1// Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
3#ifndef CALL_STACK_H
4#define CALL_STACK_H
6#include "opcode.h"
7#include "armdis.h"
9class CallStackBase {
10  public:
11    int    getId()          { return mId; }
12    void   setId(int id)    { mId = id; }
14  private:
15    int    mId;
18// Define a template class for the stack frame.  The template parameter
19// SYM is the symbol_type from the TraceReader<> template class. To
20// use the CallStack class, the user derives a subclass of StackFrame
21// and defines push() and pop() methods.  This derived class is then
22// passed as a template parameter to CallStack.
23template <class SYM>
24class StackFrame {
25  public:
27    virtual ~StackFrame() {};
29    virtual void push(int stackLevel, uint64_t time, CallStackBase *base) {};
30    virtual void pop(int stackLevel, uint64_t time, CallStackBase *base) {};
32    typedef SYM symbol_type;
33    static const uint32_t kCausedException = 0x01;
34    static const uint32_t kInterpreted     = 0x02;
35    static const uint32_t kStartNative     = 0x04;
36    static const uint32_t kPopBarrier      = (kCausedException | kInterpreted
37        | kStartNative);
39    symbol_type *function;      // the symbol for the function we entered
40    uint32_t    addr;           // return address when this function returns
41    uint32_t    flags;
42    uint32_t    time;           // for debugging when a problem occurred
43    uint32_t    global_time;    // for debugging when a problem occurred
46template <class FRAME, class BASE = CallStackBase>
47class CallStack : public BASE {
49    typedef FRAME frame_type;
50    typedef typename FRAME::symbol_type symbol_type;
51    typedef typename FRAME::symbol_type::region_type region_type;
52    typedef BASE base_type;
54    CallStack(int id, int numFrames, TraceReaderType *trace);
55    ~CallStack();
57    void    updateStack(BBEvent *event, symbol_type *function);
58    void    popAll(uint64_t time);
59    void    threadStart(uint64_t time);
60    void    threadStop(uint64_t time);
62    // Set to true if you don't want to see any Java methods ever
63    void    setNativeOnly(bool nativeOnly) {
64        mNativeOnly = nativeOnly;
65    }
67    int         getStackLevel() { return mTop; }
69    uint64_t    getGlobalTime(uint64_t time) { return time + mSkippedTime; }
70    void        showStack(FILE *stream);
72    int         mNumFrames;
73    FRAME       *mFrames;
74    int         mTop;           // index of the next stack frame to write
77    enum Action { NONE, PUSH, POP, NATIVE_PUSH };
79    Action      getAction(BBEvent *event, symbol_type *function);
80    void        doMethodAction(BBEvent *event, symbol_type *function);
81    void        doMethodPop(BBEvent *event, uint32_t addr, const uint32_t flags);
82    void        doSimplePush(symbol_type *function, uint32_t addr,
83                             uint64_t time, int flags);
84    void        doSimplePop(uint64_t time);
85    void        doPush(BBEvent *event, symbol_type *function);
86    void        doPop(BBEvent *event, symbol_type *function, Action methodAction);
88    TraceReaderType *mTrace;
90    // This is a global switch that disables Java methods from appearing
91    // on the stack.
92    bool        mNativeOnly;
94    // This keeps track of whether native frames are currently allowed on the
95    // stack.
96    bool        mAllowNativeFrames;
98    symbol_type mDummyFunction;
99    region_type mDummyRegion;
101    symbol_type *mPrevFunction;
102    BBEvent     mPrevEvent;
104    symbol_type *mUserFunction;
105    BBEvent     mUserEvent;     // the previous user-mode event
107    uint64_t    mSkippedTime;
108    uint64_t    mLastRunTime;
110    static MethodRec    sCurrentMethod;
111    static MethodRec    sNextMethod;
114template<class FRAME, class BASE>
115MethodRec CallStack<FRAME, BASE>::sCurrentMethod;
116template<class FRAME, class BASE>
117MethodRec CallStack<FRAME, BASE>::sNextMethod;
119template<class FRAME, class BASE>
120CallStack<FRAME, BASE>::CallStack(int id, int numFrames, TraceReaderType *trace)
122    mNativeOnly = false;
123    mTrace = trace;
124    BASE::setId(id);
125    mNumFrames = numFrames;
126    mFrames = new FRAME[mNumFrames];
127    mTop = 0;
128    mAllowNativeFrames = true;
130    memset(&mDummyFunction, 0, sizeof(symbol_type));
131    memset(&mDummyRegion, 0, sizeof(region_type));
132    mDummyFunction.region = &mDummyRegion;
133    mPrevFunction = &mDummyFunction;
134    memset(&mPrevEvent, 0, sizeof(BBEvent));
135    mUserFunction = &mDummyFunction;
136    memset(&mUserEvent, 0, sizeof(BBEvent));
137    mSkippedTime = 0;
138    mLastRunTime = 0;
140    // Read the first two methods from the trace if we haven't already read
141    // from the method trace yet.
142    if (sCurrentMethod.time == 0) {
143        if (mTrace->ReadMethod(&sCurrentMethod)) {
144            sCurrentMethod.time = ~0ull;
145            sNextMethod.time = ~0ull;
146        }
147        if (sNextMethod.time != ~0ull && mTrace->ReadMethod(&sNextMethod)) {
148            sNextMethod.time = ~0ull;
149        }
150    }
153template<class FRAME, class BASE>
154CallStack<FRAME, BASE>::~CallStack()
156    delete mFrames;
159template<class FRAME, class BASE>
161CallStack<FRAME, BASE>::updateStack(BBEvent *event, symbol_type *function)
163    if (mNativeOnly) {
164        // If this is an interpreted function, then use the native VM function
165        // instead.
166        if (function->vm_sym != NULL)
167            function = function->vm_sym;
168    } else {
169        doMethodAction(event, function);
170    }
172    Action action = getAction(event, function);
174    // Allow native frames if we are executing in the kernel.
175    if (!mAllowNativeFrames
176        && (function->region->flags & region_type::kIsKernelRegion) == 0) {
177        action = NONE;
178    }
180    if (function->vm_sym != NULL) {
181        function = function->vm_sym;
182        function->vm_sym = NULL;
183    }
184    if (action == PUSH) {
185        doPush(event, function);
186    } else if (action == POP) {
187        doPop(event, function, NONE);
188    }
190#if 0
191    // Pop off native functions before pushing or popping Java methods.
192    if (action == POP && mPrevFunction->vm_sym == NULL) {
193        // Pop off the previous function first.
194        doPop(event, function, NONE);
195        if (methodAction == POP) {
196            doPop(event, function, POP);
197        } else if (methodAction == PUSH) {
198            doPush(event, function);
199        }
200    } else {
201        if (methodAction != NONE) {
202            // If the method trace has a push or pop, then do it.
203            action = methodAction;
204        } else if (function->vm_sym != NULL) {
205            // This function is a Java method.  Don't push or pop the
206            // Java method without a corresponding method trace record.
207            action = NONE;
208        }
209        if (action == POP) {
210            doPop(event, function, methodAction);
211        } else if (action == PUSH) {
212            doPush(event, function);
213        }
214    }
217    // If the stack is now empty, then push the current function.
218    if (mTop == 0) {
219        uint64_t time = event->time - mSkippedTime;
220        int flags = 0;
221        if (function->vm_sym != NULL) {
222            flags = FRAME::kInterpreted;
223        }
224        doSimplePush(function, 0, time, 0);
225    }
227    mPrevFunction = function;
228    mPrevEvent = *event;
231template<class FRAME, class BASE>
233CallStack<FRAME, BASE>::threadStart(uint64_t time)
235    mSkippedTime += time - mLastRunTime;
238template<class FRAME, class BASE>
240CallStack<FRAME, BASE>::threadStop(uint64_t time)
242    mLastRunTime = time;
245template<class FRAME, class BASE>
246typename CallStack<FRAME, BASE>::Action
247CallStack<FRAME, BASE>::getAction(BBEvent *event, symbol_type *function)
249    Action action;
250    uint32_t offset;
252    // Compute the offset from the start of the function to this basic
253    // block address.
254    offset = event->bb_addr - function->addr - function->region->base_addr;
256    // Get the previously executed instruction
257    Opcode op = OP_INVALID;
258    int numInsns = mPrevEvent.num_insns;
259    uint32_t insn = 0;
260    if (numInsns > 0) {
261        insn = mPrevEvent.insns[numInsns - 1];
262        if (mPrevEvent.is_thumb) {
263            insn = insn_unwrap_thumb(insn);
264            op = decode_insn_thumb(insn);
265        } else {
266            op = Arm::decode(insn);
267        }
268    }
270    // The number of bytes in the previous basic block depends on
271    // whether the basic block was ARM or THUMB instructions.
272    int numBytes;
273    if (mPrevEvent.is_thumb) {
274        numBytes = numInsns << 1;
275    } else {
276        numBytes = numInsns << 2;
277    }
279    // If this basic block follows the previous one, then return NONE.
280    // If we don't do this, then we may be fooled into thinking this
281    // is a POP if the previous block ended with a conditional
282    // (non-executed) ldmia instruction.  We do this check before
283    // checking if we are in a different function because we otherwise
284    // we might be fooled into thinking this is a PUSH to a new function
285    // when it is really just a fall-thru into a local kernel symbol
286    // that just looks like a new function.
287    uint32_t prev_end_addr = mPrevEvent.bb_addr + numBytes;
288    if (prev_end_addr == event->bb_addr) {
289        return NONE;
290    }
292    // If this basic block is in the same function as the last basic block,
293    // then just return NONE (but see the exceptions below).
294    // Exception 1: if the function calls itself (offset == 0) then we
295    // want to push this function.
296    // Exception 2: if the function returns to itself, then we want
297    // to pop this function.  We detect this case by checking if the last
298    // instruction in the previous basic block was a load-multiple (ldm)
299    // and included r15 as one of the loaded registers.
300    if (function == mPrevFunction) {
301        if (numInsns > 0) {
302            // If this is the beginning of the function and the previous
303            // instruction was not a branch, then it's a PUSH.
304            if (offset == 0 && op != OP_B && op != OP_THUMB_B)
305                return PUSH;
307            // If the previous instruction was an ldm that loaded r15,
308            // then it's a POP.
309            if (offset != 0 && ((op == OP_LDM && (insn & 0x8000))
310                                || (op == OP_THUMB_POP && (insn & 0x100)))) {
311                return POP;
312            }
313        }
315        return NONE;
316    }
318    // We have to figure out if this new function is a call or a
319    // return.  We don't necessarily have a complete call stack (since
320    // we could have started tracing at any point), so we have to use
321    // heuristics.  If the address we are jumping to is the beginning
322    // of a function, or if the instruction that took us there was
323    // either "bl" or "blx" then this is a PUSH.  Also, if the
324    // function offset is non-zero and the previous instruction is a
325    // branch instruction, we will call it a PUSH.  This happens in
326    // the kernel a lot when there is a branch to an offset from a
327    // label. A couple more special cases:
328    //
329    //   - entering a .plt section ("procedure linkage table") is a PUSH,
330    //   - an exception that jumps into the kernel vector entry point
331    //     is also a push.
332    //
333    // If the function offset is non-zero and the previous instruction
334    // is a bx or some non-branch instruction, then it's a POP.
335    //
336    // There's another special case that comes up.  The user code
337    // might execute an instruction that returns but before the pc
338    // starts executing in the caller, a kernel interrupt occurs.
339    // But it may be hard to tell if this is a return until after
340    // the kernel interrupt code is done and returns to user space.
341    // So we save the last user basic block and look at it when
342    // we come back into user space.
344    const uint32_t kIsKernelRegion = region_type::kIsKernelRegion;
346    if (((mPrevFunction->region->flags & kIsKernelRegion) == 0)
347        && (function->region->flags & kIsKernelRegion)) {
348        // We just switched into the kernel.  Save the previous
349        // user-mode basic block and function.
350        mUserEvent = mPrevEvent;
351        mUserFunction = mPrevFunction;
352    } else if ((mPrevFunction->region->flags & kIsKernelRegion)
353               && ((function->region->flags & kIsKernelRegion) == 0)) {
354        // We just switched from kernel to user mode.
355        return POP;
356    }
358    action = PUSH;
359    if (offset != 0 && mPrevFunction != &mDummyFunction) {
360        // We are jumping into the middle of a function, so this is
361        // probably a return, not a function call.  But look at the
362        // previous instruction first to see if it was a branch-and-link.
364        // If the previous instruction was not a branch (and not a
365        // branch-and-link) then POP; or if it is a "bx" instruction
366        // then POP because that is used to return from functions.
367        if (!isBranch(op) || op == OP_BX || op == OP_THUMB_BX) {
368            action = POP;
369        } else if (isBranch(op) && !isBranchLink(op)) {
370            // If the previous instruction was a normal branch to a
371            // local symbol then don't count it as a push or a pop.
372            action = NONE;
373        }
375        if (function->flags & symbol_type::kIsVectorTable)
376            action = PUSH;
377    }
378    return action;
382template<class FRAME, class BASE>
383void CallStack<FRAME, BASE>::doPush(BBEvent *event, symbol_type *function)
385    uint64_t time = event->time - mSkippedTime;
387    // Check for stack overflow
388    if (mTop >= mNumFrames) {
389        // Don't show the stack by default because this generates a lot
390        // of output and this is seen by users if there is an error when
391        // post-processing the trace. But this is useful for debugging.
392#if 0
393        showStack(stderr);
395        fprintf(stderr, "Error: stack overflow (%d frames)\n", mTop);
396        exit(1);
397    }
399    // Compute the return address here because we may need to change
400    // it if we are popping off a frame for a vector table.
401    int numBytes;
402    if (mPrevEvent.is_thumb) {
403        numBytes = mPrevEvent.num_insns << 1;
404    } else {
405        numBytes = mPrevEvent.num_insns << 2;
406    }
407    uint32_t retAddr = mPrevEvent.bb_addr + numBytes;
409    // If this is a Java method then set the return address to zero.
410    // We won't be using it for popping the method and it may lead
411    // to false matches when searching the stack.
412    if (function->vm_sym != NULL) {
413        retAddr = 0;
414    }
416#if 0
417    // For debugging only.  Show the stack before entering the kernel
418    // exception-handling code.
419    if (function->flags & symbol_type::kIsVectorStart) {
420        printf("stack before entering exception\n");
421        showStack(stderr);
422    }
425    // If the top of stack is a vector table, then pop it
426    // off before pushing on the new function.  Also, change the
427    // return address for the new function to the return address
428    // from the vector table.
429    if (mTop > 0
430        && (mFrames[mTop - 1].function->flags & symbol_type::kIsVectorTable)) {
431        retAddr = mFrames[mTop - 1].addr;
432        doSimplePop(time);
433    }
435    const uint32_t kIsKernelRegion = region_type::kIsKernelRegion;
437    // The following code handles the case where one function, F1,
438    // calls another function, F2, but the before F2 can start
439    // executing, it takes a page fault (on the first instruction
440    // in F2).  The kernel is entered, handles the page fault, and
441    // then returns to the called function.  The problem is that
442    // this looks like a new function call to F2 from the kernel.
443    // The following code cleans up the stack by popping the
444    // kernel frames back to F1 (but not including F1).  The
445    // return address for F2 also has to be fixed up to point to
446    // F1 instead of the kernel.
447    //
448    // We detect this case by checking if the previous basic block
449    // was in the kernel and the current basic block is not.
450    if ((mPrevFunction->region->flags & kIsKernelRegion)
451        && ((function->region->flags & kIsKernelRegion) == 0)
452        && mTop > 0) {
453        // We are switching from kernel mode to user mode.
454#if 0
455        // For debugging.
456        printf("  doPush(): popping to user mode, bb_addr: 0x%08x\n",
457               event->bb_addr);
458        showStack(stderr);
460        do {
461            // Pop off the kernel frames until we reach the one that
462            // caused the exception.
463            doSimplePop(time);
465            // If the next stack frame is the one that caused an
466            // exception then stop popping frames.
467            if (mTop > 0
468                && (mFrames[mTop - 1].flags & FRAME::kCausedException)) {
469                mFrames[mTop - 1].flags &= ~FRAME::kCausedException;
470                retAddr = mFrames[mTop].addr;
471                break;
472            }
473        } while (mTop > 0);
474#if 0
475        // For debugging
476        printf("  doPush() popping to level %d, using retAddr 0x%08x\n",
477               mTop, retAddr);
479    }
481    // If we are starting an exception handler, then mark the previous
482    // stack frame so that we know where to return when the exception
483    // handler finishes.
484    if ((function->flags & symbol_type::kIsVectorStart) && mTop > 0)
485        mFrames[mTop - 1].flags |= FRAME::kCausedException;
487    // If the function being pushed is a Java method, then mark it on
488    // the stack so that we don't pop it off until we get a matching
489    // trace record from the method trace file.
490    int flags = 0;
491    if (function->vm_sym != NULL) {
492        flags = FRAME::kInterpreted;
493    }
494    doSimplePush(function, retAddr, time, flags);
497template<class FRAME, class BASE>
498void CallStack<FRAME, BASE>::doSimplePush(symbol_type *function, uint32_t addr,
499                                          uint64_t time, int flags)
501    // Check for stack overflow
502    if (mTop >= mNumFrames) {
503        showStack(stderr);
504        fprintf(stderr, "too many stack frames (%d)\n", mTop);
505        exit(1);
506    }
508    mFrames[mTop].addr = addr;
509    mFrames[mTop].function = function;
510    mFrames[mTop].flags = flags;
511    mFrames[mTop].time = time;
512    mFrames[mTop].global_time = time + mSkippedTime;
514    mFrames[mTop].push(mTop, time, this);
515    mTop += 1;
518template<class FRAME, class BASE>
519void CallStack<FRAME, BASE>::doSimplePop(uint64_t time)
521    if (mTop <= 0) {
522        return;
523    }
525    mTop -= 1;
526    mFrames[mTop].pop(mTop, time, this);
528    if (mNativeOnly)
529        return;
531    // If the stack is empty, then allow more native frames.
532    // Otherwise, if we are transitioning from Java to native, then allow
533    // more native frames.
534    // Otherwise, if we are transitioning from native to Java, then disallow
535    // more native frames.
536    if (mTop == 0) {
537        mAllowNativeFrames = true;
538    } else {
539        bool newerIsJava = (mFrames[mTop].flags & FRAME::kInterpreted) != 0;
540        bool olderIsJava = (mFrames[mTop - 1].flags & FRAME::kInterpreted) != 0;
541        if (newerIsJava && !olderIsJava) {
542            // We are transitioning from Java to native
543            mAllowNativeFrames = true;
544        } else if (!newerIsJava && olderIsJava) {
545            // We are transitioning from native to Java
546            mAllowNativeFrames = false;
547        }
548    }
551template<class FRAME, class BASE>
552void CallStack<FRAME, BASE>::doPop(BBEvent *event, symbol_type *function,
553                                   Action methodAction)
555    uint64_t time = event->time - mSkippedTime;
557    // Search backward on the stack for a matching return address.
558    // The most common case is that we pop one stack frame, but
559    // sometimes we pop more than one.
560    int stackLevel;
561    bool allowMethodPop = (methodAction == POP);
562    for (stackLevel = mTop - 1; stackLevel >= 0; --stackLevel) {
563        if (event->bb_addr == mFrames[stackLevel].addr) {
564            // We found a matching return address on the stack.
565            break;
566        }
568        // If this stack frame caused an exception, then do not pop
569        // this stack frame.
570        if (mFrames[stackLevel].flags & FRAME::kPopBarrier) {
571            // If this is a Java method, then allow a pop only if we
572            // have a matching trace record.
573            if (mFrames[stackLevel].flags & FRAME::kInterpreted) {
574                if (allowMethodPop) {
575                    // Allow at most one method pop
576                    allowMethodPop = false;
577                    continue;
578                }
579            }
580            stackLevel += 1;
581            break;
582        }
583    }
585    // If we didn't find a matching return address then search the stack
586    // again for a matching function.
587    if (stackLevel < 0 || event->bb_addr != mFrames[stackLevel].addr) {
588        bool allowMethodPop = (methodAction == POP);
589        for (stackLevel = mTop - 1; stackLevel >= 0; --stackLevel) {
590            // Compare the function with the one in the stack frame.
591            if (function == mFrames[stackLevel].function) {
592                // We found a matching function.  We want to pop up to but not
593                // including this frame.  But allow popping this frame if this
594                // method called itself and we have a method pop.
595                if (allowMethodPop && function == mPrevFunction) {
596                    // pop this frame
597                    break;
598                }
599                // do not pop this frame
600                stackLevel += 1;
601                break;
602            }
604            // If this stack frame caused an exception, then do not pop
605            // this stack frame.
606            if (mFrames[stackLevel].flags & FRAME::kPopBarrier) {
607                // If this is a Java method, then allow a pop only if we
608                // have a matching trace record.
609                if (mFrames[stackLevel].flags & FRAME::kInterpreted) {
610                    if (allowMethodPop) {
611                        // Allow at most one method pop
612                        allowMethodPop = false;
613                        continue;
614                    }
615                }
616                stackLevel += 1;
617                break;
618            }
619        }
620        if (stackLevel < 0)
621            stackLevel = 0;
622    }
624    // Note that if we didn't find a matching stack frame, we will pop
625    // the whole stack (unless there is a Java method or exception
626    // frame on the stack).  This is intentional because we may have
627    // started the trace in the middle of an executing program that is
628    // returning up the stack and we do not know the whole stack.  So
629    // the right thing to do is to empty the stack.
631    // If we are emptying the stack, then add the current function
632    // on top.  If the current function is the same as the top of
633    // stack, then avoid an extraneous pop and push.
634    if (stackLevel == 0 && mFrames[0].function == function)
635        stackLevel = 1;
637#if 0
638    // If we are popping off a large number of stack frames, then
639    // we might have a bug.
640    if (mTop - stackLevel > 7) {
641        printf("popping thru level %d\n", stackLevel);
642        showStack(stderr);
643    }
646    // Pop the stack frames
647    for (int ii = mTop - 1; ii >= stackLevel; --ii)
648        doSimplePop(time);
650    // Clear the "caused exception" bit on the current stack frame
651    if (mTop > 0) {
652        mFrames[mTop - 1].flags &= ~FRAME::kCausedException;
653    }
655    // Also handle the case where F1 calls F2 and F2 returns to
656    // F1, but before we can execute any instructions in F1, we
657    // switch to the kernel.  Then when we return from the kernel
658    // we want to pop off F2 from the stack instead of pushing F1
659    // on top of F2.  To handle this case, we saved the last
660    // user-mode basic block when we entered the kernel (in
661    // the getAction() function) and now we can check to see if
662    // that was a return to F1 instead of a call.  We use the
663    // getAction() function to determine this.
664    const uint32_t kIsKernelRegion = region_type::kIsKernelRegion;
665    if ((mPrevFunction->region->flags & kIsKernelRegion)
666        && ((function->region->flags & kIsKernelRegion) == 0)) {
667        mPrevEvent = mUserEvent;
668        mPrevFunction = mUserFunction;
669        if (getAction(event, function) == POP) {
670            // We may need to pop more than one frame, so just
671            // call doPop() again.  This won't be an infinite loop
672            // here because we changed mPrevEvent to the last
673            // user-mode event.
674            doPop(event, function, methodAction);
675            return;
676        }
677    }
680template<class FRAME, class BASE>
681void CallStack<FRAME, BASE>::popAll(uint64_t time)
683    time -= mSkippedTime;
684    while (mTop != 0) {
685        doSimplePop(time);
686    }
689template<class FRAME, class BASE>
690void CallStack<FRAME, BASE>::doMethodPop(BBEvent *event, uint32_t addr,
691                                         const uint32_t flags)
693    uint64_t time = event->time - mSkippedTime;
695    // Search the stack from the top down for a frame that contains a
696    // matching method.
697    int stackLevel;
698    for (stackLevel = mTop - 1; stackLevel >= 0; --stackLevel) {
699        if (mFrames[stackLevel].flags & flags) {
700            // If we are searching for a native method, then don't bother trying
701            // to match the address.
702            if (flags == FRAME::kStartNative)
703                break;
704            symbol_type *func = mFrames[stackLevel].function;
705            uint32_t methodAddr = func->region->base_addr + func->addr;
706            if (methodAddr == addr) {
707                break;
708            }
709        }
710    }
712    // If we found a matching frame then pop the stack up to and including
713    // that frame.
714    if (stackLevel >= 0) {
715        // Pop the stack frames
716        for (int ii = mTop - 1; ii >= stackLevel; --ii)
717            doSimplePop(time);
718    }
721template<class FRAME, class BASE>
722void CallStack<FRAME, BASE>::doMethodAction(BBEvent *event, symbol_type *function)
724    // If the events get ahead of the method trace, then read ahead until we
725    // sync up again.  This can happen if there is a pop of a method in the
726    // method trace for which we don't have a previous push.  Such an unmatched
727    // pop can happen because the user can start tracing at any time and so
728    // there might already be a stack when we start tracing.
729    while (event->time >= sNextMethod.time) {
730        sCurrentMethod = sNextMethod;
731        if (mTrace->ReadMethod(&sNextMethod)) {
732            sNextMethod.time = ~0ull;
733        }
734    }
736    if (event->time >= sCurrentMethod.time && event->pid == sCurrentMethod.pid) {
737        uint64_t time = event->time - mSkippedTime;
738        int flags = sCurrentMethod.flags;
739        if (flags == kMethodEnter) {
740            doSimplePush(function, 0, time, FRAME::kInterpreted);
741            mAllowNativeFrames = false;
742        } else if (flags == kNativeEnter) {
743            doSimplePush(function, 0, time, FRAME::kStartNative);
744            mAllowNativeFrames = true;
745        } else if (flags == kMethodExit || flags == kMethodException) {
746            doMethodPop(event, sCurrentMethod.addr, FRAME::kInterpreted);
747        } else if (flags == kNativeExit || flags == kNativeException) {
748            doMethodPop(event, sCurrentMethod.addr, FRAME::kStartNative);
749        }
751        // We found a match, so read the next record. When we get to the end
752        // of the trace, we set the time to the maximum value (~0).
753        sCurrentMethod = sNextMethod;
754        if (sNextMethod.time != ~0ull && mTrace->ReadMethod(&sNextMethod)) {
755            sNextMethod.time = ~0ull;
756        }
757    }
760template<class FRAME, class BASE>
761void CallStack<FRAME, BASE>::showStack(FILE *stream)
763    fprintf(stream, "mTop: %d skippedTime: %llu\n", mTop, mSkippedTime);
764    for (int ii = 0; ii < mTop; ++ii) {
765        uint32_t addr = mFrames[ii].function->addr;
766        addr += mFrames[ii].function->region->vstart;
767        fprintf(stream, "  %d: t %d gt %d f %x 0x%08x 0x%08x %s\n",
768                ii, mFrames[ii].time, mFrames[ii].global_time,
769                mFrames[ii].flags,
770                mFrames[ii].addr, addr,
771                mFrames[ii].function->name);
772    }
775#endif /* CALL_STACK_H */