1// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -Wno-unused-value -verify -std=c++11 %s
3enum E { e };
5class C {
7  int f() {
8    int foo, bar;
10    []; // expected-error {{expected body of lambda expression}}
11    [+] {}; // expected-error {{expected variable name or 'this' in lambda capture list}}
12    [foo+] {}; // expected-error {{expected ',' or ']' in lambda capture list}}
13    [foo,&this] {}; // expected-error {{'this' cannot be captured by reference}}
14    [&this] {}; // expected-error {{'this' cannot be captured by reference}}
15    [&,] {}; // expected-error {{expected variable name or 'this' in lambda capture list}}
16    [=,] {}; // expected-error {{expected variable name or 'this' in lambda capture list}}
17    [] {};
18    [=] (int i) {};
19    [&] (int) mutable -> void {};
20    [foo,bar] () { return 3; };
21    [=,&foo] () {};
22    [&,foo] () {};
23    [this] () {};
24    [] () -> class C { return C(); };
25    [] () -> enum E { return e; };
27    [] -> int { return 0; }; // expected-error{{lambda requires '()' before return type}}
28    [] mutable -> int { return 0; }; // expected-error{{lambda requires '()' before 'mutable'}}
29    return 1;
30  }
32  void designator_or_lambda() {
33    typedef int T;
34    const int b = 0;
35    const int c = 1;
36    int a1[1] = {[b] (T()) {}}; // expected-error{{no viable conversion from 'C::<lambda}}
37    int a2[1] = {[b] = 1 };
38    int a3[1] = {[b,c] = 1 }; // expected-error{{expected body of lambda expression}}
39    int a4[1] = {[&b] = 1 }; // expected-error{{integral constant expression must have integral or unscoped enumeration type, not 'const int *'}}
40    int a5[3] = { []{return 0;}() };
41    int a6[1] = {[this] = 1 }; // expected-error{{integral constant expression must have integral or unscoped enumeration type, not 'C *'}}
42  }