1// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include <string>
10#include "base/basictypes.h"
11#include "base/callback.h"
12#include "chromeos/chromeos_export.h"
13#include "dbus/bus.h"
14#include "dbus/object_path.h"
16namespace chromeos {
18// BluetoothAgentServiceProvider is used to provide a D-Bus object that
19// the bluetooth daemon can communicate with during a remote device pairing
20// request.
22// Instantiate with a chosen D-Bus object path and delegate object, and pass
23// the D-Bus object path as the |agent_path| argument to the
24// chromeos::BluetoothAgentManagerClient::RegisterAgent() method.
26// After initiating the pairing process with a device, using the
27// chromeos::BluetoothDeviceClient::Pair() method, the Bluetooth daemon will
28// make calls to this agent object and they will be passed on to your Delegate
29// object for handling. Responses should be returned using the callbacks
30// supplied to those methods.
31class CHROMEOS_EXPORT BluetoothAgentServiceProvider {
32 public:
33  // Interface for reacting to agent requests.
34  class Delegate {
35   public:
36    virtual ~Delegate() {}
38    // Possible status values that may be returned to callbacks. Success
39    // indicates that a pincode or passkey has been obtained, or permission
40    // granted; rejected indicates the user rejected the request or denied
41    // permission; cancelled indicates the user cancelled the request
42    // without confirming either way.
43    enum Status {
44      SUCCESS,
45      REJECTED,
47    };
49    // The PinCodeCallback is used for the RequestPinCode() method, it should
50    // be called with two arguments, the |status| of the request (success,
51    // rejected or cancelled) and the |pincode| requested.
52    typedef base::Callback<void(Status, const std::string&)> PinCodeCallback;
54    // The PasskeyCallback is used for the RequestPasskey() method, it should
55    // be called with two arguments, the |status| of the request (success,
56    // rejected or cancelled) and the |passkey| requested, a numeric in the
57    // range 0-999999,
58    typedef base::Callback<void(Status, uint32)> PasskeyCallback;
60    // The ConfirmationCallback is used for methods which request confirmation
61    // or authorization, it should be called with one argument, the |status|
62    // of the request (success, rejected or cancelled).
63    typedef base::Callback<void(Status)> ConfirmationCallback;
65    // This method will be called when the agent is unregistered from the
66    // Bluetooth daemon, generally at the end of a pairing request. It may be
67    // used to perform cleanup tasks.
68    virtual void Release() = 0;
70    // This method will be called when the Bluetooth daemon requires a
71    // PIN Code for authentication of the device with object path |device_path|,
72    // the agent should obtain the code from the user and call |callback|
73    // to provide it, or indicate rejection or cancellation of the request.
74    //
75    // PIN Codes are generally required for Bluetooth 2.0 and earlier devices
76    // for which there is no automatic pairing or special handling.
77    virtual void RequestPinCode(const dbus::ObjectPath& device_path,
78                                const PinCodeCallback& callback) = 0;
80    // This method will be called when the Bluetooth daemon requires that the
81    // user enter the PIN code |pincode| into the device with object path
82    // |device_path| so that it may be authenticated. The Cancel() method
83    // will be called to dismiss the display once pairing is complete or
84    // cancelled.
85    //
86    // This is used for Bluetooth 2.0 and earlier keyboard devices, the
87    // |pincode| will always be a six-digit numeric in the range 000000-999999
88    // for compatibilty with later specifications.
89    virtual void DisplayPinCode(const dbus::ObjectPath& device_path,
90                                const std::string& pincode) = 0;
92    // This method will be called when the Bluetooth daemon requires a
93    // Passkey for authentication of the device with object path |device_path|,
94    // the agent should obtain the passkey from the user (a numeric in the
95    // range 0-999999) and call |callback| to provide it, or indicate
96    // rejection or cancellation of the request.
97    //
98    // Passkeys are generally required for Bluetooth 2.1 and later devices
99    // which cannot provide input or display on their own, and don't accept
100    // passkey-less pairing.
101    virtual void RequestPasskey(const dbus::ObjectPath& device_path,
102                                const PasskeyCallback& callback) = 0;
104    // This method will be called when the Bluetooth daemon requires that the
105    // user enter the Passkey |passkey| into the device with object path
106    // |device_path| so that it may be authenticated. The Cancel() method
107    // will be called to dismiss the display once pairing is complete or
108    // cancelled.
109    //
110    // This is used for Bluetooth 2.1 and later devices that support input
111    // but not display, such as keyboards. The Passkey is a numeric in the
112    // range 0-999999 and should be always presented zero-padded to six
113    // digits.
114    //
115    // As the user enters the passkey onto the device, |entered| will be
116    // updated to reflect the number of digits entered so far.
117    virtual void DisplayPasskey(const dbus::ObjectPath& device_path,
118                                uint32 passkey, uint16 entered) = 0;
120    // This method will be called when the Bluetooth daemon requires that the
121    // user confirm that the Passkey |passkey| is displayed on the screen
122    // of the device with object path |object_path| so that it may be
123    // authenticated. The agent should display to the user and ask for
124    // confirmation, then call |callback| to provide their response (success,
125    // rejected or cancelled).
126    //
127    // This is used for Bluetooth 2.1 and later devices that support display,
128    // such as other computers or phones. The Passkey is a numeric in the
129    // range 0-999999 and should be always present zero-padded to six
130    // digits.
131    virtual void RequestConfirmation(const dbus::ObjectPath& device_path,
132                                     uint32 passkey,
133                                     const ConfirmationCallback& callback) = 0;
135    // This method will be called when the Bluetooth daemon requires
136    // authorization of an incoming pairing attempt from the device with object
137    // path |device_path| that would have otherwised triggered the just-works
138    // pairing model.
139    //
140    // The agent should confirm the incoming pairing with the user and call
141    // |callback| to provide their response (success, rejected or cancelled).
142    virtual void RequestAuthorization(const dbus::ObjectPath& device_path,
143                                      const ConfirmationCallback& callback) = 0;
145    // This method will be called when the Bluetooth daemon requires that the
146    // user confirm that the device with object path |object_path| is
147    // authorized to connect to the service with UUID |uuid|. The agent should
148    // confirm with the user and call |callback| to provide their response
149    // (success, rejected or cancelled).
150    virtual void AuthorizeService(const dbus::ObjectPath& device_path,
151                                  const std::string& uuid,
152                                  const ConfirmationCallback& callback) = 0;
154    // This method will be called by the Bluetooth daemon to indicate that
155    // the request failed before a reply was returned from the device.
156    virtual void Cancel() = 0;
157  };
159  virtual ~BluetoothAgentServiceProvider();
161  // Creates the instance where |bus| is the D-Bus bus connection to export
162  // the object onto, |object_path| is the object path that it should have
163  // and |delegate| is the object to which all method calls will be passed
164  // and responses generated from.
165  static BluetoothAgentServiceProvider* Create(
166      dbus::Bus* bus,
167      const dbus::ObjectPath& object_path,
168      Delegate* delegate);
170 protected:
171  BluetoothAgentServiceProvider();
173 private:
174  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BluetoothAgentServiceProvider);
177}  // namespace chromeos