3 * Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
4 *
5 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
6 * found in the LICENSE file.
7 */
11#ifndef GrDrawTarget_DEFINED
12#define GrDrawTarget_DEFINED
14#include "GrClip.h"
15#include "GrColor.h"
16#include "GrDrawState.h"
17#include "GrMatrix.h"
18#include "GrRefCnt.h"
19#include "GrSamplerState.h"
20#include "GrStencil.h"
21#include "GrTexture.h"
23#include "SkXfermode.h"
24#include "SkTLazy.h"
26class GrTexture;
27class GrClipIterator;
28class GrVertexBuffer;
29class GrIndexBuffer;
31class GrDrawTarget : public GrRefCnt {
33    /**
34     * Represents the draw target capabilities.
35     */
36    struct Caps {
37        Caps() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(Caps)); }
38        Caps(const Caps& c) { *this = c; }
39        Caps& operator= (const Caps& c) {
40            memcpy(this, &c, sizeof(Caps));
41            return *this;
42        }
43        void print() const;
44        bool f8BitPaletteSupport        : 1;
45        bool fNPOTTextureTileSupport    : 1;
46        bool fTwoSidedStencilSupport    : 1;
47        bool fStencilWrapOpsSupport     : 1;
48        bool fHWAALineSupport           : 1;
49        bool fShaderDerivativeSupport   : 1;
50        bool fGeometryShaderSupport     : 1;
51        bool fFSAASupport               : 1;
52        bool fDualSourceBlendingSupport : 1;
53        bool fBufferLockSupport         : 1;
54        int fMaxRenderTargetSize;
55        int fMaxTextureSize;
56    };
58    // for convenience
59    typedef GrDrawState::StageMask StageMask;
61    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
63    GrDrawTarget();
64    virtual ~GrDrawTarget();
66    /**
67     * Gets the capabilities of the draw target.
68     */
69    const Caps& getCaps() const { return fCaps; }
71    /**
72     * Sets the current clip to the region specified by clip. All draws will be
73     * clipped against this clip if kClip_StateBit is enabled.
74     *
75     * Setting the clip may (or may not) zero out the client's stencil bits.
76     *
77     * @param description of the clipping region
78     */
79    void setClip(const GrClip& clip);
81    /**
82     * Gets the current clip.
83     *
84     * @return the clip.
85     */
86    const GrClip& getClip() const;
88    const GrDrawState& getDrawState() const { return fCurrDrawState; }
89    GrDrawState* drawState() { return &fCurrDrawState; }
91    /**
92     * Shortcut for drawState()->preConcatSamplerMatrices() on all enabled
93     * stages
94     *
95     * @param matrix  the matrix to concat
96     */
97    void preConcatEnabledSamplerMatrices(const GrMatrix& matrix) {
98        StageMask stageMask = this->enabledStages();
99        this->drawState()->preConcatSamplerMatrices(stageMask, matrix);
100    }
102    /**
103     * Determines if blending will require a read of a dst given the current
104     * state set on the draw target
105     *
106     * @return true if the dst surface will be read at each pixel hit by the
107     *         a draw operation.
108     */
109    bool drawWillReadDst() const;
111    /**
112     * Color alpha and coverage are two inputs to the drawing pipeline. For some
113     * blend modes it is safe to fold the coverage into constant or per-vertex
114     * color alpha value. For other blend modes they must be handled separately.
115     * Depending on features available in the underlying 3D API this may or may
116     * not be possible.
117     *
118     * This function looks at the current blend on the draw target and the draw
119     * target's capabilities to determine whether coverage can be handled
120     * correctly.
121     */
122    bool canApplyCoverage() const;
124    /**
125     * Determines whether incorporating partial pixel coverage into the constant
126     * color specified by setColor or per-vertex colors will give the right
127     * blending result.
128     */
129    bool canTweakAlphaForCoverage() const;
131    /**
132     * Given the current draw state, vertex layout, and hw support, will HW AA
133     * lines be used (if line primitive type is drawn)? (Note that lines are
134     * always 1 pixel wide)
135     */
136    bool willUseHWAALines() const;
138    /**
139     * Used to save and restore the GrGpu's drawing state
140     */
141    struct SavedDrawState {
142    private:
143        SkTLazy<GrDrawState> fState;
144        friend class GrDrawTarget;
145    };
147    /**
148     * Saves the current draw state. The state can be restored at a later time
149     * with restoreDrawState.
150     *
151     * See also AutoStateRestore class.
152     *
153     * @param   state will hold the state after the function returns.
154     */
155    void saveCurrentDrawState(SavedDrawState* state) const;
157    /**
158     * Restores previously saved draw state. The client guarantees that state
159     * was previously passed to saveCurrentDrawState and that the rendertarget
160     * and texture set at save are still valid.
161     *
162     * See also AutoStateRestore class.
163     *
164     * @param   state the previously saved state to restore.
165     */
166    void restoreDrawState(const SavedDrawState& state);
168    /**
169     * Copies the draw state from another target to this target.
170     *
171     * @param srcTarget     draw target used as src of the draw state.
172     */
173    void copyDrawState(const GrDrawTarget& srcTarget);
175    /**
176     * The format of vertices is represented as a bitfield of flags.
177     * Flags that indicate the layout of vertex data. Vertices always contain
178     * positions and may also contain up to GrDrawState::kMaxTexCoords sets
179     * of 2D texture * coordinates, per-vertex colors, and per-vertex coverage.
180     * Each stage can
181     * use any of the texture coordinates as its input texture coordinates or it
182     * may use the positions as texture coordinates.
183     *
184     * If no texture coordinates are specified for a stage then the stage is
185     * disabled.
186     *
187     * Only one type of texture coord can be specified per stage. For
188     * example StageTexCoordVertexLayoutBit(0, 2) and
189     * StagePosAsTexCoordVertexLayoutBit(0) cannot both be specified.
190     *
191     * The order in memory is always (position, texture coord 0, ..., color,
192     * coverage) with any unused fields omitted. Note that this means that if
193     * only texture coordinates 1 is referenced then there is no texture
194     * coordinates 0 and the order would be (position, texture coordinate 1
195     * [, color][, coverage]).
196     */
198    /**
199     * Generates a bit indicating that a texture stage uses texture coordinates
200     *
201     * @param stage       the stage that will use texture coordinates.
202     * @param texCoordIdx the index of the texture coordinates to use
203     *
204     * @return the bit to add to a GrVertexLayout bitfield.
205     */
206    static int StageTexCoordVertexLayoutBit(int stage, int texCoordIdx) {
207        GrAssert(stage < GrDrawState::kNumStages);
208        GrAssert(texCoordIdx < GrDrawState::kMaxTexCoords);
209        return 1 << (stage + (texCoordIdx * GrDrawState::kNumStages));
210    }
213    static const int TEX_COORD_BIT_CNT = GrDrawState::kNumStages *
214                                         GrDrawState::kMaxTexCoords;
217    /**
218     * Generates a bit indicating that a texture stage uses the position
219     * as its texture coordinate.
220     *
221     * @param stage       the stage that will use position as texture
222     *                    coordinates.
223     *
224     * @return the bit to add to a GrVertexLayout bitfield.
225     */
226    static int StagePosAsTexCoordVertexLayoutBit(int stage) {
227        GrAssert(stage < GrDrawState::kNumStages);
228        return (1 << (TEX_COORD_BIT_CNT + stage));
229    }
232    static const int STAGE_BIT_CNT = TEX_COORD_BIT_CNT +
233        GrDrawState::kNumStages;
237    /**
238     * Additional Bits that can be specified in GrVertexLayout.
239     */
240    enum VertexLayoutBits {
241        /* vertices have colors (GrColor) */
242        kColor_VertexLayoutBit              = 1 << (STAGE_BIT_CNT + 0),
243        /* vertices have coverage (GrColor)
244         */
245        kCoverage_VertexLayoutBit           = 1 << (STAGE_BIT_CNT + 1),
246        /* Use text vertices. (Pos and tex coords may be a different type for
247         * text [GrGpuTextVertex vs GrPoint].)
248         */
249        kTextFormat_VertexLayoutBit         = 1 << (STAGE_BIT_CNT + 2),
251        /* Each vertex specificies an edge. Distance to the edge is used to
252         * compute a coverage. See GrDrawState::setVertexEdgeType().
253         */
254        kEdge_VertexLayoutBit               = 1 << (STAGE_BIT_CNT + 3),
255        // for below assert
256        kDummyVertexLayoutBit,
257        kHighVertexLayoutBit = kDummyVertexLayoutBit - 1
258    };
259    // make sure we haven't exceeded the number of bits in GrVertexLayout.
260    GR_STATIC_ASSERT(kHighVertexLayoutBit < ((uint64_t)1 << 8*sizeof(GrVertexLayout)));
262    /**
263     * There are three methods for specifying geometry (vertices and optionally
264     * indices) to the draw target. When indexed drawing the indices and vertices
265     * can use a different method. Once geometry is specified it can be used for
266     * multiple drawIndexed and drawNonIndexed calls.
267     *
268     * Sometimes it is necessary to perform a draw while upstack code has
269     * already specified geometry that it isn't finished with. There are push
270     * pop methods
271     *
272     * 1. Provide a cpu array (set*SourceToArray). This is useful when the
273     *    caller's client has already provided vertex data in a format
274     *    the time compatible with a GrVertexLayout. The array must contain the
275     *    data at set*SourceToArray is called. The source stays in effect for
276     *    drawIndexed & drawNonIndexed calls until set*SourceToArray is called
277     *    again or one of the other two paths is chosen.
278     *
279     * 2. Reserve. This is most useful when the caller has data it must
280     *    transform before drawing and is not long-lived. The caller requests
281     *    that the draw target make room for some amount of vertex and/or index
282     *    data. The target provides ptrs to hold the vertex and/or index data.
283     *
284     *    The data is writable up until the next drawIndexed, drawNonIndexed,
285     *    or pushGeometrySource At this point the data is frozen and the ptrs
286     *    are no longer valid.
287     *
288     * 3. Vertex and Index Buffers. This is most useful for geometry that will
289     *    is long-lived. SetVertexSourceToBuffer and SetIndexSourceToBuffer are
290     *    used to set the buffer and subsequent drawIndexed and drawNonIndexed
291     *    calls use this source until another source is set.
292     */
294    /**
295     * Reserves space for vertices. Draw target will use reserved vertices at
296     * at the next draw.
297     *
298     * If succeeds:
299     *          if vertexCount > 0, *vertices will be the array
300     *          of vertices to be filled by caller. The next draw will read
301     *          these vertices.
302     *
303     * If a client does not already have a vertex buffer then this is the
304     * preferred way to allocate vertex data. It allows the subclass of
305     * GrDrawTarget to decide whether to put data in buffers, to group vertex
306     * data that uses the same state (e.g. for deferred rendering), etc.
307     *
308     * After the next draw or pushGeometrySource the vertices ptr is no longer
309     * valid and the geometry data cannot be further modified. The contents
310     * that were put in the reserved space can be drawn by multiple draws,
311     * however.
312     *
313     * @param vertexLayout the format of vertices (ignored if vertexCount == 0).
314     * @param vertexCount  the number of vertices to reserve space for. Can be 0.
315     * @param vertices     will point to reserved vertex space if vertexCount is
316     *                     non-zero. Illegal to pass NULL if vertexCount > 0.
317     *
318     * @return  true if succeeded in allocating space for the vertices and false
319     *               if not.
320     */
321    bool reserveVertexSpace(GrVertexLayout vertexLayout,
322                            int vertexCount,
323                            void** vertices);
324    /**
325     * Reserves space for indices. Draw target will use the reserved indices at
326     * the next indexed draw.
327     *
328     * If succeeds:
329     *          if indexCount > 0, *indices will be the array
330     *          of indices to be filled by caller. The next draw will read
331     *          these indices.
332     *
333     * If a client does not already have a index buffer then this is the
334     * preferred way to allocate index data. It allows the subclass of
335     * GrDrawTarget to decide whether to put data in buffers, to group index
336     * data that uses the same state (e.g. for deferred rendering), etc.
337     *
338     * After the next indexed draw or pushGeometrySource the indices ptr is no
339     * longer valid and the geometry data cannot be further modified. The
340     * contents that were put in the reserved space can be drawn by multiple
341     * draws, however.
342     *
343     * @param indexCount   the number of indices to reserve space for. Can be 0.
344     * @param indices      will point to reserved index space if indexCount is
345     *                     non-zero. Illegal to pass NULL if indexCount > 0.
346     */
348    bool reserveIndexSpace(int indexCount, void** indices);
349    /**
350     * Provides hints to caller about the number of vertices and indices
351     * that can be allocated cheaply. This can be useful if caller is reserving
352     * space but doesn't know exactly how much geometry is needed.
353     *
354     * Also may hint whether the draw target should be flushed first. This is
355     * useful for deferred targets.
356     *
357     * @param vertexLayout layout of vertices caller would like to reserve
358     * @param vertexCount  in: hint about how many vertices the caller would
359     *                     like to allocate.
360     *                     out: a hint about the number of vertices that can be
361     *                     allocated cheaply. Negative means no hint.
362     *                     Ignored if NULL.
363     * @param indexCount   in: hint about how many indices the caller would
364     *                     like to allocate.
365     *                     out: a hint about the number of indices that can be
366     *                     allocated cheaply. Negative means no hint.
367     *                     Ignored if NULL.
368     *
369     * @return  true if target should be flushed based on the input values.
370     */
371    virtual bool geometryHints(GrVertexLayout vertexLayout,
372                               int* vertexCount,
373                               int* indexCount) const;
375    /**
376     * Sets source of vertex data for the next draw. Array must contain
377     * the vertex data when this is called.
378     *
379     * @param array         cpu array containing vertex data.
380     * @param size          size of the vertex data.
381     * @param vertexCount   the number of vertices in the array.
382     */
383    void setVertexSourceToArray(GrVertexLayout vertexLayout,
384                                const void* vertexArray,
385                                int vertexCount);
387    /**
388     * Sets source of index data for the next indexed draw. Array must contain
389     * the indices when this is called.
390     *
391     * @param array         cpu array containing index data.
392     * @param indexCount    the number of indices in the array.
393     */
394    void setIndexSourceToArray(const void* indexArray, int indexCount);
396    /**
397     * Sets source of vertex data for the next draw. Data does not have to be
398     * in the buffer until drawIndexed or drawNonIndexed.
399     *
400     * @param buffer        vertex buffer containing vertex data. Must be
401     *                      unlocked before draw call.
402     * @param vertexLayout  layout of the vertex data in the buffer.
403     */
404    void setVertexSourceToBuffer(GrVertexLayout vertexLayout,
405                                 const GrVertexBuffer* buffer);
407    /**
408     * Sets source of index data for the next indexed draw. Data does not have
409     * to be in the buffer until drawIndexed or drawNonIndexed.
410     *
411     * @param buffer index buffer containing indices. Must be unlocked
412     *               before indexed draw call.
413     */
414    void setIndexSourceToBuffer(const GrIndexBuffer* buffer);
416    /**
417     * Resets vertex source. Drawing from reset vertices is illegal. Set vertex
418     * source to reserved, array, or buffer before next draw. May be able to free
419     * up temporary storage allocated by setVertexSourceToArray or
420     * reserveVertexSpace.
421     */
422    void resetVertexSource();
424    /**
425     * Resets index source. Indexed Drawing from reset indices is illegal. Set
426     * index source to reserved, array, or buffer before next indexed draw. May
427     * be able to free up temporary storage allocated by setIndexSourceToArray
428     * or reserveIndexSpace.
429     */
430    void resetIndexSource();
432    /**
433     * Pushes and resets the vertex/index sources. Any reserved vertex / index
434     * data is finalized (i.e. cannot be updated after the matching pop but can
435     * be drawn from). Must be balanced by a pop.
436     */
437    void pushGeometrySource();
439    /**
440     * Pops the vertex / index sources from the matching push.
441     */
442    void popGeometrySource();
444    /**
445     * Draws indexed geometry using the current state and current vertex / index
446     * sources.
447     *
448     * @param type         The type of primitives to draw.
449     * @param startVertex  the vertex in the vertex array/buffer corresponding
450     *                     to index 0
451     * @param startIndex   first index to read from index src.
452     * @param vertexCount  one greater than the max index.
453     * @param indexCount   the number of index elements to read. The index count
454     *                     is effectively trimmed to the last completely
455     *                     specified primitive.
456     */
457    void drawIndexed(GrPrimitiveType type,
458                     int startVertex,
459                     int startIndex,
460                     int vertexCount,
461                     int indexCount);
463    /**
464     * Draws non-indexed geometry using the current state and current vertex
465     * sources.
466     *
467     * @param type         The type of primitives to draw.
468     * @param startVertex  the vertex in the vertex array/buffer corresponding
469     *                     to index 0
470     * @param vertexCount  one greater than the max index.
471     */
472    void drawNonIndexed(GrPrimitiveType type,
473                        int startVertex,
474                        int vertexCount);
476    /**
477     * Helper function for drawing rects. This does not use the current index
478     * and vertex sources. After returning, the vertex and index sources may
479     * have changed. They should be reestablished before the next drawIndexed
480     * or drawNonIndexed. This cannot be called between reserving and releasing
481     * geometry. The GrDrawTarget subclass may be able to perform additional
482     * optimizations if drawRect is used rather than drawIndexed or
483     * drawNonIndexed.
484     * @param rect      the rect to draw
485     * @param matrix    optional matrix applied to rect (before viewMatrix)
486     * @param stageMask bitmask indicating which stages are enabled.
487     *                  Bit i indicates whether stage i is enabled.
488     * @param srcRects  specifies rects for stages enabled by stageEnableMask.
489     *                  if stageEnableMask bit i is 1, srcRects is not NULL,
490     *                  and srcRects[i] is not NULL, then srcRects[i] will be
491     *                  used as coordinates for stage i. Otherwise, if stage i
492     *                  is enabled then rect is used as the coordinates.
493     * @param srcMatrices   optional matrices applied to srcRects. If
494     *                      srcRect[i] is non-NULL and srcMatrices[i] is
495     *                      non-NULL then srcRect[i] will be transformed by
496     *                      srcMatrix[i]. srcMatrices can be NULL when no
497     *                      srcMatrices are desired.
498     */
499    virtual void drawRect(const GrRect& rect,
500                          const GrMatrix* matrix,
501                          StageMask stageMask,
502                          const GrRect* srcRects[],
503                          const GrMatrix* srcMatrices[]);
505    /**
506     * Helper for drawRect when the caller doesn't need separate src rects or
507     * matrices.
508     */
509    void drawSimpleRect(const GrRect& rect,
510                        const GrMatrix* matrix,
511                        StageMask stageEnableBitfield) {
512         drawRect(rect, matrix, stageEnableBitfield, NULL, NULL);
513    }
515    /**
516     * Clear the render target. Ignores the clip and all other draw state
517     * (blend mode, stages, etc). Clears the whole thing if rect is NULL,
518     * otherwise just the rect.
519     */
520    virtual void clear(const GrIRect* rect, GrColor color) = 0;
522    /**
523     * Returns the maximum number of edges that may be specified in a single
524     * draw call when performing edge antialiasing.  This is usually limited
525     * by the number of fragment uniforms which may be uploaded.  Must be a
526     * minimum of six, since a triangle's vertices each belong to two boundary
527     * edges which may be distinct.
528     */
529    virtual int getMaxEdges() const { return 6; }
531    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
533    class AutoStateRestore : ::GrNoncopyable {
534    public:
535        AutoStateRestore();
536        AutoStateRestore(GrDrawTarget* target);
537        ~AutoStateRestore();
539        /**
540         * if this object is already saving state for param target then
541         * this does nothing. Otherise, it restores previously saved state on
542         * previous target (if any) and saves current state on param target.
543         */
544        void set(GrDrawTarget* target);
546    private:
547        GrDrawTarget*       fDrawTarget;
548        SavedDrawState      fDrawState;
549    };
551    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
553    /**
554     * Sets the view matrix to I and preconcats all stage matrices enabled in
555     * mask by the view inverse. Destructor undoes these changes.
556     */
557    class AutoDeviceCoordDraw : ::GrNoncopyable {
558    public:
559        AutoDeviceCoordDraw(GrDrawTarget* target, StageMask stageMask);
560        ~AutoDeviceCoordDraw();
561    private:
562        GrDrawTarget*       fDrawTarget;
563        GrMatrix            fViewMatrix;
564        GrMatrix            fSamplerMatrices[GrDrawState::kNumStages];
565        int                 fStageMask;
566    };
568    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
570    class AutoReleaseGeometry : ::GrNoncopyable {
571    public:
572        AutoReleaseGeometry(GrDrawTarget*  target,
573                            GrVertexLayout vertexLayout,
574                            int            vertexCount,
575                            int            indexCount);
576        AutoReleaseGeometry();
577        ~AutoReleaseGeometry();
578        bool set(GrDrawTarget*  target,
579                 GrVertexLayout vertexLayout,
580                 int            vertexCount,
581                 int            indexCount);
582        bool succeeded() const { return NULL != fTarget; }
583        void* vertices() const { GrAssert(this->succeeded()); return fVertices; }
584        void* indices() const { GrAssert(this->succeeded()); return fIndices; }
585        GrPoint* positions() const {
586            return static_cast<GrPoint*>(this->vertices());
587        }
589    private:
590        void reset();
592        GrDrawTarget* fTarget;
593        void*         fVertices;
594        void*         fIndices;
595    };
597    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
599    class AutoClipRestore : ::GrNoncopyable {
600    public:
601        AutoClipRestore(GrDrawTarget* target) {
602            fTarget = target;
603            fClip = fTarget->getClip();
604        }
606        ~AutoClipRestore() {
607            fTarget->setClip(fClip);
608        }
609    private:
610        GrDrawTarget* fTarget;
611        GrClip        fClip;
612    };
614    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
616    class AutoGeometryPush : ::GrNoncopyable {
617    public:
618        AutoGeometryPush(GrDrawTarget* target) {
619            GrAssert(NULL != target);
620            fTarget = target;
621            target->pushGeometrySource();
622        }
623        ~AutoGeometryPush() {
624            fTarget->popGeometrySource();
625        }
626    private:
627        GrDrawTarget* fTarget;
628    };
630    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
631    // Helpers for picking apart vertex layouts
633    /**
634     * Helper function to compute the size of a vertex from a vertex layout
635     * @return size of a single vertex.
636     */
637    static size_t VertexSize(GrVertexLayout vertexLayout);
639    /**
640     * Helper function for determining the index of texture coordinates that
641     * is input for a texture stage. Note that a stage may instead use positions
642     * as texture coordinates, in which case the result of the function is
643     * indistinguishable from the case when the stage is disabled.
644     *
645     * @param stage         the stage to query
646     * @param vertexLayout  layout to query
647     *
648     * @return the texture coordinate index or -1 if the stage doesn't use
649     *         separate (non-position) texture coordinates.
650     */
651    static int VertexTexCoordsForStage(int stage, GrVertexLayout vertexLayout);
653    /**
654     * Helper function to compute the offset of texture coordinates in a vertex
655     * @return offset of texture coordinates in vertex layout or -1 if the
656     *         layout has no texture coordinates. Will be 0 if positions are
657     *         used as texture coordinates for the stage.
658     */
659    static int VertexStageCoordOffset(int stage, GrVertexLayout vertexLayout);
661    /**
662     * Helper function to compute the offset of the color in a vertex
663     * @return offset of color in vertex layout or -1 if the
664     *         layout has no color.
665     */
666    static int VertexColorOffset(GrVertexLayout vertexLayout);
668    /**
669     * Helper function to compute the offset of the coverage in a vertex
670     * @return offset of coverage in vertex layout or -1 if the
671     *         layout has no coverage.
672     */
673    static int VertexCoverageOffset(GrVertexLayout vertexLayout);
675     /**
676      * Helper function to compute the offset of the edge pts in a vertex
677      * @return offset of edge in vertex layout or -1 if the
678      *         layout has no edge.
679      */
680     static int VertexEdgeOffset(GrVertexLayout vertexLayout);
682    /**
683     * Helper function to determine if vertex layout contains explicit texture
684     * coordinates of some index.
685     *
686     * @param coordIndex    the tex coord index to query
687     * @param vertexLayout  layout to query
688     *
689     * @return true if vertex specifies texture coordinates for the index,
690     *              false otherwise.
691     */
692    static bool VertexUsesTexCoordIdx(int coordIndex,
693                                      GrVertexLayout vertexLayout);
695    /**
696     * Helper function to determine if vertex layout contains either explicit or
697     * implicit texture coordinates for a stage.
698     *
699     * @param stage         the stage to query
700     * @param vertexLayout  layout to query
701     *
702     * @return true if vertex specifies texture coordinates for the stage,
703     *              false otherwise.
704     */
705    static bool VertexUsesStage(int stage, GrVertexLayout vertexLayout);
707    /**
708     * Helper function to compute the size of each vertex and the offsets of
709     * texture coordinates and color. Determines tex coord offsets by tex coord
710     * index rather than by stage. (Each stage can be mapped to any t.c. index
711     * by StageTexCoordVertexLayoutBit.)
712     *
713     * @param vertexLayout          the layout to query
714     * @param texCoordOffsetsByIdx  after return it is the offset of each
715     *                              tex coord index in the vertex or -1 if
716     *                              index isn't used. (optional)
717     * @param colorOffset           after return it is the offset of the
718     *                              color field in each vertex, or -1 if
719     *                              there aren't per-vertex colors. (optional)
720     * @param coverageOffset        after return it is the offset of the
721     *                              coverage field in each vertex, or -1 if
722     *                              there aren't per-vertex coeverages.
723     *                              (optional)
724     * @param edgeOffset            after return it is the offset of the
725     *                              edge eq field in each vertex, or -1 if
726     *                              there aren't per-vertex edge equations.
727     *                              (optional)
728     * @return size of a single vertex
729     */
730    static int VertexSizeAndOffsetsByIdx(GrVertexLayout vertexLayout,
731                   int texCoordOffsetsByIdx[GrDrawState::kMaxTexCoords],
732                   int *colorOffset,
733                   int *coverageOffset,
734                   int* edgeOffset);
736    /**
737     * Helper function to compute the size of each vertex and the offsets of
738     * texture coordinates and color. Determines tex coord offsets by stage
739     * rather than by index. (Each stage can be mapped to any t.c. index
740     * by StageTexCoordVertexLayoutBit.) If a stage uses positions for
741     * tex coords then that stage's offset will be 0 (positions are always at 0).
742     *
743     * @param vertexLayout              the layout to query
744     * @param texCoordOffsetsByStage    after return it is the offset of each
745     *                                  tex coord index in the vertex or -1 if
746     *                                  index isn't used. (optional)
747     * @param colorOffset               after return it is the offset of the
748     *                                  color field in each vertex, or -1 if
749     *                                  there aren't per-vertex colors.
750     *                                  (optional)
751     * @param coverageOffset            after return it is the offset of the
752     *                                  coverage field in each vertex, or -1 if
753     *                                  there aren't per-vertex coeverages.
754     *                                  (optional)
755     * @param edgeOffset                after return it is the offset of the
756     *                                  edge eq field in each vertex, or -1 if
757     *                                  there aren't per-vertex edge equations.
758     *                                  (optional)
759     * @return size of a single vertex
760     */
761    static int VertexSizeAndOffsetsByStage(GrVertexLayout vertexLayout,
762                   int texCoordOffsetsByStage[GrDrawState::kNumStages],
763                   int* colorOffset,
764                   int* coverageOffset,
765                   int* edgeOffset);
767    /**
768     * Accessing positions, texture coords, or colors, of a vertex within an
769     * array is a hassle involving casts and simple math. These helpers exist
770     * to keep GrDrawTarget clients' code a bit nicer looking.
771     */
773    /**
774     * Gets a pointer to a GrPoint of a vertex's position or texture
775     * coordinate.
776     * @param vertices      the vetex array
777     * @param vertexIndex   the index of the vertex in the array
778     * @param vertexSize    the size of each vertex in the array
779     * @param offset        the offset in bytes of the vertex component.
780     *                      Defaults to zero (corresponding to vertex position)
781     * @return pointer to the vertex component as a GrPoint
782     */
783    static GrPoint* GetVertexPoint(void* vertices,
784                                   int vertexIndex,
785                                   int vertexSize,
786                                   int offset = 0) {
787        intptr_t start = GrTCast<intptr_t>(vertices);
788        return GrTCast<GrPoint*>(start + offset +
789                                 vertexIndex * vertexSize);
790    }
791    static const GrPoint* GetVertexPoint(const void* vertices,
792                                         int vertexIndex,
793                                         int vertexSize,
794                                         int offset = 0) {
795        intptr_t start = GrTCast<intptr_t>(vertices);
796        return GrTCast<const GrPoint*>(start + offset +
797                                       vertexIndex * vertexSize);
798    }
800    /**
801     * Gets a pointer to a GrColor inside a vertex within a vertex array.
802     * @param vertices      the vetex array
803     * @param vertexIndex   the index of the vertex in the array
804     * @param vertexSize    the size of each vertex in the array
805     * @param offset        the offset in bytes of the vertex color
806     * @return pointer to the vertex component as a GrColor
807     */
808    static GrColor* GetVertexColor(void* vertices,
809                                   int vertexIndex,
810                                   int vertexSize,
811                                   int offset) {
812        intptr_t start = GrTCast<intptr_t>(vertices);
813        return GrTCast<GrColor*>(start + offset +
814                                 vertexIndex * vertexSize);
815    }
816    static const GrColor* GetVertexColor(const void* vertices,
817                                         int vertexIndex,
818                                         int vertexSize,
819                                         int offset) {
820        const intptr_t start = GrTCast<intptr_t>(vertices);
821        return GrTCast<const GrColor*>(start + offset +
822                                       vertexIndex * vertexSize);
823    }
825    static void VertexLayoutUnitTest();
829    /**
830     * Optimizations for blending / coverage to be applied based on the current
831     * state.
832     * Subclasses that actually draw (as opposed to those that just buffer for
833     * playback) must implement the flags that replace the output color.
834     */
835    enum BlendOptFlags {
836        /**
837         * No optimization
838         */
839        kNone_BlendOpt = 0,
840        /**
841         * Don't draw at all
842         */
843        kSkipDraw_BlendOptFlag = 0x2,
844        /**
845         * Emit the src color, disable HW blending (replace dst with src)
846         */
847        kDisableBlend_BlendOptFlag = 0x4,
848        /**
849         * The coverage value does not have to be computed separately from
850         * alpha, the the output color can be the modulation of the two.
851         */
852        kCoverageAsAlpha_BlendOptFlag = 0x1,
853        /**
854         * Instead of emitting a src color, emit coverage in the alpha channel
855         * and r,g,b are "don't cares".
856         */
857        kEmitCoverage_BlendOptFlag = 0x10,
858        /**
859         * Emit transparent black instead of the src color, no need to compute
860         * coverage.
861         */
862        kEmitTransBlack_BlendOptFlag = 0x8,
863    };
866    // Determines what optimizations can be applied based on the blend.
867    // The coeffecients may have to be tweaked in order for the optimization
868    // to work. srcCoeff and dstCoeff are optional params that receive the
869    // tweaked coeffecients.
870    // Normally the function looks at the current state to see if coverage
871    // is enabled. By setting forceCoverage the caller can speculatively
872    // determine the blend optimizations that would be used if there was
873    // partial pixel coverage
874    BlendOptFlags getBlendOpts(bool forceCoverage = false,
875                               GrBlendCoeff* srcCoeff = NULL,
876                               GrBlendCoeff* dstCoeff = NULL) const;
878    // determine if src alpha is guaranteed to be one for all src pixels
879    bool srcAlphaWillBeOne() const;
881    enum GeometrySrcType {
882        kNone_GeometrySrcType,     //<! src has not been specified
883        kReserved_GeometrySrcType, //<! src was set using reserve*Space
884        kArray_GeometrySrcType,    //<! src was set using set*SourceToArray
885        kBuffer_GeometrySrcType    //<! src was set using set*SourceToBuffer
886    };
888    struct GeometrySrcState {
889        GeometrySrcType         fVertexSrc;
890        union {
891            // valid if src type is buffer
892            const GrVertexBuffer*   fVertexBuffer;
893            // valid if src type is reserved or array
894            int                     fVertexCount;
895        };
897        GeometrySrcType         fIndexSrc;
898        union {
899            // valid if src type is buffer
900            const GrIndexBuffer*    fIndexBuffer;
901            // valid if src type is reserved or array
902            int                     fIndexCount;
903        };
905        GrVertexLayout          fVertexLayout;
906    };
908    // given a vertex layout and a draw state, will a stage be used?
909    static bool StageWillBeUsed(int stage, GrVertexLayout layout,
910                                const GrDrawState& state) {
911        return NULL != state.getTexture(stage) &&
912               VertexUsesStage(stage, layout);
913    }
915    bool isStageEnabled(int stage) const {
916        return StageWillBeUsed(stage, this->getGeomSrc().fVertexLayout,
917                               fCurrDrawState);
918    }
920    StageMask enabledStages() const {
921        StageMask mask = 0;
922        for (int s = 0; s < GrDrawState::kNumStages; ++s) {
923            mask |= this->isStageEnabled(s) ? 1 : 0;
924        }
925        return mask;
926    }
928    // Helpers for GrDrawTarget subclasses that won't have private access to
929    // SavedDrawState but need to peek at the state values.
930    static GrDrawState& accessSavedDrawState(SavedDrawState& sds) {
931        return *sds.fState.get();
932    }
933    static const GrDrawState& accessSavedDrawState(const SavedDrawState& sds){
934        return *sds.fState.get();
935    }
937    // implemented by subclass to allocate space for reserved geom
938    virtual bool onReserveVertexSpace(GrVertexLayout vertexLayout,
939                                      int vertexCount,
940                                      void** vertices) = 0;
941    virtual bool onReserveIndexSpace(int indexCount, void** indices) = 0;
942    // implemented by subclass to handle release of reserved geom space
943    virtual void releaseReservedVertexSpace() = 0;
944    virtual void releaseReservedIndexSpace() = 0;
945    // subclass must consume array contents when set
946    virtual void onSetVertexSourceToArray(const void* vertexArray,
947                                          int vertexCount) = 0;
948    virtual void onSetIndexSourceToArray(const void* indexArray,
949                                         int indexCount) = 0;
950    // subclass is notified that geom source will be set away from an array
951    virtual void releaseVertexArray() = 0;
952    virtual void releaseIndexArray() = 0;
953    // subclass overrides to be notified just before geo src state
954    // is pushed/popped.
955    virtual void geometrySourceWillPush() = 0;
956    virtual void geometrySourceWillPop(const GeometrySrcState& restoredState) = 0;
957    // subclass called to perform drawing
958    virtual void onDrawIndexed(GrPrimitiveType type,
959                               int startVertex,
960                               int startIndex,
961                               int vertexCount,
962                               int indexCount) = 0;
963    virtual void onDrawNonIndexed(GrPrimitiveType type,
964                                  int startVertex,
965                                  int vertexCount) = 0;
966    // subclass overrides to be notified when clip is set. Must call
967    // INHERITED::clipwillBeSet
968    virtual void clipWillBeSet(const GrClip& clip);
970    // Helpers for drawRect, protected so subclasses that override drawRect
971    // can use them.
972    static GrVertexLayout GetRectVertexLayout(StageMask stageEnableBitfield,
973                                              const GrRect* srcRects[]);
975    static void SetRectVertices(const GrRect& rect,
976                                const GrMatrix* matrix,
977                                const GrRect* srcRects[],
978                                const GrMatrix* srcMatrices[],
979                                GrVertexLayout layout,
980                                void* vertices);
982    // accessor for derived classes
983    const GeometrySrcState& getGeomSrc() const {
984        return fGeoSrcStateStack.back();
985    }
987    GrClip fClip;
989    GrDrawState fCurrDrawState;
991    Caps fCaps;
993    // subclasses must call this in their destructors to ensure all vertex
994    // and index sources have been released (including those held by
995    // pushGeometrySource())
996    void releaseGeometry();
998    // called by drawIndexed and drawNonIndexed. Use a negative indexCount to
999    // indicate non-indexed drawing.
1000    bool checkDraw(GrPrimitiveType type, int startVertex,
1001                   int startIndex, int vertexCount,
1002                   int indexCount) const;
1003    // called when setting a new vert/idx source to unref prev vb/ib
1004    void releasePreviousVertexSource();
1005    void releasePreviousIndexSource();
1007    enum {
1008        kPreallocGeoSrcStateStackCnt = 4,
1009    };
1010    SkSTArray<kPreallocGeoSrcStateStackCnt,
1011              GeometrySrcState, true>           fGeoSrcStateStack;