1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5// See net/disk_cache/disk_cache.h for the public interface of the cache.
10#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
11#include "base/files/file_path.h"
12#include "base/timer/timer.h"
13#include "net/disk_cache/block_files.h"
14#include "net/disk_cache/disk_cache.h"
15#include "net/disk_cache/eviction.h"
16#include "net/disk_cache/in_flight_backend_io.h"
17#include "net/disk_cache/rankings.h"
18#include "net/disk_cache/stats.h"
19#include "net/disk_cache/stress_support.h"
20#include "net/disk_cache/trace.h"
22namespace net {
23class NetLog;
24}  // namespace net
26namespace disk_cache {
28struct Index;
30enum BackendFlags {
31  kNone = 0,
32  kMask = 1,                    // A mask (for the index table) was specified.
33  kMaxSize = 1 << 1,            // A maximum size was provided.
34  kUnitTestMode = 1 << 2,       // We are modifying the behavior for testing.
35  kUpgradeMode = 1 << 3,        // This is the upgrade tool (dump).
36  kNewEviction = 1 << 4,        // Use of new eviction was specified.
37  kNoRandom = 1 << 5,           // Don't add randomness to the behavior.
38  kNoLoadProtection = 1 << 6,   // Don't act conservatively under load.
39  kNoBuffering = 1 << 7         // Disable extended IO buffering.
42// This class implements the Backend interface. An object of this
43// class handles the operations of the cache for a particular profile.
44class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE BackendImpl : public Backend {
45  friend class Eviction;
46 public:
47  BackendImpl(const base::FilePath& path, base::MessageLoopProxy* cache_thread,
48              net::NetLog* net_log);
49  // mask can be used to limit the usable size of the hash table, for testing.
50  BackendImpl(const base::FilePath& path, uint32 mask,
51              base::MessageLoopProxy* cache_thread, net::NetLog* net_log);
52  virtual ~BackendImpl();
54  // Performs general initialization for this current instance of the cache.
55  int Init(const CompletionCallback& callback);
57  // Performs the actual initialization and final cleanup on destruction.
58  int SyncInit();
59  void CleanupCache();
61  // Same behavior as OpenNextEntry but walks the list from back to front.
62  int OpenPrevEntry(void** iter, Entry** prev_entry,
63                    const CompletionCallback& callback);
65  // Synchronous implementation of the asynchronous interface.
66  int SyncOpenEntry(const std::string& key, Entry** entry);
67  int SyncCreateEntry(const std::string& key, Entry** entry);
68  int SyncDoomEntry(const std::string& key);
69  int SyncDoomAllEntries();
70  int SyncDoomEntriesBetween(base::Time initial_time,
71                             base::Time end_time);
72  int SyncDoomEntriesSince(base::Time initial_time);
73  int SyncOpenNextEntry(void** iter, Entry** next_entry);
74  int SyncOpenPrevEntry(void** iter, Entry** prev_entry);
75  void SyncEndEnumeration(void* iter);
76  void SyncOnExternalCacheHit(const std::string& key);
78  // Open or create an entry for the given |key| or |iter|.
79  EntryImpl* OpenEntryImpl(const std::string& key);
80  EntryImpl* CreateEntryImpl(const std::string& key);
81  EntryImpl* OpenNextEntryImpl(void** iter);
82  EntryImpl* OpenPrevEntryImpl(void** iter);
84  // Sets the maximum size for the total amount of data stored by this instance.
85  bool SetMaxSize(int max_bytes);
87  // Sets the cache type for this backend.
88  void SetType(net::CacheType type);
90  // Returns the full name for an external storage file.
91  base::FilePath GetFileName(Addr address) const;
93  // Returns the actual file used to store a given (non-external) address.
94  MappedFile* File(Addr address);
96  // Returns a weak pointer to the background queue.
97  base::WeakPtr<InFlightBackendIO> GetBackgroundQueue();
99  // Creates an external storage file.
100  bool CreateExternalFile(Addr* address);
102  // Creates a new storage block of size block_count.
103  bool CreateBlock(FileType block_type, int block_count,
104                   Addr* block_address);
106  // Deletes a given storage block. deep set to true can be used to zero-fill
107  // the related storage in addition of releasing the related block.
108  void DeleteBlock(Addr block_address, bool deep);
110  // Retrieves a pointer to the LRU-related data.
111  LruData* GetLruData();
113  // Updates the ranking information for an entry.
114  void UpdateRank(EntryImpl* entry, bool modified);
116  // A node was recovered from a crash, it may not be on the index, so this
117  // method checks it and takes the appropriate action.
118  void RecoveredEntry(CacheRankingsBlock* rankings);
120  // Permanently deletes an entry, but still keeps track of it.
121  void InternalDoomEntry(EntryImpl* entry);
123#if defined(NET_BUILD_STRESS_CACHE)
124  // Returns the address of the entry linked to the entry at a given |address|.
125  CacheAddr GetNextAddr(Addr address);
127  // Verifies that |entry| is not currently reachable through the index.
128  void NotLinked(EntryImpl* entry);
131  // Removes all references to this entry.
132  void RemoveEntry(EntryImpl* entry);
134  // This method must be called when an entry is released for the last time, so
135  // the entry should not be used anymore. |address| is the cache address of the
136  // entry.
137  void OnEntryDestroyBegin(Addr address);
139  // This method must be called after all resources for an entry have been
140  // released.
141  void OnEntryDestroyEnd();
143  // If the data stored by the provided |rankings| points to an open entry,
144  // returns a pointer to that entry, otherwise returns NULL. Note that this
145  // method does NOT increase the ref counter for the entry.
146  EntryImpl* GetOpenEntry(CacheRankingsBlock* rankings) const;
148  // Returns the id being used on this run of the cache.
149  int32 GetCurrentEntryId() const;
151  // Returns the maximum size for a file to reside on the cache.
152  int MaxFileSize() const;
154  // A user data block is being created, extended or truncated.
155  void ModifyStorageSize(int32 old_size, int32 new_size);
157  // Logs requests that are denied due to being too big.
158  void TooMuchStorageRequested(int32 size);
160  // Returns true if a temporary buffer is allowed to be extended.
161  bool IsAllocAllowed(int current_size, int new_size);
163  // Tracks the release of |size| bytes by an entry buffer.
164  void BufferDeleted(int size);
166  // Only intended for testing the two previous methods.
167  int GetTotalBuffersSize() const {
168    return buffer_bytes_;
169  }
171  // Returns true if this instance seems to be under heavy load.
172  bool IsLoaded() const;
174  // Returns the full histogram name, for the given base |name| and experiment,
175  // and the current cache type. The name will be "DiskCache.t.name_e" where n
176  // is the cache type and e the provided |experiment|.
177  std::string HistogramName(const char* name, int experiment) const;
179  net::CacheType cache_type() const {
180    return cache_type_;
181  }
183  bool read_only() const {
184    return read_only_;
185  }
187  // Returns a weak pointer to this object.
188  base::WeakPtr<BackendImpl> GetWeakPtr();
190  // Returns true if we should send histograms for this user again. The caller
191  // must call this function only once per run (because it returns always the
192  // same thing on a given run).
193  bool ShouldReportAgain();
195  // Reports some data when we filled up the cache.
196  void FirstEviction();
198  // Reports a critical error (and disables the cache).
199  void CriticalError(int error);
201  // Reports an uncommon, recoverable error.
202  void ReportError(int error);
204  // Called when an interesting event should be logged (counted).
205  void OnEvent(Stats::Counters an_event);
207  // Keeps track of payload access (doesn't include metadata).
208  void OnRead(int bytes);
209  void OnWrite(int bytes);
211  // Timer callback to calculate usage statistics.
212  void OnStatsTimer();
214  // Handles the pending asynchronous IO count.
215  void IncrementIoCount();
216  void DecrementIoCount();
218  // Sets internal parameters to enable unit testing mode.
219  void SetUnitTestMode();
221  // Sets internal parameters to enable upgrade mode (for internal tools).
222  void SetUpgradeMode();
224  // Sets the eviction algorithm to version 2.
225  void SetNewEviction();
227  // Sets an explicit set of BackendFlags.
228  void SetFlags(uint32 flags);
230  // Clears the counter of references to test handling of corruptions.
231  void ClearRefCountForTest();
233  // Sends a dummy operation through the operation queue, for unit tests.
234  int FlushQueueForTest(const CompletionCallback& callback);
236  // Runs the provided task on the cache thread. The task will be automatically
237  // deleted after it runs.
238  int RunTaskForTest(const base::Closure& task,
239                     const CompletionCallback& callback);
241  // Trims an entry (all if |empty| is true) from the list of deleted
242  // entries. This method should be called directly on the cache thread.
243  void TrimForTest(bool empty);
245  // Trims an entry (all if |empty| is true) from the list of deleted
246  // entries. This method should be called directly on the cache thread.
247  void TrimDeletedListForTest(bool empty);
249  // Performs a simple self-check, and returns the number of dirty items
250  // or an error code (negative value).
251  int SelfCheck();
253  // Ensures the index is flushed to disk (a no-op on platforms with mmap).
254  void FlushIndex();
256  // Backend implementation.
257  virtual net::CacheType GetCacheType() const OVERRIDE;
258  virtual int32 GetEntryCount() const OVERRIDE;
259  virtual int OpenEntry(const std::string& key, Entry** entry,
260                        const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
261  virtual int CreateEntry(const std::string& key, Entry** entry,
262                          const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
263  virtual int DoomEntry(const std::string& key,
264                        const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
265  virtual int DoomAllEntries(const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
266  virtual int DoomEntriesBetween(base::Time initial_time,
267                                 base::Time end_time,
268                                 const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
269  virtual int DoomEntriesSince(base::Time initial_time,
270                               const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
271  virtual int OpenNextEntry(void** iter, Entry** next_entry,
272                            const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
273  virtual void EndEnumeration(void** iter) OVERRIDE;
274  virtual void GetStats(StatsItems* stats) OVERRIDE;
275  virtual void OnExternalCacheHit(const std::string& key) OVERRIDE;
277 private:
278  typedef base::hash_map<CacheAddr, EntryImpl*> EntriesMap;
280  // Creates a new backing file for the cache index.
281  bool CreateBackingStore(disk_cache::File* file);
282  bool InitBackingStore(bool* file_created);
283  void AdjustMaxCacheSize(int table_len);
285  bool InitStats();
286  void StoreStats();
288  // Deletes the cache and starts again.
289  void RestartCache(bool failure);
290  void PrepareForRestart();
292  // Creates a new entry object. Returns zero on success, or a disk_cache error
293  // on failure.
294  int NewEntry(Addr address, EntryImpl** entry);
296  // Returns a given entry from the cache. The entry to match is determined by
297  // key and hash, and the returned entry may be the matched one or it's parent
298  // on the list of entries with the same hash (or bucket). To look for a parent
299  // of a given entry, |entry_addr| should be grabbed from that entry, so that
300  // if it doesn't match the entry on the index, we know that it was replaced
301  // with a new entry; in this case |*match_error| will be set to true and the
302  // return value will be NULL.
303  EntryImpl* MatchEntry(const std::string& key, uint32 hash, bool find_parent,
304                        Addr entry_addr, bool* match_error);
306  // Opens the next or previous entry on a cache iteration.
307  EntryImpl* OpenFollowingEntry(bool forward, void** iter);
309  // Opens the next or previous entry on a single list. If successful,
310  // |from_entry| will be updated to point to the new entry, otherwise it will
311  // be set to NULL; in other words, it is used as an explicit iterator.
312  bool OpenFollowingEntryFromList(bool forward, Rankings::List list,
313                                  CacheRankingsBlock** from_entry,
314                                  EntryImpl** next_entry);
316  // Returns the entry that is pointed by |next|, from the given |list|.
317  EntryImpl* GetEnumeratedEntry(CacheRankingsBlock* next, Rankings::List list);
319  // Re-opens an entry that was previously deleted.
320  EntryImpl* ResurrectEntry(EntryImpl* deleted_entry);
322  void DestroyInvalidEntry(EntryImpl* entry);
324  // Handles the used storage count.
325  void AddStorageSize(int32 bytes);
326  void SubstractStorageSize(int32 bytes);
328  // Update the number of referenced cache entries.
329  void IncreaseNumRefs();
330  void DecreaseNumRefs();
331  void IncreaseNumEntries();
332  void DecreaseNumEntries();
334  // Dumps current cache statistics to the log.
335  void LogStats();
337  // Send UMA stats.
338  void ReportStats();
340  // Upgrades the index file to version 2.1.
341  void UpgradeTo2_1();
343  // Performs basic checks on the index file. Returns false on failure.
344  bool CheckIndex();
346  // Part of the self test. Returns the number or dirty entries, or an error.
347  int CheckAllEntries();
349  // Part of the self test. Returns false if the entry is corrupt.
350  bool CheckEntry(EntryImpl* cache_entry);
352  // Returns the maximum total memory for the memory buffers.
353  int MaxBuffersSize();
355  InFlightBackendIO background_queue_;  // The controller of pending operations.
356  scoped_refptr<MappedFile> index_;  // The main cache index.
357  base::FilePath path_;  // Path to the folder used as backing storage.
358  Index* data_;  // Pointer to the index data.
359  BlockFiles block_files_;  // Set of files used to store all data.
360  Rankings rankings_;  // Rankings to be able to trim the cache.
361  uint32 mask_;  // Binary mask to map a hash to the hash table.
362  int32 max_size_;  // Maximum data size for this instance.
363  Eviction eviction_;  // Handler of the eviction algorithm.
364  EntriesMap open_entries_;  // Map of open entries.
365  int num_refs_;  // Number of referenced cache entries.
366  int max_refs_;  // Max number of referenced cache entries.
367  int num_pending_io_;  // Number of pending IO operations.
368  int entry_count_;  // Number of entries accessed lately.
369  int byte_count_;  // Number of bytes read/written lately.
370  int buffer_bytes_;  // Total size of the temporary entries' buffers.
371  int up_ticks_;  // The number of timer ticks received (OnStatsTimer).
372  net::CacheType cache_type_;
373  int uma_report_;  // Controls transmission of UMA data.
374  uint32 user_flags_;  // Flags set by the user.
375  bool init_;  // controls the initialization of the system.
376  bool restarted_;
377  bool unit_test_;
378  bool read_only_;  // Prevents updates of the rankings data (used by tools).
379  bool disabled_;
380  bool new_eviction_;  // What eviction algorithm should be used.
381  bool first_timer_;  // True if the timer has not been called.
382  bool user_load_;  // True if we see a high load coming from the caller.
384  net::NetLog* net_log_;
386  Stats stats_;  // Usage statistics.
387  scoped_ptr<base::RepeatingTimer<BackendImpl> > timer_;  // Usage timer.
388  base::WaitableEvent done_;  // Signals the end of background work.
389  scoped_refptr<TraceObject> trace_object_;  // Initializes internal tracing.
390  base::WeakPtrFactory<BackendImpl> ptr_factory_;
395}  // namespace disk_cache