1//===-- LLParser.h - Parser Class -------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10//  This file defines the parser class for .ll files.
17#include "LLLexer.h"
18#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
19#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
20#include "llvm/IR/Attributes.h"
21#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
22#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
23#include "llvm/IR/Operator.h"
24#include "llvm/IR/Type.h"
25#include "llvm/Support/ValueHandle.h"
26#include <map>
28namespace llvm {
29  class Module;
30  class OpaqueType;
31  class Function;
32  class Value;
33  class BasicBlock;
34  class Instruction;
35  class Constant;
36  class GlobalValue;
37  class MDString;
38  class MDNode;
39  class StructType;
41  /// ValID - Represents a reference of a definition of some sort with no type.
42  /// There are several cases where we have to parse the value but where the
43  /// type can depend on later context.  This may either be a numeric reference
44  /// or a symbolic (%var) reference.  This is just a discriminated union.
45  struct ValID {
46    enum {
47      t_LocalID, t_GlobalID,      // ID in UIntVal.
48      t_LocalName, t_GlobalName,  // Name in StrVal.
49      t_APSInt, t_APFloat,        // Value in APSIntVal/APFloatVal.
50      t_Null, t_Undef, t_Zero,    // No value.
51      t_EmptyArray,               // No value:  []
52      t_Constant,                 // Value in ConstantVal.
53      t_InlineAsm,                // Value in StrVal/StrVal2/UIntVal.
54      t_MDNode,                   // Value in MDNodeVal.
55      t_MDString,                 // Value in MDStringVal.
56      t_ConstantStruct,           // Value in ConstantStructElts.
57      t_PackedConstantStruct      // Value in ConstantStructElts.
58    } Kind;
60    LLLexer::LocTy Loc;
61    unsigned UIntVal;
62    std::string StrVal, StrVal2;
63    APSInt APSIntVal;
64    APFloat APFloatVal;
65    Constant *ConstantVal;
66    MDNode *MDNodeVal;
67    MDString *MDStringVal;
68    Constant **ConstantStructElts;
70    ValID() : Kind(t_LocalID), APFloatVal(0.0) {}
71    ~ValID() {
72      if (Kind == t_ConstantStruct || Kind == t_PackedConstantStruct)
73        delete [] ConstantStructElts;
74    }
76    bool operator<(const ValID &RHS) const {
77      if (Kind == t_LocalID || Kind == t_GlobalID)
78        return UIntVal < RHS.UIntVal;
79      assert((Kind == t_LocalName || Kind == t_GlobalName ||
80              Kind == t_ConstantStruct || Kind == t_PackedConstantStruct) &&
81             "Ordering not defined for this ValID kind yet");
82      return StrVal < RHS.StrVal;
83    }
84  };
86  class LLParser {
87  public:
88    typedef LLLexer::LocTy LocTy;
89  private:
90    LLVMContext &Context;
91    LLLexer Lex;
92    Module *M;
94    // Instruction metadata resolution.  Each instruction can have a list of
95    // MDRef info associated with them.
96    //
97    // The simpler approach of just creating temporary MDNodes and then calling
98    // RAUW on them when the definition is processed doesn't work because some
99    // instruction metadata kinds, such as dbg, get stored in the IR in an
100    // "optimized" format which doesn't participate in the normal value use
101    // lists. This means that RAUW doesn't work, even on temporary MDNodes
102    // which otherwise support RAUW. Instead, we defer resolving MDNode
103    // references until the definitions have been processed.
104    struct MDRef {
105      SMLoc Loc;
106      unsigned MDKind, MDSlot;
107    };
108    DenseMap<Instruction*, std::vector<MDRef> > ForwardRefInstMetadata;
110    // Type resolution handling data structures.  The location is set when we
111    // have processed a use of the type but not a definition yet.
112    StringMap<std::pair<Type*, LocTy> > NamedTypes;
113    std::vector<std::pair<Type*, LocTy> > NumberedTypes;
115    std::vector<TrackingVH<MDNode> > NumberedMetadata;
116    std::map<unsigned, std::pair<TrackingVH<MDNode>, LocTy> > ForwardRefMDNodes;
118    // Global Value reference information.
119    std::map<std::string, std::pair<GlobalValue*, LocTy> > ForwardRefVals;
120    std::map<unsigned, std::pair<GlobalValue*, LocTy> > ForwardRefValIDs;
121    std::vector<GlobalValue*> NumberedVals;
123    // References to blockaddress.  The key is the function ValID, the value is
124    // a list of references to blocks in that function.
125    std::map<ValID, std::vector<std::pair<ValID, GlobalValue*> > >
126      ForwardRefBlockAddresses;
128    // Attribute builder reference information.
129    std::map<Value*, std::vector<unsigned> > ForwardRefAttrGroups;
130    std::map<unsigned, AttrBuilder> NumberedAttrBuilders;
132  public:
133    LLParser(MemoryBuffer *F, SourceMgr &SM, SMDiagnostic &Err, Module *m) :
134      Context(m->getContext()), Lex(F, SM, Err, m->getContext()),
135      M(m) {}
136    bool Run();
138    LLVMContext &getContext() { return Context; }
140  private:
142    bool Error(LocTy L, const Twine &Msg) const {
143      return Lex.Error(L, Msg);
144    }
145    bool TokError(const Twine &Msg) const {
146      return Error(Lex.getLoc(), Msg);
147    }
149    /// GetGlobalVal - Get a value with the specified name or ID, creating a
150    /// forward reference record if needed.  This can return null if the value
151    /// exists but does not have the right type.
152    GlobalValue *GetGlobalVal(const std::string &N, Type *Ty, LocTy Loc);
153    GlobalValue *GetGlobalVal(unsigned ID, Type *Ty, LocTy Loc);
155    // Helper Routines.
156    bool ParseToken(lltok::Kind T, const char *ErrMsg);
157    bool EatIfPresent(lltok::Kind T) {
158      if (Lex.getKind() != T) return false;
159      Lex.Lex();
160      return true;
161    }
163    FastMathFlags EatFastMathFlagsIfPresent() {
164      FastMathFlags FMF;
165      while (true)
166        switch (Lex.getKind()) {
167        case lltok::kw_fast: FMF.setUnsafeAlgebra();   Lex.Lex(); continue;
168        case lltok::kw_nnan: FMF.setNoNaNs();          Lex.Lex(); continue;
169        case lltok::kw_ninf: FMF.setNoInfs();          Lex.Lex(); continue;
170        case lltok::kw_nsz:  FMF.setNoSignedZeros();   Lex.Lex(); continue;
171        case lltok::kw_arcp: FMF.setAllowReciprocal(); Lex.Lex(); continue;
172        default: return FMF;
173        }
174      return FMF;
175    }
177    bool ParseOptionalToken(lltok::Kind T, bool &Present, LocTy *Loc = 0) {
178      if (Lex.getKind() != T) {
179        Present = false;
180      } else {
181        if (Loc)
182          *Loc = Lex.getLoc();
183        Lex.Lex();
184        Present = true;
185      }
186      return false;
187    }
188    bool ParseStringConstant(std::string &Result);
189    bool ParseUInt32(unsigned &Val);
190    bool ParseUInt32(unsigned &Val, LocTy &Loc) {
191      Loc = Lex.getLoc();
192      return ParseUInt32(Val);
193    }
195    bool ParseTLSModel(GlobalVariable::ThreadLocalMode &TLM);
196    bool ParseOptionalThreadLocal(GlobalVariable::ThreadLocalMode &TLM);
197    bool ParseOptionalAddrSpace(unsigned &AddrSpace);
198    bool ParseOptionalParamAttrs(AttrBuilder &B);
199    bool ParseOptionalReturnAttrs(AttrBuilder &B);
200    bool ParseOptionalLinkage(unsigned &Linkage, bool &HasLinkage);
201    bool ParseOptionalLinkage(unsigned &Linkage) {
202      bool HasLinkage; return ParseOptionalLinkage(Linkage, HasLinkage);
203    }
204    bool ParseOptionalVisibility(unsigned &Visibility);
205    bool ParseOptionalCallingConv(CallingConv::ID &CC);
206    bool ParseOptionalAlignment(unsigned &Alignment);
207    bool ParseScopeAndOrdering(bool isAtomic, SynchronizationScope &Scope,
208                               AtomicOrdering &Ordering);
209    bool ParseOptionalStackAlignment(unsigned &Alignment);
210    bool ParseOptionalCommaAlign(unsigned &Alignment, bool &AteExtraComma);
211    bool ParseIndexList(SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &Indices,bool &AteExtraComma);
212    bool ParseIndexList(SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &Indices) {
213      bool AteExtraComma;
214      if (ParseIndexList(Indices, AteExtraComma)) return true;
215      if (AteExtraComma)
216        return TokError("expected index");
217      return false;
218    }
220    // Top-Level Entities
221    bool ParseTopLevelEntities();
222    bool ValidateEndOfModule();
223    bool ParseTargetDefinition();
224    bool ParseModuleAsm();
225    bool ParseDepLibs();        // FIXME: Remove in 4.0.
226    bool ParseUnnamedType();
227    bool ParseNamedType();
228    bool ParseDeclare();
229    bool ParseDefine();
231    bool ParseGlobalType(bool &IsConstant);
232    bool ParseUnnamedGlobal();
233    bool ParseNamedGlobal();
234    bool ParseGlobal(const std::string &Name, LocTy Loc, unsigned Linkage,
235                     bool HasLinkage, unsigned Visibility);
236    bool ParseAlias(const std::string &Name, LocTy Loc, unsigned Visibility);
237    bool ParseStandaloneMetadata();
238    bool ParseNamedMetadata();
239    bool ParseMDString(MDString *&Result);
240    bool ParseMDNodeID(MDNode *&Result);
241    bool ParseMDNodeID(MDNode *&Result, unsigned &SlotNo);
242    bool ParseUnnamedAttrGrp();
243    bool ParseFnAttributeValuePairs(AttrBuilder &B,
244                                    std::vector<unsigned> &FwdRefAttrGrps,
245                                    bool inAttrGrp, LocTy &BuiltinLoc);
247    // Type Parsing.
248    bool ParseType(Type *&Result, bool AllowVoid = false);
249    bool ParseType(Type *&Result, LocTy &Loc, bool AllowVoid = false) {
250      Loc = Lex.getLoc();
251      return ParseType(Result, AllowVoid);
252    }
253    bool ParseAnonStructType(Type *&Result, bool Packed);
254    bool ParseStructBody(SmallVectorImpl<Type*> &Body);
255    bool ParseStructDefinition(SMLoc TypeLoc, StringRef Name,
256                               std::pair<Type*, LocTy> &Entry,
257                               Type *&ResultTy);
259    bool ParseArrayVectorType(Type *&Result, bool isVector);
260    bool ParseFunctionType(Type *&Result);
262    // Function Semantic Analysis.
263    class PerFunctionState {
264      LLParser &P;
265      Function &F;
266      std::map<std::string, std::pair<Value*, LocTy> > ForwardRefVals;
267      std::map<unsigned, std::pair<Value*, LocTy> > ForwardRefValIDs;
268      std::vector<Value*> NumberedVals;
270      /// FunctionNumber - If this is an unnamed function, this is the slot
271      /// number of it, otherwise it is -1.
272      int FunctionNumber;
273    public:
274      PerFunctionState(LLParser &p, Function &f, int FunctionNumber);
275      ~PerFunctionState();
277      Function &getFunction() const { return F; }
279      bool FinishFunction();
281      /// GetVal - Get a value with the specified name or ID, creating a
282      /// forward reference record if needed.  This can return null if the value
283      /// exists but does not have the right type.
284      Value *GetVal(const std::string &Name, Type *Ty, LocTy Loc);
285      Value *GetVal(unsigned ID, Type *Ty, LocTy Loc);
287      /// SetInstName - After an instruction is parsed and inserted into its
288      /// basic block, this installs its name.
289      bool SetInstName(int NameID, const std::string &NameStr, LocTy NameLoc,
290                       Instruction *Inst);
292      /// GetBB - Get a basic block with the specified name or ID, creating a
293      /// forward reference record if needed.  This can return null if the value
294      /// is not a BasicBlock.
295      BasicBlock *GetBB(const std::string &Name, LocTy Loc);
296      BasicBlock *GetBB(unsigned ID, LocTy Loc);
298      /// DefineBB - Define the specified basic block, which is either named or
299      /// unnamed.  If there is an error, this returns null otherwise it returns
300      /// the block being defined.
301      BasicBlock *DefineBB(const std::string &Name, LocTy Loc);
302    };
304    bool ConvertValIDToValue(Type *Ty, ValID &ID, Value *&V,
305                             PerFunctionState *PFS);
307    bool ParseValue(Type *Ty, Value *&V, PerFunctionState *PFS);
308    bool ParseValue(Type *Ty, Value *&V, PerFunctionState &PFS) {
309      return ParseValue(Ty, V, &PFS);
310    }
311    bool ParseValue(Type *Ty, Value *&V, LocTy &Loc,
312                    PerFunctionState &PFS) {
313      Loc = Lex.getLoc();
314      return ParseValue(Ty, V, &PFS);
315    }
317    bool ParseTypeAndValue(Value *&V, PerFunctionState *PFS);
318    bool ParseTypeAndValue(Value *&V, PerFunctionState &PFS) {
319      return ParseTypeAndValue(V, &PFS);
320    }
321    bool ParseTypeAndValue(Value *&V, LocTy &Loc, PerFunctionState &PFS) {
322      Loc = Lex.getLoc();
323      return ParseTypeAndValue(V, PFS);
324    }
325    bool ParseTypeAndBasicBlock(BasicBlock *&BB, LocTy &Loc,
326                                PerFunctionState &PFS);
327    bool ParseTypeAndBasicBlock(BasicBlock *&BB, PerFunctionState &PFS) {
328      LocTy Loc;
329      return ParseTypeAndBasicBlock(BB, Loc, PFS);
330    }
333    struct ParamInfo {
334      LocTy Loc;
335      Value *V;
336      AttributeSet Attrs;
337      ParamInfo(LocTy loc, Value *v, AttributeSet attrs)
338        : Loc(loc), V(v), Attrs(attrs) {}
339    };
340    bool ParseParameterList(SmallVectorImpl<ParamInfo> &ArgList,
341                            PerFunctionState &PFS);
343    // Constant Parsing.
344    bool ParseValID(ValID &ID, PerFunctionState *PFS = NULL);
345    bool ParseGlobalValue(Type *Ty, Constant *&V);
346    bool ParseGlobalTypeAndValue(Constant *&V);
347    bool ParseGlobalValueVector(SmallVectorImpl<Constant*> &Elts);
348    bool ParseMetadataListValue(ValID &ID, PerFunctionState *PFS);
349    bool ParseMetadataValue(ValID &ID, PerFunctionState *PFS);
350    bool ParseMDNodeVector(SmallVectorImpl<Value*> &, PerFunctionState *PFS);
351    bool ParseInstructionMetadata(Instruction *Inst, PerFunctionState *PFS);
353    // Function Parsing.
354    struct ArgInfo {
355      LocTy Loc;
356      Type *Ty;
357      AttributeSet Attrs;
358      std::string Name;
359      ArgInfo(LocTy L, Type *ty, AttributeSet Attr, const std::string &N)
360        : Loc(L), Ty(ty), Attrs(Attr), Name(N) {}
361    };
362    bool ParseArgumentList(SmallVectorImpl<ArgInfo> &ArgList, bool &isVarArg);
363    bool ParseFunctionHeader(Function *&Fn, bool isDefine);
364    bool ParseFunctionBody(Function &Fn);
365    bool ParseBasicBlock(PerFunctionState &PFS);
367    // Instruction Parsing.  Each instruction parsing routine can return with a
368    // normal result, an error result, or return having eaten an extra comma.
369    enum InstResult { InstNormal = 0, InstError = 1, InstExtraComma = 2 };
370    int ParseInstruction(Instruction *&Inst, BasicBlock *BB,
371                         PerFunctionState &PFS);
372    bool ParseCmpPredicate(unsigned &Pred, unsigned Opc);
374    bool ParseRet(Instruction *&Inst, BasicBlock *BB, PerFunctionState &PFS);
375    bool ParseBr(Instruction *&Inst, PerFunctionState &PFS);
376    bool ParseSwitch(Instruction *&Inst, PerFunctionState &PFS);
377    bool ParseIndirectBr(Instruction *&Inst, PerFunctionState &PFS);
378    bool ParseInvoke(Instruction *&Inst, PerFunctionState &PFS);
379    bool ParseResume(Instruction *&Inst, PerFunctionState &PFS);
381    bool ParseArithmetic(Instruction *&I, PerFunctionState &PFS, unsigned Opc,
382                         unsigned OperandType);
383    bool ParseLogical(Instruction *&I, PerFunctionState &PFS, unsigned Opc);
384    bool ParseCompare(Instruction *&I, PerFunctionState &PFS, unsigned Opc);
385    bool ParseCast(Instruction *&I, PerFunctionState &PFS, unsigned Opc);
386    bool ParseSelect(Instruction *&I, PerFunctionState &PFS);
387    bool ParseVA_Arg(Instruction *&I, PerFunctionState &PFS);
388    bool ParseExtractElement(Instruction *&I, PerFunctionState &PFS);
389    bool ParseInsertElement(Instruction *&I, PerFunctionState &PFS);
390    bool ParseShuffleVector(Instruction *&I, PerFunctionState &PFS);
391    int ParsePHI(Instruction *&I, PerFunctionState &PFS);
392    bool ParseLandingPad(Instruction *&I, PerFunctionState &PFS);
393    bool ParseCall(Instruction *&I, PerFunctionState &PFS, bool isTail);
394    int ParseAlloc(Instruction *&I, PerFunctionState &PFS);
395    int ParseLoad(Instruction *&I, PerFunctionState &PFS);
396    int ParseStore(Instruction *&I, PerFunctionState &PFS);
397    int ParseCmpXchg(Instruction *&I, PerFunctionState &PFS);
398    int ParseAtomicRMW(Instruction *&I, PerFunctionState &PFS);
399    int ParseFence(Instruction *&I, PerFunctionState &PFS);
400    int ParseGetElementPtr(Instruction *&I, PerFunctionState &PFS);
401    int ParseExtractValue(Instruction *&I, PerFunctionState &PFS);
402    int ParseInsertValue(Instruction *&I, PerFunctionState &PFS);
404    bool ResolveForwardRefBlockAddresses(Function *TheFn,
405                             std::vector<std::pair<ValID, GlobalValue*> > &Refs,
406                                         PerFunctionState *PFS);
407  };
408} // End llvm namespace