1package org.junit.rules;
3import org.junit.runner.Description;
4import org.junit.runners.model.Statement;
7 * Verifier is a base class for Rules like ErrorCollector, which can turn
8 * otherwise passing test methods into failing tests if a verification check is
9 * failed
10 *
11 * <pre>
12 *     public static class ErrorLogVerifier() {
13 *        private ErrorLog errorLog = new ErrorLog();
14 *
15 *        &#064;Rule
16 *        public MethodRule verifier = new Verifier() {
17 *           &#064;Override public void verify() {
18 *              assertTrue(errorLog.isEmpty());
19 *           }
20 *        }
21 *
22 *        &#064;Test public void testThatMightWriteErrorLog() {
23 *           // ...
24 *        }
25 *     }
26 * </pre>
27 */
28public class Verifier implements TestRule {
29	public Statement apply(final Statement base, Description description) {
30		return new Statement() {
31			@Override
32			public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
33				base.evaluate();
34				verify();
35			}
36		};
37	}
39	/**
40	 * Override this to add verification logic. Overrides should throw an
41	 * exception to indicate that verification failed.
42	 */
43	protected void verify() throws Throwable {
44	}