1package com.jme3.scene.shape;
3import com.jme3.math.CurveAndSurfaceMath;
4import com.jme3.math.FastMath;
5import com.jme3.math.Spline.SplineType;
6import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
7import com.jme3.math.Vector4f;
8import com.jme3.scene.Mesh;
9import com.jme3.scene.VertexBuffer;
10import com.jme3.util.BufferUtils;
11import java.util.HashMap;
12import java.util.List;
13import java.util.Map;
16 * This class represents a surface described by knots, weights and control points.
17 * Currently the following types are supported:
18 * a) NURBS
19 * @author Marcin Roguski (Kealthas)
20 */
21public class Surface extends Mesh {
23    private SplineType type;						//the type of the surface
24    private List<List<Vector4f>> controlPoints;		//space control points and their weights
25    private List<Float>[] knots;					//knots of the surface
26    private int basisUFunctionDegree;				//the degree of basis U function
27    private int basisVFunctionDegree;				//the degree of basis V function
28    private int uSegments;							//the amount of U segments
29    private int vSegments;							//the amount of V segments
31    /**
32     * Constructor. Constructs required surface.
33     * @param controlPoints space control points
34     * @param nurbKnots knots of the surface
35     * @param uSegments the amount of U segments
36     * @param vSegments the amount of V segments
37     * @param basisUFunctionDegree the degree of basis U function
38     * @param basisVFunctionDegree the degree of basis V function
39     */
40    private Surface(List<List<Vector4f>> controlPoints, List<Float>[] nurbKnots,
41            int uSegments, int vSegments, int basisUFunctionDegree, int basisVFunctionDegree) {
42        this.validateInputData(controlPoints, nurbKnots, uSegments, vSegments);
43        this.type = SplineType.Nurb;
44        this.uSegments = uSegments;
45        this.vSegments = vSegments;
46        this.controlPoints = controlPoints;
47        this.knots = nurbKnots;
48        this.basisUFunctionDegree = basisUFunctionDegree;
49        CurveAndSurfaceMath.prepareNurbsKnots(nurbKnots[0], basisUFunctionDegree);
50        if (nurbKnots[1] != null) {
51            this.basisVFunctionDegree = basisVFunctionDegree;
52            CurveAndSurfaceMath.prepareNurbsKnots(nurbKnots[1], basisVFunctionDegree);
53        }
55        this.buildSurface();
56    }
58    /**
59     * This method creates a NURBS surface.
60     * @param controlPoints space control points
61     * @param nurbKnots knots of the surface
62     * @param uSegments the amount of U segments
63     * @param vSegments the amount of V segments
64     * @param basisUFunctionDegree the degree of basis U function
65     * @param basisVFunctionDegree the degree of basis V function
66     * @return an instance of NURBS surface
67     */
68    public static final Surface createNurbsSurface(List<List<Vector4f>> controlPoints, List<Float>[] nurbKnots,
69            int uSegments, int vSegments, int basisUFunctionDegree, int basisVFunctionDegree) {
70        Surface result = new Surface(controlPoints, nurbKnots, uSegments, vSegments, basisUFunctionDegree, basisVFunctionDegree);
71        result.type = SplineType.Nurb;
72        return result;
73    }
75    /**
76     * This method creates the surface.
77     */
78    private void buildSurface() {
79        boolean smooth = true;//TODO: take smoothing into consideration
80        float minUKnot = this.getMinUNurbKnot();
81        float maxUKnot = this.getMaxUNurbKnot();
82        float deltaU = (maxUKnot - minUKnot) / uSegments;
84        float minVKnot = this.getMinVNurbKnot();
85        float maxVKnot = this.getMaxVNurbKnot();
86        float deltaV = (maxVKnot - minVKnot) / vSegments;
88        Vector3f[] vertices = new Vector3f[(uSegments + 1) * (vSegments + 1)];
90        float u = minUKnot, v = minVKnot;
91        int arrayIndex = 0;
93        for (int i = 0; i <= vSegments; ++i) {
94            for (int j = 0; j <= uSegments; ++j) {
95                Vector3f interpolationResult = new Vector3f();
96                CurveAndSurfaceMath.interpolate(u, v, controlPoints, knots, basisUFunctionDegree, basisVFunctionDegree, interpolationResult);
97                vertices[arrayIndex++] = interpolationResult;
98                u += deltaU;
99            }
100            u = minUKnot;
101            v += deltaV;
102        }
104        //adding indexes
105        int uVerticesAmount = uSegments + 1;
106        int[] indices = new int[uSegments * vSegments * 6];
107        arrayIndex = 0;
108        for (int i = 0; i < vSegments; ++i) {
109            for (int j = 0; j < uSegments; ++j) {
110                indices[arrayIndex++] = j + i * uVerticesAmount;
111                indices[arrayIndex++] = j + i * uVerticesAmount + 1;
112                indices[arrayIndex++] = j + i * uVerticesAmount + uVerticesAmount;
113                indices[arrayIndex++] = j + i * uVerticesAmount + 1;
114                indices[arrayIndex++] = j + i * uVerticesAmount + uVerticesAmount + 1;
115                indices[arrayIndex++] = j + i * uVerticesAmount + uVerticesAmount;
116            }
117        }
119        //normalMap merges normals of faces that will be rendered smooth
120        Map<Vector3f, Vector3f> normalMap = new HashMap<Vector3f, Vector3f>(vertices.length);
121        for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i += 3) {
122            Vector3f n = FastMath.computeNormal(vertices[indices[i]], vertices[indices[i + 1]], vertices[indices[i + 2]]);
123            this.addNormal(n, normalMap, smooth, vertices[indices[i]], vertices[indices[i + 1]], vertices[indices[i + 2]]);
124        }
125        //preparing normal list (the order of normals must match the order of vertices)
126        float[] normals = new float[vertices.length * 3];
127        arrayIndex = 0;
128        for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; ++i) {
129            Vector3f n = normalMap.get(vertices[i]);
130            normals[arrayIndex++] = n.x;
131            normals[arrayIndex++] = n.y;
132            normals[arrayIndex++] = n.z;
133        }
135        this.setBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Position, 3, BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(vertices));
136        this.setBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Index, 3, indices);
137        this.setBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Normal, 3, normals);
138        this.updateBound();
139        this.updateCounts();
140    }
142    public List<List<Vector4f>> getControlPoints() {
143        return controlPoints;
144    }
146    /**
147     * This method returns the amount of U control points.
148     * @return the amount of U control points
149     */
150    public int getUControlPointsAmount() {
151        return controlPoints.size();
152    }
154    /**
155     * This method returns the amount of V control points.
156     * @return the amount of V control points
157     */
158    public int getVControlPointsAmount() {
159        return controlPoints.get(0) == null ? 0 : controlPoints.get(0).size();
160    }
162    /**
163     * This method returns the degree of basis U function.
164     * @return the degree of basis U function
165     */
166    public int getBasisUFunctionDegree() {
167        return basisUFunctionDegree;
168    }
170    /**
171     * This method returns the degree of basis V function.
172     * @return the degree of basis V function
173     */
174    public int getBasisVFunctionDegree() {
175        return basisVFunctionDegree;
176    }
178    /**
179     * This method returns the knots for specified dimension (U knots - value: '0',
180     * V knots - value: '1').
181     * @param dim an integer specifying if the U or V knots are required
182     * @return an array of knots
183     */
184    public List<Float> getKnots(int dim) {
185        return knots[dim];
186    }
188    /**
189     * This method returns the type of the surface.
190     * @return the type of the surface
191     */
192    public SplineType getType() {
193        return type;
194    }
196    /**
197     * This method returns the minimum nurb curve U knot value.
198     * @return the minimum nurb curve knot value
199     */
200    private float getMinUNurbKnot() {
201        return knots[0].get(basisUFunctionDegree - 1);
202    }
204    /**
205     * This method returns the maximum nurb curve U knot value.
206     * @return the maximum nurb curve knot value
207     */
208    private float getMaxUNurbKnot() {
209        return knots[0].get(knots[0].size() - basisUFunctionDegree);
210    }
212    /**
213     * This method returns the minimum nurb curve U knot value.
214     * @return the minimum nurb curve knot value
215     */
216    private float getMinVNurbKnot() {
217        return knots[1].get(basisVFunctionDegree - 1);
218    }
220    /**
221     * This method returns the maximum nurb curve U knot value.
222     * @return the maximum nurb curve knot value
223     */
224    private float getMaxVNurbKnot() {
225        return knots[1].get(knots[1].size() - basisVFunctionDegree);
226    }
228    /**
229     * This method adds a normal to a normals' map. This map is used to merge normals of a vertor that should be rendered smooth.
230     * @param normalToAdd
231     *            a normal to be added
232     * @param normalMap
233     *            merges normals of faces that will be rendered smooth; the key is the vertex and the value - its normal vector
234     * @param smooth
235     *            the variable that indicates wheather to merge normals (creating the smooth mesh) or not
236     * @param vertices
237     *            a list of vertices read from the blender file
238     */
239    private void addNormal(Vector3f normalToAdd, Map<Vector3f, Vector3f> normalMap, boolean smooth, Vector3f... vertices) {
240        for (Vector3f v : vertices) {
241            Vector3f n = normalMap.get(v);
242            if (!smooth || n == null) {
243                normalMap.put(v, normalToAdd.clone());
244            } else {
245                n.addLocal(normalToAdd).normalizeLocal();
246            }
247        }
248    }
250    /**
251     * This method validates the input data. It throws {@link IllegalArgumentException} if
252     * the data is invalid.
253     * @param controlPoints space control points
254     * @param nurbKnots knots of the surface
255     * @param uSegments the amount of U segments
256     * @param vSegments the amount of V segments
257     */
258    private void validateInputData(List<List<Vector4f>> controlPoints, List<Float>[] nurbKnots,
259            int uSegments, int vSegments) {
260        int uPointsAmount = controlPoints.get(0).size();
261        for (int i = 1; i < controlPoints.size(); ++i) {
262            if (controlPoints.get(i).size() != uPointsAmount) {
263                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The amount of 'U' control points is invalid!");
264            }
265        }
266        if (uSegments <= 0) {
267            throw new IllegalArgumentException("U segments amount should be positive!");
268        }
269        if (vSegments < 0) {
270            throw new IllegalArgumentException("V segments amount cannot be negative!");
271        }
272        if (nurbKnots.length != 2) {
273            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Nurb surface should have two rows of knots!");
274        }
275        for (int i = 0; i < nurbKnots.length; ++i) {
276            for (int j = 0; j < nurbKnots[i].size() - 1; ++j) {
277                if (nurbKnots[i].get(j) > nurbKnots[i].get(j + 1)) {
278                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("The knots' values cannot decrease!");
279                }
280            }
281        }
282    }