1# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5import unittest
6import sys
8from telemetry.core import util
9from telemetry.core.backends.chrome import inspector_timeline
10from telemetry.unittest import tab_test_case
13class InspectorTimelineTabTest(tab_test_case.TabTestCase):
14  """Test case that opens a browser and creates and then checks an event."""
16  def _WaitForAnimationFrame(self):
17    """Wait until the variable window.done is set on the tab."""
18    def _IsDone():
19      return bool(self._tab.EvaluateJavaScript('window.done'))
20    util.WaitFor(_IsDone, 5)
22  def testGotTimeline(self):
23    if sys.platform in ('win32', 'cygwin'):
24      raise unittest.SkipTest('Test flaky on windows. http://crbug.com/321529')
26    # While the timeline is recording, call window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame.
27    # This will create a FireAnimationEvent, which can be checked below. See:
28    # https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/window.requestAnimationFrame
29    with inspector_timeline.InspectorTimeline.Recorder(self._tab):
30      self._tab.ExecuteJavaScript(
31          """
32          var done = false;
33          function sleep(ms) {
34            var endTime = (new Date().getTime()) + ms;
35            while ((new Date().getTime()) < endTime);
36          }
37          window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame(function() {
38            sleep(10);
39            window.done = true;
40          });
41          """)
42      self._WaitForAnimationFrame()
44    # There should be at least a FireAnimationFrame record with some duration.
45    events = self._tab.timeline_model.GetAllEventsOfName('FireAnimationFrame')
46    self.assertTrue(len(events) > 0)
47    self.assertTrue(events[0].duration > 0)