History log of /libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/util/Date.java
Revision Date Author Comments
a1ba5d24537d985b2af05a983181842a2b13eafc 09-Feb-2011 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Make Date.toString a bit faster.

I was actually investigating speeding up SimpleDateFormat, but that became
a bit ugly, so for now let's make my life harder by speeding up its competitor
instead. The nice thing about this change is that I've got rid of the
duplicate en_US weekday and month short names.

We should have some automated way of knowing when we need to revisit these
kinds of optimization. And some way of knowing how many people would benefit
from me optimizing SimpleDateFormat, so I can make an appropriate trade-off
when the optimization doesn't make the code simpler.

Change-Id: Icdeb9cbd775470fa12324e2e13cebce2cfdf3920
32d2e33dabd6767913e275a62c456f8fe4e5131f 09-Feb-2011 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Simplify Date.toGMTString.

There was a reason for the madness, but Android's SimpleDateFormat implements
'y' like the Unicode standard, not the RI, so we don't need the hack to get
standard behavior manually. Add explicit tests to guard against regression.

Change-Id: Iff3cf09004c76684ce7605ede888463a86d15d92
fb0ec0e650bf8be35acb0d47da0311a7c446aa33 14-Jan-2011 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Remove useless android-changed comments.

I've changed useful ones to regular comments or TODOs, as appropriate.

I've left ones in code like java.util.concurrent where we really are
tracking an upstream source, making the change markers useful.

I've left a handful of others where I intend to actually investigate
the implied TODOs before deciding how to resolve them.

Change-Id: Iaf71059b818596351cf8ee5a3cf3c85586051fa6
78e3320540c8bdcbefba5ae1222ee18f6679ab33 13-Jan-2011 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Most callers of toLowerCase/toUpperCase should pass Locale.US to avoid problems in Turkey.

Some callers should be replaced with equalsIgnoreCase instead.

The one exception is StreamTokenizer, where the RI uses the default
locale, which is arguably the right thing to do. No-one cares because
that's legacy API, but I've added a test anyway.

I've left HttpCookie and GeneralName for my co-conspirators because the
appropriate resolutions aren't as obvious there...

Bug: 3325637
Change-Id: Ia37a1caaa91b11763ae43e61e445adb45c30f793
03c0a8e681c776fdba0389ab8593282139afc6d6 14-Apr-2010 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Remove "Messages" from the nio, prefs, sql, text, and x-net modules.

Also remove an file of unused messages from luni, and inline one of luni's
other files. (There are plenty more.)

Also remove some German translations of bouncycastle messages (that are
actually in English anyway).

Change-Id: I9c565f6f2201a5d877eba5bf0af4ffad7b769984
e1e5e8e60af12f145c4dd0395e30069665f97529 14-Jan-2010 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Fix Date.toString.

Date.toString was using the TimeZone id ("America/Los_Angeles") rather than
the time zone short name ("PDT" or "PST", depending on time of year). The
naive fix made things 5x slower, so I improved Resources.getDisplayTimeZone
so the fixed Date.toString is only 2x slower. This could be improved further
with a faster getDisplayTimeZone.

I hoped to replace the body of Date.toString with a call to SimpleDateFormat,
but that turns out to be 40x slower. This patch also optimizes SimpleDateFormat
to bring the gap down to 8x by using Resources.getDisplayTimeZone instead of
asking for all the strings.

(Note that these improvements refer to the hopefully common case of localized
strings for the default locale. If you have the misfortune to need strings for
other locales, the new code will be more like 600x faster. At 0.5s a call on
the fastest current hardware, I hope no-one's actually doing that.
Dalvik Explorer -- available on the Market -- needs to do it when generating
summary reports, and it is indeed ridiculously slow. It uses two
SimpleDateFormat objects per locale, so it takes 1s per locale, for about 60
locales. I've tested Dalvik Explorer with this patch, and it does fix that
pathological behavior.)

Also fix a bug I introduced in https://android-git.corp.google.com/g/36242 that
meant that our zone names String[][] contained incorrect values (accidentally
concatenating each successive value in a row), found by existing tests now we
use more of those values.

Also replace a couple of "new Integer" calls with Integer.valueOf for a modest

Also factor out some duplication.

Bug: http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=6013
f787a8787d0b7bcdc178ffc2e3343f1c1b02ed30 18-Dec-2009 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Depessimize string conversions.

Why does this idiom persist? It's ugly, and it's the least efficient way to do
it. (I found the ones in DecimalFormatSymbols while invesigating why
"new SimpleDateFormat()" burns through so many StringBuilders. grep(1) found
the rest.)

The DocumentBuilderImpl removes an unnecessary level of indirection, since we
implement Character.toString in terms of String.valueOf. (I wouldn't have
bothered except this was the only use of Character.toString in the core
libraries, and I added it myself a few weeks ago.)
4fefecee9d4a5d2a4510f516b4015607b19e8d09 13-Nov-2009 Jean-Baptiste Queru <jbq@google.com> eclair snapshot
1c422fc0ab0692e10a05af6f48c6276c4dad4bea 16-Oct-2009 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Respond to impossible CloneNotSupportedExceptions with AssertionErrors.

See bug 2183132.
a389b4a499f40379b0b204d7ba1c2057663d95c0 11-Aug-2009 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Update Luni to Harmony r802921.

Notable changes:
- replaced StringBuffer with StringBuilder in several places
- fixed a problem with BufferedInputStream's newline characters (EBCDIC)
- cleanup Timer's finalizer helper object
- new cache for the canonical path of a file
- fixed concurrency issue with ArrayList
- floating point parsing now trims length for very small numbers
- encoding specified "UTF-8" when converting some byte[]s to strings (JarURLConnection, Util, OSFileSystem)
- Harmony now implements floor and ceil in Java. We continue to use native code.
f5597e626ecf7949d249dea08c1a2964d890ec11 25-Jul-2009 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Integrate luni module (but not tests) to Harmony r772995.

Notable changes
- Stripped "@since Android 1.0" from many files. Most files
are now 100% the same in Dalvik and Harmony.
- AbstractStringBuilder.reverse() supports surrogates
- AbstractStringBuilder shares less to waste less memory
- Bitset optimized
- BufferedInputStream changed to support unsynchronized close()
- BufferedOutputStream does flushInternal
- BufferedReader supports EBCDIC NEL
- Collections.synchronizedList().indexOf() does a copy for more concurrency
- Classes in nio module changed: DatagramChannelImpl, SocketChannelImpl
and ServerSocketChannelImpl (these depend on internal APIs changed in
this update)
- DataInputStream/DataOutputStream now use a small buffer to limit the
number of times the underlying stream is accessed
- Date now has a minutes offset, more efficient toString()
- ExposedByteArrayInputStream: new internal class
- DeleteOnExit moved to top-level class
- FileDescriptor.isValid() now non-native
- Float, Double lessThan optimized (fix for compare(-0.0F, 0.0F) still pending)
- FileURLConnection now guesses content types from streams
- HashMap iterator changes
- Hashtable iterator changes
- INetworkSystem
- removes bind2(), createMulticastSocket, sendStream(),
- renames createSocket to createStreamSocket
- JarURLConnection rewritten
- LinkedHashMap: new iterator
- Locale, Currency, TimeZone: now use ICU in Harmony, plain Java in Dalvik
- ObjectInputStream: Accessor objects in Harmony, direct native in Dalvik
- ProxyClassFile - many changes
- String - optimized ascii for toLowerCase, toUpperCase, compare
- Timer - rewritten
- TreeMap - rewritten
- URLClassLoader - new
- URLConnection - new guessContentTypeFromStream(), uses org.apache.harmony.awt.www.content
to lookup content type handlers
adc854b798c1cfe3bfd4c27d68d5cee38ca617da 04-Mar-2009 The Android Open Source Project <initial-contribution@android.com> auto import from //depot/cupcake/@135843
1c0fed63c71ddb230f3b304aac12caffbedf2f21 04-Mar-2009 The Android Open Source Project <initial-contribution@android.com> auto import from //depot/cupcake/@135843
dd828f42a5c83b4270d4fbf6fce2da1878f1e84a 18-Dec-2008 The Android Open Source Project <initial-contribution@android.com> Code drop from //branches/cupcake/...@124589
fdb2704414a9ed92394ada0d1395e4db86889465 21-Oct-2008 The Android Open Source Project <initial-contribution@android.com> Initial Contribution