1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "media/audio/win/audio_low_latency_input_win.h"
7#include "base/logging.h"
8#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
9#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
10#include "media/audio/audio_util.h"
11#include "media/audio/win/audio_manager_win.h"
12#include "media/audio/win/avrt_wrapper_win.h"
14using base::win::ScopedComPtr;
15using base::win::ScopedCOMInitializer;
17namespace media {
20    AudioManagerWin* manager, const AudioParameters& params,
21    const std::string& device_id)
22    : manager_(manager),
23      capture_thread_(NULL),
24      opened_(false),
25      started_(false),
26      endpoint_buffer_size_frames_(0),
27      device_id_(device_id),
28      sink_(NULL) {
29  DCHECK(manager_);
31  // Load the Avrt DLL if not already loaded. Required to support MMCSS.
32  bool avrt_init = avrt::Initialize();
33  DCHECK(avrt_init) << "Failed to load the Avrt.dll";
35  // Set up the desired capture format specified by the client.
36  format_.nSamplesPerSec = params.sample_rate();
37  format_.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
38  format_.wBitsPerSample = params.bits_per_sample();
39  format_.nChannels = params.channels();
40  format_.nBlockAlign = (format_.wBitsPerSample / 8) * format_.nChannels;
41  format_.nAvgBytesPerSec = format_.nSamplesPerSec * format_.nBlockAlign;
42  format_.cbSize = 0;
44  // Size in bytes of each audio frame.
45  frame_size_ = format_.nBlockAlign;
46  // Store size of audio packets which we expect to get from the audio
47  // endpoint device in each capture event.
48  packet_size_frames_ = params.GetBytesPerBuffer() / format_.nBlockAlign;
49  packet_size_bytes_ = params.GetBytesPerBuffer();
50  DVLOG(1) << "Number of bytes per audio frame  : " << frame_size_;
51  DVLOG(1) << "Number of audio frames per packet: " << packet_size_frames_;
53  // All events are auto-reset events and non-signaled initially.
55  // Create the event which the audio engine will signal each time
56  // a buffer becomes ready to be processed by the client.
57  audio_samples_ready_event_.Set(CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL));
58  DCHECK(audio_samples_ready_event_.IsValid());
60  // Create the event which will be set in Stop() when capturing shall stop.
61  stop_capture_event_.Set(CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL));
62  DCHECK(stop_capture_event_.IsValid());
64  ms_to_frame_count_ = static_cast<double>(params.sample_rate()) / 1000.0;
66  LARGE_INTEGER performance_frequency;
67  if (QueryPerformanceFrequency(&performance_frequency)) {
68    perf_count_to_100ns_units_ =
69        (10000000.0 / static_cast<double>(performance_frequency.QuadPart));
70  } else {
71    LOG(ERROR) <<  "High-resolution performance counters are not supported.";
72    perf_count_to_100ns_units_ = 0.0;
73  }
76WASAPIAudioInputStream::~WASAPIAudioInputStream() {}
78bool WASAPIAudioInputStream::Open() {
79  DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread());
80  // Verify that we are not already opened.
81  if (opened_)
82    return false;
84  // Obtain a reference to the IMMDevice interface of the capturing
85  // device with the specified unique identifier or role which was
86  // set at construction.
87  HRESULT hr = SetCaptureDevice();
88  if (FAILED(hr))
89    return false;
91  // Obtain an IAudioClient interface which enables us to create and initialize
92  // an audio stream between an audio application and the audio engine.
93  hr = ActivateCaptureDevice();
94  if (FAILED(hr))
95    return false;
97  // Retrieve the stream format which the audio engine uses for its internal
98  // processing/mixing of shared-mode streams. This function call is for
99  // diagnostic purposes only and only in debug mode.
100#ifndef NDEBUG
101  hr = GetAudioEngineStreamFormat();
104  // Verify that the selected audio endpoint supports the specified format
105  // set during construction.
106  if (!DesiredFormatIsSupported()) {
107    return false;
108  }
110  // Initialize the audio stream between the client and the device using
111  // shared mode and a lowest possible glitch-free latency.
112  hr = InitializeAudioEngine();
114  opened_ = SUCCEEDED(hr);
115  return opened_;
118void WASAPIAudioInputStream::Start(AudioInputCallback* callback) {
119  DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread());
120  DCHECK(callback);
121  DLOG_IF(ERROR, !opened_) << "Open() has not been called successfully";
122  if (!opened_)
123    return;
125  if (started_)
126    return;
128  sink_ = callback;
130  // Starts periodic AGC microphone measurements if the AGC has been enabled
131  // using SetAutomaticGainControl().
132  StartAgc();
134  // Create and start the thread that will drive the capturing by waiting for
135  // capture events.
136  capture_thread_ =
137      new base::DelegateSimpleThread(this, "wasapi_capture_thread");
138  capture_thread_->Start();
140  // Start streaming data between the endpoint buffer and the audio engine.
141  HRESULT hr = audio_client_->Start();
142  DLOG_IF(ERROR, FAILED(hr)) << "Failed to start input streaming.";
144  started_ = SUCCEEDED(hr);
147void WASAPIAudioInputStream::Stop() {
148  DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread());
149  DVLOG(1) << "WASAPIAudioInputStream::Stop()";
150  if (!started_)
151    return;
153  // Stops periodic AGC microphone measurements.
154  StopAgc();
156  // Shut down the capture thread.
157  if (stop_capture_event_.IsValid()) {
158    SetEvent(stop_capture_event_.Get());
159  }
161  // Stop the input audio streaming.
162  HRESULT hr = audio_client_->Stop();
163  if (FAILED(hr)) {
164    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to stop input streaming.";
165  }
167  // Wait until the thread completes and perform cleanup.
168  if (capture_thread_) {
169    SetEvent(stop_capture_event_.Get());
170    capture_thread_->Join();
171    capture_thread_ = NULL;
172  }
174  started_ = false;
177void WASAPIAudioInputStream::Close() {
178  DVLOG(1) << "WASAPIAudioInputStream::Close()";
179  // It is valid to call Close() before calling open or Start().
180  // It is also valid to call Close() after Start() has been called.
181  Stop();
182  if (sink_) {
183    sink_->OnClose(this);
184    sink_ = NULL;
185  }
187  // Inform the audio manager that we have been closed. This will cause our
188  // destruction.
189  manager_->ReleaseInputStream(this);
192double WASAPIAudioInputStream::GetMaxVolume() {
193  // Verify that Open() has been called succesfully, to ensure that an audio
194  // session exists and that an ISimpleAudioVolume interface has been created.
195  DLOG_IF(ERROR, !opened_) << "Open() has not been called successfully";
196  if (!opened_)
197    return 0.0;
199  // The effective volume value is always in the range 0.0 to 1.0, hence
200  // we can return a fixed value (=1.0) here.
201  return 1.0;
204void WASAPIAudioInputStream::SetVolume(double volume) {
205  DVLOG(1) << "SetVolume(volume=" << volume << ")";
206  DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread());
207  DCHECK_GE(volume, 0.0);
208  DCHECK_LE(volume, 1.0);
210  DLOG_IF(ERROR, !opened_) << "Open() has not been called successfully";
211  if (!opened_)
212    return;
214  // Set a new master volume level. Valid volume levels are in the range
215  // 0.0 to 1.0. Ignore volume-change events.
216  HRESULT hr = simple_audio_volume_->SetMasterVolume(static_cast<float>(volume),
217      NULL);
218  DLOG_IF(WARNING, FAILED(hr)) << "Failed to set new input master volume.";
220  // Update the AGC volume level based on the last setting above. Note that,
221  // the volume-level resolution is not infinite and it is therefore not
222  // possible to assume that the volume provided as input parameter can be
223  // used directly. Instead, a new query to the audio hardware is required.
224  // This method does nothing if AGC is disabled.
225  UpdateAgcVolume();
228double WASAPIAudioInputStream::GetVolume() {
229  DLOG_IF(ERROR, !opened_) << "Open() has not been called successfully";
230  if (!opened_)
231    return 0.0;
233  // Retrieve the current volume level. The value is in the range 0.0 to 1.0.
234  float level = 0.0f;
235  HRESULT hr = simple_audio_volume_->GetMasterVolume(&level);
236  DLOG_IF(WARNING, FAILED(hr)) << "Failed to get input master volume.";
238  return static_cast<double>(level);
241// static
242int WASAPIAudioInputStream::HardwareSampleRate(
243    const std::string& device_id) {
244  base::win::ScopedCoMem<WAVEFORMATEX> audio_engine_mix_format;
245  HRESULT hr = GetMixFormat(device_id, &audio_engine_mix_format);
246  if (FAILED(hr))
247    return 0;
249  return static_cast<int>(audio_engine_mix_format->nSamplesPerSec);
252// static
253uint32 WASAPIAudioInputStream::HardwareChannelCount(
254    const std::string& device_id) {
255  base::win::ScopedCoMem<WAVEFORMATEX> audio_engine_mix_format;
256  HRESULT hr = GetMixFormat(device_id, &audio_engine_mix_format);
257  if (FAILED(hr))
258    return 0;
260  return static_cast<uint32>(audio_engine_mix_format->nChannels);
263// static
264HRESULT WASAPIAudioInputStream::GetMixFormat(const std::string& device_id,
265                                             WAVEFORMATEX** device_format) {
266  // It is assumed that this static method is called from a COM thread, i.e.,
267  // CoInitializeEx() is not called here to avoid STA/MTA conflicts.
268  ScopedComPtr<IMMDeviceEnumerator> enumerator;
269  HRESULT hr = enumerator.CreateInstance(__uuidof(MMDeviceEnumerator), NULL,
270                                         CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER);
271  if (FAILED(hr))
272    return hr;
274  ScopedComPtr<IMMDevice> endpoint_device;
275  if (device_id == AudioManagerBase::kDefaultDeviceId) {
276    // Retrieve the default capture audio endpoint.
277    hr = enumerator->GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(eCapture, eConsole,
278                                             endpoint_device.Receive());
279  } else {
280    // Retrieve a capture endpoint device that is specified by an endpoint
281    // device-identification string.
282    hr = enumerator->GetDevice(UTF8ToUTF16(device_id).c_str(),
283                               endpoint_device.Receive());
284  }
285  if (FAILED(hr))
286    return hr;
288  ScopedComPtr<IAudioClient> audio_client;
289  hr = endpoint_device->Activate(__uuidof(IAudioClient),
290                                 CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
291                                 NULL,
292                                 audio_client.ReceiveVoid());
293  return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? audio_client->GetMixFormat(device_format) : hr;
296void WASAPIAudioInputStream::Run() {
297  ScopedCOMInitializer com_init(ScopedCOMInitializer::kMTA);
299  // Increase the thread priority.
300  capture_thread_->SetThreadPriority(base::kThreadPriority_RealtimeAudio);
302  // Enable MMCSS to ensure that this thread receives prioritized access to
303  // CPU resources.
304  DWORD task_index = 0;
305  HANDLE mm_task = avrt::AvSetMmThreadCharacteristics(L"Pro Audio",
306                                                      &task_index);
307  bool mmcss_is_ok =
308      (mm_task && avrt::AvSetMmThreadPriority(mm_task, AVRT_PRIORITY_CRITICAL));
309  if (!mmcss_is_ok) {
310    // Failed to enable MMCSS on this thread. It is not fatal but can lead
311    // to reduced QoS at high load.
312    DWORD err = GetLastError();
313    LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to enable MMCSS (error code=" << err << ").";
314  }
316  // Allocate a buffer with a size that enables us to take care of cases like:
317  // 1) The recorded buffer size is smaller, or does not match exactly with,
318  //    the selected packet size used in each callback.
319  // 2) The selected buffer size is larger than the recorded buffer size in
320  //    each event.
321  size_t buffer_frame_index = 0;
322  size_t capture_buffer_size = std::max(
323      2 * endpoint_buffer_size_frames_ * frame_size_,
324      2 * packet_size_frames_ * frame_size_);
325  scoped_ptr<uint8[]> capture_buffer(new uint8[capture_buffer_size]);
327  LARGE_INTEGER now_count;
328  bool recording = true;
329  bool error = false;
330  double volume = GetVolume();
331  HANDLE wait_array[2] = {stop_capture_event_, audio_samples_ready_event_};
333  while (recording && !error) {
334    HRESULT hr = S_FALSE;
336    // Wait for a close-down event or a new capture event.
337    DWORD wait_result = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, wait_array, FALSE, INFINITE);
338    switch (wait_result) {
339      case WAIT_FAILED:
340        error = true;
341        break;
342      case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 0:
343        // |stop_capture_event_| has been set.
344        recording = false;
345        break;
346      case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1:
347        {
348          // |audio_samples_ready_event_| has been set.
349          BYTE* data_ptr = NULL;
350          UINT32 num_frames_to_read = 0;
351          DWORD flags = 0;
352          UINT64 device_position = 0;
353          UINT64 first_audio_frame_timestamp = 0;
355          // Retrieve the amount of data in the capture endpoint buffer,
356          // replace it with silence if required, create callbacks for each
357          // packet and store non-delivered data for the next event.
358          hr = audio_capture_client_->GetBuffer(&data_ptr,
359                                                &num_frames_to_read,
360                                                &flags,
361                                                &device_position,
362                                                &first_audio_frame_timestamp);
363          if (FAILED(hr)) {
364            DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get data from the capture buffer";
365            continue;
366          }
368          if (num_frames_to_read != 0) {
369            size_t pos = buffer_frame_index * frame_size_;
370            size_t num_bytes = num_frames_to_read * frame_size_;
371            DCHECK_GE(capture_buffer_size, pos + num_bytes);
373            if (flags & AUDCLNT_BUFFERFLAGS_SILENT) {
374              // Clear out the local buffer since silence is reported.
375              memset(&capture_buffer[pos], 0, num_bytes);
376            } else {
377              // Copy captured data from audio engine buffer to local buffer.
378              memcpy(&capture_buffer[pos], data_ptr, num_bytes);
379            }
381            buffer_frame_index += num_frames_to_read;
382          }
384          hr = audio_capture_client_->ReleaseBuffer(num_frames_to_read);
385          DLOG_IF(ERROR, FAILED(hr)) << "Failed to release capture buffer";
387          // Derive a delay estimate for the captured audio packet.
388          // The value contains two parts (A+B), where A is the delay of the
389          // first audio frame in the packet and B is the extra delay
390          // contained in any stored data. Unit is in audio frames.
391          QueryPerformanceCounter(&now_count);
392          double audio_delay_frames =
393              ((perf_count_to_100ns_units_ * now_count.QuadPart -
394                first_audio_frame_timestamp) / 10000.0) * ms_to_frame_count_ +
395                buffer_frame_index - num_frames_to_read;
397          // Get a cached AGC volume level which is updated once every second
398          // on the audio manager thread. Note that, |volume| is also updated
399          // each time SetVolume() is called through IPC by the render-side AGC.
400          GetAgcVolume(&volume);
402          // Deliver captured data to the registered consumer using a packet
403          // size which was specified at construction.
404          uint32 delay_frames = static_cast<uint32>(audio_delay_frames + 0.5);
405          while (buffer_frame_index >= packet_size_frames_) {
406            uint8* audio_data =
407                reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(capture_buffer.get());
409            // Deliver data packet, delay estimation and volume level to
410            // the user.
411            sink_->OnData(this,
412                          audio_data,
413                          packet_size_bytes_,
414                          delay_frames * frame_size_,
415                          volume);
417            // Store parts of the recorded data which can't be delivered
418            // using the current packet size. The stored section will be used
419            // either in the next while-loop iteration or in the next
420            // capture event.
421            memmove(&capture_buffer[0],
422                    &capture_buffer[packet_size_bytes_],
423                    (buffer_frame_index - packet_size_frames_) * frame_size_);
425            buffer_frame_index -= packet_size_frames_;
426            delay_frames -= packet_size_frames_;
427          }
428        }
429        break;
430      default:
431        error = true;
432        break;
433    }
434  }
436  if (recording && error) {
437    // TODO(henrika): perhaps it worth improving the cleanup here by e.g.
438    // stopping the audio client, joining the thread etc.?
439    NOTREACHED() << "WASAPI capturing failed with error code "
440                 << GetLastError();
441  }
443  // Disable MMCSS.
444  if (mm_task && !avrt::AvRevertMmThreadCharacteristics(mm_task)) {
445    PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to disable MMCSS";
446  }
449void WASAPIAudioInputStream::HandleError(HRESULT err) {
450  NOTREACHED() << "Error code: " << err;
451  if (sink_)
452    sink_->OnError(this);
455HRESULT WASAPIAudioInputStream::SetCaptureDevice() {
456  ScopedComPtr<IMMDeviceEnumerator> enumerator;
457  HRESULT hr =  CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(MMDeviceEnumerator),
458                                 NULL,
459                                 CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
460                                 __uuidof(IMMDeviceEnumerator),
461                                 enumerator.ReceiveVoid());
462  if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
463    // Retrieve the IMMDevice by using the specified role or the specified
464    // unique endpoint device-identification string.
465    // TODO(henrika): possibly add support for the eCommunications as well.
466    if (device_id_ == AudioManagerBase::kDefaultDeviceId) {
467      // Retrieve the default capture audio endpoint for the specified role.
468      // Note that, in Windows Vista, the MMDevice API supports device roles
469      // but the system-supplied user interface programs do not.
470      hr = enumerator->GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(eCapture,
471                                               eConsole,
472                                               endpoint_device_.Receive());
473    } else {
474      // Retrieve a capture endpoint device that is specified by an endpoint
475      // device-identification string.
476      hr = enumerator->GetDevice(UTF8ToUTF16(device_id_).c_str(),
477                                 endpoint_device_.Receive());
478    }
480    if (FAILED(hr))
481      return hr;
483    // Verify that the audio endpoint device is active, i.e., the audio
484    // adapter that connects to the endpoint device is present and enabled.
486    hr = endpoint_device_->GetState(&state);
487    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
488      if (!(state & DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVE)) {
489        DLOG(ERROR) << "Selected capture device is not active.";
490        hr = E_ACCESSDENIED;
491      }
492    }
493  }
495  return hr;
498HRESULT WASAPIAudioInputStream::ActivateCaptureDevice() {
499  // Creates and activates an IAudioClient COM object given the selected
500  // capture endpoint device.
501  HRESULT hr = endpoint_device_->Activate(__uuidof(IAudioClient),
502                                          CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
503                                          NULL,
504                                          audio_client_.ReceiveVoid());
505  return hr;
508HRESULT WASAPIAudioInputStream::GetAudioEngineStreamFormat() {
509  HRESULT hr = S_OK;
510#ifndef NDEBUG
511  // The GetMixFormat() method retrieves the stream format that the
512  // audio engine uses for its internal processing of shared-mode streams.
513  // The method always uses a WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE structure, instead
514  // of a stand-alone WAVEFORMATEX structure, to specify the format.
515  // An WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE structure can specify both the mapping of
516  // channels to speakers and the number of bits of precision in each sample.
517  base::win::ScopedCoMem<WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE> format_ex;
518  hr = audio_client_->GetMixFormat(
519      reinterpret_cast<WAVEFORMATEX**>(&format_ex));
521  // See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/hardware/gg463006#EFH
522  // for details on the WAVE file format.
523  WAVEFORMATEX format = format_ex->Format;
525  DVLOG(2) << "  wFormatTags    : 0x" << std::hex << format.wFormatTag;
526  DVLOG(2) << "  nChannels      : " << format.nChannels;
527  DVLOG(2) << "  nSamplesPerSec : " << format.nSamplesPerSec;
528  DVLOG(2) << "  nAvgBytesPerSec: " << format.nAvgBytesPerSec;
529  DVLOG(2) << "  nBlockAlign    : " << format.nBlockAlign;
530  DVLOG(2) << "  wBitsPerSample : " << format.wBitsPerSample;
531  DVLOG(2) << "  cbSize         : " << format.cbSize;
534  DVLOG(2) << " wValidBitsPerSample: " <<
535      format_ex->Samples.wValidBitsPerSample;
536  DVLOG(2) << " dwChannelMask      : 0x" << std::hex <<
537      format_ex->dwChannelMask;
538  if (format_ex->SubFormat == KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM)
539    DVLOG(2) << " SubFormat          : KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM";
540  else if (format_ex->SubFormat == KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_IEEE_FLOAT)
541    DVLOG(2) << " SubFormat          : KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_IEEE_FLOAT";
542  else if (format_ex->SubFormat == KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_WAVEFORMATEX)
543    DVLOG(2) << " SubFormat          : KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_WAVEFORMATEX";
545  return hr;
548bool WASAPIAudioInputStream::DesiredFormatIsSupported() {
549  // An application that uses WASAPI to manage shared-mode streams can rely
550  // on the audio engine to perform only limited format conversions. The audio
551  // engine can convert between a standard PCM sample size used by the
552  // application and the floating-point samples that the engine uses for its
553  // internal processing. However, the format for an application stream
554  // typically must have the same number of channels and the same sample
555  // rate as the stream format used by the device.
556  // Many audio devices support both PCM and non-PCM stream formats. However,
557  // the audio engine can mix only PCM streams.
558  base::win::ScopedCoMem<WAVEFORMATEX> closest_match;
559  HRESULT hr = audio_client_->IsFormatSupported(AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_SHARED,
560                                                &format_,
561                                                &closest_match);
562  DLOG_IF(ERROR, hr == S_FALSE) << "Format is not supported "
563                                << "but a closest match exists.";
564  return (hr == S_OK);
567HRESULT WASAPIAudioInputStream::InitializeAudioEngine() {
568  // Initialize the audio stream between the client and the device.
569  // We connect indirectly through the audio engine by using shared mode
570  // and WASAPI is initialized in an event driven mode.
571  // Note that, |hnsBufferDuration| is set of 0, which ensures that the
572  // buffer is never smaller than the minimum buffer size needed to ensure
573  // that glitches do not occur between the periodic processing passes.
574  // This setting should lead to lowest possible latency.
575  HRESULT hr = audio_client_->Initialize(AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_SHARED,
576                                         AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_EVENTCALLBACK |
577                                         AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_NOPERSIST,
578                                         0,  // hnsBufferDuration
579                                         0,
580                                         &format_,
581                                         NULL);
582  if (FAILED(hr))
583    return hr;
585  // Retrieve the length of the endpoint buffer shared between the client
586  // and the audio engine. The buffer length determines the maximum amount
587  // of capture data that the audio engine can read from the endpoint buffer
588  // during a single processing pass.
589  // A typical value is 960 audio frames <=> 20ms @ 48kHz sample rate.
590  hr = audio_client_->GetBufferSize(&endpoint_buffer_size_frames_);
591  if (FAILED(hr))
592    return hr;
593  DVLOG(1) << "endpoint buffer size: " << endpoint_buffer_size_frames_
594           << " [frames]";
596#ifndef NDEBUG
597  // The period between processing passes by the audio engine is fixed for a
598  // particular audio endpoint device and represents the smallest processing
599  // quantum for the audio engine. This period plus the stream latency between
600  // the buffer and endpoint device represents the minimum possible latency
601  // that an audio application can achieve.
602  // TODO(henrika): possibly remove this section when all parts are ready.
603  REFERENCE_TIME device_period_shared_mode = 0;
604  REFERENCE_TIME device_period_exclusive_mode = 0;
605  HRESULT hr_dbg = audio_client_->GetDevicePeriod(
606      &device_period_shared_mode, &device_period_exclusive_mode);
607  if (SUCCEEDED(hr_dbg)) {
608    DVLOG(1) << "device period: "
609             << static_cast<double>(device_period_shared_mode / 10000.0)
610             << " [ms]";
611  }
613  REFERENCE_TIME latency = 0;
614  hr_dbg = audio_client_->GetStreamLatency(&latency);
615  if (SUCCEEDED(hr_dbg)) {
616    DVLOG(1) << "stream latency: " << static_cast<double>(latency / 10000.0)
617             << " [ms]";
618  }
621  // Set the event handle that the audio engine will signal each time
622  // a buffer becomes ready to be processed by the client.
623  hr = audio_client_->SetEventHandle(audio_samples_ready_event_.Get());
624  if (FAILED(hr))
625    return hr;
627  // Get access to the IAudioCaptureClient interface. This interface
628  // enables us to read input data from the capture endpoint buffer.
629  hr = audio_client_->GetService(__uuidof(IAudioCaptureClient),
630                                 audio_capture_client_.ReceiveVoid());
631  if (FAILED(hr))
632    return hr;
634  // Obtain a reference to the ISimpleAudioVolume interface which enables
635  // us to control the master volume level of an audio session.
636  hr = audio_client_->GetService(__uuidof(ISimpleAudioVolume),
637                                 simple_audio_volume_.ReceiveVoid());
638  return hr;
641}  // namespace media