2 * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package com.android.email.activity;
19import android.app.Activity;
20import android.app.Fragment;
21import android.content.Intent;
22import android.content.res.Configuration;
23import android.os.Bundle;
24import android.os.Handler;
25import android.text.TextUtils;
26import android.util.Log;
27import android.view.Menu;
28import android.view.MenuItem;
29import android.view.View;
30import android.widget.TextView;
32import com.android.email.Controller;
33import com.android.email.ControllerResultUiThreadWrapper;
34import com.android.email.Email;
35import com.android.email.MessageListContext;
36import com.android.email.MessagingExceptionStrings;
37import com.android.email.R;
38import com.android.emailcommon.Logging;
39import com.android.emailcommon.mail.MessagingException;
40import com.android.emailcommon.provider.Account;
41import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.Message;
42import com.android.emailcommon.provider.Mailbox;
43import com.android.emailcommon.utility.EmailAsyncTask;
44import com.android.emailcommon.utility.IntentUtilities;
45import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
47import java.util.ArrayList;
50 * The main Email activity, which is used on both the tablet and the phone.
51 *
52 * Because this activity is device agnostic, so most of the UI aren't owned by this, but by
53 * the UIController.
54 */
55public class EmailActivity extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener, FragmentInstallable {
56    public static final String EXTRA_ACCOUNT_ID = "ACCOUNT_ID";
57    public static final String EXTRA_MAILBOX_ID = "MAILBOX_ID";
58    public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGE_ID = "MESSAGE_ID";
59    public static final String EXTRA_QUERY_STRING = "QUERY_STRING";
61    /** Loader IDs starting with this is safe to use from UIControllers. */
62    static final int UI_CONTROLLER_LOADER_ID_BASE = 100;
64    /** Loader IDs starting with this is safe to use from ActionBarController. */
65    static final int ACTION_BAR_CONTROLLER_LOADER_ID_BASE = 200;
67    private static float sLastFontScale = -1;
69    private Controller mController;
70    private Controller.Result mControllerResult;
72    private UIControllerBase mUIController;
74    private final EmailAsyncTask.Tracker mTaskTracker = new EmailAsyncTask.Tracker();
76    /** Banner to display errors */
77    private BannerController mErrorBanner;
78    /** Id of the account that had a messaging exception most recently. */
79    private long mLastErrorAccountId;
81    /**
82     * Create an intent to launch and open account's inbox.
83     *
84     * @param accountId If -1, default account will be used.
85     */
86    public static Intent createOpenAccountIntent(Activity fromActivity, long accountId) {
87        Intent i = IntentUtilities.createRestartAppIntent(fromActivity, EmailActivity.class);
88        if (accountId != -1) {
89            i.putExtra(EXTRA_ACCOUNT_ID, accountId);
90        }
91        return i;
92    }
94    /**
95     * Create an intent to launch and open a mailbox.
96     *
97     * @param accountId must not be -1.
98     * @param mailboxId must not be -1.  Magic mailboxes IDs (such as
99     * {@link Mailbox#QUERY_ALL_INBOXES}) don't work.
100     */
101    public static Intent createOpenMailboxIntent(Activity fromActivity, long accountId,
102            long mailboxId) {
103        if (accountId == -1 || mailboxId == -1) {
104            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
105        }
106        Intent i = IntentUtilities.createRestartAppIntent(fromActivity, EmailActivity.class);
107        i.putExtra(EXTRA_ACCOUNT_ID, accountId);
108        i.putExtra(EXTRA_MAILBOX_ID, mailboxId);
109        return i;
110    }
112    /**
113     * Create an intent to launch and open a message.
114     *
115     * @param accountId must not be -1.
116     * @param mailboxId must not be -1.  Magic mailboxes IDs (such as
117     * {@link Mailbox#QUERY_ALL_INBOXES}) don't work.
118     * @param messageId must not be -1.
119     */
120    public static Intent createOpenMessageIntent(Activity fromActivity, long accountId,
121            long mailboxId, long messageId) {
122        if (accountId == -1 || mailboxId == -1 || messageId == -1) {
123            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
124        }
125        Intent i = IntentUtilities.createRestartAppIntent(fromActivity, EmailActivity.class);
126        i.putExtra(EXTRA_ACCOUNT_ID, accountId);
127        i.putExtra(EXTRA_MAILBOX_ID, mailboxId);
128        i.putExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE_ID, messageId);
129        return i;
130    }
132    /**
133     * Create an intent to launch search activity.
134     *
135     * @param accountId ID of the account for the mailbox.  Must not be {@link Account#NO_ACCOUNT}.
136     * @param mailboxId ID of the mailbox to search, or {@link Mailbox#NO_MAILBOX} to perform
137     *     global search.
138     * @param query query string.
139     */
140    public static Intent createSearchIntent(Activity fromActivity, long accountId,
141            long mailboxId, String query) {
142        Preconditions.checkArgument(Account.isNormalAccount(accountId),
143                "Can only search in normal accounts");
145        // Note that a search doesn't use a restart intent, as we want another instance of
146        // the activity to sit on the stack for search.
147        Intent i = new Intent(fromActivity, EmailActivity.class);
148        i.putExtra(EXTRA_ACCOUNT_ID, accountId);
149        i.putExtra(EXTRA_MAILBOX_ID, mailboxId);
150        i.putExtra(EXTRA_QUERY_STRING, query);
151        i.setAction(Intent.ACTION_SEARCH);
152        return i;
153    }
155    /**
156     * Initialize {@link #mUIController}.
157     */
158    private void initUIController() {
159        mUIController = UiUtilities.useTwoPane(this)
160                ? new UIControllerTwoPane(this) : new UIControllerOnePane(this);
161    }
163    @Override
164    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
165        if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " onCreate");
167        float fontScale = getResources().getConfiguration().fontScale;
168        if (sLastFontScale != -1 && sLastFontScale != fontScale) {
169            // If the font scale has been initialized, and has been detected to be different than
170            // the last time the Activity ran, it means the user changed the font while no
171            // Email Activity was running - we still need to purge static information though.
172            onFontScaleChangeDetected();
173        }
174        sLastFontScale = fontScale;
176        // UIController is used in onPrepareOptionsMenu(), which can be called from within
177        // super.onCreate(), so we need to initialize it here.
178        initUIController();
180        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
181        ActivityHelper.debugSetWindowFlags(this);
182        setContentView(mUIController.getLayoutId());
184        mUIController.onActivityViewReady();
186        mController = Controller.getInstance(this);
187        mControllerResult = new ControllerResultUiThreadWrapper<ControllerResult>(new Handler(),
188                new ControllerResult());
189        mController.addResultCallback(mControllerResult);
191        // Set up views
192        // TODO Probably better to extract mErrorMessageView related code into a separate class,
193        // so that it'll be easy to reuse for the phone activities.
194        TextView errorMessage = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.error_message);
195        errorMessage.setOnClickListener(this);
196        int errorBannerHeight = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.error_message_height);
197        mErrorBanner = new BannerController(this, errorMessage, errorBannerHeight);
199        if (savedInstanceState != null) {
200            mUIController.onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState);
201        } else {
202            final Intent intent = getIntent();
203            final MessageListContext viewContext = MessageListContext.forIntent(this, intent);
204            if (viewContext == null) {
205                // This might happen if accounts were deleted on another thread, and there aren't
206                // any remaining
207                Welcome.actionStart(this);
208                finish();
209                return;
210            } else {
211                final long messageId = intent.getLongExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE_ID, Message.NO_MESSAGE);
212                mUIController.open(viewContext, messageId);
213            }
214        }
215        mUIController.onActivityCreated();
216    }
218    @Override
219    protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
220        if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) {
221            Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " onSaveInstanceState");
222        }
223        super.onSaveInstanceState(outState);
224        mUIController.onSaveInstanceState(outState);
225    }
227    // FragmentInstallable
228    @Override
229    public void onInstallFragment(Fragment fragment) {
230        if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) {
231            Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " onInstallFragment fragment=" + fragment);
232        }
233        mUIController.onInstallFragment(fragment);
234    }
236    // FragmentInstallable
237    @Override
238    public void onUninstallFragment(Fragment fragment) {
239        if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) {
240            Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " onUninstallFragment fragment=" + fragment);
241        }
242        mUIController.onUninstallFragment(fragment);
243    }
245    @Override
246    protected void onStart() {
247        if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " onStart");
248        super.onStart();
249        mUIController.onActivityStart();
250    }
252    @Override
253    protected void onResume() {
254        if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " onResume");
255        super.onResume();
256        mUIController.onActivityResume();
257        /**
258         * In {@link MessageList#onResume()}, we go back to {@link Welcome} if an account
259         * has been added/removed. We don't need to do that here, because we fetch the most
260         * up-to-date account list. Additionally, we detect and do the right thing if all
261         * of the accounts have been removed.
262         */
263    }
265    @Override
266    protected void onPause() {
267        if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " onPause");
268        super.onPause();
269        mUIController.onActivityPause();
270    }
272    @Override
273    protected void onStop() {
274        if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " onStop");
275        super.onStop();
276        mUIController.onActivityStop();
277    }
279    @Override
280    protected void onDestroy() {
281        if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " onDestroy");
282        mController.removeResultCallback(mControllerResult);
283        mTaskTracker.cancellAllInterrupt();
284        mUIController.onActivityDestroy();
285        super.onDestroy();
286    }
288    @Override
289    public void onBackPressed() {
290        if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) {
291            Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " onBackPressed");
292        }
293        if (!mUIController.onBackPressed(true)) {
294            // Not handled by UIController -- perform the default. i.e. close the app.
295            super.onBackPressed();
296        }
297    }
299    @Override
300    public void onClick(View v) {
301        switch (v.getId()) {
302            case R.id.error_message:
303                dismissErrorMessage();
304                break;
305        }
306    }
308    /**
309     * Force dismiss the error banner.
310     */
311    private void dismissErrorMessage() {
312        mErrorBanner.dismiss();
313    }
315    @Override
316    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
317        return mUIController.onCreateOptionsMenu(getMenuInflater(), menu);
318    }
320    @Override
321    public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
322        return mUIController.onPrepareOptionsMenu(getMenuInflater(), menu);
323    }
325    /**
326     * Called when the search key is pressd.
327     *
328     * Use the below command to emulate the key press on devices without the search key.
329     * adb shell input keyevent 84
330     */
331    @Override
332    public boolean onSearchRequested() {
333        if (Email.DEBUG) {
334            Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " onSearchRequested");
335        }
336        mUIController.onSearchRequested();
337        return true; // Event handled.
338    }
340    @Override
341    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
342    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
343        if (mUIController.onOptionsItemSelected(item)) {
344            return true;
345        }
346        return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);
347    }
349    /**
350     * A {@link Controller.Result} to detect connection status.
351     */
352    private class ControllerResult extends Controller.Result {
353        @Override
354        public void sendMailCallback(
355                MessagingException result, long accountId, long messageId, int progress) {
356            handleError(result, accountId, progress);
357        }
359        @Override
360        public void serviceCheckMailCallback(
361                MessagingException result, long accountId, long mailboxId, int progress, long tag) {
362            handleError(result, accountId, progress);
363        }
365        @Override
366        public void updateMailboxCallback(MessagingException result, long accountId, long mailboxId,
367                int progress, int numNewMessages, ArrayList<Long> addedMessages) {
368            handleError(result, accountId, progress);
369        }
371        @Override
372        public void updateMailboxListCallback(
373                MessagingException result, long accountId, int progress) {
374            handleError(result, accountId, progress);
375        }
377        @Override
378        public void loadAttachmentCallback(MessagingException result, long accountId,
379                long messageId, long attachmentId, int progress) {
380            handleError(result, accountId, progress);
381        }
383        @Override
384        public void loadMessageForViewCallback(MessagingException result, long accountId,
385                long messageId, int progress) {
386            handleError(result, accountId, progress);
387        }
389        private void handleError(final MessagingException result, final long accountId,
390                int progress) {
391            if (accountId == -1) {
392                return;
393            }
394            if (result == null) {
395                if (progress > 0) {
396                    // Connection now working; clear the error message banner
397                    if (mLastErrorAccountId == accountId) {
398                        dismissErrorMessage();
399                    }
400                }
401            } else {
402                Account account = Account.restoreAccountWithId(EmailActivity.this, accountId);
403                if (account == null) return;
404                String message =
405                    MessagingExceptionStrings.getErrorString(EmailActivity.this, result);
406                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(account.mDisplayName)) {
407                    // TODO Use properly designed layout. Don't just concatenate strings;
408                    // which is generally poor for I18N.
409                    message = message + "   (" + account.mDisplayName + ")";
410                }
411                if (mErrorBanner.show(message)) {
412                    mLastErrorAccountId = accountId;
413                }
414             }
415        }
416    }
418    /**
419     * Handle a change to the system font size. This invalidates some static caches we have.
420     */
421    private void onFontScaleChangeDetected() {
422        MessageListItem.resetDrawingCaches();
423    }