1// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include <map>
9#include <string>
10#include <vector>
12#include "base/callback.h"
13#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
15namespace device {
17class NfcPeer;
18class NfcTag;
20// NfcAdapter represents a local NFC adapter which may be used to interact with
21// NFC tags and remote NFC adapters on platforms that support NFC. Through
22// instances of this class, users can obtain important information such as if
23// and/or when an adapter is present, supported NFC technologies, and the
24// adapter's power and polling state. NfcAdapter instances can be used to power
25// up/down the NFC adapter and its Observer interface allows users to get
26// notified when new adapters are added/removed and when remote NFC tags and
27// devices were detected or lost.
29// A system can contain more than one NFC adapter (e.g. external USB adapters)
30// but Chrome will have only one NfcAdapter instance. This instance will do
31// its best to represent all underlying adapters but will only allow
32// interacting with only one at a given time. If the currently represented
33// adapter is removed from the system, the NfcAdapter instance will update to
34// reflect the information from the next available adapter.
35class NfcAdapter : public base::RefCounted<NfcAdapter> {
36 public:
37  // Interface for observing changes from NFC adapters.
38  class Observer {
39   public:
40    virtual ~Observer() {}
42    // Called when the presence of the adapter |adapter| changes. When |present|
43    // is true, this indicates that the adapter has now become present, while a
44    // value of false indicates that the adapter is no longer available on the
45    // current system.
46    virtual void AdapterPresentChanged(NfcAdapter* adapter, bool present) {}
48    // Called when the radio power state of the adapter |adapter| changes. If
49    // |powered| is true, the adapter radio is turned on, otherwise it's turned
50    // off.
51    virtual void AdapterPoweredChanged(NfcAdapter* adapter, bool powered) {}
53    // Called when the "polling" state of the adapter |adapter| changes. If
54    // |polling| is true, the adapter is currently polling for remote tags and
55    // devices. If false, the adapter isn't polling, either because a poll loop
56    // was never started or because a connection with a tag or peer has been
57    // established.
58    virtual void AdapterPollingChanged(NfcAdapter* adapter, bool polling) {}
60    // Called when an NFC tag |tag| has been found by the adapter |adapter|.
61    // The observer can use this method to take further action on the tag object
62    // |tag|, such as reading its records or writing to it. While |tag| will be
63    // valid within the context of this call, its life-time cannot be guaranteed
64    // once this call returns, as the object may get destroyed if the connection
65    // with the tag is lost. Instead of caching the pointer directly, observers
66    // should store the tag's assigned unique identifier instead, which can be
67    // used to obtain a pointer to the tag, as long as it exists.
68    virtual void TagFound(NfcAdapter* adapter, NfcTag* tag) {}
70    // Called when the NFC tag |tag| is no longer known by the adapter
71    // |adapter|. |tag| should not be cached.
72    virtual void TagLost(NfcAdapter* adapter, NfcTag* tag) {}
74    // Called when a remote NFC adapter |peer| has been detected, which is
75    // available for peer-to-peer communication over NFC. The observer can use
76    // this method to take further action on |peer| such as reading its records
77    // or pushing NDEFs to it. While |peer| will be valid within the context of
78    // this call, its life-time cannot be guaranteed once this call returns, as
79    // the object may get destroyed if the connection with the peer is lost.
80    // Instead of caching the pointer directly, observers should store the
81    // peer's assigned unique identifier instead, which can be used to obtain a
82    // pointer to the peer, as long as it exists.
83    virtual void PeerFound(NfcAdapter* adaper, NfcPeer* peer) {}
85    // Called when the remote NFC adapter |peer| is no longer known by the
86    // adapter |adapter|. |peer| should not be cached.
87    virtual void PeerLost(NfcAdapter* adapter, NfcPeer* peer) {}
88  };
90  // The ErrorCallback is used by methods to asynchronously report errors.
91  typedef base::Closure ErrorCallback;
93  // Typedefs for lists of NFC peer and NFC tag objects.
94  typedef std::vector<NfcPeer*> PeerList;
95  typedef std::vector<NfcTag*> TagList;
97  // Adds and removes observers for events on this NFC adapter. If monitoring
98  // multiple adapters, check the |adapter| parameter of observer methods to
99  // determine which adapter is issuing the event.
100  virtual void AddObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
101  virtual void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
103  // Indicates whether an underlying adapter is actually present on the
104  // system. An adapter that was previously present can become no longer
105  // present, for example, if all physical adapters that can back it up were
106  // removed from the system.
107  virtual bool IsPresent() const = 0;
109  // Indicates whether the adapter radio is powered.
110  virtual bool IsPowered() const = 0;
112  // Indicates whether the adapter is polling for remote NFC tags and peers.
113  virtual bool IsPolling() const = 0;
115  // Indicates whether the NfcAdapter instance is initialized and ready to use.
116  virtual bool IsInitialized() const = 0;
118  // Requests a change to the adapter radio power. Setting |powered| to true
119  // will turn on the radio and false will turn it off. On success, |callback|
120  // will be invoked. On failure, |error_callback| will be invoked, which can
121  // happen if the radio power is already in the requested state, or if the
122  // underlying adapter is not present.
123  virtual void SetPowered(bool powered,
124                          const base::Closure& callback,
125                          const ErrorCallback& error_callback) = 0;
127  // Requests the adapter to begin its poll loop to start looking for remote
128  // NFC tags and peers. On success, |callback| will be invoked. On failure,
129  // |error_callback| will be invoked. This method can fail for various
130  // reasons, including:
131  //    - The adapter radio is not powered.
132  //    - The adapter is already polling.
133  //    - The adapter is busy; it has already established a connection to a
134  //      remote tag or peer.
135  // Bear in mind that this method may be called by multiple users of the same
136  // adapter.
137  virtual void StartPolling(const base::Closure& callback,
138                            const ErrorCallback& error_callback) = 0;
140  // Requests the adapter to stop its current poll loop. On success, |callback|
141  // will be invoked. On failure, |error_callback| will be invoked. This method
142  // can fail if the adapter is not polling when this method was called. Bear
143  // in mind that this method may be called by multiple users of the same
144  // adapter and polling may not actually stop if other callers have called
145  // StartPolling() in the mean time.
146  virtual void StopPolling(const base::Closure& callback,
147                           const ErrorCallback& error_callback) = 0;
149  // Returns a list containing all known peers in |peer_list|. If |peer_list|
150  // was non-empty at the time of the call, it will be cleared. The contents of
151  // |peer_list| at the end of this call are owned by the adapter.
152  virtual void GetPeers(PeerList* peer_list) const;
154  // Returns a list containing all known tags in |tag_list|. If |tag_list| was
155  // non-empty at the time of the call, it will be cleared. The contents of
156  // |tag_list| at the end of this call are owned by the adapter.
157  virtual void GetTags(TagList* tag_list) const;
159  // Returns a pointer to the peer with the given identifier |identifier| or
160  // NULL if no such peer is known. If a non-NULL pointer is returned, the
161  // instance that it points to is owned by this adapter.
162  virtual NfcPeer* GetPeer(const std::string& identifier) const;
164  // Returns a pointer to the tag with the given identifier |identifier| or
165  // NULL if no such tag is known. If a non-NULL pointer is returned, the
166  // instance that it points to is owned by this adapter.
167  virtual NfcTag* GetTag(const std::string& identifier) const;
169 protected:
170  friend class base::RefCounted<NfcAdapter>;
172  // The default constructor does nothing. The destructor deletes all known
173  // NfcPeer and NfcTag instances.
174  NfcAdapter();
175  virtual ~NfcAdapter();
177  // Peers and tags that have been found. The key is the unique identifier
178  // assigned to the peer or tag and the value is a pointer to the
179  // corresponding NfcPeer or NfcTag object, whose lifetime is managed by the
180  // adapter instance.
181  typedef std::map<const std::string, NfcPeer*> PeersMap;
182  typedef std::map<const std::string, NfcTag*> TagsMap;
184  PeersMap peers_;
185  TagsMap tags_;
187 private:
191}  // namespace device