2 * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package android.view;
19import dalvik.system.CloseGuard;
20import android.graphics.Bitmap;
21import android.graphics.Rect;
22import android.graphics.Region;
23import android.view.Surface;
24import android.os.IBinder;
25import android.os.SystemProperties;
26import android.util.Log;
27import android.view.Surface.OutOfResourcesException;
30 * SurfaceControl
31 *  @hide
32 */
33public class SurfaceControl {
34    private static final String TAG = "SurfaceControl";
36    private static native int nativeCreate(SurfaceSession session, String name,
37            int w, int h, int format, int flags)
38            throws OutOfResourcesException;
39    private static native void nativeRelease(int nativeObject);
40    private static native void nativeDestroy(int nativeObject);
42    private static native Bitmap nativeScreenshot(IBinder displayToken,
43            int width, int height, int minLayer, int maxLayer, boolean allLayers);
44    private static native void nativeScreenshot(IBinder displayToken, Surface consumer,
45            int width, int height, int minLayer, int maxLayer, boolean allLayers);
47    private static native void nativeOpenTransaction();
48    private static native void nativeCloseTransaction();
49    private static native void nativeSetAnimationTransaction();
51    private static native void nativeSetLayer(int nativeObject, int zorder);
52    private static native void nativeSetPosition(int nativeObject, float x, float y);
53    private static native void nativeSetSize(int nativeObject, int w, int h);
54    private static native void nativeSetTransparentRegionHint(int nativeObject, Region region);
55    private static native void nativeSetAlpha(int nativeObject, float alpha);
56    private static native void nativeSetMatrix(int nativeObject, float dsdx, float dtdx, float dsdy, float dtdy);
57    private static native void nativeSetFlags(int nativeObject, int flags, int mask);
58    private static native void nativeSetWindowCrop(int nativeObject, int l, int t, int r, int b);
59    private static native void nativeSetLayerStack(int nativeObject, int layerStack);
61    private static native IBinder nativeGetBuiltInDisplay(int physicalDisplayId);
62    private static native IBinder nativeCreateDisplay(String name, boolean secure);
63    private static native void nativeDestroyDisplay(IBinder displayToken);
64    private static native void nativeSetDisplaySurface(
65            IBinder displayToken, int nativeSurfaceObject);
66    private static native void nativeSetDisplayLayerStack(
67            IBinder displayToken, int layerStack);
68    private static native void nativeSetDisplayProjection(
69            IBinder displayToken, int orientation,
70            int l, int t, int r, int b,
71            int L, int T, int R, int B);
72    private static native boolean nativeGetDisplayInfo(
73            IBinder displayToken, SurfaceControl.PhysicalDisplayInfo outInfo);
74    private static native void nativeBlankDisplay(IBinder displayToken);
75    private static native void nativeUnblankDisplay(IBinder displayToken);
78    private final CloseGuard mCloseGuard = CloseGuard.get();
79    private final String mName;
80    int mNativeObject; // package visibility only for Surface.java access
82    private static final boolean HEADLESS = "1".equals(
83        SystemProperties.get("ro.config.headless", "0"));
85    /* flags used in constructor (keep in sync with ISurfaceComposerClient.h) */
87    /**
88     * Surface creation flag: Surface is created hidden
89     */
90    public static final int HIDDEN = 0x00000004;
92    /**
93     * Surface creation flag: The surface contains secure content, special
94     * measures will be taken to disallow the surface's content to be copied
95     * from another process. In particular, screenshots and VNC servers will
96     * be disabled, but other measures can take place, for instance the
97     * surface might not be hardware accelerated.
98     *
99     */
100    public static final int SECURE = 0x00000080;
102    /**
103     * Surface creation flag: Creates a surface where color components are interpreted
104     * as "non pre-multiplied" by their alpha channel. Of course this flag is
105     * meaningless for surfaces without an alpha channel. By default
106     * surfaces are pre-multiplied, which means that each color component is
107     * already multiplied by its alpha value. In this case the blending
108     * equation used is:
109     *
110     *    DEST = SRC + DEST * (1-SRC_ALPHA)
111     *
112     * By contrast, non pre-multiplied surfaces use the following equation:
113     *
114     *    DEST = SRC * SRC_ALPHA * DEST * (1-SRC_ALPHA)
115     *
116     * pre-multiplied surfaces must always be used if transparent pixels are
117     * composited on top of each-other into the surface. A pre-multiplied
118     * surface can never lower the value of the alpha component of a given
119     * pixel.
120     *
121     * In some rare situations, a non pre-multiplied surface is preferable.
122     *
123     */
124    public static final int NON_PREMULTIPLIED = 0x00000100;
126    /**
127     * Surface creation flag: Indicates that the surface must be considered opaque,
128     * even if its pixel format is set to translucent. This can be useful if an
129     * application needs full RGBA 8888 support for instance but will
130     * still draw every pixel opaque.
131     *
132     */
133    public static final int OPAQUE = 0x00000400;
135    /**
136     * Surface creation flag: Application requires a hardware-protected path to an
137     * external display sink. If a hardware-protected path is not available,
138     * then this surface will not be displayed on the external sink.
139     *
140     */
141    public static final int PROTECTED_APP = 0x00000800;
143    // 0x1000 is reserved for an independent DRM protected flag in framework
145    /**
146     * Surface creation flag: Creates a normal surface.
147     * This is the default.
148     *
149     */
150    public static final int FX_SURFACE_NORMAL   = 0x00000000;
152    /**
153     * Surface creation flag: Creates a Dim surface.
154     * Everything behind this surface is dimmed by the amount specified
155     * in {@link #setAlpha}.  It is an error to lock a Dim surface, since it
156     * doesn't have a backing store.
157     *
158     */
159    public static final int FX_SURFACE_DIM = 0x00020000;
161    /**
162     * Mask used for FX values above.
163     *
164     */
165    public static final int FX_SURFACE_MASK = 0x000F0000;
167    /* flags used with setFlags() (keep in sync with ISurfaceComposer.h) */
169    /**
170     * Surface flag: Hide the surface.
171     * Equivalent to calling hide().
172     */
173    public static final int SURFACE_HIDDEN = 0x01;
176    /* built-in physical display ids (keep in sync with ISurfaceComposer.h)
177     * these are different from the logical display ids used elsewhere in the framework */
179    /**
180     * Built-in physical display id: Main display.
181     * Use only with {@link SurfaceControl#getBuiltInDisplay()}.
182     */
183    public static final int BUILT_IN_DISPLAY_ID_MAIN = 0;
185    /**
186     * Built-in physical display id: Attached HDMI display.
187     * Use only with {@link SurfaceControl#getBuiltInDisplay()}.
188     */
189    public static final int BUILT_IN_DISPLAY_ID_HDMI = 1;
193    /**
194     * Create a surface with a name.
195     *
196     * The surface creation flags specify what kind of surface to create and
197     * certain options such as whether the surface can be assumed to be opaque
198     * and whether it should be initially hidden.  Surfaces should always be
199     * created with the {@link #HIDDEN} flag set to ensure that they are not
200     * made visible prematurely before all of the surface's properties have been
201     * configured.
202     *
203     * Good practice is to first create the surface with the {@link #HIDDEN} flag
204     * specified, open a transaction, set the surface layer, layer stack, alpha,
205     * and position, call {@link #show} if appropriate, and close the transaction.
206     *
207     * @param session The surface session, must not be null.
208     * @param name The surface name, must not be null.
209     * @param w The surface initial width.
210     * @param h The surface initial height.
211     * @param flags The surface creation flags.  Should always include {@link #HIDDEN}
212     * in the creation flags.
213     *
214     * @throws throws OutOfResourcesException If the SurfaceControl cannot be created.
215     */
216    public SurfaceControl(SurfaceSession session,
217            String name, int w, int h, int format, int flags)
218                    throws OutOfResourcesException {
219        if (session == null) {
220            throw new IllegalArgumentException("session must not be null");
221        }
222        if (name == null) {
223            throw new IllegalArgumentException("name must not be null");
224        }
226        if ((flags & SurfaceControl.HIDDEN) == 0) {
227            Log.w(TAG, "Surfaces should always be created with the HIDDEN flag set "
228                    + "to ensure that they are not made visible prematurely before "
229                    + "all of the surface's properties have been configured.  "
230                    + "Set the other properties and make the surface visible within "
231                    + "a transaction.  New surface name: " + name,
232                    new Throwable());
233        }
235        checkHeadless();
237        mName = name;
238        mNativeObject = nativeCreate(session, name, w, h, format, flags);
239        if (mNativeObject == 0) {
240            throw new OutOfResourcesException(
241                    "Couldn't allocate SurfaceControl native object");
242        }
244        mCloseGuard.open("release");
245    }
247    @Override
248    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
249        try {
250            if (mCloseGuard != null) {
251                mCloseGuard.warnIfOpen();
252            }
253            if (mNativeObject != 0) {
254                nativeRelease(mNativeObject);
255            }
256        } finally {
257            super.finalize();
258        }
259    }
261    @Override
262    public String toString() {
263        return "Surface(name=" + mName + ")";
264    }
266    /**
267     * Release the local reference to the server-side surface.
268     * Always call release() when you're done with a Surface.
269     * This will make the surface invalid.
270     */
271    public void release() {
272        if (mNativeObject != 0) {
273            nativeRelease(mNativeObject);
274            mNativeObject = 0;
275        }
276        mCloseGuard.close();
277    }
279    /**
280     * Free all server-side state associated with this surface and
281     * release this object's reference.  This method can only be
282     * called from the process that created the service.
283     */
284    public void destroy() {
285        if (mNativeObject != 0) {
286            nativeDestroy(mNativeObject);
287            mNativeObject = 0;
288        }
289        mCloseGuard.close();
290    }
292    private void checkNotReleased() {
293        if (mNativeObject == 0) throw new NullPointerException(
294                "mNativeObject is null. Have you called release() already?");
295    }
297    /*
298     * set surface parameters.
299     * needs to be inside open/closeTransaction block
300     */
302    /** start a transaction */
303    public static void openTransaction() {
304        nativeOpenTransaction();
305    }
307    /** end a transaction */
308    public static void closeTransaction() {
309        nativeCloseTransaction();
310    }
312    /** flag the transaction as an animation */
313    public static void setAnimationTransaction() {
314        nativeSetAnimationTransaction();
315    }
317    public void setLayer(int zorder) {
318        checkNotReleased();
319        nativeSetLayer(mNativeObject, zorder);
320    }
322    public void setPosition(float x, float y) {
323        checkNotReleased();
324        nativeSetPosition(mNativeObject, x, y);
325    }
327    public void setSize(int w, int h) {
328        checkNotReleased();
329        nativeSetSize(mNativeObject, w, h);
330    }
332    public void hide() {
333        checkNotReleased();
334        nativeSetFlags(mNativeObject, SURFACE_HIDDEN, SURFACE_HIDDEN);
335    }
337    public void show() {
338        checkNotReleased();
339        nativeSetFlags(mNativeObject, 0, SURFACE_HIDDEN);
340    }
342    public void setTransparentRegionHint(Region region) {
343        checkNotReleased();
344        nativeSetTransparentRegionHint(mNativeObject, region);
345    }
347    public void setAlpha(float alpha) {
348        checkNotReleased();
349        nativeSetAlpha(mNativeObject, alpha);
350    }
352    public void setMatrix(float dsdx, float dtdx, float dsdy, float dtdy) {
353        checkNotReleased();
354        nativeSetMatrix(mNativeObject, dsdx, dtdx, dsdy, dtdy);
355    }
357    public void setFlags(int flags, int mask) {
358        checkNotReleased();
359        nativeSetFlags(mNativeObject, flags, mask);
360    }
362    public void setWindowCrop(Rect crop) {
363        checkNotReleased();
364        if (crop != null) {
365            nativeSetWindowCrop(mNativeObject,
366                crop.left, crop.top, crop.right, crop.bottom);
367        } else {
368            nativeSetWindowCrop(mNativeObject, 0, 0, 0, 0);
369        }
370    }
372    public void setLayerStack(int layerStack) {
373        checkNotReleased();
374        nativeSetLayerStack(mNativeObject, layerStack);
375    }
377    /*
378     * set display parameters.
379     * needs to be inside open/closeTransaction block
380     */
382    /**
383     * Describes the properties of a physical display known to surface flinger.
384     */
385    public static final class PhysicalDisplayInfo {
386        public int width;
387        public int height;
388        public float refreshRate;
389        public float density;
390        public float xDpi;
391        public float yDpi;
392        public boolean secure;
394        public PhysicalDisplayInfo() {
395        }
397        public PhysicalDisplayInfo(PhysicalDisplayInfo other) {
398            copyFrom(other);
399        }
401        @Override
402        public boolean equals(Object o) {
403            return o instanceof PhysicalDisplayInfo && equals((PhysicalDisplayInfo)o);
404        }
406        public boolean equals(PhysicalDisplayInfo other) {
407            return other != null
408                    && width == other.width
409                    && height == other.height
410                    && refreshRate == other.refreshRate
411                    && density == other.density
412                    && xDpi == other.xDpi
413                    && yDpi == other.yDpi
414                    && secure == other.secure;
415        }
417        @Override
418        public int hashCode() {
419            return 0; // don't care
420        }
422        public void copyFrom(PhysicalDisplayInfo other) {
423            width = other.width;
424            height = other.height;
425            refreshRate = other.refreshRate;
426            density = other.density;
427            xDpi = other.xDpi;
428            yDpi = other.yDpi;
429            secure = other.secure;
430        }
432        // For debugging purposes
433        @Override
434        public String toString() {
435            return "PhysicalDisplayInfo{" + width + " x " + height + ", " + refreshRate + " fps, "
436                    + "density " + density + ", " + xDpi + " x " + yDpi + " dpi, secure " + secure
437                    + "}";
438        }
439    }
441    public static void unblankDisplay(IBinder displayToken) {
442        if (displayToken == null) {
443            throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
444        }
445        nativeUnblankDisplay(displayToken);
446    }
448    public static void blankDisplay(IBinder displayToken) {
449        if (displayToken == null) {
450            throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
451        }
452        nativeBlankDisplay(displayToken);
453    }
455    public static boolean getDisplayInfo(IBinder displayToken, SurfaceControl.PhysicalDisplayInfo outInfo) {
456        if (displayToken == null) {
457            throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
458        }
459        if (outInfo == null) {
460            throw new IllegalArgumentException("outInfo must not be null");
461        }
462        return nativeGetDisplayInfo(displayToken, outInfo);
463    }
465    public static void setDisplayProjection(IBinder displayToken,
466            int orientation, Rect layerStackRect, Rect displayRect) {
467        if (displayToken == null) {
468            throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
469        }
470        if (layerStackRect == null) {
471            throw new IllegalArgumentException("layerStackRect must not be null");
472        }
473        if (displayRect == null) {
474            throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayRect must not be null");
475        }
476        nativeSetDisplayProjection(displayToken, orientation,
477                layerStackRect.left, layerStackRect.top, layerStackRect.right, layerStackRect.bottom,
478                displayRect.left, displayRect.top, displayRect.right, displayRect.bottom);
479    }
481    public static void setDisplayLayerStack(IBinder displayToken, int layerStack) {
482        if (displayToken == null) {
483            throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
484        }
485        nativeSetDisplayLayerStack(displayToken, layerStack);
486    }
488    public static void setDisplaySurface(IBinder displayToken, Surface surface) {
489        if (displayToken == null) {
490            throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
491        }
493        if (surface != null) {
494            synchronized (surface.mLock) {
495                nativeSetDisplaySurface(displayToken, surface.mNativeObject);
496            }
497        } else {
498            nativeSetDisplaySurface(displayToken, 0);
499        }
500    }
502    public static IBinder createDisplay(String name, boolean secure) {
503        if (name == null) {
504            throw new IllegalArgumentException("name must not be null");
505        }
506        return nativeCreateDisplay(name, secure);
507    }
509    public static void destroyDisplay(IBinder displayToken) {
510        if (displayToken == null) {
511            throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
512        }
513        nativeDestroyDisplay(displayToken);
514    }
516    public static IBinder getBuiltInDisplay(int builtInDisplayId) {
517        return nativeGetBuiltInDisplay(builtInDisplayId);
518    }
521    /**
522     * Copy the current screen contents into the provided {@link Surface}
523     *
524     * @param display The display to take the screenshot of.
525     * @param consumer The {@link Surface} to take the screenshot into.
526     * @param width The desired width of the returned bitmap; the raw
527     * screen will be scaled down to this size.
528     * @param height The desired height of the returned bitmap; the raw
529     * screen will be scaled down to this size.
530     * @param minLayer The lowest (bottom-most Z order) surface layer to
531     * include in the screenshot.
532     * @param maxLayer The highest (top-most Z order) surface layer to
533     * include in the screenshot.
534     */
535    public static void screenshot(IBinder display, Surface consumer,
536            int width, int height, int minLayer, int maxLayer) {
537        screenshot(display, consumer, width, height, minLayer, maxLayer, false);
538    }
540    /**
541     * Copy the current screen contents into the provided {@link Surface}
542     *
543     * @param display The display to take the screenshot of.
544     * @param consumer The {@link Surface} to take the screenshot into.
545     * @param width The desired width of the returned bitmap; the raw
546     * screen will be scaled down to this size.
547     * @param height The desired height of the returned bitmap; the raw
548     * screen will be scaled down to this size.
549     */
550    public static void screenshot(IBinder display, Surface consumer,
551            int width, int height) {
552        screenshot(display, consumer, width, height, 0, 0, true);
553    }
555    /**
556     * Copy the current screen contents into the provided {@link Surface}
557     *
558     * @param display The display to take the screenshot of.
559     * @param consumer The {@link Surface} to take the screenshot into.
560     */
561    public static void screenshot(IBinder display, Surface consumer) {
562        screenshot(display, consumer, 0, 0, 0, 0, true);
563    }
566    /**
567     * Copy the current screen contents into a bitmap and return it.
568     *
569     * CAVEAT: Versions of screenshot that return a {@link Bitmap} can
570     * be extremely slow; avoid use unless absolutely necessary; prefer
571     * the versions that use a {@link Surface} instead, such as
572     * {@link SurfaceControl#screenshot(IBinder, Surface)}.
573     *
574     * @param width The desired width of the returned bitmap; the raw
575     * screen will be scaled down to this size.
576     * @param height The desired height of the returned bitmap; the raw
577     * screen will be scaled down to this size.
578     * @param minLayer The lowest (bottom-most Z order) surface layer to
579     * include in the screenshot.
580     * @param maxLayer The highest (top-most Z order) surface layer to
581     * include in the screenshot.
582     * @return Returns a Bitmap containing the screen contents, or null
583     * if an error occurs. Make sure to call Bitmap.recycle() as soon as
584     * possible, once its content is not needed anymore.
585     */
586    public static Bitmap screenshot(int width, int height, int minLayer, int maxLayer) {
587        // TODO: should take the display as a parameter
588        IBinder displayToken = SurfaceControl.getBuiltInDisplay(
589                SurfaceControl.BUILT_IN_DISPLAY_ID_MAIN);
590        return nativeScreenshot(displayToken, width, height, minLayer, maxLayer, false);
591    }
593    /**
594     * Like {@link SurfaceControl#screenshot(int, int, int, int)} but includes all
595     * Surfaces in the screenshot.
596     *
597     * @param width The desired width of the returned bitmap; the raw
598     * screen will be scaled down to this size.
599     * @param height The desired height of the returned bitmap; the raw
600     * screen will be scaled down to this size.
601     * @return Returns a Bitmap containing the screen contents, or null
602     * if an error occurs. Make sure to call Bitmap.recycle() as soon as
603     * possible, once its content is not needed anymore.
604     */
605    public static Bitmap screenshot(int width, int height) {
606        // TODO: should take the display as a parameter
607        IBinder displayToken = SurfaceControl.getBuiltInDisplay(
608                SurfaceControl.BUILT_IN_DISPLAY_ID_MAIN);
609        return nativeScreenshot(displayToken, width, height, 0, 0, true);
610    }
612    private static void screenshot(IBinder display, Surface consumer,
613            int width, int height, int minLayer, int maxLayer, boolean allLayers) {
614        if (display == null) {
615            throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
616        }
617        if (consumer == null) {
618            throw new IllegalArgumentException("consumer must not be null");
619        }
620        nativeScreenshot(display, consumer, width, height, minLayer, maxLayer, allLayers);
621    }
623    private static void checkHeadless() {
624        if (HEADLESS) {
625            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Device is headless");
626        }
627    }