History log of /libcore/luni/src/test/java/libcore/javax/net/ssl/SSLSessionTest.java
Revision Date Author Comments
139f2954d4553d70ab21578cc5378b5a16c3cb72 31-Aug-2013 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> Add getLastAccessedTime logging for flakey test_SSLSocket_TestSSLSessions_create test case

Bug: 10577514
Change-Id: I867fc6f852a47fb299e82fff2870c136cc58cbdb
8399ee3eb85894946668475af43259597a1d0f36 17-Jul-2012 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Remove flakiness from libcore.javax.net.ssl.SSLSessionTest#test_SSLSession_getCreationTime.

Bug: 6313283
Change-Id: I32399ce1e3d540d1248b90ad6eaaf0b196d0e7a5
f7aab022dcbfcd8f27b409ab92b4bca4a84d0b8a 30-Sep-2010 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> CloseGuard: finalizers for closeable objects should log complaints

Introducing CloseGuard which warns when resources are implictly
cleaned up by finalizers when an explicit termination method, to use
the Effective Java "Issue 7: Avoid finalizers" terminology, should
have been used by the caller.

libcore classes that can use CloseGuard now do so.

Bug: 3041575
Change-Id: I4a4e3554addaf3075c823feb0a0ff0ad1c1f6196
4557728efb66c455a52b7669a8eefef7a9e54854 11-Aug-2010 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Moving tests to be under the libcore.* package.

This is indended to make it easier to run on VMs that restrict the packages
from which application classes can be loaded. For example, on the RI you need
to use the bootclasspath to load these tests.

Change-Id: I52193f35c5fcca18b5a3e1d280505b1e29b388af