3 * latex.php
4 * -----
5 * Author: efi, Matthias Pospiech (matthias@pospiech.eu)
6 * Copyright: (c) 2006 efi, Matthias Pospiech (matthias@pospiech.eu), Nigel McNie (http://qbnz.com/highlighter)
7 * Release Version:
8 * Date Started: 2006/09/23
9 *
10 * LaTeX language file for GeSHi.
11 *
13 * -------
14 * 2008/08/18 (
15 *  - Changes in color and some additional command recognition
16 *  - No special Color for Brackets, it is only distracting
17 *    if color should be reintroduced it should be less bright
18 *  - Math color changed from green to violett, since green is now used for comments
19 *  - Comments are now colored and the only green. The reason for coloring the comments
20 *    is that often important information is in the comments und was merely unvisible before.
21 *  - New Color for [Options]
22 *  - color for labels not specialised anymore. It makes sence in large documents but less in
23 *    small web examples.
24 *  - \@keyword introduced
25 *  - Fixed \& escaped ampersand
26 * 2006/09/23 (1.0.0)
27 *  -  First Release
28 *
29 * TODO
30 * -------------------------
31 * *
32 *
33 *************************************************************************************
34 *
35 *     This file is part of GeSHi.
36 *
37 *   GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
38 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
39 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
40 *   (at your option) any later version.
41 *
42 *   GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
43 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
45 *   GNU General Public License for more details.
46 *
47 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
48 *   along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software
49 *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
50 *
51 ************************************************************************************/
53$language_data = array (
54    'LANG_NAME' => 'LaTeX',
55    'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(
56        1 => '%'
57        ),
58    'COMMENT_MULTI' => array(),
60    'QUOTEMARKS' => array(),
61    'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '',
62    'KEYWORDS' => array(
63        1 => array(
64            'appendix','backmatter','caption','captionabove','captionbelow',
65            'def','documentclass','edef','equation','flushleft','flushright',
66            'footnote','frontmatter','hline','include','input','item','label',
67            'let','listfiles','listoffigures','listoftables','mainmatter',
68            'makeatletter','makeatother','makebox','mbox','par','raggedleft',
69            'raggedright','raisebox','ref','rule','table','tableofcontents',
70            'textbf','textit','texttt','today'
71            )
72        ),
73    'SYMBOLS' => array(
74        "&", "\\", "{", "}", "[", "]"
75        ),
76    'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array(
77        1 => true,
78        GESHI_COMMENTS => false,
79        ),
80    'STYLES' => array(
81        'KEYWORDS' => array(
82            1 => 'color: #800000; font-weight: bold;',
83            ),
84        'COMMENTS' => array(
85            1 => 'color: #2C922C; font-style: italic;'
86            ),
87        'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array(
88            0 =>  'color: #000000; font-weight: bold;'
89            ),
90        'BRACKETS' => array(
91            ),
92        'STRINGS' => array(
93            0 =>  'color: #000000;'
94            ),
95        'NUMBERS' => array(
96            ),
97        'METHODS' => array(
98            ),
99        'SYMBOLS' => array(
100            0 =>  'color: #E02020; '
101            ),
102        'REGEXPS' => array(
103            1 => 'color: #8020E0; font-weight: normal;',  // Math inner
104            2 => 'color: #C08020; font-weight: normal;', // [Option]
105            3 => 'color: #8020E0; font-weight: normal;', // Maths
106            4 => 'color: #800000; font-weight: normal;', // Structure: Labels
107            5 => 'color: #00008B; font-weight: bold;',  // Structure (\section{->x<-})
108            6 => 'color: #800000; font-weight: normal;', // Structure (\section)
109            7 => 'color: #0000D0; font-weight: normal;', // Environment \end or \begin{->x<-} (brighter blue)
110            8 => 'color: #C00000; font-weight: normal;', // Structure \end or \begin
111            9 => 'color: #2020C0; font-weight: normal;', // {...}
112            10 => 'color: #800000; font-weight: normal;', // \%, \& etc.
113            11 => 'color: #E00000; font-weight: normal;', // \@keyword
114            12 => 'color: #800000; font-weight: normal;', // \keyword
115        ),
116        'SCRIPT' => array(
117            )
118        ),
119    'URLS' => array(
120        1 => 'http://www.golatex.de/wiki/index.php?title=\\{FNAME}',
121        ),
122    'OOLANG' => false,
123    'OBJECT_SPLITTERS' => array(
124        ),
125    'REGEXPS' => array(
126        // Math inner
127        1 => array(
128            GESHI_SEARCH => "(\\\\begin\\{(equation|displaymath|eqnarray|subeqnarray|math|multline|gather|align|alignat|flalign)\\})(.*)(\\\\end\\{\\2\\})",
129            GESHI_REPLACE => '\3',
130            GESHI_MODIFIERS => 'Us',
131            GESHI_BEFORE => '\1',
132            GESHI_AFTER => '\4'
133            ),
134        // [options]
135        2 => array(
136            GESHI_SEARCH => "(?<=\[).+(?=\])",
137            GESHI_REPLACE => '\0',
138            GESHI_MODIFIERS => 'Us',
139            GESHI_BEFORE => '',
140            GESHI_AFTER => ''
141            ),
142        // Math mode with $ ... $
143        3 => array(
144            GESHI_SEARCH => "\\$.+\\$",
145            GESHI_REPLACE => '\0',
146            GESHI_MODIFIERS => 'Us',
147            GESHI_BEFORE => '',
148            GESHI_AFTER => ''
149            ),
150        // Structure: Label
151        4 => "\\\\(?:label|pageref|ref|cite)(?=[^a-zA-Z])",
152        // Structure: sections
153        5 => array(
154            GESHI_SEARCH => "(\\\\(?:part|chapter|(?:sub){0,2}section|(?:sub)?paragraph|addpart|addchap|addsec)\*?\\{)(.*)(?=\\})",
155            GESHI_REPLACE => '\\2',
156            GESHI_MODIFIERS => 'U',
157            GESHI_BEFORE => '\\1',
158            GESHI_AFTER => ''
159            ),
160        // Structure: sections
161        6 => "\\\\(?:part|chapter|(?:sub){0,2}section|(?:sub)?paragraph|addpart|addchap|addsec)\*?(?=[^a-zA-Z])",
162        // environment \begin{} and \end{} (i.e. the things inside the {})
163        7 => array(
164            GESHI_SEARCH => "(\\\\(?:begin|end)\\{)(.*)(?=\\})",
165            GESHI_REPLACE => '\\2',
166            GESHI_MODIFIERS => 'U',
167            GESHI_BEFORE => '\\1',
168            GESHI_AFTER => ''
169            ),
170        // Structure \begin and \end
171        8 => "\\\\(?:end|begin)(?=[^a-zA-Z])",
172        // {parameters}
173        9 => array(
174            GESHI_SEARCH => "(?<=\\{)(?!<\|!REG3XP5!>).*(?=\\})",
175            GESHI_REPLACE => '\0',
176            GESHI_MODIFIERS => 'Us',
177            GESHI_BEFORE => '',
178            GESHI_AFTER => ''
179            ),
180        // \%, \& usw.
181        10 => "\\\\(?:[_$%]|&amp;)",
182        //  \@keywords
183        11 => "(?<!<\|!REG3XP[8]!>)\\\\@[a-zA-Z]+\*?",
184        // \keywords
185        12 => "(?<!<\|!REG3XP[468]!>)\\\\[a-zA-Z]+\*?",
187// ---------------------------------------------
188        ),
190    'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array(
191        ),
192    'HIGHLIGHT_STRICT_BLOCK' => array(
193        ),
194    'PARSER_CONTROL' => array(
195        'COMMENTS' => array(
196            'DISALLOWED_BEFORE' => '\\'
197        ),
198        'KEYWORDS' => array(
199            'DISALLOWED_BEFORE' => "(?<=\\\\)",
200            'DISALLOWED_AFTER' => "(?=\b)(?!\w)"
201        ),
202        'ENABLE_FLAGS' => array(
203            'NUMBERS' => GESHI_NEVER,
204            'BRACKETS' => GESHI_NEVER
205        )
206    )