2 * Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package com.android.i18n.phonenumbers;
19import com.android.i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil.Leniency;
20import com.android.i18n.phonenumbers.Phonenumber.PhoneNumber;
22import java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock;
23import java.util.Iterator;
24import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
25import java.util.regex.Matcher;
26import java.util.regex.Pattern;
29 * A stateful class that finds and extracts telephone numbers from {@linkplain CharSequence text}.
30 * Instances can be created using the {@linkplain PhoneNumberUtil#findNumbers factory methods} in
31 * {@link PhoneNumberUtil}.
32 *
33 * <p>Vanity numbers (phone numbers using alphabetic digits such as <tt>1-800-SIX-FLAGS</tt> are
34 * not found.
35 *
36 * <p>This class is not thread-safe.
37 *
38 * @author Tom Hofmann
39 */
40final class PhoneNumberMatcher implements Iterator<PhoneNumberMatch> {
41  /**
42   * The phone number pattern used by {@link #find}, similar to
43   * {@code PhoneNumberUtil.VALID_PHONE_NUMBER}, but with the following differences:
44   * <ul>
45   *   <li>All captures are limited in order to place an upper bound to the text matched by the
46   *       pattern.
47   * <ul>
48   *   <li>Leading punctuation / plus signs are limited.
49   *   <li>Consecutive occurrences of punctuation are limited.
50   *   <li>Number of digits is limited.
51   * </ul>
52   *   <li>No whitespace is allowed at the start or end.
53   *   <li>No alpha digits (vanity numbers such as 1-800-SIX-FLAGS) are currently supported.
54   * </ul>
55   */
56  private static final Pattern PATTERN;
57  /**
58   * Matches strings that look like publication pages. Example:
59   * <pre>Computing Complete Answers to Queries in the Presence of Limited Access Patterns.
60   * Chen Li. VLDB J. 12(3): 211-227 (2003).</pre>
61   *
62   * The string "211-227 (2003)" is not a telephone number.
63   */
64  private static final Pattern PUB_PAGES = Pattern.compile("\\d{1,5}-+\\d{1,5}\\s{0,4}\\(\\d{1,4}");
66  /**
67   * Matches strings that look like dates using "/" as a separator. Examples: 3/10/2011, 31/10/96 or
68   * 08/31/95.
69   */
70  private static final Pattern SLASH_SEPARATED_DATES =
71      Pattern.compile("(?:(?:[0-3]?\\d/[01]?\\d)|(?:[01]?\\d/[0-3]?\\d))/(?:[12]\\d)?\\d{2}");
73  /**
74   * Pattern to check that brackets match. Opening brackets should be closed within a phone number.
75   * This also checks that there is something inside the brackets. Having no brackets at all is also
76   * fine.
77   */
78  private static final Pattern MATCHING_BRACKETS;
80  /**
81   * Matches white-space, which may indicate the end of a phone number and the start of something
82   * else (such as a neighbouring zip-code). If white-space is found, continues to match all
83   * characters that are not typically used to start a phone number.
84   */
85  private static final Pattern GROUP_SEPARATOR;
87  /**
88   * Punctuation that may be at the start of a phone number - brackets and plus signs.
89   */
90  private static final Pattern LEAD_CLASS;
92  static {
93    /* Builds the MATCHING_BRACKETS and PATTERN regular expressions. The building blocks below exist
94     * to make the pattern more easily understood. */
96    String openingParens = "(\\[\uFF08\uFF3B";
97    String closingParens = ")\\]\uFF09\uFF3D";
98    String nonParens = "[^" + openingParens + closingParens + "]";
100    /* Limit on the number of pairs of brackets in a phone number. */
101    String bracketPairLimit = limit(0, 3);
102    /*
103     * An opening bracket at the beginning may not be closed, but subsequent ones should be.  It's
104     * also possible that the leading bracket was dropped, so we shouldn't be surprised if we see a
105     * closing bracket first. We limit the sets of brackets in a phone number to four.
106     */
107    MATCHING_BRACKETS = Pattern.compile(
108        "(?:[" + openingParens + "])?" + "(?:" + nonParens + "+" + "[" + closingParens + "])?" +
109        nonParens + "+" +
110        "(?:[" + openingParens + "]" + nonParens + "+[" + closingParens + "])" + bracketPairLimit +
111        nonParens + "*");
113    /* Limit on the number of leading (plus) characters. */
114    String leadLimit = limit(0, 2);
115    /* Limit on the number of consecutive punctuation characters. */
116    String punctuationLimit = limit(0, 4);
117    /* The maximum number of digits allowed in a digit-separated block. As we allow all digits in a
118     * single block, set high enough to accommodate the entire national number and the international
119     * country code. */
120    int digitBlockLimit =
121        PhoneNumberUtil.MAX_LENGTH_FOR_NSN + PhoneNumberUtil.MAX_LENGTH_COUNTRY_CODE;
122    /* Limit on the number of blocks separated by punctuation. Uses digitBlockLimit since some
123     * formats use spaces to separate each digit. */
124    String blockLimit = limit(0, digitBlockLimit);
126    /* A punctuation sequence allowing white space. */
127    String punctuation = "[" + PhoneNumberUtil.VALID_PUNCTUATION + "]" + punctuationLimit;
128    /* A digits block without punctuation. */
129    String digitSequence = "\\p{Nd}" + limit(1, digitBlockLimit);
131    String leadClassChars = openingParens + PhoneNumberUtil.PLUS_CHARS;
132    String leadClass = "[" + leadClassChars + "]";
133    LEAD_CLASS = Pattern.compile(leadClass);
134    GROUP_SEPARATOR = Pattern.compile("\\p{Z}" + "[^" + leadClassChars  + "\\p{Nd}]*");
136    /* Phone number pattern allowing optional punctuation. */
137    PATTERN = Pattern.compile(
138        "(?:" + leadClass + punctuation + ")" + leadLimit +
139        digitSequence + "(?:" + punctuation + digitSequence + ")" + blockLimit +
140        "(?:" + PhoneNumberUtil.EXTN_PATTERNS_FOR_MATCHING + ")?",
141        PhoneNumberUtil.REGEX_FLAGS);
142  }
144  /** Returns a regular expression quantifier with an upper and lower limit. */
145  private static String limit(int lower, int upper) {
146    if ((lower < 0) || (upper <= 0) || (upper < lower)) {
147      throw new IllegalArgumentException();
148    }
149    return "{" + lower + "," + upper + "}";
150  }
152  /** The potential states of a PhoneNumberMatcher. */
153  private enum State {
155  }
157  /** The phone number utility. */
158  private final PhoneNumberUtil phoneUtil;
159  /** The text searched for phone numbers. */
160  private final CharSequence text;
161  /**
162   * The region (country) to assume for phone numbers without an international prefix, possibly
163   * null.
164   */
165  private final String preferredRegion;
166  /** The degree of validation requested. */
167  private final Leniency leniency;
168  /** The maximum number of retries after matching an invalid number. */
169  private long maxTries;
171  /** The iteration tristate. */
172  private State state = State.NOT_READY;
173  /** The last successful match, null unless in {@link State#READY}. */
174  private PhoneNumberMatch lastMatch = null;
175  /** The next index to start searching at. Undefined in {@link State#DONE}. */
176  private int searchIndex = 0;
178  /**
179   * Creates a new instance. See the factory methods in {@link PhoneNumberUtil} on how to obtain a
180   * new instance.
181   *
182   * @param util      the phone number util to use
183   * @param text      the character sequence that we will search, null for no text
184   * @param country   the country to assume for phone numbers not written in international format
185   *                  (with a leading plus, or with the international dialing prefix of the
186   *                  specified region). May be null or "ZZ" if only numbers with a
187   *                  leading plus should be considered.
188   * @param leniency  the leniency to use when evaluating candidate phone numbers
189   * @param maxTries  the maximum number of invalid numbers to try before giving up on the text.
190   *                  This is to cover degenerate cases where the text has a lot of false positives
191   *                  in it. Must be {@code >= 0}.
192   */
193  PhoneNumberMatcher(PhoneNumberUtil util, CharSequence text, String country, Leniency leniency,
194      long maxTries) {
196    if ((util == null) || (leniency == null)) {
197      throw new NullPointerException();
198    }
199    if (maxTries < 0) {
200      throw new IllegalArgumentException();
201    }
202    this.phoneUtil = util;
203    this.text = (text != null) ? text : "";
204    this.preferredRegion = country;
205    this.leniency = leniency;
206    this.maxTries = maxTries;
207  }
209  public boolean hasNext() {
210    if (state == State.NOT_READY) {
211      lastMatch = find(searchIndex);
212      if (lastMatch == null) {
213        state = State.DONE;
214      } else {
215        searchIndex = lastMatch.end();
216        state = State.READY;
217      }
218    }
219    return state == State.READY;
220  }
222  public PhoneNumberMatch next() {
223    // Check the state and find the next match as a side-effect if necessary.
224    if (!hasNext()) {
225      throw new NoSuchElementException();
226    }
228    // Don't retain that memory any longer than necessary.
229    PhoneNumberMatch result = lastMatch;
230    lastMatch = null;
231    state = State.NOT_READY;
232    return result;
233  }
235  /**
236   * Attempts to find the next subsequence in the searched sequence on or after {@code searchIndex}
237   * that represents a phone number. Returns the next match, null if none was found.
238   *
239   * @param index  the search index to start searching at
240   * @return  the phone number match found, null if none can be found
241   */
242  private PhoneNumberMatch find(int index) {
243    Matcher matcher = PATTERN.matcher(text);
244    while ((maxTries > 0) && matcher.find(index)) {
245      int start = matcher.start();
246      CharSequence candidate = text.subSequence(start, matcher.end());
248      // Check for extra numbers at the end.
249      // TODO: This is the place to start when trying to support extraction of multiple phone number
250      // from split notations (+41 79 123 45 67 / 68).
251      candidate = trimAfterFirstMatch(PhoneNumberUtil.SECOND_NUMBER_START_PATTERN, candidate);
253      PhoneNumberMatch match = extractMatch(candidate, start);
254      if (match != null) {
255        return match;
256      }
258      index = start + candidate.length();
259      maxTries--;
260    }
262    return null;
263  }
265  /**
266   * Trims away any characters after the first match of {@code pattern} in {@code candidate},
267   * returning the trimmed version.
268   */
269  private static CharSequence trimAfterFirstMatch(Pattern pattern, CharSequence candidate) {
270    Matcher trailingCharsMatcher = pattern.matcher(candidate);
271    if (trailingCharsMatcher.find()) {
272      candidate = candidate.subSequence(0, trailingCharsMatcher.start());
273    }
274    return candidate;
275  }
277  /**
278   * Helper method to determine if a character is a Latin-script letter or not. For our purposes,
279   * combining marks should also return true since we assume they have been added to a preceding
280   * Latin character.
281   */
282  static boolean isLatinLetter(char letter) {
283    // Combining marks are a subset of non-spacing-mark.
284    if (!Character.isLetter(letter) && Character.getType(letter) != Character.NON_SPACING_MARK) {
285      return false;
286    }
287    UnicodeBlock block = UnicodeBlock.of(letter);
288    return block.equals(UnicodeBlock.BASIC_LATIN) ||
289        block.equals(UnicodeBlock.LATIN_1_SUPPLEMENT) ||
290        block.equals(UnicodeBlock.LATIN_EXTENDED_A) ||
291        block.equals(UnicodeBlock.LATIN_EXTENDED_ADDITIONAL) ||
292        block.equals(UnicodeBlock.LATIN_EXTENDED_B) ||
293        block.equals(UnicodeBlock.COMBINING_DIACRITICAL_MARKS);
294  }
296  private static boolean isCurrencySymbol(char character) {
297    return Character.getType(character) == Character.CURRENCY_SYMBOL;
298  }
300  /**
301   * Attempts to extract a match from a {@code candidate} character sequence.
302   *
303   * @param candidate  the candidate text that might contain a phone number
304   * @param offset  the offset of {@code candidate} within {@link #text}
305   * @return  the match found, null if none can be found
306   */
307  private PhoneNumberMatch extractMatch(CharSequence candidate, int offset) {
308    // Skip a match that is more likely a publication page reference or a date.
309    if (PUB_PAGES.matcher(candidate).find() || SLASH_SEPARATED_DATES.matcher(candidate).find()) {
310      return null;
311    }
313    // Try to come up with a valid match given the entire candidate.
314    String rawString = candidate.toString();
315    PhoneNumberMatch match = parseAndVerify(rawString, offset);
316    if (match != null) {
317      return match;
318    }
320    // If that failed, try to find an "inner match" - there might be a phone number within this
321    // candidate.
322    return extractInnerMatch(rawString, offset);
323  }
325  /**
326   * Attempts to extract a match from {@code candidate} if the whole candidate does not qualify as a
327   * match.
328   *
329   * @param candidate  the candidate text that might contain a phone number
330   * @param offset  the current offset of {@code candidate} within {@link #text}
331   * @return  the match found, null if none can be found
332   */
333  private PhoneNumberMatch extractInnerMatch(String candidate, int offset) {
334    // Try removing either the first or last "group" in the number and see if this gives a result.
335    // We consider white space to be a possible indication of the start or end of the phone number.
336    Matcher groupMatcher = GROUP_SEPARATOR.matcher(candidate);
338    if (groupMatcher.find()) {
339      // Try the first group by itself.
340      CharSequence firstGroupOnly = candidate.substring(0, groupMatcher.start());
341      firstGroupOnly = trimAfterFirstMatch(PhoneNumberUtil.UNWANTED_END_CHAR_PATTERN,
342                                           firstGroupOnly);
343      PhoneNumberMatch match = parseAndVerify(firstGroupOnly.toString(), offset);
344      if (match != null) {
345        return match;
346      }
347      maxTries--;
349      int withoutFirstGroupStart = groupMatcher.end();
350      // Try the rest of the candidate without the first group.
351      CharSequence withoutFirstGroup = candidate.substring(withoutFirstGroupStart);
352      withoutFirstGroup = trimAfterFirstMatch(PhoneNumberUtil.UNWANTED_END_CHAR_PATTERN,
353                                              withoutFirstGroup);
354      match = parseAndVerify(withoutFirstGroup.toString(), offset + withoutFirstGroupStart);
355      if (match != null) {
356        return match;
357      }
358      maxTries--;
360      if (maxTries > 0) {
361        int lastGroupStart = withoutFirstGroupStart;
362        while (groupMatcher.find()) {
363          // Find the last group.
364          lastGroupStart = groupMatcher.start();
365        }
366        CharSequence withoutLastGroup = candidate.substring(0, lastGroupStart);
367        withoutLastGroup = trimAfterFirstMatch(PhoneNumberUtil.UNWANTED_END_CHAR_PATTERN,
368                                               withoutLastGroup);
369        if (withoutLastGroup.equals(firstGroupOnly)) {
370          // If there are only two groups, then the group "without the last group" is the same as
371          // the first group. In these cases, we don't want to re-check the number group, so we exit
372          // already.
373          return null;
374        }
375        match = parseAndVerify(withoutLastGroup.toString(), offset);
376        if (match != null) {
377          return match;
378        }
379        maxTries--;
380      }
381    }
382    return null;
383  }
385  /**
386   * Parses a phone number from the {@code candidate} using {@link PhoneNumberUtil#parse} and
387   * verifies it matches the requested {@link #leniency}. If parsing and verification succeed, a
388   * corresponding {@link PhoneNumberMatch} is returned, otherwise this method returns null.
389   *
390   * @param candidate  the candidate match
391   * @param offset  the offset of {@code candidate} within {@link #text}
392   * @return  the parsed and validated phone number match, or null
393   */
394  private PhoneNumberMatch parseAndVerify(String candidate, int offset) {
395    try {
396      // Check the candidate doesn't contain any formatting which would indicate that it really
397      // isn't a phone number.
398      if (!MATCHING_BRACKETS.matcher(candidate).matches()) {
399        return null;
400      }
402      // If leniency is set to VALID or stricter, we also want to skip numbers that are surrounded
403      // by Latin alphabetic characters, to skip cases like abc8005001234 or 8005001234def.
404      if (leniency.compareTo(Leniency.VALID) >= 0) {
405        // If the candidate is not at the start of the text, and does not start with phone-number
406        // punctuation, check the previous character.
407        if (offset > 0 && !LEAD_CLASS.matcher(candidate).lookingAt()) {
408          char previousChar = text.charAt(offset - 1);
409          // We return null if it is a latin letter or a currency symbol.
410          if (isCurrencySymbol(previousChar) || isLatinLetter(previousChar)) {
411            return null;
412          }
413        }
414        int lastCharIndex = offset + candidate.length();
415        if (lastCharIndex < text.length()) {
416          char nextChar = text.charAt(lastCharIndex);
417          if (isCurrencySymbol(nextChar) || isLatinLetter(nextChar)) {
418            return null;
419          }
420        }
421      }
423      PhoneNumber number = phoneUtil.parse(candidate, preferredRegion);
424      if (leniency.verify(number, candidate, phoneUtil)) {
425        return new PhoneNumberMatch(offset, candidate, number);
426      }
427    } catch (NumberParseException e) {
428      // ignore and continue
429    }
430    return null;
431  }
433  /**
434   * Always throws {@link UnsupportedOperationException} as removal is not supported.
435   */
436  public void remove() {
437    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
438  }