2 * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package android.content.pm;
19import android.content.res.Configuration;
20import android.os.Parcel;
21import android.os.Parcelable;
22import android.util.Printer;
25 * Information you can retrieve about a particular application
26 * activity or receiver. This corresponds to information collected
27 * from the AndroidManifest.xml's <activity> and
28 * <receiver> tags.
29 */
30public class ActivityInfo extends ComponentInfo
31        implements Parcelable {
32    /**
33     * A style resource identifier (in the package's resources) of this
34     * activity's theme.  From the "theme" attribute or, if not set, 0.
35     */
36    public int theme;
38    /**
39     * Constant corresponding to <code>standard</code> in
40     * the {@link android.R.attr#launchMode} attribute.
41     */
42    public static final int LAUNCH_MULTIPLE = 0;
43    /**
44     * Constant corresponding to <code>singleTop</code> in
45     * the {@link android.R.attr#launchMode} attribute.
46     */
47    public static final int LAUNCH_SINGLE_TOP = 1;
48    /**
49     * Constant corresponding to <code>singleTask</code> in
50     * the {@link android.R.attr#launchMode} attribute.
51     */
52    public static final int LAUNCH_SINGLE_TASK = 2;
53    /**
54     * Constant corresponding to <code>singleInstance</code> in
55     * the {@link android.R.attr#launchMode} attribute.
56     */
57    public static final int LAUNCH_SINGLE_INSTANCE = 3;
58    /**
59     * The launch mode style requested by the activity.  From the
60     * {@link android.R.attr#launchMode} attribute, one of
61     * {@link #LAUNCH_MULTIPLE},
62     * {@link #LAUNCH_SINGLE_TOP}, {@link #LAUNCH_SINGLE_TASK}, or
63     * {@link #LAUNCH_SINGLE_INSTANCE}.
64     */
65    public int launchMode;
67    /**
68     * Optional name of a permission required to be able to access this
69     * Activity.  From the "permission" attribute.
70     */
71    public String permission;
73    /**
74     * The affinity this activity has for another task in the system.  The
75     * string here is the name of the task, often the package name of the
76     * overall package.  If null, the activity has no affinity.  Set from the
77     * {@link android.R.attr#taskAffinity} attribute.
78     */
79    public String taskAffinity;
81    /**
82     * If this is an activity alias, this is the real activity class to run
83     * for it.  Otherwise, this is null.
84     */
85    public String targetActivity;
87    /**
88     * Bit in {@link #flags} indicating whether this activity is able to
89     * run in multiple processes.  If
90     * true, the system may instantiate it in the some process as the
91     * process starting it in order to conserve resources.  If false, the
92     * default, it always runs in {@link #processName}.  Set from the
93     * {@link android.R.attr#multiprocess} attribute.
94     */
95    public static final int FLAG_MULTIPROCESS = 0x0001;
96    /**
97     * Bit in {@link #flags} indicating that, when the activity's task is
98     * relaunched from home, this activity should be finished.
99     * Set from the
100     * {@link android.R.attr#finishOnTaskLaunch} attribute.
101     */
102    public static final int FLAG_FINISH_ON_TASK_LAUNCH = 0x0002;
103    /**
104     * Bit in {@link #flags} indicating that, when the activity is the root
105     * of a task, that task's stack should be cleared each time the user
106     * re-launches it from home.  As a result, the user will always
107     * return to the original activity at the top of the task.
108     * This flag only applies to activities that
109     * are used to start the root of a new task.  Set from the
110     * {@link android.R.attr#clearTaskOnLaunch} attribute.
111     */
112    public static final int FLAG_CLEAR_TASK_ON_LAUNCH = 0x0004;
113    /**
114     * Bit in {@link #flags} indicating that, when the activity is the root
115     * of a task, that task's stack should never be cleared when it is
116     * relaunched from home.  Set from the
117     * {@link android.R.attr#alwaysRetainTaskState} attribute.
118     */
119    public static final int FLAG_ALWAYS_RETAIN_TASK_STATE = 0x0008;
120    /**
121     * Bit in {@link #flags} indicating that the activity's state
122     * is not required to be saved, so that if there is a failure the
123     * activity will not be removed from the activity stack.  Set from the
124     * {@link android.R.attr#stateNotNeeded} attribute.
125     */
126    public static final int FLAG_STATE_NOT_NEEDED = 0x0010;
127    /**
128     * Bit in {@link #flags} that indicates that the activity should not
129     * appear in the list of recently launched activities.  Set from the
130     * {@link android.R.attr#excludeFromRecents} attribute.
131     */
132    public static final int FLAG_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS = 0x0020;
133    /**
134     * Bit in {@link #flags} that indicates that the activity can be moved
135     * between tasks based on its task affinity.  Set from the
136     * {@link android.R.attr#allowTaskReparenting} attribute.
137     */
138    public static final int FLAG_ALLOW_TASK_REPARENTING = 0x0040;
139    /**
140     * Bit in {@link #flags} indicating that, when the user navigates away
141     * from an activity, it should be finished.
142     * Set from the
143     * {@link android.R.attr#noHistory} attribute.
144     */
145    public static final int FLAG_NO_HISTORY = 0x0080;
146    /**
147     * Bit in {@link #flags} indicating that, when a request to close system
148     * windows happens, this activity is finished.
149     * Set from the
150     * {@link android.R.attr#finishOnCloseSystemDialogs} attribute.
151     */
152    public static final int FLAG_FINISH_ON_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS = 0x0100;
153    /**
154     * Value for {@link #flags}: true when the application's rendering should
155     * be hardware accelerated.
156     */
157    public static final int FLAG_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED = 0x0200;
158    /**
159     * Value for {@link #flags}: true when the application can be displayed over the lockscreen
160     * and consequently over all users' windows.
161     * @hide
162     */
163    public static final int FLAG_SHOW_ON_LOCK_SCREEN = 0x0400;
164    /**
165     * Bit in {@link #flags} corresponding to an immersive activity
166     * that wishes not to be interrupted by notifications.
167     * Applications that hide the system notification bar with
168     * {@link android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#FLAG_FULLSCREEN}
169     * may still be interrupted by high-priority notifications; for example, an
170     * incoming phone call may use
171     * {@link android.app.Notification#fullScreenIntent fullScreenIntent}
172     * to present a full-screen in-call activity to the user, pausing the
173     * current activity as a side-effect. An activity with
174     * {@link #FLAG_IMMERSIVE} set, however, will not be interrupted; the
175     * notification may be shown in some other way (such as a small floating
176     * "toast" window).
177     *
178     * Note that this flag will always reflect the Activity's
179     * <code>android:immersive</code> manifest definition, even if the Activity's
180     * immersive state is changed at runtime via
181     * {@link android.app.Activity#setImmersive(boolean)}.
182     *
183     * @see android.app.Notification#FLAG_HIGH_PRIORITY
184     * @see android.app.Activity#setImmersive(boolean)
185     */
186    public static final int FLAG_IMMERSIVE = 0x0800;
187    /**
188     * @hide Bit in {@link #flags}: If set, this component will only be seen
189     * by the primary user.  Only works with broadcast receivers.  Set from the
190     * {@link android.R.attr#primaryUserOnly} attribute.
191     */
192    public static final int FLAG_PRIMARY_USER_ONLY = 0x20000000;
193    /**
194     * Bit in {@link #flags}: If set, a single instance of the receiver will
195     * run for all users on the device.  Set from the
196     * {@link android.R.attr#singleUser} attribute.  Note that this flag is
197     * only relevant for ActivityInfo structures that are describing receiver
198     * components; it is not applied to activities.
199     */
200    public static final int FLAG_SINGLE_USER = 0x40000000;
201    /**
202     * Options that have been set in the activity declaration in the
203     * manifest.
204     * These include:
205     * {@link #FLAG_MULTIPROCESS},
212     */
213    public int flags;
215    /**
216     * Constant corresponding to <code>unspecified</code> in
217     * the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute.
218     */
219    public static final int SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED = -1;
220    /**
221     * Constant corresponding to <code>landscape</code> in
222     * the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute.
223     */
224    public static final int SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE = 0;
225    /**
226     * Constant corresponding to <code>portrait</code> in
227     * the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute.
228     */
229    public static final int SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT = 1;
230    /**
231     * Constant corresponding to <code>user</code> in
232     * the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute.
233     */
234    public static final int SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER = 2;
235    /**
236     * Constant corresponding to <code>behind</code> in
237     * the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute.
238     */
239    public static final int SCREEN_ORIENTATION_BEHIND = 3;
240    /**
241     * Constant corresponding to <code>sensor</code> in
242     * the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute.
243     */
244    public static final int SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR = 4;
246    /**
247     * Constant corresponding to <code>nosensor</code> in
248     * the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute.
249     */
250    public static final int SCREEN_ORIENTATION_NOSENSOR = 5;
252    /**
253     * Constant corresponding to <code>sensorLandscape</code> in
254     * the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute.
255     */
256    public static final int SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR_LANDSCAPE = 6;
258    /**
259     * Constant corresponding to <code>sensorPortrait</code> in
260     * the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute.
261     */
262    public static final int SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR_PORTRAIT = 7;
264    /**
265     * Constant corresponding to <code>reverseLandscape</code> in
266     * the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute.
267     */
268    public static final int SCREEN_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_LANDSCAPE = 8;
270    /**
271     * Constant corresponding to <code>reversePortrait</code> in
272     * the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute.
273     */
274    public static final int SCREEN_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_PORTRAIT = 9;
276    /**
277     * Constant corresponding to <code>fullSensor</code> in
278     * the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute.
279     */
280    public static final int SCREEN_ORIENTATION_FULL_SENSOR = 10;
282    /**
283     * Constant corresponding to <code>userLandscape</code> in
284     * the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute.
285     */
286    public static final int SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER_LANDSCAPE = 11;
288    /**
289     * Constant corresponding to <code>userPortrait</code> in
290     * the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute.
291     */
292    public static final int SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER_PORTRAIT = 12;
294    /**
295     * Constant corresponding to <code>fullUser</code> in
296     * the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute.
297     */
298    public static final int SCREEN_ORIENTATION_FULL_USER = 13;
300    /**
301     * Constant corresponding to <code>locked</code> in
302     * the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute.
303     */
304    public static final int SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LOCKED = 14;
306    /**
307     * The preferred screen orientation this activity would like to run in.
308     * From the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute, one of
312     * {@link #SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER},
325     */
326    public int screenOrientation = SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED;
328    /**
329     * Bit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
330     * can itself handle changes to the IMSI MCC.  Set from the
331     * {@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute.
332     */
333    public static final int CONFIG_MCC = 0x0001;
334    /**
335     * Bit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
336     * can itself handle changes to the IMSI MNC.  Set from the
337     * {@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute.
338     */
339    public static final int CONFIG_MNC = 0x0002;
340    /**
341     * Bit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
342     * can itself handle changes to the locale.  Set from the
343     * {@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute.
344     */
345    public static final int CONFIG_LOCALE = 0x0004;
346    /**
347     * Bit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
348     * can itself handle changes to the touchscreen type.  Set from the
349     * {@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute.
350     */
351    public static final int CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN = 0x0008;
352    /**
353     * Bit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
354     * can itself handle changes to the keyboard type.  Set from the
355     * {@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute.
356     */
357    public static final int CONFIG_KEYBOARD = 0x0010;
358    /**
359     * Bit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
360     * can itself handle changes to the keyboard or navigation being hidden/exposed.
361     * Note that inspite of the name, this applies to the changes to any
362     * hidden states: keyboard or navigation.
363     * Set from the {@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute.
364     */
365    public static final int CONFIG_KEYBOARD_HIDDEN = 0x0020;
366    /**
367     * Bit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
368     * can itself handle changes to the navigation type.  Set from the
369     * {@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute.
370     */
371    public static final int CONFIG_NAVIGATION = 0x0040;
372    /**
373     * Bit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
374     * can itself handle changes to the screen orientation.  Set from the
375     * {@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute.
376     */
377    public static final int CONFIG_ORIENTATION = 0x0080;
378    /**
379     * Bit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
380     * can itself handle changes to the screen layout.  Set from the
381     * {@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute.
382     */
383    public static final int CONFIG_SCREEN_LAYOUT = 0x0100;
384    /**
385     * Bit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
386     * can itself handle the ui mode. Set from the
387     * {@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute.
388     */
389    public static final int CONFIG_UI_MODE = 0x0200;
390    /**
391     * Bit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
392     * can itself handle the screen size. Set from the
393     * {@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute.  This will be
394     * set by default for applications that target an earlier version
395     * than {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#HONEYCOMB_MR2}...
396     * <b>however</b>, you will not see the bit set here becomes some
397     * applications incorrectly compare {@link #configChanges} against
398     * an absolute value rather than correctly masking out the bits
399     * they are interested in.  Please don't do that, thanks.
400     */
401    public static final int CONFIG_SCREEN_SIZE = 0x0400;
402    /**
403     * Bit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
404     * can itself handle the smallest screen size. Set from the
405     * {@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute.  This will be
406     * set by default for applications that target an earlier version
407     * than {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#HONEYCOMB_MR2}...
408     * <b>however</b>, you will not see the bit set here becomes some
409     * applications incorrectly compare {@link #configChanges} against
410     * an absolute value rather than correctly masking out the bits
411     * they are interested in.  Please don't do that, thanks.
412     */
413    public static final int CONFIG_SMALLEST_SCREEN_SIZE = 0x0800;
414    /**
415     * Bit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
416     * can itself handle density changes. Set from the
417     * {@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute.
418     */
419    public static final int CONFIG_DENSITY = 0x1000;
420    /**
421     * Bit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
422     * can itself handle the change to layout direction. Set from the
423     * {@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute.
424     */
425    public static final int CONFIG_LAYOUT_DIRECTION = 0x2000;
426    /**
427     * Bit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
428     * can itself handle changes to the font scaling factor.  Set from the
429     * {@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute.  This is
430     * not a core resource configuration, but a higher-level value, so its
431     * constant starts at the high bits.
432     */
433    public static final int CONFIG_FONT_SCALE = 0x40000000;
435    /** @hide
436     * Unfortunately the constants for config changes in native code are
437     * different from ActivityInfo. :(  Here are the values we should use for the
438     * native side given the bit we have assigned in ActivityInfo.
439     */
440    public static int[] CONFIG_NATIVE_BITS = new int[] {
441        Configuration.NATIVE_CONFIG_MNC,                    // MNC
442        Configuration.NATIVE_CONFIG_MCC,                    // MCC
443        Configuration.NATIVE_CONFIG_LOCALE,                 // LOCALE
444        Configuration.NATIVE_CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN,            // TOUCH SCREEN
445        Configuration.NATIVE_CONFIG_KEYBOARD,               // KEYBOARD
447        Configuration.NATIVE_CONFIG_NAVIGATION,             // NAVIGATION
448        Configuration.NATIVE_CONFIG_ORIENTATION,            // ORIENTATION
449        Configuration.NATIVE_CONFIG_SCREEN_LAYOUT,          // SCREEN LAYOUT
450        Configuration.NATIVE_CONFIG_UI_MODE,                // UI MODE
451        Configuration.NATIVE_CONFIG_SCREEN_SIZE,            // SCREEN SIZE
453        Configuration.NATIVE_CONFIG_DENSITY,                // DENSITY
454        Configuration.NATIVE_CONFIG_LAYOUTDIR,              // LAYOUT DIRECTION
455    };
456    /** @hide
457     * Convert Java change bits to native.
458     */
459    public static int activityInfoConfigToNative(int input) {
460        int output = 0;
461        for (int i=0; i<CONFIG_NATIVE_BITS.length; i++) {
462            if ((input&(1<<i)) != 0) {
463                output |= CONFIG_NATIVE_BITS[i];
464            }
465        }
466        return output;
467    }
469    /**
470     * @hide
471     * Unfortunately some developers (OpenFeint I am looking at you) have
472     * compared the configChanges bit field against absolute values, so if we
473     * introduce a new bit they break.  To deal with that, we will make sure
474     * the public field will not have a value that breaks them, and let the
475     * framework call here to get the real value.
476     */
477    public int getRealConfigChanged() {
478        return applicationInfo.targetSdkVersion < android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB_MR2
479                ? (configChanges | ActivityInfo.CONFIG_SCREEN_SIZE
480                        | ActivityInfo.CONFIG_SMALLEST_SCREEN_SIZE)
481                : configChanges;
482    }
484    /**
485     * Bit mask of kinds of configuration changes that this activity
486     * can handle itself (without being restarted by the system).
487     * Contains any combination of {@link #CONFIG_FONT_SCALE},
488     * {@link #CONFIG_MCC}, {@link #CONFIG_MNC},
489     * {@link #CONFIG_LOCALE}, {@link #CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN},
490     * {@link #CONFIG_KEYBOARD}, {@link #CONFIG_NAVIGATION},
491     * {@link #CONFIG_ORIENTATION}, {@link #CONFIG_SCREEN_LAYOUT} and
492     * {@link #CONFIG_LAYOUT_DIRECTION}.  Set from the {@link android.R.attr#configChanges}
493     * attribute.
494     */
495    public int configChanges;
497    /**
498     * The desired soft input mode for this activity's main window.
499     * Set from the {@link android.R.attr#windowSoftInputMode} attribute
500     * in the activity's manifest.  May be any of the same values allowed
501     * for {@link android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#softInputMode
502     * WindowManager.LayoutParams.softInputMode}.  If 0 (unspecified),
503     * the mode from the theme will be used.
504     */
505    public int softInputMode;
507    /**
508     * The desired extra UI options for this activity and its main window.
509     * Set from the {@link android.R.attr#uiOptions} attribute in the
510     * activity's manifest.
511     */
512    public int uiOptions = 0;
514    /**
515     * Flag for use with {@link #uiOptions}.
516     * Indicates that the action bar should put all action items in a separate bar when
517     * the screen is narrow.
518     * <p>This value corresponds to "splitActionBarWhenNarrow" for the {@link #uiOptions} XML
519     * attribute.
520     */
521    public static final int UIOPTION_SPLIT_ACTION_BAR_WHEN_NARROW = 1;
523    /**
524     * If defined, the activity named here is the logical parent of this activity.
525     */
526    public String parentActivityName;
528    public ActivityInfo() {
529    }
531    public ActivityInfo(ActivityInfo orig) {
532        super(orig);
533        theme = orig.theme;
534        launchMode = orig.launchMode;
535        permission = orig.permission;
536        taskAffinity = orig.taskAffinity;
537        targetActivity = orig.targetActivity;
538        flags = orig.flags;
539        screenOrientation = orig.screenOrientation;
540        configChanges = orig.configChanges;
541        softInputMode = orig.softInputMode;
542        uiOptions = orig.uiOptions;
543        parentActivityName = orig.parentActivityName;
544    }
546    /**
547     * Return the theme resource identifier to use for this activity.  If
548     * the activity defines a theme, that is used; else, the application
549     * theme is used.
550     *
551     * @return The theme associated with this activity.
552     */
553    public final int getThemeResource() {
554        return theme != 0 ? theme : applicationInfo.theme;
555    }
557    public void dump(Printer pw, String prefix) {
558        super.dumpFront(pw, prefix);
559        if (permission != null) {
560            pw.println(prefix + "permission=" + permission);
561        }
562        pw.println(prefix + "taskAffinity=" + taskAffinity
563                + " targetActivity=" + targetActivity);
564        if (launchMode != 0 || flags != 0 || theme != 0) {
565            pw.println(prefix + "launchMode=" + launchMode
566                    + " flags=0x" + Integer.toHexString(flags)
567                    + " theme=0x" + Integer.toHexString(theme));
568        }
569        if (screenOrientation != SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED
570                || configChanges != 0 || softInputMode != 0) {
571            pw.println(prefix + "screenOrientation=" + screenOrientation
572                    + " configChanges=0x" + Integer.toHexString(configChanges)
573                    + " softInputMode=0x" + Integer.toHexString(softInputMode));
574        }
575        if (uiOptions != 0) {
576            pw.println(prefix + " uiOptions=0x" + Integer.toHexString(uiOptions));
577        }
578        super.dumpBack(pw, prefix);
579    }
581    public String toString() {
582        return "ActivityInfo{"
583            + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this))
584            + " " + name + "}";
585    }
587    public int describeContents() {
588        return 0;
589    }
591    public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int parcelableFlags) {
592        super.writeToParcel(dest, parcelableFlags);
593        dest.writeInt(theme);
594        dest.writeInt(launchMode);
595        dest.writeString(permission);
596        dest.writeString(taskAffinity);
597        dest.writeString(targetActivity);
598        dest.writeInt(flags);
599        dest.writeInt(screenOrientation);
600        dest.writeInt(configChanges);
601        dest.writeInt(softInputMode);
602        dest.writeInt(uiOptions);
603        dest.writeString(parentActivityName);
604    }
606    public static final Parcelable.Creator<ActivityInfo> CREATOR
607            = new Parcelable.Creator<ActivityInfo>() {
608        public ActivityInfo createFromParcel(Parcel source) {
609            return new ActivityInfo(source);
610        }
611        public ActivityInfo[] newArray(int size) {
612            return new ActivityInfo[size];
613        }
614    };
616    private ActivityInfo(Parcel source) {
617        super(source);
618        theme = source.readInt();
619        launchMode = source.readInt();
620        permission = source.readString();
621        taskAffinity = source.readString();
622        targetActivity = source.readString();
623        flags = source.readInt();
624        screenOrientation = source.readInt();
625        configChanges = source.readInt();
626        softInputMode = source.readInt();
627        uiOptions = source.readInt();
628        parentActivityName = source.readString();
629    }