History log of /frameworks/av/services/audioflinger/TrackBase.h
Revision Date Author Comments (<<< Hide modified files) (Show modified files >>>)
9cae217050aa1347d4ac5053c305754879e3f97f 14-Jan-2013 Marco Nelissen <marcone@google.com> Assign blame for playback wakelocks.

Set a work source for the playback wakelock, so that playback is
counted against the requesting app instead of the media server.

Cherrypicked from master.


Change-Id: I7329f88a288a95a582a78005a1c3d16a5a611e31
f6ed423af92a56ef54bba23eba883b1f21448b54 16-Jul-2013 Glenn Kasten <gkasten@google.com> Treat mChannelCount as uint32_t consistently

mChannelCount was 8-, 16-, or 32-bits

Change-Id: I2cc2fedf3e33144e5c8bbd9894763282d9217f63
35cc4f3127322ad3e3dd1e15e8ae29ff4b4a3af6 25-Jul-2013 Glenn Kasten <gkasten@google.com> Remove obsolete mBufferEnd

Change-Id: I507c6109d66000bb30933ca23b912a1316f55e5e
bd4c4fbb3b073e48963185d11a15da1fa18d2e54 25-Jul-2013 Glenn Kasten <gkasten@google.com> Remove obsolete TrackBase::step(), mStepCount, mStepServerFailed

Change-Id: I6347096f066b8b19451c6472db7b0671f0cf7702
65d30dd9ee498f7b3bfc033735458a6ff399c207 27-Jul-2013 Glenn Kasten <gkasten@google.com> Merge "Remove obsolete TrackBase::reset()"
0fea74cdbc09c1259e08215e2ea90e7988d62df8 25-Jul-2013 Glenn Kasten <gkasten@google.com> Remove obsolete TrackBase::reset()

Change-Id: I38100b7e28a12d7af8cb40ae3f4d9cb4a0ebe701
bfb1b832079bbb9426f72f3863199a54aefd02da 07-Jan-2013 Eric Laurent <elaurent@google.com> AudioFlinger: offload playback, non-blocking write

- Added specialized playback thread class for offload playback,
derived from directoutput thread.
This thread type handles specific state transitions for offloaded
tracks and offloading commands (pause/resume/drain/flush..) to audio HAL.
As opposed to other threads, does not go to standby if the track is paused.

- Added support for asynchronous write and drain operations at audio HAL.
Use a thread to handle async callback events from HAL: this avoids locking
playback thread mutex when executing the callback and cause deadlocks when
calling audio HAL functions with the playback thread mutex locked.

- Better accouting for track activity: call start/stop and release Output
methods in audio policy manager when tracks are actually added and removed
from the active tracks list.
Added a command thread in audio policy service to handle stop/release commands
asynchronously and avoid deadlocks with playback thread.

- Track terminated status is not a state anymore. This condition is othogonal
to state to permitted state transitions while terminated.

Change-Id: Id157f4b3277620568d8eace7535d9186602564de
9f80dd223d83d9bb9077fb6baee056cee4eaf7e5 19-Dec-2012 Glenn Kasten <gkasten@google.com> New control block for AudioTrack and AudioRecord

Main differences between old and new control block:
- removes the mutex, which was a potential source of priority inversion
- circular indices into shared buffer, which is now always a power-of-2 size

Change-Id: I4e9b7fa99858b488ac98a441fa70e31dbba1b865
c9b2e20f7c9a71e07ef398152709c76079decbcd 26-Feb-2013 Glenn Kasten <gkasten@google.com> Miscellaneous cleanup

Abbreviation framesReady to fRdy for new systrace.
Put inline const on one line.
Use local copy of mState in state.
Improve logging.
Line length 100.

Change-Id: I8201c3ce0e53fd464fd33d02544e52c342d40b68
da6ef1320d0161b1640dc84d7a9c5a25860c3619 10-Jan-2013 Glenn Kasten <gkasten@google.com> Update tee sink

Implement rotation to reduce long-term storage use.
Implement optional per-track tee.
Dynamically enable at runtime based on property, instead of at compile-time.
Dynamic frame count not yet implemented.

Bug: 8223560
Change-Id: I3706443c6ec0cb0c6656dc288715a02ad5fea63a
e3aa659e9cee7df5c12a80d285cc29ab3b2cbb39 04-Dec-2012 Glenn Kasten <gkasten@google.com> Start isolating control block accesses in a proxy

The proxy object will eventually be the only code that understands the
details of the control block. This should make it easier to change the
control block in the future.

Initial set of control block fields that are isolated:
- sample rate
- send level
- volume

Prepare for streaming/static separation by adding a union to the control
block for the new fields.

Fix bug in handling of max sample rate on a track. It was only checking
at re-configuration, not at each mix.

Simplify OutputTrack::obtainBuffer.

Change-Id: I2249f9d04f73a911a922ad1d7f6197292c74cd92
81784c37c61b09289654b979567a42bf73cd2b12 19-Nov-2012 Eric Laurent <elaurent@google.com> AudioFlinger files reorganization

Audioflinger.cpp and Audioflinger.h files must be split to
improve readability and maintainability.

This CL splits the files as follows:

AudioFlinger.cpp split into:
- AudioFlinger.cpp: implementation of IAudioflinger interface and global methods
- AFThreads.cpp: implementation of ThreadBase, PlaybackThread, MixerThread,
DuplicatingThread, DirectOutputThread and RecordThread.
- AFTracks.cpp: implementation of TrackBase, Track, TimedTrack, OutputTrack,
RecordTrack, TrackHandle and RecordHandle.
- AFEffects.cpp: implementation of EffectModule, EffectChain and EffectHandle.

AudioFlinger.h is modified by inline inclusion of header files containing
the declaration of complex inner classes:
- AFThreads.h: ThreadBase, PlaybackThread, MixerThread, DuplicatingThread,
DirectOutputThread and RecordThread
- AFEffects.h: EffectModule, EffectChain and EffectHandle

AFThreads.h includes the follownig headers inline:
- AFTrackBase.h: TrackBase
- AFPlaybackTracks: Track, TimedTrack, OutputTrack
- AFRecordTracks: RecordTrack

Change-Id: I512ebc3a51813ab7a4afccc9a538b18125165c4c