2 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 *
9 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 *
11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 * limitations under the License.
16 */
17package org.apache.harmony.text.tests.java.text;
19import java.math.RoundingMode;
20import java.text.ChoiceFormat;
21import java.text.DecimalFormat;
22import java.text.FieldPosition;
23import java.text.NumberFormat;
24import java.text.ParseException;
25import java.text.ParsePosition;
26import java.util.Currency;
27import java.util.Locale;
29public class NumberFormatTest extends junit.framework.TestCase {
31    /**
32     * @tests java.text.NumberFormat#format(java.lang.Object,
33     *        java.lang.StringBuffer, java.text.FieldPosition)
34     */
35    public void test_formatLjava_lang_ObjectLjava_lang_StringBufferLjava_text_FieldPosition() {
36        FieldPosition pos;
37        StringBuffer out;
38        DecimalFormat format = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat
39                .getInstance(Locale.US);
41        pos = new FieldPosition(0);
42        out = format.format(new Long(Long.MAX_VALUE), new StringBuffer(), pos);
43        assertEquals("Wrong result L1: " + out, "9,223,372,036,854,775,807",
44                out.toString());
46        pos = new FieldPosition(0);
47        out = format.format(new Long(Long.MIN_VALUE), new StringBuffer(), pos);
48        assertEquals("Wrong result L2: " + out, "-9,223,372,036,854,775,808",
49                out.toString());
51        pos = new FieldPosition(0);
52        out = format.format(new java.math.BigInteger(String
53                .valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE)), new StringBuffer(), pos);
54        assertEquals("Wrong result BI1: " + out, "9,223,372,036,854,775,807",
55                out.toString());
57        pos = new FieldPosition(0);
58        out = format.format(new java.math.BigInteger(String
59                .valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE)), new StringBuffer(), pos);
60        assertEquals("Wrong result BI2: " + out, "-9,223,372,036,854,775,808",
61                out.toString());
63        java.math.BigInteger big;
64        pos = new FieldPosition(0);
65        big = new java.math.BigInteger(String.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE))
66                .add(new java.math.BigInteger("1"));
67        out = format.format(big, new StringBuffer(), pos);
68        assertEquals("Wrong result BI3: " + out, "9,223,372,036,854,775,808",
69                out.toString());
71        pos = new FieldPosition(0);
72        big = new java.math.BigInteger(String.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE))
73                .add(new java.math.BigInteger("-1"));
74        out = format.format(big, new StringBuffer(), pos);
75        assertEquals("Wrong result BI4: " + out, "-9,223,372,036,854,775,809",
76                out.toString());
78        pos = new FieldPosition(0);
79        out = format.format(new java.math.BigDecimal("51.348"),
80                new StringBuffer(), pos);
81        assertEquals("Wrong result BD1: " + out, "51.348", out.toString());
83        pos = new FieldPosition(0);
84        out = format.format(new java.math.BigDecimal("51"), new StringBuffer(),
85                pos);
86        assertEquals("Wrong result BD2: " + out, "51", out.toString());
88        try {
89            format.format(this, new StringBuffer(), pos);
90            fail("Should throw IllegalArgumentException");
91        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
92            // Expected
93        }
95        try {
96            format.format(null, new StringBuffer(), pos);
97            fail("Should throw IllegalArgumentException");
98        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
99            // Expected
100        }
102        try {
103            format.format(new Long(0), null, pos);
104            fail("Should throw NullPointerException");
105        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
106            // Expected
107        }
109        try {
110            format.format(new Long(0), new StringBuffer(), null);
111            fail("Should throw NullPointerException");
112        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
113            // Expected
114        }
115    }
117    /**
118     * @tests java.text.NumberFormat#getIntegerInstance()
119     */
120    public void test_getIntegerInstance() throws ParseException {
121        // Test for method java.text.NumberFormat getIntegerInstance()
122        Locale origLocale = Locale.getDefault();
123        Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);
125        DecimalFormat format = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat
126                .getIntegerInstance();
128        assertEquals(
129                "Test1: NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance().toPattern() returned wrong pattern",
130                "#,##0", format.toPattern());
131        assertEquals(
132                "Test2: NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance().format(35.76) returned wrong value",
133                "36", format.format(35.76));
134        assertEquals(
135                "Test3: NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance().parse(\"35.76\") returned wrong number",
136                new Long(35), format.parse("35.76"));
137        assertEquals(
138                "Test4: NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance().parseObject(\"35.76\") returned wrong number",
139                new Long(35), format.parseObject("35.76"));
140        Locale.setDefault(origLocale);
141    }
143    /**
144     * @tests java.text.NumberFormat#getIntegerInstance(java.util.Locale)
145     */
146    public void test_getIntegerInstanceLjava_util_Locale()
147            throws ParseException {
148        // Test for method java.text.NumberFormat
149        // getIntegerInstance(java.util.Locale)
150        Locale usLocale = Locale.US;
151        Locale arLocale = new Locale("ar", "AE");
153        DecimalFormat format = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat
154                .getIntegerInstance(usLocale);
155        assertEquals(
156                "Test1: NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance().toPattern() returned wrong pattern",
157                "#,##0", format.toPattern());
158        assertEquals(
159                "Test2: NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance().format(-35.76) returned wrong value",
160                "-36", format.format(-35.76));
161        assertEquals(
162                "Test3: NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance().parse(\"-36\") returned wrong number",
163                new Long(-36), format.parse("-36"));
164        assertEquals(
165                "Test4: NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance().parseObject(\"-36\") returned wrong number",
166                new Long(-36), format.parseObject("-36"));
167        assertEquals(
168                "Test5: NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance().getMaximumFractionDigits() returned wrong value",
169                0, format.getMaximumFractionDigits());
170        assertTrue("Test6: NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance().isParseIntegerOnly() returned wrong value",
171                format.isParseIntegerOnly());
173        // try with a locale that has a different integer pattern
174        format = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(arLocale);
175        assertEquals(
176                "Test7: NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(new Locale(\"ar\", \"AE\")).toPattern() returned wrong pattern",
177                "#,##0;#,##0-", format.toPattern());
178        assertEquals(
179                "Test8: NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(new Locale(\"ar\", \"AE\")).format(-35.76) returned wrong value",
180                "\u0666-", format.format(-6));
181        assertEquals(
182                "Test9: NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(new Locale(\"ar\", \"AE\")).parse(\"-36-\") returned wrong number",
183                new Long(-36), format.parse("36-"));
184        assertEquals(
185                "Test10: NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(new Locale(\"ar\", \"AE\")).parseObject(\"36-\") returned wrong number",
186                new Long(-36), format.parseObject("36-"));
188        assertEquals(
189                "Test11: NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(new Locale(\"ar\", \"AE\")).getMaximumFractionDigits() returned wrong value",
190                0, format.getMaximumFractionDigits());
191        assertTrue(
192                   "Test12: NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(new Locale(\"ar\", \"AE\")).isParseIntegerOnly() returned wrong value",
193                   format.isParseIntegerOnly());
194    }
196    /**
197     * @tests java.text.NumberFormat#getCurrency()
198     */
199    public void test_getCurrency() {
200        // Test for method java.util.Currency getCurrency()
202        // a subclass that supports currency formatting
203        Currency currH = Currency.getInstance("HUF");
204        NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance(new Locale("hu", "HU"));
205        assertSame("Returned incorrect currency", currH, format.getCurrency());
207        // a subclass that doesn't support currency formatting
208        ChoiceFormat cformat = new ChoiceFormat(
209                "0#Less than one|1#one|1<Between one and two|2<Greater than two");
210        try {
211            ((NumberFormat) cformat).getCurrency();
212            fail("Expected UnsupportedOperationException");
213        } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
214        }
215    }
217    /**
218     * @tests java.text.NumberFormat#getMaximumIntegerDigits()
219     */
220    public void test_getMaximumIntegerDigits() {
221        NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance();
222        format.setMaximumIntegerDigits(2);
223        assertEquals("Wrong result", "23", format.format(123));
224    }
226    /**
227     * @tests java.text.NumberFormat#setCurrency(java.util.Currency)
228     */
229    public void test_setCurrencyLjava_util_Currency() {
230        // Test for method void setCurrency(java.util.Currency)
231        // a subclass that supports currency formatting
232        Currency currA = Currency.getInstance("ARS");
233        NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance(new Locale("hu", "HU"));
234        format.setCurrency(currA);
235        assertSame("Returned incorrect currency", currA, format.getCurrency());
237        // a subclass that doesn't support currency formatting
238        ChoiceFormat cformat = new ChoiceFormat(
239                "0#Less than one|1#one|1<Between one and two|2<Greater than two");
240        try {
241            ((NumberFormat) cformat).setCurrency(currA);
242            fail("Expected UnsupportedOperationException");
243        } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
244        }
245    }
246    /**
247     * @tests java.text.NumberFormat#parseObject(java.lang.String, java.text.ParsePosition)
248     */
249    public void test_parseObjectLjava_lang_StringLjava_text_ParsePosition() {
250    	// regression test for HARMONY-1003
251    	assertNull(NumberFormat.getInstance().parseObject("0", new ParsePosition(-1)));
253         // Regression for HARMONY-1685
254         try {
255             NumberFormat.getInstance().parseObject("test", null);
256             fail("NullPointerException expected");
257         } catch (NullPointerException e) {
258            //expected
259	    }
260    }
262    protected void setUp() {
263    }
265    protected void tearDown() {
266    }
268    /**
269	 * @test java.text.NumberFormat#setRoundingMode(java.math.RoundingMode)
270	 */
271	public void test_setRoundingMode_NullRoundingMode() {
272		try {
273			// Create a subclass ChoiceFormat which doesn't support
274			// RoundingMode
275			ChoiceFormat choiceFormat = new ChoiceFormat(
276					"0#Less than one|1#one|1<Between one and two|2<Greater than two");
277			((NumberFormat) choiceFormat).setRoundingMode(null);
278			// Follow the behavior of RI
279			fail("UnsupportedOperationException expected");
280		} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
281			// expected
282		}
283	}
285	/**
286	 * @test java.text.NumberFormat#setRoundingMode(java.math.RoundingMode)
287	 */
288	public void test_setRoundingMode_Normal() {
289		try {
290			// Create a subclass ChoiceFormat which doesn't support
291			// RoundingMode
292			ChoiceFormat choiceFormat = new ChoiceFormat(
293					"0#Less than one|1#one|1<Between one and two|2<Greater than two");
294			((NumberFormat) choiceFormat).setRoundingMode(RoundingMode.CEILING);
295			fail("UnsupportedOperationException expected");
296		} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
297			// expected
298		}
299	}