2 * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package android.net;
19import java.io.IOException;
20import java.io.OutputStream;
21import java.io.InputStream;
22import java.io.FileDescriptor;
23import java.net.SocketOptions;
26 * Socket implementation used for android.net.LocalSocket and
27 * android.net.LocalServerSocket. Supports only AF_LOCAL sockets.
28 */
29class LocalSocketImpl
31    private SocketInputStream fis;
32    private SocketOutputStream fos;
33    private Object readMonitor = new Object();
34    private Object writeMonitor = new Object();
36    /** null if closed or not yet created */
37    private FileDescriptor fd;
39    // These fields are accessed by native code;
40    /** file descriptor array received during a previous read */
41    FileDescriptor[] inboundFileDescriptors;
42    /** file descriptor array that should be written during next write */
43    FileDescriptor[] outboundFileDescriptors;
45    /**
46     * An input stream for local sockets. Needed because we may
47     * need to read ancillary data.
48     */
49    class SocketInputStream extends InputStream {
50        /** {@inheritDoc} */
51        @Override
52        public int available() throws IOException {
53            return available_native(fd);
54        }
56        /** {@inheritDoc} */
57        @Override
58        public void close() throws IOException {
59            LocalSocketImpl.this.close();
60        }
62        /** {@inheritDoc} */
63        @Override
64        public int read() throws IOException {
65            int ret;
66            synchronized (readMonitor) {
67                FileDescriptor myFd = fd;
68                if (myFd == null) throw new IOException("socket closed");
70                ret = read_native(myFd);
71                return ret;
72            }
73        }
75        /** {@inheritDoc} */
76        @Override
77        public int read(byte[] b) throws IOException {
78            return read(b, 0, b.length);
79        }
81        /** {@inheritDoc} */
82        @Override
83        public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
84            synchronized (readMonitor) {
85                FileDescriptor myFd = fd;
86                if (myFd == null) throw new IOException("socket closed");
88                if (off < 0 || len < 0 || (off + len) > b.length ) {
89                    throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
90                }
92                int ret = readba_native(b, off, len, myFd);
94                return ret;
95            }
96        }
97    }
99    /**
100     * An output stream for local sockets. Needed because we may
101     * need to read ancillary data.
102     */
103    class SocketOutputStream extends OutputStream {
104        /** {@inheritDoc} */
105        @Override
106        public void close() throws IOException {
107            LocalSocketImpl.this.close();
108        }
110        /** {@inheritDoc} */
111        @Override
112        public void write (byte[] b) throws IOException {
113            write(b, 0, b.length);
114        }
116        /** {@inheritDoc} */
117        @Override
118        public void write (byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
119            synchronized (writeMonitor) {
120                FileDescriptor myFd = fd;
121                if (myFd == null) throw new IOException("socket closed");
123                if (off < 0 || len < 0 || (off + len) > b.length ) {
124                    throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
125                }
126                writeba_native(b, off, len, myFd);
127            }
128        }
130        /** {@inheritDoc} */
131        @Override
132        public void write (int b) throws IOException {
133            synchronized (writeMonitor) {
134                FileDescriptor myFd = fd;
135                if (myFd == null) throw new IOException("socket closed");
136                write_native(b, myFd);
137            }
138        }
140        /**
141         * Wait until the data in sending queue is emptied. A polling version
142         * for flush implementation.
143         * @throws IOException
144         *             if an i/o error occurs.
145         */
146        @Override
147        public void flush() throws IOException {
148            FileDescriptor myFd = fd;
149            if (myFd == null) throw new IOException("socket closed");
150            while(pending_native(myFd) > 0) {
151                try {
152                    Thread.sleep(10);
153                } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
154                    return;
155                }
156            }
157        }
158    }
160    private native int pending_native(FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException;
161    private native int available_native(FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException;
162    private native void close_native(FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException;
163    private native int read_native(FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException;
164    private native int readba_native(byte[] b, int off, int len,
165            FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException;
166    private native void writeba_native(byte[] b, int off, int len,
167            FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException;
168    private native void write_native(int b, FileDescriptor fd)
169            throws IOException;
170    private native void connectLocal(FileDescriptor fd, String name,
171            int namespace) throws IOException;
172    private native void bindLocal(FileDescriptor fd, String name, int namespace)
173            throws IOException;
174    private native FileDescriptor create_native(boolean stream)
175            throws IOException;
176    private native void listen_native(FileDescriptor fd, int backlog)
177            throws IOException;
178    private native void shutdown(FileDescriptor fd, boolean shutdownInput);
179    private native Credentials getPeerCredentials_native(
180            FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException;
181    private native int getOption_native(FileDescriptor fd, int optID)
182            throws IOException;
183    private native void setOption_native(FileDescriptor fd, int optID,
184            int b, int value) throws IOException;
186//    private native LocalSocketAddress getSockName_native
187//            (FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException;
189    /**
190     * Accepts a connection on a server socket.
191     *
192     * @param fd file descriptor of server socket
193     * @param s socket implementation that will become the new socket
194     * @return file descriptor of new socket
195     */
196    private native FileDescriptor accept
197            (FileDescriptor fd, LocalSocketImpl s) throws IOException;
199    /**
200     * Create a new instance.
201     */
202    /*package*/ LocalSocketImpl()
203    {
204    }
206    /**
207     * Create a new instance from a file descriptor representing
208     * a bound socket. The state of the file descriptor is not checked here
209     *  but the caller can verify socket state by calling listen().
210     *
211     * @param fd non-null; bound file descriptor
212     */
213    /*package*/ LocalSocketImpl(FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException
214    {
215        this.fd = fd;
216    }
218    public String toString() {
219        return super.toString() + " fd:" + fd;
220    }
222    /**
223     * Creates a socket in the underlying OS.
224     *
225     * @param stream true if this should be a stream socket, false for
226     * datagram.
227     * @throws IOException
228     */
229    public void create (boolean stream) throws IOException {
230        // no error if socket already created
231        // need this for LocalServerSocket.accept()
232        if (fd == null) {
233            fd = create_native(stream);
234        }
235    }
237    /**
238     * Closes the socket.
239     *
240     * @throws IOException
241     */
242    public void close() throws IOException {
243        synchronized (LocalSocketImpl.this) {
244            if (fd == null) return;
245            close_native(fd);
246            fd = null;
247        }
248    }
250    /** note timeout presently ignored */
251    protected void connect(LocalSocketAddress address, int timeout)
252                        throws IOException
253    {
254        if (fd == null) {
255            throw new IOException("socket not created");
256        }
258        connectLocal(fd, address.getName(), address.getNamespace().getId());
259    }
261    /**
262     * Binds this socket to an endpoint name. May only be called on an instance
263     * that has not yet been bound.
264     *
265     * @param endpoint endpoint address
266     * @throws IOException
267     */
268    public void bind(LocalSocketAddress endpoint) throws IOException
269    {
270        if (fd == null) {
271            throw new IOException("socket not created");
272        }
274        bindLocal(fd, endpoint.getName(), endpoint.getNamespace().getId());
275    }
277    protected void listen(int backlog) throws IOException
278    {
279        if (fd == null) {
280            throw new IOException("socket not created");
281        }
283        listen_native(fd, backlog);
284    }
286    /**
287     * Accepts a new connection to the socket. Blocks until a new
288     * connection arrives.
289     *
290     * @param s a socket that will be used to represent the new connection.
291     * @throws IOException
292     */
293    protected void accept(LocalSocketImpl s) throws IOException
294    {
295        if (fd == null) {
296            throw new IOException("socket not created");
297        }
299        s.fd = accept(fd, s);
300    }
302    /**
303     * Retrieves the input stream for this instance.
304     *
305     * @return input stream
306     * @throws IOException if socket has been closed or cannot be created.
307     */
308    protected InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException
309    {
310        if (fd == null) {
311            throw new IOException("socket not created");
312        }
314        synchronized (this) {
315            if (fis == null) {
316                fis = new SocketInputStream();
317            }
319            return fis;
320        }
321    }
323    /**
324     * Retrieves the output stream for this instance.
325     *
326     * @return output stream
327     * @throws IOException if socket has been closed or cannot be created.
328     */
329    protected OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException
330    {
331        if (fd == null) {
332            throw new IOException("socket not created");
333        }
335        synchronized (this) {
336            if (fos == null) {
337                fos = new SocketOutputStream();
338            }
340            return fos;
341        }
342    }
344    /**
345     * Returns the number of bytes available for reading without blocking.
346     *
347     * @return >= 0 count bytes available
348     * @throws IOException
349     */
350    protected int available() throws IOException
351    {
352        return getInputStream().available();
353    }
355    /**
356     * Shuts down the input side of the socket.
357     *
358     * @throws IOException
359     */
360    protected void shutdownInput() throws IOException
361    {
362        if (fd == null) {
363            throw new IOException("socket not created");
364        }
366        shutdown(fd, true);
367    }
369    /**
370     * Shuts down the output side of the socket.
371     *
372     * @throws IOException
373     */
374    protected void shutdownOutput() throws IOException
375    {
376        if (fd == null) {
377            throw new IOException("socket not created");
378        }
380        shutdown(fd, false);
381    }
383    protected FileDescriptor getFileDescriptor()
384    {
385        return fd;
386    }
388    protected boolean supportsUrgentData()
389    {
390        return false;
391    }
393    protected void sendUrgentData(int data) throws IOException
394    {
395        throw new RuntimeException ("not impled");
396    }
398    public Object getOption(int optID) throws IOException
399    {
400        if (fd == null) {
401            throw new IOException("socket not created");
402        }
404        if (optID == SocketOptions.SO_TIMEOUT) {
405            return 0;
406        }
408        int value = getOption_native(fd, optID);
409        switch (optID)
410        {
411            case SocketOptions.SO_RCVBUF:
412            case SocketOptions.SO_SNDBUF:
413                return value;
414            case SocketOptions.SO_REUSEADDR:
415            default:
416                return value;
417        }
418    }
420    public void setOption(int optID, Object value)
421            throws IOException {
422        /*
423         * Boolean.FALSE is used to disable some options, so it
424         * is important to distinguish between FALSE and unset.
425         * We define it here that -1 is unset, 0 is FALSE, and 1
426         * is TRUE.
427         */
428        int boolValue = -1;
429        int intValue = 0;
431        if (fd == null) {
432            throw new IOException("socket not created");
433        }
435        if (value instanceof Integer) {
436            intValue = (Integer)value;
437        } else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
438            boolValue = ((Boolean) value)? 1 : 0;
439        } else {
440            throw new IOException("bad value: " + value);
441        }
443        setOption_native(fd, optID, boolValue, intValue);
444    }
446    /**
447     * Enqueues a set of file descriptors to send to the peer. The queue
448     * is one deep. The file descriptors will be sent with the next write
449     * of normal data, and will be delivered in a single ancillary message.
450     * See "man 7 unix" SCM_RIGHTS on a desktop Linux machine.
451     *
452     * @param fds non-null; file descriptors to send.
453     * @throws IOException
454     */
455    public void setFileDescriptorsForSend(FileDescriptor[] fds) {
456        synchronized(writeMonitor) {
457            outboundFileDescriptors = fds;
458        }
459    }
461    /**
462     * Retrieves a set of file descriptors that a peer has sent through
463     * an ancillary message. This method retrieves the most recent set sent,
464     * and then returns null until a new set arrives.
465     * File descriptors may only be passed along with regular data, so this
466     * method can only return a non-null after a read operation.
467     *
468     * @return null or file descriptor array
469     * @throws IOException
470     */
471    public FileDescriptor[] getAncillaryFileDescriptors() throws IOException {
472        synchronized(readMonitor) {
473            FileDescriptor[] result = inboundFileDescriptors;
475            inboundFileDescriptors = null;
476            return result;
477        }
478    }
480    /**
481     * Retrieves the credentials of this socket's peer. Only valid on
482     * connected sockets.
483     *
484     * @return non-null; peer credentials
485     * @throws IOException
486     */
487    public Credentials getPeerCredentials() throws IOException
488    {
489        return getPeerCredentials_native(fd);
490    }
492    /**
493     * Retrieves the socket name from the OS.
494     *
495     * @return non-null; socket name
496     * @throws IOException on failure
497     */
498    public LocalSocketAddress getSockAddress() throws IOException
499    {
500        return null;
501        //TODO implement this
502        //return getSockName_native(fd);
503    }
505    @Override
506    protected void finalize() throws IOException {
507        close();
508    }