec: Timeout in milliseconds, or (-1)
242         *   for infinite wait.
243         * @return Will return EPVSocketPending if successful.
244         *   When the operation is complete, a callback to the
245         *   observer will occur with the completion status.
246         *   If the operation cannot be initiated, the call will
247         *   return EPVSocketFailure and there will be no callback.
248        */
249        OSCL_IMPORT_REF TPVSocketEvent SendTo(const uint8* aPtr, uint32 aLen,
250                                              OsclNetworkAddress& aAddress,
251                                              int32 aTimeoutMsec = -1);
252        /**
253         * Cancel SendTo
254         *
255         * This method will cancel any pending SendTo operation
256         * on the current socket, causing the SendTo to complete
257         * with error EPVSocketCancel.  If there is no pending
258         * SendTo operation, this method will have no effect.
259        */
260        OSCL_IMPORT_REF void CancelSendTo();
262        /**
263         * Receive Data.
264         * This is an asynchronous method.
265         *
266         * @param aPtr: Buffer to receive incoming data
267         * @param aMaxLen: Length of buffer.
268         * @param aAddress: (output) Source address.
269         * @param aTimeoutMsec: Timeout in milliseconds, or (-1)
270         *   for infinite wait.
271         *
272         * @param aMultiRecvLimit (optional input): Configures multiple
273         *   packet receive mode.  As long as there are packets queued at
274         *   the socket and at least aMultiRecvLimit bytes are available
275         *   in the buffer, recvfrom operations will continue.
276         *   A value of zero disabled multiple packet mode.
277         *   The individual packet lengths can be retrieved in the
278         *   aPacketLen parameter; and the individual packet
279         *   source addresses can be retrieved in the aPacketSource parameter.
280         * @param aPacketLen: (optional output) a vector of packet lengths,
281         *     in case multiple packets were received.
282         * @param aPacketSource: (optional output) a vector of source addresses,
283         *     in case multiple packets were received.
284         *
285         * @return Will return EPVSocketPending if successful.
286         *   When the operation is complete, a callback to the
287         *   observer will occur with the completion status.
288         *   If the operation cannot be initiated, the call will
289         *   return EPVSocketFailure and there will be no callback.
290        */
291        OSCL_IMPORT_REF TPVSocketEvent RecvFrom(uint8* aPtr, uint32 aMaxLen,
292                                                OsclNetworkAddress& aAddress,
293                                                int32 aTimeoutMsec = -1,
294                                                uint32 aMultiRecvLimit = 0,
295                                                Oscl_Vector<uint32, OsclMemAllocator>* aPacketLen = NULL,
296                                                Oscl_Vector<OsclNetworkAddress, OsclMemAllocator>* aPacketSource = NULL);
297        /**
298         * Cancel RecvFrom
299         *
300         * This method will cancel any pending RecvFrom operation
301         * on the current socket, causing the RecvFrom to complete
302         * with error EPVSocketCancel.  If there is no pending
303         * RecvFrom operation, this method will have no effect.
304        */
305        OSCL_IMPORT_REF void CancelRecvFrom();
307        /**
308         * Set the buffer size of the socket
309         * This is a synchronous method.
310         * @param size: buffer size
311         * @return Returns OsclErrNone for success, or a
312         *   platform-specific error code.
313         * May throw an OsclErrNotSupported Exception.
314        */
316        OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 SetRecvBufferSize(uint32 size);
318    private:
319        OsclUDPSocket(Oscl_DefAlloc &alloc): iUDPSocket(NULL), iAlloc(alloc) {}
320        OsclUDPSocketI *iUDPSocket;
321        Oscl_DefAlloc &iAlloc;
324class OsclTCPSocketI;
327* The TCP Socket class
330class OsclTCPSocket : public HeapBase
332    public:
333        /**
334         * Create a TCP Socket.
335         * May leave if failure.
336         *
337         * @param alloc: Memory allocator.
338         * @param aServ: Socket server.  Must be connected.
339         * @param aObserver: Socket observer.
340         * @param aId: Socket ID.  The caller must assign an ID
341         *   to each socket.  The ID is used to identify the socket
342         *   in observer callbacks.
343         * @return Returns pointer to socket.
344        */
345        OSCL_IMPORT_REF static OsclTCPSocket *NewL(Oscl_DefAlloc &alloc,
346                OsclSocketServ& aServ,
347                OsclSocketObserver *aObserver,
348                uint32 aId);
350        /**
351         * Destructor.  The object must be deleted using
352         * the same allocator used in the NewL call.
353         */
354        OSCL_IMPORT_REF ~OsclTCPSocket();
357        /**
358         * Close a TCP socket.
359         *  This is a synchronous method.
360         *
361         * Once it is closed a socket cannot be re-opened.
362         * Sockets are automatically closed when they
363         * are deleted.  This method may be used to see
364         * any error code returned from the platform's
365         * socket close call.
366         * @return Returns OsclErrNone for success, or a
367         *   platform-specific error code.
368        */
369        OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 Close();
371        /**
372         * Bind a TCP socket to an address.
373         *  This is a synchronous method.
374         *
375         * @param aAddress: Bind address.
376         * @return Returns OsclErrNone for success, or a
377         *   platform-specific error code.
378        */
379        OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 Bind(OsclNetworkAddress& aAddress);
381        /**
382         * Bind a TCP socket to an address.
383         *  This is an asynchronous method.
384         *
385         * @param aAddress: Bind address.
386         * @param aTimeoutMsec: Optional timeout.  Use a negative
387         *    value for infinite wait.
388         * @return Will return EPVSocketPending if successful.
389         *   When the operation is complete, a callback to the
390         *   observer will occur with the completion status.
391         *   If the operation cannot be initiated, the call will
392         *   return EPVSocketFailure and there will be no callback.
393        */
394        OSCL_IMPORT_REF TPVSocketEvent BindAsync(OsclNetworkAddress& aAddress
395                , int32 aTimeoutMsec = (-1));
397        /**
398         * Cancel Bind
399         *
400         * This method will cancel any pending BindAsync operation
401         * on the current socket, causing the BindAsync to complete
402         * with error EPVSocketCancel.  If there is no pending
403         * BindAsync operation, this method will have no effect.
404        */
405        OSCL_IMPORT_REF void CancelBind();
407        /**
408         * Listen.
409         *  This is a synchronous method.
410         *
411         * @param aQueueSize: Queue size.
412         * @return Returns OsclErrNone for success, or a
413         *   platform-specific error code.
414        */
415        OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 Listen(int32 aQueueSize);
417        /**
418         * ListenAsync
419         *  This is an asynchronous method.
420         *
421         * @param aQueueSize: Queue size.
422         * @param aTimeoutMsec: Optional timeout.  Use a negative
423         *    value for infinite wait.
424         * @return Will return EPVSocketPending if successful.
425         *   When the operation is complete, a callback to the
426         *   observer will occur with the completion status.
427         *   If the operation cannot be initiated, the call will
428         *   return EPVSocketFailure and there will be no callback.
429        */
430        OSCL_IMPORT_REF TPVSocketEvent ListenAsync(int32 aQueueSize, int32 aTimeoutMsec = (-1));
432        /**
433         * Cancel Async Listen
434         *
435         * This method will cancel any pending ListenAsync operation
436         * on the current socket, causing the Listen to complete
437         * with error EPVSocketCancel.  If there is no pending
438         * Listen operation, this method will have no effect.
439        */
440        OSCL_IMPORT_REF void CancelListen();
442        /**
443         * Retrieve the accept socket after a successful
444         * Accept operation.
445         * This is a synchronous method.
446         *
447         * @param aId: Socket ID.  The caller must assign an ID
448         *   to each socket.  The ID is used to identify the socket
449         *   in observer callbacks.
450         * @return Returns pointer to socket, or NULL if error.
451         *   Note: The caller is reponsible for deleting any accepted
452         *   socket that it retrieves.
453        */
454        OSCL_IMPORT_REF OsclTCPSocket *GetAcceptedSocketL(uint32 aId);
456        /**
457         * Retrieve the received data after a successful
458         * Recv operation.
459         * This is a synchronous method.
460         *
461         * @param aLength: (output) number of bytes of data received.
462         * @return Returns pointer to received data, or NULL
463         *    if none.
464        */
465        OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint8 *GetRecvData(int32 *aLength);
467        /**
468         * Retrieve the sent data after a successful
469         * Send operation.
470         * This is a synchronous method.
471         *
472         * @param aLength: (output) number of bytes of data sent.
473         * @return Returns pointer to sent data, or NULL
474         *    if none.
475        */
476        OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint8 *GetSendData(int32 *aLength);
478        /**
479         * Connect to an address.
480         * This is an asynchronous method.
481         *
482         * @param aAddress: a network address.
483         * @param aTimeoutMsec: Timeout in milliseconds, or (-1)
484         *   for infinite wait.
485         * @return Will return EPVSocketPending if successful.
486         *   When the operation is complete, a callback to the
487         *   observer will occur with the completion status.
488         *   If the operation cannot be initiated, the call will
489         *   return EPVSocketFailure and there will be no callback.
490        */
491        OSCL_IMPORT_REF TPVSocketEvent Connect(OsclNetworkAddress& aAddress,
492                                               int32 aTimeoutMsec = -1);
494        /**
495         * Cancel Connect
496         *
497         * This method will cancel any pending Connect operation
498         * on the current socket, causing the Connect to complete
499         * with error EPVSocketCancel.  If there is no pending
500         * Connect operation, this method will have no effect.
501        */
502        OSCL_IMPORT_REF void CancelConnect();
504        /**
505         * Shutdown a socket.
506         * This is an asynchronous method.
507         *
508         * @param aHow: type of shutdown
509         * @param aTimeoutMsec: Timeout in milliseconds, or (-1)
510         *   for infinite wait.
511         * @return Will return EPVSocketPending if successful.
512         *   When the operation is complete, a callback to the
513         *   observer will occur with the completion status.
514         *   If the operation cannot be initiated, the call will
515         *   return EPVSocketFailure and there will be no callback.
516        */
517        OSCL_IMPORT_REF TPVSocketEvent Shutdown(TPVSocketShutdown aHow,
518                                                int32 aTimeoutMsec = -1);
520        /**
521         * Cancel Shutdown
522         *
523         * This method will cancel any pending Shutdown operation
524         * on the current socket, causing the Shutdown to complete
525         * with error EPVSocketCancel.  If there is no pending
526         * Shutdown operation, this method will have no effect.
527        */
528        OSCL_IMPORT_REF void CancelShutdown();
530        /**
531         * Accept incoming connections.
532         * This is an asynchronous method.
533         *
534         * @param aTimeoutMsec: Timeout in milliseconds, or (-1)
535         *   for infinite wait.
536         * @return Will return EPVSocketPending if successful.
537         *   When the operation is complete, a callback to the
538         *   observer will occur with the completion status.
539         *   If the operation cannot be initiated, the call will
540         *   return EPVSocketFailure and there will be no callback.
541        */
542        OSCL_IMPORT_REF TPVSocketEvent Accept(int32 aTimeout = -1);
544        /**
545         * Cancel Accept
546         *
547         * This method will cancel any pending Accept operation
548         * on the current socket, causing the Accept to complete
549         * with error EPVSocketCancel.  If there is no pending
550         * Accept operation, this method will have no effect.
551        */
552        OSCL_IMPORT_REF void CancelAccept();
554        /**
555         * Send Data.
556         * This is an asynchronous method.
557         *
558         * @param aPtr: Data to send.
559         * @param aLen: Length of data to send.
560         * @param aTimeoutMsec: Timeout in milliseconds, or (-1)
561         *   for infinite wait.
562         * @return Will return EPVSocketPending if successful.
563         *   When the operation is complete, a callback to the
564         *   observer will occur with the completion status.
565         *   If the operation cannot be initiated, the call will
566         *   return EPVSocketFailure and there will be no callback.
567        */
568        OSCL_IMPORT_REF TPVSocketEvent Send(const uint8* aPtr, uint32 aLen,
569                                            int32 aTimeoutMsec = -1);
571        /**
572         * Cancel Send
573         *
574         * This method will cancel any pending Send operation
575         * on the current socket, causing the Send to complete
576         * with error EPVSocketCancel.  If there is no pending
577         * Send operation, this method will have no effect.
578        */
579        OSCL_IMPORT_REF void CancelSend();
581        /**
582         * Receive Data.
583         * This is an asynchronous method.
584         *
585         * @param aPtr: Buffer for received data.
586         * @param aMaxLen: Length of buffer.
587         * @param aTimeoutMsec: Timeout in milliseconds, or (-1)
588         *   for infinite wait.
589         * @return Will return EPVSocketPending if successful.
590         *   When the operation is complete, a callback to the
591         *   observer will occur with the completion status.
592         *   If the operation cannot be initiated, the call will
593         *   return EPVSocketFailure and there will be no callback.
594        */
595        OSCL_IMPORT_REF TPVSocketEvent Recv(uint8* aPtr, uint32 aMaxLen,
596                                            int32 aTimeoutMsec = -1);
598        /**
599         * Cancel Recv
600         *
601         * This method will cancel any pending Recv operation
602         * on the current socket, causing the Recv to complete
603         * with error EPVSocketCancel.  If there is no pending
604         * Recv operation, this method will have no effect.
605        */
606        OSCL_IMPORT_REF void CancelRecv();
608    private:
609        static OsclTCPSocket *NewL(Oscl_DefAlloc &alloc, OsclTCPSocketI* aSocket);
611    private:
612        OsclTCPSocket(Oscl_DefAlloc &alloc): iTCPSocket(NULL), iAlloc(alloc) {}
613        OsclTCPSocketI *iTCPSocket;
614        Oscl_DefAlloc &iAlloc;