2** 2001 September 15
4** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
5** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
7**    May you do good and not evil.
8**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
9**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
12** This is the implementation of the page cache subsystem or "pager".
14** The pager is used to access a database disk file.  It implements
15** atomic commit and rollback through the use of a journal file that
16** is separate from the database file.  The pager also implements file
17** locking to prevent two processes from writing the same database
18** file simultaneously, or one process from reading the database while
19** another is writing.
22#include "sqliteInt.h"
23#include "wal.h"
26/******************* NOTES ON THE DESIGN OF THE PAGER ************************
28** This comment block describes invariants that hold when using a rollback
29** journal.  These invariants do not apply for journal_mode=WAL,
30** journal_mode=MEMORY, or journal_mode=OFF.
32** Within this comment block, a page is deemed to have been synced
33** automatically as soon as it is written when PRAGMA synchronous=OFF.
34** Otherwise, the page is not synced until the xSync method of the VFS
35** is called successfully on the file containing the page.
37** Definition:  A page of the database file is said to be "overwriteable" if
38** one or more of the following are true about the page:
40**     (a)  The original content of the page as it was at the beginning of
41**          the transaction has been written into the rollback journal and
42**          synced.
44**     (b)  The page was a freelist leaf page at the start of the transaction.
46**     (c)  The page number is greater than the largest page that existed in
47**          the database file at the start of the transaction.
49** (1) A page of the database file is never overwritten unless one of the
50**     following are true:
52**     (a) The page and all other pages on the same sector are overwriteable.
54**     (b) The atomic page write optimization is enabled, and the entire
55**         transaction other than the update of the transaction sequence
56**         number consists of a single page change.
58** (2) The content of a page written into the rollback journal exactly matches
59**     both the content in the database when the rollback journal was written
60**     and the content in the database at the beginning of the current
61**     transaction.
63** (3) Writes to the database file are an integer multiple of the page size
64**     in length and are aligned on a page boundary.
66** (4) Reads from the database file are either aligned on a page boundary and
67**     an integer multiple of the page size in length or are taken from the
68**     first 100 bytes of the database file.
70** (5) All writes to the database file are synced prior to the rollback journal
71**     being deleted, truncated, or zeroed.
73** (6) If a master journal file is used, then all writes to the database file
74**     are synced prior to the master journal being deleted.
76** Definition: Two databases (or the same database at two points it time)
77** are said to be "logically equivalent" if they give the same answer to
78** all queries.  Note in particular the the content of freelist leaf
79** pages can be changed arbitarily without effecting the logical equivalence
80** of the database.
82** (7) At any time, if any subset, including the empty set and the total set,
83**     of the unsynced changes to a rollback journal are removed and the
84**     journal is rolled back, the resulting database file will be logical
85**     equivalent to the database file at the beginning of the transaction.
87** (8) When a transaction is rolled back, the xTruncate method of the VFS
88**     is called to restore the database file to the same size it was at
89**     the beginning of the transaction.  (In some VFSes, the xTruncate
90**     method is a no-op, but that does not change the fact the SQLite will
91**     invoke it.)
93** (9) Whenever the database file is modified, at least one bit in the range
94**     of bytes from 24 through 39 inclusive will be changed prior to releasing
95**     the EXCLUSIVE lock, thus signaling other connections on the same
96**     database to flush their caches.
98** (10) The pattern of bits in bytes 24 through 39 shall not repeat in less
99**      than one billion transactions.
101** (11) A database file is well-formed at the beginning and at the conclusion
102**      of every transaction.
104** (12) An EXCLUSIVE lock is held on the database file when writing to
105**      the database file.
107** (13) A SHARED lock is held on the database file while reading any
108**      content out of the database file.
113** Macros for troubleshooting.  Normally turned off
115#if 0
116int sqlite3PagerTrace=1;  /* True to enable tracing */
117#define sqlite3DebugPrintf printf
118#define PAGERTRACE(X)     if( sqlite3PagerTrace ){ sqlite3DebugPrintf X; }
120#define PAGERTRACE(X)
124** The following two macros are used within the PAGERTRACE() macros above
125** to print out file-descriptors.
127** PAGERID() takes a pointer to a Pager struct as its argument. The
128** associated file-descriptor is returned. FILEHANDLEID() takes an sqlite3_file
129** struct as its argument.
131#define PAGERID(p) ((int)(p->fd))
132#define FILEHANDLEID(fd) ((int)fd)
135** The Pager.eState variable stores the current 'state' of a pager. A
136** pager may be in any one of the seven states shown in the following
137** state diagram.
139**                            OPEN <------+------+
140**                              |         |      |
141**                              V         |      |
142**               +---------> READER-------+      |
143**               |              |                |
144**               |              V                |
145**               |<-------WRITER_LOCKED------> ERROR
146**               |              |                ^
147**               |              V                |
148**               |<------WRITER_CACHEMOD-------->|
149**               |              |                |
150**               |              V                |
151**               |<-------WRITER_DBMOD---------->|
152**               |              |                |
153**               |              V                |
154**               +<------WRITER_FINISHED-------->+
157** List of state transitions and the C [function] that performs each:
159**   OPEN              -> READER              [sqlite3PagerSharedLock]
160**   READER            -> OPEN                [pager_unlock]
162**   READER            -> WRITER_LOCKED       [sqlite3PagerBegin]
163**   WRITER_LOCKED     -> WRITER_CACHEMOD     [pager_open_journal]
164**   WRITER_CACHEMOD   -> WRITER_DBMOD        [syncJournal]
165**   WRITER_DBMOD      -> WRITER_FINISHED     [sqlite3PagerCommitPhaseOne]
166**   WRITER_***        -> READER              [pager_end_transaction]
168**   WRITER_***        -> ERROR               [pager_error]
169**   ERROR             -> OPEN                [pager_unlock]
172**  OPEN:
174**    The pager starts up in this state. Nothing is guaranteed in this
175**    state - the file may or may not be locked and the database size is
176**    unknown. The database may not be read or written.
178**    * No read or write transaction is active.
179**    * Any lock, or no lock at all, may be held on the database file.
180**    * The dbSize, dbOrigSize and dbFileSize variables may not be trusted.
182**  READER:
184**    In this state all the requirements for reading the database in
185**    rollback (non-WAL) mode are met. Unless the pager is (or recently
186**    was) in exclusive-locking mode, a user-level read transaction is
187**    open. The database size is known in this state.
189**    A connection running with locking_mode=normal enters this state when
190**    it opens a read-transaction on the database and returns to state
191**    OPEN after the read-transaction is completed. However a connection
192**    running in locking_mode=exclusive (including temp databases) remains in
193**    this state even after the read-transaction is closed. The only way
194**    a locking_mode=exclusive connection can transition from READER to OPEN
195**    is via the ERROR state (see below).
197**    * A read transaction may be active (but a write-transaction cannot).
198**    * A SHARED or greater lock is held on the database file.
199**    * The dbSize variable may be trusted (even if a user-level read
200**      transaction is not active). The dbOrigSize and dbFileSize variables
201**      may not be trusted at this point.
202**    * If the database is a WAL database, then the WAL connection is open.
203**    * Even if a read-transaction is not open, it is guaranteed that
204**      there is no hot-journal in the file-system.
208**    The pager moves to this state from READER when a write-transaction
209**    is first opened on the database. In WRITER_LOCKED state, all locks
210**    required to start a write-transaction are held, but no actual
211**    modifications to the cache or database have taken place.
213**    In rollback mode, a RESERVED or (if the transaction was opened with
214**    BEGIN EXCLUSIVE) EXCLUSIVE lock is obtained on the database file when
215**    moving to this state, but the journal file is not written to or opened
216**    to in this state. If the transaction is committed or rolled back while
217**    in WRITER_LOCKED state, all that is required is to unlock the database
218**    file.
220**    IN WAL mode, WalBeginWriteTransaction() is called to lock the log file.
221**    If the connection is running with locking_mode=exclusive, an attempt
222**    is made to obtain an EXCLUSIVE lock on the database file.
224**    * A write transaction is active.
225**    * If the connection is open in rollback-mode, a RESERVED or greater
226**      lock is held on the database file.
227**    * If the connection is open in WAL-mode, a WAL write transaction
228**      is open (i.e. sqlite3WalBeginWriteTransaction() has been successfully
229**      called).
230**    * The dbSize, dbOrigSize and dbFileSize variables are all valid.
231**    * The contents of the pager cache have not been modified.
232**    * The journal file may or may not be open.
233**    * Nothing (not even the first header) has been written to the journal.
237**    A pager moves from WRITER_LOCKED state to this state when a page is
238**    first modified by the upper layer. In rollback mode the journal file
239**    is opened (if it is not already open) and a header written to the
240**    start of it. The database file on disk has not been modified.
242**    * A write transaction is active.
243**    * A RESERVED or greater lock is held on the database file.
244**    * The journal file is open and the first header has been written
245**      to it, but the header has not been synced to disk.
246**    * The contents of the page cache have been modified.
250**    The pager transitions from WRITER_CACHEMOD into WRITER_DBMOD state
251**    when it modifies the contents of the database file. WAL connections
252**    never enter this state (since they do not modify the database file,
253**    just the log file).
255**    * A write transaction is active.
256**    * An EXCLUSIVE or greater lock is held on the database file.
257**    * The journal file is open and the first header has been written
258**      and synced to disk.
259**    * The contents of the page cache have been modified (and possibly
260**      written to disk).
264**    It is not possible for a WAL connection to enter this state.
266**    A rollback-mode pager changes to WRITER_FINISHED state from WRITER_DBMOD
267**    state after the entire transaction has been successfully written into the
268**    database file. In this state the transaction may be committed simply
269**    by finalizing the journal file. Once in WRITER_FINISHED state, it is
270**    not possible to modify the database further. At this point, the upper
271**    layer must either commit or rollback the transaction.
273**    * A write transaction is active.
274**    * An EXCLUSIVE or greater lock is held on the database file.
275**    * All writing and syncing of journal and database data has finished.
276**      If no error occured, all that remains is to finalize the journal to
277**      commit the transaction. If an error did occur, the caller will need
278**      to rollback the transaction.
280**  ERROR:
282**    The ERROR state is entered when an IO or disk-full error (including
283**    SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM) occurs at a point in the code that makes it
284**    difficult to be sure that the in-memory pager state (cache contents,
285**    db size etc.) are consistent with the contents of the file-system.
287**    Temporary pager files may enter the ERROR state, but in-memory pagers
288**    cannot.
290**    For example, if an IO error occurs while performing a rollback,
291**    the contents of the page-cache may be left in an inconsistent state.
292**    At this point it would be dangerous to change back to READER state
293**    (as usually happens after a rollback). Any subsequent readers might
294**    report database corruption (due to the inconsistent cache), and if
295**    they upgrade to writers, they may inadvertently corrupt the database
296**    file. To avoid this hazard, the pager switches into the ERROR state
297**    instead of READER following such an error.
299**    Once it has entered the ERROR state, any attempt to use the pager
300**    to read or write data returns an error. Eventually, once all
301**    outstanding transactions have been abandoned, the pager is able to
302**    transition back to OPEN state, discarding the contents of the
303**    page-cache and any other in-memory state at the same time. Everything
304**    is reloaded from disk (and, if necessary, hot-journal rollback peformed)
305**    when a read-transaction is next opened on the pager (transitioning
306**    the pager into READER state). At that point the system has recovered
307**    from the error.
309**    Specifically, the pager jumps into the ERROR state if:
311**      1. An error occurs while attempting a rollback. This happens in
312**         function sqlite3PagerRollback().
314**      2. An error occurs while attempting to finalize a journal file
315**         following a commit in function sqlite3PagerCommitPhaseTwo().
317**      3. An error occurs while attempting to write to the journal or
318**         database file in function pagerStress() in order to free up
319**         memory.
321**    In other cases, the error is returned to the b-tree layer. The b-tree
322**    layer then attempts a rollback operation. If the error condition
323**    persists, the pager enters the ERROR state via condition (1) above.
325**    Condition (3) is necessary because it can be triggered by a read-only
326**    statement executed within a transaction. In this case, if the error
327**    code were simply returned to the user, the b-tree layer would not
328**    automatically attempt a rollback, as it assumes that an error in a
329**    read-only statement cannot leave the pager in an internally inconsistent
330**    state.
332**    * The Pager.errCode variable is set to something other than SQLITE_OK.
333**    * There are one or more outstanding references to pages (after the
334**      last reference is dropped the pager should move back to OPEN state).
335**    * The pager is not an in-memory pager.
338** Notes:
340**   * A pager is never in WRITER_DBMOD or WRITER_FINISHED state if the
341**     connection is open in WAL mode. A WAL connection is always in one
342**     of the first four states.
344**   * Normally, a connection open in exclusive mode is never in PAGER_OPEN
345**     state. There are two exceptions: immediately after exclusive-mode has
346**     been turned on (and before any read or write transactions are
347**     executed), and when the pager is leaving the "error state".
349**   * See also: assert_pager_state().
351#define PAGER_OPEN                  0
352#define PAGER_READER                1
353#define PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED         2
354#define PAGER_WRITER_CACHEMOD       3
355#define PAGER_WRITER_DBMOD          4
356#define PAGER_WRITER_FINISHED       5
357#define PAGER_ERROR                 6
360** The Pager.eLock variable is almost always set to one of the
361** following locking-states, according to the lock currently held on
363** This variable is kept up to date as locks are taken and released by
364** the pagerLockDb() and pagerUnlockDb() wrappers.
366** If the VFS xLock() or xUnlock() returns an error other than SQLITE_BUSY
367** (i.e. one of the SQLITE_IOERR subtypes), it is not clear whether or not
368** the operation was successful. In these circumstances pagerLockDb() and
369** pagerUnlockDb() take a conservative approach - eLock is always updated
370** when unlocking the file, and only updated when locking the file if the
371** VFS call is successful. This way, the Pager.eLock variable may be set
372** to a less exclusive (lower) value than the lock that is actually held
373** at the system level, but it is never set to a more exclusive value.
375** This is usually safe. If an xUnlock fails or appears to fail, there may
376** be a few redundant xLock() calls or a lock may be held for longer than
377** required, but nothing really goes wrong.
379** The exception is when the database file is unlocked as the pager moves
380** from ERROR to OPEN state. At this point there may be a hot-journal file
381** in the file-system that needs to be rolled back (as part of a OPEN->SHARED
382** transition, by the same pager or any other). If the call to xUnlock()
383** fails at this point and the pager is left holding an EXCLUSIVE lock, this
384** can confuse the call to xCheckReservedLock() call made later as part
385** of hot-journal detection.
387** xCheckReservedLock() is defined as returning true "if there is a RESERVED
388** lock held by this process or any others". So xCheckReservedLock may
389** return true because the caller itself is holding an EXCLUSIVE lock (but
390** doesn't know it because of a previous error in xUnlock). If this happens
391** a hot-journal may be mistaken for a journal being created by an active
392** transaction in another process, causing SQLite to read from the database
393** without rolling it back.
395** To work around this, if a call to xUnlock() fails when unlocking the
396** database in the ERROR state, Pager.eLock is set to UNKNOWN_LOCK. It
397** is only changed back to a real locking state after a successful call
398** to xLock(EXCLUSIVE). Also, the code to do the OPEN->SHARED state transition
399** omits the check for a hot-journal if Pager.eLock is set to UNKNOWN_LOCK
400** lock. Instead, it assumes a hot-journal exists and obtains an EXCLUSIVE
401** lock on the database file before attempting to roll it back. See function
402** PagerSharedLock() for more detail.
404** Pager.eLock may only be set to UNKNOWN_LOCK when the pager is in
405** PAGER_OPEN state.
407#define UNKNOWN_LOCK                (EXCLUSIVE_LOCK+1)
410** A macro used for invoking the codec if there is one
413# define CODEC1(P,D,N,X,E) \
414    if( P->xCodec && P->xCodec(P->pCodec,D,N,X)==0 ){ E; }
415# define CODEC2(P,D,N,X,E,O) \
416    if( P->xCodec==0 ){ O=(char*)D; }else \
417    if( (O=(char*)(P->xCodec(P->pCodec,D,N,X)))==0 ){ E; }
419# define CODEC1(P,D,N,X,E)   /* NO-OP */
420# define CODEC2(P,D,N,X,E,O) O=(char*)D
424** The maximum allowed sector size. 64KiB. If the xSectorsize() method
425** returns a value larger than this, then MAX_SECTOR_SIZE is used instead.
426** This could conceivably cause corruption following a power failure on
427** such a system. This is currently an undocumented limit.
429#define MAX_SECTOR_SIZE 0x10000
432** An instance of the following structure is allocated for each active
433** savepoint and statement transaction in the system. All such structures
434** are stored in the Pager.aSavepoint[] array, which is allocated and
435** resized using sqlite3Realloc().
437** When a savepoint is created, the PagerSavepoint.iHdrOffset field is
438** set to 0. If a journal-header is written into the main journal while
439** the savepoint is active, then iHdrOffset is set to the byte offset
440** immediately following the last journal record written into the main
441** journal before the journal-header. This is required during savepoint
442** rollback (see pagerPlaybackSavepoint()).
444typedef struct PagerSavepoint PagerSavepoint;
445struct PagerSavepoint {
446  i64 iOffset;                 /* Starting offset in main journal */
447  i64 iHdrOffset;              /* See above */
448  Bitvec *pInSavepoint;        /* Set of pages in this savepoint */
449  Pgno nOrig;                  /* Original number of pages in file */
450  Pgno iSubRec;                /* Index of first record in sub-journal */
451#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL
452  u32 aWalData[WAL_SAVEPOINT_NDATA];        /* WAL savepoint context */
457** A open page cache is an instance of struct Pager. A description of
458** some of the more important member variables follows:
460** eState
462**   The current 'state' of the pager object. See the comment and state
463**   diagram above for a description of the pager state.
465** eLock
467**   For a real on-disk database, the current lock held on the database file -
470**   For a temporary or in-memory database (neither of which require any
471**   locks), this variable is always set to EXCLUSIVE_LOCK. Since such
472**   databases always have Pager.exclusiveMode==1, this tricks the pager
473**   logic into thinking that it already has all the locks it will ever
474**   need (and no reason to release them).
476**   In some (obscure) circumstances, this variable may also be set to
477**   UNKNOWN_LOCK. See the comment above the #define of UNKNOWN_LOCK for
478**   details.
480** changeCountDone
482**   This boolean variable is used to make sure that the change-counter
483**   (the 4-byte header field at byte offset 24 of the database file) is
484**   not updated more often than necessary.
486**   It is set to true when the change-counter field is updated, which
487**   can only happen if an exclusive lock is held on the database file.
488**   It is cleared (set to false) whenever an exclusive lock is
489**   relinquished on the database file. Each time a transaction is committed,
490**   The changeCountDone flag is inspected. If it is true, the work of
491**   updating the change-counter is omitted for the current transaction.
493**   This mechanism means that when running in exclusive mode, a connection
494**   need only update the change-counter once, for the first transaction
495**   committed.
497** setMaster
499**   When PagerCommitPhaseOne() is called to commit a transaction, it may
500**   (or may not) specify a master-journal name to be written into the
501**   journal file before it is synced to disk.
503**   Whether or not a journal file contains a master-journal pointer affects
504**   the way in which the journal file is finalized after the transaction is
505**   committed or rolled back when running in "journal_mode=PERSIST" mode.
506**   If a journal file does not contain a master-journal pointer, it is
507**   finalized by overwriting the first journal header with zeroes. If
508**   it does contain a master-journal pointer the journal file is finalized
509**   by truncating it to zero bytes, just as if the connection were
510**   running in "journal_mode=truncate" mode.
512**   Journal files that contain master journal pointers cannot be finalized
513**   simply by overwriting the first journal-header with zeroes, as the
514**   master journal pointer could interfere with hot-journal rollback of any
515**   subsequently interrupted transaction that reuses the journal file.
517**   The flag is cleared as soon as the journal file is finalized (either
518**   by PagerCommitPhaseTwo or PagerRollback). If an IO error prevents the
519**   journal file from being successfully finalized, the setMaster flag
520**   is cleared anyway (and the pager will move to ERROR state).
522** doNotSpill, doNotSyncSpill
524**   These two boolean variables control the behaviour of cache-spills
525**   (calls made by the pcache module to the pagerStress() routine to
526**   write cached data to the file-system in order to free up memory).
528**   When doNotSpill is non-zero, writing to the database from pagerStress()
529**   is disabled altogether. This is done in a very obscure case that
530**   comes up during savepoint rollback that requires the pcache module
531**   to allocate a new page to prevent the journal file from being written
532**   while it is being traversed by code in pager_playback().
534**   If doNotSyncSpill is non-zero, writing to the database from pagerStress()
535**   is permitted, but syncing the journal file is not. This flag is set
536**   by sqlite3PagerWrite() when the file-system sector-size is larger than
537**   the database page-size in order to prevent a journal sync from happening
538**   in between the journalling of two pages on the same sector.
540** subjInMemory
542**   This is a boolean variable. If true, then any required sub-journal
543**   is opened as an in-memory journal file. If false, then in-memory
544**   sub-journals are only used for in-memory pager files.
546**   This variable is updated by the upper layer each time a new
547**   write-transaction is opened.
549** dbSize, dbOrigSize, dbFileSize
551**   Variable dbSize is set to the number of pages in the database file.
552**   It is valid in PAGER_READER and higher states (all states except for
553**   OPEN and ERROR).
555**   dbSize is set based on the size of the database file, which may be
556**   larger than the size of the database (the value stored at offset
557**   28 of the database header by the btree). If the size of the file
558**   is not an integer multiple of the page-size, the value stored in
559**   dbSize is rounded down (i.e. a 5KB file with 2K page-size has dbSize==2).
560**   Except, any file that is greater than 0 bytes in size is considered
561**   to have at least one page. (i.e. a 1KB file with 2K page-size leads
562**   to dbSize==1).
564**   During a write-transaction, if pages with page-numbers greater than
565**   dbSize are modified in the cache, dbSize is updated accordingly.
566**   Similarly, if the database is truncated using PagerTruncateImage(),
567**   dbSize is updated.
569**   Variables dbOrigSize and dbFileSize are valid in states
570**   PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED and higher. dbOrigSize is a copy of the dbSize
571**   variable at the start of the transaction. It is used during rollback,
572**   and to determine whether or not pages need to be journalled before
573**   being modified.
575**   Throughout a write-transaction, dbFileSize contains the size of
576**   the file on disk in pages. It is set to a copy of dbSize when the
577**   write-transaction is first opened, and updated when VFS calls are made
578**   to write or truncate the database file on disk.
580**   The only reason the dbFileSize variable is required is to suppress
581**   unnecessary calls to xTruncate() after committing a transaction. If,
582**   when a transaction is committed, the dbFileSize variable indicates
583**   that the database file is larger than the database image (Pager.dbSize),
584**   pager_truncate() is called. The pager_truncate() call uses xFilesize()
585**   to measure the database file on disk, and then truncates it if required.
586**   dbFileSize is not used when rolling back a transaction. In this case
587**   pager_truncate() is called unconditionally (which means there may be
588**   a call to xFilesize() that is not strictly required). In either case,
589**   pager_truncate() may cause the file to become smaller or larger.
591** dbHintSize
593**   The dbHintSize variable is used to limit the number of calls made to
594**   the VFS xFileControl(FCNTL_SIZE_HINT) method.
596**   dbHintSize is set to a copy of the dbSize variable when a
597**   write-transaction is opened (at the same time as dbFileSize and
598**   dbOrigSize). If the xFileControl(FCNTL_SIZE_HINT) method is called,
599**   dbHintSize is increased to the number of pages that correspond to the
600**   size-hint passed to the method call. See pager_write_pagelist() for
601**   details.
603** errCode
605**   The Pager.errCode variable is only ever used in PAGER_ERROR state. It
606**   is set to zero in all other states. In PAGER_ERROR state, Pager.errCode
607**   is always set to SQLITE_FULL, SQLITE_IOERR or one of the SQLITE_IOERR_XXX
608**   sub-codes.
610struct Pager {
611  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs;          /* OS functions to use for IO */
612  u8 exclusiveMode;           /* Boolean. True if locking_mode==EXCLUSIVE */
613  u8 journalMode;             /* One of the PAGER_JOURNALMODE_* values */
614  u8 useJournal;              /* Use a rollback journal on this file */
615  u8 noReadlock;              /* Do not bother to obtain readlocks */
616  u8 noSync;                  /* Do not sync the journal if true */
617  u8 fullSync;                /* Do extra syncs of the journal for robustness */
618  u8 ckptSyncFlags;           /* SYNC_NORMAL or SYNC_FULL for checkpoint */
619  u8 syncFlags;               /* SYNC_NORMAL or SYNC_FULL otherwise */
620  u8 tempFile;                /* zFilename is a temporary file */
621  u8 readOnly;                /* True for a read-only database */
622  u8 memDb;                   /* True to inhibit all file I/O */
624  /**************************************************************************
625  ** The following block contains those class members that change during
626  ** routine opertion.  Class members not in this block are either fixed
627  ** when the pager is first created or else only change when there is a
628  ** significant mode change (such as changing the page_size, locking_mode,
629  ** or the journal_mode).  From another view, these class members describe
630  ** the "state" of the pager, while other class members describe the
631  ** "configuration" of the pager.
632  */
633  u8 eState;                  /* Pager state (OPEN, READER, WRITER_LOCKED..) */
634  u8 eLock;                   /* Current lock held on database file */
635  u8 changeCountDone;         /* Set after incrementing the change-counter */
636  u8 setMaster;               /* True if a m-j name has been written to jrnl */
637  u8 doNotSpill;              /* Do not spill the cache when non-zero */
638  u8 doNotSyncSpill;          /* Do not do a spill that requires jrnl sync */
639  u8 subjInMemory;            /* True to use in-memory sub-journals */
640  Pgno dbSize;                /* Number of pages in the database */
641  Pgno dbOrigSize;            /* dbSize before the current transaction */
642  Pgno dbFileSize;            /* Number of pages in the database file */
643  Pgno dbHintSize;            /* Value passed to FCNTL_SIZE_HINT call */
644  int errCode;                /* One of several kinds of errors */
645  int nRec;                   /* Pages journalled since last j-header written */
646  u32 cksumInit;              /* Quasi-random value added to every checksum */
647  u32 nSubRec;                /* Number of records written to sub-journal */
648  Bitvec *pInJournal;         /* One bit for each page in the database file */
649  sqlite3_file *fd;           /* File descriptor for database */
650  sqlite3_file *jfd;          /* File descriptor for main journal */
651  sqlite3_file *sjfd;         /* File descriptor for sub-journal */
652  i64 journalOff;             /* Current write offset in the journal file */
653  i64 journalHdr;             /* Byte offset to previous journal header */
654  sqlite3_backup *pBackup;    /* Pointer to list of ongoing backup processes */
655  PagerSavepoint *aSavepoint; /* Array of active savepoints */
656  int nSavepoint;             /* Number of elements in aSavepoint[] */
657  char dbFileVers[16];        /* Changes whenever database file changes */
658  /*
659  ** End of the routinely-changing class members
660  ***************************************************************************/
662  u16 nExtra;                 /* Add this many bytes to each in-memory page */
663  i16 nReserve;               /* Number of unused bytes at end of each page */
664  u32 vfsFlags;               /* Flags for sqlite3_vfs.xOpen() */
665  u32 sectorSize;             /* Assumed sector size during rollback */
666  int pageSize;               /* Number of bytes in a page */
667  Pgno mxPgno;                /* Maximum allowed size of the database */
668  i64 journalSizeLimit;       /* Size limit for persistent journal files */
669  char *zFilename;            /* Name of the database file */
670  char *zJournal;             /* Name of the journal file */
671  int (*xBusyHandler)(void*); /* Function to call when busy */
672  void *pBusyHandlerArg;      /* Context argument for xBusyHandler */
673#ifdef SQLITE_TEST
674  int nHit, nMiss;            /* Cache hits and missing */
675  int nRead, nWrite;          /* Database pages read/written */
677  void (*xReiniter)(DbPage*); /* Call this routine when reloading pages */
679  void *(*xCodec)(void*,void*,Pgno,int); /* Routine for en/decoding data */
680  void (*xCodecSizeChng)(void*,int,int); /* Notify of page size changes */
681  void (*xCodecFree)(void*);             /* Destructor for the codec */
682  void *pCodec;               /* First argument to xCodec... methods */
684  char *pTmpSpace;            /* Pager.pageSize bytes of space for tmp use */
685  PCache *pPCache;            /* Pointer to page cache object */
686#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL
687  Wal *pWal;                  /* Write-ahead log used by "journal_mode=wal" */
688  char *zWal;                 /* File name for write-ahead log */
693** The following global variables hold counters used for
694** testing purposes only.  These variables do not exist in
695** a non-testing build.  These variables are not thread-safe.
697#ifdef SQLITE_TEST
698int sqlite3_pager_readdb_count = 0;    /* Number of full pages read from DB */
699int sqlite3_pager_writedb_count = 0;   /* Number of full pages written to DB */
700int sqlite3_pager_writej_count = 0;    /* Number of pages written to journal */
701# define PAGER_INCR(v)  v++
703# define PAGER_INCR(v)
709** Journal files begin with the following magic string.  The data
710** was obtained from /dev/random.  It is used only as a sanity check.
712** Since version 2.8.0, the journal format contains additional sanity
713** checking information.  If the power fails while the journal is being
714** written, semi-random garbage data might appear in the journal
715** file after power is restored.  If an attempt is then made
716** to roll the journal back, the database could be corrupted.  The additional
717** sanity checking data is an attempt to discover the garbage in the
718** journal and ignore it.
720** The sanity checking information for the new journal format consists
721** of a 32-bit checksum on each page of data.  The checksum covers both
722** the page number and the pPager->pageSize bytes of data for the page.
723** This cksum is initialized to a 32-bit random value that appears in the
724** journal file right after the header.  The random initializer is important,
725** because garbage data that appears at the end of a journal is likely
726** data that was once in other files that have now been deleted.  If the
727** garbage data came from an obsolete journal file, the checksums might
728** be correct.  But by initializing the checksum to random value which
729** is different for every journal, we minimize that risk.
731static const unsigned char aJournalMagic[] = {
732  0xd9, 0xd5, 0x05, 0xf9, 0x20, 0xa1, 0x63, 0xd7,
736** The size of the of each page record in the journal is given by
737** the following macro.
739#define JOURNAL_PG_SZ(pPager)  ((pPager->pageSize) + 8)
742** The journal header size for this pager. This is usually the same
743** size as a single disk sector. See also setSectorSize().
745#define JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(pPager) (pPager->sectorSize)
748** The macro MEMDB is true if we are dealing with an in-memory database.
749** We do this as a macro so that if the SQLITE_OMIT_MEMORYDB macro is set,
750** the value of MEMDB will be a constant and the compiler will optimize
751** out code that would never execute.
754# define MEMDB 0
756# define MEMDB pPager->memDb
760** The maximum legal page number is (2^31 - 1).
762#define PAGER_MAX_PGNO 2147483647
765** The argument to this macro is a file descriptor (type sqlite3_file*).
766** Return 0 if it is not open, or non-zero (but not 1) if it is.
768** This is so that expressions can be written as:
770**   if( isOpen(pPager->jfd) ){ ...
772** instead of
774**   if( pPager->jfd->pMethods ){ ...
776#define isOpen(pFd) ((pFd)->pMethods)
779** Return true if this pager uses a write-ahead log instead of the usual
780** rollback journal. Otherwise false.
782#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL
783static int pagerUseWal(Pager *pPager){
784  return (pPager->pWal!=0);
787# define pagerUseWal(x) 0
788# define pagerRollbackWal(x) 0
789# define pagerWalFrames(v,w,x,y,z) 0
790# define pagerOpenWalIfPresent(z) SQLITE_OK
791# define pagerBeginReadTransaction(z) SQLITE_OK
794/* Begin preload-cache.patch for Chromium */
795/* See comments above the definition. */
796int sqlite3PagerAcquire2(
797  Pager *pPager,
798  Pgno pgno,
799  DbPage **ppPage,
800  int noContent,
801  unsigned char *pDataToFill);
802/* End preload-cache.patch for Chromium */
804#ifndef NDEBUG
806** Usage:
808**   assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
810** This function runs many asserts to try to find inconsistencies in
811** the internal state of the Pager object.
813static int assert_pager_state(Pager *p){
814  Pager *pPager = p;
816  /* State must be valid. */
817  assert( p->eState==PAGER_OPEN
818       || p->eState==PAGER_READER
819       || p->eState==PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED
820       || p->eState==PAGER_WRITER_CACHEMOD
821       || p->eState==PAGER_WRITER_DBMOD
822       || p->eState==PAGER_WRITER_FINISHED
823       || p->eState==PAGER_ERROR
824  );
826  /* Regardless of the current state, a temp-file connection always behaves
827  ** as if it has an exclusive lock on the database file. It never updates
828  ** the change-counter field, so the changeCountDone flag is always set.
829  */
830  assert( p->tempFile==0 || p->eLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK );
831  assert( p->tempFile==0 || pPager->changeCountDone );
833  /* If the useJournal flag is clear, the journal-mode must be "OFF".
834  ** And if the journal-mode is "OFF", the journal file must not be open.
835  */
836  assert( p->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF || p->useJournal );
837  assert( p->journalMode!=PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF || !isOpen(p->jfd) );
839  /* Check that MEMDB implies noSync. And an in-memory journal. Since
840  ** this means an in-memory pager performs no IO at all, it cannot encounter
841  ** either SQLITE_IOERR or SQLITE_FULL during rollback or while finalizing
842  ** a journal file. (although the in-memory journal implementation may
843  ** return SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM while the journal file is being written). It
844  ** is therefore not possible for an in-memory pager to enter the ERROR
845  ** state.
846  */
847  if( MEMDB ){
848    assert( p->noSync );
849    assert( p->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF
850         || p->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_MEMORY
851    );
852    assert( p->eState!=PAGER_ERROR && p->eState!=PAGER_OPEN );
853    assert( pagerUseWal(p)==0 );
854  }
856  /* If changeCountDone is set, a RESERVED lock or greater must be held
857  ** on the file.
858  */
859  assert( pPager->changeCountDone==0 || pPager->eLock>=RESERVED_LOCK );
860  assert( p->eLock!=PENDING_LOCK );
862  switch( p->eState ){
863    case PAGER_OPEN:
864      assert( !MEMDB );
865      assert( pPager->errCode==SQLITE_OK );
866      assert( sqlite3PcacheRefCount(pPager->pPCache)==0 || pPager->tempFile );
867      break;
869    case PAGER_READER:
870      assert( pPager->errCode==SQLITE_OK );
871      assert( p->eLock!=UNKNOWN_LOCK );
872      assert( p->eLock>=SHARED_LOCK || p->noReadlock );
873      break;
876      assert( p->eLock!=UNKNOWN_LOCK );
877      assert( pPager->errCode==SQLITE_OK );
878      if( !pagerUseWal(pPager) ){
879        assert( p->eLock>=RESERVED_LOCK );
880      }
881      assert( pPager->dbSize==pPager->dbOrigSize );
882      assert( pPager->dbOrigSize==pPager->dbFileSize );
883      assert( pPager->dbOrigSize==pPager->dbHintSize );
884      assert( pPager->setMaster==0 );
885      break;
888      assert( p->eLock!=UNKNOWN_LOCK );
889      assert( pPager->errCode==SQLITE_OK );
890      if( !pagerUseWal(pPager) ){
891        /* It is possible that if journal_mode=wal here that neither the
892        ** journal file nor the WAL file are open. This happens during
893        ** a rollback transaction that switches from journal_mode=off
894        ** to journal_mode=wal.
895        */
896        assert( p->eLock>=RESERVED_LOCK );
897        assert( isOpen(p->jfd)
898             || p->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF
899             || p->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL
900        );
901      }
902      assert( pPager->dbOrigSize==pPager->dbFileSize );
903      assert( pPager->dbOrigSize==pPager->dbHintSize );
904      break;
907      assert( p->eLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK );
908      assert( pPager->errCode==SQLITE_OK );
909      assert( !pagerUseWal(pPager) );
910      assert( p->eLock>=EXCLUSIVE_LOCK );
911      assert( isOpen(p->jfd)
912           || p->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF
913           || p->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL
914      );
915      assert( pPager->dbOrigSize<=pPager->dbHintSize );
916      break;
919      assert( p->eLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK );
920      assert( pPager->errCode==SQLITE_OK );
921      assert( !pagerUseWal(pPager) );
922      assert( isOpen(p->jfd)
923           || p->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF
924           || p->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL
925      );
926      break;
928    case PAGER_ERROR:
929      /* There must be at least one outstanding reference to the pager if
930      ** in ERROR state. Otherwise the pager should have already dropped
931      ** back to OPEN state.
932      */
933      assert( pPager->errCode!=SQLITE_OK );
934      assert( sqlite3PcacheRefCount(pPager->pPCache)>0 );
935      break;
936  }
938  return 1;
940#endif /* ifndef NDEBUG */
942#ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
944** Return a pointer to a human readable string in a static buffer
945** containing the state of the Pager object passed as an argument. This
946** is intended to be used within debuggers. For example, as an alternative
947** to "print *pPager" in gdb:
949** (gdb) printf "%s", print_pager_state(pPager)
951static char *print_pager_state(Pager *p){
952  static char zRet[1024];
954  sqlite3_snprintf(1024, zRet,
955      "Filename:      %s\n"
956      "State:         %s errCode=%d\n"
957      "Lock:          %s\n"
958      "Locking mode:  locking_mode=%s\n"
959      "Journal mode:  journal_mode=%s\n"
960      "Backing store: tempFile=%d memDb=%d useJournal=%d\n"
961      "Journal:       journalOff=%lld journalHdr=%lld\n"
962      "Size:          dbsize=%d dbOrigSize=%d dbFileSize=%d\n"
963      , p->zFilename
964      , p->eState==PAGER_OPEN            ? "OPEN" :
965        p->eState==PAGER_READER          ? "READER" :
966        p->eState==PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED   ? "WRITER_LOCKED" :
968        p->eState==PAGER_WRITER_DBMOD    ? "WRITER_DBMOD" :
970        p->eState==PAGER_ERROR           ? "ERROR" : "?error?"
971      , (int)p->errCode
972      , p->eLock==NO_LOCK         ? "NO_LOCK" :
973        p->eLock==RESERVED_LOCK   ? "RESERVED" :
974        p->eLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK  ? "EXCLUSIVE" :
975        p->eLock==SHARED_LOCK     ? "SHARED" :
976        p->eLock==UNKNOWN_LOCK    ? "UNKNOWN" : "?error?"
977      , p->exclusiveMode ? "exclusive" : "normal"
978      , p->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_MEMORY   ? "memory" :
979        p->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF      ? "off" :
980        p->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_DELETE   ? "delete" :
981        p->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_PERSIST  ? "persist" :
982        p->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_TRUNCATE ? "truncate" :
983        p->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL      ? "wal" : "?error?"
984      , (int)p->tempFile, (int)p->memDb, (int)p->useJournal
985      , p->journalOff, p->journalHdr
986      , (int)p->dbSize, (int)p->dbOrigSize, (int)p->dbFileSize
987  );
989  return zRet;
994** Return true if it is necessary to write page *pPg into the sub-journal.
995** A page needs to be written into the sub-journal if there exists one
996** or more open savepoints for which:
998**   * The page-number is less than or equal to PagerSavepoint.nOrig, and
999**   * The bit corresponding to the page-number is not set in
1000**     PagerSavepoint.pInSavepoint.
1002static int subjRequiresPage(PgHdr *pPg){
1003  Pgno pgno = pPg->pgno;
1004  Pager *pPager = pPg->pPager;
1005  int i;
1006  for(i=0; i<pPager->nSavepoint; i++){
1007    PagerSavepoint *p = &pPager->aSavepoint[i];
1008    if( p->nOrig>=pgno && 0==sqlite3BitvecTest(p->pInSavepoint, pgno) ){
1009      return 1;
1010    }
1011  }
1012  return 0;
1016** Return true if the page is already in the journal file.
1018static int pageInJournal(PgHdr *pPg){
1019  return sqlite3BitvecTest(pPg->pPager->pInJournal, pPg->pgno);
1023** Read a 32-bit integer from the given file descriptor.  Store the integer
1024** that is read in *pRes.  Return SQLITE_OK if everything worked, or an
1025** error code is something goes wrong.
1027** All values are stored on disk as big-endian.
1029static int read32bits(sqlite3_file *fd, i64 offset, u32 *pRes){
1030  unsigned char ac[4];
1031  int rc = sqlite3OsRead(fd, ac, sizeof(ac), offset);
1032  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
1033    *pRes = sqlite3Get4byte(ac);
1034  }
1035  return rc;
1039** Write a 32-bit integer into a string buffer in big-endian byte order.
1041#define put32bits(A,B)  sqlite3Put4byte((u8*)A,B)
1045** Write a 32-bit integer into the given file descriptor.  Return SQLITE_OK
1046** on success or an error code is something goes wrong.
1048static int write32bits(sqlite3_file *fd, i64 offset, u32 val){
1049  char ac[4];
1050  put32bits(ac, val);
1051  return sqlite3OsWrite(fd, ac, 4, offset);
1055** Unlock the database file to level eLock, which must be either NO_LOCK
1056** or SHARED_LOCK. Regardless of whether or not the call to xUnlock()
1057** succeeds, set the Pager.eLock variable to match the (attempted) new lock.
1059** Except, if Pager.eLock is set to UNKNOWN_LOCK when this function is
1060** called, do not modify it. See the comment above the #define of
1061** UNKNOWN_LOCK for an explanation of this.
1063static int pagerUnlockDb(Pager *pPager, int eLock){
1064  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
1066  assert( !pPager->exclusiveMode || pPager->eLock==eLock );
1067  assert( eLock==NO_LOCK || eLock==SHARED_LOCK );
1068  assert( eLock!=NO_LOCK || pagerUseWal(pPager)==0 );
1069  if( isOpen(pPager->fd) ){
1070    assert( pPager->eLock>=eLock );
1071    rc = sqlite3OsUnlock(pPager->fd, eLock);
1072    if( pPager->eLock!=UNKNOWN_LOCK ){
1073      pPager->eLock = (u8)eLock;
1074    }
1075    IOTRACE(("UNLOCK %p %d\n", pPager, eLock))
1076  }
1077  return rc;
1081** Lock the database file to level eLock, which must be either SHARED_LOCK,
1082** RESERVED_LOCK or EXCLUSIVE_LOCK. If the caller is successful, set the
1083** Pager.eLock variable to the new locking state.
1085** Except, if Pager.eLock is set to UNKNOWN_LOCK when this function is
1086** called, do not modify it unless the new locking state is EXCLUSIVE_LOCK.
1087** See the comment above the #define of UNKNOWN_LOCK for an explanation
1088** of this.
1090static int pagerLockDb(Pager *pPager, int eLock){
1091  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
1093  assert( eLock==SHARED_LOCK || eLock==RESERVED_LOCK || eLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK );
1094  if( pPager->eLock<eLock || pPager->eLock==UNKNOWN_LOCK ){
1095    rc = sqlite3OsLock(pPager->fd, eLock);
1096    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && (pPager->eLock!=UNKNOWN_LOCK||eLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK) ){
1097      pPager->eLock = (u8)eLock;
1098      IOTRACE(("LOCK %p %d\n", pPager, eLock))
1099    }
1100  }
1101  return rc;
1105** This function determines whether or not the atomic-write optimization
1106** can be used with this pager. The optimization can be used if:
1108**  (a) the value returned by OsDeviceCharacteristics() indicates that
1109**      a database page may be written atomically, and
1110**  (b) the value returned by OsSectorSize() is less than or equal
1111**      to the page size.
1113** The optimization is also always enabled for temporary files. It is
1114** an error to call this function if pPager is opened on an in-memory
1115** database.
1117** If the optimization cannot be used, 0 is returned. If it can be used,
1118** then the value returned is the size of the journal file when it
1119** contains rollback data for exactly one page.
1122static int jrnlBufferSize(Pager *pPager){
1123  assert( !MEMDB );
1124  if( !pPager->tempFile ){
1125    int dc;                           /* Device characteristics */
1126    int nSector;                      /* Sector size */
1127    int szPage;                       /* Page size */
1129    assert( isOpen(pPager->fd) );
1130    dc = sqlite3OsDeviceCharacteristics(pPager->fd);
1131    nSector = pPager->sectorSize;
1132    szPage = pPager->pageSize;
1134    assert(SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC512==(512>>8));
1135    assert(SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC64K==(65536>>8));
1136    if( 0==(dc&(SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC|(szPage>>8)) || nSector>szPage) ){
1137      return 0;
1138    }
1139  }
1141  return JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(pPager) + JOURNAL_PG_SZ(pPager);
1146** If SQLITE_CHECK_PAGES is defined then we do some sanity checking
1147** on the cache using a hash function.  This is used for testing
1148** and debugging only.
1152** Return a 32-bit hash of the page data for pPage.
1154static u32 pager_datahash(int nByte, unsigned char *pData){
1155  u32 hash = 0;
1156  int i;
1157  for(i=0; i<nByte; i++){
1158    hash = (hash*1039) + pData[i];
1159  }
1160  return hash;
1162static u32 pager_pagehash(PgHdr *pPage){
1163  return pager_datahash(pPage->pPager->pageSize, (unsigned char *)pPage->pData);
1165static void pager_set_pagehash(PgHdr *pPage){
1166  pPage->pageHash = pager_pagehash(pPage);
1170** The CHECK_PAGE macro takes a PgHdr* as an argument. If SQLITE_CHECK_PAGES
1171** is defined, and NDEBUG is not defined, an assert() statement checks
1172** that the page is either dirty or still matches the calculated page-hash.
1174#define CHECK_PAGE(x) checkPage(x)
1175static void checkPage(PgHdr *pPg){
1176  Pager *pPager = pPg->pPager;
1177  assert( pPager->eState!=PAGER_ERROR );
1178  assert( (pPg->flags&PGHDR_DIRTY) || pPg->pageHash==pager_pagehash(pPg) );
1182#define pager_datahash(X,Y)  0
1183#define pager_pagehash(X)  0
1184#define pager_set_pagehash(X)
1185#define CHECK_PAGE(x)
1186#endif  /* SQLITE_CHECK_PAGES */
1189** When this is called the journal file for pager pPager must be open.
1190** This function attempts to read a master journal file name from the
1191** end of the file and, if successful, copies it into memory supplied
1192** by the caller. See comments above writeMasterJournal() for the format
1193** used to store a master journal file name at the end of a journal file.
1195** zMaster must point to a buffer of at least nMaster bytes allocated by
1196** the caller. This should be sqlite3_vfs.mxPathname+1 (to ensure there is
1197** enough space to write the master journal name). If the master journal
1198** name in the journal is longer than nMaster bytes (including a
1199** nul-terminator), then this is handled as if no master journal name
1200** were present in the journal.
1202** If a master journal file name is present at the end of the journal
1203** file, then it is copied into the buffer pointed to by zMaster. A
1204** nul-terminator byte is appended to the buffer following the master
1205** journal file name.
1207** If it is determined that no master journal file name is present
1208** zMaster[0] is set to 0 and SQLITE_OK returned.
1210** If an error occurs while reading from the journal file, an SQLite
1211** error code is returned.
1213static int readMasterJournal(sqlite3_file *pJrnl, char *zMaster, u32 nMaster){
1214  int rc;                    /* Return code */
1215  u32 len;                   /* Length in bytes of master journal name */
1216  i64 szJ;                   /* Total size in bytes of journal file pJrnl */
1217  u32 cksum;                 /* MJ checksum value read from journal */
1218  u32 u;                     /* Unsigned loop counter */
1219  unsigned char aMagic[8];   /* A buffer to hold the magic header */
1220  zMaster[0] = '\0';
1222  if( SQLITE_OK!=(rc = sqlite3OsFileSize(pJrnl, &szJ))
1223   || szJ<16
1224   || SQLITE_OK!=(rc = read32bits(pJrnl, szJ-16, &len))
1225   || len>=nMaster
1226   || SQLITE_OK!=(rc = read32bits(pJrnl, szJ-12, &cksum))
1227   || SQLITE_OK!=(rc = sqlite3OsRead(pJrnl, aMagic, 8, szJ-8))
1228   || memcmp(aMagic, aJournalMagic, 8)
1229   || SQLITE_OK!=(rc = sqlite3OsRead(pJrnl, zMaster, len, szJ-16-len))
1230  ){
1231    return rc;
1232  }
1234  /* See if the checksum matches the master journal name */
1235  for(u=0; u<len; u++){
1236    cksum -= zMaster[u];
1237  }
1238  if( cksum ){
1239    /* If the checksum doesn't add up, then one or more of the disk sectors
1240    ** containing the master journal filename is corrupted. This means
1241    ** definitely roll back, so just return SQLITE_OK and report a (nul)
1242    ** master-journal filename.
1243    */
1244    len = 0;
1245  }
1246  zMaster[len] = '\0';
1248  return SQLITE_OK;
1252** Return the offset of the sector boundary at or immediately
1253** following the value in pPager->journalOff, assuming a sector
1254** size of pPager->sectorSize bytes.
1256** i.e for a sector size of 512:
1258**   Pager.journalOff          Return value
1259**   ---------------------------------------
1260**   0                         0
1261**   512                       512
1262**   100                       512
1263**   2000                      2048
1266static i64 journalHdrOffset(Pager *pPager){
1267  i64 offset = 0;
1268  i64 c = pPager->journalOff;
1269  if( c ){
1270    offset = ((c-1)/JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(pPager) + 1) * JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(pPager);
1271  }
1272  assert( offset%JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(pPager)==0 );
1273  assert( offset>=c );
1274  assert( (offset-c)<JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(pPager) );
1275  return offset;
1279** The journal file must be open when this function is called.
1281** This function is a no-op if the journal file has not been written to
1282** within the current transaction (i.e. if Pager.journalOff==0).
1284** If doTruncate is non-zero or the Pager.journalSizeLimit variable is
1285** set to 0, then truncate the journal file to zero bytes in size. Otherwise,
1286** zero the 28-byte header at the start of the journal file. In either case,
1287** if the pager is not in no-sync mode, sync the journal file immediately
1288** after writing or truncating it.
1290** If Pager.journalSizeLimit is set to a positive, non-zero value, and
1291** following the truncation or zeroing described above the size of the
1292** journal file in bytes is larger than this value, then truncate the
1293** journal file to Pager.journalSizeLimit bytes. The journal file does
1294** not need to be synced following this operation.
1296** If an IO error occurs, abandon processing and return the IO error code.
1297** Otherwise, return SQLITE_OK.
1299static int zeroJournalHdr(Pager *pPager, int doTruncate){
1300  int rc = SQLITE_OK;                               /* Return code */
1301  assert( isOpen(pPager->jfd) );
1302  if( pPager->journalOff ){
1303    const i64 iLimit = pPager->journalSizeLimit;    /* Local cache of jsl */
1305    IOTRACE(("JZEROHDR %p\n", pPager))
1306    if( doTruncate || iLimit==0 ){
1307      rc = sqlite3OsTruncate(pPager->jfd, 0);
1308    }else{
1309      static const char zeroHdr[28] = {0};
1310      rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pPager->jfd, zeroHdr, sizeof(zeroHdr), 0);
1311    }
1312    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && !pPager->noSync ){
1313      rc = sqlite3OsSync(pPager->jfd, SQLITE_SYNC_DATAONLY|pPager->syncFlags);
1314    }
1316    /* At this point the transaction is committed but the write lock
1317    ** is still held on the file. If there is a size limit configured for
1318    ** the persistent journal and the journal file currently consumes more
1319    ** space than that limit allows for, truncate it now. There is no need
1320    ** to sync the file following this operation.
1321    */
1322    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && iLimit>0 ){
1323      i64 sz;
1324      rc = sqlite3OsFileSize(pPager->jfd, &sz);
1325      if( rc==SQLITE_OK && sz>iLimit ){
1326        rc = sqlite3OsTruncate(pPager->jfd, iLimit);
1327      }
1328    }
1329  }
1330  return rc;
1334** The journal file must be open when this routine is called. A journal
1335** header (JOURNAL_HDR_SZ bytes) is written into the journal file at the
1336** current location.
1338** The format for the journal header is as follows:
1339** - 8 bytes: Magic identifying journal format.
1340** - 4 bytes: Number of records in journal, or -1 no-sync mode is on.
1341** - 4 bytes: Random number used for page hash.
1342** - 4 bytes: Initial database page count.
1343** - 4 bytes: Sector size used by the process that wrote this journal.
1344** - 4 bytes: Database page size.
1346** Followed by (JOURNAL_HDR_SZ - 28) bytes of unused space.
1348static int writeJournalHdr(Pager *pPager){
1349  int rc = SQLITE_OK;                 /* Return code */
1350  char *zHeader = pPager->pTmpSpace;  /* Temporary space used to build header */
1351  u32 nHeader = (u32)pPager->pageSize;/* Size of buffer pointed to by zHeader */
1352  u32 nWrite;                         /* Bytes of header sector written */
1353  int ii;                             /* Loop counter */
1355  assert( isOpen(pPager->jfd) );      /* Journal file must be open. */
1357  if( nHeader>JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(pPager) ){
1358    nHeader = JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(pPager);
1359  }
1361  /* If there are active savepoints and any of them were created
1362  ** since the most recent journal header was written, update the
1363  ** PagerSavepoint.iHdrOffset fields now.
1364  */
1365  for(ii=0; ii<pPager->nSavepoint; ii++){
1366    if( pPager->aSavepoint[ii].iHdrOffset==0 ){
1367      pPager->aSavepoint[ii].iHdrOffset = pPager->journalOff;
1368    }
1369  }
1371  pPager->journalHdr = pPager->journalOff = journalHdrOffset(pPager);
1373  /*
1374  ** Write the nRec Field - the number of page records that follow this
1375  ** journal header. Normally, zero is written to this value at this time.
1376  ** After the records are added to the journal (and the journal synced,
1377  ** if in full-sync mode), the zero is overwritten with the true number
1378  ** of records (see syncJournal()).
1379  **
1380  ** A faster alternative is to write 0xFFFFFFFF to the nRec field. When
1381  ** reading the journal this value tells SQLite to assume that the
1382  ** rest of the journal file contains valid page records. This assumption
1383  ** is dangerous, as if a failure occurred whilst writing to the journal
1384  ** file it may contain some garbage data. There are two scenarios
1385  ** where this risk can be ignored:
1386  **
1387  **   * When the pager is in no-sync mode. Corruption can follow a
1388  **     power failure in this case anyway.
1389  **
1390  **   * When the SQLITE_IOCAP_SAFE_APPEND flag is set. This guarantees
1391  **     that garbage data is never appended to the journal file.
1392  */
1393  assert( isOpen(pPager->fd) || pPager->noSync );
1394  if( pPager->noSync || (pPager->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_MEMORY)
1395   || (sqlite3OsDeviceCharacteristics(pPager->fd)&SQLITE_IOCAP_SAFE_APPEND)
1396  ){
1397    memcpy(zHeader, aJournalMagic, sizeof(aJournalMagic));
1398    put32bits(&zHeader[sizeof(aJournalMagic)], 0xffffffff);
1399  }else{
1400    memset(zHeader, 0, sizeof(aJournalMagic)+4);
1401  }
1403  /* The random check-hash initialiser */
1404  sqlite3_randomness(sizeof(pPager->cksumInit), &pPager->cksumInit);
1405  put32bits(&zHeader[sizeof(aJournalMagic)+4], pPager->cksumInit);
1406  /* The initial database size */
1407  put32bits(&zHeader[sizeof(aJournalMagic)+8], pPager->dbOrigSize);
1408  /* The assumed sector size for this process */
1409  put32bits(&zHeader[sizeof(aJournalMagic)+12], pPager->sectorSize);
1411  /* The page size */
1412  put32bits(&zHeader[sizeof(aJournalMagic)+16], pPager->pageSize);
1414  /* Initializing the tail of the buffer is not necessary.  Everything
1415  ** works find if the following memset() is omitted.  But initializing
1416  ** the memory prevents valgrind from complaining, so we are willing to
1417  ** take the performance hit.
1418  */
1419  memset(&zHeader[sizeof(aJournalMagic)+20], 0,
1420         nHeader-(sizeof(aJournalMagic)+20));
1422  /* In theory, it is only necessary to write the 28 bytes that the
1423  ** journal header consumes to the journal file here. Then increment the
1424  ** Pager.journalOff variable by JOURNAL_HDR_SZ so that the next
1425  ** record is written to the following sector (leaving a gap in the file
1426  ** that will be implicitly filled in by the OS).
1427  **
1428  ** However it has been discovered that on some systems this pattern can
1429  ** be significantly slower than contiguously writing data to the file,
1430  ** even if that means explicitly writing data to the block of
1431  ** (JOURNAL_HDR_SZ - 28) bytes that will not be used. So that is what
1432  ** is done.
1433  **
1434  ** The loop is required here in case the sector-size is larger than the
1435  ** database page size. Since the zHeader buffer is only Pager.pageSize
1436  ** bytes in size, more than one call to sqlite3OsWrite() may be required
1437  ** to populate the entire journal header sector.
1438  */
1439  for(nWrite=0; rc==SQLITE_OK&&nWrite<JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(pPager); nWrite+=nHeader){
1440    IOTRACE(("JHDR %p %lld %d\n", pPager, pPager->journalHdr, nHeader))
1441    rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pPager->jfd, zHeader, nHeader, pPager->journalOff);
1442    assert( pPager->journalHdr <= pPager->journalOff );
1443    pPager->journalOff += nHeader;
1444  }
1446  return rc;
1450** The journal file must be open when this is called. A journal header file
1451** (JOURNAL_HDR_SZ bytes) is read from the current location in the journal
1452** file. The current location in the journal file is given by
1453** pPager->journalOff. See comments above function writeJournalHdr() for
1454** a description of the journal header format.
1456** If the header is read successfully, *pNRec is set to the number of
1457** page records following this header and *pDbSize is set to the size of the
1458** database before the transaction began, in pages. Also, pPager->cksumInit
1459** is set to the value read from the journal header. SQLITE_OK is returned
1460** in this case.
1462** If the journal header file appears to be corrupted, SQLITE_DONE is
1463** returned and *pNRec and *PDbSize are undefined.  If JOURNAL_HDR_SZ bytes
1464** cannot be read from the journal file an error code is returned.
1466static int readJournalHdr(
1467  Pager *pPager,               /* Pager object */
1468  int isHot,
1469  i64 journalSize,             /* Size of the open journal file in bytes */
1470  u32 *pNRec,                  /* OUT: Value read from the nRec field */
1471  u32 *pDbSize                 /* OUT: Value of original database size field */
1473  int rc;                      /* Return code */
1474  unsigned char aMagic[8];     /* A buffer to hold the magic header */
1475  i64 iHdrOff;                 /* Offset of journal header being read */
1477  assert( isOpen(pPager->jfd) );      /* Journal file must be open. */
1479  /* Advance Pager.journalOff to the start of the next sector. If the
1480  ** journal file is too small for there to be a header stored at this
1481  ** point, return SQLITE_DONE.
1482  */
1483  pPager->journalOff = journalHdrOffset(pPager);
1484  if( pPager->journalOff+JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(pPager) > journalSize ){
1485    return SQLITE_DONE;
1486  }
1487  iHdrOff = pPager->journalOff;
1489  /* Read in the first 8 bytes of the journal header. If they do not match
1490  ** the  magic string found at the start of each journal header, return
1491  ** SQLITE_DONE. If an IO error occurs, return an error code. Otherwise,
1492  ** proceed.
1493  */
1494  if( isHot || iHdrOff!=pPager->journalHdr ){
1495    rc = sqlite3OsRead(pPager->jfd, aMagic, sizeof(aMagic), iHdrOff);
1496    if( rc ){
1497      return rc;
1498    }
1499    if( memcmp(aMagic, aJournalMagic, sizeof(aMagic))!=0 ){
1500      return SQLITE_DONE;
1501    }
1502  }
1504  /* Read the first three 32-bit fields of the journal header: The nRec
1505  ** field, the checksum-initializer and the database size at the start
1506  ** of the transaction. Return an error code if anything goes wrong.
1507  */
1508  if( SQLITE_OK!=(rc = read32bits(pPager->jfd, iHdrOff+8, pNRec))
1509   || SQLITE_OK!=(rc = read32bits(pPager->jfd, iHdrOff+12, &pPager->cksumInit))
1510   || SQLITE_OK!=(rc = read32bits(pPager->jfd, iHdrOff+16, pDbSize))
1511  ){
1512    return rc;
1513  }
1515  if( pPager->journalOff==0 ){
1516    u32 iPageSize;               /* Page-size field of journal header */
1517    u32 iSectorSize;             /* Sector-size field of journal header */
1519    /* Read the page-size and sector-size journal header fields. */
1520    if( SQLITE_OK!=(rc = read32bits(pPager->jfd, iHdrOff+20, &iSectorSize))
1521     || SQLITE_OK!=(rc = read32bits(pPager->jfd, iHdrOff+24, &iPageSize))
1522    ){
1523      return rc;
1524    }
1526    /* Versions of SQLite prior to 3.5.8 set the page-size field of the
1527    ** journal header to zero. In this case, assume that the Pager.pageSize
1528    ** variable is already set to the correct page size.
1529    */
1530    if( iPageSize==0 ){
1531      iPageSize = pPager->pageSize;
1532    }
1534    /* Check that the values read from the page-size and sector-size fields
1535    ** are within range. To be 'in range', both values need to be a power
1536    ** of two greater than or equal to 512 or 32, and not greater than their
1537    ** respective compile time maximum limits.
1538    */
1539    if( iPageSize<512                  || iSectorSize<32
1540     || iPageSize>SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE || iSectorSize>MAX_SECTOR_SIZE
1541     || ((iPageSize-1)&iPageSize)!=0   || ((iSectorSize-1)&iSectorSize)!=0
1542    ){
1543      /* If the either the page-size or sector-size in the journal-header is
1544      ** invalid, then the process that wrote the journal-header must have
1545      ** crashed before the header was synced. In this case stop reading
1546      ** the journal file here.
1547      */
1548      return SQLITE_DONE;
1549    }
1551    /* Update the page-size to match the value read from the journal.
1552    ** Use a testcase() macro to make sure that malloc failure within
1553    ** PagerSetPagesize() is tested.
1554    */
1555    rc = sqlite3PagerSetPagesize(pPager, &iPageSize, -1);
1556    testcase( rc!=SQLITE_OK );
1558    /* Update the assumed sector-size to match the value used by
1559    ** the process that created this journal. If this journal was
1560    ** created by a process other than this one, then this routine
1561    ** is being called from within pager_playback(). The local value
1562    ** of Pager.sectorSize is restored at the end of that routine.
1563    */
1564    pPager->sectorSize = iSectorSize;
1565  }
1567  pPager->journalOff += JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(pPager);
1568  return rc;
1573** Write the supplied master journal name into the journal file for pager
1574** pPager at the current location. The master journal name must be the last
1575** thing written to a journal file. If the pager is in full-sync mode, the
1576** journal file descriptor is advanced to the next sector boundary before
1577** anything is written. The format is:
1579**   + 4 bytes: PAGER_MJ_PGNO.
1580**   + N bytes: Master journal filename in utf-8.
1581**   + 4 bytes: N (length of master journal name in bytes, no nul-terminator).
1582**   + 4 bytes: Master journal name checksum.
1583**   + 8 bytes: aJournalMagic[].
1585** The master journal page checksum is the sum of the bytes in the master
1586** journal name, where each byte is interpreted as a signed 8-bit integer.
1588** If zMaster is a NULL pointer (occurs for a single database transaction),
1589** this call is a no-op.
1591static int writeMasterJournal(Pager *pPager, const char *zMaster){
1592  int rc;                          /* Return code */
1593  int nMaster;                     /* Length of string zMaster */
1594  i64 iHdrOff;                     /* Offset of header in journal file */
1595  i64 jrnlSize;                    /* Size of journal file on disk */
1596  u32 cksum = 0;                   /* Checksum of string zMaster */
1598  assert( pPager->setMaster==0 );
1599  assert( !pagerUseWal(pPager) );
1601  if( !zMaster
1602   || pPager->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_MEMORY
1603   || pPager->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF
1604  ){
1605    return SQLITE_OK;
1606  }
1607  pPager->setMaster = 1;
1608  assert( isOpen(pPager->jfd) );
1609  assert( pPager->journalHdr <= pPager->journalOff );
1611  /* Calculate the length in bytes and the checksum of zMaster */
1612  for(nMaster=0; zMaster[nMaster]; nMaster++){
1613    cksum += zMaster[nMaster];
1614  }
1616  /* If in full-sync mode, advance to the next disk sector before writing
1617  ** the master journal name. This is in case the previous page written to
1618  ** the journal has already been synced.
1619  */
1620  if( pPager->fullSync ){
1621    pPager->journalOff = journalHdrOffset(pPager);
1622  }
1623  iHdrOff = pPager->journalOff;
1625  /* Write the master journal data to the end of the journal file. If
1626  ** an error occurs, return the error code to the caller.
1627  */
1628  if( (0 != (rc = write32bits(pPager->jfd, iHdrOff, PAGER_MJ_PGNO(pPager))))
1629   || (0 != (rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pPager->jfd, zMaster, nMaster, iHdrOff+4)))
1630   || (0 != (rc = write32bits(pPager->jfd, iHdrOff+4+nMaster, nMaster)))
1631   || (0 != (rc = write32bits(pPager->jfd, iHdrOff+4+nMaster+4, cksum)))
1632   || (0 != (rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pPager->jfd, aJournalMagic, 8, iHdrOff+4+nMaster+8)))
1633  ){
1634    return rc;
1635  }
1636  pPager->journalOff += (nMaster+20);
1638  /* If the pager is in peristent-journal mode, then the physical
1639  ** journal-file may extend past the end of the master-journal name
1640  ** and 8 bytes of magic data just written to the file. This is
1641  ** dangerous because the code to rollback a hot-journal file
1642  ** will not be able to find the master-journal name to determine
1643  ** whether or not the journal is hot.
1644  **
1645  ** Easiest thing to do in this scenario is to truncate the journal
1646  ** file to the required size.
1647  */
1648  if( SQLITE_OK==(rc = sqlite3OsFileSize(pPager->jfd, &jrnlSize))
1649   && jrnlSize>pPager->journalOff
1650  ){
1651    rc = sqlite3OsTruncate(pPager->jfd, pPager->journalOff);
1652  }
1653  return rc;
1657** Find a page in the hash table given its page number. Return
1658** a pointer to the page or NULL if the requested page is not
1659** already in memory.
1661static PgHdr *pager_lookup(Pager *pPager, Pgno pgno){
1662  PgHdr *p;                         /* Return value */
1664  /* It is not possible for a call to PcacheFetch() with createFlag==0 to
1665  ** fail, since no attempt to allocate dynamic memory will be made.
1666  */
1667  (void)sqlite3PcacheFetch(pPager->pPCache, pgno, 0, &p);
1668  return p;
1672** Discard the entire contents of the in-memory page-cache.
1674static void pager_reset(Pager *pPager){
1675  sqlite3BackupRestart(pPager->pBackup);
1676  sqlite3PcacheClear(pPager->pPCache);
1680** Free all structures in the Pager.aSavepoint[] array and set both
1681** Pager.aSavepoint and Pager.nSavepoint to zero. Close the sub-journal
1682** if it is open and the pager is not in exclusive mode.
1684static void releaseAllSavepoints(Pager *pPager){
1685  int ii;               /* Iterator for looping through Pager.aSavepoint */
1686  for(ii=0; ii<pPager->nSavepoint; ii++){
1687    sqlite3BitvecDestroy(pPager->aSavepoint[ii].pInSavepoint);
1688  }
1689  if( !pPager->exclusiveMode || sqlite3IsMemJournal(pPager->sjfd) ){
1690    sqlite3OsClose(pPager->sjfd);
1691  }
1692  sqlite3_free(pPager->aSavepoint);
1693  pPager->aSavepoint = 0;
1694  pPager->nSavepoint = 0;
1695  pPager->nSubRec = 0;
1699** Set the bit number pgno in the PagerSavepoint.pInSavepoint
1700** bitvecs of all open savepoints. Return SQLITE_OK if successful
1701** or SQLITE_NOMEM if a malloc failure occurs.
1703static int addToSavepointBitvecs(Pager *pPager, Pgno pgno){
1704  int ii;                   /* Loop counter */
1705  int rc = SQLITE_OK;       /* Result code */
1707  for(ii=0; ii<pPager->nSavepoint; ii++){
1708    PagerSavepoint *p = &pPager->aSavepoint[ii];
1709    if( pgno<=p->nOrig ){
1710      rc |= sqlite3BitvecSet(p->pInSavepoint, pgno);
1711      testcase( rc==SQLITE_NOMEM );
1712      assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || rc==SQLITE_NOMEM );
1713    }
1714  }
1715  return rc;
1719** This function is a no-op if the pager is in exclusive mode and not
1720** in the ERROR state. Otherwise, it switches the pager to PAGER_OPEN
1721** state.
1723** If the pager is not in exclusive-access mode, the database file is
1724** completely unlocked. If the file is unlocked and the file-system does
1725** not exhibit the UNDELETABLE_WHEN_OPEN property, the journal file is
1726** closed (if it is open).
1728** If the pager is in ERROR state when this function is called, the
1729** contents of the pager cache are discarded before switching back to
1730** the OPEN state. Regardless of whether the pager is in exclusive-mode
1731** or not, any journal file left in the file-system will be treated
1732** as a hot-journal and rolled back the next time a read-transaction
1733** is opened (by this or by any other connection).
1735static void pager_unlock(Pager *pPager){
1737  assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_READER
1738       || pPager->eState==PAGER_OPEN
1739       || pPager->eState==PAGER_ERROR
1740  );
1742  sqlite3BitvecDestroy(pPager->pInJournal);
1743  pPager->pInJournal = 0;
1744  releaseAllSavepoints(pPager);
1746  if( pagerUseWal(pPager) ){
1747    assert( !isOpen(pPager->jfd) );
1748    sqlite3WalEndReadTransaction(pPager->pWal);
1749    pPager->eState = PAGER_OPEN;
1750  }else if( !pPager->exclusiveMode ){
1751    int rc;                       /* Error code returned by pagerUnlockDb() */
1752    int iDc = isOpen(pPager->fd)?sqlite3OsDeviceCharacteristics(pPager->fd):0;
1754    /* If the operating system support deletion of open files, then
1755    ** close the journal file when dropping the database lock.  Otherwise
1756    ** another connection with journal_mode=delete might delete the file
1757    ** out from under us.
1758    */
1759    assert( (PAGER_JOURNALMODE_MEMORY   & 5)!=1 );
1760    assert( (PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF      & 5)!=1 );
1761    assert( (PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL      & 5)!=1 );
1762    assert( (PAGER_JOURNALMODE_DELETE   & 5)!=1 );
1763    assert( (PAGER_JOURNALMODE_TRUNCATE & 5)==1 );
1764    assert( (PAGER_JOURNALMODE_PERSIST  & 5)==1 );
1766     || 1!=(pPager->journalMode & 5)
1767    ){
1768      sqlite3OsClose(pPager->jfd);
1769    }
1771    /* If the pager is in the ERROR state and the call to unlock the database
1772    ** file fails, set the current lock to UNKNOWN_LOCK. See the comment
1773    ** above the #define for UNKNOWN_LOCK for an explanation of why this
1774    ** is necessary.
1775    */
1776    rc = pagerUnlockDb(pPager, NO_LOCK);
1777    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK && pPager->eState==PAGER_ERROR ){
1778      pPager->eLock = UNKNOWN_LOCK;
1779    }
1781    /* The pager state may be changed from PAGER_ERROR to PAGER_OPEN here
1782    ** without clearing the error code. This is intentional - the error
1783    ** code is cleared and the cache reset in the block below.
1784    */
1785    assert( pPager->errCode || pPager->eState!=PAGER_ERROR );
1786    pPager->changeCountDone = 0;
1787    pPager->eState = PAGER_OPEN;
1788  }
1790  /* If Pager.errCode is set, the contents of the pager cache cannot be
1791  ** trusted. Now that there are no outstanding references to the pager,
1792  ** it can safely move back to PAGER_OPEN state. This happens in both
1793  ** normal and exclusive-locking mode.
1794  */
1795  if( pPager->errCode ){
1796    assert( !MEMDB );
1797    pager_reset(pPager);
1798    pPager->changeCountDone = pPager->tempFile;
1799    pPager->eState = PAGER_OPEN;
1800    pPager->errCode = SQLITE_OK;
1801  }
1803  pPager->journalOff = 0;
1804  pPager->journalHdr = 0;
1805  pPager->setMaster = 0;
1809** This function is called whenever an IOERR or FULL error that requires
1810** the pager to transition into the ERROR state may ahve occurred.
1811** The first argument is a pointer to the pager structure, the second
1812** the error-code about to be returned by a pager API function. The
1813** value returned is a copy of the second argument to this function.
1815** If the second argument is SQLITE_FULL, SQLITE_IOERR or one of the
1816** IOERR sub-codes, the pager enters the ERROR state and the error code
1817** is stored in Pager.errCode. While the pager remains in the ERROR state,
1818** all major API calls on the Pager will immediately return Pager.errCode.
1820** The ERROR state indicates that the contents of the pager-cache
1821** cannot be trusted. This state can be cleared by completely discarding
1822** the contents of the pager-cache. If a transaction was active when
1823** the persistent error occurred, then the rollback journal may need
1824** to be replayed to restore the contents of the database file (as if
1825** it were a hot-journal).
1827static int pager_error(Pager *pPager, int rc){
1828  int rc2 = rc & 0xff;
1829  assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || !MEMDB );
1830  assert(
1831       pPager->errCode==SQLITE_FULL ||
1832       pPager->errCode==SQLITE_OK ||
1833       (pPager->errCode & 0xff)==SQLITE_IOERR
1834  );
1835  if( rc2==SQLITE_FULL || rc2==SQLITE_IOERR ){
1836    pPager->errCode = rc;
1837    pPager->eState = PAGER_ERROR;
1838  }
1839  return rc;
1843** This routine ends a transaction. A transaction is usually ended by
1844** either a COMMIT or a ROLLBACK operation. This routine may be called
1845** after rollback of a hot-journal, or if an error occurs while opening
1846** the journal file or writing the very first journal-header of a
1847** database transaction.
1849** This routine is never called in PAGER_ERROR state. If it is called
1850** in PAGER_NONE or PAGER_SHARED state and the lock held is less
1851** exclusive than a RESERVED lock, it is a no-op.
1853** Otherwise, any active savepoints are released.
1855** If the journal file is open, then it is "finalized". Once a journal
1856** file has been finalized it is not possible to use it to roll back a
1857** transaction. Nor will it be considered to be a hot-journal by this
1858** or any other database connection. Exactly how a journal is finalized
1859** depends on whether or not the pager is running in exclusive mode and
1860** the current journal-mode (Pager.journalMode value), as follows:
1862**   journalMode==MEMORY
1863**     Journal file descriptor is simply closed. This destroys an
1864**     in-memory journal.
1866**   journalMode==TRUNCATE
1867**     Journal file is truncated to zero bytes in size.
1869**   journalMode==PERSIST
1870**     The first 28 bytes of the journal file are zeroed. This invalidates
1871**     the first journal header in the file, and hence the entire journal
1872**     file. An invalid journal file cannot be rolled back.
1874**   journalMode==DELETE
1875**     The journal file is closed and deleted using sqlite3OsDelete().
1877**     If the pager is running in exclusive mode, this method of finalizing
1878**     the journal file is never used. Instead, if the journalMode is
1879**     DELETE and the pager is in exclusive mode, the method described under
1880**     journalMode==PERSIST is used instead.
1882** After the journal is finalized, the pager moves to PAGER_READER state.
1883** If running in non-exclusive rollback mode, the lock on the file is
1884** downgraded to a SHARED_LOCK.
1886** SQLITE_OK is returned if no error occurs. If an error occurs during
1887** any of the IO operations to finalize the journal file or unlock the
1888** database then the IO error code is returned to the user. If the
1889** operation to finalize the journal file fails, then the code still
1890** tries to unlock the database file if not in exclusive mode. If the
1891** unlock operation fails as well, then the first error code related
1892** to the first error encountered (the journal finalization one) is
1893** returned.
1895static int pager_end_transaction(Pager *pPager, int hasMaster){
1896  int rc = SQLITE_OK;      /* Error code from journal finalization operation */
1897  int rc2 = SQLITE_OK;     /* Error code from db file unlock operation */
1899  /* Do nothing if the pager does not have an open write transaction
1900  ** or at least a RESERVED lock. This function may be called when there
1901  ** is no write-transaction active but a RESERVED or greater lock is
1902  ** held under two circumstances:
1903  **
1904  **   1. After a successful hot-journal rollback, it is called with
1905  **      eState==PAGER_NONE and eLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK.
1906  **
1907  **   2. If a connection with locking_mode=exclusive holding an EXCLUSIVE
1908  **      lock switches back to locking_mode=normal and then executes a
1909  **      read-transaction, this function is called with eState==PAGER_READER
1910  **      and eLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK when the read-transaction is closed.
1911  */
1912  assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
1913  assert( pPager->eState!=PAGER_ERROR );
1914  if( pPager->eState<PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED && pPager->eLock<RESERVED_LOCK ){
1915    return SQLITE_OK;
1916  }
1918  releaseAllSavepoints(pPager);
1919  assert( isOpen(pPager->jfd) || pPager->pInJournal==0 );
1920  if( isOpen(pPager->jfd) ){
1921    assert( !pagerUseWal(pPager) );
1923    /* Finalize the journal file. */
1924    if( sqlite3IsMemJournal(pPager->jfd) ){
1925      assert( pPager->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_MEMORY );
1926      sqlite3OsClose(pPager->jfd);
1927    }else if( pPager->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_TRUNCATE ){
1928      if( pPager->journalOff==0 ){
1929        rc = SQLITE_OK;
1930      }else{
1931        rc = sqlite3OsTruncate(pPager->jfd, 0);
1932      }
1933      pPager->journalOff = 0;
1934    }else if( pPager->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_PERSIST
1935      || (pPager->exclusiveMode && pPager->journalMode!=PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL)
1936    ){
1937      rc = zeroJournalHdr(pPager, hasMaster);
1938      pPager->journalOff = 0;
1939    }else{
1940      /* This branch may be executed with Pager.journalMode==MEMORY if
1941      ** a hot-journal was just rolled back. In this case the journal
1942      ** file should be closed and deleted. If this connection writes to
1943      ** the database file, it will do so using an in-memory journal.
1944      */
1945      assert( pPager->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_DELETE
1946           || pPager->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_MEMORY
1947           || pPager->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL
1948      );
1949      sqlite3OsClose(pPager->jfd);
1950      if( !pPager->tempFile ){
1951        rc = sqlite3OsDelete(pPager->pVfs, pPager->zJournal, 0);
1952      }
1953    }
1954  }
1957  sqlite3PcacheIterateDirty(pPager->pPCache, pager_set_pagehash);
1958  if( pPager->dbSize==0 && sqlite3PcacheRefCount(pPager->pPCache)>0 ){
1959    PgHdr *p = pager_lookup(pPager, 1);
1960    if( p ){
1961      p->pageHash = 0;
1962      sqlite3PagerUnref(p);
1963    }
1964  }
1967  sqlite3BitvecDestroy(pPager->pInJournal);
1968  pPager->pInJournal = 0;
1969  pPager->nRec = 0;
1970  sqlite3PcacheCleanAll(pPager->pPCache);
1971  sqlite3PcacheTruncate(pPager->pPCache, pPager->dbSize);
1973  if( pagerUseWal(pPager) ){
1974    /* Drop the WAL write-lock, if any. Also, if the connection was in
1975    ** locking_mode=exclusive mode but is no longer, drop the EXCLUSIVE
1976    ** lock held on the database file.
1977    */
1978    rc2 = sqlite3WalEndWriteTransaction(pPager->pWal);
1979    assert( rc2==SQLITE_OK );
1980  }
1981  if( !pPager->exclusiveMode
1982   && (!pagerUseWal(pPager) || sqlite3WalExclusiveMode(pPager->pWal, 0))
1983  ){
1984    rc2 = pagerUnlockDb(pPager, SHARED_LOCK);
1985    pPager->changeCountDone = 0;
1986  }
1987  pPager->eState = PAGER_READER;
1988  pPager->setMaster = 0;
1990  return (rc==SQLITE_OK?rc2:rc);
1994** Execute a rollback if a transaction is active and unlock the
1995** database file.
1997** If the pager has already entered the ERROR state, do not attempt
1998** the rollback at this time. Instead, pager_unlock() is called. The
1999** call to pager_unlock() will discard all in-memory pages, unlock
2000** the database file and move the pager back to OPEN state. If this
2001** means that there is a hot-journal left in the file-system, the next
2002** connection to obtain a shared lock on the pager (which may be this one)
2003** will roll it back.
2005** If the pager has not already entered the ERROR state, but an IO or
2006** malloc error occurs during a rollback, then this will itself cause
2007** the pager to enter the ERROR state. Which will be cleared by the
2008** call to pager_unlock(), as described above.
2010static void pagerUnlockAndRollback(Pager *pPager){
2011  if( pPager->eState!=PAGER_ERROR && pPager->eState!=PAGER_OPEN ){
2012    assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
2013    if( pPager->eState>=PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED ){
2014      sqlite3BeginBenignMalloc();
2015      sqlite3PagerRollback(pPager);
2016      sqlite3EndBenignMalloc();
2017    }else if( !pPager->exclusiveMode ){
2018      assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_READER );
2019      pager_end_transaction(pPager, 0);
2020    }
2021  }
2022  pager_unlock(pPager);
2026** Parameter aData must point to a buffer of pPager->pageSize bytes
2027** of data. Compute and return a checksum based ont the contents of the
2028** page of data and the current value of pPager->cksumInit.
2030** This is not a real checksum. It is really just the sum of the
2031** random initial value (pPager->cksumInit) and every 200th byte
2032** of the page data, starting with byte offset (pPager->pageSize%200).
2033** Each byte is interpreted as an 8-bit unsigned integer.
2035** Changing the formula used to compute this checksum results in an
2036** incompatible journal file format.
2038** If journal corruption occurs due to a power failure, the most likely
2039** scenario is that one end or the other of the record will be changed.
2040** It is much less likely that the two ends of the journal record will be
2041** correct and the middle be corrupt.  Thus, this "checksum" scheme,
2042** though fast and simple, catches the mostly likely kind of corruption.
2044static u32 pager_cksum(Pager *pPager, const u8 *aData){
2045  u32 cksum = pPager->cksumInit;         /* Checksum value to return */
2046  int i = pPager->pageSize-200;          /* Loop counter */
2047  while( i>0 ){
2048    cksum += aData[i];
2049    i -= 200;
2050  }
2051  return cksum;
2055** Report the current page size and number of reserved bytes back
2056** to the codec.
2059static void pagerReportSize(Pager *pPager){
2060  if( pPager->xCodecSizeChng ){
2061    pPager->xCodecSizeChng(pPager->pCodec, pPager->pageSize,
2062                           (int)pPager->nReserve);
2063  }
2066# define pagerReportSize(X)     /* No-op if we do not support a codec */
2070** Read a single page from either the journal file (if isMainJrnl==1) or
2071** from the sub-journal (if isMainJrnl==0) and playback that page.
2072** The page begins at offset *pOffset into the file. The *pOffset
2073** value is increased to the start of the next page in the journal.
2075** The main rollback journal uses checksums - the statement journal does
2076** not.
2078** If the page number of the page record read from the (sub-)journal file
2079** is greater than the current value of Pager.dbSize, then playback is
2080** skipped and SQLITE_OK is returned.
2082** If pDone is not NULL, then it is a record of pages that have already
2083** been played back.  If the page at *pOffset has already been played back
2084** (if the corresponding pDone bit is set) then skip the playback.
2085** Make sure the pDone bit corresponding to the *pOffset page is set
2086** prior to returning.
2088** If the page record is successfully read from the (sub-)journal file
2089** and played back, then SQLITE_OK is returned. If an IO error occurs
2090** while reading the record from the (sub-)journal file or while writing
2091** to the database file, then the IO error code is returned. If data
2092** is successfully read from the (sub-)journal file but appears to be
2093** corrupted, SQLITE_DONE is returned. Data is considered corrupted in
2094** two circumstances:
2096**   * If the record page-number is illegal (0 or PAGER_MJ_PGNO), or
2097**   * If the record is being rolled back from the main journal file
2098**     and the checksum field does not match the record content.
2100** Neither of these two scenarios are possible during a savepoint rollback.
2102** If this is a savepoint rollback, then memory may have to be dynamically
2103** allocated by this function. If this is the case and an allocation fails,
2104** SQLITE_NOMEM is returned.
2106static int pager_playback_one_page(
2107  Pager *pPager,                /* The pager being played back */
2108  i64 *pOffset,                 /* Offset of record to playback */
2109  Bitvec *pDone,                /* Bitvec of pages already played back */
2110  int isMainJrnl,               /* 1 -> main journal. 0 -> sub-journal. */
2111  int isSavepnt                 /* True for a savepoint rollback */
2113  int rc;
2114  PgHdr *pPg;                   /* An existing page in the cache */
2115  Pgno pgno;                    /* The page number of a page in journal */
2116  u32 cksum;                    /* Checksum used for sanity checking */
2117  char *aData;                  /* Temporary storage for the page */
2118  sqlite3_file *jfd;            /* The file descriptor for the journal file */
2119  int isSynced;                 /* True if journal page is synced */
2121  assert( (isMainJrnl&~1)==0 );      /* isMainJrnl is 0 or 1 */
2122  assert( (isSavepnt&~1)==0 );       /* isSavepnt is 0 or 1 */
2123  assert( isMainJrnl || pDone );     /* pDone always used on sub-journals */
2124  assert( isSavepnt || pDone==0 );   /* pDone never used on non-savepoint */
2126  aData = pPager->pTmpSpace;
2127  assert( aData );         /* Temp storage must have already been allocated */
2128  assert( pagerUseWal(pPager)==0 || (!isMainJrnl && isSavepnt) );
2130  /* Either the state is greater than PAGER_WRITER_CACHEMOD (a transaction
2131  ** or savepoint rollback done at the request of the caller) or this is
2132  ** a hot-journal rollback. If it is a hot-journal rollback, the pager
2133  ** is in state OPEN and holds an EXCLUSIVE lock. Hot-journal rollback
2134  ** only reads from the main journal, not the sub-journal.
2135  */
2136  assert( pPager->eState>=PAGER_WRITER_CACHEMOD
2137       || (pPager->eState==PAGER_OPEN && pPager->eLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK)
2138  );
2139  assert( pPager->eState>=PAGER_WRITER_CACHEMOD || isMainJrnl );
2141  /* Read the page number and page data from the journal or sub-journal
2142  ** file. Return an error code to the caller if an IO error occurs.
2143  */
2144  jfd = isMainJrnl ? pPager->jfd : pPager->sjfd;
2145  rc = read32bits(jfd, *pOffset, &pgno);
2146  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
2147  rc = sqlite3OsRead(jfd, (u8*)aData, pPager->pageSize, (*pOffset)+4);
2148  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
2149  *pOffset += pPager->pageSize + 4 + isMainJrnl*4;
2151  /* Sanity checking on the page.  This is more important that I originally
2152  ** thought.  If a power failure occurs while the journal is being written,
2153  ** it could cause invalid data to be written into the journal.  We need to
2154  ** detect this invalid data (with high probability) and ignore it.
2155  */
2156  if( pgno==0 || pgno==PAGER_MJ_PGNO(pPager) ){
2157    assert( !isSavepnt );
2158    return SQLITE_DONE;
2159  }
2160  if( pgno>(Pgno)pPager->dbSize || sqlite3BitvecTest(pDone, pgno) ){
2161    return SQLITE_OK;
2162  }
2163  if( isMainJrnl ){
2164    rc = read32bits(jfd, (*pOffset)-4, &cksum);
2165    if( rc ) return rc;
2166    if( !isSavepnt && pager_cksum(pPager, (u8*)aData)!=cksum ){
2167      return SQLITE_DONE;
2168    }
2169  }
2171  /* If this page has already been played by before during the current
2172  ** rollback, then don't bother to play it back again.
2173  */
2174  if( pDone && (rc = sqlite3BitvecSet(pDone, pgno))!=SQLITE_OK ){
2175    return rc;
2176  }
2178  /* When playing back page 1, restore the nReserve setting
2179  */
2180  if( pgno==1 && pPager->nReserve!=((u8*)aData)[20] ){
2181    pPager->nReserve = ((u8*)aData)[20];
2182    pagerReportSize(pPager);
2183  }
2185  /* If the pager is in CACHEMOD state, then there must be a copy of this
2186  ** page in the pager cache. In this case just update the pager cache,
2187  ** not the database file. The page is left marked dirty in this case.
2188  **
2189  ** An exception to the above rule: If the database is in no-sync mode
2190  ** and a page is moved during an incremental vacuum then the page may
2191  ** not be in the pager cache. Later: if a malloc() or IO error occurs
2192  ** during a Movepage() call, then the page may not be in the cache
2193  ** either. So the condition described in the above paragraph is not
2194  ** assert()able.
2195  **
2196  ** If in WRITER_DBMOD, WRITER_FINISHED or OPEN state, then we update the
2197  ** pager cache if it exists and the main file. The page is then marked
2198  ** not dirty. Since this code is only executed in PAGER_OPEN state for
2199  ** a hot-journal rollback, it is guaranteed that the page-cache is empty
2200  ** if the pager is in OPEN state.
2201  **
2202  ** Ticket #1171:  The statement journal might contain page content that is
2203  ** different from the page content at the start of the transaction.
2204  ** This occurs when a page is changed prior to the start of a statement
2205  ** then changed again within the statement.  When rolling back such a
2206  ** statement we must not write to the original database unless we know
2207  ** for certain that original page contents are synced into the main rollback
2208  ** journal.  Otherwise, a power loss might leave modified data in the
2209  ** database file without an entry in the rollback journal that can
2210  ** restore the database to its original form.  Two conditions must be
2211  ** met before writing to the database files. (1) the database must be
2212  ** locked.  (2) we know that the original page content is fully synced
2213  ** in the main journal either because the page is not in cache or else
2214  ** the page is marked as needSync==0.
2215  **
2216  ** 2008-04-14:  When attempting to vacuum a corrupt database file, it
2217  ** is possible to fail a statement on a database that does not yet exist.
2218  ** Do not attempt to write if database file has never been opened.
2219  */
2220  if( pagerUseWal(pPager) ){
2221    pPg = 0;
2222  }else{
2223    pPg = pager_lookup(pPager, pgno);
2224  }
2225  assert( pPg || !MEMDB );
2226  assert( pPager->eState!=PAGER_OPEN || pPg==0 );
2227  PAGERTRACE(("PLAYBACK %d page %d hash(%08x) %s\n",
2228           PAGERID(pPager), pgno, pager_datahash(pPager->pageSize, (u8*)aData),
2229           (isMainJrnl?"main-journal":"sub-journal")
2230  ));
2231  if( isMainJrnl ){
2232    isSynced = pPager->noSync || (*pOffset <= pPager->journalHdr);
2233  }else{
2234    isSynced = (pPg==0 || 0==(pPg->flags & PGHDR_NEED_SYNC));
2235  }
2236  if( isOpen(pPager->fd)
2237   && (pPager->eState>=PAGER_WRITER_DBMOD || pPager->eState==PAGER_OPEN)
2238   && isSynced
2239  ){
2240    i64 ofst = (pgno-1)*(i64)pPager->pageSize;
2241    testcase( !isSavepnt && pPg!=0 && (pPg->flags&PGHDR_NEED_SYNC)!=0 );
2242    assert( !pagerUseWal(pPager) );
2243    rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pPager->fd, (u8*)aData, pPager->pageSize, ofst);
2244    if( pgno>pPager->dbFileSize ){
2245      pPager->dbFileSize = pgno;
2246    }
2247    if( pPager->pBackup ){
2248      CODEC1(pPager, aData, pgno, 3, rc=SQLITE_NOMEM);
2249      sqlite3BackupUpdate(pPager->pBackup, pgno, (u8*)aData);
2250      CODEC2(pPager, aData, pgno, 7, rc=SQLITE_NOMEM, aData);
2251    }
2252  }else if( !isMainJrnl && pPg==0 ){
2253    /* If this is a rollback of a savepoint and data was not written to
2254    ** the database and the page is not in-memory, there is a potential
2255    ** problem. When the page is next fetched by the b-tree layer, it
2256    ** will be read from the database file, which may or may not be
2257    ** current.
2258    **
2259    ** There are a couple of different ways this can happen. All are quite
2260    ** obscure. When running in synchronous mode, this can only happen
2261    ** if the page is on the free-list at the start of the transaction, then
2262    ** populated, then moved using sqlite3PagerMovepage().
2263    **
2264    ** The solution is to add an in-memory page to the cache containing
2265    ** the data just read from the sub-journal. Mark the page as dirty
2266    ** and if the pager requires a journal-sync, then mark the page as
2267    ** requiring a journal-sync before it is written.
2268    */
2269    assert( isSavepnt );
2270    assert( pPager->doNotSpill==0 );
2271    pPager->doNotSpill++;
2272    rc = sqlite3PagerAcquire(pPager, pgno, &pPg, 1);
2273    assert( pPager->doNotSpill==1 );
2274    pPager->doNotSpill--;
2275    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
2276    pPg->flags &= ~PGHDR_NEED_READ;
2277    sqlite3PcacheMakeDirty(pPg);
2278  }
2279  if( pPg ){
2280    /* No page should ever be explicitly rolled back that is in use, except
2281    ** for page 1 which is held in use in order to keep the lock on the
2282    ** database active. However such a page may be rolled back as a result
2283    ** of an internal error resulting in an automatic call to
2284    ** sqlite3PagerRollback().
2285    */
2286    void *pData;
2287    pData = pPg->pData;
2288    memcpy(pData, (u8*)aData, pPager->pageSize);
2289    pPager->xReiniter(pPg);
2290    if( isMainJrnl && (!isSavepnt || *pOffset<=pPager->journalHdr) ){
2291      /* If the contents of this page were just restored from the main
2292      ** journal file, then its content must be as they were when the
2293      ** transaction was first opened. In this case we can mark the page
2294      ** as clean, since there will be no need to write it out to the
2295      ** database.
2296      **
2297      ** There is one exception to this rule. If the page is being rolled
2298      ** back as part of a savepoint (or statement) rollback from an
2299      ** unsynced portion of the main journal file, then it is not safe
2300      ** to mark the page as clean. This is because marking the page as
2301      ** clean will clear the PGHDR_NEED_SYNC flag. Since the page is
2302      ** already in the journal file (recorded in Pager.pInJournal) and
2303      ** the PGHDR_NEED_SYNC flag is cleared, if the page is written to
2304      ** again within this transaction, it will be marked as dirty but
2305      ** the PGHDR_NEED_SYNC flag will not be set. It could then potentially
2306      ** be written out into the database file before its journal file
2307      ** segment is synced. If a crash occurs during or following this,
2308      ** database corruption may ensue.
2309      */
2310      assert( !pagerUseWal(pPager) );
2311      sqlite3PcacheMakeClean(pPg);
2312    }
2313    pager_set_pagehash(pPg);
2315    /* If this was page 1, then restore the value of Pager.dbFileVers.
2316    ** Do this before any decoding. */
2317    if( pgno==1 ){
2318      memcpy(&pPager->dbFileVers, &((u8*)pData)[24],sizeof(pPager->dbFileVers));
2319    }
2321    /* Decode the page just read from disk */
2322    CODEC1(pPager, pData, pPg->pgno, 3, rc=SQLITE_NOMEM);
2323    sqlite3PcacheRelease(pPg);
2324  }
2325  return rc;
2329** Parameter zMaster is the name of a master journal file. A single journal
2330** file that referred to the master journal file has just been rolled back.
2331** This routine checks if it is possible to delete the master journal file,
2332** and does so if it is.
2334** Argument zMaster may point to Pager.pTmpSpace. So that buffer is not
2335** available for use within this function.
2337** When a master journal file is created, it is populated with the names
2338** of all of its child journals, one after another, formatted as utf-8
2339** encoded text. The end of each child journal file is marked with a
2340** nul-terminator byte (0x00). i.e. the entire contents of a master journal
2341** file for a transaction involving two databases might be:
2343**   "/home/bill/a.db-journal\x00/home/bill/b.db-journal\x00"
2345** A master journal file may only be deleted once all of its child
2346** journals have been rolled back.
2348** This function reads the contents of the master-journal file into
2349** memory and loops through each of the child journal names. For
2350** each child journal, it checks if:
2352**   * if the child journal exists, and if so
2353**   * if the child journal contains a reference to master journal
2354**     file zMaster
2356** If a child journal can be found that matches both of the criteria
2357** above, this function returns without doing anything. Otherwise, if
2358** no such child journal can be found, file zMaster is deleted from
2359** the file-system using sqlite3OsDelete().
2361** If an IO error within this function, an error code is returned. This
2362** function allocates memory by calling sqlite3Malloc(). If an allocation
2363** fails, SQLITE_NOMEM is returned. Otherwise, if no IO or malloc errors
2364** occur, SQLITE_OK is returned.
2366** TODO: This function allocates a single block of memory to load
2367** the entire contents of the master journal file. This could be
2368** a couple of kilobytes or so - potentially larger than the page
2369** size.
2371static int pager_delmaster(Pager *pPager, const char *zMaster){
2372  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs = pPager->pVfs;
2373  int rc;                   /* Return code */
2374  sqlite3_file *pMaster;    /* Malloc'd master-journal file descriptor */
2375  sqlite3_file *pJournal;   /* Malloc'd child-journal file descriptor */
2376  char *zMasterJournal = 0; /* Contents of master journal file */
2377  i64 nMasterJournal;       /* Size of master journal file */
2378  char *zJournal;           /* Pointer to one journal within MJ file */
2379  char *zMasterPtr;         /* Space to hold MJ filename from a journal file */
2380  int nMasterPtr;           /* Amount of space allocated to zMasterPtr[] */
2382  /* Allocate space for both the pJournal and pMaster file descriptors.
2383  ** If successful, open the master journal file for reading.
2384  */
2385  pMaster = (sqlite3_file *)sqlite3MallocZero(pVfs->szOsFile * 2);
2386  pJournal = (sqlite3_file *)(((u8 *)pMaster) + pVfs->szOsFile);
2387  if( !pMaster ){
2388    rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
2389  }else{
2391    rc = sqlite3OsOpen(pVfs, zMaster, pMaster, flags, 0);
2392  }
2393  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto delmaster_out;
2395  /* Load the entire master journal file into space obtained from
2396  ** sqlite3_malloc() and pointed to by zMasterJournal.   Also obtain
2397  ** sufficient space (in zMasterPtr) to hold the names of master
2398  ** journal files extracted from regular rollback-journals.
2399  */
2400  rc = sqlite3OsFileSize(pMaster, &nMasterJournal);
2401  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto delmaster_out;
2402  nMasterPtr = pVfs->mxPathname+1;
2403  zMasterJournal = sqlite3Malloc((int)nMasterJournal + nMasterPtr + 1);
2404  if( !zMasterJournal ){
2405    rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
2406    goto delmaster_out;
2407  }
2408  zMasterPtr = &zMasterJournal[nMasterJournal+1];
2409  rc = sqlite3OsRead(pMaster, zMasterJournal, (int)nMasterJournal, 0);
2410  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto delmaster_out;
2411  zMasterJournal[nMasterJournal] = 0;
2413  zJournal = zMasterJournal;
2414  while( (zJournal-zMasterJournal)<nMasterJournal ){
2415    int exists;
2416    rc = sqlite3OsAccess(pVfs, zJournal, SQLITE_ACCESS_EXISTS, &exists);
2417    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
2418      goto delmaster_out;
2419    }
2420    if( exists ){
2421      /* One of the journals pointed to by the master journal exists.
2422      ** Open it and check if it points at the master journal. If
2423      ** so, return without deleting the master journal file.
2424      */
2425      int c;
2427      rc = sqlite3OsOpen(pVfs, zJournal, pJournal, flags, 0);
2428      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
2429        goto delmaster_out;
2430      }
2432      rc = readMasterJournal(pJournal, zMasterPtr, nMasterPtr);
2433      sqlite3OsClose(pJournal);
2434      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
2435        goto delmaster_out;
2436      }
2438      c = zMasterPtr[0]!=0 && strcmp(zMasterPtr, zMaster)==0;
2439      if( c ){
2440        /* We have a match. Do not delete the master journal file. */
2441        goto delmaster_out;
2442      }
2443    }
2444    zJournal += (sqlite3Strlen30(zJournal)+1);
2445  }
2447  sqlite3OsClose(pMaster);
2448  rc = sqlite3OsDelete(pVfs, zMaster, 0);
2451  sqlite3_free(zMasterJournal);
2452  if( pMaster ){
2453    sqlite3OsClose(pMaster);
2454    assert( !isOpen(pJournal) );
2455    sqlite3_free(pMaster);
2456  }
2457  return rc;
2462** This function is used to change the actual size of the database
2463** file in the file-system. This only happens when committing a transaction,
2464** or rolling back a transaction (including rolling back a hot-journal).
2466** If the main database file is not open, or the pager is not in either
2467** DBMOD or OPEN state, this function is a no-op. Otherwise, the size
2468** of the file is changed to nPage pages (nPage*pPager->pageSize bytes).
2469** If the file on disk is currently larger than nPage pages, then use the VFS
2470** xTruncate() method to truncate it.
2472** Or, it might might be the case that the file on disk is smaller than
2473** nPage pages. Some operating system implementations can get confused if
2474** you try to truncate a file to some size that is larger than it
2475** currently is, so detect this case and write a single zero byte to
2476** the end of the new file instead.
2478** If successful, return SQLITE_OK. If an IO error occurs while modifying
2479** the database file, return the error code to the caller.
2481static int pager_truncate(Pager *pPager, Pgno nPage){
2482  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
2483  assert( pPager->eState!=PAGER_ERROR );
2484  assert( pPager->eState!=PAGER_READER );
2486  if( isOpen(pPager->fd)
2487   && (pPager->eState>=PAGER_WRITER_DBMOD || pPager->eState==PAGER_OPEN)
2488  ){
2489    i64 currentSize, newSize;
2490    int szPage = pPager->pageSize;
2491    assert( pPager->eLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK );
2492    /* TODO: Is it safe to use Pager.dbFileSize here? */
2493    rc = sqlite3OsFileSize(pPager->fd, &currentSize);
2494    newSize = szPage*(i64)nPage;
2495    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && currentSize!=newSize ){
2496      if( currentSize>newSize ){
2497        rc = sqlite3OsTruncate(pPager->fd, newSize);
2498      }else{
2499        char *pTmp = pPager->pTmpSpace;
2500        memset(pTmp, 0, szPage);
2501        testcase( (newSize-szPage) <  currentSize );
2502        testcase( (newSize-szPage) == currentSize );
2503        testcase( (newSize-szPage) >  currentSize );
2504        rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pPager->fd, pTmp, szPage, newSize-szPage);
2505      }
2506      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
2507        pPager->dbFileSize = nPage;
2508      }
2509    }
2510  }
2511  return rc;
2515** Set the value of the Pager.sectorSize variable for the given
2516** pager based on the value returned by the xSectorSize method
2517** of the open database file. The sector size will be used used
2518** to determine the size and alignment of journal header and
2519** master journal pointers within created journal files.
2521** For temporary files the effective sector size is always 512 bytes.
2523** Otherwise, for non-temporary files, the effective sector size is
2524** the value returned by the xSectorSize() method rounded up to 32 if
2525** it is less than 32, or rounded down to MAX_SECTOR_SIZE if it
2526** is greater than MAX_SECTOR_SIZE.
2528static void setSectorSize(Pager *pPager){
2529  assert( isOpen(pPager->fd) || pPager->tempFile );
2531  if( !pPager->tempFile ){
2532    /* Sector size doesn't matter for temporary files. Also, the file
2533    ** may not have been opened yet, in which case the OsSectorSize()
2534    ** call will segfault.
2535    */
2536    pPager->sectorSize = sqlite3OsSectorSize(pPager->fd);
2537  }
2538  if( pPager->sectorSize<32 ){
2539    pPager->sectorSize = 512;
2540  }
2541  if( pPager->sectorSize>MAX_SECTOR_SIZE ){
2542    assert( MAX_SECTOR_SIZE>=512 );
2543    pPager->sectorSize = MAX_SECTOR_SIZE;
2544  }
2548** Playback the journal and thus restore the database file to
2549** the state it was in before we started making changes.
2551** The journal file format is as follows:
2553**  (1)  8 byte prefix.  A copy of aJournalMagic[].
2554**  (2)  4 byte big-endian integer which is the number of valid page records
2555**       in the journal.  If this value is 0xffffffff, then compute the
2556**       number of page records from the journal size.
2557**  (3)  4 byte big-endian integer which is the initial value for the
2558**       sanity checksum.
2559**  (4)  4 byte integer which is the number of pages to truncate the
2560**       database to during a rollback.
2561**  (5)  4 byte big-endian integer which is the sector size.  The header
2562**       is this many bytes in size.
2563**  (6)  4 byte big-endian integer which is the page size.
2564**  (7)  zero padding out to the next sector size.
2565**  (8)  Zero or more pages instances, each as follows:
2566**        +  4 byte page number.
2567**        +  pPager->pageSize bytes of data.
2568**        +  4 byte checksum
2570** When we speak of the journal header, we mean the first 7 items above.
2571** Each entry in the journal is an instance of the 8th item.
2573** Call the value from the second bullet "nRec".  nRec is the number of
2574** valid page entries in the journal.  In most cases, you can compute the
2575** value of nRec from the size of the journal file.  But if a power
2576** failure occurred while the journal was being written, it could be the
2577** case that the size of the journal file had already been increased but
2578** the extra entries had not yet made it safely to disk.  In such a case,
2579** the value of nRec computed from the file size would be too large.  For
2580** that reason, we always use the nRec value in the header.
2582** If the nRec value is 0xffffffff it means that nRec should be computed
2583** from the file size.  This value is used when the user selects the
2584** no-sync option for the journal.  A power failure could lead to corruption
2585** in this case.  But for things like temporary table (which will be
2586** deleted when the power is restored) we don't care.
2588** If the file opened as the journal file is not a well-formed
2589** journal file then all pages up to the first corrupted page are rolled
2590** back (or no pages if the journal header is corrupted). The journal file
2591** is then deleted and SQLITE_OK returned, just as if no corruption had
2592** been encountered.
2594** If an I/O or malloc() error occurs, the journal-file is not deleted
2595** and an error code is returned.
2597** The isHot parameter indicates that we are trying to rollback a journal
2598** that might be a hot journal.  Or, it could be that the journal is
2600** If the journal really is hot, reset the pager cache prior rolling
2601** back any content.  If the journal is merely persistent, no reset is
2602** needed.
2604static int pager_playback(Pager *pPager, int isHot){
2605  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs = pPager->pVfs;
2606  i64 szJ;                 /* Size of the journal file in bytes */
2607  u32 nRec;                /* Number of Records in the journal */
2608  u32 u;                   /* Unsigned loop counter */
2609  Pgno mxPg = 0;           /* Size of the original file in pages */
2610  int rc;                  /* Result code of a subroutine */
2611  int res = 1;             /* Value returned by sqlite3OsAccess() */
2612  char *zMaster = 0;       /* Name of master journal file if any */
2613  int needPagerReset;      /* True to reset page prior to first page rollback */
2615  /* Figure out how many records are in the journal.  Abort early if
2616  ** the journal is empty.
2617  */
2618  assert( isOpen(pPager->jfd) );
2619  rc = sqlite3OsFileSize(pPager->jfd, &szJ);
2620  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
2621    goto end_playback;
2622  }
2624  /* Read the master journal name from the journal, if it is present.
2625  ** If a master journal file name is specified, but the file is not
2626  ** present on disk, then the journal is not hot and does not need to be
2627  ** played back.
2628  **
2629  ** TODO: Technically the following is an error because it assumes that
2630  ** buffer Pager.pTmpSpace is (mxPathname+1) bytes or larger. i.e. that
2631  ** (pPager->pageSize >= pPager->pVfs->mxPathname+1). Using os_unix.c,
2632  **  mxPathname is 512, which is the same as the minimum allowable value
2633  ** for pageSize.
2634  */
2635  zMaster = pPager->pTmpSpace;
2636  rc = readMasterJournal(pPager->jfd, zMaster, pPager->pVfs->mxPathname+1);
2637  if( rc==SQLITE_OK && zMaster[0] ){
2638    rc = sqlite3OsAccess(pVfs, zMaster, SQLITE_ACCESS_EXISTS, &res);
2639  }
2640  zMaster = 0;
2641  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK || !res ){
2642    goto end_playback;
2643  }
2644  pPager->journalOff = 0;
2645  needPagerReset = isHot;
2647  /* This loop terminates either when a readJournalHdr() or
2648  ** pager_playback_one_page() call returns SQLITE_DONE or an IO error
2649  ** occurs.
2650  */
2651  while( 1 ){
2652    /* Read the next journal header from the journal file.  If there are
2653    ** not enough bytes left in the journal file for a complete header, or
2654    ** it is corrupted, then a process must have failed while writing it.
2655    ** This indicates nothing more needs to be rolled back.
2656    */
2657    rc = readJournalHdr(pPager, isHot, szJ, &nRec, &mxPg);
2658    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
2659      if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){
2660        rc = SQLITE_OK;
2661      }
2662      goto end_playback;
2663    }
2665    /* If nRec is 0xffffffff, then this journal was created by a process
2666    ** working in no-sync mode. This means that the rest of the journal
2667    ** file consists of pages, there are no more journal headers. Compute
2668    ** the value of nRec based on this assumption.
2669    */
2670    if( nRec==0xffffffff ){
2671      assert( pPager->journalOff==JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(pPager) );
2672      nRec = (int)((szJ - JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(pPager))/JOURNAL_PG_SZ(pPager));
2673    }
2675    /* If nRec is 0 and this rollback is of a transaction created by this
2676    ** process and if this is the final header in the journal, then it means
2677    ** that this part of the journal was being filled but has not yet been
2678    ** synced to disk.  Compute the number of pages based on the remaining
2679    ** size of the file.
2680    **
2681    ** The third term of the test was added to fix ticket #2565.
2682    ** When rolling back a hot journal, nRec==0 always means that the next
2683    ** chunk of the journal contains zero pages to be rolled back.  But
2684    ** when doing a ROLLBACK and the nRec==0 chunk is the last chunk in
2685    ** the journal, it means that the journal might contain additional
2686    ** pages that need to be rolled back and that the number of pages
2687    ** should be computed based on the journal file size.
2688    */
2689    if( nRec==0 && !isHot &&
2690        pPager->journalHdr+JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(pPager)==pPager->journalOff ){
2691      nRec = (int)((szJ - pPager->journalOff) / JOURNAL_PG_SZ(pPager));
2692    }
2694    /* If this is the first header read from the journal, truncate the
2695    ** database file back to its original size.
2696    */
2697    if( pPager->journalOff==JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(pPager) ){
2698      rc = pager_truncate(pPager, mxPg);
2699      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
2700        goto end_playback;
2701      }
2702      pPager->dbSize = mxPg;
2703    }
2705    /* Copy original pages out of the journal and back into the
2706    ** database file and/or page cache.
2707    */
2708    for(u=0; u<nRec; u++){
2709      if( needPagerReset ){
2710        pager_reset(pPager);
2711        needPagerReset = 0;
2712      }
2713      rc = pager_playback_one_page(pPager,&pPager->journalOff,0,1,0);
2714      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
2715        if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){
2716          rc = SQLITE_OK;
2717          pPager->journalOff = szJ;
2718          break;
2719        }else if( rc==SQLITE_IOERR_SHORT_READ ){
2720          /* If the journal has been truncated, simply stop reading and
2721          ** processing the journal. This might happen if the journal was
2722          ** not completely written and synced prior to a crash.  In that
2723          ** case, the database should have never been written in the
2724          ** first place so it is OK to simply abandon the rollback. */
2725          rc = SQLITE_OK;
2726          goto end_playback;
2727        }else{
2728          /* If we are unable to rollback, quit and return the error
2729          ** code.  This will cause the pager to enter the error state
2730          ** so that no further harm will be done.  Perhaps the next
2731          ** process to come along will be able to rollback the database.
2732          */
2733          goto end_playback;
2734        }
2735      }
2736    }
2737  }
2738  /*NOTREACHED*/
2739  assert( 0 );
2742  /* Following a rollback, the database file should be back in its original
2743  ** state prior to the start of the transaction, so invoke the
2744  ** SQLITE_FCNTL_DB_UNCHANGED file-control method to disable the
2745  ** assertion that the transaction counter was modified.
2746  */
2747  assert(
2748    pPager->fd->pMethods==0 ||
2749    sqlite3OsFileControl(pPager->fd,SQLITE_FCNTL_DB_UNCHANGED,0)>=SQLITE_OK
2750  );
2752  /* If this playback is happening automatically as a result of an IO or
2753  ** malloc error that occurred after the change-counter was updated but
2754  ** before the transaction was committed, then the change-counter
2755  ** modification may just have been reverted. If this happens in exclusive
2756  ** mode, then subsequent transactions performed by the connection will not
2757  ** update the change-counter at all. This may lead to cache inconsistency
2758  ** problems for other processes at some point in the future. So, just
2759  ** in case this has happened, clear the changeCountDone flag now.
2760  */
2761  pPager->changeCountDone = pPager->tempFile;
2763  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
2764    zMaster = pPager->pTmpSpace;
2765    rc = readMasterJournal(pPager->jfd, zMaster, pPager->pVfs->mxPathname+1);
2766    testcase( rc!=SQLITE_OK );
2767  }
2768  if( rc==SQLITE_OK
2769   && (pPager->eState>=PAGER_WRITER_DBMOD || pPager->eState==PAGER_OPEN)
2770  ){
2771    rc = sqlite3PagerSync(pPager);
2772  }
2773  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
2774    rc = pager_end_transaction(pPager, zMaster[0]!='\0');
2775    testcase( rc!=SQLITE_OK );
2776  }
2777  if( rc==SQLITE_OK && zMaster[0] && res ){
2778    /* If there was a master journal and this routine will return success,
2779    ** see if it is possible to delete the master journal.
2780    */
2781    rc = pager_delmaster(pPager, zMaster);
2782    testcase( rc!=SQLITE_OK );
2783  }
2785  /* The Pager.sectorSize variable may have been updated while rolling
2786  ** back a journal created by a process with a different sector size
2787  ** value. Reset it to the correct value for this process.
2788  */
2789  setSectorSize(pPager);
2790  return rc;
2795** Read the content for page pPg out of the database file and into
2796** pPg->pData. A shared lock or greater must be held on the database
2797** file before this function is called.
2799** If page 1 is read, then the value of Pager.dbFileVers[] is set to
2800** the value read from the database file.
2802** If an IO error occurs, then the IO error is returned to the caller.
2803** Otherwise, SQLITE_OK is returned.
2805static int readDbPage(PgHdr *pPg){
2806  Pager *pPager = pPg->pPager; /* Pager object associated with page pPg */
2807  Pgno pgno = pPg->pgno;       /* Page number to read */
2808  int rc = SQLITE_OK;          /* Return code */
2809  int isInWal = 0;             /* True if page is in log file */
2810  int pgsz = pPager->pageSize; /* Number of bytes to read */
2812  assert( pPager->eState>=PAGER_READER && !MEMDB );
2813  assert( isOpen(pPager->fd) );
2815  if( NEVER(!isOpen(pPager->fd)) ){
2816    assert( pPager->tempFile );
2817    memset(pPg->pData, 0, pPager->pageSize);
2818    return SQLITE_OK;
2819  }
2821  if( pagerUseWal(pPager) ){
2822    /* Try to pull the page from the write-ahead log. */
2823    rc = sqlite3WalRead(pPager->pWal, pgno, &isInWal, pgsz, pPg->pData);
2824  }
2825  if( rc==SQLITE_OK && !isInWal ){
2826    i64 iOffset = (pgno-1)*(i64)pPager->pageSize;
2827    rc = sqlite3OsRead(pPager->fd, pPg->pData, pgsz, iOffset);
2828    if( rc==SQLITE_IOERR_SHORT_READ ){
2829      rc = SQLITE_OK;
2830    }
2831  }
2833  if( pgno==1 ){
2834    if( rc ){
2835      /* If the read is unsuccessful, set the dbFileVers[] to something
2836      ** that will never be a valid file version.  dbFileVers[] is a copy
2837      ** of bytes 24..39 of the database.  Bytes 28..31 should always be
2838      ** zero or the size of the database in page. Bytes 32..35 and 35..39
2839      ** should be page numbers which are never 0xffffffff.  So filling
2840      ** pPager->dbFileVers[] with all 0xff bytes should suffice.
2841      **
2842      ** For an encrypted database, the situation is more complex:  bytes
2843      ** 24..39 of the database are white noise.  But the probability of
2844      ** white noising equaling 16 bytes of 0xff is vanishingly small so
2845      ** we should still be ok.
2846      */
2847      memset(pPager->dbFileVers, 0xff, sizeof(pPager->dbFileVers));
2848    }else{
2849      u8 *dbFileVers = &((u8*)pPg->pData)[24];
2850      memcpy(&pPager->dbFileVers, dbFileVers, sizeof(pPager->dbFileVers));
2851    }
2852  }
2853  CODEC1(pPager, pPg->pData, pgno, 3, rc = SQLITE_NOMEM);
2855  PAGER_INCR(sqlite3_pager_readdb_count);
2856  PAGER_INCR(pPager->nRead);
2857  IOTRACE(("PGIN %p %d\n", pPager, pgno));
2858  PAGERTRACE(("FETCH %d page %d hash(%08x)\n",
2859               PAGERID(pPager), pgno, pager_pagehash(pPg)));
2861  return rc;
2865** Update the value of the change-counter at offsets 24 and 92 in
2866** the header and the sqlite version number at offset 96.
2868** This is an unconditional update.  See also the pager_incr_changecounter()
2869** routine which only updates the change-counter if the update is actually
2870** needed, as determined by the pPager->changeCountDone state variable.
2872static void pager_write_changecounter(PgHdr *pPg){
2873  u32 change_counter;
2875  /* Increment the value just read and write it back to byte 24. */
2876  change_counter = sqlite3Get4byte((u8*)pPg->pPager->dbFileVers)+1;
2877  put32bits(((char*)pPg->pData)+24, change_counter);
2879  /* Also store the SQLite version number in bytes 96..99 and in
2880  ** bytes 92..95 store the change counter for which the version number
2881  ** is valid. */
2882  put32bits(((char*)pPg->pData)+92, change_counter);
2883  put32bits(((char*)pPg->pData)+96, SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER);
2886#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL
2888** This function is invoked once for each page that has already been
2889** written into the log file when a WAL transaction is rolled back.
2890** Parameter iPg is the page number of said page. The pCtx argument
2891** is actually a pointer to the Pager structure.
2893** If page iPg is present in the cache, and has no outstanding references,
2894** it is discarded. Otherwise, if there are one or more outstanding
2895** references, the page content is reloaded from the database. If the
2896** attempt to reload content from the database is required and fails,
2897** return an SQLite error code. Otherwise, SQLITE_OK.
2899static int pagerUndoCallback(void *pCtx, Pgno iPg){
2900  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
2901  Pager *pPager = (Pager *)pCtx;
2902  PgHdr *pPg;
2904  pPg = sqlite3PagerLookup(pPager, iPg);
2905  if( pPg ){
2906    if( sqlite3PcachePageRefcount(pPg)==1 ){
2907      sqlite3PcacheDrop(pPg);
2908    }else{
2909      rc = readDbPage(pPg);
2910      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
2911        pPager->xReiniter(pPg);
2912      }
2913      sqlite3PagerUnref(pPg);
2914    }
2915  }
2917  /* Normally, if a transaction is rolled back, any backup processes are
2918  ** updated as data is copied out of the rollback journal and into the
2919  ** database. This is not generally possible with a WAL database, as
2920  ** rollback involves simply truncating the log file. Therefore, if one
2921  ** or more frames have already been written to the log (and therefore
2922  ** also copied into the backup databases) as part of this transaction,
2923  ** the backups must be restarted.
2924  */
2925  sqlite3BackupRestart(pPager->pBackup);
2927  return rc;
2931** This function is called to rollback a transaction on a WAL database.
2933static int pagerRollbackWal(Pager *pPager){
2934  int rc;                         /* Return Code */
2935  PgHdr *pList;                   /* List of dirty pages to revert */
2937  /* For all pages in the cache that are currently dirty or have already
2938  ** been written (but not committed) to the log file, do one of the
2939  ** following:
2940  **
2941  **   + Discard the cached page (if refcount==0), or
2942  **   + Reload page content from the database (if refcount>0).
2943  */
2944  pPager->dbSize = pPager->dbOrigSize;
2945  rc = sqlite3WalUndo(pPager->pWal, pagerUndoCallback, (void *)pPager);
2946  pList = sqlite3PcacheDirtyList(pPager->pPCache);
2947  while( pList && rc==SQLITE_OK ){
2948    PgHdr *pNext = pList->pDirty;
2949    rc = pagerUndoCallback((void *)pPager, pList->pgno);
2950    pList = pNext;
2951  }
2953  return rc;
2957** This function is a wrapper around sqlite3WalFrames(). As well as logging
2958** the contents of the list of pages headed by pList (connected by pDirty),
2959** this function notifies any active backup processes that the pages have
2960** changed.
2962** The list of pages passed into this routine is always sorted by page number.
2963** Hence, if page 1 appears anywhere on the list, it will be the first page.
2965static int pagerWalFrames(
2966  Pager *pPager,                  /* Pager object */
2967  PgHdr *pList,                   /* List of frames to log */
2968  Pgno nTruncate,                 /* Database size after this commit */
2969  int isCommit,                   /* True if this is a commit */
2970  int syncFlags                   /* Flags to pass to OsSync() (or 0) */
2972  int rc;                         /* Return code */
2973#if defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) || defined(SQLITE_CHECK_PAGES)
2974  PgHdr *p;                       /* For looping over pages */
2977  assert( pPager->pWal );
2978#ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
2979  /* Verify that the page list is in accending order */
2980  for(p=pList; p && p->pDirty; p=p->pDirty){
2981    assert( p->pgno < p->pDirty->pgno );
2982  }
2985  if( isCommit ){
2986    /* If a WAL transaction is being committed, there is no point in writing
2987    ** any pages with page numbers greater than nTruncate into the WAL file.
2988    ** They will never be read by any client. So remove them from the pDirty
2989    ** list here. */
2990    PgHdr *p;
2991    PgHdr **ppNext = &pList;
2992    for(p=pList; (*ppNext = p); p=p->pDirty){
2993      if( p->pgno<=nTruncate ) ppNext = &p->pDirty;
2994    }
2995    assert( pList );
2996  }
2998  if( pList->pgno==1 ) pager_write_changecounter(pList);
2999  rc = sqlite3WalFrames(pPager->pWal,
3000      pPager->pageSize, pList, nTruncate, isCommit, syncFlags
3001  );
3002  if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pPager->pBackup ){
3003    PgHdr *p;
3004    for(p=pList; p; p=p->pDirty){
3005      sqlite3BackupUpdate(pPager->pBackup, p->pgno, (u8 *)p->pData);
3006    }
3007  }
3010  pList = sqlite3PcacheDirtyList(pPager->pPCache);
3011  for(p=pList; p; p=p->pDirty){
3012    pager_set_pagehash(p);
3013  }
3016  return rc;
3020** Begin a read transaction on the WAL.
3022** This routine used to be called "pagerOpenSnapshot()" because it essentially
3023** makes a snapshot of the database at the current point in time and preserves
3024** that snapshot for use by the reader in spite of concurrently changes by
3025** other writers or checkpointers.
3027static int pagerBeginReadTransaction(Pager *pPager){
3028  int rc;                         /* Return code */
3029  int changed = 0;                /* True if cache must be reset */
3031  assert( pagerUseWal(pPager) );
3032  assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_OPEN || pPager->eState==PAGER_READER );
3034  /* sqlite3WalEndReadTransaction() was not called for the previous
3035  ** transaction in locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE.  So call it now.  If we
3036  ** are in locking_mode=NORMAL and EndRead() was previously called,
3037  ** the duplicate call is harmless.
3038  */
3039  sqlite3WalEndReadTransaction(pPager->pWal);
3041  rc = sqlite3WalBeginReadTransaction(pPager->pWal, &changed);
3042  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK || changed ){
3043    pager_reset(pPager);
3044  }
3046  return rc;
3051** This function is called as part of the transition from PAGER_OPEN
3052** to PAGER_READER state to determine the size of the database file
3053** in pages (assuming the page size currently stored in Pager.pageSize).
3055** If no error occurs, SQLITE_OK is returned and the size of the database
3056** in pages is stored in *pnPage. Otherwise, an error code (perhaps
3057** SQLITE_IOERR_FSTAT) is returned and *pnPage is left unmodified.
3059static int pagerPagecount(Pager *pPager, Pgno *pnPage){
3060  Pgno nPage;                     /* Value to return via *pnPage */
3062  /* Query the WAL sub-system for the database size. The WalDbsize()
3063  ** function returns zero if the WAL is not open (i.e. Pager.pWal==0), or
3064  ** if the database size is not available. The database size is not
3065  ** available from the WAL sub-system if the log file is empty or
3066  ** contains no valid committed transactions.
3067  */
3068  assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_OPEN );
3069  assert( pPager->eLock>=SHARED_LOCK || pPager->noReadlock );
3070  nPage = sqlite3WalDbsize(pPager->pWal);
3072  /* If the database size was not available from the WAL sub-system,
3073  ** determine it based on the size of the database file. If the size
3074  ** of the database file is not an integer multiple of the page-size,
3075  ** round down to the nearest page. Except, any file larger than 0
3076  ** bytes in size is considered to contain at least one page.
3077  */
3078  if( nPage==0 ){
3079    i64 n = 0;                    /* Size of db file in bytes */
3080    assert( isOpen(pPager->fd) || pPager->tempFile );
3081    if( isOpen(pPager->fd) ){
3082      int rc = sqlite3OsFileSize(pPager->fd, &n);
3083      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
3084        return rc;
3085      }
3086    }
3087    nPage = (Pgno)(n / pPager->pageSize);
3088    if( nPage==0 && n>0 ){
3089      nPage = 1;
3090    }
3091  }
3093  /* If the current number of pages in the file is greater than the
3094  ** configured maximum pager number, increase the allowed limit so
3095  ** that the file can be read.
3096  */
3097  if( nPage>pPager->mxPgno ){
3098    pPager->mxPgno = (Pgno)nPage;
3099  }
3101  *pnPage = nPage;
3102  return SQLITE_OK;
3105#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL
3107** Check if the *-wal file that corresponds to the database opened by pPager
3108** exists if the database is not empy, or verify that the *-wal file does
3109** not exist (by deleting it) if the database file is empty.
3111** If the database is not empty and the *-wal file exists, open the pager
3112** in WAL mode.  If the database is empty or if no *-wal file exists and
3113** if no error occurs, make sure Pager.journalMode is not set to
3116** Return SQLITE_OK or an error code.
3118** The caller must hold a SHARED lock on the database file to call this
3119** function. Because an EXCLUSIVE lock on the db file is required to delete
3120** a WAL on a none-empty database, this ensures there is no race condition
3121** between the xAccess() below and an xDelete() being executed by some
3122** other connection.
3124static int pagerOpenWalIfPresent(Pager *pPager){
3125  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
3126  assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_OPEN );
3127  assert( pPager->eLock>=SHARED_LOCK || pPager->noReadlock );
3129  if( !pPager->tempFile ){
3130    int isWal;                    /* True if WAL file exists */
3131    Pgno nPage;                   /* Size of the database file */
3133    rc = pagerPagecount(pPager, &nPage);
3134    if( rc ) return rc;
3135    if( nPage==0 ){
3136      rc = sqlite3OsDelete(pPager->pVfs, pPager->zWal, 0);
3137      isWal = 0;
3138    }else{
3139      rc = sqlite3OsAccess(
3140          pPager->pVfs, pPager->zWal, SQLITE_ACCESS_EXISTS, &isWal
3141      );
3142    }
3143    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
3144      if( isWal ){
3145        testcase( sqlite3PcachePagecount(pPager->pPCache)==0 );
3146        rc = sqlite3PagerOpenWal(pPager, 0);
3147      }else if( pPager->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL ){
3148        pPager->journalMode = PAGER_JOURNALMODE_DELETE;
3149      }
3150    }
3151  }
3152  return rc;
3157** Playback savepoint pSavepoint. Or, if pSavepoint==NULL, then playback
3158** the entire master journal file. The case pSavepoint==NULL occurs when
3159** a ROLLBACK TO command is invoked on a SAVEPOINT that is a transaction
3160** savepoint.
3162** When pSavepoint is not NULL (meaning a non-transaction savepoint is
3163** being rolled back), then the rollback consists of up to three stages,
3164** performed in the order specified:
3166**   * Pages are played back from the main journal starting at byte
3167**     offset PagerSavepoint.iOffset and continuing to
3168**     PagerSavepoint.iHdrOffset, or to the end of the main journal
3169**     file if PagerSavepoint.iHdrOffset is zero.
3171**   * If PagerSavepoint.iHdrOffset is not zero, then pages are played
3172**     back starting from the journal header immediately following
3173**     PagerSavepoint.iHdrOffset to the end of the main journal file.
3175**   * Pages are then played back from the sub-journal file, starting
3176**     with the PagerSavepoint.iSubRec and continuing to the end of
3177**     the journal file.
3179** Throughout the rollback process, each time a page is rolled back, the
3180** corresponding bit is set in a bitvec structure (variable pDone in the
3181** implementation below). This is used to ensure that a page is only
3182** rolled back the first time it is encountered in either journal.
3184** If pSavepoint is NULL, then pages are only played back from the main
3185** journal file. There is no need for a bitvec in this case.
3187** In either case, before playback commences the Pager.dbSize variable
3188** is reset to the value that it held at the start of the savepoint
3189** (or transaction). No page with a page-number greater than this value
3190** is played back. If one is encountered it is simply skipped.
3192static int pagerPlaybackSavepoint(Pager *pPager, PagerSavepoint *pSavepoint){
3193  i64 szJ;                 /* Effective size of the main journal */
3194  i64 iHdrOff;             /* End of first segment of main-journal records */
3195  int rc = SQLITE_OK;      /* Return code */
3196  Bitvec *pDone = 0;       /* Bitvec to ensure pages played back only once */
3198  assert( pPager->eState!=PAGER_ERROR );
3199  assert( pPager->eState>=PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED );
3201  /* Allocate a bitvec to use to store the set of pages rolled back */
3202  if( pSavepoint ){
3203    pDone = sqlite3BitvecCreate(pSavepoint->nOrig);
3204    if( !pDone ){
3205      return SQLITE_NOMEM;
3206    }
3207  }
3209  /* Set the database size back to the value it was before the savepoint
3210  ** being reverted was opened.
3211  */
3212  pPager->dbSize = pSavepoint ? pSavepoint->nOrig : pPager->dbOrigSize;
3213  pPager->changeCountDone = pPager->tempFile;
3215  if( !pSavepoint && pagerUseWal(pPager) ){
3216    return pagerRollbackWal(pPager);
3217  }
3219  /* Use pPager->journalOff as the effective size of the main rollback
3220  ** journal.  The actual file might be larger than this in
3222  ** past pPager->journalOff is off-limits to us.
3223  */
3224  szJ = pPager->journalOff;
3225  assert( pagerUseWal(pPager)==0 || szJ==0 );
3227  /* Begin by rolling back records from the main journal starting at
3228  ** PagerSavepoint.iOffset and continuing to the next journal header.
3229  ** There might be records in the main journal that have a page number
3230  ** greater than the current database size (pPager->dbSize) but those
3231  ** will be skipped automatically.  Pages are added to pDone as they
3232  ** are played back.
3233  */
3234  if( pSavepoint && !pagerUseWal(pPager) ){
3235    iHdrOff = pSavepoint->iHdrOffset ? pSavepoint->iHdrOffset : szJ;
3236    pPager->journalOff = pSavepoint->iOffset;
3237    while( rc==SQLITE_OK && pPager->journalOff<iHdrOff ){
3238      rc = pager_playback_one_page(pPager, &pPager->journalOff, pDone, 1, 1);
3239    }
3240    assert( rc!=SQLITE_DONE );
3241  }else{
3242    pPager->journalOff = 0;
3243  }
3245  /* Continue rolling back records out of the main journal starting at
3246  ** the first journal header seen and continuing until the effective end
3247  ** of the main journal file.  Continue to skip out-of-range pages and
3248  ** continue adding pages rolled back to pDone.
3249  */
3250  while( rc==SQLITE_OK && pPager->journalOff<szJ ){
3251    u32 ii;            /* Loop counter */
3252    u32 nJRec = 0;     /* Number of Journal Records */
3253    u32 dummy;
3254    rc = readJournalHdr(pPager, 0, szJ, &nJRec, &dummy);
3255    assert( rc!=SQLITE_DONE );
3257    /*
3258    ** The "pPager->journalHdr+JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(pPager)==pPager->journalOff"
3259    ** test is related to ticket #2565.  See the discussion in the
3260    ** pager_playback() function for additional information.
3261    */
3262    if( nJRec==0
3263     && pPager->journalHdr+JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(pPager)==pPager->journalOff
3264    ){
3265      nJRec = (u32)((szJ - pPager->journalOff)/JOURNAL_PG_SZ(pPager));
3266    }
3267    for(ii=0; rc==SQLITE_OK && ii<nJRec && pPager->journalOff<szJ; ii++){
3268      rc = pager_playback_one_page(pPager, &pPager->journalOff, pDone, 1, 1);
3269    }
3270    assert( rc!=SQLITE_DONE );
3271  }
3272  assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || pPager->journalOff>=szJ );
3274  /* Finally,  rollback pages from the sub-journal.  Page that were
3275  ** previously rolled back out of the main journal (and are hence in pDone)
3276  ** will be skipped.  Out-of-range pages are also skipped.
3277  */
3278  if( pSavepoint ){
3279    u32 ii;            /* Loop counter */
3280    i64 offset = pSavepoint->iSubRec*(4+pPager->pageSize);
3282    if( pagerUseWal(pPager) ){
3283      rc = sqlite3WalSavepointUndo(pPager->pWal, pSavepoint->aWalData);
3284    }
3285    for(ii=pSavepoint->iSubRec; rc==SQLITE_OK && ii<pPager->nSubRec; ii++){
3286      assert( offset==ii*(4+pPager->pageSize) );
3287      rc = pager_playback_one_page(pPager, &offset, pDone, 0, 1);
3288    }
3289    assert( rc!=SQLITE_DONE );
3290  }
3292  sqlite3BitvecDestroy(pDone);
3293  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
3294    pPager->journalOff = szJ;
3295  }
3297  return rc;
3301** Change the maximum number of in-memory pages that are allowed.
3303void sqlite3PagerSetCachesize(Pager *pPager, int mxPage){
3304  sqlite3PcacheSetCachesize(pPager->pPCache, mxPage);
3308** Adjust the robustness of the database to damage due to OS crashes
3309** or power failures by changing the number of syncs()s when writing
3310** the rollback journal.  There are three levels:
3312**    OFF       sqlite3OsSync() is never called.  This is the default
3313**              for temporary and transient files.
3315**    NORMAL    The journal is synced once before writes begin on the
3316**              database.  This is normally adequate protection, but
3317**              it is theoretically possible, though very unlikely,
3318**              that an inopertune power failure could leave the journal
3319**              in a state which would cause damage to the database
3320**              when it is rolled back.
3322**    FULL      The journal is synced twice before writes begin on the
3323**              database (with some additional information - the nRec field
3324**              of the journal header - being written in between the two
3325**              syncs).  If we assume that writing a
3326**              single disk sector is atomic, then this mode provides
3327**              assurance that the journal will not be corrupted to the
3328**              point of causing damage to the database during rollback.
3330** The above is for a rollback-journal mode.  For WAL mode, OFF continues
3331** to mean that no syncs ever occur.  NORMAL means that the WAL is synced
3332** prior to the start of checkpoint and that the database file is synced
3333** at the conclusion of the checkpoint if the entire content of the WAL
3334** was written back into the database.  But no sync operations occur for
3335** an ordinary commit in NORMAL mode with WAL.  FULL means that the WAL
3336** file is synced following each commit operation, in addition to the
3337** syncs associated with NORMAL.
3339** Do not confuse synchronous=FULL with SQLITE_SYNC_FULL.  The
3340** SQLITE_SYNC_FULL macro means to use the MacOSX-style full-fsync
3341** using fcntl(F_FULLFSYNC).  SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL means to do an
3342** ordinary fsync() call.  There is no difference between SQLITE_SYNC_FULL
3343** and SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL on platforms other than MacOSX.  But the
3344** synchronous=FULL versus synchronous=NORMAL setting determines when
3345** the xSync primitive is called and is relevant to all platforms.
3347** Numeric values associated with these states are OFF==1, NORMAL=2,
3348** and FULL=3.
3351void sqlite3PagerSetSafetyLevel(
3352  Pager *pPager,        /* The pager to set safety level for */
3353  int level,            /* PRAGMA synchronous.  1=OFF, 2=NORMAL, 3=FULL */
3354  int bFullFsync,       /* PRAGMA fullfsync */
3355  int bCkptFullFsync    /* PRAGMA checkpoint_fullfsync */
3357  assert( level>=1 && level<=3 );
3358  pPager->noSync =  (level==1 || pPager->tempFile) ?1:0;
3359  pPager->fullSync = (level==3 && !pPager->tempFile) ?1:0;
3360  if( pPager->noSync ){
3361    pPager->syncFlags = 0;
3362    pPager->ckptSyncFlags = 0;
3363  }else if( bFullFsync ){
3364    pPager->syncFlags = SQLITE_SYNC_FULL;
3365    pPager->ckptSyncFlags = SQLITE_SYNC_FULL;
3366  }else if( bCkptFullFsync ){
3367    pPager->syncFlags = SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL;
3368    pPager->ckptSyncFlags = SQLITE_SYNC_FULL;
3369  }else{
3370    pPager->syncFlags = SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL;
3371    pPager->ckptSyncFlags = SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL;
3372  }
3377** The following global variable is incremented whenever the library
3378** attempts to open a temporary file.  This information is used for
3379** testing and analysis only.
3381#ifdef SQLITE_TEST
3382int sqlite3_opentemp_count = 0;
3386** Open a temporary file.
3388** Write the file descriptor into *pFile. Return SQLITE_OK on success
3389** or some other error code if we fail. The OS will automatically
3390** delete the temporary file when it is closed.
3392** The flags passed to the VFS layer xOpen() call are those specified
3393** by parameter vfsFlags ORed with the following:
3400static int pagerOpentemp(
3401  Pager *pPager,        /* The pager object */
3402  sqlite3_file *pFile,  /* Write the file descriptor here */
3403  int vfsFlags          /* Flags passed through to the VFS */
3405  int rc;               /* Return code */
3407#ifdef SQLITE_TEST
3408  sqlite3_opentemp_count++;  /* Used for testing and analysis only */
3413  rc = sqlite3OsOpen(pPager->pVfs, 0, pFile, vfsFlags, 0);
3414  assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || isOpen(pFile) );
3415  return rc;
3419** Set the busy handler function.
3421** The pager invokes the busy-handler if sqlite3OsLock() returns
3422** SQLITE_BUSY when trying to upgrade from no-lock to a SHARED lock,
3423** or when trying to upgrade from a RESERVED lock to an EXCLUSIVE
3424** lock. It does *not* invoke the busy handler when upgrading from
3425** SHARED to RESERVED, or when upgrading from SHARED to EXCLUSIVE
3426** (which occurs during hot-journal rollback). Summary:
3428**   Transition                        | Invokes xBusyHandler
3429**   --------------------------------------------------------
3430**   NO_LOCK       -> SHARED_LOCK      | Yes
3431**   SHARED_LOCK   -> RESERVED_LOCK    | No
3435** If the busy-handler callback returns non-zero, the lock is
3436** retried. If it returns zero, then the SQLITE_BUSY error is
3437** returned to the caller of the pager API function.
3439void sqlite3PagerSetBusyhandler(
3440  Pager *pPager,                       /* Pager object */
3441  int (*xBusyHandler)(void *),         /* Pointer to busy-handler function */
3442  void *pBusyHandlerArg                /* Argument to pass to xBusyHandler */
3444  pPager->xBusyHandler = xBusyHandler;
3445  pPager->pBusyHandlerArg = pBusyHandlerArg;
3449** Change the page size used by the Pager object. The new page size
3450** is passed in *pPageSize.
3452** If the pager is in the error state when this function is called, it
3453** is a no-op. The value returned is the error state error code (i.e.
3454** one of SQLITE_IOERR, an SQLITE_IOERR_xxx sub-code or SQLITE_FULL).
3456** Otherwise, if all of the following are true:
3458**   * the new page size (value of *pPageSize) is valid (a power
3459**     of two between 512 and SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE, inclusive), and
3461**   * there are no outstanding page references, and
3463**   * the database is either not an in-memory database or it is
3464**     an in-memory database that currently consists of zero pages.
3466** then the pager object page size is set to *pPageSize.
3468** If the page size is changed, then this function uses sqlite3PagerMalloc()
3469** to obtain a new Pager.pTmpSpace buffer. If this allocation attempt
3470** fails, SQLITE_NOMEM is returned and the page size remains unchanged.
3471** In all other cases, SQLITE_OK is returned.
3473** If the page size is not changed, either because one of the enumerated
3474** conditions above is not true, the pager was in error state when this
3475** function was called, or because the memory allocation attempt failed,
3476** then *pPageSize is set to the old, retained page size before returning.
3478int sqlite3PagerSetPagesize(Pager *pPager, u32 *pPageSize, int nReserve){
3479  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
3481  /* It is not possible to do a full assert_pager_state() here, as this
3482  ** function may be called from within PagerOpen(), before the state
3483  ** of the Pager object is internally consistent.
3484  **
3485  ** At one point this function returned an error if the pager was in
3486  ** PAGER_ERROR state. But since PAGER_ERROR state guarantees that
3487  ** there is at least one outstanding page reference, this function
3488  ** is a no-op for that case anyhow.
3489  */
3491  u32 pageSize = *pPageSize;
3492  assert( pageSize==0 || (pageSize>=512 && pageSize<=SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE) );
3493  if( (pPager->memDb==0 || pPager->dbSize==0)
3494   && sqlite3PcacheRefCount(pPager->pPCache)==0
3495   && pageSize && pageSize!=(u32)pPager->pageSize
3496  ){
3497    char *pNew = NULL;             /* New temp space */
3498    i64 nByte = 0;
3500    if( pPager->eState>PAGER_OPEN && isOpen(pPager->fd) ){
3501      rc = sqlite3OsFileSize(pPager->fd, &nByte);
3502    }
3503    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
3504      pNew = (char *)sqlite3PageMalloc(pageSize);
3505      if( !pNew ) rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
3506    }
3508    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
3509      pager_reset(pPager);
3510      pPager->dbSize = (Pgno)(nByte/pageSize);
3511      pPager->pageSize = pageSize;
3512      sqlite3PageFree(pPager->pTmpSpace);
3513      pPager->pTmpSpace = pNew;
3514      sqlite3PcacheSetPageSize(pPager->pPCache, pageSize);
3515    }
3516  }
3518  *pPageSize = pPager->pageSize;
3519  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
3520    if( nReserve<0 ) nReserve = pPager->nReserve;
3521    assert( nReserve>=0 && nReserve<1000 );
3522    pPager->nReserve = (i16)nReserve;
3523    pagerReportSize(pPager);
3524  }
3525  return rc;
3529** Return a pointer to the "temporary page" buffer held internally
3530** by the pager.  This is a buffer that is big enough to hold the
3531** entire content of a database page.  This buffer is used internally
3532** during rollback and will be overwritten whenever a rollback
3533** occurs.  But other modules are free to use it too, as long as
3534** no rollbacks are happening.
3536void *sqlite3PagerTempSpace(Pager *pPager){
3537  return pPager->pTmpSpace;
3541** Attempt to set the maximum database page count if mxPage is positive.
3542** Make no changes if mxPage is zero or negative.  And never reduce the
3543** maximum page count below the current size of the database.
3545** Regardless of mxPage, return the current maximum page count.
3547int sqlite3PagerMaxPageCount(Pager *pPager, int mxPage){
3548  if( mxPage>0 ){
3549    pPager->mxPgno = mxPage;
3550  }
3551  assert( pPager->eState!=PAGER_OPEN );      /* Called only by OP_MaxPgcnt */
3552  assert( pPager->mxPgno>=pPager->dbSize );  /* OP_MaxPgcnt enforces this */
3553  return pPager->mxPgno;
3557** The following set of routines are used to disable the simulated
3558** I/O error mechanism.  These routines are used to avoid simulated
3559** errors in places where we do not care about errors.
3561** Unless -DSQLITE_TEST=1 is used, these routines are all no-ops
3562** and generate no code.
3564#ifdef SQLITE_TEST
3565extern int sqlite3_io_error_pending;
3566extern int sqlite3_io_error_hit;
3567static int saved_cnt;
3568void disable_simulated_io_errors(void){
3569  saved_cnt = sqlite3_io_error_pending;
3570  sqlite3_io_error_pending = -1;
3572void enable_simulated_io_errors(void){
3573  sqlite3_io_error_pending = saved_cnt;
3576# define disable_simulated_io_errors()
3577# define enable_simulated_io_errors()
3581** Read the first N bytes from the beginning of the file into memory
3582** that pDest points to.
3584** If the pager was opened on a transient file (zFilename==""), or
3585** opened on a file less than N bytes in size, the output buffer is
3586** zeroed and SQLITE_OK returned. The rationale for this is that this
3587** function is used to read database headers, and a new transient or
3588** zero sized database has a header than consists entirely of zeroes.
3590** If any IO error apart from SQLITE_IOERR_SHORT_READ is encountered,
3591** the error code is returned to the caller and the contents of the
3592** output buffer undefined.
3594int sqlite3PagerReadFileheader(Pager *pPager, int N, unsigned char *pDest){
3595  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
3596  memset(pDest, 0, N);
3597  assert( isOpen(pPager->fd) || pPager->tempFile );
3599  /* This routine is only called by btree immediately after creating
3600  ** the Pager object.  There has not been an opportunity to transition
3601  ** to WAL mode yet.
3602  */
3603  assert( !pagerUseWal(pPager) );
3605  if( isOpen(pPager->fd) ){
3606    IOTRACE(("DBHDR %p 0 %d\n", pPager, N))
3607    rc = sqlite3OsRead(pPager->fd, pDest, N, 0);
3608    if( rc==SQLITE_IOERR_SHORT_READ ){
3609      rc = SQLITE_OK;
3610    }
3611  }
3612  return rc;
3616** This function may only be called when a read-transaction is open on
3617** the pager. It returns the total number of pages in the database.
3619** However, if the file is between 1 and <page-size> bytes in size, then
3620** this is considered a 1 page file.
3622void sqlite3PagerPagecount(Pager *pPager, int *pnPage){
3623  assert( pPager->eState>=PAGER_READER );
3624  assert( pPager->eState!=PAGER_WRITER_FINISHED );
3625  *pnPage = (int)pPager->dbSize;
3630** Try to obtain a lock of type locktype on the database file. If
3631** a similar or greater lock is already held, this function is a no-op
3632** (returning SQLITE_OK immediately).
3634** Otherwise, attempt to obtain the lock using sqlite3OsLock(). Invoke
3635** the busy callback if the lock is currently not available. Repeat
3636** until the busy callback returns false or until the attempt to
3637** obtain the lock succeeds.
3639** Return SQLITE_OK on success and an error code if we cannot obtain
3640** the lock. If the lock is obtained successfully, set the Pager.state
3641** variable to locktype before returning.
3643static int pager_wait_on_lock(Pager *pPager, int locktype){
3644  int rc;                              /* Return code */
3646  /* Check that this is either a no-op (because the requested lock is
3647  ** already held, or one of the transistions that the busy-handler
3648  ** may be invoked during, according to the comment above
3649  ** sqlite3PagerSetBusyhandler().
3650  */
3651  assert( (pPager->eLock>=locktype)
3652       || (pPager->eLock==NO_LOCK && locktype==SHARED_LOCK)
3653       || (pPager->eLock==RESERVED_LOCK && locktype==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK)
3654  );
3656  do {
3657    rc = pagerLockDb(pPager, locktype);
3658  }while( rc==SQLITE_BUSY && pPager->xBusyHandler(pPager->pBusyHandlerArg) );
3659  return rc;
3663** Function assertTruncateConstraint(pPager) checks that one of the
3664** following is true for all dirty pages currently in the page-cache:
3666**   a) The page number is less than or equal to the size of the
3667**      current database image, in pages, OR
3669**   b) if the page content were written at this time, it would not
3670**      be necessary to write the current content out to the sub-journal
3671**      (as determined by function subjRequiresPage()).
3673** If the condition asserted by this function were not true, and the
3674** dirty page were to be discarded from the cache via the pagerStress()
3675** routine, pagerStress() would not write the current page content to
3676** the database file. If a savepoint transaction were rolled back after
3677** this happened, the correct behaviour would be to restore the current
3678** content of the page. However, since this content is not present in either
3679** the database file or the portion of the rollback journal and
3680** sub-journal rolled back the content could not be restored and the
3681** database image would become corrupt. It is therefore fortunate that
3682** this circumstance cannot arise.
3684#if defined(SQLITE_DEBUG)
3685static void assertTruncateConstraintCb(PgHdr *pPg){
3686  assert( pPg->flags&PGHDR_DIRTY );
3687  assert( !subjRequiresPage(pPg) || pPg->pgno<=pPg->pPager->dbSize );
3689static void assertTruncateConstraint(Pager *pPager){
3690  sqlite3PcacheIterateDirty(pPager->pPCache, assertTruncateConstraintCb);
3693# define assertTruncateConstraint(pPager)
3697** Truncate the in-memory database file image to nPage pages. This
3698** function does not actually modify the database file on disk. It
3699** just sets the internal state of the pager object so that the
3700** truncation will be done when the current transaction is committed.
3702void sqlite3PagerTruncateImage(Pager *pPager, Pgno nPage){
3703  assert( pPager->dbSize>=nPage );
3704  assert( pPager->eState>=PAGER_WRITER_CACHEMOD );
3705  pPager->dbSize = nPage;
3706  assertTruncateConstraint(pPager);
3711** This function is called before attempting a hot-journal rollback. It
3712** syncs the journal file to disk, then sets pPager->journalHdr to the
3713** size of the journal file so that the pager_playback() routine knows
3714** that the entire journal file has been synced.
3716** Syncing a hot-journal to disk before attempting to roll it back ensures
3717** that if a power-failure occurs during the rollback, the process that
3718** attempts rollback following system recovery sees the same journal
3719** content as this process.
3721** If everything goes as planned, SQLITE_OK is returned. Otherwise,
3722** an SQLite error code.
3724static int pagerSyncHotJournal(Pager *pPager){
3725  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
3726  if( !pPager->noSync ){
3727    rc = sqlite3OsSync(pPager->jfd, SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL);
3728  }
3729  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
3730    rc = sqlite3OsFileSize(pPager->jfd, &pPager->journalHdr);
3731  }
3732  return rc;
3736** Shutdown the page cache.  Free all memory and close all files.
3738** If a transaction was in progress when this routine is called, that
3739** transaction is rolled back.  All outstanding pages are invalidated
3740** and their memory is freed.  Any attempt to use a page associated
3741** with this page cache after this function returns will likely
3742** result in a coredump.
3744** This function always succeeds. If a transaction is active an attempt
3745** is made to roll it back. If an error occurs during the rollback
3746** a hot journal may be left in the filesystem but no error is returned
3747** to the caller.
3749int sqlite3PagerClose(Pager *pPager){
3750  u8 *pTmp = (u8 *)pPager->pTmpSpace;
3752  disable_simulated_io_errors();
3753  sqlite3BeginBenignMalloc();
3754  /* pPager->errCode = 0; */
3755  pPager->exclusiveMode = 0;
3756#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL
3757  sqlite3WalClose(pPager->pWal, pPager->ckptSyncFlags, pPager->pageSize, pTmp);
3758  pPager->pWal = 0;
3760  pager_reset(pPager);
3761  if( MEMDB ){
3762    pager_unlock(pPager);
3763  }else{
3764    /* If it is open, sync the journal file before calling UnlockAndRollback.
3765    ** If this is not done, then an unsynced portion of the open journal
3766    ** file may be played back into the database. If a power failure occurs
3767    ** while this is happening, the database could become corrupt.
3768    **
3769    ** If an error occurs while trying to sync the journal, shift the pager
3770    ** into the ERROR state. This causes UnlockAndRollback to unlock the
3771    ** database and close the journal file without attempting to roll it
3772    ** back or finalize it. The next database user will have to do hot-journal
3773    ** rollback before accessing the database file.
3774    */
3775    if( isOpen(pPager->jfd) ){
3776      pager_error(pPager, pagerSyncHotJournal(pPager));
3777    }
3778    pagerUnlockAndRollback(pPager);
3779  }
3780  sqlite3EndBenignMalloc();
3781  enable_simulated_io_errors();
3782  PAGERTRACE(("CLOSE %d\n", PAGERID(pPager)));
3783  IOTRACE(("CLOSE %p\n", pPager))
3784  sqlite3OsClose(pPager->jfd);
3785  sqlite3OsClose(pPager->fd);
3786  sqlite3PageFree(pTmp);
3787  sqlite3PcacheClose(pPager->pPCache);
3790  if( pPager->xCodecFree ) pPager->xCodecFree(pPager->pCodec);
3793  assert( !pPager->aSavepoint && !pPager->pInJournal );
3794  assert( !isOpen(pPager->jfd) && !isOpen(pPager->sjfd) );
3796  sqlite3_free(pPager);
3797  return SQLITE_OK;
3800#if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(SQLITE_TEST)
3802** Return the page number for page pPg.
3804Pgno sqlite3PagerPagenumber(DbPage *pPg){
3805  return pPg->pgno;
3810** Increment the reference count for page pPg.
3812void sqlite3PagerRef(DbPage *pPg){
3813  sqlite3PcacheRef(pPg);
3817** Sync the journal. In other words, make sure all the pages that have
3818** been written to the journal have actually reached the surface of the
3819** disk and can be restored in the event of a hot-journal rollback.
3821** If the Pager.noSync flag is set, then this function is a no-op.
3822** Otherwise, the actions required depend on the journal-mode and the
3823** device characteristics of the the file-system, as follows:
3825**   * If the journal file is an in-memory journal file, no action need
3826**     be taken.
3828**   * Otherwise, if the device does not support the SAFE_APPEND property,
3829**     then the nRec field of the most recently written journal header
3830**     is updated to contain the number of journal records that have
3831**     been written following it. If the pager is operating in full-sync
3832**     mode, then the journal file is synced before this field is updated.
3834**   * If the device does not support the SEQUENTIAL property, then
3835**     journal file is synced.
3837** Or, in pseudo-code:
3839**   if( NOT <in-memory journal> ){
3840**     if( NOT SAFE_APPEND ){
3841**       if( <full-sync mode> ) xSync(<journal file>);
3842**       <update nRec field>
3843**     }
3844**     if( NOT SEQUENTIAL ) xSync(<journal file>);
3845**   }
3847** If successful, this routine clears the PGHDR_NEED_SYNC flag of every
3848** page currently held in memory before returning SQLITE_OK. If an IO
3849** error is encountered, then the IO error code is returned to the caller.
3851static int syncJournal(Pager *pPager, int newHdr){
3852  int rc;                         /* Return code */
3854  assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_CACHEMOD
3855       || pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_DBMOD
3856  );
3857  assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
3858  assert( !pagerUseWal(pPager) );
3860  rc = sqlite3PagerExclusiveLock(pPager);
3861  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
3863  if( !pPager->noSync ){
3864    assert( !pPager->tempFile );
3865    if( isOpen(pPager->jfd) && pPager->journalMode!=PAGER_JOURNALMODE_MEMORY ){
3866      const int iDc = sqlite3OsDeviceCharacteristics(pPager->fd);
3867      assert( isOpen(pPager->jfd) );
3869      if( 0==(iDc&SQLITE_IOCAP_SAFE_APPEND) ){
3870        /* This block deals with an obscure problem. If the last connection
3871        ** that wrote to this database was operating in persistent-journal
3872        ** mode, then the journal file may at this point actually be larger
3873        ** than Pager.journalOff bytes. If the next thing in the journal
3874        ** file happens to be a journal-header (written as part of the
3875        ** previous connection's transaction), and a crash or power-failure
3876        ** occurs after nRec is updated but before this connection writes
3877        ** anything else to the journal file (or commits/rolls back its
3878        ** transaction), then SQLite may become confused when doing the
3879        ** hot-journal rollback following recovery. It may roll back all
3880        ** of this connections data, then proceed to rolling back the old,
3881        ** out-of-date data that follows it. Database corruption.
3882        **
3883        ** To work around this, if the journal file does appear to contain
3884        ** a valid header following Pager.journalOff, then write a 0x00
3885        ** byte to the start of it to prevent it from being recognized.
3886        **
3887        ** Variable iNextHdrOffset is set to the offset at which this
3888        ** problematic header will occur, if it exists. aMagic is used
3889        ** as a temporary buffer to inspect the first couple of bytes of
3890        ** the potential journal header.
3891        */
3892        i64 iNextHdrOffset;
3893        u8 aMagic[8];
3894        u8 zHeader[sizeof(aJournalMagic)+4];
3896        memcpy(zHeader, aJournalMagic, sizeof(aJournalMagic));
3897        put32bits(&zHeader[sizeof(aJournalMagic)], pPager->nRec);
3899        iNextHdrOffset = journalHdrOffset(pPager);
3900        rc = sqlite3OsRead(pPager->jfd, aMagic, 8, iNextHdrOffset);
3901        if( rc==SQLITE_OK && 0==memcmp(aMagic, aJournalMagic, 8) ){
3902          static const u8 zerobyte = 0;
3903          rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pPager->jfd, &zerobyte, 1, iNextHdrOffset);
3904        }
3905        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK && rc!=SQLITE_IOERR_SHORT_READ ){
3906          return rc;
3907        }
3909        /* Write the nRec value into the journal file header. If in
3910        ** full-synchronous mode, sync the journal first. This ensures that
3911        ** all data has really hit the disk before nRec is updated to mark
3912        ** it as a candidate for rollback.
3913        **
3914        ** This is not required if the persistent media supports the
3915        ** SAFE_APPEND property. Because in this case it is not possible
3916        ** for garbage data to be appended to the file, the nRec field
3917        ** is populated with 0xFFFFFFFF when the journal header is written
3918        ** and never needs to be updated.
3919        */
3920        if( pPager->fullSync && 0==(iDc&SQLITE_IOCAP_SEQUENTIAL) ){
3921          PAGERTRACE(("SYNC journal of %d\n", PAGERID(pPager)));
3922          IOTRACE(("JSYNC %p\n", pPager))
3923          rc = sqlite3OsSync(pPager->jfd, pPager->syncFlags);
3924          if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
3925        }
3926        IOTRACE(("JHDR %p %lld\n", pPager, pPager->journalHdr));
3927        rc = sqlite3OsWrite(
3928            pPager->jfd, zHeader, sizeof(zHeader), pPager->journalHdr
3929        );
3930        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
3931      }
3932      if( 0==(iDc&SQLITE_IOCAP_SEQUENTIAL) ){
3933        PAGERTRACE(("SYNC journal of %d\n", PAGERID(pPager)));
3934        IOTRACE(("JSYNC %p\n", pPager))
3935        rc = sqlite3OsSync(pPager->jfd, pPager->syncFlags|
3936          (pPager->syncFlags==SQLITE_SYNC_FULL?SQLITE_SYNC_DATAONLY:0)
3937        );
3938        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
3939      }
3941      pPager->journalHdr = pPager->journalOff;
3942      if( newHdr && 0==(iDc&SQLITE_IOCAP_SAFE_APPEND) ){
3943        pPager->nRec = 0;
3944        rc = writeJournalHdr(pPager);
3945        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
3946      }
3947    }else{
3948      pPager->journalHdr = pPager->journalOff;
3949    }
3950  }
3952  /* Unless the pager is in noSync mode, the journal file was just
3953  ** successfully synced. Either way, clear the PGHDR_NEED_SYNC flag on
3954  ** all pages.
3955  */
3956  sqlite3PcacheClearSyncFlags(pPager->pPCache);
3957  pPager->eState = PAGER_WRITER_DBMOD;
3958  assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
3959  return SQLITE_OK;
3963** The argument is the first in a linked list of dirty pages connected
3964** by the PgHdr.pDirty pointer. This function writes each one of the
3965** in-memory pages in the list to the database file. The argument may
3966** be NULL, representing an empty list. In this case this function is
3967** a no-op.
3969** The pager must hold at least a RESERVED lock when this function
3970** is called. Before writing anything to the database file, this lock
3971** is upgraded to an EXCLUSIVE lock. If the lock cannot be obtained,
3972** SQLITE_BUSY is returned and no data is written to the database file.
3974** If the pager is a temp-file pager and the actual file-system file
3975** is not yet open, it is created and opened before any data is
3976** written out.
3978** Once the lock has been upgraded and, if necessary, the file opened,
3979** the pages are written out to the database file in list order. Writing
3980** a page is skipped if it meets either of the following criteria:
3982**   * The page number is greater than Pager.dbSize, or
3983**   * The PGHDR_DONT_WRITE flag is set on the page.
3985** If writing out a page causes the database file to grow, Pager.dbFileSize
3986** is updated accordingly. If page 1 is written out, then the value cached
3987** in Pager.dbFileVers[] is updated to match the new value stored in
3988** the database file.
3990** If everything is successful, SQLITE_OK is returned. If an IO error
3991** occurs, an IO error code is returned. Or, if the EXCLUSIVE lock cannot
3992** be obtained, SQLITE_BUSY is returned.
3994static int pager_write_pagelist(Pager *pPager, PgHdr *pList){
3995  int rc = SQLITE_OK;                  /* Return code */
3997  /* This function is only called for rollback pagers in WRITER_DBMOD state. */
3998  assert( !pagerUseWal(pPager) );
3999  assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_DBMOD );
4000  assert( pPager->eLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK );
4002  /* If the file is a temp-file has not yet been opened, open it now. It
4003  ** is not possible for rc to be other than SQLITE_OK if this branch
4004  ** is taken, as pager_wait_on_lock() is a no-op for temp-files.
4005  */
4006  if( !isOpen(pPager->fd) ){
4007    assert( pPager->tempFile && rc==SQLITE_OK );
4008    rc = pagerOpentemp(pPager, pPager->fd, pPager->vfsFlags);
4009  }
4011  /* Before the first write, give the VFS a hint of what the final
4012  ** file size will be.
4013  */
4014  assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || isOpen(pPager->fd) );
4015  if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pPager->dbSize>pPager->dbHintSize ){
4016    sqlite3_int64 szFile = pPager->pageSize * (sqlite3_int64)pPager->dbSize;
4017    sqlite3OsFileControl(pPager->fd, SQLITE_FCNTL_SIZE_HINT, &szFile);
4018    pPager->dbHintSize = pPager->dbSize;
4019  }
4021  while( rc==SQLITE_OK && pList ){
4022    Pgno pgno = pList->pgno;
4024    /* If there are dirty pages in the page cache with page numbers greater
4025    ** than Pager.dbSize, this means sqlite3PagerTruncateImage() was called to
4026    ** make the file smaller (presumably by auto-vacuum code). Do not write
4027    ** any such pages to the file.
4028    **
4029    ** Also, do not write out any page that has the PGHDR_DONT_WRITE flag
4030    ** set (set by sqlite3PagerDontWrite()).
4031    */
4032    if( pgno<=pPager->dbSize && 0==(pList->flags&PGHDR_DONT_WRITE) ){
4033      i64 offset = (pgno-1)*(i64)pPager->pageSize;   /* Offset to write */
4034      char *pData;                                   /* Data to write */
4036      assert( (pList->flags&PGHDR_NEED_SYNC)==0 );
4037      if( pList->pgno==1 ) pager_write_changecounter(pList);
4039      /* Encode the database */
4040      CODEC2(pPager, pList->pData, pgno, 6, return SQLITE_NOMEM, pData);
4042      /* Write out the page data. */
4043      rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pPager->fd, pData, pPager->pageSize, offset);
4045      /* If page 1 was just written, update Pager.dbFileVers to match
4046      ** the value now stored in the database file. If writing this
4047      ** page caused the database file to grow, update dbFileSize.
4048      */
4049      if( pgno==1 ){
4050        memcpy(&pPager->dbFileVers, &pData[24], sizeof(pPager->dbFileVers));
4051      }
4052      if( pgno>pPager->dbFileSize ){
4053        pPager->dbFileSize = pgno;
4054      }
4056      /* Update any backup objects copying the contents of this pager. */
4057      sqlite3BackupUpdate(pPager->pBackup, pgno, (u8*)pList->pData);
4059      PAGERTRACE(("STORE %d page %d hash(%08x)\n",
4060                   PAGERID(pPager), pgno, pager_pagehash(pList)));
4061      IOTRACE(("PGOUT %p %d\n", pPager, pgno));
4062      PAGER_INCR(sqlite3_pager_writedb_count);
4063      PAGER_INCR(pPager->nWrite);
4064    }else{
4065      PAGERTRACE(("NOSTORE %d page %d\n", PAGERID(pPager), pgno));
4066    }
4067    pager_set_pagehash(pList);
4068    pList = pList->pDirty;
4069  }
4071  return rc;
4075** Ensure that the sub-journal file is open. If it is already open, this
4076** function is a no-op.
4078** SQLITE_OK is returned if everything goes according to plan. An
4079** SQLITE_IOERR_XXX error code is returned if a call to sqlite3OsOpen()
4080** fails.
4082static int openSubJournal(Pager *pPager){
4083  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
4084  if( !isOpen(pPager->sjfd) ){
4085    if( pPager->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_MEMORY || pPager->subjInMemory ){
4086      sqlite3MemJournalOpen(pPager->sjfd);
4087    }else{
4088      rc = pagerOpentemp(pPager, pPager->sjfd, SQLITE_OPEN_SUBJOURNAL);
4089    }
4090  }
4091  return rc;
4095** Append a record of the current state of page pPg to the sub-journal.
4096** It is the callers responsibility to use subjRequiresPage() to check
4097** that it is really required before calling this function.
4099** If successful, set the bit corresponding to pPg->pgno in the bitvecs
4100** for all open savepoints before returning.
4102** This function returns SQLITE_OK if everything is successful, an IO
4103** error code if the attempt to write to the sub-journal fails, or
4104** SQLITE_NOMEM if a malloc fails while setting a bit in a savepoint
4105** bitvec.
4107static int subjournalPage(PgHdr *pPg){
4108  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
4109  Pager *pPager = pPg->pPager;
4110  if( pPager->journalMode!=PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF ){
4112    /* Open the sub-journal, if it has not already been opened */
4113    assert( pPager->useJournal );
4114    assert( isOpen(pPager->jfd) || pagerUseWal(pPager) );
4115    assert( isOpen(pPager->sjfd) || pPager->nSubRec==0 );
4116    assert( pagerUseWal(pPager)
4117         || pageInJournal(pPg)
4118         || pPg->pgno>pPager->dbOrigSize
4119    );
4120    rc = openSubJournal(pPager);
4122    /* If the sub-journal was opened successfully (or was already open),
4123    ** write the journal record into the file.  */
4124    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
4125      void *pData = pPg->pData;
4126      i64 offset = pPager->nSubRec*(4+pPager->pageSize);
4127      char *pData2;
4129      CODEC2(pPager, pData, pPg->pgno, 7, return SQLITE_NOMEM, pData2);
4130      PAGERTRACE(("STMT-JOURNAL %d page %d\n", PAGERID(pPager), pPg->pgno));
4131      rc = write32bits(pPager->sjfd, offset, pPg->pgno);
4132      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
4133        rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pPager->sjfd, pData2, pPager->pageSize, offset+4);
4134      }
4135    }
4136  }
4137  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
4138    pPager->nSubRec++;
4139    assert( pPager->nSavepoint>0 );
4140    rc = addToSavepointBitvecs(pPager, pPg->pgno);
4141  }
4142  return rc;
4146** This function is called by the pcache layer when it has reached some
4147** soft memory limit. The first argument is a pointer to a Pager object
4148** (cast as a void*). The pager is always 'purgeable' (not an in-memory
4149** database). The second argument is a reference to a page that is
4150** currently dirty but has no outstanding references. The page
4151** is always associated with the Pager object passed as the first
4152** argument.
4154** The job of this function is to make pPg clean by writing its contents
4155** out to the database file, if possible. This may involve syncing the
4156** journal file.
4158** If successful, sqlite3PcacheMakeClean() is called on the page and
4159** SQLITE_OK returned. If an IO error occurs while trying to make the
4160** page clean, the IO error code is returned. If the page cannot be
4161** made clean for some other reason, but no error occurs, then SQLITE_OK
4162** is returned by sqlite3PcacheMakeClean() is not called.
4164static int pagerStress(void *p, PgHdr *pPg){
4165  Pager *pPager = (Pager *)p;
4166  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
4168  assert( pPg->pPager==pPager );
4169  assert( pPg->flags&PGHDR_DIRTY );
4171  /* The doNotSyncSpill flag is set during times when doing a sync of
4172  ** journal (and adding a new header) is not allowed.  This occurs
4173  ** during calls to sqlite3PagerWrite() while trying to journal multiple
4174  ** pages belonging to the same sector.
4175  **
4176  ** The doNotSpill flag inhibits all cache spilling regardless of whether
4177  ** or not a sync is required.  This is set during a rollback.
4178  **
4179  ** Spilling is also prohibited when in an error state since that could
4180  ** lead to database corruption.   In the current implementaton it
4181  ** is impossible for sqlite3PCacheFetch() to be called with createFlag==1
4182  ** while in the error state, hence it is impossible for this routine to
4183  ** be called in the error state.  Nevertheless, we include a NEVER()
4184  ** test for the error state as a safeguard against future changes.
4185  */
4186  if( NEVER(pPager->errCode) ) return SQLITE_OK;
4187  if( pPager->doNotSpill ) return SQLITE_OK;
4188  if( pPager->doNotSyncSpill && (pPg->flags & PGHDR_NEED_SYNC)!=0 ){
4189    return SQLITE_OK;
4190  }
4192  pPg->pDirty = 0;
4193  if( pagerUseWal(pPager) ){
4194    /* Write a single frame for this page to the log. */
4195    if( subjRequiresPage(pPg) ){
4196      rc = subjournalPage(pPg);
4197    }
4198    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
4199      rc = pagerWalFrames(pPager, pPg, 0, 0, 0);
4200    }
4201  }else{
4203    /* Sync the journal file if required. */
4204    if( pPg->flags&PGHDR_NEED_SYNC
4205     || pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_CACHEMOD
4206    ){
4207      rc = syncJournal(pPager, 1);
4208    }
4210    /* If the page number of this page is larger than the current size of
4211    ** the database image, it may need to be written to the sub-journal.
4212    ** This is because the call to pager_write_pagelist() below will not
4213    ** actually write data to the file in this case.
4214    **
4215    ** Consider the following sequence of events:
4216    **
4217    **   BEGIN;
4218    **     <journal page X>
4219    **     <modify page X>
4220    **     SAVEPOINT sp;
4221    **       <shrink database file to Y pages>
4222    **       pagerStress(page X)
4223    **     ROLLBACK TO sp;
4224    **
4225    ** If (X>Y), then when pagerStress is called page X will not be written
4226    ** out to the database file, but will be dropped from the cache. Then,
4227    ** following the "ROLLBACK TO sp" statement, reading page X will read
4228    ** data from the database file. This will be the copy of page X as it
4229    ** was when the transaction started, not as it was when "SAVEPOINT sp"
4230    ** was executed.
4231    **
4232    ** The solution is to write the current data for page X into the
4233    ** sub-journal file now (if it is not already there), so that it will
4234    ** be restored to its current value when the "ROLLBACK TO sp" is
4235    ** executed.
4236    */
4237    if( NEVER(
4238        rc==SQLITE_OK && pPg->pgno>pPager->dbSize && subjRequiresPage(pPg)
4239    ) ){
4240      rc = subjournalPage(pPg);
4241    }
4243    /* Write the contents of the page out to the database file. */
4244    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
4245      assert( (pPg->flags&PGHDR_NEED_SYNC)==0 );
4246      rc = pager_write_pagelist(pPager, pPg);
4247    }
4248  }
4250  /* Mark the page as clean. */
4251  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
4252    PAGERTRACE(("STRESS %d page %d\n", PAGERID(pPager), pPg->pgno));
4253    sqlite3PcacheMakeClean(pPg);
4254  }
4256  return pager_error(pPager, rc);
4261** Allocate and initialize a new Pager object and put a pointer to it
4262** in *ppPager. The pager should eventually be freed by passing it
4263** to sqlite3PagerClose().
4265** The zFilename argument is the path to the database file to open.
4266** If zFilename is NULL then a randomly-named temporary file is created
4267** and used as the file to be cached. Temporary files are be deleted
4268** automatically when they are closed. If zFilename is ":memory:" then
4269** all information is held in cache. It is never written to disk.
4270** This can be used to implement an in-memory database.
4272** The nExtra parameter specifies the number of bytes of space allocated
4273** along with each page reference. This space is available to the user
4274** via the sqlite3PagerGetExtra() API.
4276** The flags argument is used to specify properties that affect the
4277** operation of the pager. It should be passed some bitwise combination
4280** The vfsFlags parameter is a bitmask to pass to the flags parameter
4281** of the xOpen() method of the supplied VFS when opening files.
4283** If the pager object is allocated and the specified file opened
4284** successfully, SQLITE_OK is returned and *ppPager set to point to
4285** the new pager object. If an error occurs, *ppPager is set to NULL
4286** and error code returned. This function may return SQLITE_NOMEM
4287** (sqlite3Malloc() is used to allocate memory), SQLITE_CANTOPEN or
4288** various SQLITE_IO_XXX errors.
4290int sqlite3PagerOpen(
4291  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,       /* The virtual file system to use */
4292  Pager **ppPager,         /* OUT: Return the Pager structure here */
4293  const char *zFilename,   /* Name of the database file to open */
4294  int nExtra,              /* Extra bytes append to each in-memory page */
4295  int flags,               /* flags controlling this file */
4296  int vfsFlags,            /* flags passed through to sqlite3_vfs.xOpen() */
4297  void (*xReinit)(DbPage*) /* Function to reinitialize pages */
4299  u8 *pPtr;
4300  Pager *pPager = 0;       /* Pager object to allocate and return */
4301  int rc = SQLITE_OK;      /* Return code */
4302  int tempFile = 0;        /* True for temp files (incl. in-memory files) */
4303  int memDb = 0;           /* True if this is an in-memory file */
4304  int readOnly = 0;        /* True if this is a read-only file */
4305  int journalFileSize;     /* Bytes to allocate for each journal fd */
4306  char *zPathname = 0;     /* Full path to database file */
4307  int nPathname = 0;       /* Number of bytes in zPathname */
4308  int useJournal = (flags & PAGER_OMIT_JOURNAL)==0; /* False to omit journal */
4309  int noReadlock = (flags & PAGER_NO_READLOCK)!=0;  /* True to omit read-lock */
4310  int pcacheSize = sqlite3PcacheSize();       /* Bytes to allocate for PCache */
4311  u32 szPageDflt = SQLITE_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;  /* Default page size */
4313  /* Figure out how much space is required for each journal file-handle
4314  ** (there are two of them, the main journal and the sub-journal). This
4315  ** is the maximum space required for an in-memory journal file handle
4316  ** and a regular journal file-handle. Note that a "regular journal-handle"
4317  ** may be a wrapper capable of caching the first portion of the journal
4318  ** file in memory to implement the atomic-write optimization (see
4319  ** source file journal.c).
4320  */
4321  if( sqlite3JournalSize(pVfs)>sqlite3MemJournalSize() ){
4322    journalFileSize = ROUND8(sqlite3JournalSize(pVfs));
4323  }else{
4324    journalFileSize = ROUND8(sqlite3MemJournalSize());
4325  }
4327  /* Set the output variable to NULL in case an error occurs. */
4328  *ppPager = 0;
4331  if( flags & PAGER_MEMORY ){
4332    memDb = 1;
4333    zFilename = 0;
4334  }
4337  /* Compute and store the full pathname in an allocated buffer pointed
4338  ** to by zPathname, length nPathname. Or, if this is a temporary file,
4339  ** leave both nPathname and zPathname set to 0.
4340  */
4341  if( zFilename && zFilename[0] ){
4342    nPathname = pVfs->mxPathname+1;
4343    zPathname = sqlite3Malloc(nPathname*2);
4344    if( zPathname==0 ){
4345      return SQLITE_NOMEM;
4346    }
4347    zPathname[0] = 0; /* Make sure initialized even if FullPathname() fails */
4348    rc = sqlite3OsFullPathname(pVfs, zFilename, nPathname, zPathname);
4349    nPathname = sqlite3Strlen30(zPathname);
4350    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && nPathname+8>pVfs->mxPathname ){
4351      /* This branch is taken when the journal path required by
4352      ** the database being opened will be more than pVfs->mxPathname
4353      ** bytes in length. This means the database cannot be opened,
4354      ** as it will not be possible to open the journal file or even
4355      ** check for a hot-journal before reading.
4356      */
4357      rc = SQLITE_CANTOPEN_BKPT;
4358    }
4359    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
4360      sqlite3_free(zPathname);
4361      return rc;
4362    }
4363  }
4365  /* Allocate memory for the Pager structure, PCache object, the
4366  ** three file descriptors, the database file name and the journal
4367  ** file name. The layout in memory is as follows:
4368  **
4369  **     Pager object                    (sizeof(Pager) bytes)
4370  **     PCache object                   (sqlite3PcacheSize() bytes)
4371  **     Database file handle            (pVfs->szOsFile bytes)
4372  **     Sub-journal file handle         (journalFileSize bytes)
4373  **     Main journal file handle        (journalFileSize bytes)
4374  **     Database file name              (nPathname+1 bytes)
4375  **     Journal file name               (nPathname+8+1 bytes)
4376  */
4377  pPtr = (u8 *)sqlite3MallocZero(
4378    ROUND8(sizeof(*pPager)) +      /* Pager structure */
4379    ROUND8(pcacheSize) +           /* PCache object */
4380    ROUND8(pVfs->szOsFile) +       /* The main db file */
4381    journalFileSize * 2 +          /* The two journal files */
4382    nPathname + 1 +                /* zFilename */
4383    nPathname + 8 + 1              /* zJournal */
4384#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL
4385    + nPathname + 4 + 1              /* zWal */
4387  );
4388  assert( EIGHT_BYTE_ALIGNMENT(SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR(journalFileSize)) );
4389  if( !pPtr ){
4390    sqlite3_free(zPathname);
4391    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
4392  }
4393  pPager =              (Pager*)(pPtr);
4394  pPager->pPCache =    (PCache*)(pPtr += ROUND8(sizeof(*pPager)));
4395  pPager->fd =   (sqlite3_file*)(pPtr += ROUND8(pcacheSize));
4396  pPager->sjfd = (sqlite3_file*)(pPtr += ROUND8(pVfs->szOsFile));
4397  pPager->jfd =  (sqlite3_file*)(pPtr += journalFileSize);
4398  pPager->zFilename =    (char*)(pPtr += journalFileSize);
4399  assert( EIGHT_BYTE_ALIGNMENT(pPager->jfd) );
4401  /* Fill in the Pager.zFilename and Pager.zJournal buffers, if required. */
4402  if( zPathname ){
4403    assert( nPathname>0 );
4404    pPager->zJournal =   (char*)(pPtr += nPathname + 1);
4405    memcpy(pPager->zFilename, zPathname, nPathname);
4406    memcpy(pPager->zJournal, zPathname, nPathname);
4407    memcpy(&pPager->zJournal[nPathname], "-journal", 8);
4408#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL
4409    pPager->zWal = &pPager->zJournal[nPathname+8+1];
4410    memcpy(pPager->zWal, zPathname, nPathname);
4411    memcpy(&pPager->zWal[nPathname], "-wal", 4);
4413    sqlite3_free(zPathname);
4414  }
4415  pPager->pVfs = pVfs;
4416  pPager->vfsFlags = vfsFlags;
4418  /* Open the pager file.
4419  */
4420  if( zFilename && zFilename[0] ){
4421    int fout = 0;                    /* VFS flags returned by xOpen() */
4422    rc = sqlite3OsOpen(pVfs, pPager->zFilename, pPager->fd, vfsFlags, &fout);
4423    assert( !memDb );
4424    readOnly = (fout&SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY);
4426    /* If the file was successfully opened for read/write access,
4427    ** choose a default page size in case we have to create the
4428    ** database file. The default page size is the maximum of:
4429    **
4431    **    + The value returned by sqlite3OsSectorSize()
4432    **    + The largest page size that can be written atomically.
4433    */
4434    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && !readOnly ){
4435      setSectorSize(pPager);
4437      if( szPageDflt<pPager->sectorSize ){
4438        if( pPager->sectorSize>SQLITE_MAX_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE ){
4439          szPageDflt = SQLITE_MAX_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
4440        }else{
4441          szPageDflt = (u32)pPager->sectorSize;
4442        }
4443      }
4445      {
4446        int iDc = sqlite3OsDeviceCharacteristics(pPager->fd);
4447        int ii;
4448        assert(SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC512==(512>>8));
4449        assert(SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC64K==(65536>>8));
4450        assert(SQLITE_MAX_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE<=65536);
4451        for(ii=szPageDflt; ii<=SQLITE_MAX_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE; ii=ii*2){
4452          if( iDc&(SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC|(ii>>8)) ){
4453            szPageDflt = ii;
4454          }
4455        }
4456      }
4458    }
4459  }else{
4460    /* If a temporary file is requested, it is not opened immediately.
4461    ** In this case we accept the default page size and delay actually
4462    ** opening the file until the first call to OsWrite().
4463    **
4464    ** This branch is also run for an in-memory database. An in-memory
4465    ** database is the same as a temp-file that is never written out to
4466    ** disk and uses an in-memory rollback journal.
4467    */
4468    tempFile = 1;
4469    pPager->eState = PAGER_READER;
4470    pPager->eLock = EXCLUSIVE_LOCK;
4471    readOnly = (vfsFlags&SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY);
4472  }
4474  /* The following call to PagerSetPagesize() serves to set the value of
4475  ** Pager.pageSize and to allocate the Pager.pTmpSpace buffer.
4476  */
4477  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
4478    assert( pPager->memDb==0 );
4479    rc = sqlite3PagerSetPagesize(pPager, &szPageDflt, -1);
4480    testcase( rc!=SQLITE_OK );
4481  }
4483  /* If an error occurred in either of the blocks above, free the
4484  ** Pager structure and close the file.
4485  */
4486  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
4487    assert( !pPager->pTmpSpace );
4488    sqlite3OsClose(pPager->fd);
4489    sqlite3_free(pPager);
4490    return rc;
4491  }
4493  /* Initialize the PCache object. */
4494  assert( nExtra<1000 );
4495  nExtra = ROUND8(nExtra);
4496  sqlite3PcacheOpen(szPageDflt, nExtra, !memDb,
4497                    !memDb?pagerStress:0, (void *)pPager, pPager->pPCache);
4499  PAGERTRACE(("OPEN %d %s\n", FILEHANDLEID(pPager->fd), pPager->zFilename));
4500  IOTRACE(("OPEN %p %s\n", pPager, pPager->zFilename))
4502  pPager->useJournal = (u8)useJournal;
4503  pPager->noReadlock = (noReadlock && readOnly) ?1:0;
4504  /* pPager->stmtOpen = 0; */
4505  /* pPager->stmtInUse = 0; */
4506  /* pPager->nRef = 0; */
4507  /* pPager->stmtSize = 0; */
4508  /* pPager->stmtJSize = 0; */
4509  /* pPager->nPage = 0; */
4510  pPager->mxPgno = SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_COUNT;
4511  /* pPager->state = PAGER_UNLOCK; */
4512#if 0
4513  assert( pPager->state == (tempFile ? PAGER_EXCLUSIVE : PAGER_UNLOCK) );
4515  /* pPager->errMask = 0; */
4516  pPager->tempFile = (u8)tempFile;
4517  assert( tempFile==PAGER_LOCKINGMODE_NORMAL
4518          || tempFile==PAGER_LOCKINGMODE_EXCLUSIVE );
4520  pPager->exclusiveMode = (u8)tempFile;
4521  pPager->changeCountDone = pPager->tempFile;
4522  pPager->memDb = (u8)memDb;
4523  pPager->readOnly = (u8)readOnly;
4524  assert( useJournal || pPager->tempFile );
4525  pPager->noSync = pPager->tempFile;
4526  pPager->fullSync = pPager->noSync ?0:1;
4527  pPager->syncFlags = pPager->noSync ? 0 : SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL;
4528  pPager->ckptSyncFlags = pPager->syncFlags;
4529  /* pPager->pFirst = 0; */
4530  /* pPager->pFirstSynced = 0; */
4531  /* pPager->pLast = 0; */
4532  pPager->nExtra = (u16)nExtra;
4533  pPager->journalSizeLimit = SQLITE_DEFAULT_JOURNAL_SIZE_LIMIT;
4534  assert( isOpen(pPager->fd) || tempFile );
4535  setSectorSize(pPager);
4536  if( !useJournal ){
4537    pPager->journalMode = PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF;
4538  }else if( memDb ){
4539    pPager->journalMode = PAGER_JOURNALMODE_MEMORY;
4540  }
4541  /* pPager->xBusyHandler = 0; */
4542  /* pPager->pBusyHandlerArg = 0; */
4543  pPager->xReiniter = xReinit;
4544  /* memset(pPager->aHash, 0, sizeof(pPager->aHash)); */
4546  *ppPager = pPager;
4547  return SQLITE_OK;
4553** This function is called after transitioning from PAGER_UNLOCK to
4554** PAGER_SHARED state. It tests if there is a hot journal present in
4555** the file-system for the given pager. A hot journal is one that
4556** needs to be played back. According to this function, a hot-journal
4557** file exists if the following criteria are met:
4559**   * The journal file exists in the file system, and
4560**   * No process holds a RESERVED or greater lock on the database file, and
4561**   * The database file itself is greater than 0 bytes in size, and
4562**   * The first byte of the journal file exists and is not 0x00.
4564** If the current size of the database file is 0 but a journal file
4565** exists, that is probably an old journal left over from a prior
4566** database with the same name. In this case the journal file is
4567** just deleted using OsDelete, *pExists is set to 0 and SQLITE_OK
4568** is returned.
4570** This routine does not check if there is a master journal filename
4571** at the end of the file. If there is, and that master journal file
4572** does not exist, then the journal file is not really hot. In this
4573** case this routine will return a false-positive. The pager_playback()
4574** routine will discover that the journal file is not really hot and
4575** will not roll it back.
4577** If a hot-journal file is found to exist, *pExists is set to 1 and
4578** SQLITE_OK returned. If no hot-journal file is present, *pExists is
4579** set to 0 and SQLITE_OK returned. If an IO error occurs while trying
4580** to determine whether or not a hot-journal file exists, the IO error
4581** code is returned and the value of *pExists is undefined.
4583static int hasHotJournal(Pager *pPager, int *pExists){
4584  sqlite3_vfs * const pVfs = pPager->pVfs;
4585  int rc = SQLITE_OK;           /* Return code */
4586  int exists = 1;               /* True if a journal file is present */
4587  int jrnlOpen = !!isOpen(pPager->jfd);
4589  assert( pPager->useJournal );
4590  assert( isOpen(pPager->fd) );
4591  assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_OPEN );
4593  assert( jrnlOpen==0 || ( sqlite3OsDeviceCharacteristics(pPager->jfd) &
4595  ));
4597  *pExists = 0;
4598  if( !jrnlOpen ){
4599    rc = sqlite3OsAccess(pVfs, pPager->zJournal, SQLITE_ACCESS_EXISTS, &exists);
4600  }
4601  if( rc==SQLITE_OK && exists ){
4602    int locked = 0;             /* True if some process holds a RESERVED lock */
4604    /* Race condition here:  Another process might have been holding the
4605    ** the RESERVED lock and have a journal open at the sqlite3OsAccess()
4606    ** call above, but then delete the journal and drop the lock before
4607    ** we get to the following sqlite3OsCheckReservedLock() call.  If that
4608    ** is the case, this routine might think there is a hot journal when
4609    ** in fact there is none.  This results in a false-positive which will
4610    ** be dealt with by the playback routine.  Ticket #3883.
4611    */
4612    rc = sqlite3OsCheckReservedLock(pPager->fd, &locked);
4613    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && !locked ){
4614      Pgno nPage;                 /* Number of pages in database file */
4616      /* Check the size of the database file. If it consists of 0 pages,
4617      ** then delete the journal file. See the header comment above for
4618      ** the reasoning here.  Delete the obsolete journal file under
4619      ** a RESERVED lock to avoid race conditions and to avoid violating
4620      ** [H33020].
4621      */
4622      rc = pagerPagecount(pPager, &nPage);
4623      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
4624        if( nPage==0 ){
4625          sqlite3BeginBenignMalloc();
4626          if( pagerLockDb(pPager, RESERVED_LOCK)==SQLITE_OK ){
4627            sqlite3OsDelete(pVfs, pPager->zJournal, 0);
4628            if( !pPager->exclusiveMode ) pagerUnlockDb(pPager, SHARED_LOCK);
4629          }
4630          sqlite3EndBenignMalloc();
4631        }else{
4632          /* The journal file exists and no other connection has a reserved
4633          ** or greater lock on the database file. Now check that there is
4634          ** at least one non-zero bytes at the start of the journal file.
4635          ** If there is, then we consider this journal to be hot. If not,
4636          ** it can be ignored.
4637          */
4638          if( !jrnlOpen ){
4640            rc = sqlite3OsOpen(pVfs, pPager->zJournal, pPager->jfd, f, &f);
4641          }
4642          if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
4643            u8 first = 0;
4644            rc = sqlite3OsRead(pPager->jfd, (void *)&first, 1, 0);
4645            if( rc==SQLITE_IOERR_SHORT_READ ){
4646              rc = SQLITE_OK;
4647            }
4648            if( !jrnlOpen ){
4649              sqlite3OsClose(pPager->jfd);
4650            }
4651            *pExists = (first!=0);
4652          }else if( rc==SQLITE_CANTOPEN ){
4653            /* If we cannot open the rollback journal file in order to see if
4654            ** its has a zero header, that might be due to an I/O error, or
4655            ** it might be due to the race condition described above and in
4656            ** ticket #3883.  Either way, assume that the journal is hot.
4657            ** This might be a false positive.  But if it is, then the
4658            ** automatic journal playback and recovery mechanism will deal
4659            ** with it under an EXCLUSIVE lock where we do not need to
4660            ** worry so much with race conditions.
4661            */
4662            *pExists = 1;
4663            rc = SQLITE_OK;
4664          }
4665        }
4666      }
4667    }
4668  }
4670  return rc;
4674** This function is called to obtain a shared lock on the database file.
4675** It is illegal to call sqlite3PagerAcquire() until after this function
4676** has been successfully called. If a shared-lock is already held when
4677** this function is called, it is a no-op.
4679** The following operations are also performed by this function.
4681**   1) If the pager is currently in PAGER_OPEN state (no lock held
4682**      on the database file), then an attempt is made to obtain a
4683**      SHARED lock on the database file. Immediately after obtaining
4684**      the SHARED lock, the file-system is checked for a hot-journal,
4685**      which is played back if present. Following any hot-journal
4686**      rollback, the contents of the cache are validated by checking
4687**      the 'change-counter' field of the database file header and
4688**      discarded if they are found to be invalid.
4690**   2) If the pager is running in exclusive-mode, and there are currently
4691**      no outstanding references to any pages, and is in the error state,
4692**      then an attempt is made to clear the error state by discarding
4693**      the contents of the page cache and rolling back any open journal
4694**      file.
4696** If everything is successful, SQLITE_OK is returned. If an IO error
4697** occurs while locking the database, checking for a hot-journal file or
4698** rolling back a journal file, the IO error code is returned.
4700int sqlite3PagerSharedLock(Pager *pPager){
4701  int rc = SQLITE_OK;                /* Return code */
4703  /* This routine is only called from b-tree and only when there are no
4704  ** outstanding pages. This implies that the pager state should either
4705  ** be OPEN or READER. READER is only possible if the pager is or was in
4706  ** exclusive access mode.
4707  */
4708  assert( sqlite3PcacheRefCount(pPager->pPCache)==0 );
4709  assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
4710  assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_OPEN || pPager->eState==PAGER_READER );
4711  if( NEVER(MEMDB && pPager->errCode) ){ return pPager->errCode; }
4713  if( !pagerUseWal(pPager) && pPager->eState==PAGER_OPEN ){
4714    int bHotJournal = 1;          /* True if there exists a hot journal-file */
4716    assert( !MEMDB );
4717    assert( pPager->noReadlock==0 || pPager->readOnly );
4719    if( pPager->noReadlock==0 ){
4720      rc = pager_wait_on_lock(pPager, SHARED_LOCK);
4721      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
4722        assert( pPager->eLock==NO_LOCK || pPager->eLock==UNKNOWN_LOCK );
4723        goto failed;
4724      }
4725    }
4727    /* If a journal file exists, and there is no RESERVED lock on the
4728    ** database file, then it either needs to be played back or deleted.
4729    */
4730    if( pPager->eLock<=SHARED_LOCK ){
4731      rc = hasHotJournal(pPager, &bHotJournal);
4732    }
4733    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
4734      goto failed;
4735    }
4736    if( bHotJournal ){
4737      /* Get an EXCLUSIVE lock on the database file. At this point it is
4738      ** important that a RESERVED lock is not obtained on the way to the
4739      ** EXCLUSIVE lock. If it were, another process might open the
4740      ** database file, detect the RESERVED lock, and conclude that the
4741      ** database is safe to read while this process is still rolling the
4742      ** hot-journal back.
4743      **
4744      ** Because the intermediate RESERVED lock is not requested, any
4745      ** other process attempting to access the database file will get to
4746      ** this point in the code and fail to obtain its own EXCLUSIVE lock
4747      ** on the database file.
4748      **
4749      ** Unless the pager is in locking_mode=exclusive mode, the lock is
4750      ** downgraded to SHARED_LOCK before this function returns.
4751      */
4752      rc = pagerLockDb(pPager, EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);
4753      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
4754        goto failed;
4755      }
4757      /* If it is not already open and the file exists on disk, open the
4758      ** journal for read/write access. Write access is required because
4759      ** in exclusive-access mode the file descriptor will be kept open
4760      ** and possibly used for a transaction later on. Also, write-access
4761      ** is usually required to finalize the journal in journal_mode=persist
4762      ** mode (and also for journal_mode=truncate on some systems).
4763      **
4764      ** If the journal does not exist, it usually means that some
4765      ** other connection managed to get in and roll it back before
4766      ** this connection obtained the exclusive lock above. Or, it
4767      ** may mean that the pager was in the error-state when this
4768      ** function was called and the journal file does not exist.
4769      */
4770      if( !isOpen(pPager->jfd) ){
4771        sqlite3_vfs * const pVfs = pPager->pVfs;
4772        int bExists;              /* True if journal file exists */
4773        rc = sqlite3OsAccess(
4774            pVfs, pPager->zJournal, SQLITE_ACCESS_EXISTS, &bExists);
4775        if( rc==SQLITE_OK && bExists ){
4776          int fout = 0;
4778          assert( !pPager->tempFile );
4779          rc = sqlite3OsOpen(pVfs, pPager->zJournal, pPager->jfd, f, &fout);
4780          assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || isOpen(pPager->jfd) );
4781          if( rc==SQLITE_OK && fout&SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY ){
4782            rc = SQLITE_CANTOPEN_BKPT;
4783            sqlite3OsClose(pPager->jfd);
4784          }
4785        }
4786      }
4788      /* Playback and delete the journal.  Drop the database write
4789      ** lock and reacquire the read lock. Purge the cache before
4790      ** playing back the hot-journal so that we don't end up with
4791      ** an inconsistent cache.  Sync the hot journal before playing
4792      ** it back since the process that crashed and left the hot journal
4793      ** probably did not sync it and we are required to always sync
4794      ** the journal before playing it back.
4795      */
4796      if( isOpen(pPager->jfd) ){
4797        assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
4798        rc = pagerSyncHotJournal(pPager);
4799        if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
4800          rc = pager_playback(pPager, 1);
4801          pPager->eState = PAGER_OPEN;
4802        }
4803      }else if( !pPager->exclusiveMode ){
4804        pagerUnlockDb(pPager, SHARED_LOCK);
4805      }
4807      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
4808        /* This branch is taken if an error occurs while trying to open
4809        ** or roll back a hot-journal while holding an EXCLUSIVE lock. The
4810        ** pager_unlock() routine will be called before returning to unlock
4811        ** the file. If the unlock attempt fails, then Pager.eLock must be
4812        ** set to UNKNOWN_LOCK (see the comment above the #define for
4813        ** UNKNOWN_LOCK above for an explanation).
4814        **
4815        ** In order to get pager_unlock() to do this, set Pager.eState to
4816        ** PAGER_ERROR now. This is not actually counted as a transition
4817        ** to ERROR state in the state diagram at the top of this file,
4818        ** since we know that the same call to pager_unlock() will very
4819        ** shortly transition the pager object to the OPEN state. Calling
4820        ** assert_pager_state() would fail now, as it should not be possible
4821        ** to be in ERROR state when there are zero outstanding page
4822        ** references.
4823        */
4824        pager_error(pPager, rc);
4825        goto failed;
4826      }
4828      assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_OPEN );
4829      assert( (pPager->eLock==SHARED_LOCK)
4830           || (pPager->exclusiveMode && pPager->eLock>SHARED_LOCK)
4831      );
4832    }
4834    if( !pPager->tempFile
4835     && (pPager->pBackup || sqlite3PcachePagecount(pPager->pPCache)>0)
4836    ){
4837      /* The shared-lock has just been acquired on the database file
4838      ** and there are already pages in the cache (from a previous
4839      ** read or write transaction).  Check to see if the database
4840      ** has been modified.  If the database has changed, flush the
4841      ** cache.
4842      **
4843      ** Database changes is detected by looking at 15 bytes beginning
4844      ** at offset 24 into the file.  The first 4 of these 16 bytes are
4845      ** a 32-bit counter that is incremented with each change.  The
4846      ** other bytes change randomly with each file change when
4847      ** a codec is in use.
4848      **
4849      ** There is a vanishingly small chance that a change will not be
4850      ** detected.  The chance of an undetected change is so small that
4851      ** it can be neglected.
4852      */
4853      Pgno nPage = 0;
4854      char dbFileVers[sizeof(pPager->dbFileVers)];
4856      rc = pagerPagecount(pPager, &nPage);
4857      if( rc ) goto failed;
4859      if( nPage>0 ){
4860        IOTRACE(("CKVERS %p %d\n", pPager, sizeof(dbFileVers)));
4861        rc = sqlite3OsRead(pPager->fd, &dbFileVers, sizeof(dbFileVers), 24);
4862        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
4863          goto failed;
4864        }
4865      }else{
4866        memset(dbFileVers, 0, sizeof(dbFileVers));
4867      }
4869      if( memcmp(pPager->dbFileVers, dbFileVers, sizeof(dbFileVers))!=0 ){
4870        pager_reset(pPager);
4871      }
4872    }
4874    /* If there is a WAL file in the file-system, open this database in WAL
4875    ** mode. Otherwise, the following function call is a no-op.
4876    */
4877    rc = pagerOpenWalIfPresent(pPager);
4878#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL
4879    assert( pPager->pWal==0 || rc==SQLITE_OK );
4881  }
4883  if( pagerUseWal(pPager) ){
4884    assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
4885    rc = pagerBeginReadTransaction(pPager);
4886  }
4888  if( pPager->eState==PAGER_OPEN && rc==SQLITE_OK ){
4889    rc = pagerPagecount(pPager, &pPager->dbSize);
4890  }
4892 failed:
4893  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
4894    assert( !MEMDB );
4895    pager_unlock(pPager);
4896    assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_OPEN );
4897  }else{
4898    pPager->eState = PAGER_READER;
4899  }
4900  return rc;
4904** If the reference count has reached zero, rollback any active
4905** transaction and unlock the pager.
4907** Except, in locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE when there is nothing to in
4908** the rollback journal, the unlock is not performed and there is
4909** nothing to rollback, so this routine is a no-op.
4911static void pagerUnlockIfUnused(Pager *pPager){
4912  if( (sqlite3PcacheRefCount(pPager->pPCache)==0) ){
4913    pagerUnlockAndRollback(pPager);
4914  }
4918** Acquire a reference to page number pgno in pager pPager (a page
4919** reference has type DbPage*). If the requested reference is
4920** successfully obtained, it is copied to *ppPage and SQLITE_OK returned.
4922** If the requested page is already in the cache, it is returned.
4923** Otherwise, a new page object is allocated and populated with data
4924** read from the database file. In some cases, the pcache module may
4925** choose not to allocate a new page object and may reuse an existing
4926** object with no outstanding references.
4928** The extra data appended to a page is always initialized to zeros the
4929** first time a page is loaded into memory. If the page requested is
4930** already in the cache when this function is called, then the extra
4931** data is left as it was when the page object was last used.
4933** If the database image is smaller than the requested page or if a
4934** non-zero value is passed as the noContent parameter and the
4935** requested page is not already stored in the cache, then no
4936** actual disk read occurs. In this case the memory image of the
4937** page is initialized to all zeros.
4939** If noContent is true, it means that we do not care about the contents
4940** of the page. This occurs in two seperate scenarios:
4942**   a) When reading a free-list leaf page from the database, and
4944**   b) When a savepoint is being rolled back and we need to load
4945**      a new page into the cache to be filled with the data read
4946**      from the savepoint journal.
4948** If noContent is true, then the data returned is zeroed instead of
4949** being read from the database. Additionally, the bits corresponding
4950** to pgno in Pager.pInJournal (bitvec of pages already written to the
4951** journal file) and the PagerSavepoint.pInSavepoint bitvecs of any open
4952** savepoints are set. This means if the page is made writable at any
4953** point in the future, using a call to sqlite3PagerWrite(), its contents
4954** will not be journaled. This saves IO.
4956** The acquisition might fail for several reasons.  In all cases,
4957** an appropriate error code is returned and *ppPage is set to NULL.
4959** See also sqlite3PagerLookup().  Both this routine and Lookup() attempt
4960** to find a page in the in-memory cache first.  If the page is not already
4961** in memory, this routine goes to disk to read it in whereas Lookup()
4962** just returns 0.  This routine acquires a read-lock the first time it
4963** has to go to disk, and could also playback an old journal if necessary.
4964** Since Lookup() never goes to disk, it never has to deal with locks
4965** or journal files.
4967int sqlite3PagerAcquire(
4968  Pager *pPager,      /* The pager open on the database file */
4969  Pgno pgno,          /* Page number to fetch */
4970  DbPage **ppPage,    /* Write a pointer to the page here */
4971  int noContent       /* Do not bother reading content from disk if true */
4973  /* This just passes through to our modified version with NULL data. */
4974  return sqlite3PagerAcquire2(pPager, pgno, ppPage, noContent, 0);
4978** This is an internal version of sqlite3PagerAcquire that takes an extra
4979** parameter of data to use to fill the page with. This allows more efficient
4980** filling for preloaded data. If this extra parameter is NULL, we'll go to
4981** the file.
4983** See sqlite3PagerLoadall which uses this function.
4985int sqlite3PagerAcquire2(
4986  Pager *pPager,      /* The pager open on the database file */
4987  Pgno pgno,          /* Page number to fetch */
4988  DbPage **ppPage,    /* Write a pointer to the page here */
4989  int noContent,      /* Do not bother reading content from disk if true */
4990  unsigned char* pDataToFill
4992  int rc;
4993  PgHdr *pPg;
4995  assert( pPager->eState>=PAGER_READER );
4996  assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
4998  if( pgno==0 ){
4999    return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
5000  }
5002  /* If the pager is in the error state, return an error immediately.
5003  ** Otherwise, request the page from the PCache layer. */
5004  if( pPager->errCode!=SQLITE_OK ){
5005    rc = pPager->errCode;
5006  }else{
5007    rc = sqlite3PcacheFetch(pPager->pPCache, pgno, 1, ppPage);
5008  }
5010  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
5011    /* Either the call to sqlite3PcacheFetch() returned an error or the
5012    ** pager was already in the error-state when this function was called.
5013    ** Set pPg to 0 and jump to the exception handler.  */
5014    pPg = 0;
5015    goto pager_acquire_err;
5016  }
5017  assert( (*ppPage)->pgno==pgno );
5018  assert( (*ppPage)->pPager==pPager || (*ppPage)->pPager==0 );
5020  if( (*ppPage)->pPager && !noContent ){
5021    /* In this case the pcache already contains an initialized copy of
5022    ** the page. Return without further ado.  */
5023    assert( pgno<=PAGER_MAX_PGNO && pgno!=PAGER_MJ_PGNO(pPager) );
5024    PAGER_INCR(pPager->nHit);
5025    return SQLITE_OK;
5027  }else{
5028    /* The pager cache has created a new page. Its content needs to
5029    ** be initialized.  */
5031    PAGER_INCR(pPager->nMiss);
5032    pPg = *ppPage;
5033    pPg->pPager = pPager;
5035    /* The maximum page number is 2^31. Return SQLITE_CORRUPT if a page
5036    ** number greater than this, or the unused locking-page, is requested. */
5037    if( pgno>PAGER_MAX_PGNO || pgno==PAGER_MJ_PGNO(pPager) ){
5038      rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
5039      goto pager_acquire_err;
5040    }
5042    if( MEMDB || pPager->dbSize<pgno || noContent || !isOpen(pPager->fd) ){
5043      if( pgno>pPager->mxPgno ){
5044        rc = SQLITE_FULL;
5045        goto pager_acquire_err;
5046      }
5047      if( noContent ){
5048        /* Failure to set the bits in the InJournal bit-vectors is benign.
5049        ** It merely means that we might do some extra work to journal a
5050        ** page that does not need to be journaled.  Nevertheless, be sure
5051        ** to test the case where a malloc error occurs while trying to set
5052        ** a bit in a bit vector.
5053        */
5054        sqlite3BeginBenignMalloc();
5055        if( pgno<=pPager->dbOrigSize ){
5056          TESTONLY( rc = ) sqlite3BitvecSet(pPager->pInJournal, pgno);
5057          testcase( rc==SQLITE_NOMEM );
5058        }
5059        TESTONLY( rc = ) addToSavepointBitvecs(pPager, pgno);
5060        testcase( rc==SQLITE_NOMEM );
5061        sqlite3EndBenignMalloc();
5062      }
5063      memset(pPg->pData, 0, pPager->pageSize);
5064      IOTRACE(("ZERO %p %d\n", pPager, pgno));
5065    }else{
5066      assert( pPg->pPager==pPager );
5067      if( pDataToFill ){
5068        /* Just copy from the given memory */
5069        memcpy(pPg->pData, pDataToFill, pPager->pageSize);
5070        CODEC1(pPager, pPg->pData, pPg->pgno, 3, rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
5071                                                 goto pager_acquire_err);
5072      }else{
5073        /* Load from disk (old regular sqlite code path) */
5074        rc = readDbPage(pPg);
5075        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
5076          goto pager_acquire_err;
5077        }
5078      }
5079    }
5080    pager_set_pagehash(pPg);
5081  }
5083  return SQLITE_OK;
5086  assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK );
5087  if( pPg ){
5088    sqlite3PcacheDrop(pPg);
5089  }
5090  pagerUnlockIfUnused(pPager);
5092  *ppPage = 0;
5093  return rc;
5097** Acquire a page if it is already in the in-memory cache.  Do
5098** not read the page from disk.  Return a pointer to the page,
5099** or 0 if the page is not in cache.
5101** See also sqlite3PagerGet().  The difference between this routine
5102** and sqlite3PagerGet() is that _get() will go to the disk and read
5103** in the page if the page is not already in cache.  This routine
5104** returns NULL if the page is not in cache or if a disk I/O error
5105** has ever happened.
5107DbPage *sqlite3PagerLookup(Pager *pPager, Pgno pgno){
5108  PgHdr *pPg = 0;
5109  assert( pPager!=0 );
5110  assert( pgno!=0 );
5111  assert( pPager->pPCache!=0 );
5112  assert( pPager->eState>=PAGER_READER && pPager->eState!=PAGER_ERROR );
5113  sqlite3PcacheFetch(pPager->pPCache, pgno, 0, &pPg);
5114  return pPg;
5118** Release a page reference.
5120** If the number of references to the page drop to zero, then the
5121** page is added to the LRU list.  When all references to all pages
5122** are released, a rollback occurs and the lock on the database is
5123** removed.
5125void sqlite3PagerUnref(DbPage *pPg){
5126  if( pPg ){
5127    Pager *pPager = pPg->pPager;
5128    sqlite3PcacheRelease(pPg);
5129    pagerUnlockIfUnused(pPager);
5130  }
5133#if defined(__APPLE__)
5135** Create and return a CFURLRef given a cstring containing the path to a file.
5137static CFURLRef create_cfurl_from_cstring(const char* filePath){
5138  CFStringRef urlString = CFStringCreateWithFileSystemRepresentation(
5139      kCFAllocatorDefault, filePath);
5140  CFURLRef urlRef = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault,
5141      urlString, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, FALSE);
5142  CFRelease(urlString);
5143  return urlRef;
5148** This function is called at the start of every write transaction.
5149** There must already be a RESERVED or EXCLUSIVE lock on the database
5150** file when this routine is called.
5152** Open the journal file for pager pPager and write a journal header
5153** to the start of it. If there are active savepoints, open the sub-journal
5154** as well. This function is only used when the journal file is being
5155** opened to write a rollback log for a transaction. It is not used
5156** when opening a hot journal file to roll it back.
5158** If the journal file is already open (as it may be in exclusive mode),
5159** then this function just writes a journal header to the start of the
5160** already open file.
5162** Whether or not the journal file is opened by this function, the
5163** Pager.pInJournal bitvec structure is allocated.
5165** Return SQLITE_OK if everything is successful. Otherwise, return
5166** SQLITE_NOMEM if the attempt to allocate Pager.pInJournal fails, or
5167** an IO error code if opening or writing the journal file fails.
5169static int pager_open_journal(Pager *pPager){
5170  int rc = SQLITE_OK;                        /* Return code */
5171  sqlite3_vfs * const pVfs = pPager->pVfs;   /* Local cache of vfs pointer */
5173  assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED );
5174  assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
5175  assert( pPager->pInJournal==0 );
5177  /* If already in the error state, this function is a no-op.  But on
5178  ** the other hand, this routine is never called if we are already in
5179  ** an error state. */
5180  if( NEVER(pPager->errCode) ) return pPager->errCode;
5182  if( !pagerUseWal(pPager) && pPager->journalMode!=PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF ){
5183    pPager->pInJournal = sqlite3BitvecCreate(pPager->dbSize);
5184    if( pPager->pInJournal==0 ){
5185      return SQLITE_NOMEM;
5186    }
5188    /* Open the journal file if it is not already open. */
5189    if( !isOpen(pPager->jfd) ){
5190      if( pPager->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_MEMORY ){
5191        sqlite3MemJournalOpen(pPager->jfd);
5192      }else{
5193        const int flags =                   /* VFS flags to open journal file */
5195          (pPager->tempFile ?
5197            (SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_JOURNAL)
5198          );
5200        rc = sqlite3JournalOpen(
5201            pVfs, pPager->zJournal, pPager->jfd, flags, jrnlBufferSize(pPager)
5202        );
5203  #else
5204        rc = sqlite3OsOpen(pVfs, pPager->zJournal, pPager->jfd, flags, 0);
5205  #endif
5206#if defined(__APPLE__)
5207        /* Set the TimeMachine exclusion metadata for the journal if it has
5208        ** been set for the database. Only do this for unix-type vfs
5209        ** implementations. */
5210        if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pPager->zFilename!=NULL
5211         && strlen(pPager->zFilename)>0
5212         && strncmp(pVfs->zName, "unix", 4)==0
5213         && ( pVfs->zName[4]=='-' || pVfs->zName[4]=='\0' ) ){
5214          CFURLRef database = create_cfurl_from_cstring(pPager->zFilename);
5215          if( CSBackupIsItemExcluded(database, NULL) ){
5216            CFURLRef journal = create_cfurl_from_cstring(pPager->zJournal);
5217            /* Ignore errors from the following exclusion call. */
5218            CSBackupSetItemExcluded(journal, TRUE, FALSE);
5219            CFRelease(journal);
5220          }
5221          CFRelease(database);
5222        }
5224      }
5225      assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || isOpen(pPager->jfd) );
5226    }
5229    /* Write the first journal header to the journal file and open
5230    ** the sub-journal if necessary.
5231    */
5232    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
5233      /* TODO: Check if all of these are really required. */
5234      pPager->nRec = 0;
5235      pPager->journalOff = 0;
5236      pPager->setMaster = 0;
5237      pPager->journalHdr = 0;
5238      rc = writeJournalHdr(pPager);
5239    }
5240  }
5242  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
5243    sqlite3BitvecDestroy(pPager->pInJournal);
5244    pPager->pInJournal = 0;
5245  }else{
5246    assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED );
5247    pPager->eState = PAGER_WRITER_CACHEMOD;
5248  }
5250  return rc;
5254** Begin a write-transaction on the specified pager object. If a
5255** write-transaction has already been opened, this function is a no-op.
5257** If the exFlag argument is false, then acquire at least a RESERVED
5258** lock on the database file. If exFlag is true, then acquire at least
5259** an EXCLUSIVE lock. If such a lock is already held, no locking
5260** functions need be called.
5262** If the subjInMemory argument is non-zero, then any sub-journal opened
5263** within this transaction will be opened as an in-memory file. This
5264** has no effect if the sub-journal is already opened (as it may be when
5265** running in exclusive mode) or if the transaction does not require a
5266** sub-journal. If the subjInMemory argument is zero, then any required
5267** sub-journal is implemented in-memory if pPager is an in-memory database,
5268** or using a temporary file otherwise.
5270int sqlite3PagerBegin(Pager *pPager, int exFlag, int subjInMemory){
5271  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
5273  if( pPager->errCode ) return pPager->errCode;
5274  assert( pPager->eState>=PAGER_READER && pPager->eState<PAGER_ERROR );
5275  pPager->subjInMemory = (u8)subjInMemory;
5277  if( ALWAYS(pPager->eState==PAGER_READER) ){
5278    assert( pPager->pInJournal==0 );
5280    if( pagerUseWal(pPager) ){
5281      /* If the pager is configured to use locking_mode=exclusive, and an
5282      ** exclusive lock on the database is not already held, obtain it now.
5283      */
5284      if( pPager->exclusiveMode && sqlite3WalExclusiveMode(pPager->pWal, -1) ){
5285        rc = pagerLockDb(pPager, EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);
5286        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
5287          return rc;
5288        }
5289        sqlite3WalExclusiveMode(pPager->pWal, 1);
5290      }
5292      /* Grab the write lock on the log file. If successful, upgrade to
5293      ** PAGER_RESERVED state. Otherwise, return an error code to the caller.
5294      ** The busy-handler is not invoked if another connection already
5295      ** holds the write-lock. If possible, the upper layer will call it.
5296      */
5297      rc = sqlite3WalBeginWriteTransaction(pPager->pWal);
5298    }else{
5299      /* Obtain a RESERVED lock on the database file. If the exFlag parameter
5300      ** is true, then immediately upgrade this to an EXCLUSIVE lock. The
5301      ** busy-handler callback can be used when upgrading to the EXCLUSIVE
5302      ** lock, but not when obtaining the RESERVED lock.
5303      */
5304      rc = pagerLockDb(pPager, RESERVED_LOCK);
5305      if( rc==SQLITE_OK && exFlag ){
5306        rc = pager_wait_on_lock(pPager, EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);
5307      }
5308    }
5310    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
5311      /* Change to WRITER_LOCKED state.
5312      **
5313      ** WAL mode sets Pager.eState to PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED or CACHEMOD
5314      ** when it has an open transaction, but never to DBMOD or FINISHED.
5315      ** This is because in those states the code to roll back savepoint
5316      ** transactions may copy data from the sub-journal into the database
5317      ** file as well as into the page cache. Which would be incorrect in
5318      ** WAL mode.
5319      */
5320      pPager->eState = PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED;
5321      pPager->dbHintSize = pPager->dbSize;
5322      pPager->dbFileSize = pPager->dbSize;
5323      pPager->dbOrigSize = pPager->dbSize;
5324      pPager->journalOff = 0;
5325    }
5327    assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || pPager->eState==PAGER_READER );
5328    assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED );
5329    assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
5330  }
5333  return rc;
5337** Mark a single data page as writeable. The page is written into the
5338** main journal or sub-journal as required. If the page is written into
5339** one of the journals, the corresponding bit is set in the
5340** Pager.pInJournal bitvec and the PagerSavepoint.pInSavepoint bitvecs
5341** of any open savepoints as appropriate.
5343static int pager_write(PgHdr *pPg){
5344  void *pData = pPg->pData;
5345  Pager *pPager = pPg->pPager;
5346  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
5348  /* This routine is not called unless a write-transaction has already
5349  ** been started. The journal file may or may not be open at this point.
5350  ** It is never called in the ERROR state.
5351  */
5352  assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED
5353       || pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_CACHEMOD
5354       || pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_DBMOD
5355  );
5356  assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
5358  /* If an error has been previously detected, report the same error
5359  ** again. This should not happen, but the check provides robustness. */
5360  if( NEVER(pPager->errCode) )  return pPager->errCode;
5362  /* Higher-level routines never call this function if database is not
5363  ** writable.  But check anyway, just for robustness. */
5364  if( NEVER(pPager->readOnly) ) return SQLITE_PERM;
5366  CHECK_PAGE(pPg);
5368  /* The journal file needs to be opened. Higher level routines have already
5369  ** obtained the necessary locks to begin the write-transaction, but the
5370  ** rollback journal might not yet be open. Open it now if this is the case.
5371  **
5372  ** This is done before calling sqlite3PcacheMakeDirty() on the page.
5373  ** Otherwise, if it were done after calling sqlite3PcacheMakeDirty(), then
5374  ** an error might occur and the pager would end up in WRITER_LOCKED state
5375  ** with pages marked as dirty in the cache.
5376  */
5377  if( pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED ){
5378    rc = pager_open_journal(pPager);
5379    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
5380  }
5381  assert( pPager->eState>=PAGER_WRITER_CACHEMOD );
5382  assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
5384  /* Mark the page as dirty.  If the page has already been written
5385  ** to the journal then we can return right away.
5386  */
5387  sqlite3PcacheMakeDirty(pPg);
5388  if( pageInJournal(pPg) && !subjRequiresPage(pPg) ){
5389    assert( !pagerUseWal(pPager) );
5390  }else{
5392    /* The transaction journal now exists and we have a RESERVED or an
5393    ** EXCLUSIVE lock on the main database file.  Write the current page to
5394    ** the transaction journal if it is not there already.
5395    */
5396    if( !pageInJournal(pPg) && !pagerUseWal(pPager) ){
5397      assert( pagerUseWal(pPager)==0 );
5398      if( pPg->pgno<=pPager->dbOrigSize && isOpen(pPager->jfd) ){
5399        u32 cksum;
5400        char *pData2;
5401        i64 iOff = pPager->journalOff;
5403        /* We should never write to the journal file the page that
5404        ** contains the database locks.  The following assert verifies
5405        ** that we do not. */
5406        assert( pPg->pgno!=PAGER_MJ_PGNO(pPager) );
5408        assert( pPager->journalHdr<=pPager->journalOff );
5409        CODEC2(pPager, pData, pPg->pgno, 7, return SQLITE_NOMEM, pData2);
5410        cksum = pager_cksum(pPager, (u8*)pData2);
5412        /* Even if an IO or diskfull error occurs while journalling the
5413        ** page in the block above, set the need-sync flag for the page.
5414        ** Otherwise, when the transaction is rolled back, the logic in
5415        ** playback_one_page() will think that the page needs to be restored
5416        ** in the database file. And if an IO error occurs while doing so,
5417        ** then corruption may follow.
5418        */
5419        pPg->flags |= PGHDR_NEED_SYNC;
5421        rc = write32bits(pPager->jfd, iOff, pPg->pgno);
5422        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
5423        rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pPager->jfd, pData2, pPager->pageSize, iOff+4);
5424        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
5425        rc = write32bits(pPager->jfd, iOff+pPager->pageSize+4, cksum);
5426        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
5428        IOTRACE(("JOUT %p %d %lld %d\n", pPager, pPg->pgno,
5429                 pPager->journalOff, pPager->pageSize));
5430        PAGER_INCR(sqlite3_pager_writej_count);
5431        PAGERTRACE(("JOURNAL %d page %d needSync=%d hash(%08x)\n",
5432             PAGERID(pPager), pPg->pgno,
5433             ((pPg->flags&PGHDR_NEED_SYNC)?1:0), pager_pagehash(pPg)));
5435        pPager->journalOff += 8 + pPager->pageSize;
5436        pPager->nRec++;
5437        assert( pPager->pInJournal!=0 );
5438        rc = sqlite3BitvecSet(pPager->pInJournal, pPg->pgno);
5439        testcase( rc==SQLITE_NOMEM );
5440        assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || rc==SQLITE_NOMEM );
5441        rc |= addToSavepointBitvecs(pPager, pPg->pgno);
5442        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
5443          assert( rc==SQLITE_NOMEM );
5444          return rc;
5445        }
5446      }else{
5447        if( pPager->eState!=PAGER_WRITER_DBMOD ){
5448          pPg->flags |= PGHDR_NEED_SYNC;
5449        }
5450        PAGERTRACE(("APPEND %d page %d needSync=%d\n",
5451                PAGERID(pPager), pPg->pgno,
5452               ((pPg->flags&PGHDR_NEED_SYNC)?1:0)));
5453      }
5454    }
5456    /* If the statement journal is open and the page is not in it,
5457    ** then write the current page to the statement journal.  Note that
5458    ** the statement journal format differs from the standard journal format
5459    ** in that it omits the checksums and the header.
5460    */
5461    if( subjRequiresPage(pPg) ){
5462      rc = subjournalPage(pPg);
5463    }
5464  }
5466  /* Update the database size and return.
5467  */
5468  if( pPager->dbSize<pPg->pgno ){
5469    pPager->dbSize = pPg->pgno;
5470  }
5471  return rc;
5475** Mark a data page as writeable. This routine must be called before
5476** making changes to a page. The caller must check the return value
5477** of this function and be careful not to change any page data unless
5478** this routine returns SQLITE_OK.
5480** The difference between this function and pager_write() is that this
5481** function also deals with the special case where 2 or more pages
5482** fit on a single disk sector. In this case all co-resident pages
5483** must have been written to the journal file before returning.
5485** If an error occurs, SQLITE_NOMEM or an IO error code is returned
5486** as appropriate. Otherwise, SQLITE_OK.
5488int sqlite3PagerWrite(DbPage *pDbPage){
5489  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
5491  PgHdr *pPg = pDbPage;
5492  Pager *pPager = pPg->pPager;
5493  Pgno nPagePerSector = (pPager->sectorSize/pPager->pageSize);
5495  assert( pPager->eState>=PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED );
5496  assert( pPager->eState!=PAGER_ERROR );
5497  assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
5499  if( nPagePerSector>1 ){
5500    Pgno nPageCount;          /* Total number of pages in database file */
5501    Pgno pg1;                 /* First page of the sector pPg is located on. */
5502    int nPage = 0;            /* Number of pages starting at pg1 to journal */
5503    int ii;                   /* Loop counter */
5504    int needSync = 0;         /* True if any page has PGHDR_NEED_SYNC */
5506    /* Set the doNotSyncSpill flag to 1. This is because we cannot allow
5507    ** a journal header to be written between the pages journaled by
5508    ** this function.
5509    */
5510    assert( !MEMDB );
5511    assert( pPager->doNotSyncSpill==0 );
5512    pPager->doNotSyncSpill++;
5514    /* This trick assumes that both the page-size and sector-size are
5515    ** an integer power of 2. It sets variable pg1 to the identifier
5516    ** of the first page of the sector pPg is located on.
5517    */
5518    pg1 = ((pPg->pgno-1) & ~(nPagePerSector-1)) + 1;
5520    nPageCount = pPager->dbSize;
5521    if( pPg->pgno>nPageCount ){
5522      nPage = (pPg->pgno - pg1)+1;
5523    }else if( (pg1+nPagePerSector-1)>nPageCount ){
5524      nPage = nPageCount+1-pg1;
5525    }else{
5526      nPage = nPagePerSector;
5527    }
5528    assert(nPage>0);
5529    assert(pg1<=pPg->pgno);
5530    assert((pg1+nPage)>pPg->pgno);
5532    for(ii=0; ii<nPage && rc==SQLITE_OK; ii++){
5533      Pgno pg = pg1+ii;
5534      PgHdr *pPage;
5535      if( pg==pPg->pgno || !sqlite3BitvecTest(pPager->pInJournal, pg) ){
5536        if( pg!=PAGER_MJ_PGNO(pPager) ){
5537          rc = sqlite3PagerGet(pPager, pg, &pPage);
5538          if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
5539            rc = pager_write(pPage);
5540            if( pPage->flags&PGHDR_NEED_SYNC ){
5541              needSync = 1;
5542            }
5543            sqlite3PagerUnref(pPage);
5544          }
5545        }
5546      }else if( (pPage = pager_lookup(pPager, pg))!=0 ){
5547        if( pPage->flags&PGHDR_NEED_SYNC ){
5548          needSync = 1;
5549        }
5550        sqlite3PagerUnref(pPage);
5551      }
5552    }
5554    /* If the PGHDR_NEED_SYNC flag is set for any of the nPage pages
5555    ** starting at pg1, then it needs to be set for all of them. Because
5556    ** writing to any of these nPage pages may damage the others, the
5557    ** journal file must contain sync()ed copies of all of them
5558    ** before any of them can be written out to the database file.
5559    */
5560    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && needSync ){
5561      assert( !MEMDB );
5562      for(ii=0; ii<nPage; ii++){
5563        PgHdr *pPage = pager_lookup(pPager, pg1+ii);
5564        if( pPage ){
5565          pPage->flags |= PGHDR_NEED_SYNC;
5566          sqlite3PagerUnref(pPage);
5567        }
5568      }
5569    }
5571    assert( pPager->doNotSyncSpill==1 );
5572    pPager->doNotSyncSpill--;
5573  }else{
5574    rc = pager_write(pDbPage);
5575  }
5576  return rc;
5580** Return TRUE if the page given in the argument was previously passed
5581** to sqlite3PagerWrite().  In other words, return TRUE if it is ok
5582** to change the content of the page.
5584#ifndef NDEBUG
5585int sqlite3PagerIswriteable(DbPage *pPg){
5586  return pPg->flags&PGHDR_DIRTY;
5591** A call to this routine tells the pager that it is not necessary to
5592** write the information on page pPg back to the disk, even though
5593** that page might be marked as dirty.  This happens, for example, when
5594** the page has been added as a leaf of the freelist and so its
5595** content no longer matters.
5597** The overlying software layer calls this routine when all of the data
5598** on the given page is unused. The pager marks the page as clean so
5599** that it does not get written to disk.
5601** Tests show that this optimization can quadruple the speed of large
5602** DELETE operations.
5604void sqlite3PagerDontWrite(PgHdr *pPg){
5605  Pager *pPager = pPg->pPager;
5606  if( (pPg->flags&PGHDR_DIRTY) && pPager->nSavepoint==0 ){
5607    PAGERTRACE(("DONT_WRITE page %d of %d\n", pPg->pgno, PAGERID(pPager)));
5608    IOTRACE(("CLEAN %p %d\n", pPager, pPg->pgno))
5609    pPg->flags |= PGHDR_DONT_WRITE;
5610    pager_set_pagehash(pPg);
5611  }
5615** This routine is called to increment the value of the database file
5616** change-counter, stored as a 4-byte big-endian integer starting at
5617** byte offset 24 of the pager file.  The secondary change counter at
5618** 92 is also updated, as is the SQLite version number at offset 96.
5620** But this only happens if the pPager->changeCountDone flag is false.
5621** To avoid excess churning of page 1, the update only happens once.
5622** See also the pager_write_changecounter() routine that does an
5623** unconditional update of the change counters.
5625** If the isDirectMode flag is zero, then this is done by calling
5626** sqlite3PagerWrite() on page 1, then modifying the contents of the
5627** page data. In this case the file will be updated when the current
5628** transaction is committed.
5630** The isDirectMode flag may only be non-zero if the library was compiled
5631** with the SQLITE_ENABLE_ATOMIC_WRITE macro defined. In this case,
5632** if isDirect is non-zero, then the database file is updated directly
5633** by writing an updated version of page 1 using a call to the
5634** sqlite3OsWrite() function.
5636static int pager_incr_changecounter(Pager *pPager, int isDirectMode){
5637  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
5639  assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_CACHEMOD
5640       || pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_DBMOD
5641  );
5642  assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
5644  /* Declare and initialize constant integer 'isDirect'. If the
5645  ** atomic-write optimization is enabled in this build, then isDirect
5646  ** is initialized to the value passed as the isDirectMode parameter
5647  ** to this function. Otherwise, it is always set to zero.
5648  **
5649  ** The idea is that if the atomic-write optimization is not
5650  ** enabled at compile time, the compiler can omit the tests of
5651  ** 'isDirect' below, as well as the block enclosed in the
5652  ** "if( isDirect )" condition.
5653  */
5655# define DIRECT_MODE 0
5656  assert( isDirectMode==0 );
5657  UNUSED_PARAMETER(isDirectMode);
5659# define DIRECT_MODE isDirectMode
5662  if( !pPager->changeCountDone && pPager->dbSize>0 ){
5663    PgHdr *pPgHdr;                /* Reference to page 1 */
5665    assert( !pPager->tempFile && isOpen(pPager->fd) );
5667    /* Open page 1 of the file for writing. */
5668    rc = sqlite3PagerGet(pPager, 1, &pPgHdr);
5669    assert( pPgHdr==0 || rc==SQLITE_OK );
5671    /* If page one was fetched successfully, and this function is not
5672    ** operating in direct-mode, make page 1 writable.  When not in
5673    ** direct mode, page 1 is always held in cache and hence the PagerGet()
5674    ** above is always successful - hence the ALWAYS on rc==SQLITE_OK.
5675    */
5676    if( !DIRECT_MODE && ALWAYS(rc==SQLITE_OK) ){
5677      rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPgHdr);
5678    }
5680    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
5681      /* Actually do the update of the change counter */
5682      pager_write_changecounter(pPgHdr);
5684      /* If running in direct mode, write the contents of page 1 to the file. */
5685      if( DIRECT_MODE ){
5686        const void *zBuf;
5687        assert( pPager->dbFileSize>0 );
5688        CODEC2(pPager, pPgHdr->pData, 1, 6, rc=SQLITE_NOMEM, zBuf);
5689        if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
5690          rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pPager->fd, zBuf, pPager->pageSize, 0);
5691        }
5692        if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
5693          pPager->changeCountDone = 1;
5694        }
5695      }else{
5696        pPager->changeCountDone = 1;
5697      }
5698    }
5700    /* Release the page reference. */
5701    sqlite3PagerUnref(pPgHdr);
5702  }
5703  return rc;
5707** Sync the database file to disk. This is a no-op for in-memory databases
5708** or pages with the Pager.noSync flag set.
5710** If successful, or if called on a pager for which it is a no-op, this
5711** function returns SQLITE_OK. Otherwise, an IO error code is returned.
5713int sqlite3PagerSync(Pager *pPager){
5714  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
5715  if( !pPager->noSync ){
5716    assert( !MEMDB );
5717    rc = sqlite3OsSync(pPager->fd, pPager->syncFlags);
5718  }else if( isOpen(pPager->fd) ){
5719    assert( !MEMDB );
5720    sqlite3OsFileControl(pPager->fd, SQLITE_FCNTL_SYNC_OMITTED, (void *)&rc);
5721  }
5722  return rc;
5726** This function may only be called while a write-transaction is active in
5727** rollback. If the connection is in WAL mode, this call is a no-op.
5728** Otherwise, if the connection does not already have an EXCLUSIVE lock on
5729** the database file, an attempt is made to obtain one.
5731** If the EXCLUSIVE lock is already held or the attempt to obtain it is
5732** successful, or the connection is in WAL mode, SQLITE_OK is returned.
5733** Otherwise, either SQLITE_BUSY or an SQLITE_IOERR_XXX error code is
5734** returned.
5736int sqlite3PagerExclusiveLock(Pager *pPager){
5737  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
5738  assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_CACHEMOD
5739       || pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_DBMOD
5740       || pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED
5741  );
5742  assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
5743  if( 0==pagerUseWal(pPager) ){
5744    rc = pager_wait_on_lock(pPager, EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);
5745  }
5746  return rc;
5750** Sync the database file for the pager pPager. zMaster points to the name
5751** of a master journal file that should be written into the individual
5752** journal file. zMaster may be NULL, which is interpreted as no master
5753** journal (a single database transaction).
5755** This routine ensures that:
5757**   * The database file change-counter is updated,
5758**   * the journal is synced (unless the atomic-write optimization is used),
5759**   * all dirty pages are written to the database file,
5760**   * the database file is truncated (if required), and
5761**   * the database file synced.
5763** The only thing that remains to commit the transaction is to finalize
5764** (delete, truncate or zero the first part of) the journal file (or
5765** delete the master journal file if specified).
5767** Note that if zMaster==NULL, this does not overwrite a previous value
5768** passed to an sqlite3PagerCommitPhaseOne() call.
5770** If the final parameter - noSync - is true, then the database file itself
5771** is not synced. The caller must call sqlite3PagerSync() directly to
5772** sync the database file before calling CommitPhaseTwo() to delete the
5773** journal file in this case.
5775int sqlite3PagerCommitPhaseOne(
5776  Pager *pPager,                  /* Pager object */
5777  const char *zMaster,            /* If not NULL, the master journal name */
5778  int noSync                      /* True to omit the xSync on the db file */
5780  int rc = SQLITE_OK;             /* Return code */
5782  assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED
5783       || pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_CACHEMOD
5784       || pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_DBMOD
5785       || pPager->eState==PAGER_ERROR
5786  );
5787  assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
5789  /* If a prior error occurred, report that error again. */
5790  if( NEVER(pPager->errCode) ) return pPager->errCode;
5792  PAGERTRACE(("DATABASE SYNC: File=%s zMaster=%s nSize=%d\n",
5793      pPager->zFilename, zMaster, pPager->dbSize));
5795  /* If no database changes have been made, return early. */
5796  if( pPager->eState<PAGER_WRITER_CACHEMOD ) return SQLITE_OK;
5798  if( MEMDB ){
5799    /* If this is an in-memory db, or no pages have been written to, or this
5800    ** function has already been called, it is mostly a no-op.  However, any
5801    ** backup in progress needs to be restarted.
5802    */
5803    sqlite3BackupRestart(pPager->pBackup);
5804  }else{
5805    if( pagerUseWal(pPager) ){
5806      PgHdr *pList = sqlite3PcacheDirtyList(pPager->pPCache);
5807      PgHdr *pPageOne = 0;
5808      if( pList==0 ){
5809        /* Must have at least one page for the WAL commit flag.
5810        ** Ticket [2d1a5c67dfc2363e44f29d9bbd57f] 2011-05-18 */
5811        rc = sqlite3PagerGet(pPager, 1, &pPageOne);
5812        pList = pPageOne;
5813        pList->pDirty = 0;
5814      }
5815      assert( pList!=0 || rc!=SQLITE_OK );
5816      if( pList ){
5817        rc = pagerWalFrames(pPager, pList, pPager->dbSize, 1,
5818            (pPager->fullSync ? pPager->syncFlags : 0)
5819        );
5820      }
5821      sqlite3PagerUnref(pPageOne);
5822      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
5823        sqlite3PcacheCleanAll(pPager->pPCache);
5824      }
5825    }else{
5826      /* The following block updates the change-counter. Exactly how it
5827      ** does this depends on whether or not the atomic-update optimization
5828      ** was enabled at compile time, and if this transaction meets the
5829      ** runtime criteria to use the operation:
5830      **
5831      **    * The file-system supports the atomic-write property for
5832      **      blocks of size page-size, and
5833      **    * This commit is not part of a multi-file transaction, and
5834      **    * Exactly one page has been modified and store in the journal file.
5835      **
5836      ** If the optimization was not enabled at compile time, then the
5837      ** pager_incr_changecounter() function is called to update the change
5838      ** counter in 'indirect-mode'. If the optimization is compiled in but
5839      ** is not applicable to this transaction, call sqlite3JournalCreate()
5840      ** to make sure the journal file has actually been created, then call
5841      ** pager_incr_changecounter() to update the change-counter in indirect
5842      ** mode.
5843      **
5844      ** Otherwise, if the optimization is both enabled and applicable,
5845      ** then call pager_incr_changecounter() to update the change-counter
5846      ** in 'direct' mode. In this case the journal file will never be
5847      ** created for this transaction.
5848      */
5850      PgHdr *pPg;
5851      assert( isOpen(pPager->jfd)
5852           || pPager->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF
5853           || pPager->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL
5854      );
5855      if( !zMaster && isOpen(pPager->jfd)
5856       && pPager->journalOff==jrnlBufferSize(pPager)
5857       && pPager->dbSize>=pPager->dbOrigSize
5858       && (0==(pPg = sqlite3PcacheDirtyList(pPager->pPCache)) || 0==pPg->pDirty)
5859      ){
5860        /* Update the db file change counter via the direct-write method. The
5861        ** following call will modify the in-memory representation of page 1
5862        ** to include the updated change counter and then write page 1
5863        ** directly to the database file. Because of the atomic-write
5864        ** property of the host file-system, this is safe.
5865        */
5866        rc = pager_incr_changecounter(pPager, 1);
5867      }else{
5868        rc = sqlite3JournalCreate(pPager->jfd);
5869        if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
5870          rc = pager_incr_changecounter(pPager, 0);
5871        }
5872      }
5873  #else
5874      rc = pager_incr_changecounter(pPager, 0);
5875  #endif
5876      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto commit_phase_one_exit;
5878      /* If this transaction has made the database smaller, then all pages
5879      ** being discarded by the truncation must be written to the journal
5880      ** file. This can only happen in auto-vacuum mode.
5881      **
5882      ** Before reading the pages with page numbers larger than the
5883      ** current value of Pager.dbSize, set dbSize back to the value
5884      ** that it took at the start of the transaction. Otherwise, the
5885      ** calls to sqlite3PagerGet() return zeroed pages instead of
5886      ** reading data from the database file.
5887      */
5889      if( pPager->dbSize<pPager->dbOrigSize
5890       && pPager->journalMode!=PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF
5891      ){
5892        Pgno i;                                   /* Iterator variable */
5893        const Pgno iSkip = PAGER_MJ_PGNO(pPager); /* Pending lock page */
5894        const Pgno dbSize = pPager->dbSize;       /* Database image size */
5895        pPager->dbSize = pPager->dbOrigSize;
5896        for( i=dbSize+1; i<=pPager->dbOrigSize; i++ ){
5897          if( !sqlite3BitvecTest(pPager->pInJournal, i) && i!=iSkip ){
5898            PgHdr *pPage;             /* Page to journal */
5899            rc = sqlite3PagerGet(pPager, i, &pPage);
5900            if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto commit_phase_one_exit;
5901            rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPage);
5902            sqlite3PagerUnref(pPage);
5903            if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto commit_phase_one_exit;
5904          }
5905        }
5906        pPager->dbSize = dbSize;
5907      }
5908  #endif
5910      /* Write the master journal name into the journal file. If a master
5911      ** journal file name has already been written to the journal file,
5912      ** or if zMaster is NULL (no master journal), then this call is a no-op.
5913      */
5914      rc = writeMasterJournal(pPager, zMaster);
5915      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto commit_phase_one_exit;
5917      /* Sync the journal file and write all dirty pages to the database.
5918      ** If the atomic-update optimization is being used, this sync will not
5919      ** create the journal file or perform any real IO.
5920      **
5921      ** Because the change-counter page was just modified, unless the
5922      ** atomic-update optimization is used it is almost certain that the
5923      ** journal requires a sync here. However, in locking_mode=exclusive
5924      ** on a system under memory pressure it is just possible that this is
5925      ** not the case. In this case it is likely enough that the redundant
5926      ** xSync() call will be changed to a no-op by the OS anyhow.
5927      */
5928      rc = syncJournal(pPager, 0);
5929      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto commit_phase_one_exit;
5931      rc = pager_write_pagelist(pPager,sqlite3PcacheDirtyList(pPager->pPCache));
5932      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
5933        assert( rc!=SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED );
5934        goto commit_phase_one_exit;
5935      }
5936      sqlite3PcacheCleanAll(pPager->pPCache);
5938      /* If the file on disk is not the same size as the database image,
5939      ** then use pager_truncate to grow or shrink the file here.
5940      */
5941      if( pPager->dbSize!=pPager->dbFileSize ){
5942        Pgno nNew = pPager->dbSize - (pPager->dbSize==PAGER_MJ_PGNO(pPager));
5943        assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_DBMOD );
5944        rc = pager_truncate(pPager, nNew);
5945        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto commit_phase_one_exit;
5946      }
5948      /* Finally, sync the database file. */
5949      if( !noSync ){
5950        rc = sqlite3PagerSync(pPager);
5951      }
5952      IOTRACE(("DBSYNC %p\n", pPager))
5953    }
5954  }
5957  if( rc==SQLITE_OK && !pagerUseWal(pPager) ){
5958    pPager->eState = PAGER_WRITER_FINISHED;
5959  }
5960  return rc;
5965** When this function is called, the database file has been completely
5966** updated to reflect the changes made by the current transaction and
5967** synced to disk. The journal file still exists in the file-system
5968** though, and if a failure occurs at this point it will eventually
5969** be used as a hot-journal and the current transaction rolled back.
5971** This function finalizes the journal file, either by deleting,
5972** truncating or partially zeroing it, so that it cannot be used
5973** for hot-journal rollback. Once this is done the transaction is
5974** irrevocably committed.
5976** If an error occurs, an IO error code is returned and the pager
5977** moves into the error state. Otherwise, SQLITE_OK is returned.
5979int sqlite3PagerCommitPhaseTwo(Pager *pPager){
5980  int rc = SQLITE_OK;                  /* Return code */
5982  /* This routine should not be called if a prior error has occurred.
5983  ** But if (due to a coding error elsewhere in the system) it does get
5984  ** called, just return the same error code without doing anything. */
5985  if( NEVER(pPager->errCode) ) return pPager->errCode;
5987  assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED
5988       || pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_FINISHED
5989       || (pagerUseWal(pPager) && pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_CACHEMOD)
5990  );
5991  assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
5993  /* An optimization. If the database was not actually modified during
5994  ** this transaction, the pager is running in exclusive-mode and is
5995  ** using persistent journals, then this function is a no-op.
5996  **
5997  ** The start of the journal file currently contains a single journal
5998  ** header with the nRec field set to 0. If such a journal is used as
5999  ** a hot-journal during hot-journal rollback, 0 changes will be made
6000  ** to the database file. So there is no need to zero the journal
6001  ** header. Since the pager is in exclusive mode, there is no need
6002  ** to drop any locks either.
6003  */
6004  if( pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED
6005   && pPager->exclusiveMode
6006   && pPager->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_PERSIST
6007  ){
6008    assert( pPager->journalOff==JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(pPager) || !pPager->journalOff );
6009    pPager->eState = PAGER_READER;
6010    return SQLITE_OK;
6011  }
6013  PAGERTRACE(("COMMIT %d\n", PAGERID(pPager)));
6014  rc = pager_end_transaction(pPager, pPager->setMaster);
6015  return pager_error(pPager, rc);
6019** If a write transaction is open, then all changes made within the
6020** transaction are reverted and the current write-transaction is closed.
6021** The pager falls back to PAGER_READER state if successful, or PAGER_ERROR
6022** state if an error occurs.
6024** If the pager is already in PAGER_ERROR state when this function is called,
6025** it returns Pager.errCode immediately. No work is performed in this case.
6027** Otherwise, in rollback mode, this function performs two functions:
6029**   1) It rolls back the journal file, restoring all database file and
6030**      in-memory cache pages to the state they were in when the transaction
6031**      was opened, and
6033**   2) It finalizes the journal file, so that it is not used for hot
6034**      rollback at any point in the future.
6036** Finalization of the journal file (task 2) is only performed if the
6037** rollback is successful.
6039** In WAL mode, all cache-entries containing data modified within the
6040** current transaction are either expelled from the cache or reverted to
6041** their pre-transaction state by re-reading data from the database or
6042** WAL files. The WAL transaction is then closed.
6044int sqlite3PagerRollback(Pager *pPager){
6045  int rc = SQLITE_OK;                  /* Return code */
6046  PAGERTRACE(("ROLLBACK %d\n", PAGERID(pPager)));
6048  /* PagerRollback() is a no-op if called in READER or OPEN state. If
6049  ** the pager is already in the ERROR state, the rollback is not
6050  ** attempted here. Instead, the error code is returned to the caller.
6051  */
6052  assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
6053  if( pPager->eState==PAGER_ERROR ) return pPager->errCode;
6054  if( pPager->eState<=PAGER_READER ) return SQLITE_OK;
6056  if( pagerUseWal(pPager) ){
6057    int rc2;
6058    rc = sqlite3PagerSavepoint(pPager, SAVEPOINT_ROLLBACK, -1);
6059    rc2 = pager_end_transaction(pPager, pPager->setMaster);
6060    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) rc = rc2;
6061  }else if( !isOpen(pPager->jfd) || pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED ){
6062    int eState = pPager->eState;
6063    rc = pager_end_transaction(pPager, 0);
6064    if( !MEMDB && eState>PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED ){
6065      /* This can happen using journal_mode=off. Move the pager to the error
6066      ** state to indicate that the contents of the cache may not be trusted.
6067      ** Any active readers will get SQLITE_ABORT.
6068      */
6069      pPager->errCode = SQLITE_ABORT;
6070      pPager->eState = PAGER_ERROR;
6071      return rc;
6072    }
6073  }else{
6074    rc = pager_playback(pPager, 0);
6075  }
6077  assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_READER || rc!=SQLITE_OK );
6078  assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || rc==SQLITE_FULL || (rc&0xFF)==SQLITE_IOERR );
6080  /* If an error occurs during a ROLLBACK, we can no longer trust the pager
6081  ** cache. So call pager_error() on the way out to make any error persistent.
6082  */
6083  return pager_error(pPager, rc);
6087** Return TRUE if the database file is opened read-only.  Return FALSE
6088** if the database is (in theory) writable.
6090u8 sqlite3PagerIsreadonly(Pager *pPager){
6091  return pPager->readOnly;
6095** Return the number of references to the pager.
6097int sqlite3PagerRefcount(Pager *pPager){
6098  return sqlite3PcacheRefCount(pPager->pPCache);
6102** Return the approximate number of bytes of memory currently
6103** used by the pager and its associated cache.
6105int sqlite3PagerMemUsed(Pager *pPager){
6106  int perPageSize = pPager->pageSize + pPager->nExtra + sizeof(PgHdr)
6107                                     + 5*sizeof(void*);
6108  return perPageSize*sqlite3PcachePagecount(pPager->pPCache)
6109           + sqlite3MallocSize(pPager)
6110           + pPager->pageSize;
6114** Return the number of references to the specified page.
6116int sqlite3PagerPageRefcount(DbPage *pPage){
6117  return sqlite3PcachePageRefcount(pPage);
6120#ifdef SQLITE_TEST
6122** This routine is used for testing and analysis only.
6124int *sqlite3PagerStats(Pager *pPager){
6125  static int a[11];
6126  a[0] = sqlite3PcacheRefCount(pPager->pPCache);
6127  a[1] = sqlite3PcachePagecount(pPager->pPCache);
6128  a[2] = sqlite3PcacheGetCachesize(pPager->pPCache);
6129  a[3] = pPager->eState==PAGER_OPEN ? -1 : (int) pPager->dbSize;
6130  a[4] = pPager->eState;
6131  a[5] = pPager->errCode;
6132  a[6] = pPager->nHit;
6133  a[7] = pPager->nMiss;
6134  a[8] = 0;  /* Used to be pPager->nOvfl */
6135  a[9] = pPager->nRead;
6136  a[10] = pPager->nWrite;
6137  return a;
6142** Return true if this is an in-memory pager.
6144int sqlite3PagerIsMemdb(Pager *pPager){
6145  return MEMDB;
6149** Check that there are at least nSavepoint savepoints open. If there are
6150** currently less than nSavepoints open, then open one or more savepoints
6151** to make up the difference. If the number of savepoints is already
6152** equal to nSavepoint, then this function is a no-op.
6154** If a memory allocation fails, SQLITE_NOMEM is returned. If an error
6155** occurs while opening the sub-journal file, then an IO error code is
6156** returned. Otherwise, SQLITE_OK.
6158int sqlite3PagerOpenSavepoint(Pager *pPager, int nSavepoint){
6159  int rc = SQLITE_OK;                       /* Return code */
6160  int nCurrent = pPager->nSavepoint;        /* Current number of savepoints */
6162  assert( pPager->eState>=PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED );
6163  assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
6165  if( nSavepoint>nCurrent && pPager->useJournal ){
6166    int ii;                                 /* Iterator variable */
6167    PagerSavepoint *aNew;                   /* New Pager.aSavepoint array */
6169    /* Grow the Pager.aSavepoint array using realloc(). Return SQLITE_NOMEM
6170    ** if the allocation fails. Otherwise, zero the new portion in case a
6171    ** malloc failure occurs while populating it in the for(...) loop below.
6172    */
6173    aNew = (PagerSavepoint *)sqlite3Realloc(
6174        pPager->aSavepoint, sizeof(PagerSavepoint)*nSavepoint
6175    );
6176    if( !aNew ){
6177      return SQLITE_NOMEM;
6178    }
6179    memset(&aNew[nCurrent], 0, (nSavepoint-nCurrent) * sizeof(PagerSavepoint));
6180    pPager->aSavepoint = aNew;
6182    /* Populate the PagerSavepoint structures just allocated. */
6183    for(ii=nCurrent; ii<nSavepoint; ii++){
6184      aNew[ii].nOrig = pPager->dbSize;
6185      if( isOpen(pPager->jfd) && pPager->journalOff>0 ){
6186        aNew[ii].iOffset = pPager->journalOff;
6187      }else{
6188        aNew[ii].iOffset = JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(pPager);
6189      }
6190      aNew[ii].iSubRec = pPager->nSubRec;
6191      aNew[ii].pInSavepoint = sqlite3BitvecCreate(pPager->dbSize);
6192      if( !aNew[ii].pInSavepoint ){
6193        return SQLITE_NOMEM;
6194      }
6195      if( pagerUseWal(pPager) ){
6196        sqlite3WalSavepoint(pPager->pWal, aNew[ii].aWalData);
6197      }
6198      pPager->nSavepoint = ii+1;
6199    }
6200    assert( pPager->nSavepoint==nSavepoint );
6201    assertTruncateConstraint(pPager);
6202  }
6204  return rc;
6208** This function is called to rollback or release (commit) a savepoint.
6209** The savepoint to release or rollback need not be the most recently
6210** created savepoint.
6212** Parameter op is always either SAVEPOINT_ROLLBACK or SAVEPOINT_RELEASE.
6213** If it is SAVEPOINT_RELEASE, then release and destroy the savepoint with
6214** index iSavepoint. If it is SAVEPOINT_ROLLBACK, then rollback all changes
6215** that have occurred since the specified savepoint was created.
6217** The savepoint to rollback or release is identified by parameter
6218** iSavepoint. A value of 0 means to operate on the outermost savepoint
6219** (the first created). A value of (Pager.nSavepoint-1) means operate
6220** on the most recently created savepoint. If iSavepoint is greater than
6221** (Pager.nSavepoint-1), then this function is a no-op.
6223** If a negative value is passed to this function, then the current
6224** transaction is rolled back. This is different to calling
6225** sqlite3PagerRollback() because this function does not terminate
6226** the transaction or unlock the database, it just restores the
6227** contents of the database to its original state.
6229** In any case, all savepoints with an index greater than iSavepoint
6230** are destroyed. If this is a release operation (op==SAVEPOINT_RELEASE),
6231** then savepoint iSavepoint is also destroyed.
6233** This function may return SQLITE_NOMEM if a memory allocation fails,
6234** or an IO error code if an IO error occurs while rolling back a
6235** savepoint. If no errors occur, SQLITE_OK is returned.
6237int sqlite3PagerSavepoint(Pager *pPager, int op, int iSavepoint){
6238  int rc = pPager->errCode;       /* Return code */
6241  assert( iSavepoint>=0 || op==SAVEPOINT_ROLLBACK );
6243  if( rc==SQLITE_OK && iSavepoint<pPager->nSavepoint ){
6244    int ii;            /* Iterator variable */
6245    int nNew;          /* Number of remaining savepoints after this op. */
6247    /* Figure out how many savepoints will still be active after this
6248    ** operation. Store this value in nNew. Then free resources associated
6249    ** with any savepoints that are destroyed by this operation.
6250    */
6251    nNew = iSavepoint + (( op==SAVEPOINT_RELEASE ) ? 0 : 1);
6252    for(ii=nNew; ii<pPager->nSavepoint; ii++){
6253      sqlite3BitvecDestroy(pPager->aSavepoint[ii].pInSavepoint);
6254    }
6255    pPager->nSavepoint = nNew;
6257    /* If this is a release of the outermost savepoint, truncate
6258    ** the sub-journal to zero bytes in size. */
6259    if( op==SAVEPOINT_RELEASE ){
6260      if( nNew==0 && isOpen(pPager->sjfd) ){
6261        /* Only truncate if it is an in-memory sub-journal. */
6262        if( sqlite3IsMemJournal(pPager->sjfd) ){
6263          rc = sqlite3OsTruncate(pPager->sjfd, 0);
6264          assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
6265        }
6266        pPager->nSubRec = 0;
6267      }
6268    }
6269    /* Else this is a rollback operation, playback the specified savepoint.
6270    ** If this is a temp-file, it is possible that the journal file has
6271    ** not yet been opened. In this case there have been no changes to
6272    ** the database file, so the playback operation can be skipped.
6273    */
6274    else if( pagerUseWal(pPager) || isOpen(pPager->jfd) ){
6275      PagerSavepoint *pSavepoint = (nNew==0)?0:&pPager->aSavepoint[nNew-1];
6276      rc = pagerPlaybackSavepoint(pPager, pSavepoint);
6277      assert(rc!=SQLITE_DONE);
6278    }
6279  }
6281  return rc;
6285** Return the full pathname of the database file.
6287const char *sqlite3PagerFilename(Pager *pPager){
6288  return pPager->zFilename;
6292** Return the VFS structure for the pager.
6294const sqlite3_vfs *sqlite3PagerVfs(Pager *pPager){
6295  return pPager->pVfs;
6299** Return the file handle for the database file associated
6300** with the pager.  This might return NULL if the file has
6301** not yet been opened.
6303sqlite3_file *sqlite3PagerFile(Pager *pPager){
6304  return pPager->fd;
6308** Return the full pathname of the journal file.
6310const char *sqlite3PagerJournalname(Pager *pPager){
6311  return pPager->zJournal;
6315** Return true if fsync() calls are disabled for this pager.  Return FALSE
6316** if fsync()s are executed normally.
6318int sqlite3PagerNosync(Pager *pPager){
6319  return pPager->noSync;
6324** Set or retrieve the codec for this pager
6326void sqlite3PagerSetCodec(
6327  Pager *pPager,
6328  void *(*xCodec)(void*,void*,Pgno,int),
6329  void (*xCodecSizeChng)(void*,int,int),
6330  void (*xCodecFree)(void*),
6331  void *pCodec
6333  if( pPager->xCodecFree ) pPager->xCodecFree(pPager->pCodec);
6334  pPager->xCodec = pPager->memDb ? 0 : xCodec;
6335  pPager->xCodecSizeChng = xCodecSizeChng;
6336  pPager->xCodecFree = xCodecFree;
6337  pPager->pCodec = pCodec;
6338  pagerReportSize(pPager);
6340void *sqlite3PagerGetCodec(Pager *pPager){
6341  return pPager->pCodec;
6347** Move the page pPg to location pgno in the file.
6349** There must be no references to the page previously located at
6350** pgno (which we call pPgOld) though that page is allowed to be
6351** in cache.  If the page previously located at pgno is not already
6352** in the rollback journal, it is not put there by by this routine.
6354** References to the page pPg remain valid. Updating any
6355** meta-data associated with pPg (i.e. data stored in the nExtra bytes
6356** allocated along with the page) is the responsibility of the caller.
6358** A transaction must be active when this routine is called. It used to be
6359** required that a statement transaction was not active, but this restriction
6360** has been removed (CREATE INDEX needs to move a page when a statement
6361** transaction is active).
6363** If the fourth argument, isCommit, is non-zero, then this page is being
6364** moved as part of a database reorganization just before the transaction
6365** is being committed. In this case, it is guaranteed that the database page
6366** pPg refers to will not be written to again within this transaction.
6368** This function may return SQLITE_NOMEM or an IO error code if an error
6369** occurs. Otherwise, it returns SQLITE_OK.
6371int sqlite3PagerMovepage(Pager *pPager, DbPage *pPg, Pgno pgno, int isCommit){
6372  PgHdr *pPgOld;               /* The page being overwritten. */
6373  Pgno needSyncPgno = 0;       /* Old value of pPg->pgno, if sync is required */
6374  int rc;                      /* Return code */
6375  Pgno origPgno;               /* The original page number */
6377  assert( pPg->nRef>0 );
6378  assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_CACHEMOD
6379       || pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_DBMOD
6380  );
6381  assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
6383  /* In order to be able to rollback, an in-memory database must journal
6384  ** the page we are moving from.
6385  */
6386  if( MEMDB ){
6387    rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPg);
6388    if( rc ) return rc;
6389  }
6391  /* If the page being moved is dirty and has not been saved by the latest
6392  ** savepoint, then save the current contents of the page into the
6393  ** sub-journal now. This is required to handle the following scenario:
6394  **
6395  **   BEGIN;
6396  **     <journal page X, then modify it in memory>
6397  **     SAVEPOINT one;
6398  **       <Move page X to location Y>
6399  **     ROLLBACK TO one;
6400  **
6401  ** If page X were not written to the sub-journal here, it would not
6402  ** be possible to restore its contents when the "ROLLBACK TO one"
6403  ** statement were is processed.
6404  **
6405  ** subjournalPage() may need to allocate space to store pPg->pgno into
6406  ** one or more savepoint bitvecs. This is the reason this function
6407  ** may return SQLITE_NOMEM.
6408  */
6409  if( pPg->flags&PGHDR_DIRTY
6410   && subjRequiresPage(pPg)
6411   && SQLITE_OK!=(rc = subjournalPage(pPg))
6412  ){
6413    return rc;
6414  }
6416  PAGERTRACE(("MOVE %d page %d (needSync=%d) moves to %d\n",
6417      PAGERID(pPager), pPg->pgno, (pPg->flags&PGHDR_NEED_SYNC)?1:0, pgno));
6418  IOTRACE(("MOVE %p %d %d\n", pPager, pPg->pgno, pgno))
6420  /* If the journal needs to be sync()ed before page pPg->pgno can
6421  ** be written to, store pPg->pgno in local variable needSyncPgno.
6422  **
6423  ** If the isCommit flag is set, there is no need to remember that
6424  ** the journal needs to be sync()ed before database page pPg->pgno
6425  ** can be written to. The caller has already promised not to write to it.
6426  */
6427  if( (pPg->flags&PGHDR_NEED_SYNC) && !isCommit ){
6428    needSyncPgno = pPg->pgno;
6429    assert( pageInJournal(pPg) || pPg->pgno>pPager->dbOrigSize );
6430    assert( pPg->flags&PGHDR_DIRTY );
6431  }
6433  /* If the cache contains a page with page-number pgno, remove it
6434  ** from its hash chain. Also, if the PGHDR_NEED_SYNC flag was set for
6435  ** page pgno before the 'move' operation, it needs to be retained
6436  ** for the page moved there.
6437  */
6438  pPg->flags &= ~PGHDR_NEED_SYNC;
6439  pPgOld = pager_lookup(pPager, pgno);
6440  assert( !pPgOld || pPgOld->nRef==1 );
6441  if( pPgOld ){
6442    pPg->flags |= (pPgOld->flags&PGHDR_NEED_SYNC);
6443    if( MEMDB ){
6444      /* Do not discard pages from an in-memory database since we might
6445      ** need to rollback later.  Just move the page out of the way. */
6446      sqlite3PcacheMove(pPgOld, pPager->dbSize+1);
6447    }else{
6448      sqlite3PcacheDrop(pPgOld);
6449    }
6450  }
6452  origPgno = pPg->pgno;
6453  sqlite3PcacheMove(pPg, pgno);
6454  sqlite3PcacheMakeDirty(pPg);
6456  /* For an in-memory database, make sure the original page continues
6457  ** to exist, in case the transaction needs to roll back.  Use pPgOld
6458  ** as the original page since it has already been allocated.
6459  */
6460  if( MEMDB ){
6461    assert( pPgOld );
6462    sqlite3PcacheMove(pPgOld, origPgno);
6463    sqlite3PagerUnref(pPgOld);
6464  }
6466  if( needSyncPgno ){
6467    /* If needSyncPgno is non-zero, then the journal file needs to be
6468    ** sync()ed before any data is written to database file page needSyncPgno.
6469    ** Currently, no such page exists in the page-cache and the
6470    ** "is journaled" bitvec flag has been set. This needs to be remedied by
6471    ** loading the page into the pager-cache and setting the PGHDR_NEED_SYNC
6472    ** flag.
6473    **
6474    ** If the attempt to load the page into the page-cache fails, (due
6475    ** to a malloc() or IO failure), clear the bit in the pInJournal[]
6476    ** array. Otherwise, if the page is loaded and written again in
6477    ** this transaction, it may be written to the database file before
6478    ** it is synced into the journal file. This way, it may end up in
6479    ** the journal file twice, but that is not a problem.
6480    */
6481    PgHdr *pPgHdr;
6482    rc = sqlite3PagerGet(pPager, needSyncPgno, &pPgHdr);
6483    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
6484      if( needSyncPgno<=pPager->dbOrigSize ){
6485        assert( pPager->pTmpSpace!=0 );
6486        sqlite3BitvecClear(pPager->pInJournal, needSyncPgno, pPager->pTmpSpace);
6487      }
6488      return rc;
6489    }
6490    pPgHdr->flags |= PGHDR_NEED_SYNC;
6491    sqlite3PcacheMakeDirty(pPgHdr);
6492    sqlite3PagerUnref(pPgHdr);
6493  }
6495  return SQLITE_OK;
6499/* Begin preload-cache.patch for Chromium */
6500#if 1
6501/* NOTE(shess): Testing to see if simply reading the data into the
6502 * filesystem buffers will have the positive speed impact without the
6503 * negative memory impact.
6504 */
6505int sqlite3PagerLoadall(Pager* pPager)
6507  int i, pageSize, loadPages, rc;
6508  unsigned char *fileData;
6510  /* TODO(shess): This test may not be relevant for this
6511   * implementation, but keep the invariant consistent.
6512   */
6513  pageSize = pPager->pageSize;
6514  if (pPager->dbSize < 0 || pageSize < 0) {
6515    /* pager not initialized, this means a statement is not open */
6516    return SQLITE_MISUSE;
6517  }
6519  /* Allocate a buffer to read pages into. */
6520  /* TODO(shess): No need to read by page, this could be a fixed-size
6521   * buffer on stack.
6522   */
6523  fileData = sqlite3Malloc(pageSize);
6524  if (!fileData)
6525    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
6527  /* Load the smaller of the entire cache or the entire database. */
6528  loadPages = sqlite3PcacheGetCachesize(pPager->pPCache);
6529  if (loadPages > pPager->dbSize)
6530    loadPages = pPager->dbSize;
6532  /* Read database page by page. */
6533  rc = SQLITE_OK;
6534  for(i=0; i < loadPages; i++) {
6535    rc = sqlite3OsRead(pPager->fd, fileData, pageSize, i*pageSize);
6536    if (rc != SQLITE_OK)
6537      break;
6538  }
6539  sqlite3_free(fileData);
6540  return rc;
6544** When making large allocations, there is no need to stress the heap and
6545** potentially hold its lock while we allocate a bunch of memory.  If we know
6546** the allocation will be large, go directly to the OS instead of the heap.
6548static void* allocLarge(size_t size) {
6550  return VirtualAlloc(NULL, size, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);
6552  return sqlite3Malloc(size);
6556static void freeLarge(void* ptr) {
6558  VirtualFree(ptr, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
6560  sqlite3_free(ptr);
6565** Addition: This will attempt to populate the database cache with
6566** the first N bytes of the file, where N is the total size of the cache.
6567** Because we can load this as one chunk from the disk, this is much faster
6568** than loading a subset of the pages one at a time in random order.
6570** The pager must be initialized before this function is called. This means a
6571* statement must be open that has initialized the pager and is keeping the
6572** cache in memory.
6574int sqlite3PagerLoadall(Pager* pPager)
6576  int i;
6577  int rc;
6578  int nMax;
6579  int loadSize;
6580  int loadPages;
6581  unsigned char *fileData;
6583  if (pPager->dbSize < 0 || pPager->pageSize < 0) {
6584    /* pager not initialized, this means a statement is not open */
6585    return SQLITE_MISUSE;
6586  }
6588  /* compute sizes */
6589  nMax = sqlite3PcacheGetCachesize(pPager->pPCache);
6590  if (nMax < pPager->dbSize)
6591    loadPages = nMax;
6592  else
6593    loadPages = pPager->dbSize;
6594  loadSize = loadPages * pPager->pageSize;
6596  /* load the file as one chunk */
6597  fileData = allocLarge(loadSize);
6598  if (! fileData)
6599    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
6600  rc = sqlite3OsRead(pPager->fd, fileData, loadSize, 0);
6601  if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
6602    freeLarge(fileData);
6603    return rc;
6604  }
6606  /* Copy the data to each page. Note that the page numbers we pass to _get
6607   * are one-based, 0 is a marker for no page. We also need to check that we
6608   * haven't loaded more pages than the cache can hold total. There may have
6609   * already been a few pages loaded before, so we may fill the cache before
6610   * loading all of the pages we want to.
6611   */
6612  for(i=1;
6613      i <= loadPages && sqlite3PcachePagecount(pPager->pPCache) < nMax;
6614      i++) {
6615    DbPage *pPage = 0;
6616    rc = sqlite3PagerAcquire2(pPager, i, &pPage, 0,
6617                              &fileData[(i-1)*(i64)pPager->pageSize]);
6618    if (rc != SQLITE_OK)
6619      break;
6620    sqlite3PagerUnref(pPage);
6621  }
6622  freeLarge(fileData);
6623  return SQLITE_OK;
6626/* End preload-cache.patch for Chromium */
6629** Return a pointer to the data for the specified page.
6631void *sqlite3PagerGetData(DbPage *pPg){
6632  assert( pPg->nRef>0 || pPg->pPager->memDb );
6633  return pPg->pData;
6637** Return a pointer to the Pager.nExtra bytes of "extra" space
6638** allocated along with the specified page.
6640void *sqlite3PagerGetExtra(DbPage *pPg){
6641  return pPg->pExtra;
6645** Get/set the locking-mode for this pager. Parameter eMode must be one
6647** PAGER_LOCKINGMODE_EXCLUSIVE. If the parameter is not _QUERY, then
6648** the locking-mode is set to the value specified.
6650** The returned value is either PAGER_LOCKINGMODE_NORMAL or
6651** PAGER_LOCKINGMODE_EXCLUSIVE, indicating the current (possibly updated)
6652** locking-mode.
6654int sqlite3PagerLockingMode(Pager *pPager, int eMode){
6655  assert( eMode==PAGER_LOCKINGMODE_QUERY
6656            || eMode==PAGER_LOCKINGMODE_NORMAL
6657            || eMode==PAGER_LOCKINGMODE_EXCLUSIVE );
6658  assert( PAGER_LOCKINGMODE_QUERY<0 );
6660  assert( pPager->exclusiveMode || 0==sqlite3WalHeapMemory(pPager->pWal) );
6661  if( eMode>=0 && !pPager->tempFile && !sqlite3WalHeapMemory(pPager->pWal) ){
6662    pPager->exclusiveMode = (u8)eMode;
6663  }
6664  return (int)pPager->exclusiveMode;
6668** Set the journal-mode for this pager. Parameter eMode must be one of:
6677** The journalmode is set to the value specified if the change is allowed.
6678** The change may be disallowed for the following reasons:
6680**   *  An in-memory database can only have its journal_mode set to _OFF
6681**      or _MEMORY.
6683**   *  Temporary databases cannot have _WAL journalmode.
6685** The returned indicate the current (possibly updated) journal-mode.
6687int sqlite3PagerSetJournalMode(Pager *pPager, int eMode){
6688  u8 eOld = pPager->journalMode;    /* Prior journalmode */
6690#ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
6691  /* The print_pager_state() routine is intended to be used by the debugger
6692  ** only.  We invoke it once here to suppress a compiler warning. */
6693  print_pager_state(pPager);
6697  /* The eMode parameter is always valid */
6698  assert(      eMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_DELETE
6699            || eMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_TRUNCATE
6700            || eMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_PERSIST
6701            || eMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF
6702            || eMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL
6703            || eMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_MEMORY );
6705  /* This routine is only called from the OP_JournalMode opcode, and
6706  ** the logic there will never allow a temporary file to be changed
6707  ** to WAL mode.
6708  */
6709  assert( pPager->tempFile==0 || eMode!=PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL );
6711  /* Do allow the journalmode of an in-memory database to be set to
6712  ** anything other than MEMORY or OFF
6713  */
6714  if( MEMDB ){
6717      eMode = eOld;
6718    }
6719  }
6721  if( eMode!=eOld ){
6723    /* Change the journal mode. */
6724    assert( pPager->eState!=PAGER_ERROR );
6725    pPager->journalMode = (u8)eMode;
6727    /* When transistioning from TRUNCATE or PERSIST to any other journal
6728    ** mode except WAL, unless the pager is in locking_mode=exclusive mode,
6729    ** delete the journal file.
6730    */
6731    assert( (PAGER_JOURNALMODE_TRUNCATE & 5)==1 );
6732    assert( (PAGER_JOURNALMODE_PERSIST & 5)==1 );
6733    assert( (PAGER_JOURNALMODE_DELETE & 5)==0 );
6734    assert( (PAGER_JOURNALMODE_MEMORY & 5)==4 );
6735    assert( (PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF & 5)==0 );
6736    assert( (PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL & 5)==5 );
6738    assert( isOpen(pPager->fd) || pPager->exclusiveMode );
6739    if( !pPager->exclusiveMode && (eOld & 5)==1 && (eMode & 1)==0 ){
6741      /* In this case we would like to delete the journal file. If it is
6742      ** not possible, then that is not a problem. Deleting the journal file
6743      ** here is an optimization only.
6744      **
6745      ** Before deleting the journal file, obtain a RESERVED lock on the
6746      ** database file. This ensures that the journal file is not deleted
6747      ** while it is in use by some other client.
6748      */
6749      sqlite3OsClose(pPager->jfd);
6750      if( pPager->eLock>=RESERVED_LOCK ){
6751        sqlite3OsDelete(pPager->pVfs, pPager->zJournal, 0);
6752      }else{
6753        int rc = SQLITE_OK;
6754        int state = pPager->eState;
6755        assert( state==PAGER_OPEN || state==PAGER_READER );
6756        if( state==PAGER_OPEN ){
6757          rc = sqlite3PagerSharedLock(pPager);
6758        }
6759        if( pPager->eState==PAGER_READER ){
6760          assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
6761          rc = pagerLockDb(pPager, RESERVED_LOCK);
6762        }
6763        if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
6764          sqlite3OsDelete(pPager->pVfs, pPager->zJournal, 0);
6765        }
6766        if( rc==SQLITE_OK && state==PAGER_READER ){
6767          pagerUnlockDb(pPager, SHARED_LOCK);
6768        }else if( state==PAGER_OPEN ){
6769          pager_unlock(pPager);
6770        }
6771        assert( state==pPager->eState );
6772      }
6773    }
6774  }
6776  /* Return the new journal mode */
6777  return (int)pPager->journalMode;
6781** Return the current journal mode.
6783int sqlite3PagerGetJournalMode(Pager *pPager){
6784  return (int)pPager->journalMode;
6788** Return TRUE if the pager is in a state where it is OK to change the
6789** journalmode.  Journalmode changes can only happen when the database
6790** is unmodified.
6792int sqlite3PagerOkToChangeJournalMode(Pager *pPager){
6793  assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
6794  if( pPager->eState>=PAGER_WRITER_CACHEMOD ) return 0;
6795  if( NEVER(isOpen(pPager->jfd) && pPager->journalOff>0) ) return 0;
6796  return 1;
6800** Get/set the size-limit used for persistent journal files.
6802** Setting the size limit to -1 means no limit is enforced.
6803** An attempt to set a limit smaller than -1 is a no-op.
6805i64 sqlite3PagerJournalSizeLimit(Pager *pPager, i64 iLimit){
6806  if( iLimit>=-1 ){
6807    pPager->journalSizeLimit = iLimit;
6808  }
6809  return pPager->journalSizeLimit;
6813** Return a pointer to the pPager->pBackup variable. The backup module
6814** in backup.c maintains the content of this variable. This module
6815** uses it opaquely as an argument to sqlite3BackupRestart() and
6816** sqlite3BackupUpdate() only.
6818sqlite3_backup **sqlite3PagerBackupPtr(Pager *pPager){
6819  return &pPager->pBackup;
6822#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL
6824** This function is called when the user invokes "PRAGMA wal_checkpoint",
6825** "PRAGMA wal_blocking_checkpoint" or calls the sqlite3_wal_checkpoint()
6826** or wal_blocking_checkpoint() API functions.
6828** Parameter eMode is one of SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE, FULL or RESTART.
6830int sqlite3PagerCheckpoint(Pager *pPager, int eMode, int *pnLog, int *pnCkpt){
6831  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
6832  if( pPager->pWal ){
6833    rc = sqlite3WalCheckpoint(pPager->pWal, eMode,
6834        pPager->xBusyHandler, pPager->pBusyHandlerArg,
6835        pPager->ckptSyncFlags, pPager->pageSize, (u8 *)pPager->pTmpSpace,
6836        pnLog, pnCkpt
6837    );
6838  }
6839  return rc;
6842int sqlite3PagerWalCallback(Pager *pPager){
6843  return sqlite3WalCallback(pPager->pWal);
6847** Return true if the underlying VFS for the given pager supports the
6848** primitives necessary for write-ahead logging.
6850int sqlite3PagerWalSupported(Pager *pPager){
6851  const sqlite3_io_methods *pMethods = pPager->fd->pMethods;
6852  return pPager->exclusiveMode || (pMethods->iVersion>=2 && pMethods->xShmMap);
6856** Attempt to take an exclusive lock on the database file. If a PENDING lock
6857** is obtained instead, immediately release it.
6859static int pagerExclusiveLock(Pager *pPager){
6860  int rc;                         /* Return code */
6862  assert( pPager->eLock==SHARED_LOCK || pPager->eLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK );
6863  rc = pagerLockDb(pPager, EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);
6864  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
6865    /* If the attempt to grab the exclusive lock failed, release the
6866    ** pending lock that may have been obtained instead.  */
6867    pagerUnlockDb(pPager, SHARED_LOCK);
6868  }
6870  return rc;
6874** Call sqlite3WalOpen() to open the WAL handle. If the pager is in
6875** exclusive-locking mode when this function is called, take an EXCLUSIVE
6876** lock on the database file and use heap-memory to store the wal-index
6877** in. Otherwise, use the normal shared-memory.
6879static int pagerOpenWal(Pager *pPager){
6880  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
6882  assert( pPager->pWal==0 && pPager->tempFile==0 );
6883  assert( pPager->eLock==SHARED_LOCK || pPager->eLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK || pPager->noReadlock);
6885  /* If the pager is already in exclusive-mode, the WAL module will use
6886  ** heap-memory for the wal-index instead of the VFS shared-memory
6887  ** implementation. Take the exclusive lock now, before opening the WAL
6888  ** file, to make sure this is safe.
6889  */
6890  if( pPager->exclusiveMode ){
6891    rc = pagerExclusiveLock(pPager);
6892  }
6894  /* Open the connection to the log file. If this operation fails,
6895  ** (e.g. due to malloc() failure), return an error code.
6896  */
6897  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
6898    rc = sqlite3WalOpen(pPager->pVfs,
6899        pPager->fd, pPager->zWal, pPager->exclusiveMode, &pPager->pWal
6900    );
6901  }
6903  return rc;
6908** The caller must be holding a SHARED lock on the database file to call
6909** this function.
6911** If the pager passed as the first argument is open on a real database
6912** file (not a temp file or an in-memory database), and the WAL file
6913** is not already open, make an attempt to open it now. If successful,
6914** return SQLITE_OK. If an error occurs or the VFS used by the pager does
6915** not support the xShmXXX() methods, return an error code. *pbOpen is
6916** not modified in either case.
6918** If the pager is open on a temp-file (or in-memory database), or if
6919** the WAL file is already open, set *pbOpen to 1 and return SQLITE_OK
6920** without doing anything.
6922int sqlite3PagerOpenWal(
6923  Pager *pPager,                  /* Pager object */
6924  int *pbOpen                     /* OUT: Set to true if call is a no-op */
6926  int rc = SQLITE_OK;             /* Return code */
6928  assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
6929  assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_OPEN   || pbOpen );
6930  assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_READER || !pbOpen );
6931  assert( pbOpen==0 || *pbOpen==0 );
6932  assert( pbOpen!=0 || (!pPager->tempFile && !pPager->pWal) );
6934  if( !pPager->tempFile && !pPager->pWal ){
6935    if( !sqlite3PagerWalSupported(pPager) ) return SQLITE_CANTOPEN;
6937    /* Close any rollback journal previously open */
6938    sqlite3OsClose(pPager->jfd);
6940    rc = pagerOpenWal(pPager);
6941    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
6942      pPager->journalMode = PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL;
6943      pPager->eState = PAGER_OPEN;
6944    }
6945  }else{
6946    *pbOpen = 1;
6947  }
6949  return rc;
6953** This function is called to close the connection to the log file prior
6954** to switching from WAL to rollback mode.
6956** Before closing the log file, this function attempts to take an
6957** EXCLUSIVE lock on the database file. If this cannot be obtained, an
6958** error (SQLITE_BUSY) is returned and the log connection is not closed.
6959** If successful, the EXCLUSIVE lock is not released before returning.
6961int sqlite3PagerCloseWal(Pager *pPager){
6962  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
6964  assert( pPager->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL );
6966  /* If the log file is not already open, but does exist in the file-system,
6967  ** it may need to be checkpointed before the connection can switch to
6968  ** rollback mode. Open it now so this can happen.
6969  */
6970  if( !pPager->pWal ){
6971    int logexists = 0;
6972    rc = pagerLockDb(pPager, SHARED_LOCK);
6973    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
6974      rc = sqlite3OsAccess(
6975          pPager->pVfs, pPager->zWal, SQLITE_ACCESS_EXISTS, &logexists
6976      );
6977    }
6978    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && logexists ){
6979      rc = pagerOpenWal(pPager);
6980    }
6981  }
6983  /* Checkpoint and close the log. Because an EXCLUSIVE lock is held on
6984  ** the database file, the log and log-summary files will be deleted.
6985  */
6986  if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pPager->pWal ){
6987    rc = pagerExclusiveLock(pPager);
6988    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
6989      rc = sqlite3WalClose(pPager->pWal, pPager->ckptSyncFlags,
6990                           pPager->pageSize, (u8*)pPager->pTmpSpace);
6991      pPager->pWal = 0;
6992    }
6993  }
6994  return rc;
6999** This function is called by the wal module when writing page content
7000** into the log file.
7002** This function returns a pointer to a buffer containing the encrypted
7003** page content. If a malloc fails, this function may return NULL.
7005void *sqlite3PagerCodec(PgHdr *pPg){
7006  void *aData = 0;
7007  CODEC2(pPg->pPager, pPg->pData, pPg->pgno, 6, return 0, aData);
7008  return aData;
7010#endif /* SQLITE_HAS_CODEC */
7012#endif /* !SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */
7014#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_DISKIO */