2 * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package com.android.email.mail.transport;
19import com.android.email.R;
20import com.android.email.mail.MessagingException;
21import com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider;
22import com.android.email.provider.EmailContent.Attachment;
23import com.android.email.provider.EmailContent.Message;
25import org.apache.james.mime4j.field.Field;
26import org.apache.james.mime4j.message.Body;
27import org.apache.james.mime4j.message.Entity;
28import org.apache.james.mime4j.message.Header;
29import org.apache.james.mime4j.message.Multipart;
31import android.content.Context;
32import android.test.ProviderTestCase2;
34import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
35import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
36import java.io.IOException;
37import java.util.ArrayList;
38import java.util.List;
42 * Tests of the Rfc822Output (used for sending mail)
43 *
44 * You can run this entire test case with:
45 *   runtest -c com.android.email.mail.transport.Rfc822OutputTests email
46 */
47public class Rfc822OutputTests extends ProviderTestCase2<EmailProvider> {
48    private static final String SENDER = "sender@android.com";
49    private static final String REPLYTO = "replyto@android.com";
50    private static final String RECIPIENT_TO = "recipient-to@android.com";
51    private static final String RECIPIENT_CC = "recipient-cc@android.com";
52    private static final String RECIPIENT_BCC = "recipient-bcc@android.com";
53    private static final String SUBJECT = "This is the subject";
54    private static final String BODY = "This is the body.  This is also the body.";
55    private static final String TEXT = "Here is some new text.";
57    private Context mMockContext;
58    private String mForwardIntro;
59    private String mReplyIntro;
60    private String mReplyBody;
62    public Rfc822OutputTests () {
63        super(EmailProvider.class, EmailProvider.EMAIL_AUTHORITY);
64    }
66    @Override
67    public void setUp() throws Exception {
68        super.setUp();
69        mMockContext = getMockContext();
70        mForwardIntro = mMockContext.getString(R.string.message_compose_fwd_header_fmt, SUBJECT,
72        mReplyIntro = mMockContext.getString(R.string.message_compose_reply_header_fmt, SENDER);
73        mReplyBody = mReplyIntro + ">" + BODY;
74    }
76    // TODO Create more tests here.  Specifically, we should test to make sure that forward works
77    // properly instead of just reply
79    // TODO Write test that ensures that bcc is handled properly (i.e. sent/not send depending
80    // on the flag passed to writeTo
82    /**
83     * Test for buildBodyText().
84     * Compare with expected values.
85     * Also test the situation where the message has no body.
86     */
87    public void testBuildBodyTextWithReply() {
88        // Create the least necessary; sender, flags, and the body of the reply
89        Message msg = new Message();
90        msg.mText = "";
91        msg.mFrom = SENDER;
92        msg.mFlags = Message.FLAG_TYPE_REPLY;
93        msg.mTextReply = BODY;
94        msg.mIntroText = mReplyIntro;
95        msg.save(mMockContext);
97        String body = Rfc822Output.buildBodyText(mMockContext, msg, true);
98        assertEquals(mReplyBody, body);
100        // Save a different message with no reply body (so we reset the id)
101        msg.mId = -1;
102        msg.mTextReply = null;
103        msg.save(mMockContext);
104        body = Rfc822Output.buildBodyText(mMockContext, msg, true);
105        assertEquals(mReplyIntro, body);
106    }
108    /**
109     * Test for buildBodyText().
110     * Compare with expected values.
111     * Also test the situation where the message has no body.
112     */
113    public void testBuildBodyTextWithoutReply() {
114        // Create the least necessary; sender, flags, and the body of the reply
115        Message msg = new Message();
116        msg.mText = TEXT;
117        msg.mFrom = SENDER;
118        msg.mFlags = Message.FLAG_TYPE_REPLY;
119        msg.mTextReply = BODY;
120        msg.mIntroText = mReplyIntro;
121        msg.save(mMockContext);
123        String body = Rfc822Output.buildBodyText(mMockContext, msg, false);
124        assertEquals(TEXT + mReplyIntro, body);
126        // Save a different message with no reply body (so we reset the id)
127        msg.mId = -1;
128        msg.mTextReply = null;
129        msg.save(mMockContext);
130        body = Rfc822Output.buildBodyText(mMockContext, msg, false);
131        assertEquals(TEXT + mReplyIntro, body);
132    }
134    /**
135     * Test for buildBodyText().
136     * Compare with expected values.
137     */
138    public void testBuildBodyTextWithForward() {
139        Message msg = new Message();
140        msg.mText = TEXT;
141        msg.mFrom = SENDER;
142        msg.mTo = RECIPIENT_TO;
143        msg.mCc = RECIPIENT_CC;
144        msg.mSubject = SUBJECT;
145        msg.mFlags = Message.FLAG_TYPE_FORWARD;
146        msg.mTextReply = BODY;
147        msg.mIntroText = mForwardIntro;
148        msg.save(mMockContext);
149        String body = Rfc822Output.buildBodyText(mMockContext, msg, true);
150        assertEquals(TEXT + mForwardIntro + BODY, body);
151    }
153    public void testWriteToText() throws IOException, MessagingException {
154        // Create a simple text message
155        Message msg = new Message();
156        msg.mText = TEXT;
157        msg.mFrom = SENDER;
158        // Save this away
159        msg.save(mMockContext);
161        // Write out an Rfc822 message
162        ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
163        Rfc822Output.writeTo(mMockContext, msg.mId, byteStream, false, false);
165        // Get the message and create a mime4j message from it
166        // We'll take advantage of its parsing capabilities
167        ByteArrayInputStream messageInputStream =
168            new ByteArrayInputStream(byteStream.toByteArray());
169        org.apache.james.mime4j.message.Message mimeMessage =
170            new org.apache.james.mime4j.message.Message(messageInputStream);
172        // Make sure its structure is correct
173        checkMimeVersion(mimeMessage);
174        assertFalse(mimeMessage.isMultipart());
175        assertEquals("text/plain", mimeMessage.getMimeType());
176    }
178    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
179    public void testWriteToAlternativePart() throws IOException, MessagingException {
180        // Create a message with alternative part
181        Message msg = new Message();
182        msg.mText = TEXT;
183        msg.mFrom = SENDER;
184        msg.mAttachments = new ArrayList<Attachment>();
185        // Attach a meeting invitation, which needs to be sent as multipart/alternative
186        Attachment att = new Attachment();
187        att.mContentBytes = "__CONTENT__".getBytes("UTF-8");
188        att.mFlags = Attachment.FLAG_ICS_ALTERNATIVE_PART;
189        att.mMimeType = "text/calendar";
190        att.mFileName = "invite.ics";
191        msg.mAttachments.add(att);
192        // Save this away
193        msg.save(mMockContext);
195        // Write out an Rfc822 message
196        ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
197        Rfc822Output.writeTo(mMockContext, msg.mId, byteStream, false, false);
199        // Get the message and create a mime4j message from it
200        // We'll take advantage of its parsing capabilities
201        ByteArrayInputStream messageInputStream =
202            new ByteArrayInputStream(byteStream.toByteArray());
203        org.apache.james.mime4j.message.Message mimeMessage =
204            new org.apache.james.mime4j.message.Message(messageInputStream);
206        // Make sure its structure is correct
207        checkMimeVersion(mimeMessage);
208        assertTrue(mimeMessage.isMultipart());
209        Header header = mimeMessage.getHeader();
210        Field contentType = header.getField("content-type");
211        assertTrue(contentType.getBody().contains("multipart/alternative"));
212        Multipart multipart = (Multipart)mimeMessage.getBody();
213        List<Body> partList = multipart.getBodyParts();
214        assertEquals(2, partList.size());
215        Entity part = (Entity)partList.get(0);
216        assertEquals("text/plain", part.getMimeType());
217        part = (Entity)partList.get(1);
218        assertEquals("text/calendar", part.getMimeType());
219        header = part.getHeader();
220        assertNull(header.getField("content-disposition"));
221    }
223    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
224    public void testWriteToMixedPart() throws IOException, MessagingException {
225        // Create a message with a mixed part
226        Message msg = new Message();
227        msg.mText = TEXT;
228        msg.mFrom = SENDER;
229        msg.mAttachments = new ArrayList<Attachment>();
230        // Attach a simple html "file"
231        Attachment att = new Attachment();
232        att.mContentBytes = "<html>Hi</html>".getBytes("UTF-8");
233        att.mMimeType = "text/html";
234        att.mFileName = "test.html";
235        msg.mAttachments.add(att);
236        // Save this away
237        msg.save(mMockContext);
239        // Write out an Rfc822 message
240        ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
241        Rfc822Output.writeTo(mMockContext, msg.mId, byteStream, false, false);
243        // Get the message and create a mime4j message from it
244        // We'll take advantage of its parsing capabilities
245        ByteArrayInputStream messageInputStream =
246            new ByteArrayInputStream(byteStream.toByteArray());
247        org.apache.james.mime4j.message.Message mimeMessage =
248            new org.apache.james.mime4j.message.Message(messageInputStream);
250        // Make sure its structure is correct
251        checkMimeVersion(mimeMessage);
252        assertTrue(mimeMessage.isMultipart());
253        Header header = mimeMessage.getHeader();
254        Field contentType = header.getField("content-type");
255        assertTrue(contentType.getBody().contains("multipart/mixed"));
256        Multipart multipart = (Multipart)mimeMessage.getBody();
257        List<Body> partList = multipart.getBodyParts();
258        assertEquals(2, partList.size());
259        Entity part = (Entity)partList.get(0);
260        assertEquals("text/plain", part.getMimeType());
261        part = (Entity)partList.get(1);
262        assertEquals("text/html", part.getMimeType());
263        header = part.getHeader();
264        assertNotNull(header.getField("content-disposition"));
265    }
267    /**
268     * Confirm that the constructed message includes "MIME-VERSION: 1.0"
269     */
270    private void checkMimeVersion(org.apache.james.mime4j.message.Message mimeMessage) {
271        Header header = mimeMessage.getHeader();
272        Field contentType = header.getField("MIME-VERSION");
273        assertTrue(contentType.getBody().equals("1.0"));
274    }