1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "chrome/common/net/url_fixer_upper.h"
7#include <algorithm>
9#if defined(OS_POSIX)
10#include "base/environment.h"
12#include "base/file_util.h"
13#include "base/logging.h"
14#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
15#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
16#include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
17#include "net/base/escape.h"
18#include "net/base/net_util.h"
19#include "net/base/registry_controlled_domains/registry_controlled_domain.h"
20#include "url/url_file.h"
21#include "url/url_parse.h"
22#include "url/url_util.h"
24const char* URLFixerUpper::home_directory_override = NULL;
26namespace {
28// TODO(estade): Remove these ugly, ugly functions. They are only used in
29// SegmentURL. A url_parse::Parsed object keeps track of a bunch of indices into
30// a url string, and these need to be updated when the URL is converted from
31// UTF8 to UTF16. Instead of this after-the-fact adjustment, we should parse it
32// in the correct string format to begin with.
33url_parse::Component UTF8ComponentToUTF16Component(
34    const std::string& text_utf8,
35    const url_parse::Component& component_utf8) {
36  if (component_utf8.len == -1)
37    return url_parse::Component();
39  std::string before_component_string =
40      text_utf8.substr(0, component_utf8.begin);
41  std::string component_string = text_utf8.substr(component_utf8.begin,
42                                                  component_utf8.len);
43  string16 before_component_string_16 = UTF8ToUTF16(before_component_string);
44  string16 component_string_16 = UTF8ToUTF16(component_string);
45  url_parse::Component component_16(before_component_string_16.length(),
46                                    component_string_16.length());
47  return component_16;
50void UTF8PartsToUTF16Parts(const std::string& text_utf8,
51                           const url_parse::Parsed& parts_utf8,
52                           url_parse::Parsed* parts) {
53  if (IsStringASCII(text_utf8)) {
54    *parts = parts_utf8;
55    return;
56  }
58  parts->scheme =
59      UTF8ComponentToUTF16Component(text_utf8, parts_utf8.scheme);
60  parts ->username =
61      UTF8ComponentToUTF16Component(text_utf8, parts_utf8.username);
62  parts->password =
63      UTF8ComponentToUTF16Component(text_utf8, parts_utf8.password);
64  parts->host =
65      UTF8ComponentToUTF16Component(text_utf8, parts_utf8.host);
66  parts->port =
67      UTF8ComponentToUTF16Component(text_utf8, parts_utf8.port);
68  parts->path =
69      UTF8ComponentToUTF16Component(text_utf8, parts_utf8.path);
70  parts->query =
71      UTF8ComponentToUTF16Component(text_utf8, parts_utf8.query);
72  parts->ref =
73      UTF8ComponentToUTF16Component(text_utf8, parts_utf8.ref);
76TrimPositions TrimWhitespaceUTF8(const std::string& input,
77                                 TrimPositions positions,
78                                 std::string* output) {
79  // This implementation is not so fast since it converts the text encoding
80  // twice. Please feel free to file a bug if this function hurts the
81  // performance of Chrome.
82  DCHECK(IsStringUTF8(input));
83  string16 input16 = UTF8ToUTF16(input);
84  string16 output16;
85  TrimPositions result = TrimWhitespace(input16, positions, &output16);
86  *output = UTF16ToUTF8(output16);
87  return result;
90// does some basic fixes for input that we want to test for file-ness
91void PrepareStringForFileOps(const base::FilePath& text,
92                             base::FilePath::StringType* output) {
93#if defined(OS_WIN)
94  TrimWhitespace(text.value(), TRIM_ALL, output);
95  replace(output->begin(), output->end(), '/', '\\');
97  TrimWhitespaceUTF8(text.value(), TRIM_ALL, output);
101// Tries to create a full path from |text|.  If the result is valid and the
102// file exists, returns true and sets |full_path| to the result.  Otherwise,
103// returns false and leaves |full_path| unchanged.
104bool ValidPathForFile(const base::FilePath::StringType& text,
105                      base::FilePath* full_path) {
106  base::FilePath file_path = base::MakeAbsoluteFilePath(base::FilePath(text));
107  if (file_path.empty())
108    return false;
110  if (!base::PathExists(file_path))
111    return false;
113  *full_path = file_path;
114  return true;
117#if defined(OS_POSIX)
118// Given a path that starts with ~, return a path that starts with an
119// expanded-out /user/foobar directory.
120std::string FixupHomedir(const std::string& text) {
121  DCHECK(text.length() > 0 && text[0] == '~');
123  if (text.length() == 1 || text[1] == '/') {
124    const char* home = getenv(base::env_vars::kHome);
125    if (URLFixerUpper::home_directory_override)
126      home = URLFixerUpper::home_directory_override;
127    // We'll probably break elsewhere if $HOME is undefined, but check here
128    // just in case.
129    if (!home)
130      return text;
131    return home + text.substr(1);
132  }
134  // Otherwise, this is a path like ~foobar/baz, where we must expand to
135  // user foobar's home directory.  Officially, we should use getpwent(),
136  // but that is a nasty blocking call.
138#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
139  static const char kHome[] = "/Users/";
141  static const char kHome[] = "/home/";
143  return kHome + text.substr(1);
147// Tries to create a file: URL from |text| if it looks like a filename, even if
148// it doesn't resolve as a valid path or to an existing file.  Returns a
149// (possibly invalid) file: URL in |fixed_up_url| for input beginning
150// with a drive specifier or "\\".  Returns the unchanged input in other cases
151// (including file: URLs: these don't look like filenames).
152std::string FixupPath(const std::string& text) {
153  DCHECK(!text.empty());
155  base::FilePath::StringType filename;
156#if defined(OS_WIN)
157  base::FilePath input_path(UTF8ToWide(text));
158  PrepareStringForFileOps(input_path, &filename);
160  // Fixup Windows-style drive letters, where "C:" gets rewritten to "C|".
161  if (filename.length() > 1 && filename[1] == '|')
162    filename[1] = ':';
163#elif defined(OS_POSIX)
164  base::FilePath input_path(text);
165  PrepareStringForFileOps(input_path, &filename);
166  if (filename.length() > 0 && filename[0] == '~')
167    filename = FixupHomedir(filename);
170  // Here, we know the input looks like a file.
171  GURL file_url = net::FilePathToFileURL(base::FilePath(filename));
172  if (file_url.is_valid()) {
173    return UTF16ToUTF8(net::FormatUrl(file_url, std::string(),
174        net::kFormatUrlOmitUsernamePassword, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, NULL,
175        NULL, NULL));
176  }
178  // Invalid file URL, just return the input.
179  return text;
182// Checks |domain| to see if a valid TLD is already present.  If not, appends
183// |desired_tld| to the domain, and prepends "www." unless it's already present.
184void AddDesiredTLD(const std::string& desired_tld, std::string* domain) {
185  if (desired_tld.empty() || domain->empty())
186    return;
188  // Check the TLD.  If the return value is positive, we already have a TLD, so
189  // abort.  If the return value is std::string::npos, there's no valid host,
190  // but we can try to append a TLD anyway, since the host may become valid once
191  // the TLD is attached -- for example, "999999999999" is detected as a broken
192  // IP address and marked invalid, but attaching ".com" makes it legal.  When
193  // the return value is 0, there's a valid host with no known TLD, so we can
194  // definitely append the user's TLD.  We disallow unknown registries here so
195  // users can input "mail.yahoo" and hit ctrl-enter to get
196  // "www.mail.yahoo.com".
197  const size_t registry_length =
198      net::registry_controlled_domains::GetRegistryLength(
199          *domain,
200          net::registry_controlled_domains::EXCLUDE_UNKNOWN_REGISTRIES,
201          net::registry_controlled_domains::EXCLUDE_PRIVATE_REGISTRIES);
202  if ((registry_length != 0) && (registry_length != std::string::npos))
203    return;
205  // Add the suffix at the end of the domain.
206  const size_t domain_length(domain->length());
207  DCHECK_GT(domain_length, 0U);
208  DCHECK_NE(desired_tld[0], '.');
209  if ((*domain)[domain_length - 1] != '.')
210    domain->push_back('.');
211  domain->append(desired_tld);
213  // Now, if the domain begins with "www.", stop.
214  const std::string prefix("www.");
215  if (domain->compare(0, prefix.length(), prefix) != 0) {
216    // Otherwise, add www. to the beginning of the URL.
217    domain->insert(0, prefix);
218  }
221inline void FixupUsername(const std::string& text,
222                          const url_parse::Component& part,
223                          std::string* url) {
224  if (!part.is_valid())
225    return;
227  // We don't fix up the username at the moment.
228  url->append(text, part.begin, part.len);
229  // Do not append the trailing '@' because we might need to include the user's
230  // password.  FixupURL itself will append the '@' for us.
233inline void FixupPassword(const std::string& text,
234                          const url_parse::Component& part,
235                          std::string* url) {
236  if (!part.is_valid())
237    return;
239  // We don't fix up the password at the moment.
240  url->append(":");
241  url->append(text, part.begin, part.len);
244void FixupHost(const std::string& text,
245               const url_parse::Component& part,
246               bool has_scheme,
247               const std::string& desired_tld,
248               std::string* url) {
249  if (!part.is_valid())
250    return;
252  // Make domain valid.
253  // Strip all leading dots and all but one trailing dot, unless the user only
254  // typed dots, in which case their input is totally invalid and we should just
255  // leave it unchanged.
256  std::string domain(text, part.begin, part.len);
257  const size_t first_nondot(domain.find_first_not_of('.'));
258  if (first_nondot != std::string::npos) {
259    domain.erase(0, first_nondot);
260    size_t last_nondot(domain.find_last_not_of('.'));
261    DCHECK(last_nondot != std::string::npos);
262    last_nondot += 2;  // Point at second period in ending string
263    if (last_nondot < domain.length())
264      domain.erase(last_nondot);
265  }
267  // Add any user-specified TLD, if applicable.
268  AddDesiredTLD(desired_tld, &domain);
270  url->append(domain);
273void FixupPort(const std::string& text,
274               const url_parse::Component& part,
275               std::string* url) {
276  if (!part.is_valid())
277    return;
279  // We don't fix up the port at the moment.
280  url->append(":");
281  url->append(text, part.begin, part.len);
284inline void FixupPath(const std::string& text,
285                      const url_parse::Component& part,
286                      std::string* url) {
287  if (!part.is_valid() || part.len == 0) {
288    // We should always have a path.
289    url->append("/");
290    return;
291  }
293  // Append the path as is.
294  url->append(text, part.begin, part.len);
297inline void FixupQuery(const std::string& text,
298                       const url_parse::Component& part,
299                       std::string* url) {
300  if (!part.is_valid())
301    return;
303  // We don't fix up the query at the moment.
304  url->append("?");
305  url->append(text, part.begin, part.len);
308inline void FixupRef(const std::string& text,
309                     const url_parse::Component& part,
310                     std::string* url) {
311  if (!part.is_valid())
312    return;
314  // We don't fix up the ref at the moment.
315  url->append("#");
316  url->append(text, part.begin, part.len);
319bool HasPort(const std::string& original_text,
320             const url_parse::Component& scheme_component) {
321  // Find the range between the ":" and the "/".
322  size_t port_start = scheme_component.end() + 1;
323  size_t port_end = port_start;
324  while ((port_end < original_text.length()) &&
325         !url_parse::IsAuthorityTerminator(original_text[port_end]))
326    ++port_end;
327  if (port_end == port_start)
328    return false;
330  // Scan the range to see if it is entirely digits.
331  for (size_t i = port_start; i < port_end; ++i) {
332    if (!IsAsciiDigit(original_text[i]))
333      return false;
334  }
336  return true;
339// Try to extract a valid scheme from the beginning of |text|.
340// If successful, set |scheme_component| to the text range where the scheme
341// was located, and fill |canon_scheme| with its canonicalized form.
342// Otherwise, return false and leave the outputs in an indeterminate state.
343bool GetValidScheme(const std::string &text,
344                    url_parse::Component* scheme_component,
345                    std::string* canon_scheme) {
346  // Locate everything up to (but not including) the first ':'
347  if (!url_parse::ExtractScheme(text.data(), static_cast<int>(text.length()),
348                                scheme_component)) {
349    return false;
350  }
352  // Make sure the scheme contains only valid characters, and convert
353  // to lowercase.  This also catches IPv6 literals like [::1], because
354  // brackets are not in the whitelist.
355  url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput canon_scheme_output(canon_scheme);
356  url_parse::Component canon_scheme_component;
357  if (!url_canon::CanonicalizeScheme(text.data(), *scheme_component,
358                                     &canon_scheme_output,
359                                     &canon_scheme_component))
360    return false;
362  // Strip the ':', and any trailing buffer space.
363  DCHECK_EQ(0, canon_scheme_component.begin);
364  canon_scheme->erase(canon_scheme_component.len);
366  // We need to fix up the segmentation for "www.example.com:/".  For this
367  // case, we guess that schemes with a "." are not actually schemes.
368  if (canon_scheme->find('.') != std::string::npos)
369    return false;
371  // We need to fix up the segmentation for "www:123/".  For this case, we
372  // will add an HTTP scheme later and make the URL parser happy.
373  // TODO(pkasting): Maybe we should try to use GURL's parser for this?
374  if (HasPort(text, *scheme_component))
375    return false;
377  // Everything checks out.
378  return true;
381// Performs the work for URLFixerUpper::SegmentURL. |text| may be modified on
382// output on success: a semicolon following a valid scheme is replaced with a
383// colon.
384std::string SegmentURLInternal(std::string* text, url_parse::Parsed* parts) {
385  // Initialize the result.
386  *parts = url_parse::Parsed();
388  std::string trimmed;
389  TrimWhitespaceUTF8(*text, TRIM_ALL, &trimmed);
390  if (trimmed.empty())
391    return std::string();  // Nothing to segment.
393#if defined(OS_WIN)
394  int trimmed_length = static_cast<int>(trimmed.length());
395  if (url_parse::DoesBeginWindowsDriveSpec(trimmed.data(), 0, trimmed_length) ||
396      url_parse::DoesBeginUNCPath(trimmed.data(), 0, trimmed_length, true))
397    return "file";
398#elif defined(OS_POSIX)
399  if (base::FilePath::IsSeparator(trimmed.data()[0]) ||
400      trimmed.data()[0] == '~')
401    return "file";
404  // Otherwise, we need to look at things carefully.
405  std::string scheme;
406  if (!GetValidScheme(*text, &parts->scheme, &scheme)) {
407    // Try again if there is a ';' in the text. If changing it to a ':' results
408    // in a scheme being found, continue processing with the modified text.
409    bool found_scheme = false;
410    size_t semicolon = text->find(';');
411    if (semicolon != 0 && semicolon != std::string::npos) {
412      (*text)[semicolon] = ':';
413      if (GetValidScheme(*text, &parts->scheme, &scheme))
414        found_scheme = true;
415      else
416        (*text)[semicolon] = ';';
417    }
418    if (!found_scheme) {
419      // Couldn't determine the scheme, so just pick one.
420      parts->scheme.reset();
421      scheme.assign(StartsWithASCII(*text, "ftp.", false) ?
422                    chrome::kFtpScheme : chrome::kHttpScheme);
423    }
424  }
426  // Proceed with about and chrome schemes, but not file or nonstandard schemes.
427  if ((scheme != chrome::kAboutScheme) && (scheme != chrome::kChromeUIScheme) &&
428      ((scheme == chrome::kFileScheme) || !url_util::IsStandard(scheme.c_str(),
429           url_parse::Component(0, static_cast<int>(scheme.length())))))
430    return scheme;
432  if (scheme == chrome::kFileSystemScheme) {
433    // Have the GURL parser do the heavy lifting for us.
434    url_parse::ParseFileSystemURL(text->data(),
435        static_cast<int>(text->length()), parts);
436    return scheme;
437  }
439  if (parts->scheme.is_valid()) {
440    // Have the GURL parser do the heavy lifting for us.
441    url_parse::ParseStandardURL(text->data(), static_cast<int>(text->length()),
442                                parts);
443    return scheme;
444  }
446  // We need to add a scheme in order for ParseStandardURL to be happy.
447  // Find the first non-whitespace character.
448  std::string::iterator first_nonwhite = text->begin();
449  while ((first_nonwhite != text->end()) && IsWhitespace(*first_nonwhite))
450    ++first_nonwhite;
452  // Construct the text to parse by inserting the scheme.
453  std::string inserted_text(scheme);
454  inserted_text.append(content::kStandardSchemeSeparator);
455  std::string text_to_parse(text->begin(), first_nonwhite);
456  text_to_parse.append(inserted_text);
457  text_to_parse.append(first_nonwhite, text->end());
459  // Have the GURL parser do the heavy lifting for us.
460  url_parse::ParseStandardURL(text_to_parse.data(),
461                              static_cast<int>(text_to_parse.length()),
462                              parts);
464  // Offset the results of the parse to match the original text.
465  const int offset = -static_cast<int>(inserted_text.length());
466  URLFixerUpper::OffsetComponent(offset, &parts->scheme);
467  URLFixerUpper::OffsetComponent(offset, &parts->username);
468  URLFixerUpper::OffsetComponent(offset, &parts->password);
469  URLFixerUpper::OffsetComponent(offset, &parts->host);
470  URLFixerUpper::OffsetComponent(offset, &parts->port);
471  URLFixerUpper::OffsetComponent(offset, &parts->path);
472  URLFixerUpper::OffsetComponent(offset, &parts->query);
473  URLFixerUpper::OffsetComponent(offset, &parts->ref);
475  return scheme;
478}  // namespace
480std::string URLFixerUpper::SegmentURL(const std::string& text,
481                                      url_parse::Parsed* parts) {
482  std::string mutable_text(text);
483  return SegmentURLInternal(&mutable_text, parts);
486string16 URLFixerUpper::SegmentURL(const string16& text,
487                                   url_parse::Parsed* parts) {
488  std::string text_utf8 = UTF16ToUTF8(text);
489  url_parse::Parsed parts_utf8;
490  std::string scheme_utf8 = SegmentURL(text_utf8, &parts_utf8);
491  UTF8PartsToUTF16Parts(text_utf8, parts_utf8, parts);
492  return UTF8ToUTF16(scheme_utf8);
495GURL URLFixerUpper::FixupURL(const std::string& text,
496                             const std::string& desired_tld) {
497  std::string trimmed;
498  TrimWhitespaceUTF8(text, TRIM_ALL, &trimmed);
499  if (trimmed.empty())
500    return GURL();  // Nothing here.
502  // Segment the URL.
503  url_parse::Parsed parts;
504  std::string scheme(SegmentURLInternal(&trimmed, &parts));
506  // For view-source: URLs, we strip "view-source:", do fixup, and stick it back
507  // on.  This allows us to handle things like "view-source:google.com".
508  if (scheme == content::kViewSourceScheme) {
509    // Reject "view-source:view-source:..." to avoid deep recursion.
510    std::string view_source(content::kViewSourceScheme + std::string(":"));
511    if (!StartsWithASCII(text, view_source + view_source, false)) {
512      return GURL(content::kViewSourceScheme + std::string(":") +
513          FixupURL(trimmed.substr(scheme.length() + 1),
514                   desired_tld).possibly_invalid_spec());
515    }
516  }
518  // We handle the file scheme separately.
519  if (scheme == chrome::kFileScheme)
520    return GURL(parts.scheme.is_valid() ? text : FixupPath(text));
522  // We handle the filesystem scheme separately.
523  if (scheme == chrome::kFileSystemScheme) {
524    if (parts.inner_parsed() && parts.inner_parsed()->scheme.is_valid())
525      return GURL(text);
526    return GURL();
527  }
529  // Parse and rebuild about: and chrome: URLs, except about:blank.
530  bool chrome_url = !LowerCaseEqualsASCII(trimmed, content::kAboutBlankURL) &&
531      ((scheme == chrome::kAboutScheme) || (scheme == chrome::kChromeUIScheme));
533  // For some schemes whose layouts we understand, we rebuild it.
534  if (chrome_url || url_util::IsStandard(scheme.c_str(),
535          url_parse::Component(0, static_cast<int>(scheme.length())))) {
536    // Replace the about: scheme with the chrome: scheme.
537    std::string url(chrome_url ? chrome::kChromeUIScheme : scheme);
538    url.append(content::kStandardSchemeSeparator);
540    // We need to check whether the |username| is valid because it is our
541    // responsibility to append the '@' to delineate the user information from
542    // the host portion of the URL.
543    if (parts.username.is_valid()) {
544      FixupUsername(trimmed, parts.username, &url);
545      FixupPassword(trimmed, parts.password, &url);
546      url.append("@");
547    }
549    FixupHost(trimmed, parts.host, parts.scheme.is_valid(), desired_tld, &url);
550    if (chrome_url && !parts.host.is_valid())
551      url.append(chrome::kChromeUIDefaultHost);
552    FixupPort(trimmed, parts.port, &url);
553    FixupPath(trimmed, parts.path, &url);
554    FixupQuery(trimmed, parts.query, &url);
555    FixupRef(trimmed, parts.ref, &url);
557    return GURL(url);
558  }
560  // In the worst-case, we insert a scheme if the URL lacks one.
561  if (!parts.scheme.is_valid()) {
562    std::string fixed_scheme(scheme);
563    fixed_scheme.append(content::kStandardSchemeSeparator);
564    trimmed.insert(0, fixed_scheme);
565  }
567  return GURL(trimmed);
570// The rules are different here than for regular fixup, since we need to handle
571// input like "hello.html" and know to look in the current directory.  Regular
572// fixup will look for cues that it is actually a file path before trying to
573// figure out what file it is.  If our logic doesn't work, we will fall back on
574// regular fixup.
575GURL URLFixerUpper::FixupRelativeFile(const base::FilePath& base_dir,
576                                      const base::FilePath& text) {
577  base::FilePath old_cur_directory;
578  if (!base_dir.empty()) {
579    // Save the old current directory before we move to the new one.
580    file_util::GetCurrentDirectory(&old_cur_directory);
581    file_util::SetCurrentDirectory(base_dir);
582  }
584  // Allow funny input with extra whitespace and the wrong kind of slashes.
585  base::FilePath::StringType trimmed;
586  PrepareStringForFileOps(text, &trimmed);
588  bool is_file = true;
589  // Avoid recognizing definite non-file URLs as file paths.
590  GURL gurl(trimmed);
591  if (gurl.is_valid() && gurl.IsStandard())
592    is_file = false;
593  base::FilePath full_path;
594  if (is_file && !ValidPathForFile(trimmed, &full_path)) {
595    // Not a path as entered, try unescaping it in case the user has
596    // escaped things. We need to go through 8-bit since the escaped values
597    // only represent 8-bit values.
598#if defined(OS_WIN)
599    std::wstring unescaped = UTF8ToWide(net::UnescapeURLComponent(
600        WideToUTF8(trimmed),
601        net::UnescapeRule::SPACES | net::UnescapeRule::URL_SPECIAL_CHARS));
602#elif defined(OS_POSIX)
603    std::string unescaped = net::UnescapeURLComponent(
604        trimmed,
605        net::UnescapeRule::SPACES | net::UnescapeRule::URL_SPECIAL_CHARS);
608    if (!ValidPathForFile(unescaped, &full_path))
609      is_file = false;
610  }
612  // Put back the current directory if we saved it.
613  if (!base_dir.empty())
614    file_util::SetCurrentDirectory(old_cur_directory);
616  if (is_file) {
617    GURL file_url = net::FilePathToFileURL(full_path);
618    if (file_url.is_valid())
619      return GURL(UTF16ToUTF8(net::FormatUrl(file_url, std::string(),
620          net::kFormatUrlOmitUsernamePassword, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL, NULL,
621          NULL, NULL)));
622    // Invalid files fall through to regular processing.
623  }
625  // Fall back on regular fixup for this input.
626#if defined(OS_WIN)
627  std::string text_utf8 = WideToUTF8(text.value());
628#elif defined(OS_POSIX)
629  std::string text_utf8 = text.value();
631  return FixupURL(text_utf8, std::string());
634void URLFixerUpper::OffsetComponent(int offset, url_parse::Component* part) {
635  DCHECK(part);
637  if (part->is_valid()) {
638    // Offset the location of this component.
639    part->begin += offset;
641    // This part might not have existed in the original text.
642    if (part->begin < 0)
643      part->reset();
644  }