1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. 2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be 3// found in the LICENSE file. 4 5#include "chromeos/chromeos_switches.h" 6 7namespace chromeos { 8namespace switches { 9 10// Path for app's OEM manifest file. 11const char kAppOemManifestFile[] = "app-mode-oem-manifest"; 12 13// When wallpaper boot animation is not disabled this switch 14// is used to override OOBE/sign in WebUI init type. 15// Possible values: parallel|postpone. Default: parallel. 16const char kAshWebUIInit[] = "ash-webui-init"; 17 18// Enables overriding the path for the default authentication extension. 19const char kAuthExtensionPath[] = "auth-ext-path"; 20 21// Enables overriding the Chrome OS board type when running on Linux. 22const char kChromeOSReleaseBoard[] = "chromeos-release-board"; 23 24// Forces the stub implementation of dbus clients. 25const char kDbusStub[] = "dbus-stub"; 26 27// All stub networks are idle by default. 28const char kDefaultStubNetworkStateIdle[] = "default-stub-network-state-idle"; 29 30// Disables wallpaper boot animation (except of OOBE case). 31const char kDisableBootAnimation[] = "disable-boot-animation"; 32 33// Disables Chrome Captive Portal detector, which initiates Captive 34// Portal detection for new active networks. 35const char kDisableChromeCaptivePortalDetector[] = 36 "disable-chrome-captive-portal-detector"; 37 38// Disables Google Drive integration. 39const char kDisableDrive[] = "disable-drive"; 40 41// Disable policy-configured local accounts. 42const char kDisableLocalAccounts[] = "disable-local-accounts"; 43 44// Avoid doing expensive animations upon login. 45const char kDisableLoginAnimations[] = "disable-login-animations"; 46 47// Disable new channel switcher UI. 48const char kDisableNewChannelSwitcherUI[] = "disable-new-channel-switcher-ui"; 49 50// Disable Quickoffice component app thus handlers won't be registered so 51// it will be possible to install another version as normal app for testing. 52const char kDisableQuickofficeComponentApp[] = 53 "disable-quickoffice-component-app"; 54 55// Disables fetching online CrOS EULA page, only static version is shown. 56const char kDisableOnlineEULA[] = "disable-cros-online-eula"; 57 58// Avoid doing animations upon oobe. 59const char kDisableOobeAnimation[] = "disable-oobe-animation"; 60 61// Disables portal detection and network error handling before auto 62// update. 63const char kDisableOOBEBlockingUpdate[] = 64 "disable-oobe-blocking-update"; 65 66// Disables fake ethernet network in the stub implementations. 67const char kDisableStubEthernet[] = "disable-stub-ethernet"; 68 69// Enables overriding the path for the default echo component extension. 70// Useful for testing. 71const char kEchoExtensionPath[] = "echo-ext-path"; 72 73// Enables component extension that initializes background pages of 74// certain hosted applications. 75const char kEnableBackgroundLoader[] = "enable-background-loader"; 76 77// Enables switching between different cellular carriers from the UI. 78const char kEnableCarrierSwitching[] = "enable-carrier-switching"; 79 80// Enable switching between audio devices in Chrome instead of cras. 81const char kEnableChromeAudioSwitching[] = "enable-chrome-audio-switching"; 82 83// Enables Chrome Captive Portal detector, which initiates Captive 84// Portal detection for new active networks. 85const char kEnableChromeCaptivePortalDetector[] = 86 "enable-chrome-captive-portal-detector"; 87 88// Enables screensaver extensions. 89const char kEnableScreensaverExtensions[] = "enable-screensaver-extensions"; 90 91// Enable "interactive" mode for stub implemenations (e.g. NetworkStateHandler) 92const char kEnableStubInteractive[] = "enable-stub-interactive"; 93 94// Enable stub portalled wifi network for testing. 95const char kEnableStubPortalledWifi[] = "enable-stub-portalled-wifi"; 96 97// Enables touchpad three-finger-click as middle button. 98const char kEnableTouchpadThreeFingerClick[] 99 = "enable-touchpad-three-finger-click"; 100 101// Enable Kiosk mode for ChromeOS. Note this switch refers to retail mode rather 102// than the kiosk app mode. 103const char kEnableKioskMode[] = "enable-kiosk-mode"; 104 105// Enables request of tablet site (via user agent override). 106const char kEnableRequestTabletSite[] = "enable-request-tablet-site"; 107 108// Enables static ip configuration. This flag should be removed when it's on by 109// default. 110const char kEnableStaticIPConfig[] = "enable-static-ip-config"; 111 112// Power of the power-of-2 initial modulus that will be used by the 113// auto-enrollment client. E.g. "4" means the modulus will be 2^4 = 16. 114const char kEnterpriseEnrollmentInitialModulus[] = 115 "enterprise-enrollment-initial-modulus"; 116 117// Power of the power-of-2 maximum modulus that will be used by the 118// auto-enrollment client. 119const char kEnterpriseEnrollmentModulusLimit[] = 120 "enterprise-enrollment-modulus-limit"; 121 122// Shows the selecting checkboxes in the Files.app. 123const char kFileManagerShowCheckboxes[] = "file-manager-show-checkboxes"; 124 125// Enables the webstore integration feature in the Files.app. 126const char kFileManagerEnableWebstoreIntegration[] = 127 "file-manager-enable-webstore-integration"; 128 129// Passed to Chrome the first time that it's run after the system boots. 130// Not passed on restart after sign out. 131const char kFirstExecAfterBoot[] = "first-exec-after-boot"; 132 133// Usually in browser tests the usual login manager bringup is skipped so that 134// tests can change how it's brought up. This flag disables that. 135const char kForceLoginManagerInTests[] = "force-login-manager-in-tests"; 136 137// Indicates that the browser is in "browse without sign-in" (Guest session) 138// mode. Should completely disable extensions, sync and bookmarks. 139const char kGuestSession[] = "bwsi"; 140 141// If true, the Chromebook has a Chrome OS keyboard. Don't use the flag for 142// Chromeboxes. 143const char kHasChromeOSKeyboard[] = "has-chromeos-keyboard"; 144 145// If true, the Chromebook has a keyboard with a diamond key. 146const char kHasChromeOSDiamondKey[] = "has-chromeos-diamond-key"; 147 148// Path for the screensaver used in Kiosk mode 149const char kKioskModeScreensaverPath[] = "kiosk-mode-screensaver-path"; 150 151// Allows override of oobe for testing - goes directly to the login screen. 152const char kLoginScreen[] = "login-screen"; 153 154// Enables Chrome-as-a-login-manager behavior. 155const char kLoginManager[] = "login-manager"; 156 157// Specifies a password to be used to login (along with login-user). 158const char kLoginPassword[] = "login-password"; 159 160// Specifies the profile to use once a chromeos user is logged in. 161const char kLoginProfile[] = "login-profile"; 162 163// Specifies the user which is already logged in. 164const char kLoginUser[] = "login-user"; 165 166// Enables natural scroll by default. 167const char kNaturalScrollDefault[] = "enable-natural-scroll-default"; 168 169// Disables tab discard in low memory conditions, a feature which silently 170// closes inactive tabs to free memory and to attempt to avoid the kernel's 171// out-of-memory process killer. 172const char kNoDiscardTabs[] = "no-discard-tabs"; 173 174// Disables recording of swap and CPU utilization metrics logging after tab 175// switch and scroll events. 176const char kNoSwapMetrics[] = "no-swap-metrics"; 177 178// Skips all other OOBE pages after user login. 179const char kOobeSkipPostLogin[] = "oobe-skip-postlogin"; 180 181// Skips the machine hwid check. Useful for running in VMs because they have no 182// hwid. 183const char kSkipHWIDCheck[] = "skip-hwid-check"; 184 185// Sends test messages on first call to RequestUpdate (stub only). 186const char kSmsTestMessages[] = "sms-test-messages"; 187 188// Indicates that a stub implementation of CrosSettings that stores settings in 189// memory without signing should be used, treating current user as the owner. 190// This option is for testing the chromeos build of chrome on the desktop only. 191const char kStubCrosSettings[] = "stub-cros-settings"; 192 193// Enables usage of the new ManagedNetworkConfigurationHandler and 194// NetworkConfigurationHandler singletons. 195const char kUseNewNetworkConfigurationHandlers[] = 196 "use-new-network-configuration-handlers"; 197 198} // namespace switches 199} // namespace chromeos 200