History log of /packages/apps/Email/tests/src/com/android/email/LegacyConversionsTests.java
Revision Date Author Comments (<<< Hide modified files) (Show modified files >>>)
6be411edd0ef5a1fb357d90c7fee22de83632be5 05-Jun-2013 Andrew Sapperstein <asapperstein@google.com> Refactoring to support eml viewer in UnifiedEmail.

Moved two files out of Email into UnifiedEmail and
removed their dependencies on EmailContent. As a result,
those classes now return the data directly via a data only

Change-Id: Iaf0618dd6879c9dc2a41943d3d15428904b65768
0993190cafebc107bd27a26996b5d63d4a4ede10 06-May-2011 Marc Blank <mblank@google.com> Complete rewrite of account backup/restore code

* Use EmailProvider to backup/restore into a backup database
* Remove all of the old AccountBackupRestore code
* Get rid of the legacy Account class and all of the Preferences
crap that referenced it
* Remove corresponding tests

Change-Id: I2de75aafdacc87246174303961e58547303f641e
aeee10e57ef4d931e7708fde218d590453a82aea 28-Apr-2011 Marc Blank <mblank@google.com> Rework of security policy storage

* Replace crazy (and soon to be "full") bit fields stored in an account's
securityFlags with a row in a newly created Policy table (thus, fully
* Update code from database version 17 to 18; adds Policy table, a
policyKey row in Account, and a revised trigger that deletes Policy
information for deleted Accounts
* Update old PolicySet unit tests to work against the new Policy class
* Add test for the conversion of securityFlags to Policy
* Tested in a variety of scenarios; appears to be functionally equivalent

Change-Id: I1505ee75230d6a0d3c2b62a46326f39c2c7f9eb5
31d9acbf0623872f9d4a2b3210b5970854b654c7 12-Feb-2011 Marc Blank <mblank@google.com> Email split, part huit: Refactor constants, clean emailcommon

* There are three pieces to this CL (sorry):
1) Move and/or rename some constants into emailcommon
2) Move Utility to emailcommon, moving the few UI
related utilities back into Email (FolderProperties
and UiUtilities)
3) Remove all references to resources from emailcommon
* The three pieces relate in that, between them, they allow
the emailcommon static library to compile cleanly

Bug: 3442973

Change-Id: Ic5e3abaa2a1b36999e0b6653c6c2134ea1bd544f
a7bc0319a75184ad706bb35c049af107ac3688e6 10-Feb-2011 Marc Blank <mblank@google.com> Email split, part six: EmailContent

* Moved EmailContent to emailcommon

Change-Id: Ib3db1bfcfe74554c0e5afd3cfce6d72f26e9aeb9
2193962ca2b3157e79f731736afa2a0c972e778a 10-Feb-2011 Marc Blank <mblank@google.com> Email split, part quatre: Move along, nothing to see here

* No code was harmed, er, changed in the making of this CL
* All that's happened is that code that is needed by both Email and
Exchange have been moved into emailcommon
* This required import changes to many files, which explains the
length of the CL

Change-Id: I4e12455ba057a4a8054fdbd0b578c73afa411c8a
8a574694606f0e5d781334d0d426fc379c51f3ed 09-Feb-2011 Marc Blank <mblank@google.com> Email split, part trois: AccountService

* Create AccountService.aidl and AccountServiceProxy in emailcommon
* Implement AccountService in email
* Use AccountServiceProxy in Exchange for account reconciliation,
notifications, etc.
* Move sync window constants into emailcommon
* Split attachment provider utilities and constants into emailcommon

Bug: 3442973
Change-Id: I89dce28b799b193243c07774dab65d830ae62775
7d51b7a05ba07377e3df0b07c2aaa430a8b5bc42 06-Feb-2011 Andy Stadler <stadler@google.com> Remove all compatibility with pre-2.0 data

* Remove LocalStore (pre-2.0 mail database) and its unit test
* Remove UpgradeAccounts (converted pre-2.0 accounts to Provider)
* Remove FolderMessageList (receiver for pre-1.6 desktop shortcuts)
* Remove "upgrading" paths through LegacyConversions
* Clip out dangling references to everything above

Bug: 3292310
Change-Id: I5654d55a0879b00b05b63055b94651855a8ee3ef
e3a17f1438e454518a58fc0841bb615344acf865 15-Dec-2010 Andy Stadler <stadler@google.com> Restrict download/display to "attachment" and "inline"

* Check content-disposition and restrict to these two types
* Add unit test
* Reformatting collectParts (code style cleanup)

Bug: 3242502
Change-Id: I5dcbdda5d4788502113771f4fd1b5fff834a402d
75a873be8420e50f0aeb5a77716358ee0ca66b01 09-Dec-2010 Marc Blank <mblank@google.com> Implement prefetch of IMAP/EAS attachments

* Load attachments in the background for IMAP/EAS messages
* Download an attachment from account X if:
1) 25% of total storage free
2) Attachments for X use < 1/N of 25% of total storage, where N is
the number of AccountManager accounts
* Add accountKey to Attachment table for performance

Change-Id: I913aa710f34f48fcc4210ddf77393ab38323fe59
fab77f147f85766d2f75d8aece0aaa4ffb3838e8 28-Oct-2010 Marc Blank <mblank@google.com> EmailProvider content caching

* In this CL, we cache individual rows, based on the CONTENT_PROJECTION
defined for the most common queries (Account, HostAuth, Mailbox, and
* Queries on individual rows (most often Class.restoreClassById()) will
look to the cache first, rather than querying the database
* Queries on smaller projections will build MatrixCursor's from cached
* Write-through caching updates the cache with changed columns
* Experiments with live data indicate that > 95% of queries that are
cacheable (single row, no selection) can be retrieved from the cache,
thereby saving a great deal of disk access.
* Timing experiments show that cache hits are > 40x faster than cache
* Unit tests for the various classes exist, with more coming

* More unit tests

Change-Id: I386a948a2f4cc02b6548d07d9b2fefd1e018a262
9e2ddca59d048fc9ac55278b193ee36b330a7981 17-Mar-2010 Jim Shuma <jshuma@google.com> Add "vibrate when silent" mode to notifications

* Add "vibrate when silent" choice in UI
* Add storage for it in Email's provider. Existing accounts default to
their current settings (always vibrate / never vibrate).
* Respect new mode when notifications are posted
* Updated existing unit tests

Bug: 2457183
Change-Id: I5c933ac39dbef8b2028255f330e0b084a445421a
7d738cb7e89353c51c567e466a135b54337f310d 18-Mar-2010 Andrew Stadler <stadler@android.com> Fix cases of attachments with no name

* Most clients send name= in the content-type, but a few clients
send only filename= in content-disposition.
* There was code to handle both cases, but due to two typos, it didn't
* Most easily reproduced by sending from hotmail/live web client.

Bug: 2366961
Change-Id: I1d9a00b9b5fd1094cfb8566c3248d94286a8ae91
fd249f61dd9c5fd1e7e0abffcb09b9e285d82bae 08-Mar-2010 Andrew Stadler <stadler@android.com> More work on account migration

* Split account copy loop to do POP3 accounts first, then IMAP
* After upgrading accounts, upgrade folders
* Upgrade messages in those folders
* Preserve attachments on outgoing messages (e.g. drafts)
* Enable composer and start syncing after upgrade
* Fix latent bug in LocalStore (which was not used in Eclair)
* Add tests for upgrade workers in LegacyConversions

Bug: 2065528
345fb8b737c1632fb2a7e69ac44b8612be6237ed 27-Jan-2010 Andrew Stadler <stadler@android.com> Add utilities for processing account security policies

* Add security sync key & signature columns
* Add utilities for easy read/write of security columns
* Write aggregator for multiple accounts
* Simple API's for exchange security (very preliminary)
* Unit tests of above

Bug: 2387961
fc8d943a828cd79ff71c703ced37001bd5482173 21-Jan-2010 Andrew Stadler <stadler@android.com> Add security column to Account

* Upgrade accounts table to add security column
* Read/Write new column
* Backup/Restore new column
* Unit tests for all of the above
* First cut at defining bitfields (non-binding, just putting down ideas)

Bug: 2387961
d612717340b2670776a75a1d2e9e3df81fd4c052 21-Jan-2010 Andrew Stadler <stadler@android.com> Backup/Restore accounts - bugfix

* Followup to 5e91cccd
* Workaround for (HTC bug: 2275383) & (Moto bug: 2226582)
* Restores mSyncKey as null instead of empty string, which is how
a new account is initialized. Bug: 2385980
* Cleanup synchronized logic in backup & restore
* Minor cleanups & improved comments
5e91cccd4b530eb2aeace5c5bf4f3328a5b5d69d 20-Jan-2010 Andrew Stadler <stadler@android.com> Quick backup/restore of accounts

* Workaround for (HTC bug 2275383) & (Moto bug 2226582)
* Adds checkpoints for backing up and restoring accounts
* Uses legacy Account / prefs to back up accounts - this is because
some of this code will be reused for legacy account migration
* Unit tests of Account & LegacyConversions
* Unit tests of backup & restore
* Not done: testing of EAS/Account Manager interface (this will require
deeper dependency injection, to avoid the embedded calls to the Account
Manager and other system services.)
5b0a12c199198870161876996296b1262c17408e 14-Oct-2009 Andrew Stadler <stadler@android.com> Prevent duplication of POP3 attachments

* For each attachment we add, check the DB for an existing attachment
with similar metadata (name, mime type, content id, etc.)
* Skip adding them if already held
* Unit tests

Fixes bug http://b/2084704
b6756688b1bf07c50b999c9d30dd6cb224d3812b 07-Oct-2009 Andrew Stadler <stadler@android.com> Handle IMAP empty bodies more safely

Some IMAP servers return NIL if you BODY.PEEK[TEXT] a messsage with
no body, instead of the more canonical {0}CRLF. Instead of messing with the
parser to deal with that, it makes more sense not to try and fetch empty
bodies. So there are three changes:

* Don't fetch parts when size = 0
* Don't append "null" when there is null body text
* Slight change to attachment handling so size is reported >0
* Unit tests on some of the related lower-level protocol stuff

Bug http://b/issue?id=2160387

Change-Id: Ifb8fb0ed5ce7297908e1ae8d5a02dda5975c4a3c
eb7752bf695b2a93854e0bb89ddbbc2236bb9aea 06-Oct-2009 Andrew Stadler <stadler@android.com> Fix back-to-back message-id bugs

* MessageCompose now adds message-id to new messages (it was previously
done on its behalf by MimeMessage).
* LegacyConversions.updateMessageFields() now handles missing message-id
without error.
* Unit tests for the LegacyConversions change

These two issues were combining with a failure of comcast's SMTP server
to insert message-id headers, to prevent delivery of a message between
any two comcast accounts using this client.

Bug # http://b/issue?id=2161478
c41c47fa07a22f8a7612fb0191f152a36d95b7a5 25-Sep-2009 Andrew Stadler <stadler@android.com> Enable message upload

* Create logic to detect upsyncable messages in Sent
* Note: Drafts is now local only for IMAP - no sync, either way
* Rewrite MessageController.processPendingAppend for Provider world
* Write provider message -> legacy message converter
* Fixed bug in IMAP APPEND (it was not picking the right UID for the
uploaded message.)
* Better handling of server internaldate
* Add constants for new X-Android-Body-Quoted-Part header
* Add EmailContent routines to get each of the 5 parts of the body
* Remove "Load more" from unsynced message lists
* Add toString to MimeHeader for debug support

Bug # 2097471

TODO (next CL): Upload attachments records too

Change-Id: I209182f5adc6b6696919f559e3cbbdd58b3eed3a
3f1ac4da947f426775c9546f2e37206f58ce1a6e 12-Aug-2009 Andrew Stadler <stadler@android.com> Add code to handle IMAP/POP attachments.

IMAP messages up to about 25k will be downloaded properly.

* Move Store->Provider message rewrite code to a separate utility.
* Add code to descend a Store message and write provider attachments.
* Unit test basic IMAP attachment handler

* handle large IMAP messages.
* unit test for POP
* unit test for large IMAP messages