2 * Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package com.google.clearsilver.jsilver.compiler;
19import com.google.clearsilver.jsilver.autoescape.AutoEscapeOptions;
20import com.google.clearsilver.jsilver.autoescape.EscapeMode;
21import com.google.clearsilver.jsilver.functions.FunctionExecutor;
22import com.google.clearsilver.jsilver.interpreter.TemplateFactory;
23import com.google.clearsilver.jsilver.resourceloader.ResourceLoader;
24import com.google.clearsilver.jsilver.syntax.TemplateSyntaxTree;
25import com.google.clearsilver.jsilver.template.DelegatingTemplateLoader;
26import com.google.clearsilver.jsilver.template.Template;
27import com.google.clearsilver.jsilver.template.TemplateLoader;
29import java.io.StringWriter;
30import java.util.List;
31import java.util.logging.Level;
32import java.util.logging.Logger;
34import javax.tools.Diagnostic;
35import javax.tools.DiagnosticCollector;
36import javax.tools.JavaFileObject;
39 * Takes a template AST and compiles it into a Java class, which executes much faster than the
40 * intepreter.
41 */
42public class TemplateCompiler implements DelegatingTemplateLoader {
44  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TemplateCompiler.class.getName());
46  private static final String PACKAGE_NAME = "com.google.clearsilver.jsilver.compiler";
48  // Because each template is isolated in its own ClassLoader, it doesn't
49  // matter if there are naming clashes between templates.
50  private static final String CLASS_NAME = "$CompiledTemplate";
52  private final TemplateFactory templateFactory;
54  private final FunctionExecutor globalFunctionExecutor;
55  private final AutoEscapeOptions autoEscapeOptions;
56  private TemplateLoader templateLoaderDelegate = this;
58  public TemplateCompiler(TemplateFactory templateFactory, FunctionExecutor globalFunctionExecutor,
59      AutoEscapeOptions autoEscapeOptions) {
60    this.templateFactory = templateFactory;
61    this.globalFunctionExecutor = globalFunctionExecutor;
62    this.autoEscapeOptions = autoEscapeOptions;
63  }
65  @Override
66  public void setTemplateLoaderDelegate(TemplateLoader templateLoaderDelegate) {
67    this.templateLoaderDelegate = templateLoaderDelegate;
68  }
70  @Override
71  public Template load(String templateName, ResourceLoader resourceLoader, EscapeMode escapeMode) {
72    return compile(templateFactory.find(templateName, resourceLoader, escapeMode), templateName,
73        escapeMode);
74  }
76  @Override
77  public Template createTemp(String name, String content, EscapeMode escapeMode) {
78    return compile(templateFactory.createTemp(content, escapeMode), name, escapeMode);
79  }
81  /**
82   * Compile AST into Java class.
83   *
84   * @param ast A template AST.
85   * @param templateName Name of template (e.g. "foo.cs"). Used for error reporting. May be null,
86   * @return Template that can be executed (again and again).
87   */
88  private Template compile(TemplateSyntaxTree ast, String templateName, EscapeMode mode) {
89    CharSequence javaSource = translateAstToJavaSource(ast, mode);
91    String errorMessage = "Could not compile template: " + templateName;
92    Class<?> templateClass = compileAndLoad(javaSource, errorMessage);
94    try {
95      BaseCompiledTemplate compiledTemplate = (BaseCompiledTemplate) templateClass.newInstance();
96      compiledTemplate.setFunctionExecutor(globalFunctionExecutor);
97      compiledTemplate.setTemplateName(templateName);
98      compiledTemplate.setTemplateLoader(templateLoaderDelegate);
99      compiledTemplate.setEscapeMode(mode);
100      compiledTemplate.setAutoEscapeOptions(autoEscapeOptions);
101      return compiledTemplate;
102    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
103      throw new Error(e); // Should not be possible. Throw Error if it does.
104    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
105      throw new Error(e); // Should not be possible. Throw Error if it does.
106    }
107  }
109  private CharSequence translateAstToJavaSource(TemplateSyntaxTree ast, EscapeMode mode) {
110    StringWriter sourceBuffer = new StringWriter(256);
111    boolean propagateStatus =
112        autoEscapeOptions.getPropagateEscapeStatus() && mode.isAutoEscapingMode();
113    ast.apply(new TemplateTranslator(PACKAGE_NAME, CLASS_NAME, sourceBuffer, propagateStatus));
114    StringBuffer javaSource = sourceBuffer.getBuffer();
115    logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Compiled template:\n{0}", javaSource);
116    return javaSource;
117  }
119  private Class<?> compileAndLoad(CharSequence javaSource, String errorMessage)
120      throws JSilverCompilationException {
121    // Need a parent class loader to load dependencies from.
122    // This does not use any libraries outside of JSilver (e.g. custom user
123    // libraries), so using this class's ClassLoader should be fine.
124    ClassLoader parentClassLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
126    // Collect any compiler errors/warnings.
127    DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> diagnosticCollector =
128        new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>();
130    try {
131      // Magical ClassLoader that compiles source code on the fly.
132      CompilingClassLoader templateClassLoader =
133          new CompilingClassLoader(parentClassLoader, CLASS_NAME, javaSource, diagnosticCollector);
134      return templateClassLoader.loadClass(PACKAGE_NAME + "." + CLASS_NAME);
135    } catch (Exception e) {
136      // Ordinarily, this shouldn't happen as the code is generated. However,
137      // in case there's a bug in JSilver, it will be helpful to have as much
138      // info as possible in the exception to diagnose the problem.
139      throwExceptionWithLotsOfDiagnosticInfo(javaSource, errorMessage, diagnosticCollector
140          .getDiagnostics(), e);
141      return null; // Keep compiler happy.
142    }
143  }
145  private void throwExceptionWithLotsOfDiagnosticInfo(CharSequence javaSource, String errorMessage,
146      List<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>> diagnostics, Exception cause)
147      throws JSilverCompilationException {
148    // Create exception with lots of info in it.
149    StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(errorMessage).append('\n');
150    message.append("------ Source code ------\n").append(javaSource);
151    message.append("------ Compiler messages ------\n");
152    for (Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject> diagnostic : diagnostics) {
153      message.append(diagnostic).append('\n');
154    }
155    message.append("------ ------\n");
156    throw new JSilverCompilationException(message.toString(), cause);
157  }