History log of /libcore/luni/src/main/java/libcore/util/ZoneInfoDB.java
Revision Date Author Comments
78c3de051d68b703af480778c100ca335690b250 30-Jul-2012 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Fix TimeZone's handling of Australia/Lord_Howe.

Australia/Lord_Howe has a half hour difference between standard and daylight
time, rather than the usual hour. Our ZoneInfo implementation ignored this.
Fix that oversight, make SimpleDateFormat actually use this information, and
prevent TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT") and TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC") from
being quite as expensive as they accidentally were.

Longer term I think we should probably remove all uses of getDSTSavings from
libcore in favor of TimeZone.getOffset, but this is probably a useful step
forwards anyway. It fixes Australia/Lord_Howe in the meantime and it means
that anyone else who's using getDSTSavings won't be bitten (even if they too
really ought to be using TimeZone.getOffset).

Bug: 4723412
Bug: http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=24684
Change-Id: I5d50afecbe1453157e9c8f0b88305a258a3ba2e0
9b510df35b57946d843ffc34cf23fdcfc84c5220 28-May-2011 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Make ErrnoException a checked exception.

Bug: 4486011
Change-Id: I1877ce593d441653f75ab14884aa2d85f52652ad
7e25eff38a191d9c19e45093f4fde5102fb09d78 19-Mar-2011 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Add mmap(2), msync(2), and munmap(2).

Bug: 3107501
Change-Id: I6a7c4147ec27bab9ded280476bad1157ce03fab8
244449b9ccd108197d1c117edda99cd93a891d49 23-Feb-2011 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Fix a comment and remove some duplication.

Change-Id: I67bb9f1c71c774e04698a3e489bd48e9b27b2b64
6d82ce5d35a5e84aedf08528fd98b849f3f565a6 15-Feb-2011 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Move ZoneInfo and ZoneInfoDB into libcore.util.

Change-Id: I91385512ec27aa2aebdc163ae204e542efa58f21