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17 <p>
18  <em>EMP0001</em>
19  <strong>Margaret Martin</strong>
20  <code>Accountant</code>
21  <sup>56,000</sup>
22  <var>Female</var>
23  <acronym title="Yes">1230 North Ave. Dallas, Texas 98551</acronym>
24 </p>
25 <p>
26  <em>EMP0002</em>
27  <strong>Martha RaynoldsThis is a CDATASection with EntityReference number 2 &amp;ent2;
28This is an adjacent CDATASection with a reference to a tab &amp;tab;</strong>
29  <code>Secretary</code>
30  <sup>35,000</sup>
31  <var>Female</var>
32  <acronym title="Yes" class="Yes">&beta; Dallas, &gamma;
33 98554</acronym>
34 </p>
35 <p>
36  <em>EMP0003</em>
37  <strong>Roger
38 Jones</strong>
39  <code>Department Manager</code>
40  <sup>100,000</sup>
41  <var>&delta;</var>
42  <acronym title="Yes" class="No">PO Box 27 Irving, texas 98553</acronym>
43 </p>
44 <p>
45  <em>EMP0004</em>
46  <strong>Jeny Oconnor</strong>
47  <code>Personnel Director</code>
48  <sup>95,000</sup>
49  <var>Female</var>
50  <acronym title="Yes" class="Y&alpha;">27 South Road. Dallas, Texas 98556</acronym>
51 </p>
52 <p>
53  <em>EMP0005</em>
54  <strong>Robert Myers</strong>
55  <code>Computer Specialist</code>
56  <sup>90,000</sup>
57  <var>male</var>
58  <acronym title="Yes">1821 Nordic. Road, Irving Texas 98558</acronym>
59 </p>