History log of /sdk/anttasks/src/com/android/ant/XPathTask.java
Revision Date Author Comments
81cefe2a26dd6db8a878e30874d12cdcbff0e83b 11-Aug-2012 Xavier Ducrohet <xav@android.com> More refactoring.

Move stuff out of sdklib into common and ide_common.
Remove androidprefs and move the one class into common.

Change-Id: I71d126a13cf2ba413692e29616f4968a37d7b33a
d4963dc4347c871be5faa76920709001490e1d2a 24-Feb-2010 The Android Open Source Project <initial-contribution@android.com> snapshot
5a2bee2484c6c4c3593a1c6d9c3b9570c83d5979 24-Feb-2010 Xavier Ducrohet <xav@android.com> Only add gdbserver to the APK if the manifest has debuggable to true.

Change-Id: I2411f59f46cdda2e12b1627d450cde6c9cd109d8
e13151727c63786342cddc3ea355425582bd4e7a 13-Jan-2010 The Android Open Source Project <initial-contribution@android.com> android-2.1_r1 snapshot
312c9ed171a7fff530b3b7a4e6a87ead9b0d6522 13-Nov-2009 Jean-Baptiste Queru <jbq@google.com> eclair snapshot
eefd90971184e89ff892bcf10598a2990bb05657 26-Sep-2009 Xavier Ducrohet <xav@android.com> Update the project creation (from the command line):

- Make the distinction between the activity class name, manifest entry,
fully-qualified name, and tested activity for the template place-holders.
Test activity names now directly contain the full name (including the
"Test" prefix) instead of the template adding it.
This is required by the new 'create test-project'

- New action: create test-project
This requires a path to the main project. It reads the package, activity
name and target from the main project.
The activity is read from the manifest and can be in a more complex form
than previously expected (for instance .subpackage.MyClass, instead of
simply MyClass). This is what required the re-work the activity related
template place holders.
-m --main Location path of the project to test, relative to the new
project [required]
-n --name Project name
-p --path Location path of the new project [required]

Example: for 2 projects MyProject and MyTests located in the same folder,
calling from their parent folder.

android create test-project -p MyTests -m ../MyProject

- build.properties now only gets application.package for older targets
as the new one get it directly from XPath

- Remove AndroidXPathFactory from the anttasks project as it was already
in sdklib which is a dependency.

- Removed IntelliJ templates for the SDK. We haven't supported them for
a while, and now that IntelliJ has built-in support for Android, it's
not that useful anymore.

While there is the command line parameters for 'update test-project'
it's not yet implemented.

Change-Id: I663d4cb7f439bb2abfe866f893e58f4d13aff975
4bf0351c717d2ef84f91abd0338f3a95355f4c04 22-Sep-2009 Xavier Ducrohet <xav@android.com> Add an XPath Ant task to be used in the android_rules.xml file.

This task is designed to run XPath expression targetting Android XML files.
It will handle the Android namespace with the 'android' prefix, and store
the result of the XPath into a property.

Change-Id: I9094f5661d5e1ef86553ee1c54bdeca62366e0cd
classname: XPathTask
classpath: anttasks.jar, sdklib.jar

<xpathtask input="path/of/file/to/read" output="name.of.property.to.write"
expression="/xpath/expression/to/evaluate" />