History log of /libcore/luni/src/main/java/libcore/util/ZoneInfo.java
Revision Date Author Comments
53d000ca7ea62d0e36c9ba7be8c54c4777cabae6 19-Oct-2012 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Make it possible to share libcore.util.ZoneInfo with bionic.

The code that generates the single big file from the directory of
zoneinfo files needs to be able to get the raw offset for each zone,
so we can implement TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(int) cheaply.

Bug: 7012465
Change-Id: Icc8355c086dd8e62589c2930fb7f892feea5a217
de3df0418aff29b06ea022b200fbcc687de63a7c 05-Oct-2012 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Slim down ZoneInfo.toString.

Dalvik Explorer can now do a better job of helping examine transition data,
and regular developers don't need to see it. For America/Los_Angeles, for
example, toString used to output 186 lines. Now it just returns:


Also fix an incorrect comment from the TimeZone documentation.

Change-Id: I5748845a7b4f911e99a0e1c2e1a0786742288518
78c3de051d68b703af480778c100ca335690b250 30-Jul-2012 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Fix TimeZone's handling of Australia/Lord_Howe.

Australia/Lord_Howe has a half hour difference between standard and daylight
time, rather than the usual hour. Our ZoneInfo implementation ignored this.
Fix that oversight, make SimpleDateFormat actually use this information, and
prevent TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT") and TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC") from
being quite as expensive as they accidentally were.

Longer term I think we should probably remove all uses of getDSTSavings from
libcore in favor of TimeZone.getOffset, but this is probably a useful step
forwards anyway. It fixes Australia/Lord_Howe in the meantime and it means
that anyone else who's using getDSTSavings won't be bitten (even if they too
really ought to be using TimeZone.getOffset).

Bug: 4723412
Bug: http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=24684
Change-Id: I5d50afecbe1453157e9c8f0b88305a258a3ba2e0
6aa068b481cc4cca7765ce90fdf32f3eb2b5a77c 18-Feb-2011 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Fix various FindBugs warnings.

Only the ChunkHandler and ZoneInfo ones were real bugs. The former is only
called with one input value that doesn't exercise the bug, and the latter
would cause us to think that a time zone that stopped using daylight time
before 1970 was still using daylight time (which would defeat various
optimizations, but should otherwise be harmless).

The other stuff is trivia not worth individual changes.

Change-Id: Ib0752560cd16edc6538d1fc2b234451a66d48171
6d82ce5d35a5e84aedf08528fd98b849f3f565a6 15-Feb-2011 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Move ZoneInfo and ZoneInfoDB into libcore.util.

Change-Id: I91385512ec27aa2aebdc163ae204e542efa58f21