2 * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17#include "Dalvik.h"
18#include "CompilerInternals.h"
19#include "Dataflow.h"
20#include "Loop.h"
22#define DEBUG_LOOP(X)
24#if 0
25/* Debugging routines */
26static void dumpConstants(CompilationUnit *cUnit)
28    int i;
29    ALOGE("LOOP starting offset: %x", cUnit->entryBlock->startOffset);
30    for (i = 0; i < cUnit->numSSARegs; i++) {
31        if (dvmIsBitSet(cUnit->isConstantV, i)) {
32            int subNReg = dvmConvertSSARegToDalvik(cUnit, i);
33            ALOGE("CONST: s%d(v%d_%d) has %d", i,
34                 DECODE_REG(subNReg), DECODE_SUB(subNReg),
35                 cUnit->constantValues[i]);
36        }
37    }
40static void dumpIVList(CompilationUnit *cUnit)
42    unsigned int i;
43    GrowableList *ivList = cUnit->loopAnalysis->ivList;
45    for (i = 0; i < ivList->numUsed; i++) {
46        InductionVariableInfo *ivInfo =
47            (InductionVariableInfo *) ivList->elemList[i];
48        int iv = dvmConvertSSARegToDalvik(cUnit, ivInfo->ssaReg);
49        /* Basic IV */
50        if (ivInfo->ssaReg == ivInfo->basicSSAReg) {
51            ALOGE("BIV %d: s%d(v%d_%d) + %d", i,
52                 ivInfo->ssaReg,
53                 DECODE_REG(iv), DECODE_SUB(iv),
54                 ivInfo->inc);
55        /* Dependent IV */
56        } else {
57            int biv = dvmConvertSSARegToDalvik(cUnit, ivInfo->basicSSAReg);
59            ALOGE("DIV %d: s%d(v%d_%d) = %d * s%d(v%d_%d) + %d", i,
60                 ivInfo->ssaReg,
61                 DECODE_REG(iv), DECODE_SUB(iv),
62                 ivInfo->m,
63                 ivInfo->basicSSAReg,
64                 DECODE_REG(biv), DECODE_SUB(biv),
65                 ivInfo->c);
66        }
67    }
70static void dumpHoistedChecks(CompilationUnit *cUnit)
72    LoopAnalysis *loopAnalysis = cUnit->loopAnalysis;
73    unsigned int i;
75    for (i = 0; i < loopAnalysis->arrayAccessInfo->numUsed; i++) {
76        ArrayAccessInfo *arrayAccessInfo =
77            GET_ELEM_N(loopAnalysis->arrayAccessInfo,
78                       ArrayAccessInfo*, i);
79        int arrayReg = DECODE_REG(
80            dvmConvertSSARegToDalvik(cUnit, arrayAccessInfo->arrayReg));
81        int idxReg = DECODE_REG(
82            dvmConvertSSARegToDalvik(cUnit, arrayAccessInfo->ivReg));
83        ALOGE("Array access %d", i);
84        ALOGE("  arrayReg %d", arrayReg);
85        ALOGE("  idxReg %d", idxReg);
86        ALOGE("  endReg %d", loopAnalysis->endConditionReg);
87        ALOGE("  maxC %d", arrayAccessInfo->maxC);
88        ALOGE("  minC %d", arrayAccessInfo->minC);
89        ALOGE("  opcode %d", loopAnalysis->loopBranchOpcode);
90    }
95static BasicBlock *findPredecessorBlock(const CompilationUnit *cUnit,
96                                        const BasicBlock *bb)
98    int numPred = dvmCountSetBits(bb->predecessors);
99    BitVectorIterator bvIterator;
100    dvmBitVectorIteratorInit(bb->predecessors, &bvIterator);
102    if (numPred == 1) {
103        int predIdx = dvmBitVectorIteratorNext(&bvIterator);
104        return (BasicBlock *) dvmGrowableListGetElement(&cUnit->blockList,
105                                                        predIdx);
106    /* First loop block */
107    } else if ((numPred == 2) &&
108               dvmIsBitSet(bb->predecessors, cUnit->entryBlock->id)) {
109        while (true) {
110            int predIdx = dvmBitVectorIteratorNext(&bvIterator);
111            if (predIdx == cUnit->entryBlock->id) continue;
112            return (BasicBlock *) dvmGrowableListGetElement(&cUnit->blockList,
113                                                            predIdx);
114        }
115    /* Doesn't support other shape of control flow yet */
116    } else {
117        return NULL;
118    }
121/* Used for normalized loop exit condition checks */
122static Opcode negateOpcode(Opcode opcode)
124    switch (opcode) {
125        /* reg/reg cmp */
126        case OP_IF_EQ:
127            return OP_IF_NE;
128        case OP_IF_NE:
129            return OP_IF_EQ;
130        case OP_IF_LT:
131            return OP_IF_GE;
132        case OP_IF_GE:
133            return OP_IF_LT;
134        case OP_IF_GT:
135            return OP_IF_LE;
136        case OP_IF_LE:
137            return OP_IF_GT;
138        /* reg/zero cmp */
139        case OP_IF_EQZ:
140            return OP_IF_NEZ;
141        case OP_IF_NEZ:
142            return OP_IF_EQZ;
143        case OP_IF_LTZ:
144            return OP_IF_GEZ;
145        case OP_IF_GEZ:
146            return OP_IF_LTZ;
147        case OP_IF_GTZ:
148            return OP_IF_LEZ;
149        case OP_IF_LEZ:
150            return OP_IF_GTZ;
151        default:
152            ALOGE("opcode %d cannot be negated", opcode);
153            dvmAbort();
154            break;
155    }
156    return (Opcode)-1;  // unreached
160 * A loop is considered optimizable if:
161 * 1) It has one basic induction variable.
162 * 2) The loop back branch compares the BIV with a constant.
163 * 3) We need to normalize the loop exit condition so that the loop is exited
164 *    via the taken path.
165 * 4) If it is a count-up loop, the condition is GE/GT. Otherwise it is
166 *    LE/LT/LEZ/LTZ for a count-down loop.
167 *
168 * Return false for loops that fail the above tests.
169 */
170static bool isSimpleCountedLoop(CompilationUnit *cUnit)
172    unsigned int i;
173    BasicBlock *loopBackBlock = cUnit->entryBlock->fallThrough;
174    LoopAnalysis *loopAnalysis = cUnit->loopAnalysis;
176    if (loopAnalysis->numBasicIV != 1) return false;
177    for (i = 0; i < loopAnalysis->ivList->numUsed; i++) {
178        InductionVariableInfo *ivInfo;
180        ivInfo = GET_ELEM_N(loopAnalysis->ivList, InductionVariableInfo*, i);
181        /* Count up or down loop? */
182        if (ivInfo->ssaReg == ivInfo->basicSSAReg) {
183            /* Infinite loop */
184            if (ivInfo->inc == 0) {
185                return false;
186            }
187            loopAnalysis->isCountUpLoop = ivInfo->inc > 0;
188            break;
189        }
190    }
192    /* Find the block that ends with a branch to exit the loop */
193    while (true) {
194        loopBackBlock = findPredecessorBlock(cUnit, loopBackBlock);
195        /* Loop structure not recognized as counted blocks */
196        if (loopBackBlock == NULL) {
197            return false;
198        }
199        /* Unconditional goto - continue to trace up the predecessor chain */
200        if (loopBackBlock->taken == NULL) {
201            continue;
202        }
203        break;
204    }
206    MIR *branch = loopBackBlock->lastMIRInsn;
207    Opcode opcode = branch->dalvikInsn.opcode;
209    /* Last instruction is not a conditional branch - bail */
210    if (dexGetFlagsFromOpcode(opcode) != (kInstrCanContinue|kInstrCanBranch)) {
211        return false;
212    }
214    int endSSAReg;
215    int endDalvikReg;
217    /* reg/reg comparison */
218    if (branch->ssaRep->numUses == 2) {
219        if (branch->ssaRep->uses[0] == loopAnalysis->ssaBIV) {
220            endSSAReg = branch->ssaRep->uses[1];
221        } else if (branch->ssaRep->uses[1] == loopAnalysis->ssaBIV) {
222            endSSAReg = branch->ssaRep->uses[0];
223            opcode = negateOpcode(opcode);
224        } else {
225            return false;
226        }
227        endDalvikReg = dvmConvertSSARegToDalvik(cUnit, endSSAReg);
228        /*
229         * If the comparison is not between the BIV and a loop invariant,
230         * return false. endDalvikReg is loop invariant if one of the
231         * following is true:
232         * - It is not defined in the loop (ie DECODE_SUB returns 0)
233         * - It is reloaded with a constant
234         */
235        if ((DECODE_SUB(endDalvikReg) != 0) &&
236            !dvmIsBitSet(cUnit->isConstantV, endSSAReg)) {
237            return false;
238        }
239    /* Compare against zero */
240    } else if (branch->ssaRep->numUses == 1) {
241        if (branch->ssaRep->uses[0] == loopAnalysis->ssaBIV) {
242            /* Keep the compiler happy */
243            endDalvikReg = -1;
244        } else {
245            return false;
246        }
247    } else {
248        return false;
249    }
251    /* Normalize the loop exit check as "if (iv op end) exit;" */
252    if (loopBackBlock->taken->blockType == kDalvikByteCode) {
253        opcode = negateOpcode(opcode);
254    }
256    if (loopAnalysis->isCountUpLoop) {
257        /*
258         * If the normalized condition op is not > or >=, this is not an
259         * optimization candidate.
260         */
261        switch (opcode) {
262            case OP_IF_GT:
263            case OP_IF_GE:
264                break;
265            default:
266                return false;
267        }
268        loopAnalysis->endConditionReg = DECODE_REG(endDalvikReg);
269    } else  {
270        /*
271         * If the normalized condition op is not < or <=, this is not an
272         * optimization candidate.
273         */
274        switch (opcode) {
275            case OP_IF_LT:
276            case OP_IF_LE:
277                loopAnalysis->endConditionReg = DECODE_REG(endDalvikReg);
278                break;
279            case OP_IF_LTZ:
280            case OP_IF_LEZ:
281                break;
282            default:
283                return false;
284        }
285    }
286    /*
287     * Remember the normalized opcode, which will be used to determine the end
288     * value used for the yanked range checks.
289     */
290    loopAnalysis->loopBranchOpcode = opcode;
291    return true;
295 * Record the upper and lower bound information for range checks for each
296 * induction variable. If array A is accessed by index "i+5", the upper and
297 * lower bound will be len(A)-5 and -5, respectively.
298 */
299static void updateRangeCheckInfo(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int arrayReg,
300                                 int idxReg)
302    InductionVariableInfo *ivInfo;
303    LoopAnalysis *loopAnalysis = cUnit->loopAnalysis;
304    unsigned int i, j;
306    for (i = 0; i < loopAnalysis->ivList->numUsed; i++) {
307        ivInfo = GET_ELEM_N(loopAnalysis->ivList, InductionVariableInfo*, i);
308        if (ivInfo->ssaReg == idxReg) {
309            ArrayAccessInfo *arrayAccessInfo = NULL;
310            for (j = 0; j < loopAnalysis->arrayAccessInfo->numUsed; j++) {
311                ArrayAccessInfo *existingArrayAccessInfo =
312                    GET_ELEM_N(loopAnalysis->arrayAccessInfo,
313                               ArrayAccessInfo*,
314                               j);
315                if (existingArrayAccessInfo->arrayReg == arrayReg) {
316                    if (ivInfo->c > existingArrayAccessInfo->maxC) {
317                        existingArrayAccessInfo->maxC = ivInfo->c;
318                    }
319                    if (ivInfo->c < existingArrayAccessInfo->minC) {
320                        existingArrayAccessInfo->minC = ivInfo->c;
321                    }
322                    arrayAccessInfo = existingArrayAccessInfo;
323                    break;
324                }
325            }
326            if (arrayAccessInfo == NULL) {
327                arrayAccessInfo =
328                    (ArrayAccessInfo *)dvmCompilerNew(sizeof(ArrayAccessInfo),
329                                                      false);
330                arrayAccessInfo->ivReg = ivInfo->basicSSAReg;
331                arrayAccessInfo->arrayReg = arrayReg;
332                arrayAccessInfo->maxC = (ivInfo->c > 0) ? ivInfo->c : 0;
333                arrayAccessInfo->minC = (ivInfo->c < 0) ? ivInfo->c : 0;
334                dvmInsertGrowableList(loopAnalysis->arrayAccessInfo,
335                                      (intptr_t) arrayAccessInfo);
336            }
337            break;
338        }
339    }
342/* Returns true if the loop body cannot throw any exceptions */
343static bool doLoopBodyCodeMotion(CompilationUnit *cUnit)
345    BasicBlock *loopBody = cUnit->entryBlock->fallThrough;
346    MIR *mir;
347    bool loopBodyCanThrow = false;
349    for (mir = loopBody->firstMIRInsn; mir; mir = mir->next) {
350        DecodedInstruction *dInsn = &mir->dalvikInsn;
351        int dfAttributes =
352            dvmCompilerDataFlowAttributes[mir->dalvikInsn.opcode];
354        /* Skip extended MIR instructions */
355        if (dInsn->opcode >= kNumPackedOpcodes) continue;
357        int instrFlags = dexGetFlagsFromOpcode(dInsn->opcode);
359        /* Instruction is clean */
360        if ((instrFlags & kInstrCanThrow) == 0) continue;
362        /*
363         * Currently we can only optimize away null and range checks. Punt on
364         * instructions that can throw due to other exceptions.
365         */
366        if (!(dfAttributes & DF_HAS_NR_CHECKS)) {
367            loopBodyCanThrow = true;
368            continue;
369        }
371        /*
372         * This comparison is redundant now, but we will have more than one
373         * group of flags to check soon.
374         */
375        if (dfAttributes & DF_HAS_NR_CHECKS) {
376            /*
377             * Check if the null check is applied on a loop invariant register?
378             * If the register's SSA id is less than the number of Dalvik
379             * registers, then it is loop invariant.
380             */
381            int refIdx;
382            switch (dfAttributes & DF_HAS_NR_CHECKS) {
383                case DF_NULL_N_RANGE_CHECK_0:
384                    refIdx = 0;
385                    break;
386                case DF_NULL_N_RANGE_CHECK_1:
387                    refIdx = 1;
388                    break;
389                case DF_NULL_N_RANGE_CHECK_2:
390                    refIdx = 2;
391                    break;
392                default:
393                    refIdx = 0;
394                    ALOGE("Jit: bad case in doLoopBodyCodeMotion");
395                    dvmCompilerAbort(cUnit);
396            }
398            int useIdx = refIdx + 1;
399            int subNRegArray =
400                dvmConvertSSARegToDalvik(cUnit, mir->ssaRep->uses[refIdx]);
401            int arraySub = DECODE_SUB(subNRegArray);
403            /*
404             * If the register is never updated in the loop (ie subscript == 0),
405             * it is an optimization candidate.
406             */
407            if (arraySub != 0) {
408                loopBodyCanThrow = true;
409                continue;
410            }
412            /*
413             * Then check if the range check can be hoisted out of the loop if
414             * it is basic or dependent induction variable.
415             */
416            if (dvmIsBitSet(cUnit->loopAnalysis->isIndVarV,
417                            mir->ssaRep->uses[useIdx])) {
418                mir->OptimizationFlags |=
420                updateRangeCheckInfo(cUnit, mir->ssaRep->uses[refIdx],
421                                     mir->ssaRep->uses[useIdx]);
422            }
423        }
424    }
426    return !loopBodyCanThrow;
429static void genHoistedChecks(CompilationUnit *cUnit)
431    unsigned int i;
432    BasicBlock *entry = cUnit->entryBlock;
433    LoopAnalysis *loopAnalysis = cUnit->loopAnalysis;
434    int globalMaxC = 0;
435    int globalMinC = 0;
436    /* Should be loop invariant */
437    int idxReg = 0;
439    for (i = 0; i < loopAnalysis->arrayAccessInfo->numUsed; i++) {
440        ArrayAccessInfo *arrayAccessInfo =
441            GET_ELEM_N(loopAnalysis->arrayAccessInfo,
442                       ArrayAccessInfo*, i);
443        int arrayReg = DECODE_REG(
444            dvmConvertSSARegToDalvik(cUnit, arrayAccessInfo->arrayReg));
445        idxReg = DECODE_REG(
446            dvmConvertSSARegToDalvik(cUnit, arrayAccessInfo->ivReg));
448        MIR *rangeCheckMIR = (MIR *)dvmCompilerNew(sizeof(MIR), true);
449        rangeCheckMIR->dalvikInsn.opcode = (loopAnalysis->isCountUpLoop) ?
450            (Opcode)kMirOpNullNRangeUpCheck : (Opcode)kMirOpNullNRangeDownCheck;
451        rangeCheckMIR->dalvikInsn.vA = arrayReg;
452        rangeCheckMIR->dalvikInsn.vB = idxReg;
453        rangeCheckMIR->dalvikInsn.vC = loopAnalysis->endConditionReg;
454        rangeCheckMIR->dalvikInsn.arg[0] = arrayAccessInfo->maxC;
455        rangeCheckMIR->dalvikInsn.arg[1] = arrayAccessInfo->minC;
456        rangeCheckMIR->dalvikInsn.arg[2] = loopAnalysis->loopBranchOpcode;
457        dvmCompilerAppendMIR(entry, rangeCheckMIR);
458        if (arrayAccessInfo->maxC > globalMaxC) {
459            globalMaxC = arrayAccessInfo->maxC;
460        }
461        if (arrayAccessInfo->minC < globalMinC) {
462            globalMinC = arrayAccessInfo->minC;
463        }
464    }
466    if (loopAnalysis->arrayAccessInfo->numUsed != 0) {
467        if (loopAnalysis->isCountUpLoop) {
468            MIR *boundCheckMIR = (MIR *)dvmCompilerNew(sizeof(MIR), true);
469            boundCheckMIR->dalvikInsn.opcode = (Opcode)kMirOpLowerBound;
470            boundCheckMIR->dalvikInsn.vA = idxReg;
471            boundCheckMIR->dalvikInsn.vB = globalMinC;
472            dvmCompilerAppendMIR(entry, boundCheckMIR);
473        } else {
474            if (loopAnalysis->loopBranchOpcode == OP_IF_LT ||
475                loopAnalysis->loopBranchOpcode == OP_IF_LE) {
476                MIR *boundCheckMIR = (MIR *)dvmCompilerNew(sizeof(MIR), true);
477                boundCheckMIR->dalvikInsn.opcode = (Opcode)kMirOpLowerBound;
478                boundCheckMIR->dalvikInsn.vA = loopAnalysis->endConditionReg;
479                boundCheckMIR->dalvikInsn.vB = globalMinC;
480                /*
481                 * If the end condition is ">" in the source, the check in the
482                 * Dalvik bytecode is OP_IF_LE. In this case add 1 back to the
483                 * constant field to reflect the fact that the smallest index
484                 * value is "endValue + constant + 1".
485                 */
486                if (loopAnalysis->loopBranchOpcode == OP_IF_LE) {
487                    boundCheckMIR->dalvikInsn.vB++;
488                }
489                dvmCompilerAppendMIR(entry, boundCheckMIR);
490            } else if (loopAnalysis->loopBranchOpcode == OP_IF_LTZ) {
491                /* Array index will fall below 0 */
492                if (globalMinC < 0) {
493                    MIR *boundCheckMIR = (MIR *)dvmCompilerNew(sizeof(MIR),
494                                                               true);
495                    boundCheckMIR->dalvikInsn.opcode = (Opcode)kMirOpPunt;
496                    dvmCompilerAppendMIR(entry, boundCheckMIR);
497                }
498            } else if (loopAnalysis->loopBranchOpcode == OP_IF_LEZ) {
499                /* Array index will fall below 0 */
500                if (globalMinC < -1) {
501                    MIR *boundCheckMIR = (MIR *)dvmCompilerNew(sizeof(MIR),
502                                                               true);
503                    boundCheckMIR->dalvikInsn.opcode = (Opcode)kMirOpPunt;
504                    dvmCompilerAppendMIR(entry, boundCheckMIR);
505                }
506            } else {
507                ALOGE("Jit: bad case in genHoistedChecks");
508                dvmCompilerAbort(cUnit);
509            }
510        }
511    }
514void resetBlockEdges(BasicBlock *bb)
516    bb->taken = NULL;
517    bb->fallThrough = NULL;
518    bb->successorBlockList.blockListType = kNotUsed;
521static bool clearPredecessorVector(struct CompilationUnit *cUnit,
522                                   struct BasicBlock *bb)
524    dvmClearAllBits(bb->predecessors);
525    return false;
528bool dvmCompilerFilterLoopBlocks(CompilationUnit *cUnit)
530    BasicBlock *firstBB = cUnit->entryBlock->fallThrough;
532    int numPred = dvmCountSetBits(firstBB->predecessors);
533    /*
534     * A loop body should have at least two incoming edges.
535     */
536    if (numPred < 2) return false;
538    GrowableList *blockList = &cUnit->blockList;
540    /* Record blocks included in the loop */
541    dvmClearAllBits(cUnit->tempBlockV);
543    dvmCompilerSetBit(cUnit->tempBlockV, cUnit->entryBlock->id);
544    dvmCompilerSetBit(cUnit->tempBlockV, firstBB->id);
546    BasicBlock *bodyBB = firstBB;
548    /*
549     * First try to include the fall-through block in the loop, then the taken
550     * block. Stop loop formation on the first backward branch that enters the
551     * first block (ie only include the inner-most loop).
552     */
553    while (true) {
554        /* Loop formed */
555        if (bodyBB->taken == firstBB) {
556            /* Check if the fallThrough edge will cause a nested loop */
557            if (bodyBB->fallThrough &&
558                dvmIsBitSet(cUnit->tempBlockV, bodyBB->fallThrough->id)) {
559                return false;
560            }
561            /* Single loop formed */
562            break;
563        } else if (bodyBB->fallThrough == firstBB) {
564            /* Check if the taken edge will cause a nested loop */
565            if (bodyBB->taken &&
566                dvmIsBitSet(cUnit->tempBlockV, bodyBB->taken->id)) {
567                return false;
568            }
569            /* Single loop formed */
570            break;
571        }
573        /* Inner loops formed first - quit */
574        if (bodyBB->fallThrough &&
575            dvmIsBitSet(cUnit->tempBlockV, bodyBB->fallThrough->id)) {
576            return false;
577        }
578        if (bodyBB->taken &&
579            dvmIsBitSet(cUnit->tempBlockV, bodyBB->taken->id)) {
580            return false;
581        }
583        if (bodyBB->fallThrough) {
584            if (bodyBB->fallThrough->iDom == bodyBB) {
585                bodyBB = bodyBB->fallThrough;
586                dvmCompilerSetBit(cUnit->tempBlockV, bodyBB->id);
587                /*
588                 * Loop formation to be detected at the beginning of next
589                 * iteration.
590                 */
591                continue;
592            }
593        }
594        if (bodyBB->taken) {
595            if (bodyBB->taken->iDom == bodyBB) {
596                bodyBB = bodyBB->taken;
597                dvmCompilerSetBit(cUnit->tempBlockV, bodyBB->id);
598                /*
599                 * Loop formation to be detected at the beginning of next
600                 * iteration.
601                 */
602                continue;
603            }
604        }
605        /*
606         * Current block is not the immediate dominator of either fallthrough
607         * nor taken block - bail out of loop formation.
608         */
609        return false;
610    }
613    /* Now mark blocks not included in the loop as hidden */
614    GrowableListIterator iterator;
615    dvmGrowableListIteratorInit(blockList, &iterator);
616    while (true) {
617        BasicBlock *bb = (BasicBlock *) dvmGrowableListIteratorNext(&iterator);
618        if (bb == NULL) break;
619        if (!dvmIsBitSet(cUnit->tempBlockV, bb->id)) {
620            bb->hidden = true;
621            /* Clear the insn list */
622            bb->firstMIRInsn = bb->lastMIRInsn = NULL;
623            resetBlockEdges(bb);
624        }
625    }
627    dvmCompilerDataFlowAnalysisDispatcher(cUnit, clearPredecessorVector,
628                                          kAllNodes, false /* isIterative */);
630    dvmGrowableListIteratorInit(blockList, &iterator);
631    while (true) {
632        BasicBlock *bb = (BasicBlock *) dvmGrowableListIteratorNext(&iterator);
633        if (bb == NULL) break;
634        if (dvmIsBitSet(cUnit->tempBlockV, bb->id)) {
635            if (bb->taken) {
636                /*
637                 * exit block means we run into control-flow that we don't want
638                 * to handle.
639                 */
640                if (bb->taken == cUnit->exitBlock) {
641                    return false;
642                }
643                if (bb->taken->hidden) {
644                    bb->taken->blockType = kChainingCellNormal;
645                    bb->taken->hidden = false;
646                }
647                dvmCompilerSetBit(bb->taken->predecessors, bb->id);
648            }
649            if (bb->fallThrough) {
650                /*
651                 * exit block means we run into control-flow that we don't want
652                 * to handle.
653                 */
654                if (bb->fallThrough == cUnit->exitBlock) {
655                    return false;
656                }
657                if (bb->fallThrough->hidden) {
658                    bb->fallThrough->blockType = kChainingCellNormal;
659                    bb->fallThrough->hidden = false;
660                }
661                dvmCompilerSetBit(bb->fallThrough->predecessors, bb->id);
662            }
663            /* Loop blocks shouldn't contain any successor blocks (yet) */
664            assert(bb->successorBlockList.blockListType == kNotUsed);
665        }
666    }
667    return true;
671 * Main entry point to do loop optimization.
672 * Return false if sanity checks for loop formation/optimization failed.
673 */
674bool dvmCompilerLoopOpt(CompilationUnit *cUnit)
676    LoopAnalysis *loopAnalysis =
677        (LoopAnalysis *)dvmCompilerNew(sizeof(LoopAnalysis), true);
678    cUnit->loopAnalysis = loopAnalysis;
680    /* Constant propagation */
681    cUnit->isConstantV = dvmCompilerAllocBitVector(cUnit->numSSARegs, false);
682    cUnit->constantValues =
683        (int *)dvmCompilerNew(sizeof(int) * cUnit->numSSARegs,
684                              true);
685    dvmCompilerDataFlowAnalysisDispatcher(cUnit,
686                                          dvmCompilerDoConstantPropagation,
687                                          kAllNodes,
688                                          false /* isIterative */);
689    DEBUG_LOOP(dumpConstants(cUnit);)
691    /* Find induction variables - basic and dependent */
692    loopAnalysis->ivList =
693        (GrowableList *)dvmCompilerNew(sizeof(GrowableList), true);
694    dvmInitGrowableList(loopAnalysis->ivList, 4);
695    loopAnalysis->isIndVarV = dvmCompilerAllocBitVector(cUnit->numSSARegs, false);
696    dvmCompilerDataFlowAnalysisDispatcher(cUnit,
697                                          dvmCompilerFindInductionVariables,
698                                          kAllNodes,
699                                          false /* isIterative */);
700    DEBUG_LOOP(dumpIVList(cUnit);)
702    /* Only optimize array accesses for simple counted loop for now */
703    if (!isSimpleCountedLoop(cUnit))
704        return false;
706    loopAnalysis->arrayAccessInfo =
707        (GrowableList *)dvmCompilerNew(sizeof(GrowableList), true);
708    dvmInitGrowableList(loopAnalysis->arrayAccessInfo, 4);
709    loopAnalysis->bodyIsClean = doLoopBodyCodeMotion(cUnit);
710    DEBUG_LOOP(dumpHoistedChecks(cUnit);)
712    /*
713     * Convert the array access information into extended MIR code in the loop
714     * header.
715     */
716    genHoistedChecks(cUnit);
717    return true;
721 * Select the target block of the backward branch.
722 */
723void dvmCompilerInsertBackwardChaining(CompilationUnit *cUnit)
725    /*
726     * If we are not in self-verification or profiling mode, the backward
727     * branch can go to the entryBlock->fallThrough directly. Suspend polling
728     * code will be generated along the backward branch to honor the suspend
729     * requests.
730     */
732    if (gDvmJit.profileMode != kTraceProfilingContinuous &&
733        gDvmJit.profileMode != kTraceProfilingPeriodicOn) {
734        return;
735    }
737    /*
738     * In self-verification or profiling mode, the backward branch is altered
739     * to go to the backward chaining cell. Without using the backward chaining
740     * cell we won't be able to do check-pointing on the target PC, or count the
741     * number of iterations accurately.
742     */
743    BasicBlock *firstBB = cUnit->entryBlock->fallThrough;
744    BasicBlock *backBranchBB = findPredecessorBlock(cUnit, firstBB);
745    if (backBranchBB->taken == firstBB) {
746        backBranchBB->taken = cUnit->backChainBlock;
747    } else {
748        assert(backBranchBB->fallThrough == firstBB);
749        backBranchBB->fallThrough = cUnit->backChainBlock;
750    }
751    cUnit->backChainBlock->startOffset = firstBB->startOffset;