1// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include <vector>
10#include "base/basictypes.h"
11#include "cc/base/cc_export.h"
12#include "cc/base/region.h"
13#include "cc/layers/layer_iterator.h"
14#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
16namespace cc {
17class OverdrawMetrics;
18class LayerImpl;
19class RenderSurfaceImpl;
20class Layer;
21class RenderSurface;
23// This class is used to track occlusion of layers while traversing them in a
24// front-to-back order. As each layer is visited, one of the methods in this
25// class is called to notify it about the current target surface. Then,
26// occlusion in the content space of the current layer may be queried, via
27// methods such as Occluded() and UnoccludedContentRect(). If the current layer
28// owns a RenderSurfaceImpl, then occlusion on that RenderSurfaceImpl may also
29// be queried via surfaceOccluded() and surfaceUnoccludedContentRect(). Finally,
30// once finished with the layer, occlusion behind the layer should be marked by
31// calling MarkOccludedBehindLayer().
32template <typename LayerType, typename RenderSurfaceType>
33class CC_EXPORT OcclusionTrackerBase {
34 public:
35  OcclusionTrackerBase(gfx::Rect screen_space_clip_rect,
36                       bool record_metrics_for_frame);
37  ~OcclusionTrackerBase();
39  // Called at the beginning of each step in the LayerIterator's front-to-back
40  // traversal.
41  void EnterLayer(const LayerIteratorPosition<LayerType>& layer_iterator);
42  // Called at the end of each step in the LayerIterator's front-to-back
43  // traversal.
44  void LeaveLayer(const LayerIteratorPosition<LayerType>& layer_iterator);
46  // Returns true if the given rect in content space for a layer is fully
47  // occluded in either screen space or the layer's target surface.
48  // |render_target| is the contributing layer's render target, and
49  // |draw_transform| and |impl_draw_transform_is_unknown| are relative to that.
50  bool Occluded(const LayerType* render_target,
51                gfx::Rect content_rect,
52                const gfx::Transform& draw_transform,
53                bool impl_draw_transform_is_unknown) const;
55  // Gives an unoccluded sub-rect of |content_rect| in the content space of a
56  // layer. Used when considering occlusion for a layer that paints/draws
57  // something. |render_target| is the contributing layer's render target, and
58  // |draw_transform| and |impl_draw_transform_is_unknown| are relative to that.
59  gfx::Rect UnoccludedContentRect(
60      const LayerType* render_target,
61      gfx::Rect content_rect,
62      const gfx::Transform& draw_transform,
63      bool impl_draw_transform_is_unknown) const;
65  // Gives an unoccluded sub-rect of |content_rect| in the content space of the
66  // render_target owned by the layer. Used when considering occlusion for a
67  // contributing surface that is rendering into another target.
68  gfx::Rect UnoccludedContributingSurfaceContentRect(
69      const LayerType* layer,
70      bool for_replica,
71      gfx::Rect content_rect) const;
73  // Report operations for recording overdraw metrics.
74  OverdrawMetrics* overdraw_metrics() const {
75    return overdraw_metrics_.get();
76  }
78  // Gives the region of the screen that is not occluded by something opaque.
79  Region ComputeVisibleRegionInScreen() const {
80    DCHECK(!stack_.back().target->parent());
81    return SubtractRegions(screen_space_clip_rect_,
82                           stack_.back().occlusion_from_inside_target);
83  }
85  void set_minimum_tracking_size(gfx::Size size) {
86    minimum_tracking_size_ = size;
87  }
89  // The following is used for visualization purposes.
90  void set_occluding_screen_space_rects_container(
91      std::vector<gfx::Rect>* rects) {
92    occluding_screen_space_rects_ = rects;
93  }
94  void set_non_occluding_screen_space_rects_container(
95      std::vector<gfx::Rect>* rects) {
96    non_occluding_screen_space_rects_ = rects;
97  }
99 protected:
100  struct StackObject {
101    StackObject() : target(0) {}
102    explicit StackObject(const LayerType* target) : target(target) {}
103    const LayerType* target;
104    Region occlusion_from_outside_target;
105    Region occlusion_from_inside_target;
106  };
108  // The stack holds occluded regions for subtrees in the
109  // RenderSurfaceImpl-Layer tree, so that when we leave a subtree we may apply
110  // a mask to it, but not to the parts outside the subtree.
111  // - The first time we see a new subtree under a target, we add that target to
112  // the top of the stack. This can happen as a layer representing itself, or as
113  // a target surface.
114  // - When we visit a target surface, we apply its mask to its subtree, which
115  // is at the top of the stack.
116  // - When we visit a layer representing itself, we add its occlusion to the
117  // current subtree, which is at the top of the stack.
118  // - When we visit a layer representing a contributing surface, the current
119  // target will never be the top of the stack since we just came from the
120  // contributing surface.
121  // We merge the occlusion at the top of the stack with the new current
122  // subtree. This new target is pushed onto the stack if not already there.
123  std::vector<StackObject> stack_;
125 private:
126  // Called when visiting a layer representing itself. If the target was not
127  // already current, then this indicates we have entered a new surface subtree.
128  void EnterRenderTarget(const LayerType* new_target);
130  // Called when visiting a layer representing a target surface. This indicates
131  // we have visited all the layers within the surface, and we may perform any
132  // surface-wide operations.
133  void FinishedRenderTarget(const LayerType* finished_target);
135  // Called when visiting a layer representing a contributing surface. This
136  // indicates that we are leaving our current surface, and entering the new
137  // one. We then perform any operations required for merging results from the
138  // child subtree into its parent.
139  void LeaveToRenderTarget(const LayerType* new_target);
141  // Add the layer's occlusion to the tracked state.
142  void MarkOccludedBehindLayer(const LayerType* layer);
144  gfx::Rect screen_space_clip_rect_;
145  scoped_ptr<class OverdrawMetrics> overdraw_metrics_;
146  gfx::Size minimum_tracking_size_;
148  // This is used for visualizing the occlusion tracking process.
149  std::vector<gfx::Rect>* occluding_screen_space_rects_;
150  std::vector<gfx::Rect>* non_occluding_screen_space_rects_;
152  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(OcclusionTrackerBase);
155typedef OcclusionTrackerBase<Layer, RenderSurface> OcclusionTracker;
156typedef OcclusionTrackerBase<LayerImpl, RenderSurfaceImpl> OcclusionTrackerImpl;
157#if !defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
158extern template class OcclusionTrackerBase<Layer, RenderSurface>;
159extern template class OcclusionTrackerBase<LayerImpl, RenderSurfaceImpl>;
162}  // namespace cc